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The adaptation of a slow (soleus, Sol) and a fast (medial gastrocnemius, MG) skeletal muscle to spaceflight was studied in five young male rats. The flight period was 12.5 days and the rats were killed approximately 48 h after returning to 1 g. Five other rats that were housed in cages similar to those used by the flight rats were maintained at 1 g for the same period of time to serve as ground-based controls. Fibers were classified as dark or light staining for myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase). On the average, the fibers in the Sol of the flight rats atrophied twice as much as those in the MG. Further, the fibers located in the deep (close to the bone and having the highest percentage of light ATPase and high oxidative fibers in the muscle cross section) region of the MG atrophied more than the fibers located in the superficial (away from the bone and having the lowest percentage of light ATPase and high oxidative fibers in the muscle cross-section) region of the muscle. Based on quantitative histochemical assays of single muscle fibers, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity per unit volume was unchanged in fibers of the Sol and MG. However, in the Sol, but not the MG, the total amount of SDH activity in a 10-microns-thick section of a fiber decreased significantly in response to spaceflight. Based on population distributions, it appears that the alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) activities were elevated in the dark ATPase fibers in the Sol, whereas the light fibers in the Sol and both fiber types in the MG did not appear to change. The ratio of GPD to SDH activities increased in the dark (but not light) fibers of the Sol and was unaffected in the MG. Immunohistochemical analyses indicate that approximately 40% of the fibers in the Sol of flight rats expressed a fast myosin heavy chain compared with 22% in control rats. Further, 31% of the fibers in the Sol of flight rats expressed both fast and slow myosin heavy chains compared with 8% in control rats. Immunohistochemical changes in the MG were minimal. These data suggest that the magnitude and direction of enzymatic activity and cell volume changes are dependent on the muscle, the region of the muscle, and the type of myosin expressed in the fibers. Further, the ability of fibers to maintain normal or even elevated activities per unit volume of some metabolic enzymes is remarkable considering the marked and rapid decrease in fiber volume.  相似文献   

Morphological changes were observed in the left ventricle of rat heart tissue from animals flown on the Cosmos 1887 biosatellite for 12.5 days. These tissues were compared to the synchronous and vivarium control hearts. While many normal myofibrils were observed, others exhibited ultrastructural alterations, i.e., damaged and irregular-shaped mitochondria and generalized myofibrillar edema. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the volume density data revealed a statistically significant increase in glycogen and a significant decrease in mitochondria compared to the synchronous and vivarium controls. Point counting indicated an increase in lipid and myeloid bodies and a decrease in microtubules, but these changes were not statistically significant. In addition, the flight animals exhibited some patchy loss of protofibrils (actin and myosin filaments) and some abnormal supercontracted myofibrils that were not seen in the controls. This study was undertaken to gain insight into the mechanistic aspects of cardiac changes in both animals and human beings as a consequence of space travel (1). Cardiac hypotrophy and fluid shifts have been observed after actual or simulated weightlessness and raise concerns about the functioning of the heart and circulatory system during and after travel in space (2-4).  相似文献   

Light microscopy, electron microscopy, and enzyme histochemistry were used to study the effects of spaceflight on metaphyseal and cortical bone of the rat tibia. Cortical cross-sectional area and perimeter were not altered by a 12.5-day spaceflight in 3-month-old male rats. The endosteal osteoblast population and the vasculature near the periosteal surface in flight rats compared with ground controls showed more pronounced changes in cortical bone than in metaphyseal bone. The osteoblasts demonstrated greater numbers of transitional Golgi vesicles, possibly caused by a decreased cellular metabolic energy source, but no difference in the large Golgi saccules or the cell membrane-associated alkaline phosphatase activity. The periosteal vasculature in the diaphysis of flight rats often showed lipid accumulations within the lumen of the vessels, occasional degeneration of the vascular wall, and degeneration of osteocytes adjacent to vessels containing intraluminal deposits. These changes were not found in the metaphyseal region of flight animals. The focal vascular changes may be due to ischemia of bone or a developing fragility of the vessel walls as a result of spaceflight.  相似文献   

When exposed to hypercapnia, several muscles deteriorate with respect to their mechanical performance. Exposure to metabolic acidosis and, perhaps surprisingly, to compensated metabolic acidosis has the same effect on the diaphragm. The mechanisms involved in these effects remain unclear. If the diaphragmatic intracellular pH (pHi) is assumed to decrease with hypercapnia, to remain unchanged during metabolic acidosis, and to increase during compensated metabolic acidosis, it would appear that different mechanisms must be responsible for the depreciation in the diaphragm's mechanical performance. The present experiments using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR) spectroscopy were undertaken to determine the effect of metabolic acidosis and compensated metabolic acidosis on pHi and on high-energy phosphate metabolites in the resting rat diaphragm. A whole diaphragm was slightly stretched while being stitched onto a fiberglass mesh. The area approximated that at functional residual capacity. It was superfused in the NMR sample tube with a phosphate-free Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution [( HCO3-] = 6 meqO equilibrated with either 95% O2-5% CO2 or 98.75% O2-1.25% CO2). Spectra were acquired during 15-min intervals for control (30 min of normal Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate superfusate, equilibrated with 95% O2-5% CO2), for 120 min of exposure to either form of acidosis and for 60 min of recovery with normal superfusate. The pHi decreased rapidly during metabolic acidosis but did not change significantly during compensated metabolic acidosis. In both forms of acidosis, phosphocreatine declined gradually but not significantly, whereas ATP and inorganic phosphate did not change at all. The results suggest that HCO3- passes freely through the diaphragmatic sarcolemma, very much like the cardiac sarcolemma.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Cosmos 1887 biosatellite carried 10 male rats and 2 rhesus monkeys on its 12.5-day mission. Upon re-entry the Vostok vehicle overshot the designated landing site, which resulted in fasting of the animals for 42 h, exposure to cage temperatures of 12-15 degrees C, and 2 days delay in death of the rats. No overt untoward effects of the delayed recovery were apparent. Tissues from the rats were harvested by Soviet scientists, appropriately preserved, and provided to U.S. investigators. Flight rats grew more slowly and had larger adrenal glands than earth gravity controls. Analysis of plasma revealed increased concentrations of hepatic alkaline phosphatase, glucose, urea nitrogen, and creatinine in flight rats. In contrast, electrolytes, total protein, albumin, corticosterone, prolactin, and immunoreactive growth hormone levels were unchanged. However, testosterone concentration was marginally decreased after flight and thyroid hormone levels were suggestive of reduced thyroid function. Due to the possible effects of reentry and the delay in recovery of the animals, it is not clear what relationship postflight levels of plasma constituents bear to their concentrations in flight.  相似文献   

Frog myosin is a labile molecule, undergoing irreversible aggregation and rapid loss of ATPase; however, a procedure is described which provides highly purified myosin, with stable solubility and enzymatic properties, from skeletal muscle of Rana catesbeiana. Frog myosin contains heavy chains and light chains 1, 2, and 3. Light chain 3 is present in excess over light chain 1, and light chain 2 may occur as either, or both, of 2 closely migrating bands. On two-dimensional electrophoresis, light chain 1 generates an isoelectric component with pK 5.60; light chain 2 generates a complex pattern with 3 or 4 major components; and light chain 3 generates 2 major components with pK 5.00 and 4.92. The same subunit composition is obtained for frogs acclimated at 25 and 5 degrees C; however, proteolytic artifacts may occur in myosin preparations purified in the absence of protease inhibitors, especially in warm-acclimated frogs.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the changes seen in the bones of growing rats exposed to microgravity are due in part to changes that occur in the growth plate during spaceflight. In this study, growth plates of rats flown aboard Cosmos 1887 (12.5-day flight plus 53.5-h recovery at 1 g) were analyzed using light and electron microscopy and computerized planimetry. The proliferative zone of flight animals was found to be significantly (P less than or equal to 0.01) larger than that of controls, while the reserve and hypertrophic/calcification zones were significantly reduced. Flight animals also had more cells per column in the proliferative zone than did controls and less in the hypertrophic/calcification region. The total number of cells, however, was significantly greater in flight animals. No difference was found in perimeter or in shape factor, but area was significantly less in flight animals. Electron microscopy showed that collagen fibrils in flight animals were wider than in controls. Since the time required for a cell to cycle through the growth plate is 2-3 days at 1 g, the results reported here represent both the effects of exposure to microgravity and the initial stages of recovery from that exposure.  相似文献   

Five pregnant female growing rats have been orbited for five days aboard the Cosmos 1514 soviet biological satellite. They were compared to five female rats kept in vivarium and five female conditioned rats in synchronised way. Histomorphometric studies were performed in order to investigate: 1. The early effects of weightlessness on the bone mass in loading (tibiae and femur) and unloading bones (thoracic and lumbar vertebrae). 2. The changes of osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities. A short exposure does not induce changes in the bone mass and the inner structure of loading and unloading bones. These results fit in well with human data available in the literature: they show that weightlessness doesn't change bone mass in the early phase of a spaceflight. However extrapolation of animal results to men is discussed. In unloading bones (vertebrae) osteoblastic activity was not measurable. Osteoclasts detected by histoenzymologic method don't change as far as their number per mm3 of trabecular bone is concerned. However the number per mm2 of trabecular area increases. It seems likely that an increase of the osteoclastic population occurs in trabecular bone. In loading bones, formation activity (appreciated by the measurement of osteoid seam thickness) and total osteoclastic resorption surfaces were not modified. These results are different from those of longer flights.  相似文献   

The effects of 28 days of hindlimb suspension (HS) and HS plus 10 daily forceful lengthening contractions on rat soleus muscle fibers were studied. Compared with age-matched controls (CON), soleus wet weights of suspended rats were significantly decreased (approximately 49%). In HS rats, the light adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) fibers (staining lightly for myosin ATPase, pH = 8.8) atrophied more than the dark ATPase fibers (staining darkly for myosin ATPase, pH = 8.8). Single-fiber alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities and the proportion of dark ATPase fibers were higher in HS than CON rats. Daily forceful lengthening contractions did not prevent the suspension-induced changes. These results considered in conjunction with a collaborative study on the mechanical properties of HS rats (Roy et al., accompanying paper) suggest a shift in the contractile potential of the muscle following HS without a deficit in SDH, a metabolic property commonly associated with resistance to fatigue. The results support the view that soleus muscle fibers can change from a slow-twitch oxidative to a fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic profile, but rarely to a fast-twitch glycolytic one, and that SDH and GPD activity per volume of tissue can be maintained or increased even when there are severe losses of contractile proteins.  相似文献   

We have studied the chemistry, hydroxyapatite crystal size, and maturational changes in bone and dentin from rats exposed to microgravity for 12 days in a Soviet biosatellite (Cosmos 1887). Bone ash was reduced in vertebrae (L5) but not in the non-weight-bearing calvaria or mandibles. All tissues had a relatively normal percentage composition of Ca, P, and Mg. Nevertheless, flight rat calvaria and vertebral tissues tended to exhibit lower Ca/P and higher Ca/Mg ratios that any of their weight-matched controls groups, and gradient density analysis (calvaria) indicated a strong shift to the fractions lower specific gravity that was commensurate with impaired rates of matrix-mineral maturation. X-ray diffraction data were confirmatory. Bone hydroxyapatite crystal growth in the mandibles of flight rats was preferentially altered in such a way as to reduce their size (C-axis dimension). But in the mandibular diastemal region devoid of muscle attachments, flight rat bone and dentin were normal with respect to the Ca, P, Mg, and Zn concentrations and Ca/P and Ca/Mg ratios of age-matched controls. These observations affirm the concept that while microgravity most adversely affects the maturation of newly formed matrix and mineral moieties in weight-bearing bone, such effects occur throughout the skeleton.  相似文献   

We combined biochemical measurements with novel techniques for image analysis in the rat femur to characterize the location and nature of the defect in mineralization known to occur in growing animals after spaceflight. Concentrations of mineral and osteocalcin were low in the distal half of the diaphysis and concentrations of collagen were low with evidence of increased synthesis in the proximal half of the diaphysis of the flight bones. X-ray microtomography provided semiquantitative data in computer-generated sections of whole wet bone that indicated a longitudinal gradient of decreasing mineralization toward the distal diaphysis, similar to the chemistry results. Analysis of embedded sections by backscattered electrons in a scanning electron microscope revealed distinct patterns of mineral distribution in the proximal, central, and distal regions of the diaphysis and also showed a net reduction in mineral levels toward the distal shaft. Increases in mineral density to higher fractions in controls were less in the flight bones at all three levels, with the most distal cross-sectional area most affected. The combined results from these novel techniques identified the areas of femoral diaphysis most vulnerable to the mineralization defect associated with spaceflight and/or the stress of landing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate alterations in structural and functional properties in the soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of rats after 1, 2, and 5 wk of tail suspension. Maximal O2 uptake was 19% lower after 5 wk suspension. Loss of muscle mass was greater in SOL (63%) than in EDL (22%) muscle. A reduction of type I distribution was accompanied by an increase of intermediate fiber subgroups (int I in SOL, int II in EDL). The cross-sectional area of all three fiber types was reduced by hypokinesia. The decrease in capillaries per fiber in SOL was greater than the decrease in citrate synthase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activities after 5 wk. No alteration in lactate dehydrogenase activity was noted. In EDL, no changes in fiber area, capillarization, and enzymatic activities occurred. Energy charge remained unchanged (0.91) whatever the muscle. These results suggest that type I fibers showed an earlier and greater susceptibility than type II fibers to suspension which is also accompanied by a decreased aerobic capacity.  相似文献   

Rat myotubes exposed to forskolin were studied by patch-clamp technique in cell-attached single channel recording configuration. Channel open time and opening frequency of the main class of acetylcholine receptor- (AChR-) channels (accounting for more than 90% of all unitary events) decreased in the presence of forskolin (20-100 microM). The forskolin-induced action on the AChR function fully developed with a delay of 30-60 minutes from the peak of cytosolic cyclic AMP (cAMPi) concentration. Both cAMP (1 mM), applied intracellularly for 10 min, and dibutyryl cAMP (0.5 mM), applied extracellularly for 90 min, did not accelerate the rate of desensitization of myotubes studied in whole-cell patch-clamp recording configuration. It was concluded that the action of forskolin on AChR-channel function of rat myotubes could be not associated with the cAMPi-dependent phosphorylation of AChR.  相似文献   

The larynx and its muscles are important for ventilation, coughing, sneezing, swallowing, Valsalva's maneuver, and phonation. Because of their functional demands, the intrinsic laryngeal muscles have a unique phenotype: very small and fast fibers with high mitochondrial content. How aging affects their function is largely unknown. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that an intrinsic laryngeal muscle (thyroarytenoid muscle, a vocal fold adductor) would become weaker, slower, and fatigable with age. Muscles from Fischer 344 x Brown Norway F1 hybrid rats (6, 18, and 30 mo of age) were used for in vitro contractile function and histology. Thyroarytenoid muscles generated significantly lower twitch and tetanic forces at 30 mo vs. 6 and 18 mo. Maximal shortening velocity decreased by 20% at 30 mo (vs. 6 mo), and velocity of unloaded shortening was slower at 18 and 30 mo by 19 and 27% vs. 6 mo. There was no histochemical evidence of altered myosin ATPase activity at 18 or 30 mo of age. Fatigue resistance was significantly decreased at 18 and 30 mo. We also found abundant mitochondrial clusters and ragged red fibers in the muscles of 30-mo-old rats, and there was an age-related increase in glycogen-positive fibers. We conclude that rat thyroarytenoid muscles become weaker, slower, and more fatigable with age. These functional changes are not due to alterations in myosin ATPase activity, but a switch in the expression of myosin isoforms remains a possibility. Finally, the alterations in mitochondrial and glycogen content indicate a shift in the metabolic characteristics of these muscles with age.  相似文献   

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