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The structural organization of free and esterified cholesterol in human high density lipoproteins has been studied by high-field 1H and 13C NMR. The measurements are consistent with free cholesterol being present in at least two different environments. Part of the free cholesterol is oriented in the outer surface layer of the high density lipoprotein particle in contact with phospholipid or apoprotein, or both. The rest is probably present in the liquid, hydrophobic core of the HDL particle.  相似文献   

Cholesterol stored in human adipose tissue is derived from circulating lipoproteins. To delineate the cholesterol transport function of LDL and HDL, the movement of radiolabelled esterified cholesterol and free cholesterol from labelled LDL and HDL to human adipocytes was examined in the present study. LDL and HDL were enriched and labelled in esterified cholesterol with [14C]cholesterol by the action of plasma lipid transfer proteins and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase. Doubly labelled (3H,14C) LDL and HDL were prepared by exchanging free [3H]cholesterol into the 14C-labelled lipoproteins. 14C-labelled lipoprotein and 3H-labelled lipoprotein were also prepared separately and mixed to yield a mixed doubly labelled lipoprotein. Relative to the total amount added, proportionally more free than esterified cholesterol was transferred to the adipocytes upon incubation with any doubly labelled LDL and HDL. The calculated mass of free and esterified cholesterol transferred, however, varied with different labelled lipoproteins. 3H- and 14C-labelled LDL or HDL transferred 2-3-fold more esterified than free cholesterol while the reverse occurred with the mixed doubly labelled LDL or HDL. Thus, free cholesterol-depleted particles preferentially transferred cholesterol ester to the fat cells. In the presence of the homologous unlabelled native lipoprotein, the transfers of free and esterified cholesterol from labelled LDL or HDL were specifically inhibited. Selective transfer of esterified cholesterol relative to apoprotein was also observed when esterified cholesterol uptake from both LDL and HDL was assayed along with the binding of 125I-labelled lipoprotein. The cellular accumulation of cholesterol ether-labelled HDL (a non-hydrolyzable analogue of cholesterol ester) exceeded that of cholesterol ester consistent with significant hydrolysis of the latter physiological substrate. These results demonstrate preferential transfer of free cholesterol and esterified cholesterol over apoprotein for both LDL and HDL in human adipocytes. Furthermore, the data suggest that the cholesterol ester transport function of LDL and HDL can be enhanced by free cholesterol depletion and cholesterol ester enrichment of the particles, and affirms a role for adipose tissue in the metabolism of lipid-modified lipoproteins.  相似文献   

The metabolism of esterified cholesterol in plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL) has been studied in rabbits. LDL labelled with 3H in the esterified and free cholesterol moieties was isolated from the serum of donar rabbits which has been injected with [3H]mevalonic acid, and subsequently either incubated at 37°C in vitro with unlabelled rabbit serum or unlabelled rabbit lipoprotein fractions, or reinjected into other rabbits.In vitro there was found to be a transfer of 40–60% of the esterified [3H]-cholesterol out of LDL into both the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) fractions which could not be explained in terms of net transfer of esterified cholesterol mass. In the incubations of labelled LDL with either of the other unlabelled lipoprotein fractions, transfers were apparent only if the dialysed 1.21 g/ml infranatant of rabbit serum was also present. The transfer of esterified [3H]cholesterol out of LDL was enhanced when lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase was active.After reinjecting labelled LDL into other rabbits, it was found that more than half of the esterified [3H]cholesterol removed from the recipient LDL fraction during the first 30 min was not lost from the plasma compartment, but rather was recovered in HDL. There was only minimal in vivo transfer of LDL esterified [3H]cholesterol into VLDL.It has been concluded that in vitro the esterified cholesterol in LDL exchanges with that in both the VLDL and HDL, and that in vivo the esterified cholesterol pools in LDL and HDL may represent parts of a progressively equilibrating plasma pool.  相似文献   

The fate of cholesteryl esters of the serum lipoproteins was studied in intact rats and in isolated perfused rat livers. The lipoproteins of fasting rat serum were labeled in vitro with [3H]cholesteryl oleate. Following intravenous injection, it was found that the majority of the radioactive ester was rapidly taken up by the liver where hydrolysis of the ester bond occurred. At 5 min, 58% of the injected material was recovered in the liver, 85% of which was still in the ester form, while at 30 min only 22% of the liver radioactivity was in cholesteryl esters. There was very little difference in the rate at which radioactivity was taken up from the different lipoprotein classes. Similar phenomena were observed in the perfused liver, but it was found that although the radioactive esters were being taken up, there was no change in the concentrations of free or esterified cholesterol in the perfusing medium, indicating that the lipoprotein cholesteryl ester was gaining access to the liver through an exchange of molecules. After uptake, cell fractionation experiments showed that the plasma membranes had the greatest relative amounts of radioactivity, suggesting that this is the site of exchange. Small amounts of radioactivity were recovered in the bile, demonstrating that serum lipoproteins can serve as precursors of at least some of the bile steroids.  相似文献   

Removal of intracellularly accumulated cholesterol by lipid-free human apolipoproteins (apo) A-I and A-II was studied for aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) of rat, monkey and rabbit, human skin fibroblasts (FB), and mouse peritoneal macrophages (MP). The reaction generated high density lipoprotein (HDL)-like lipoproteins as did those and other helical apolipoproteins with MP, causing efflux of cellular cholesterol. From FB and MP, the maximum efflux rates with apoA-I and A-II per 24 h were as much as 30% of the apparent maximum efflux rate of prelabeled cellular cholesterol to human HDL. From rat SMC these rates were 7.2 and 6.8%, respectively, being independent of cellular cholesterol content. Those from monkey and rabbit SMC were also very low. When standardized for the initial cellular unesterified cholesterol pool size, the maximum efflux rates/24 h were 5.4 and 5.0% for apoA-I and A-II from rat SMC and even less from monkey and rabbit SMC in contrast to 42.4 and 39.7% from FB, and 53.0 and 45.5% from MP, respectively. The standardized apparent maximum efflux to HDL was 76% from rat SMC, 45 and 31% from monkey and rabbit SMC, 139% from FB and 166% from MP. Accordingly, the reaction with free apolipoproteins caused significant net reduction of cellular cholesterol, predominantly in cholesteryl ester, in FB and MP, but not in SMC. While the efflux Km with apoA-I and A-II were 7.5 and 4.5 micrograms/ml for MP, those for SMC and FB were both 1 microgram/ml or lower, as low as 1/1500 and 1/500 of their plasma concentrations, respectively. The apparent efflux Km for HDL were, on the other hand, all in the range of 36 to 65 micrograms of protein/ml for SMC, FB, and MP, showing that the mode of cholesterol exchange of these cells with lipoprotein surface is not significantly different from each other. Thus, peripheral cells such as FB may provide a significant source of HDL by interacting with extracellular free apolipoproteins in interstitial fluid, reducing intracellularly accumulated cholesterol. However, SMC seem very resistant to this interaction, suggesting that atheromatous lesions predominantly consisting of SMC are resistant to regression.  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to test the hypothesis that binding sites for high density lipoproteins (HDL3) on cell surfaces of peripheral tissues mediate cholesterol efflux from these cells. This hypothesis had been formulated to explain two observations: 1) HDL3 binding to peripheral cells and HDL3-mediated cholesterol efflux from these cells had both been found to saturate at similar unbound (free) HDL3 concentrations; and 2) both of these processes had been found to be similarly "up-regulated" by loading the cells with cholesterol. In the present study, however, we found that the "specific" binding of HDL3 to cholesterol-loaded human fibroblasts was saturated at a free HDL3 concentration of approximately 20 micrograms protein/ml, whereas efflux of cholesterol from these cells to HDL3 did not "saturate" even at a free HDL3 concentration of 2000 micrograms protein/ml. In addition, we found that the increase in cholesterol efflux caused by loading the fibroblasts with cholesterol was no greater when the acceptor particles were HDL3 than when albumin or phospholipid vesicles served as acceptors, despite a marked increase in HDL3 binding to these cells. Because HDL3 binding to these cells and HDL3-mediated cholesterol efflux from these cells do not saturate at similar free HDL3 concentrations, and because the cholesterol-induced increase in HDL3 binding is not accompanied by a similar increase in cholesterol efflux that is specific for HDL3, we conclude that the described HDL3 binding sites on human fibroblasts do not mediate cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

The cholesterol oxidase-catalyzed oxidation of cholesterol in native low density (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL3) as well as in monolayers prepared from surface lipids of these particles, has been examined. The objective of the study was to compare the oxidizability of cholesterol, and to examine the effects of lipid packing on oxidation rates. When [3H]cholesterol-labeled lipoproteins were exposed to cholesterol oxidase (Streptomyces sp.), it was observed that LDL [3H]cholesterol was oxidized much faster than HDL3 [3H]cholesterol. This was true both at equal cholesterol concentration per enzyme unit, and at equal amounts of lipoprotein particles per enzyme unit. About 95% of lipoprotein [3H]cholesterol was available for oxidation. The complete degradation of lipoprotein sphingomyelin by sphingomyelinase (Staphylococcus aureus) resulted in a 10-fold increase in the rate of LDL [3H]cholesterol oxidation, whereas the effects on rates of HDL3 [3H]cholesterol oxidation were less dramatic. A monolayer study with LDL surface lipids indicated that degradation of sphingomyelin loosened the lipid packing, because the ceramide formed occupied a smaller surface area than the parent sphingomyelin, and since the condensing effect of cholesterol on sphingomyelin packing was lost. The effects of sphingomyelin degradation on lipid packing in monolayers of HDL3-derived surface lipids were difficult to determine from monolayer experiments. Based on the finding that cholesterol oxidases are surface pressure-sensitive with regard to their catalytic activity, these were used to estimate the surface pressure of intact LDL and HDL3. The cut-off surface pressure of a Brevibacterium enzyme was 25 mN/m and 20 mN/m in monolayers of LDL and HDL3-derived surface lipids, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In two subjects the specific activity of esterified cholesterol in plasma lipoprotein subfractions was measured for up to 9 hr after an intravenous injection of [(3)H]mevalonic acid. It was found to be consistently higher in larger (S(f) > 100) than in smaller (S(f) 20-100) very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). Four subjects were given an intravenous injection of heparin so that the VLDL could be studied as its concentration fell and subsequently rose again. During the first hour the relative reduction was greatest for triglyceride, intermediate for free cholesterol, and least for esterified cholesterol. Between 1 and 7 hr postheparin, the VLDL pool was restored, but the pattern of increase of individual lipids was not parallel. The triglyceride increment was much greater during the 1-4-hr period than during the 4-7-hr period; in three of the subjects the free cholesterol increment was also greater during the earlier period. The increase in esterified cholesterol, however, was consistently greater during the 4-7-hr period. In six other subjects the specific activity of VLDL esterified cholesterol was related to that of its possible plasma precursors in samples collected at 1-hr intervals for 8 hr after the injection of [(3)H]mevalonic acid. Free cholesterol emerged as the most likely immediate precursor with the possibility of a hepatic as well as an intraplasma origin. The results did not support a major in vivo transfer of esterified cholesterol from high density lipoproteins to VLDL.  相似文献   

Excess cholesterol was added to human HDL3 and to bovine mammalian high density serum lipoprotein (HDL) by incubating aqueous lipoprotein solutions with solid dispersions of [4-(14)C]cholesterol on Celite. Lipoprotein cholesterol complexes were isolated by centrifugation and filtration through a Sepharose 4B column. The pure complexes were analyzed for protein and lipid content and composition and were subsequently investigated by physical methods (analytical ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopy), in order to detect any structural changes induced by added cholesterol. The rates of cholesterol uptake varied as an inverse function of the intrinsic cholesterol present in the native lipoproteins. The maximum cholesterol taken up by human HDL3 increased the free cholesterol content from 3--4% (initial) up to 22% of the total lipoprotein weight. Bovine HDL was observed to increase its free cholesterol content from 2--4% (initial) up to 11--17% of the total lipoprotein weight, before denaturation. At maximum levels of added cholesterol, both lipoproteins had increased molecular weights and sedimentation velocity coefficients corresponding to the increased mass of the particles. No major changes in the hydrodynamic properties were observed. At the molecular level, the protein components only showed a 15--20% decrease in fluorescence intensity, possibly a consequence of a modified environment of the aromatic amino acid residues. In the human HDL3, added cholesterol increased the microviscosity of the lipid domains by 1.2 P at 25 degrees C (from 3.4 to 4.6 P), but did not affect the fluidity of bovine HDL lipids (5.9 P).  相似文献   

Rat luteal cells utilize high-density lipoproteins (HDL) as a source of cholesterol for steroid synthesis. Both the free and esterified cholesterol of HDL are utilized by these cells. In this report, we have examined the relative uptake of free and esterified cholesterol of HDL by cultured rat luteal cells. Incubation of the cells with HDL labeled with [3H]cholesterol or [3H]cholesteryl linoleate resulted in 4-6-fold greater uptake of the free cholesterol compared to esterified cholesterol. The increased uptake of free cholesterol correlated with its utilization for progestin synthesis: utilization of HDL-derived free cholesterol was 3-6-fold higher than would be expected from its concentration in HDL. The differential uptake and utilization of free and esterified cholesterol was further examined using egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing cholesterol or cholesteryl linoleate as a probe. Liposomes containing free cholesterol were able to deliver cholesterol to luteal cells and support steroid synthesis in the absence of apolipoproteins, and the addition of apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) moderately increased the uptake and steroidogenesis. Similar experiments using cholesteryl linoleate/egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes showed that inclusion of apo A-I resulted in a pronounced increase in the uptake of cholesteryl linoleate and progestin synthesis. These experiments suggest that free cholesterol from HDL may be taken up by receptor-dependent and receptor-independent processes, whereas esterified cholesterol uptake requires a receptor-dependent process mediated by apolipoproteins.  相似文献   

Mouse peritoneal macrophages, loaded with cholesteryl ester by incubating with acetylated human low density lipoprotein containing [3H]cholesteryl oleate, were exposed to purified human apolipoproteins (apo) A-I, A-II, C-III, or E in aqueous solutions. Unesterified cholesterol was released into the medium in the presence of apoA-I, -A-II, or -E, accompanied by the decrease in intracellular cholesteryl ester. ApoC-III had no such effects. Apparent Km values of the cholesterol release were estimated as 0.11, 0.14, and 0.24 microM, and Vmax values 35, 11, and 14 micrograms of cholesterol/mg of cell protein/6 h, for apoA-I, -A-II, and -E, respectively. The products formed with apoA-I, -A-II, or -E in the media were analyzed by density gradient ultracentrifugation when the cells were preloaded with [3H]cholesteryl oleate-acetylated low density lipoproteins and [3H]choline. Free [3H]cholesterol, [3H]phosphatidylcholine, and [3H]sphingomyelin were detected coincidentally as a symmetric peak at the density of 1.1 in each case. In the complex of lipids and apoA-I or apoA-II, the weight ratios of apolipoprotein/cholesterol/phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin/lysophosphatidyl- choline were estimated as 2.2:1:0.6:0.2:0.07 and 4.0:1:0.5:0.3:0.07, respectively. Both of the products formed with apoA-I and -A-II migrated slower than plasma high density lipoprotein in electrophoresis on agarose gel. Because the Km values are as low as 1:340-400, 1:140-160, and 1:6-8 of plasma concentrations of apoA-I, -A-II, and -E, respectively, the results have physiological relevance for a function of the free apolipoproteins in interstitial fluid to form high density lipoprotein and to reduce cellular cholesterol.  相似文献   

We have utilized the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, Hep G2, to study the effects of low density lipoproteins (LDL), high density lipoproteins (HDL), and free cholesterol on apolipoprotein (apo) A-I mRNA levels. Incubation of the Hep G2 cells with LDL and free cholesterol led to a significant increase in the cellular content of cholesterol without any effect on the yield of total RNA or in the cellular protein content. Our studies established that incubation with LDL or free cholesterol increased the relative levels of apoA-I mRNA in the Hep G2 cells. In contrast with cholesterol loading, HDL had the effect of lowering the levels of apoA-I mRNA. These results indicate the LDL and HDL pathways as well as intracellular cholesterol may be important in apoA-I gene expression and regulation.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells, explanted from human umbilical veins and cultured, maintained morphological characteristics of vascular endothelium. When exposed to human serum lipoproteins, the cells bound and took up low density lipoproteins in preference to high density lipoproteins. High density lipoproteins reduced markedly the uptake of low density lipoproteins and affected surface binding to a lesser extent. These data suggest that the different levels of high density lipoprotein encountered in normal plasma of males and females could modulate differently the transendothelial transport of low density lipoproteins and provide a possible explanation for the lesser severity of atheromatosis in the aortic intima of premenopausal females.  相似文献   

The capacity of lipoprotein fractions to provide cholesterol necessary for human lymphocyte proliferation was examined. When endogenous synthesis of cholesterol was blocked, proliferation of mitogen-stimulated normal human lymphocytes was markedly inhibited unless an exogenous source of sterol was supplied. All lipoprotein fractions with the exception of high density lipoprotein subclass 3 were able to provide cholesterol for lymphocyte proliferation. Each of the lipoprotein subfractions capable of providing cholesterol was also able to regulate endogenous sterol synthesis in cultured human lymphocytes. Provision of cholesterol by lipoproteins required the interaction of apolipoprotein B or apolipoprotein E with specific receptors on normal lymphocytes. Apolipoprotein modification by acetylation or methylation, which markedly reduced the ability to regulate sterol biosynthesis, also diminished the capacity of lipoproteins to provide cholesterol. In addition, depletion of apolipoprotein B- and apolipoprotein E-containing particles from high density lipoprotein decreased its ability to suppress cholesterol synthesis and prevented it from providing cholesterol to proliferating lymphocytes. Monoclonal antibodies directed against the receptor-recognition sites on apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein E were used to define the specific apolipoproteins required for the provision of cholesterol to lymphocytes by the various lipoprotein fractions. The antibody to apolipoprotein B inhibited cholesterol provision by both low density lipoprotein (LDL) and other lipoprotein fractions. The antibody to apolipoprotein E did not decrease provision of cholesterol by LDL but did inhibit the capacity of other fractions to provide cholesterol. In addition, a monoclonal antibody against the ligand binding site on the LDL receptor inhibited provision of cholesterol to normal lymphocytes by all lipoproteins. Finally, lymphocytes lacking LDL receptors were unable to obtain cholesterol from any lipoprotein fraction. These studies demonstrate that LDL receptor-mediated interaction with apolipoprotein B or apolipoprotein E is essential for the provision of cholesterol to normal human lymphocytes from all lipoprotein sources.  相似文献   

An electron spin probe study was made of the effect of lipid peroxidation (LPO) on the structure of surface proteolipid layer of human serum low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The results obtained with a positively charged spin label and stearic acid spin probes with doxyl labels at positions 5, 12, and 16 revealed that LPO caused a decrease in phospholipid molecule mobility both in the region of polar heads and in the region of acyl chains till the depth of at least 1.7 mm from water-lipid interface. Under relatively high levels of oxidation (more than 6 mumol MDA/g LDL phospholipid) the polarity of lipid phase increased. The decrease in efficiency of tryptophan fluorescence quenching by nitroxide fragments incorporated in hydrophobic regions at the depth of approximately 2 nm from water-lipid interface indicated that lipid-protein interaction was disturbed as a result of oxidation of LDL lipids. In addition, the LPO-induced modification of apo-B, the main protein of LDL, was examined with maleimide spin label. LPO led to increase in mobility of strongly immobilized maleimide labels and in the number of weakly immobilized ones. Oxidized LDL revealed decreased ability to incorporate spin-labeled steroid (androstane) as compared to native ones. LPO-induced structural changes of LDL surface are supposed to be a reason of enhanced accumulation of cholesterol in human monocytes during their incubation with oxidized LDL. The cholesterol content in red cells was shown to be directly correlated to MDA content in apo-B containing lipoproteins but not in whole serum. Our findings suggest that free radical modification of serum lipoproteins but not solely an increased level of LPO products in blood is one important cause for cholesterol accumulation in cells and, apparently, for their transformation into foam cells during atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Two fluorescent probes-cis- and trans-parinaric acids were used to study the dimensions, lipid dynamics and apolipoprotein location in the reconstituted discoidal high density lipoproteins (rHDL). The rHDL particles made from apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), with or without cholesterol (Chol) were compared with the analogous particles with two other apolipoproteins-apoE and apoA-II. The data obtained for apoA-I-containing rHDL were as follows: (1) the inclusion of 8 mol.% of cholesterol did not significantly change the particle dimensions (13+/-1 nm) or the mean distance between apoA-I and the disc axis; (2) the phospholipid domains-boundary lipid region in the close vicinity to apoA-I molecule and the remaining part of the bilayer-existed at temperatures both lower and above DPPC transition temperature T(t); (3) at T相似文献   

Total, free and esterified cholesterol were measured in the plasma, high density lipoproteins, low density lipoproteins, and total cholesterol in the very low density lipoproteins of 141 pairs of adult white male twins. Free cholesterol in plasma, high density lipoproteins and low density lipoproteins had significant genetic variance. Esterified cholesterol had greater total variance in dizygotic than monozygotic twins, interpreted as evidence for greater environmental influences on the two types of twins. After bias due to unequal environmental effects on the two types of twins was removed, there was no significant genetic variance for any esterified fraction of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Incorporation of cholesterol into serum high and low density lipoproteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excess cholesterol (CHL) was incorporated into serum lipoproteins by incubation with Celite®-dispersed CHL or CHL crystals. The initial rates of uptake were 15 and 7 mol CHL/mol lipoprotein × h? for low (LDL) and high (HDL) density lipoprotein, respectively. Saturation values were obtained after 48 h and were 90 and 65 mol CHL/mol LDL, and 42 and 32 mol/mol HDL using CHL on Celite and CHL cyrstals, respectively. Characterization of the lipo-proteins showed a small change in electrophoretic mobility and an increase in molecular masses, especially after incubation with CHL on Celite. Spectroscopic methods showed only minor effects on the protein moieties.  相似文献   

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