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The changeable biogeography of the Ordovician is reviewed, quantitatively analysed and used to assess possible positions and relative movements of the continental plates. Plate boundaries are defined as precisely as possible using geological and palaeontological data. The trilobites, corals, brachiopods, cephalopods, echinoderms, graptolites and ostracods are found to be useful in defining plate boundaries and relative plate movements. Oceanic barriers are considered to be the simplest explanation for the maintenance of faunal provincialisms. The faunal barriers between South America and Africa and between Australia and Gondwanaland may have been climatic and land barriers. The present Asian continent is divided into Kazakhstan, the Siberian Platform, South Asian, Northern China, India and the Jano-Kolymian block. These areas had different faunal histories and are considered to have had different drift histories. The North China and South Asian plates were separated by the Tsinling Ocean, the Northern European plate from the North American plate by Wilson's Proto-Atlantic and the Siberian Platform plate from the Northern European by the Uralian Ocean. Southern and Central Europe are shown to have been joined to Africa and separated from the Northern European plate by a Mid-European Ocean. If Australia is considered as part of an Ordovician Gondwanaland then the best explanation for the faunal histories of most plates is provided by an anticlockwise rotation of Gondwanaland about the South palaeo-pole.  相似文献   

The mangrove formation on the coasts of S. Atlantic is very poor in species (only 6) compared with mangrove in S. and SE. Asia or E. Africa (more than 30). This fact cannot be explained by ecology. It is suggested that the main cause is the historically late origin of the Atlantic due to the continental drift.  相似文献   

The theory of plate tectonics rests essentially on paleomagnetism data and on the results of submarine cores which are evidence of continuous sea-floor spreading. Each oceanic plate is connected to the adjacent continent. Its continuous movement (a few centimeters per year) accounts for the hypothesis of “continental drift” put forward by Wegener around the turn of the century and explains the formation of mountain ridges and ocean pits. In connection with the paleogeography of the epicontinental seas, sea-floor spreading allows a better understanding of mammal migrations during the Cenozoic era.  相似文献   

Many genera and species of present-day aecial rusts on seed plants are derived directly or indirectly from a limited group of these pathogens on northern conifers, whereas conifer rusts are believed to have descended from their progenitors on ferns. It is worth noting that only the Pinaceae, Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae serve as alternate hosts to an extensive rust flora on ferns and angiosperms which are distributed predominantly in the northern hemisphere. Numerous conifers in the southern hemisphere do not bear rusts, except a few endemic species on Araucariaceae in Malaysia and south central Chile.Such a disjunctive distribution of conifers and their specialized rusts is attributed now to extensive continental drift. Evidence indicates that the breakup of the primary land mass Pangaea into northern Laurasia and southern Gondwanaland, with successive splitting and drifting of these supercontinents, has also scattered ancient land faunas and floras.Plant Science Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland. Plant Introduction Investigation Paper No. 29.  相似文献   


Nine siderite concretions from the Middle Pennsylvanian, Francis Creek Shale (Carbondale Formation, Desmoinesian Series, West‐phalian C‐D), in the Mazon Creek area, Will‐Kankakee Counties, Illinois, U.S.A. preserve clusters of impressions of small eggs. Differential staining of the matrix suggests that the eggs were originally spawn within gelatinous strings containing 1 or 2 rows of eggs. Unfortunately, these egg impressions lack the diagnostic features needed to identify the zoological taxon (taxa) from which they originated.  相似文献   

付少彬  魏江春 《菌物学报》2008,27(2):217-223
以真菌界、动物界和植物界中的19种各类生物作为代表,从具有进化速率不同区段结构的核糖体核酸基因大亚基全序列的C3、C9及C11三个高度保守区段中鉴定出了4条真菌所共有的核苷酸序列,亦即真菌界所特有的核苷酸序列.从其保守区段C5中鉴定出了1条子囊菌门所特有的保守序列;从保守区段C7中鉴定出了1条担子菌门所特有的保守序列.研究结果为各类真菌起源于一个共同祖先提供了分子证据.用于研究的美味石耳的核糖体核酸基因大亚基全序列是由本实验室所提供;其他18种核糖体核酸基因大亚基全序列来自GenBank.  相似文献   

以真菌界、动物界和植物界中的19种各类生物作为代表,从具有进化速率不同区段结构的核糖体核酸基因大亚基全序列的C3、C9及C11三个高度保守区段中鉴定出了4条真菌所共有的核苷酸序列,亦即真菌界所特有的核苷酸序列。从其保守区段C5中鉴定出了1条子囊菌门所特有的保守序列;从保守区段C7中鉴定出了1条担子菌门所特有的保守序列。研究结果为各类真菌起源于一个共同祖先提供了分子证据。用于研究的美味石耳的核糖体核酸基因大亚基全序列是由本实验室所提供;其他18种核糖体核酸基因大亚基全序列来自GenBank。  相似文献   

Ultrathin sectioning and cryofracture of fibrouskerite, sampled from 1.8–1.75 billion year old Volynsediments (Ukraine), revealed in bacteria-like bodies thepresence of structures similar to sheath, cell wall,periplasm, cytoplasm, septum, membranes, intramembraneparticles, poly--hydroxybutyrate inclusions. On thestrength of these data and also the fatty acid profilesof these microfossils, we concluded that fibrous keritesare biogenic formations, namely fossilized bacterial mats.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Endophytic and endolichenic fungi occur in healthy tissues of plants and lichens, respectively, playing potentially important roles in the ecology and evolution of their hosts. However, previous sampling has not comprehensively evaluated the biotic, biogeographic, and abiotic factors that structure their communities. ? Methods: Using molecular data we examined the diversity, composition, and distributions of 4154 endophytic and endolichenic Ascomycota cultured from replicate surveys of ca. 20 plant and lichen species in each of five North American sites (Madrean coniferous forest, Arizona; montane semideciduous forest, North Carolina; scrub forest, Florida; Beringian tundra and forest, western Alaska; subalpine tundra, eastern central Alaska). ? Key results: Endolichenic fungi were more abundant and diverse per host species than endophytes, but communities of endophytes were more diverse overall, reflecting high diversity in mosses and lycophytes. Endophytes of vascular plants were largely distinct from fungal communities that inhabit mosses and lichens. Fungi from closely related hosts from different regions were similar in higher taxonomy, but differed at shallow taxonomic levels. These differences reflected climate factors more strongly than geographic distance alone. ? Conclusions: Our study provides a first evaluation of endophytic and endolichenic fungal associations with their hosts at a continental scale. Both plants and lichens harbor abundant and diverse fungal communities whose incidence, diversity, and composition reflect the interplay of climatic patterns, geographic separation, host type, and host lineage. Although culture-free methods will inform future work, our study sets the stage for empirical assessments of ecological specificity, metabolic capability, and comparative genomics.  相似文献   

We present maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference relative time‐tree analyses of aligned gene sequences from a worldwide collection of craniiform brachiopods belonging to two genera, Novocrania and Neoancistrocrania. Sequences were obtained from one mitochondrial and three nuclear‐encoded ribosomal RNA genes from varying numbers of specimens. Data‐exploration by network (splits) analyses indicates that each gene identifies the same divergent clades and (with one minor exception) the same inter‐clade relationships. Neoancistrocrania specimens were found only in the Pacific Ocean, near Japan, on the Norfolk and Chesterfield Ridges, and near the Solomon Islands. The Novocrania clades, in approximate order of increasing distance from the root comprise 1. a ‘Northern’ clade of animals collected in the NE. Atlantic, W. Mediterranean and Adriatic; 2. a ‘Tethyan’ clade comprising animals from the E. Mediterranean, Cape Verde islands and the Caribbean (Belize and Jamaica); 3. a ‘NE. Pacific’ clade containing animals from Vancouver Island and from localities near Japan and south of Taiwan; 4. a ‘Southern’ clade that contains two widely separated subclades, one from New Zealand and the other with an extraordinarily wide distribution, ranging from near Japan in the north to the Chesterfield Ridge and Solomon Islands in the West, and in the East to the Galapagos Islands, the coast of South America (Chile) and Richardson seamount (off South Africa) in the South Atlantic. To the South, members of this clade were found in the Weddell, Scotia and Bellinghausen Antarctic Seas. The root of the extant craniid radiation was previously found (by relaxed‐clock analysis) to lie on the branch connecting the two genera so that, in effect, the one clade of Neoancistrocrania serves to polarise evolutionary relationships within the several clades of Novocrania. As previously suggested, all results confirm that Neoancistrocrania is sister to the ‘Northern’ Novocrania clade, and this leads to a proposal that Neoancistrocrania represents one extreme of a wide range of variation in ancestral ventral valve mineralisation, speciation (~90 Ma) resulting from competitive exclusion in rapidly‐growing reef environments. To the extent possible, the identified molecular clades are correlated with named species of Novocrania. The reproductive and population biology of craniid brachiopods is not well known, but from available evidence they are considered to have low‐dispersal potential and, except in enclosed localities such as cold‐water fjords, to have small effective population sizes, features which are consistent with the observed divergent populations in well‐separated localities. Exceptionally slow craniid molecular (rDNA) evolution is suggested by the short branch of Novocrania where it has been used as an outgroup for large‐scale analyses of metazoans. Slow molecular evolution is also indicated by the existence of a distinct Tethyan clade, reflecting restricted dispersal at former times, and by the uniform, short, genetic distances and exceptionally wide geographical distribution of the Southern clade. Thus, the geographical distribution and phylogenetic divergence of craniid brachiopods is an example of phylotectonics, in which relationships revealed by phylogenetic analyses reflect opportunities for dispersal and settlement that were created by tectonic plate movements associated, in this case, with opening and closure of Tethys and the breakup of Gondwana. Molecular dating of craniid divergences and radiochemical dating of tectonic events thus illuminate one another. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Spray drift can be defined as the quantity of plant protection product that is carried out of the sprayed (treated) area by the action of air currents during the application process. This continues to be a major problem in applying agricultural pesticides. The purpose of this research is to measure and compare the amount of drift for different climatological conditions under field conditions. Spray drift was determined by sampling in a defined downwind area at different positions in a flat meadow using horizontal drift collectors (sedimenting spray drift) and pipe cleaners (airborne spray drift) for a reference spraying. Meteorological conditions were monitored during each experiment. A drift prediction equation for the reference spraying was set up to predict the expected magnitude of sedimenting drift at various drift distances and atmospheric conditions (wind speed and temperature). This equation can be used to compare measurements using other spraying techniques under different weather conditions to the reference spraying. In 2005, more measurements will be performed to validate the statements and the model reflected in this paper.  相似文献   

Mainland populations of Arctic reindeer and caribou Rangifer tarandus often undergo extensive movements, whereas populations on islands tend to be isolated and sedentary. To characterize the genetic consequences of this difference, levels of genetic diversity and subdivision of Svalbard reindeer (R. t. platyrhynchus) from two adjacent areas on Nordenskjiöldland, Spitsbergen were estimated using data from up to 14 microsatellites. The mean number of alleles per locus in Svalbard reindeer was 2.4 and mean expected heterozygosity per locus was 0.36. The latter value was significantly lower than in Canadian caribou and Norwegian reindeer but higher than in some other cervid species. Large samples of females (n = 743) and small samples of males (n = 38) from two sites ≈ 45 km apart showed genetic subdivision, which could be due to local population fluctuations or limited gene flow. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report significant differentiation at microsatellite loci in Rangifer at such short geographical distances. Neither population showed genetic evidence for recent population bottlenecks when loci unbiased with respect to heterozygosity were analysed. In contrast, false signals of a recent bottleneck were detected when loci upwardly biased with respect to heterozygosity were analysed. Thus, Svalbard reindeer appeared to conform to the paradigm of island populations made genetically depauperate by genetic drift.  相似文献   

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