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To determine the features of papers, authors, and citation of eleven journals in tropical medicine indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded, the database of the Institute for Scientific Information, we analyzed original articles, editorials, reviews, corrections, letters, biographies, and news published in these journals. The results show that these journals covered 107 countries or regions on six continents. The average number of reference was 23.05, with 87.89% of the references from periodicals. The Price Index was 31.43% and the self-citing rate was 7.02%. The references in the first 20 journals ranked by the amount of citation accounted for 36.71% of the total citations. Brazil, United States, India, and England are more advanced in tropical medicine research. The conclusion is that these journals covered most research done in these countries or regions. Most researches were done by cooperation of the researchers, but many of the publications used outdated articles and should include newer information.  相似文献   

Much of the worlds biodiversity is located within countries with developing economies. We therefore examine how well developing nations and their scientists are represented in three international conservation biology journals (Conservation Biology, Biological Conservation, Biodiversity and Conservation). We found: (1) that 28% of studies were from lower income countries and only 15% of all papers had primary authors from these nations. Of papers from lower income countries, although 80% had at least one local author, only 47% had primary authors from the country where the study was conducted. (2) Lower income countries had more research with a strong applied focus compared to research from high-income countries. (3) In lower income countries research was often funded by international sources but the primary authors of these studies were from affluent nations. (4) The three journals differed in how well they represented lower income nations and their scientists, reflecting their editorial policies for including research from lower income nations. The main reason for the large discrepancy in a countrys output of conservation research is due to the difference in a nations ability to invest in science. However, a brief survey of authors suggests that there is a large amount of information available in lower income and non-English speaking countries that is not easily accessible to the international conservation community. Journals may therefore need to consider altering their policies if we are to improve the representation of research by scientists in lower income nations.  相似文献   

1. Ten of the leading journals in the field of freshwater ecology were identified using the Science Citation Index’s Journal Citation Reports. These journals were surveyed to assess the levels and patterns of collaboration in research initiatives in regions of the Third World. Membership demographics of five professional societies in this field were also examined to elucidate distribution patterns of practitioners in the field. 2. In total, 8960 papers were surveyed, of which only forty were published in a language other than English. Senior authors came from 114 of the 130 different countries listed among authors’ addresses. Of these, forty-five were from Third World countries and sixty-nine from the First World. Five countries were responsible for 60.64% of the papers submitted; the United States = 25.65%; Canada = 11.55%; Australia = 10.15%; the United Kingdom = 6.73%; New Zealand = 6.56%. Multi-authored papers accounted for 73.05% of all papers. 3. Papers by authors from Third World countries accounted for only 10.93% of single-author papers and less than 10% of multi-authored papers. Collaboration was found in 73.05% of the papers surveyed, the vast majority of which (87.39%) was between authors from First World countries. Only 825 (9.21%) of the papers surveyed involved authors from different countries. Most of this collaboration (72.36%) was between authors from different First World countries. 4. Some 1038 papers surveyed included research undertaken in, or included authors from, Third World countries. The majority of these papers (69.08%) were submitted by authors from Third World countries, involving either multiple or single authorship. The third most common publication relating to research in Third World regions (17.4%) came from single-author papers in which the authors were from a First World country. Only four of the papers surveyed were submitted by single authors from Third World countries working in First World countries. 5. There is a disproportionate representation of taxonomic (20.3%) and marine (10.5%) papers from the Third World regions in comparison to both lentic (8.0%) and lotic (7.4%) papers. 6. Membership demographics of the professional societies surveyed continue to reflect the historical origins of freshwater ecology. More than 80% of members in the three largest societies examined are registered in Europe and North America, while membership of the remaining societies remains largely regional. 7. It is argued that present levels of collaboration and technology transfer from the First World to the Third World are inadequate and that, given the widening gulf in terms of personnel and resources, the future of essential research on inland waters in the Third World does not bode well unless in situ capacity building within Third World countries becomes a target of First World research and funding agencies.  相似文献   

Arboreal tropical forest vertebrates: current knowledge and research trends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kays  Roland  Allison  Allen 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):109-120
We review the ecology and specialized methods required for studying arboreal mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and use faunal checklists from 12 tropical wet forest sites and an analysis of all articles published during the past ten years in 14 major journals to assess current knowledge and general research trends for these groups. The percentage of arboreal vertebrates was remarkably similar at the different sites (76.2 ± 3.9%). Birds were the most arboreal group and amphibians and reptiles the least. The review of journals showed that primates were overwhelmingly the most studied group (336 papers), followed by bats (105), passeriform birds (73) and rodents (55). Judging by their portion of the arboreal vertebrate community and the number of papers surveyed, birds and amphibians and reptiles are vastly understudied compared to mammals, but this is largely due to the great number of primate studies. The number of publications on arboreal vertebrates has remained relatively stable over the last 10 years for all taxa except primates, which have seen a growth in publications. Canopy vertebrates from Brazil had by far the most publications (120), followed by Madagascar (61), Costa Rica (55) and Indonesia (42). We conclude by highlighting the priorities we see for future studies on tropical canopy vertebrates.  相似文献   

从文献计量角度分析中国生物多样性研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘爱原  郭玉清  李世颖  林茂  王春光 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7635-7643
以汤森路透科技集团的WEB OF KNOWLEDGE信息平台提供的Science Citation Index Expanded数据库为数据源,检索到从1997年至2009年期间国际生物多样性研究论文文献219773篇,其中11182篇来自于中国学者。利用NoteExpress软件,对这13a间生物多样性研究论文发表的国家分布、年度分布、研究机构、引用情况、期刊分布和学科分类等做的分析与比较表明:1)全球生物多样性研究的论文数量一直呈增长趋势,中国13年间每年发文量占当年全球生物多样性论文总量的百分率逐年增加;2)从论文总被引频次、篇均引用次数和h-index三项论文影响力特征参数分析,中国与国际其他国家相比有一定差距;3)从学科分类来看,与国际相比,中国在生物多样性保护领域、进化生物学和海洋与淡水生物学领域研究略显不足,昆虫学和真菌学研究领域活跃。  相似文献   

《生物多样性》自1993年由中国科学院生物多样性委员会创办以来,一直秉承首任主编钱迎倩先生确定的刊物定位:紧跟国际热点和趋势,反映中国生物多样性科学研究进展;及时报道保护、管理和持续利用生物多样性的经验,包括法律法规和国际履约。时逢《生物多样性》创办20周年,我们总结了刊物的发展历程,分析了创刊以来策划的研究热点、报道对象、作者队伍及产生的影响,以期更好为推动中国生物多样性科学发展服务。这些年,生物多样性科学领域的热点问题,如生物入侵、全球变化下的生物多样性、DNA条形码、生物多样性监测与变化机制、谱系多样性、生物多样性信息学等,以及《生物多样性公约》及其履行进展在本刊上都得到了及时报道,2000年以后出版的13个专刊(专栏)更是热点问题的集中体现。在发表的1,189篇(不包括增刊)文章中物种多样性方面文章最多,遗传多样性方面的文章次之;从研究类群上看,植物和动物方面的文章明显多于微生物方面的文章。研究对象的地理分布则与所属地区的多样性丰富程度或受关注程度有一定的相关性。刊物目前已形成较为稳定的作者群,发表文章最多的前10位作者分别来自中国科学院(6人)、北京大学(2人)和复旦大学(2人);文章的平均作者数从1993年的约1.5人/篇增加到2011年的约4人/篇,一定程度上反映了团队合作的态势;每篇文章的平均页码数也从创刊时的平均5页左右逐渐增加到目前的10页左右,文章的信息量大大增加。发表的论文主要受国家自然科学基金、科技部项目和中国科学院项目资助,表明作者群的层次是比较高的。发表的论文中被引次数大于40的文章超过200篇,最高达970次(中国知网,2012年8月10日检索);被SCI刊物的引用次数也呈逐年递增趋势。《生物多样性》是目前我国发表生物多样性研究成果最多、影响最大、生物多样性科学领域最重要的刊物。但毋庸讳言,《生物多样性》如国内其他中文科技期刊一样,正面临巨大挑战,如优秀稿源匮乏、刊物国际化和国内评价体系的压力、如何协调基础性和应用性、如何兼顾作者和读者的需求等。针对上述问题,我们提出了对策建议,指出《生物多样性》在"立足本土的国际化"和前沿创新与基础支撑兼顾的定位下,继续提高学术质量,并通过数字化平台和新闻媒体宣传发表的重要成果等方式,提高科技信息传播效率,扎实推动中国生物多样性科学的发展。  相似文献   

【背景】近些年,越来越多的研究集中在红球菌上,很少有研究人员对现有文献进行全面回顾。【目的】为了探究国内外红球菌领域的研究热点、前沿和未来发展趋势,以便为后续研究人员提供全面直观的参考。【方法】对近10年发表在Web of Science的红球菌领域论文进行统计分析和文献计量分析。通过VOSviewer文献可视化软件绘制作者标签视图和关键词共现网络图。【结果】全球有关红球菌领域的发文量总体呈逐年上升趋势,发表期刊多为微生物学领域的专科期刊,中国和美国的文章发表数和引用数远超其他国家,红球菌的研究内容也主要集中在生物催化、生物降解和非核糖体肽合成酶等方面。【结论】红球菌在世界范围内越来越受到重视,并逐渐成为研究热点,国家和研究机构应继续加强合作,推动红球菌领域的继续发展。  相似文献   

Will Cresswell 《Ostrich》2018,89(2):123-129
West Africa has high bird diversity and is a crucial non-breeding area for over one-third of European breeding species, yet local capacity for ornithological research and so targeted bird conservation is perceived to be limited. I reviewed all the published literature on the Web of Science? classified as ‘ornithology’ with an accompanying keyword of a country’s name, over the last three decades, from the 16 countries within West Africa and compared it with that from 16 Western European countries. Inclusion of the country’s name as a search term identified any papers produced by local authors, and so should provide an index of local ornithological capacity. Overall only 129 papers were produced from 1987 to 2016 with West African authors (range: zero Burkina Faso to 45 Nigeria), significantly fewer compared with 12 380 with European authors (range: 71 Greece to 2 745 England). The number of papers produced increased significantly at similar rates over the three-decade period in both continents. The number of papers produced by local authors in West Africa and Europe approximately doubled each decade, but variation between countries was large, particularly in West Africa. The results are broadly the same when paper output is adjusted for the population of each country. Of the three West African countries that showed a consistent increase in numbers of locally authored ornithological papers, only Nigeria showed a highly significant increase and this increase was down to a single ornithological research institute established there in 2002. The results confirm that there is little local ornithological capacity in West Africa and this is not changing except in Nigeria, where even a single new research institute can make a significant difference because of the very low baseline.  相似文献   

严欢欢  肖娟  杨永清 《广西植物》2017,37(5):661-674
雌雄异株植物是研究植物性别的理想材料,同时作为生态系统的重要组成部分,对生物多样性的维持与保护起着重要作用。该文从文献计量学角度综述了雌雄异株植物相关研究的进展。通过检索Web of Science(WOS)平台的SCI-E数据库和CNKI数据库的有关雌雄异株研究的文献数据,从文献年代分布、期刊分布、研究国家与机构、核心作者和高引论文等方面进行了分析,并借助CitespaceⅢ信息可视化软件绘制雌雄异株植物研究的科学知识图谱,总结了雌雄异株研究的热点和前沿。结果表明:WOS数据库中,雌雄异株植物研究呈现快速上升趋势,就发文总量来看,发文前五的国家为美国、日本、加拿大、英格兰和中国。其中,美国发文量占比为31.03%;中国科学院为发文量最多的机构,发文占比3.36%,其次为牛津大学(2.613%),多伦多大学位列第三(2.427%);中国,巴西和印度三国,西班牙马萨里克大学和北京林业大学两个研究机构近5年来在该领域发文增量较快。论文主要集中在植物科学、环境科学与生态学和遗传学等学科。载文量前十位的期刊累计载文占比高达24.13%,发文量最多的期刊为American Journal of Botany,占总发文量的6.07%,其次为Evolution(2.80%),Annals of Botany(2.52%)排名第三。发文最多的作者为捷克科学院的VYSKOT B,发文占总数的2.57%,高引论文大多出自美国学者之手。从CNKI数据库看,西华师范大学、北京林业大学和河南师范大学发文数量位列前三,发文量最高的期刊为《生命世界》,占总发文量的3.00%。综合Web of Science和CNKI两大数据库的文献来看,青杨和番木瓜作为研究雌雄异株植物的模式植物,近年发文较多。当前的研究热点主要集中在雌雄性别决定,繁殖代价,雌雄个体对环境因子的响应差异等方面。  相似文献   

Although sodium channels have been a hot multidisciplinary focus for decades and most of nerve system drugs worked on alerting sodium channel function, the trends and future directions of sodium channel studies have not been comprehensive analyzed bibliometrically. Herein, we collected the scientific publications of sodium channels research and constructed a model to evaluate the current trend systematically.

Publications were selected from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database from 2013 to 2017. Microsoft Excel 2016, Prism 6, and CiteSpace V software were used to analyze publication outputs, journal sources, countries, territories, institutions, authors, and research areas. A total of 4,275 publications on sodium channel research were identified. PLoS ONE ranked top for publishing 170 papers. The United States of America had the largest number of publications (1,595), citation frequency (19,490), and H-index (53). S. G. Waxman (62 publications) and W. A. Catterall (585 citations) were the most productive authors and had the greatest co-citation counts. This is the first report that shows the trends and future development in sodium channel publications, and our study provides a clear profile for the contribution to this field by countries, authors, keywords, and institutions.  相似文献   

王超  刘杨  李新辉  赖子尼 《生态学报》2016,36(16):5276-5283
基于1975—2014年Web of Science数据库中有关直链藻的学术论文,进行了文献计量学分析。研究发现,每年发表论文数呈明显上升趋势,但增幅不大;单篇论文的作者数增长缓慢,近5年每篇论文的作者数开始大于4名;发表论文的学术杂志的影响因子中等偏下,学术影响力不大;以上也映射出此研究方向的冷门性。欧美发达国家对直链藻学术论文的贡献最大,在国际合作方面也处于领先地位。有关直链藻的研究内容仍偏重于基础性研究,分类、多样性和种群生态学方面的研究仍保持一定的热度。淡水湖泊和江河流域是开展直链藻研究的主要区域。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析SCIE中染料木素领域相关论文,了解目前染料木素研究的现状与发展趋势。方法:利用Web of Science,从载文量、作者、地区与机构、关键词等角度统计分析;结果:共检索出9,446篇相关文献,涉及26222位作者及18个国家(地区)与4015个科研机构;染料木素专题学科发展趋于成熟,拥有一支实力雄厚、造诣较深的影响力较大的核心作者群。美国、日本、德国、中国、韩国、英格兰、加拿大、意大利、法国、台湾成为染料木素研究的中心国家和地区。染料木素生理学功能、提取分离方法、分析方法、药理作用、结构修饰等方面的研究为目前染料木素专题研究的主要内容。结论:染料木素该学科需要在临床实践中进一步发展成熟,生物利用度需得到进一步的提高。  相似文献   

全球北极底栖生物研究文献计量分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘爱原  林荣澄  郭玉清 《生态学报》2015,35(9):2789-2799
以Thomson Reuters的Web of Science信息平台提供的SCI-E数据库为数据源,检索到从1991年至2012年期间全球北极底栖生物研究论文2127篇,利用Note Express软件,分析22年间论文发表的年度、国家、机构、作者、期刊和学科等方面的分布特征,结果表明:1)全球北极底栖生物研究论文数量、篇均作者数和篇均参考文献数都在逐年增加;2)研究论文涉及58个国家或地区,位于前7位的国家依次是美国、德国、加拿大、挪威、俄罗斯、英国和丹麦;美国、加拿大、挪威和丹麦是该领域国际合作研究最主要的国家;3)论文涉及1364个机构,前20名的研究机构中,美国有6家,德国、加拿大和挪威各有3家,俄罗斯和丹麦各有2家,波兰有1家。俄罗斯、丹麦、波兰、德国和挪威超过60%的研究力量集中在位列前20位的相关机构中。俄罗斯科学院论文总量排列首位,德国阿尔弗雷德魏格纳极地与海洋研究中心和基尔大学论文的h指数最高为32;4)论文涉及最多的4个学科是海洋与淡水生物学、生态学、海洋学和多学科地球科学。Polar Biology和Marine Ecology Progress Series是发表该领域最核心的期刊。还对中国在该领域的研究现状进行了简要的分析。从文献计量学角度揭示了全球北极底栖生物研究现状,为提升我国该领域研究的国际竞争力提供科学参考。  相似文献   

We reviewed 2524 articles published from 1987 to 1995 in five international journals, Conservation Biology , Biological Conservation , Biodiversity and Conservation , Ecological Applications , and the Journal of Applied Ecology , to assess patterns and imbalances in biodiversity research in the following subject areas: locations where research was conducted, types of organisms studied, types of ecosystems studied, types of methodologies used, and types of stresses investigated. Biodiversity research was found to be narrowly focused with little deviation from its initial course set of being a discipline concerned largely with the implications of forest habitat loss on charismatic terrestrial megafauna; i.e. the 'founder effect' is very much in evidence. The 'sleeping dragon' of ignored marine biodiversity is really symptomatic of a wider problem, and can perhaps be referred to as a 'hibernating hydra' of many imbalances due to, for example, under-representations of research from developing nations, or on amphibians and invertebrates, alpine and arctic systems, sociological components and chemical stresses etc. It is time to take steps to actively awaken the creature so that conservation biology/applied ecology can become more pluralistic in scope.  相似文献   

目的分析国际毛孢子菌病文献概貌,了解毛孢子菌病临床相关研究现状,为更好地开展毛孢子菌临床研究提供思路和依据。方法利用汤森路透TDA软件分析PubMed数据库收录的毛孢子菌病临床相关文献的时间、国家、期刊、作者和高频主题词分布,并获得作者合作网络图。结果临床毛孢子菌病相关文献始于1970年,经过1981~1992年的快速增长期后,近年来数量增长不明显。日本在临床毛孢子菌病研究领域具有领先优势,美国、印度、巴西、法国和中国内地发文量也较多。刊载毛孢子菌病临床研究文献最多的期刊是《日本胸部疾病杂志》(Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi,Japa—nese Journal of Thoracic Diseases)和《临床微生物学杂志》(Journal of Clinical Microbiology)。发文量最多的作者分别是熊本大学医学部的Ando M、Araki S和琦玉医科大学的Sakata T。毛孢子菌病的高频主题词涉及毛孢子菌病的诊治、宿主免疫和毛孢子菌致病机制等。结论日本和美国仍是相关领域的研究大国,但近5a来,更多的中国科研团队加入到这一研究领域,提高了我国学者的学术影响力。侵袭性毛孢子菌病的诊治是临床毛孢子菌病研究的主要关注点。  相似文献   



Qualitative research appears to be gaining acceptability in medical journals. Yet, little is actually known about the proportion of qualitative research and factors affecting its publication. This study describes the proportion of qualitative research over a 10 year period and correlates associated with its publication.


A quantitative longitudinal examination of the proportion of original qualitative research in 67 journals of general medicine during a 10 year period (1998–2007). The proportion of qualitative research was determined by dividing original qualitative studies published (numerator) by all original research articles published (denominator). We used a generalized estimating equations approach to assess the longitudinal association between the proportion of qualitative studies and independent variables (i.e. journals'' country of publication and impact factor; editorial/methodological papers discussing qualitative research; and specific journal guidelines pertaining to qualitative research).


A 2.9% absolute increase and 3.4-fold relative increase in qualitative research publications occurred over a 10 year period (1.2% in 1998 vs. 4.1% in 2007). The proportion of original qualitative research was independently and significantly associated with the publication of editorial/methodological papers in the journal (b = 3.688, P = 0.012); and with qualitative research specifically mentioned in guidelines for authors (b = 6.847, P<0.001). Additionally, a higher proportion of qualitative research was associated only with journals published in the UK in comparison to other countries, yet with borderline statistical significance (b = 1.776, P = 0.075). The journals'' impact factor was not associated with the publication of qualitative research.


Despite an increase in the proportion of qualitative research in medical journals over a 10 year period, the proportion remains low. Journals'' policies pertaining to qualitative research, as expressed by the appearance of specific guidelines and editorials/methodological papers on the subject, are independently associated with the publication of original qualitative research; irrespective of the journals'' impact factor.  相似文献   

We explored how often journal articles reporting HIV research sponsored by a developed country, but conducted in a developing country, mention research ethics committee (REC) approval from both countries, and what factors are involved. Of all such 2007 articles on Medline conducted in one of four developing countries (N = 154), only 52% mentioned such dual approval. Mention of dual vs. single approval was more likely among articles with ≥ 50% sponsor country authors, and the United States as the sponsor country. Also, dual approval was more likely among articles that mentioned informed consent and funding, had ≥ 50% sponsor country authors, were biomedical (vs. psychosocial), and appeared in journals adopting International Committee Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines. Dual approval was thus obtained in only half of the articles and was associated with ethical and logistic issues, indicating the need for clearer and more universally accepted guidelines.  相似文献   

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