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Nineteen areas in seven of the nine Azorean islands were evaluated for species diversity and rarity based on soil epigean arthropods. Fifteen out of the 19 study areas are managed as Natural Forest Reserves and the remaining four were included due to their importance as indigenous forest cover. Four of the 19 areas are not included in the European Conservation network, NATURA 2000. Two sampling replicates were run per study area, and a total of 191 species were collected; 43 of those species (23%) are endemic to the archipelago and 12 have yet to be described. To produce an unbiased multiple-criteria index (importance value for conservation, IV-C) incorporating diversity and rarity based indices, an iterative partial multiple regression analysis was performed. In addition, an irreplaceability index and the complementarity method (using both optimisation and heuristic methods) were used for priority-reserves analyses. It was concluded that at least one well-managed reserve per island is absolutely necessary to have a good fraction of the endemic arthropods preserved. We found that for presence/absence data the suboptimal complementarity algorithm provides solutions as good as the optimal algorithm. For abundance data, optimal solutions indicate that most reserves are needed if we want that at least 50% of endemic arthropod populations are represented in a minimum set of reserves. Consistently, two of the four areas not included in the NATURA 2000 framework were considered of high priority, indicating that vascular plants and bird species used to determine NATURA 2000 sites are not good surrogates of arthropod diversity in the Azores. The most irreplaceable reserves are those located in older islands, which indicates that geological history plays an important role in explaining faunal diversity of arthropods in the Azores. Based both on the uniqueness of species composition and high species richness, conservation efforts should be focused on the unmanaged Pico Alto region in the archipelago’s oldest island, Santa Maria.  相似文献   

We study how endemic, native and introduced arthropod species richness, abundance, diversity and community composition vary between four different habitat types (native forest, exotic forest of Cryptomeria japonica, semi-natural pasture and intensive pasture) and how arthropod richness and abundance change with increasing distance from the native forest in adjacent habitat types in Santa Maria Island, the Azores. Arthropods were sampled in four 150 m long transects in each habitat type. Arthropods were identified to species level and classified as Azorean endemic, single-island endemic (SIE), native, or introduced. The native forest had the highest values for species richness of Azorean endemics, SIEs and natives; and also had highest values of Azorean endemic diversity (Fisher’s alpha). In contrast, the intensive pasture had the lowest values for endemic and native species richness and diversity, but the highest values of total arthropod abundance and introduced species richness and diversity. Arthropod community composition was significantly different between the four habitat types. In the semi-natural pasture, the number of SIE species decreased with increasing distance from the native forest, and in the exotic forest the abundance of both Azorean endemics and SIEs decreased with increasing distance from the native forest. There is a gradient of decreasing arthropod richness and abundance from the native forest to the intensive pasture. Although this study demonstrates the important role of the native forest in arthropod conservation in the Azores, it also shows that unmanaged exotic forests have provided alternative habitat suitable for some native species of forest specialist arthropods, particularly saproxylic beetles.  相似文献   

We investigated the conservation concern of Azorean forest fragments and the entire Terceira Island surface using arthropod species vulnerability as defined by the Kattan index, which is based on species rarity. Species rarity was evaluated according to geographical distribution (endemic vs. non endemic species), habitat specialization (distribution across biotopes) and population size (individuals collected in standardized samples). Geographical rarity was considered at 'global' scale (species endemic to the Azorean islands) and 'regional' scale (single island endemics). Measures of species vulnerability were combined into two indices of conservation concern for each forest fragment: (1) the Biodiversity Conservation Concern index, BCC, which reflects the average rarity score of the species present in a site, and (2) one proposed here and termed Biodiversity Conservation Weight, BCW, which reflects the sum of rarity scores of the same species assemblage. BCW was preferable to prioritise the areas with highest number of vulnerable species, whereas BCC helped the identification of areas with few, but highly threatened species due to a combination of different types of rarity.A novel approach is introduced in which BCC and BCW indices were also adapted to deal with probabilities of occurrence instead of presence/absence data. The new probabilistic indices, termed pBCC and pBCW, were applied to Terceira Island for which we modelled species distributions to reconstruct species occurrence with different degree of probability also in areas from which data were not available. The application of the probabilistic indices revealed that some island sectors occupied by secondary vegetation, and hence not included in the current set of protected areas, may in fact host some rare species. This result suggests that protecting marginal non-natural areas which are however reservoirs of vulnerable species may also be important, especially when areas with well preserved primary habitats are scarce.  相似文献   

Species richness of six pasture arthropod assemblages (total arthropod species, total herbivore species, sucking and chewing herbivores, total predatory species and spiders) were regressed against several geographical variables (area, distance from the nearest mainland, maximum elevation and geological age of the islands) of three Azorean islands (S. Maria, Terceira and Pico). The species were sampled by the fixed-quadrat size sampling method and the results obtained are consistent with the geological age hypothesis, i.e. the species richness of the six indigenous arthropod assemblages increases with the geological age of the islands, both at local and regional scales. Higher values of indigenous and endemic species richness were consistendy found on the older island (S. Maria), and the lowest values on the most recent island (Pico). Moreover, when considering the age of Faial (an older island probably once connected with Pico) as a estimate of the age of Pico, correlations between species richness and island age were improved, thereby strengthening the relationship. The older island (S. Maria) has more specialized herbivores and a greater proportion of herbivores in relation to predatory arthropods. Ecological and biogeographical studies in the Azores should take into account the effects of the time each island has been available for colonization and evolution.  相似文献   

The future of biodiversity depends to a great extent on the conservation value of human-dominated and semi-natural habitats. In a mixed agricultural landscape in southern Costa Rica, we compared the richness and composition of terrestrial arthropod communities occurring in three habitat types along a gradient of increasing disturbance: in a large (227ha) forest fragment, small (3.8–5.3ha) forest fragments, and sun coffee (1–3ha) plantations. Pitfall trap sampling revealed decreasing morphospecies richness with increasing disturbance. Moreover, the number of species unique to a habitat type was lower in the smaller forest fragments and the coffee sites. We found significant changes in community composition associated with habitat at the levels of order (all arthropods), family (beetles), and morphospecies (carabids, scarabs, and ants). We identified no significant correlation of richness among the taxonomic orders, meaning these taxa are unable to serve as biodiversity indicators (for each other or for all arthropods) in the study region. Arthropod diversity presently found in countryside habitats is certainly lower, and perhaps less sustainable, than that of the extensive forested habitats fragmented < 40 years ago. It nonetheless remains substantial, suggesting a conservation opportunity in human-dominated landscapes of the tropics.  相似文献   

We analysed species richness of plants and true bugs (Insecta, Heteroptera) along a pollution gradient in Scots pine stands in Central Germany. As a consequence of particulate deposition, pH-values of soils increased in the vicinity of the emission source. Therefore, emission increased productivity. Species richness of plants increased with decreasing distance from emission source, and thus with increasing productivity. Similarly, species richness of herbivorous Heteroptera increased with decreasing distance from emission source, whereas, surprisingly, abundance decreased. The proportion of specialised herbivorous bug species is largest in the vicinity of the emission source. Thus, the diversity pattern of herbivores may be explained by the specialisation hypothesis and not the consumer rarity hypothesis. Species richness and abundance of carnivorous Heteroptera showed no significant trend along the gradient. Overall our data favour the bottom-up control of species diversity in the analysed system.  相似文献   

Possibilities to create an efficient network of areas for the conservation of Iberian dung-beetle biodiversity were investigated. Data were taken from BANDASCA, a 15,740 record dung-beetle database with information for 101,996 specimens. The greatest species richness and phylogenetic diversity are found in the Iberian Central System cordilleras, while those of range-size rarity are in the southernmost corner of the Iberian Peninsula and in the coastal plains of the Guadalquivir basin. Additionally, broad regional score trends of these variables reach a maximum in a smaller northeastern, and a larger southeastern region (Baetic and sub-Baetic mountains). Major Central and Southern Spain dung-beetle hotspots contain many of the UTM grid cells which delimit the near-minimum-set of areas hosting maximum dung-beetle biodiversity scores. They are viewed as the nucleus of a potential network of reserves. A UTM grid cell (30TXK1) where Onthophagus albarracinus, an endemic and demographically rare species inhabits the Sierra of Albarracín and Montes Universales, was detected as an irreplaceable area. Because of recent land use changes and rapid human-induced habitat transformation threatening dung-beetle fauna, caution should be taken not to recommend an in memoriam network of areas no longer hosting a fauna extinct today. The abandoning of traditional herding management in Europe threatens the preservation of grasslands where dung-feeding beetles play a major ecological role in maintaining pasture quality and livestock health. A return to more traditional herding methods would require stable dung-beetle populations. Any insect conservation planning in Spain would benefit from more biogeographical information for other insect groups.  相似文献   

Cousine Island, Seychelles, is of major conservation significance as it is in a biodiversity hotspot. Furthermore, it is relatively pristine, and is apparently the only tropical island over 20 ha with no alien invasive mammals. This study focuses on the island's log and litter arthropods, which were sampled by extraction methods from the dominant species, Pisonia grandis, Ficus spp. and Cocos nucifera. Stage of decomposition, and forest type in which the logs occurred, both significantly influenced the composition and structure of the arthropod assemblages. Young logs were significantly richer in species than older logs, possibly because they had the most resources and microhabitats. There were some significant changes in arthropod species richness, composition and abundance between species of young logs, but not old ones, because as logs decomposed, arthropod assemblages converged. Nevertheless, each old log species had some arthropod species not present in other log species, which has important implications for conservation. Arthropod assemblages in woody litter varied according to the forest type in which they occurred, and were different from those in logs in the same forest type. Cousine Island arthropod species richness, both in logs and litter, was comparable to figures from other tropical areas. As the logs, especially P. grandis, are home to many Seychelles endemic species, their conservation is essential. Furthermore, as the arthropods are also the main food of certain threatened Seychelles vertebrates, their conservation also underpins a food chain on this unique tropical island.  相似文献   

The sand dunes of the Basin and Range Province of western North America contain obligate and endemic species of Coleoptera and Orthoptera. These dune habitats represent islands on which the isolated insular faunas are in a state of relaxation. The calculated temperature metric used in this study reflects the relative measure of disorder, by which the degree of nestedness can be determined. Sixteen dunes in the Basin and Range Province are shown to comprise a nested subset of obligate Coleoptera and Orthoptera. These sixteen sand dunes remain nested even when the endemic species are excluded from the analysis. The absence of endemic species slightly decreased the calculated temperature of the island-dune archipelago. Therefore, endemic species present in the sand dunes do not significantly contribute to the high degree of nestedness of dune obligate Coleoptera and Orthoptera in the Basin and Range Province. The dunes can also be separated into five distinct sub-basins, two of which contain only one sand dune. These sub-basins are not significantly nested, but together define the nested structure of the Basin and Range Province.  相似文献   

Question: Can we recognize areas of high endemism and high endemic richness, using data from collections, and what are the ecological variables that best explain these areas? Location: Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico. Methods: We analysed the distribution of 723 endemic vascular plants species along the peninsula of Baja California and neighbouring islands distributed in 218 cartographic cells 15’ x 20’ in size. By means of a residual analysis, we identified areas of significantly high endemic species richness, and we calculated the degree of endemicity (or rarity) in each cell by giving to each species a weight factor inversely proportional to the land area it covers. Results: Nine regions of high‐endemicity and/or high endemic species richness were found. Discussion and conclusions: The analyses of rarity and endemic species richness showed two contrasting scenarios: High endemicity values in oceanic and sky islands accounts for a high number of species with a restricted distribution, promoted most likely by genetic isolation and high environmental heterogeneity. High endemic richness along the peninsular coast is related to ecotonal transition along vegetation types. After correcting for collection effort (i.e. the number of specimens collected within a cell), we found the phytogeographic region and altitudinal heterogeneity to be the variables that best predicted endemic richness. Both high endemism and high endemic richness have distinct geographic patterns within our study region. The nine endemic regions provide elements for priority definitions in future conservation programs.  相似文献   

In central Japan, Aokigahara woodland is considered to be one of the most natural areas around Mount Fuji and a core area in the conservation of the biodiversity of Mount Fuji. We chose butterflies as an indicator species of biodiversity and examined six communities in and around the woodland in 2000 using transect counts to examine and search for diversity and rarity hotspots and their associated landscapes. The results showed that butterfly species richness and species diversities H 1/ were significantly higher in forest-edge sites than in forest-interior and/or open-land sites, and variation in the total number of species among these three landscape types was well accounted for by ecologically specialist species, such as landscape specifics, oligovoltines, narrow diet feeders and low-density species. Thus, the species regarded as vulnerable to extinction, including Red List species, were observed more often in forest-edge sites than in forest-interior and/or open-land sites. As a result, in the study area, diversity and rarity hotspots were found in forest-edge landscapes. The reasons why butterfly diversity and rarity hotspots were established in forest-edge landscapes were analyzed and interpreted from several points of view, including disturbance level, landscape elements and plant species richness. From these results, and the fact that some species were confined to forest-interior sites, we conclude that it is very important to conserve and manage forest-edge habitats (considered to be semi-natural) as well as forest-interior habitats (considered to be the most natural) to maintain the diversity of butterfly communities and preserve the various types of threatened species in and around the Aokigahara woodland.  相似文献   

Synopsis The conservation status and factors threatening fishes worldwide are reviewed in order to introduce a series of one-page articles on Threatened fishes of the world, and to encourage the incorporation of information on threatened fishes into international conservation programmes. Information on fish extinction and threat rates are compared with those of other animal groups, and the unique characteristics of fish conservation problems are highlighted. At present 979 species of fishes are listed as threatened in the IUCN Red List and at least 36 species and three subspecies are listed as recently extinct. It is argued that these figures are probably gross underestimates and that they may mislead conservation authorities and resource users about the seriousness of the situation. Freshwater fishes may be the most threatened group of vertebrates after the Amphibia. Urgent action is required to save many narrowly endemic, stenotopic species from extinction, especially in Africa, Asia and South America. The conservation of common species that drive essential ecological processes is also important. Anthropogenic pressures, especially habitat degradation, the introduction of invasive species and pollution, on inland and coastal waters are particularly severe and many major fish communities are threatened with elimination throughout the world. The conservation of marine fishes is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to ascertain their rarity. The importance of the retention of genetic variation is highlighted, and both orthodox and innovative conservation measures are encouraged. Further research on minimum viable populations, genetics, and the factors that cause fishes to become vulnerable to extinction, is urgently required.Invited editorial  相似文献   

Genetic diversity at nine isozyme loci was surveyed in an endangered tree species, the argan tree, endemic to south-western Morocco. The species is highly diverse (3.6 alleles/locus) with populations strongly differentiated from each other (F ST=0.25). This example is used to illustrate a method for standardizing measures of allelic richness in samples of unequal sample sizes, which was developed for the estimation of the number of species and relies on the technique of rarefaction. In addition, it is shown that the measure of subdivision, ST, obtained when allelic richness is used in place ofh (Nei's index of diversity), is much larger than the F ST [e.g. ST(40)=0.52, where (40) indicates the specified sample used to estimate the allelic richness]. This suggests that rare alleles (which strongly influence measures of allelic richness) have a more scattered distribution than more frequent ones, a result which raises special conservation issues for the argan tree.  相似文献   

We studied several aspects of the cactus diversity in the Huizache, an area located in the southern extreme of the Chihuahuan Desert Region, in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Fieldwork was conducted in a square-shaped polygon (22°30–23°00 N, 100°00–100°30 W), where a total of 80 systematically-chosen localities were sampled for cactus species. Results showed that the Huizache is an important focal point for the conservation of the Cactaceae, due to the remarkably high diversity of members of this plant family in the area. With 75 species recorded, this area has the highest concentration of cactus species in the American Continent, in comparison with other comparably-sized regions. The outstanding diversity of cactus species in the Huizache area may be explained by the relatively favorable climate of this desert area, its environmental heterogeneity, and its location in a transitional position between three regions with distinct cactus floras: Chihuahuan Desert Region, Queretaroan-Hidalgoan Arid Zone, and Tula-Jaumave Valleys. Species richness is not distributed evenly in the area; the zones of highest species concentration are primarily located in the lowland valleys, in the northwestern portion of the grid square, where typical Chihuahuan Desert conditions prevail. Of the 75 cactus species found in the area, 63% are endemic to the Chihuahuan Desert. Among these, ten species are outstanding for being endemic or nearly endemic to the Huizache area. The Huizache grid square is part of a recently declared natural reserve, The Real de Guadalcázar Natural Reserve.  相似文献   

The interaction between physiological stress and arthropod herbivory was studied using two perennial species of Hypericum. Seedlings of H. perforatum, a herb introduced to Australia and weedy in places, and H. gramineum, an indigenous species, were subjected to water stress and/or herbivory by a mite, Aculus hyperici and an aphid, Aphis chloris. Both arthropods have recently been released in Australia for biological control of H. perforatum. Individually, stresses reduced measures of plant growth. Combinations of the three stresses decreased plant growth by slightly more than the product of their separate effects, suggesting that there is a weak positive interaction exacerbating the damage caused by each stress. Seedlings of the target weed and the non-target indigenous species were equally affected by the arthropods. The implications for weed biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

High islands, with potentially greater habitat diversity, are expected to have greater species richness and diversity compared to low islands, typically atolls and coral islands of lower habitat diversity, within the same geographical area. Patterns of species similarity, richness, and diversity were compared among coral reef fishes between the low island of the Southwest Palau Islands (SWPI), and the low and high islands of the Main Palauan Archipelago (MPA). Data from diurnal visual transects accounted for approximately 64% and 69% of the shorefish faunas known from the SWPI and MPA, respectively. Two distinct fish faunas were representative of low and high islands. The first was confined to the coral islands of the SWPI. The second was partitioned into both low and high islands of the MPA, and Helen Reef, a large atoll in the SWPI. The second type was clustered into atolls, low islands with atoll-like barrier reef systems, a coral island, and three high island systems, one with an extensive barrier reef system. Contrary to the prediction that high islands, with relatively greater habitat diversity, would have greater species richness and diversity, species richness and diversity were greatest at Kossol, a large atoll-like low island locality at the northern end of a high island in the MPA, followed by two atolls, Kayangel (MPA, north of Kossol) and Helen Reef. In contrast, species richness and diversity were lower at high island localities and lowest at small coral islands. These results suggest that habitat diversity for reef fishes increases as a function of increasing area regardless of whether the locality is a high or low island.  相似文献   

Thirteen tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) in Honduras and adjacent El Salvador were evaluated for species diversity and endemism in leaf litter inhabiting Curculionidae (weevils) and Staphylinidae in June and August of 1994. Totals of 26,891 specimens representing 293 species of Curculionidae, and 7349 specimens representing 224 species of Staphylinidae, were collected. Regional endemism was high with 173 species (58.7% of total) of Curculionidae and 126 species (56.3% of total) of Staphylinidae, restricted to single sites. Measures of diversity (number of observed species [Sobs]; number of endemic species) and estimates of biodiversity (Chao 2, first and second order Jackknife and Bootstrap richness estimators) are given for each site for Curculionidae and Staphylinidae. Priority-areas analyses based on Sobs (Greedy), Sobs, Chao 2, number of endemic species, site complementarity and higher taxonomic diversity (Curculionidae only) are presented. Weak or lack of correlation was noted between site area and site diversity for either Curculionidae or Staphylinidae. The optimum sequence for site conservation was determined based on Sobs (Greedy). Four sites are identified as the highest conservation priorities; Parque Nacional Montecristo, P.N. La Muralla, P.N. Santa Barbara and P.N. Comayagua. Identification as high priority sites supports their designation as Parques Nacionales rather than the less diverse Reservas Biologias or Reservas Vidas Silvestres. While closely approximating performance of Sobs (Greedy), no one of Sobs, number of endemics, Chao 2 or site complementarity give results equivalent to the optimum sequence based on Sobs (Greedy) and the latter is concluded to be the best method for establishing conservation priorities in TMCF. Results of the analyses based on one of Curculionidae or Staphylinidae differ in the ordering of site priorities based on each of Sobs, Chao 2 or number of endemics at each site, with at best, weak positive correlations between results based on each taxon. Data from other taxa are necessary to determine if one of Curculionidae or Staphylinidae emerges as the better surrogate for general patterns of biodiversity in TMCF. Conservation strategies in Central America should emphasize the importance of TMCF particularly in view of high regional endemism. In formulating these strategies, consideration needs to be given to the preservation of many small regional preserves rather than fewer larger preserves. Data from inventories of other taxa should be included where available and all biological data should be integrated with social and cultural issues of regional importance.  相似文献   

Exposed riverine sediments (ERS) are an important invertebrate habitat. Ground beetle data from pitfall trap surveys of 165 sites in the catchments of the Rivers Carron, Nith, Spey, Tweed and Eden and from 48 sites in the catchments of the Rivers Blyth, Breamish, Coquet, Glen, Pont, South Tyne, Till, Tweed and Tyne were used to produce ERS habitat classifications in Scotland and northern England respectively. Within each habitat type the quality of sites were assessed using indices based on rarity and fidelity values and using species richness as a measure of diversity. Considerable variation in these indices was seen within and between habitat types, showing potential for their use in assessing site quality and for ranking sites within habitats. The use of standardised invertebrate survey and distribution data, together with species assemblage information, for the conservation of invertebrate habitat types as an alternative to the use of selected indicator species, is discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological and historical factors virtually create a unique faunal assemblage on each island. From this perspective every island deserves protection. However, economic limitations usually restrict conservation efforts to particularly important areas. As part of the SLOSS issue (the relative importance of single large or several small areas), there is the long debated question of whether it is better to protect few large areas (islands) or several small areas (islands). Here, we assess the butterfly faunas of the Italian offshore islands, using several biodiversity measures, in order to highlight priorities for conserving butterfly richness, rarity and endemicity. First, the nested pattern of butterfly fauna was investigated to determine the relative importance of large and small islands. Then, residuals were assessed for the species-area relationship and for multiple regressions of richness, rarity and endemicity against geographic variables. Subsequently, two other indices were calculated: Biodiversity Conservation Concern and an index scoring islands in the order that maximizes the cumulative percentage of total, endemic, and rare species. The results clearly indicate that although greatest concern is for the island having the largest butterfly fauna in the sample (Elba), the importance of several small islands should not be ignored. This is primarily due to the substantial impact of source areas and consequently the occurrence of several rare and endemic species occurring on small islands as well as on large islands.  相似文献   

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