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Fish play an important role in the culture of Japan, supplying the primary source of food protein. Research on fish ecology in Japan began developing about 1955, and paralleled that in North America and Europe, but has a number of unique differences. Two main research foci, stream fish ecology and ecology of Lake Biwa, were founded by H. Kawanabe and his colleagues while graduate students in D. Miyadi's laboratory at Kyoto University in the 1950s. The focus on studies of individual differences in ecology, life history, and behavior by direct observation that were developed in this laboratory had a pervasive influence on research that has continued to the present. In the 1980s, Kawanabe, who had succeeded Miyadi as laboratory head, also co-organized a major research project on the complex communities of cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika, which has involved nearly every major Japanese investigator in fish ecology since. A review of research conducted by Japanese investigators in stream fish ecology, ecology of fishes in lakes Biwa and Tanganyika, and marine reef fish ecology revealed a wealth of literature of which most English-speaking fish ecologists are unaware. The most striking difference between Western and Japanese research is the focus on detailed observations and experiments in natural habitats of individual differences in behavior, life history, and ecology, and how these ultimately affect processes at the population and community level, as amply demonstrated by Kawanabe's early work on ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis. This approach predated by 20–30 years the current interest in individual differences and individual-based models in North America and Europe.  相似文献   

This article reviews the life and work of the German biologist Wilhelm Ludwig (1901-1959), whose contributions to population genetics have been largely ignored. Ludwig's work was a rich tapestry of population biology, spanning investigations into population growth, biological asymmetries, sex ratio, and paternity analysis. He was ahead of his time in explicitly combining the theory of population ecology and population genetics. His classic paper on annidation showed the possibility of population differentiation in the face of gene flow, and his early studies demonstrated the importance of selection in evolutionary change. Much of his work spanned the period of the Second World War in Germany, and interesting questions remain about his life during this turbulent period.  相似文献   

Conservation ecology is a new paradigm of ecology that aims at scientific contributions to maintaining earth's biodiversity and is committed to ecosystem management indispensable to intergenerational long-term sustainability. Population ecology plays a central role in conservation ecology. Persistence of the metapopulation rather than that of each local population should be pursued in species conservation management. Biological interactions essential to reproduction and soil seed bank components of the population should be investigated and applied to planning for the conservation of a plant population. Gravelly floodplains and moist tall grasslands are among typical riparian habitats containing many threatened plants in Japan. These riparian habitats are now subjected not only to heavy fragmentation but also to intensive invasion of highly competitive alien (nonnative) plants. Extreme habitat isolation may result in reproductive failure or fertility selection in a plant population without pollinators, as exemplified by a nature reserve population of Primula sieboldii. Biological invasions, which are facilitated by extensive changes in the river environment including decreased seasonal flooding, abandonment of traditional vegetation management, eutrophication, and extensive clearing of the land for recreational use, threaten endemic riparian species. To preserve safe sites and growing conditions for threatened plants such as Aster kantoensis, active management to suppress the dominance of alien invader plants is necessary. Population management and habitat restoration should be based on sound information on the population ecology of both threatened and alien invader plants, designed as an ecological experiment to clarify effective ways for management. Received: September 18, 1998 / Revised: October 22, 2001 / Accepted: October 23, 2001  相似文献   

Hiroya Kawanabe was born the son of a Buddhist priest and teacher of Japanese literature, who died when Kawanabe was very young. Kawanabe also studied Buddhism by himself, and passed the examination to be a priest of his sect while still in high school. He studied zoology and ecology at Kyoto University and earned his doctorate under the guidance of Denzaburo Miyadi, a well-known Japanese ecologist, in 1960. During his academic career at Kyoto University, Kawanabe advanced to hold the chair of Animal Ecology as Professor in the Department of Zoology. Kawanabe's doctoral research concerned the social behavior and population ecology of the ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, an amphidromous fish that lives in streams as adults and grazes algae. His research lead to the discovery that social structure changed from territoriality to schooling as population density increased, and also varied with changes in food and habitat. During this work, he pioneered the use of underwater observation to study ecolo gy of freshwater fishes in streams. Kawanabe also observed ayu social structure from the northern to southern limits of their range, and advanced the theory that the more stable territoriality in the Lake Biwa population was a relic social structure to guarantee food supply during earlier glacial periods when productivity was lower. Additional work on stream fishes in central Japan and Okinawa Island led Kawanabe to propose that interactions among individuals affect interspecific relationships, and thereby, community structure. Discussions with Charles Elton, the famous British ecologist of Oxford University, strengthened Kawanabe's view that communities could be best understood as the whole of interrelationships among organisms. Kawanabe advanced these ideas during a joint study he led with a host of Japanese and Zairean scientists on the fishes of Lake Tanganyika, beginning in 1979. This work, as well as additional research on Lake Biwa in Japan, led to a deeper understanding of the complexity of biotic interactions (including competition, predation, mutualism, commensalism, and indirect effects) that promote the high species diversity in these ecosystems. In addition to basic research, Kawanabe was part of research teams organized during the 1960s by D. Miyadi to study the effects of public works projects on natural environments and biota in Lake Naka-umi and Lake Biwa. During the late 1980s he expanded his network to an international venue, both by organizing and hosting important international ecological meetings in Japan, such as the Fifth International Ecological Congress, and by increasing his international activities to promote global biodiversity. In 1991, Kawanabe founded the Center for Ecological Research at Kyoto University to study the interrelationships among organisms and their environments. Recently retired from the University, he became Director General of the new Lake Biwa Museum in 1996, and continues to promote conservation of biodiversity worldwide through an international network of scientists and organizations.  相似文献   

Northwestern Pacific provides unique scenarios for studying the roles of geography and ecology in driving population divergence and speciation. To elucidate the phylogeographic pattern of Coilia nasus in Northwestern Pacific, we examined ninety individuals from five localities along the coastal regions of China and the Ariake Bay of Japan by using seven ISSR markers. Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that genetic differentiation among groups is relatively high (FCT = 0.1904; P = 0.000). Bayesian analysis of ISSR data also revealed significant population structuring between Chinese and Japanese locations. Phylogenetic reconstructions show reciprocal monophyly in populations between China and the Ariake Bay of Japan. We conclude that the present-day phylogeographic pattern is the result of genetic isolation between Japanese and Chinese populations in the Northwestern Pacific following the glacial retreat, and that life-history traits and ecology may play a pivotal role in shaping the realized geographical distribution pattern of this species.  相似文献   

Transformative changes marked the growth of mid-twentieth century American ecology. This included redirection of the scholarly focus of the discipline, especially on the role evolutionary theory and "levels of selection", and increased visibility of ecologist as public figures in the environmental movement with special knowledge of how natural systems work. Cornell ecologist LaMont Cole is an important figure to examine both of these trends. Like many of his contemporaries, Cole was devoted to a perspective on natural selection operating at levels above the individual. However, because of his influential mathematical treatment of animal demography he has been historically subsumed into a group of scholars that views the events in the life course as adaptations to the maximization of individual fitness--life history theory. Cole's popular writings and lectures, which consumed his later career, extend his scholarly portrayal of natural populations as tending toward stable and homoeostatic equilibrium, with the goal of drawing contrasts with the deviance of rapid human population growth. In both regards, Cole serves as a topical and temporal extension of the well-documented and analyzed ecology of his mentors--Alfred Emerson, Thomas Park, and Warder Allee--in the University of Chicago Zoology Department.  相似文献   

In October 1996 the Lake Biwa Museum opened in Oroshimo, Japan after 10 years of planing and construction. It is a most ambitious concept and a very impressive facility. By June of 1997 it had attracted almost 800 000 visitors – almost twice the at tendance predicted for the entire first year of operation.The founding Director General of the Lake Biwa Museum is Hiroya Kawanabe. After a distinguished career as professor of ecology at Kyoto University, Hiroya Kawanabe founded the Centre for Ecological Research at Otsu. After retirement from the university he moved to his new position at the Lake Biwa Museum. Kawanabe-san is internationally recognized for his pioneering and collaborative research on the ayu, Pleoglossus altivelis, Lake Biwa and the ecology of Lake Tanganyika fishes (Kawanabe 1996, Kawanabe et al. 1997). The Lake Biwa Museum is not only the pinnacle of his personal and professional achievements, but also the physical embodiment of his philosophy of science and life.  相似文献   

Tertiary relicts often show evolutionary stasis in morphology and ecology and have been hypothesized to retain stable population sizes in refugia. However, recent studies have reported that some relicts evolutionarily shifted their physiology, ecology, and morphology and experienced various patterns of demography. To understand the historical survival of relict plants, a multidimensional study investigating the evolution of ecological and morphological traits as well as population demographic history is needed. The genus Tanakaea (Saxifragaceae) comprises two species in China and Japan. These species share most vegetative characteristics and are sometimes treated as a single species. The distribution pattern is relictual, as the populations are confined to small areas in mesic warm temperate forests less influenced by Quaternary glacial climates. Focusing on the relictual plant group, this study tested the hypotheses of evolutionary stasis and population stability in long-term refugia. Genetic analyses using plastome sequences and genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms revealed divergence of the two species approximately 6.8 million years ago and strong genetic differentiation of the regional populations. Demographic analysis revealed that almost all populations retained stable population sizes during glacial–interglacial climate changes, supporting the traditional view. However, morphological assessments revealed a simultaneous shift in breeding systems (from hermaphrodite to dioecy/non-clonal to clonal reproduction) in Japanese species and intraspecific differentiation of leaf traits. Therefore, the relict species do not show evolutionary stasis in every aspect. Changes in reproductive characteristics may have contributed to their long-term in situ survival.  相似文献   

Disjunct distribution is a key issue in biogeography and ecology, but it is often difficult to determine the relative roles of dispersal vs. vicariance in disjunctions. We studied the phylogeographic pattern of the monotypic Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae), which shows Sino-Japanese disjunctions, with ddRAD sequencing based on a comprehensive sampling of 11 populations from mainland China, Taiwan Island, and Japan. We found a very high degree of genetic differentiation among these three regions, with very limited gene flow and a clear Isolation by Distance pattern. Mainland China and Japan clades diverged first from a widespread ancestral population in the middle Miocene, followed by a later divergence between mainland China and Taiwan Island clades in the early Pliocene. Three current groups have survived in various glacial refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum, and experienced contraction and/or bottlenecks since their divergence during Quaternary glacial cycles, with strong niche divergence between mainland China + Japan and Taiwan Island ranges. Thus, we verified a predominant role of vicariance in the current disjunction of the monotypic genus Conandron. The sharp phylogenetic separation, ecological niche divergence among these three groups, and the great number of private alleles in all populations sampled indicated a considerable time of independent evolution, and suggests the need for a taxonomic survey to detect potentially overlooked taxa.  相似文献   

Parasitoids as model organisms for ecologists   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces the special issue of this journal, which is devoted to parasitoid ecology. We provide a brief review of the role that parasitoids have played in research in population, community, and behavioral ecology and speculate on their future importance to the subject. Received: January 11, 1999 / Accepted: January 19, 1999  相似文献   


The genomic revolution has provided powerful insights into the biology and ecology of many non-model organisms. Genetic tools have been increasingly applied to marine lobster research in recent years and have improved our understanding of species delimitation and population connectivity. High resolution genomic markers are just beginning to be applied to lobsters and are now starting to revolutionise our understanding of fine spatial and temporal scales of population connectivity and adaptation to environmental conditions. Lobsters play an important role in the ecosystem and many species are commercially exploited but many aspects of their biology is still largely unknown. Genetics is a powerful tool that can further contribute to our understanding of their ecology and evolution and assist management. Here we illustrate how recent genetic advancements are (1) leading to a step change in our understanding of evolution and adaptation, (2) elucidating factors driving connectivity and recruitment, (3) revealing insights into ecological processes and can (4) potentially revolutionise management of this commercially important group. We discuss how improvements in sequencing technologies and statistical methods for genetic data analyses combined with increased sampling efforts and careful sampling design have transformed our understanding of lobsters biology in recent years. We also highlight possible future directions in the application of genomic tools to lobster research that can aid management, in particular, the close-kin-mark-recapture method. Finally, we identify gaps and challenges in lobster research, such as the lack of any reference genomes and predictions on how lobsters will respond to future environmental conditions.


Jeffrey Harborne and his co-workers have played a unique role in the over-all study of plant pigments and of anthocyanins in particular through their many publications and through Jeffrey's editorial work with Phytochemistry. Jeffrey has made important contributions to our understanding of the separation and structural identification of anthocyanins; to co-pigmentation; and to the role of anthocyanins in systematics and ecology in both reproductive and vegetative tissues. This work has had considerable influence on much of the current research on the genetics and regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A long-standing interest in ecology and wildlife management is to find drivers of wildlife population dynamics because it is crucial for implementing the effective wildlife management. Recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of state-space modeling for this purpose, but we often confront the lack of the necessary time-series data. This is particularly common in wildlife management because of limited funds or early stage of data collection. In this study, we proposed a Bayesian model averaging technique in a state-space modeling framework for identifying the drivers of wildlife population dynamics from limited data. To exemplify the utility of Bayesian model averaging for wildlife management, we illustrate here the population dynamics of wild boars Sus scrofa in Chiba prefecture, central Japan. Despite the fact that our data are limited in both temporal and spatial resolution, Bayesian model averaging revealed the potential influence of bamboo forests and abandoned agricultural fields on wild boar population dynamics, and largely enhanced model predictability compared to the full model. Although Bayesian model averaging is not commonly used in ecology and wildlife management, our case study demonstrated that it may help to find influential drivers of wildlife population dynamics and develop a better management plan even from limited time-series data.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) in the families Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae have a mutualistic–symbiotic association with enteric γ-Proteobacteria (Steinernema–Xenorhabdus and Heterorhabditis–Photorhabdus), which confer high virulence against insects. EPNs have been studied intensively because of their role as a natural mortality factor for soil-dwelling arthropods and their potential as biological control agents for belowground insect pests. For many decades, research on EPNs focused on the taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, genetics, physiology, biochemistry and ecology, as well as commercial production and application technologies. More recently, EPNs and their bacterial symbionts are being viewed as a model system for advancing research in other disciplines such as soil ecology, symbiosis and evolutionary biology. Integration of existing information, particularly the accumulating information on their biology, into increasingly detailed population models is critical to improving our ability to exploit and manage EPNs as a biological control agent and to understand ecological processes in a changing world. Here, we summarize some recent advances in phylogeny, systematics, biogeography, community ecology and population dynamics models of EPNs, and describe how this research is advancing frontiers in ecology.  相似文献   

Georgy Gause (1910–1986) is best known for his contribution to ecology and evolutionary theory. His book “The Struggle for Existence” (1934) inspired generations of ecologists. Yet his scientific interests were diverse, embracing many aspects of the life sciences and medicine. The most notable shift in his research took place in the early 1940s when he began to study antibiotics and discovered Gramicidin S. Superficially, this shift looked like an attempt to switch from purely theoretical to applied research during the years of World War II, but Gause’s decision may also have been seriously affected by the “Great Purge” and the growth of Lysenkoism. Personal factors played a significant role in his career too. In this article, we propose four factors which drove Gause to switch his focus from ecology to antibiotics: the inner logic of his scientific research, Stalin’s science policy and the growth of Lysenkoism, the sociopolitical influence of World War II, and personal relationships. We will also show how all these factors are interdependent to some extent.  相似文献   

We shall examine the impact of Charles S. Elton's 1924 article on periodic fluctuations in animal populations on the development of modern population ecology. We argue that his impact has been substantial and that during the past 75 years of research on multi-annual periodic fluctuations in numbers of voles, lemmings, hares, lynx and game animals he has contributed much to the contemporary understanding of the causes and consequences of population regulation. Elton was convinced that the cause of the regular fluctuations was climatic variation. To support this conclusion, he examined long-term population data then available. Despite his firm belief in a climatic cause of the self-repeating periodic dynamics which many species display, Elton was insightful and far-sighted enough to outline many of the other hypotheses since put forward as an explanation for the enigmatic long-term dynamics of some animal populations. An interesting, but largely neglected aspect in Elton's paper is that it ends with speculation regarding the evolutionary consequences of periodic population fluctuations. The modern understanding of these issues will also be scrutinised here. In population ecology, Elton's 1924 paper has spawned a whole industry of research on populations displaying multi-annual periodicity. Despite the efforts of numerous research teams and individuals focusing on the origins of multi-annual population cycles, and despite the early availability of different explanatory hypotheses, we are still lacking rigorous tests of some of these hypotheses and, consequently, a consensus of the causes of periodic fluctuations in animal populations. Although Elton would have been happy to see so much effort spent on cyclic populations, we also argue that it is unfortunate if this focus on a special case of population dynamics should distract our attention from more general problems in population and community dynamics.  相似文献   

Epidemiology and ecology are traditionally treated as independent research areas, but there are many commonalities between these two fields. It is frequently observed in nature that the former has an encroachment into the later and changes the system dynamics significantly. In population ecology, in particular, the predator-prey interaction in presence of parasites can produce more complex dynamics including switching of stability, extinction and oscillations. On the other hand, harvesting practices may play a crucial role in a host-parasite system. Reasonable harvesting can remove a parasite, in principle, from their host. In this paper, we study theoretically the role of harvesting in a predator-prey-parasite system. Our study shows that, using impulsive harvesting effort as control parameter, it is not only possible to control the cyclic behavior of the system populations leading to the persistence of all species, but other desired stable equilibrium including disease-free can also be obtained.  相似文献   

王德华  王祖望 《兽类学报》2022,42(5):482-489
本文回顾了青藏高原小型哺乳动物生理生态学研究取得的主要成就,包括能量代谢特征与环境适应性、适应性产热与体温调节、能量平衡与体重调节、生理极限值和种群能流估算等,总结了近年一些新兴领域的最新进展,包括双标记水方法测定能量消耗、肠道菌群的功能、地理生理学、种群生理学、植物次生代谢产物及其生理功能等。有些工作引领了中国动物生理生态学的发展,如生态能量学、适应性产热和生理适应等。本文对未来需要发展的领域和深入方面提出了建议,希望能建立青藏高原小型哺乳动物生理生态学学科体系。  相似文献   

In his respond to critical remarks of Mirkin (2003), the author claims that pluralism in ecology is not only its strength but also a weakness. Contemporary ecology became less pluralistic and this can be considered as good sign of maturing science. Ecological pluralism can be exemplified by the coexistence in 1920-30s of two different approaches to plant community: that of Frederic Clements in USA and that of Josias Braun-Blanquet in France. However the way to progress in this branch of ecology was paved rather by heretical ideas of Henry Gleason in USA and Ramensky in Russia (both authors independently developed non-holistic view of community as an assemblage of individualistically distributed species) than by "peaceful" coexistence of well-established schools, representatives of which tried not to interfere into argumentation of each other. Notable success in ecology of last decades was connected with several new methodologies, e.g. macroecology that concerned large scale of space and time. However Darwinism in its attempt to explain the order of nature referring to its origin remains the most universal and fruitful methodology of ecology. The success of Darwinism in ecology is understandable because this generalizing theory is based on the same universal principles that underlie the survival of any population. Ecologists and evolutionary biologists trying to understand various natural patterns actually deal with the same fundamental laws, i.e. exponential population growth, limitation of this growth by resource shortage and/or press of predators, the existence of individual variability in survival, etc.  相似文献   

松鼠生态学研究现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马建章  戎可  宗诚 《动物学杂志》2008,43(1):159-164
松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)是一种广泛分布于欧亚大陆的树栖杂食性啮齿动物。在欧洲,由于入侵种北美灰松鼠(S.carolinensis)的引入,松鼠的数量急剧减少,松鼠的生态学研究受到广泛的关注。在中国,松鼠因贮食坚果的习性而受到重视。本文从个体生态学、种群生态学、种间关系和行为生态学的角度对松鼠生态学研究成果进行了综述。松鼠是哺乳动物生态学研究很好的模式种,以下5个方面的研究将成为松鼠生态学研究的新方向:(1)不同分布区松鼠的比较生态学;(2)与森林天然更新的关系;(3)集合种群动态及其对生境破碎化的响应;(4)分子系统地理学;(5)作为景观管理的实验种。  相似文献   

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