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D. Cote   《Journal of fish biology》2007,70(4):1134-1147
The density, biomass and estimated production of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were related to habitat factors in streams of Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. Fish communities at 29 sites (18 brooks; 15 watersheds) were sampled in the summer of 2002, 2003 and 2005. Salmonid density, biomass per unit area and production (derived from biomass and fish size using allometric P:B relationships) were compared with site habitat characteristics (wetted width, lactustrine habitat, per cent riffle habitat, canopy coverage and stream gradient), using an interactive stepwise multiple linear regression. Salmonid biomass (mean: 2·87 g m?2; range: 0·33–10·88 g m?2) and estimated production (mean: 3·05 g m?2 year?1; range: 0·32–10·98 g m?2 year?1) within the study area varied by an order of magnitude, however, habitat variables accounted for much of this variation. Specifically, wetted width and lacustrine area of the tributary played important roles in explaining density, biomass and production. Wetted width was important for all measurements of brook trout and total salmonids while lacustrine area was important for all measurements of Atlantic salmon and played a lesser role in total salmonid biomass. Other factors such as the percentage of riffle habitat, site gradient and canopy coverage provided modest improvements to the fit of some relationships. When models using the same environmental factors were compared, those using production estimates derived from allometric P:B equations in the literature provided improved predictive capability than did those from direct density and biomass estimates. It is proposed that allometric P:B relationships have utility in improving comparisons of stream fish communities, particularly in studies with insufficient resources to measure production directly.  相似文献   

The prolonged swimming speed and metabolic rate of 0+ year Arctic grayling Thymallus articus were examined with respect to current velocity, water temperature and fish size, and compared to conditions fish occupy in the river. Oxygen consumption (mg O2 h−1) increased with fish mass and temperature (6–23° C), with a steep increase in metabolic rate between 12 and 16° C. Absolute prolonged swimming speed (cm s−1) increased rapidly with fish size (total length, L T, and mass), however, fish in the natural stream habitat occupied current velocities between 15 and 25 cm s−1 or 4  L T s−1, approximately half their potential prolonged swimming speed (10  L T s−1).  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of salmonids were examined in Junction Pond, Northeast River, Placentia and Conne Pond, Conne River, Newfoundland using Lundgren multiple-mesh experimental gillnets. Both ponds contain populations of Atlantic salmon and brook trout with Junction Pond also possessing brown trout and resident Arctic charr. For salmon parr there was a significant month effect in distribution of catch rates in both ponds, and in Junction Pond, there was a significant diel effect. There was also significant variation in catch rates by lentic zone. For brook trout, there was a significant lentic zone × month interaction in Junction Pond; in Conne Pond, the main effects lentic zone and month were significant. Highest benthic catch rates of Atlantic salmon parr occurred in the littoral zone of both ponds. Most captures of brook trout also occurred benthically in both ponds; similar to salmon parr, littoral zone catch rates were higher than those of the deeper benthic area in Conne Pond but the reverse was true for Junction Pond. For both salmon parr and brook trout, the deeper benthic area and the pelagic area were relatively important rearing habitats in each pond. The distribution of catches for brown trout (few in number relative to the other species) in Junction Pond was similar to that of brook trout while Arctic charr were found mainly pelagically. Within the benthic area, most Arctic charr were caught at depths beyond the littoral zone. There was a tendency for Altantic salmon parr and brook trout found in the deeper benthic area and the pelagic area to be significantly larger and older than those in littoral zone in each pond. Sizes of Arctic charr did not differ significantly among lentic zones.  相似文献   

Dietary sodium intake for freshwater salmonids feeding in the wild (invertebrate diet) or in captivity (pellet diet) was calculated and compared with published branchial sodium influx values. Dietary sodium intake (mmol kg−1 per month) increases from winter minimum values of 5 and 30-40 to reach maximum values in summer of 175 and 240 for invertebrate and pellet diet, respectively. In summer, dietary sodium intake for fish feeding in the wild was of the same magnitude as branchial sodium influx. The implications of dietary sodium intake for sodium balance in freshwater fish are discussed.  相似文献   

The effective management of salmonid fisheries requires that the factors influencing variation in the abundance of stream populations are understood. The use of habitat models to explain the spatial component of population variance offers potential for management, but has not previously been set in the context of long term variation in population abundance because of the lack of suitable data sets. This paper examines contributions of spatial and temporal factors lo fish density variance using a 10-year data set from five tributaries of the River Conwy, North Wales. Recently developed habitat models were applied to the data to test their ability to explain nominal spatial variance. Spatial variance accounted for between 21 and 62% of the overall variance of salmonid abundance, and habitat models explained up to 95% of the spatial variance component. Synchrony in population variation amongst sites within and between tributaries is described, and some of the factors that may influence this are discussed.  相似文献   

The struggle for existence occurs through the vital rates of population growth. This basic fact demonstrates the tight connection between ecology and evolution that defines the emerging field of eco-evolutionary dynamics. An effective synthesis of the interdependencies between ecology and evolution is grounded in six principles. The mechanics of evolution specifies the origin and rules governing traits and evolutionary strategies. Traits and evolutionary strategies achieve their selective value through their functional relationships with fitness. Function depends on the underlying structure of variation and the temporal, spatial and organizational scales of evolution. An understanding of how changes in traits and strategies occur requires conjoining ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Adaptation merges these five pillars to achieve a comprehensive understanding of ecological and evolutionary change. I demonstrate the value of this world-view with reference to the theory and practice of habitat selection. The theory allows us to assess evolutionarily stable strategies and states of habitat selection, and to draw the adaptive landscapes for habitat-selecting species. The landscapes can then be used to forecast future evolution under a variety of climate change and other scenarios.  相似文献   

Scales and costs of habitat selection in heterogeneous landscapes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Two scales of habitat selection are likely to influence patterns of animal density in heterogeneous landscapes. At one scale, habitat selection is determined by the differential use of foraging locations within a home range. At a larger scale, habitat selection is determined by dispersal and the ability to relocate the home range. The limits of both scales must be known for accurate assessments of habitat selection and its role in effecting spatial patterns in abundance. Isodars, which specify the relationships between population density in two habitats such that the expected reproductive success of an individual is the same in both, allow us to distinguish the two scales of habitat selection because each scale has different costs. In a two-habitat environment, the cost of rejecting one of the habitats within a home range can be expressed as a devaluation of the other, because, for example, fine-grained foragers must travel through both. At the dispersal scale, the cost of accepting a new home range in a different habitat has the opposite effect of inflating the value of the original habitat to compensate for lost evolutionary potential associated with relocating the home range. These costs produce isodars at the foraging scale with a lower intercept and slope than those at the dispersal scale.Empirical data on deer mice occupying prairie and badland habitats in southern Alberta confirm the ability of isodar analysis to differentiate between foraging and dispersal scales. The data suggest a foraging range of approximately 60 m, and an effective dispersal distance near 140 m. The relatively short dispersal distance implies that recent theories may have over-emphasized the role of habitat selection on local population dynamics. But the exchange of individuals between habitats sharing irregular borders may be substantial. Dispersal distance may thus give a false impression of the inability of habitat selection to help regulate population density.  相似文献   

Summary In the laboratory, the two species of copepodsLepeophtheirus thompsoni andLepeophtheirus europaensis, ectoparasites of flatfishes, can meet and mate on at least one host species. In the wild however, these two species are found isolated on their sympatric hosts. Habitat selection theoretically represents a powerful enough mechanism to explain the maintenance of genetic heterogeneity in the wide sense. In this paper, the host colonization process is studied for both parasite species. It is shown that each parasite can develop and reach adult age on each host species. However,L. thompsoni is highly selective; it almost totally refuses to colonize hosts other than its natural one.Lepeophtheirus europaensis, on the contrary, readily infests turbot and brill in single-host experiments, but strongly prefers the brill when it has a choice. It appears that these two genetic entities are sympatrically maintained due to strong habitat selection. Such a pattern could theoretically only occur in a soft-selection context (density dependence). This point is discussed with respect to the different patterns in host use found in the geographical distribution of these parasites.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption was measured for three tropical fishes,Exodon paradoxus, Leporinus fasciatus andLabeo erythrurus in relation to swimming speed and temperature. For each species the logarithm of oxygen consumption (mg 02 · g–1 · h–1) increased linearly with relative swimming speed (1 · s–1) with the value of the regression coefficients varying inversely with temperature. Active metabolism and critical swimming speed ofE. paradoxus andL. fasciatus increased with temperature to a maximum at 30 and 35° C respectively. Basal metabolic rates ofE. paradoxus andL. fasciatus increased with temperature. Metabolic rates and critical swimming speed of the three fishes studied were consistent with values for polar, temperate and other tropical species over their respective thermal ranges of tolerance. Tropical fishes have lowered their metabolism and swimming performance from that expected for many temperate species at the same temperature.  相似文献   

2008年12月至2009年1月及2011年12月至2012年1月对钦州湾的越冬鸻鹬类进行了调查,对越冬鸻鹬类退潮后在各类型生境的分布情况和原因进行了分析,以期为制定有效保护越冬鸟类及其生境的措施提供科学依据。冬季在钦州湾记录到鹬鸻类27种,结果表明,在不同的天气情况下退潮后各生境内记录到的鹬鸻类种数和数量均不同,钦州湾不同生境鹬鸻类结构特征随天气变化改变。相似性比较显示,晴天生境相似性指数最高的是盐田-养殖塘生境和农田生境,相似性指数为0.96;相似性指数最低的是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.49。阴冷天生境相似性指数最高的是光滩生境和盐田-养殖塘生境,相似性指数为0.79;最低是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.52。分析表明人类活动的干扰对越冬鹬鸻类栖息地选择的影响是巨大的。  相似文献   

Patch structure in sandy, compared to rocky streams, is characterized by isolated snags that can only be colonized by drifting. By measuring drift from patches (snags) of various quality we determined the factors that influence habitat selection and drift of the predaceous stoneflies Acroneuria abnormis and Paragnetina fumosa. The presence of refugia (loose bark and leaf packs) was more important than hunger level and modified the effects of increased predator densities and aggressive interactions. Stoneflies concentrated to 8x natural densities with access to refugia remained longer on snags than a single stonefly without access to refugia. During periods of activity, refugia were defended with larger stoneflies always displacing smaller nymphs. During long periods of inactivity, two and sometimes three nymphs would rest side-by-side sharing the same refuge. Hunger level (starved versus satiated stoneflies), an indirect measure of a predator's response to prey availability, had no significant effect on drift or habitat selection regardless of the presence of refugia. Stonefly predators had a uniform distribution while their prey were clumped. Drift was deliberate and almost always delayed until night, usually at dusk or dawn. An examination of previous research plus the results of this study suggest that non-predatory intra- and interspecific interactions can be an important mechanism causing drift in streams.  相似文献   

栗斑腹鹀的栖息地和巢址选择   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
高玮  王海涛  孙丹婷 《生态学报》2003,23(4):665-672
于1999到2001年5月至7月连续3a在吉林省镇赉县大岗林场,采用样地法和样方法,对栗斑腹鹀的栖息地选择和巢址选择进行了研究.结果表明此鸟的繁殖是在草甸草原+杏树环境下进行的,对栖息地样方和对照样方的对比分析得出,杏树最大高度、50 m半径圆内杏树数量、贝加尔针茅数量、大油芒数量、植物盖度、火绒草平均高度、贝加尔针茅最大高度、兴安胡枝子平均高度8个因子是影响其栖息地选择的主要因子.通过对46个巢的研究发现,大多数栗斑腹鹀把巢建在贝加尔针茅下面,巢出入口方向多为东南45°和西南45°.对46巢的27个因子的主成分分析,结果发现植物盖度、火绒草高度、鸢尾数量、巢出入口方向、10 m内杏树数量、30 m内杏树数量、裸地面积这6个因子是巢址选择的主要因子.对46巢26个巢址和非巢址因子进行判别分析,植物盖度、大油芒、乳浆大戟高度、石竹数量、线叶菊高度和30m内杏树数量等6个因子,为巢位选择的主要因子 .两种分析结果基本相似.总之,栗斑腹鹀喜欢在植被盖度大、杏树相对多、贝加尔针茅和大油芒的密度大、食物资源丰富的区域内营巢.  相似文献   

Measuring the benefit of habitat selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used a behavioral bioassay to estimate the advantages thattwo species of gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum)experienced by preferring a semistabilized dune habitat overa stabilized sand habitat. We used the magnitude of foragingeffort by the gerbils to signal the difference between thetwo habitats. When they were foraging as much in stabilizedsand as in semistabilized dune, we inferred that these habitatswere providing equivalent rewards. We performed a series ofexperiments in two 1-ha field enclosures, each containing similarproportions of stabilized sand and semistabilized dune. Eachenclosure contained a population of only one of the species.By varying the amount of seeds added (either 0.5, 1, 2, or 3g of seeds in 18 seed trays) to each habitat and monitoringthe behavior of the gerbils, we were able to fit a curve thatreflected the change in habitat preference as a function ofseed addition rate. We were also able to show how much seedaddition had to be added to bring the two habitats into equaluse. Each species required only 13 g/ha/night to entirely offsetthe advantage of the semistabilized dune.  相似文献   

Larval grayling were found along the shoreline at velocities <20 cm s-1 depths <40 cm, shear stress <2 dyn m-2 and over sand and silt. Juveniles were found in the river channel at currents of 20-40 cm s-1 depths of 40-60 cm and shear stresses of 2-4 dyn m-2, over gravel and pebbles.  相似文献   

Summary The adaptation to a variable environment has been studied within soft and hard selection frameworks. It is shown that an epistatically determined habitat preference, following a Markovian process, always leads to the maintenance of an adaptive polymorphism, in a soft selection context. Although local mating does not alter the conditions for polymorphism maintenance, it is shown that, in that case, habitat selection also leads to the evolution of isolated reproductive units within each available habitat. Habitat selection, however, cannot evolve in the total absence of adaptive polymorphism. This represents a theoretical problem for all models assuming habitat selection to be an initially fixed trait, and means that within a soft selection framework, all the available habitats will be exploited, even the less favourable ones.On the other hand, polymorphism cannot be maintained when selection is hard, even when all individuals select their habitat. Here, the evolution of habitat selection does not need any prerequisite polymorphism, and always leads to the exploitation of only one habitat by the most specialized genotype. It appears then that hard selection can account for the existence of empty habitat and for an easier evolution of habitat specialization.  相似文献   

Roads affect wildlife in many direct and indirect ways. For ungulates, roads may inhibit seasonal migration and may cause an effective loss of habitat due to avoidance. On the other hand, roadsides and associated agricultural lands offer high quality forage that may attract ungulates and increase the frequency of car accidents. Mitigating actions require detailed knowledge on space use in relation to roads. Using data from 67 global positioning system (GPS)-marked red deer in Norway, we quantified 1) scale of avoidance of roads, 2) crossing frequency, and 3) selection of crossing sites. Red deer avoided roads only on a very local scale and only during daytime, with minor influence of variation in road size (traffic burden). Marked red deer crossed roads, on average, 2 times per day. Females crossed more frequently than males and crossings were most frequent during autumn and winter and during night. Deer selected forested crossing sites close to agricultural pastures, reflecting that roads are crossed most often on nightly feeding excursions. Our findings imply that red deer in our study area have adjusted to exploit feeding habitat close to roads at times of low traffic burden. The high frequency of crossings suggests a limited influence on seasonal migration patterns. The frequency at which red deer cross highways suggests that mitigation measures to reduce road mortality may be effective if targeted in the right areas. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Microdistribution and habitat selection in Drosophila subobscura Collin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microdistribution and habitat selection were investigated in a population of Drosophila subobscura near Leeds, Yorkshire. Microdistribution was examined along a transect running through a deciduous woodland. Two main types of habitat were recognized, those with dry soil and a closed canopy of mature trees (dry and dark) and those with wet soil and an open canopy of mature trees (wet and light). Flies were much more frequent, judged by their attendance at baited traps, in the dry/dark habitat. Flies taken from both habitat types, marked with different coloured fluorescent dust and released at a point mid-way between the original habitats, tended to return to their area of initial capture.  相似文献   

Summary The population densities of sympatric Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar and brook charr,Salvelinus fontinalis, were measured in riffle and pool stream habitats to test whether non-linear isodars, a multispecific model of habitat selection based on ideal distribution assumptions, could (1) predict the distribution of densities between habitats and (2) reproduce the processes postulated to underlie spatial segregation and species interactions in previous laboratory and field studies. The model provided a good fit to observed density patterns and indicated that habitat suitability declined non-linearly with increased heterospecific competitor densities. Competitive effects in riffles appeared to be due to exploitative resource use, with salmon always emerging as the superior competitor. No evidence was found for interference competition in riffles. In contrast, interspecific competition in pools seemed to occur through exploitation and interference. The specific identity of the superior competitor in pools depended on the density of both species; pools provided the charr with refuge from competition with the salmon, presumably through the adoption by the charr of density-dependent behaviours, such as schooling and group foraging, that mitigated the negative impact of the salmon. Charr were displaced from the riffles toward the pools as the total salmon density increased. The isodar analysis, based on limited density data, successfully reproduced the processes suggested to underlie spatial segregation in previous field and laboratory studies and provided new insights into how changes in competitor densities modify habitat suitability in this system.  相似文献   

The behaviour of morphs of Arianta arbustorum has been investigated using a new technique involving a paint which fades in daylight. The technique was used to study the response of different morphs to exposure to sunlight at a homogeneous woodland habitat and a heterogeneous open habitat. The yellow morph showed a significantly higher rate of fading than the brown morph. A mark, release and recapture programme was used to analyse the association between frequencies of different morphs recaptured and not recaptured. In both habitats, there was a general tendency for the frequency of recapture to increase with increasing age in both morphs. Habitat selection resulting from different behaviour of different morphs of A. arbustorum is discussed. Morph frequencies can be related to habitat, the brown morphs of A. arbustorum are significantly less frequent in the open habitat. The behavioural responses of Cepaea hortensis , present with A. arbustorum in two other populations, to the exposure of sunshine were also studied. Climatic selection by solar energy associated with different morphs, species and habitat are also discussed.  相似文献   

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