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Bac. subtilis 168 (BD-25) cells were infected with DNA of plasmide R1drd19 isolated from E. coli strain; transformants resistant to streptomycin (500 microgram/ml) and kanamycin (40 microgram/ml) appeared with the frequency of 2.10(-6). These transformants retained resistance to the mentioned antibiotics stably. A satellite DNA peak was revealed in centrifugation in the density gradient of cesium chloride with ethidium bromide. It was possible to infect cells of Bac. subtilis 168 (BD-25) with plasmide DNA isolated from the transformants. Plasmide transduction with the aid of phages AR9 and PBSI multiplied on the transformant strains was also effected. Physico-chemical analysis of the transformed plasmide DNA was conducted; its molecular weight was determined.  相似文献   

A physical and genetic map of the IncN plasmid R46   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
A M Brown  N S Willetts 《Plasmid》1981,5(2):188-201
A combined physical and genetic map of the conjugative IncN plasmid R46 was obtained by restriction endonuclease cleavage analysis, followed by the construction and analysis of deletion and recombinant derivatives. The genetic determinants for the antibiotic resistance and uv-protection phenotypes were located, as well as the regions necessary for plasmid replication and for conjugal transfer. The end points of the deletion giving rise to the R46 derivative pKM101 were localized.  相似文献   

Isolation of an IS1 flanked kanamycin resistance transposon from R1drd19   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary We have isolated and identified an IS1-flanked transposon from the plasmid R1drd19. This transposon specifies resistance to kanamycin and is 10.4 kb long. It exhibits a frequency of transposition two orders of magnitude lower than that of the smaller, IS1-flanked transposon Tn9. We have named it Tn2350.  相似文献   

Summary The recombinant plasmid pRK101 contains a DNA fragment which carries the complete replication origin of the antibiotic resistance factor R1drd-19 inserted into the vector plasmid pBR322. In a spontaneously arising mutant of this plasmid (pRK 103) a deletion of about 215 base pairs (bp) has been detected by heteroduplex analysis and mapping with restriction endonucleases. Essential parts of the replication origin must be located in the deleted sequence. The deletion mutant pRK103, in contrast to its parent plasmid pRK101 is not replicated under the control of the R1 replicon, even when the R1 factor or copy mutants of it are present within the same cell. These latter plasmids can complement a plasmid-specific protein not coded by pRK101 but essential for R1-directed replication. The nucleotide sequence of a 252 bp HpaII fragment covering about 170–200 bp of the deletion was determined. This piece of DNA is rich in G and C and contains a series of small palindromes, symmetrically arranged repeated sequences and short selfcomplementary structures which may be of significance for the initiation of the DNA replication. The possibility that the sequenced DNA fragment comprises a major part of the replication origin of R1drd-19 is discussed.  相似文献   

EcoRI restriction endonuclease map of the composite R plasmid NR1.   总被引:41,自引:32,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A physical map of the composite R plasmid NR1 has been constructed using specific cleavage of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by the restriction endonuclease EcoR-. Digestion of composite NR1 DNA by EcoRI yields thirteen fragments. The six largest fragments (designated A to F) are from the resistance transfer factor component that harbors the tetracycline resistance genes (RTF-TC). The seven smallest fragments (designated G to M) are from the r-determinants component that harbors the chloramphenicol (CM), streptomycin-spectinomycin (SM/SP), and sulfonamide (SA) resistance genes. The largest fragment of several RTF-TC segregants of NR1 that have deleted the r-determinants component is 0.8 X 10(6) daltons larger than fragment A of composite NR1. Only a part of fragment H of the r-determinants component is amplified in transitioned NR1 DNA in Proteus mirabilis, which consists of multiple, tandem sequences of r-determinants attached to a single copy of the RTF-TC component. Both of these changes can be explained by the locations of the excision sites at the RTF-TC: r-determinants junctions that are involved in the dissociation and reassociation of the RTF-TC and r-determinants components. The thirteen fragments of composite NR1 DNA produced by EcoRI have been ordered using partial digestion techniques. The order of the fragments is: A-D-C-E-F-B-H-I-L-K-G-M-J. The approximate locations of the TC, CM, SM/SP, and SA resistance genes on the EcoRI map were determined by analyzing several deletion mutants of NR1.  相似文献   

A physical map of plasmid pDU1 from the cyanobacterium Nostoc PCC 7524   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nostoc 7524 contains three different plasmids of molecular weight, 4, 8, and 28 Mdal. The smallest plasmid, designated pDU1, because of its size and ease of isolation, may prove to be useful as a cloning vector. Plasmid pDU1 was incubated separately with 26 different restriction enzymes and only 8 of the enzymes tested cut pDU1. A composite restriction enzyme map consisting of a total of 17 restriction sites was constructed for BglI, HindIII, HpaI, and XbaI. The sites of restriction enzyme cleavage were determined by single, double, and partial digests of plasmid DNA or redigestion of isolated restriction fragments. All the restriction sites were aligned relative to the single BglI site. This is the first restriction enzyme map of a plasmid from a filamentous cyanobacterium.  相似文献   

N K Alton  D Vapnek 《Plasmid》1978,1(3):388-404
A genetic and physical map of Escherichia coli plasmid R538-1 was constructed using restriction endonucleases and molecular cloning techniques. R538-1 DNA was cleaved into 12 fragments by endonuclease · R · EcoRI, 6 fragments by endonuclease R · HindIII, and 3 fragments by endonuclease R · BamHI. The order of these fragments was determined by standard restriction fragment mapping techniques. Endo · R · EcoRI, endo · R · HindIII, endo · R · BamHI, and endo · R · PstI fragments obtained from R538-1 and ColE1-derived plasmids (pMB9, ColE1Apr, and pBR322) were ligated in vitro and used to transform E. coli C600. Transformants were selected for antibiotic resistance markers carried by R538-1. Analysis of the R538-1 fragments contained in these hybrid plasmids permitted the construction of a genetic map of the R538-1 plasmid. The genetic map of this plasmid is very similar to that of plasmid R100.  相似文献   

A restriction map of IncFIV plasmid R124   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. G. Campbell  B. J. Mee 《Plasmid》1985,14(3):261-263
A physical and genetic map of the 125.7-kb IncFIV plasmid R124 was constructed using the restriction enzymes Sal1 and EcoR1. Two discrete regions involved in plasmid replication were identified on the plasmid genome. One region was located on a 4.66-kb segment of an EcoR1 fragment at map coordinates 73.87 to 78.53 kb. Another was located within an 8.05-kb segment of an EcoR1 fragment at map coordinates 113.40 to 121.45. This region was very unstable but, when ligated to the 3.21-kb EcoR1 fragment E13 located at map coordinates 18.83 to 22.06 kb, replication was stable. Thus, at least three regions of R124 widely separated around the genome are associated with plasmid replication and stable maintenance. Each of these three regions expressed incompatibility with R124. The Tc resistance gene of R124 was located on the contiguous EcoR1 fragments E8 and E12 located at map coordinates 100.49 to 113.40.  相似文献   

Summary The region of plasmid R1 containing the replication control genes has been sequenced using the Maxam-Gilbert method. The nucleotide sequence of two small PstI restriction fragments (a total of about 1,000 base pairs) was determined for the wildtype R1 plasmid as well as for two different copy mutants. It was found that one copy mutant has a single base substitution in the fragment which was recently shown to harbor an important inc/cop gene (Molin and Nordström 1980). Furthermore, the sequence indicates the presence of a structural gene that codes for a polypeptide of size 10,500 daltons. Possible gene products predicted from the nucleotide sequences and their role in replication control are discussed.  相似文献   

Physical and genetic map of the IncW plasmid R388   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
P Avila  F de la Cruz 《Plasmid》1988,20(2):155-157

A physical map was constructed for the 250-kilobase plasmid pRiA4b, which confers the virulence properties of a strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes for hairy root disease in plants. The complete HindIII and KpnI restriction map was determined from a collection of overlapping HindIII partial digest clones. Homologous regions with two well-characterized plasmids that confer virulence for crown gall disease, plasmids pTiA6 and pTiT37, were mapped on pRiA4b. As much as 160 kilobases of pRiA4b had detectable homology to one or both of these crown-gall-tumor-inducing plasmids. About 33 kilobases of pRiA4b hybridized to the vir region of pTiA6, a segment of DNA required for virulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Portions of pTiA6 and pTiT37 transferred into plant cells in crown gall disease (T-DNA), shared limited homology with scattered regions of pRiA4b. The tumor morphology loci tms-1 and tms-2 from the T-DNA of pTiA6 hybridized to pRiA4b. A T-DNA fragment containing the tml and tmr tumor morphology loci also hybridized to pRiA4b, but the homology has not been defined to a locus and is probably not specific to tmr. A segment of pRiA4b T-DNA which was transferred into plant cells in hairy root disease lacked detectable homology to pTiA6 and had limited homology at one end to the T-DNA of pTiT37.  相似文献   

Summary The conjugative R plasmid R1drd-19, mediating antibiotic resistance to ampicillin (Ap), chloramphenicol (Cm), kanamycin (Km), streptomycin (Sm) and sulfonamides (Su) was mapped using the restriction endonucleases BamHI, HindIII, EcoRI and SalI. BamHI generates 5 fragments (A-E) with molecular weights between 46×106 dalton (representing mainly the RTF) and 0.25×106 dalton, and HindIII 8 (A-H) between 42×106 dalton (representing the main part of the RTF) and 0.1×106 dalton. EcoRI recognises 17 sites and produces fragments (A-Q) with molecular weights between 11.7 and 0.1×106 dalton. SalI yields 7 fragments (A-G) of 16.5 to 2.0×106 dalton.A physical map was constructed from fragments obtained by partial digestion of R1drd-19 with one restriction enzyme, by double and triple digestion of the DNA with two or three enzymes with and without isolation of individual bands from preparative gels. In addition the restriction patterns of several mutants of R1drd-19 were compared with it.Evidence is presented which indicates that the derivatives of R1 investigated are generated by extende deletions, namely the copy mutant pKN102 which has lost the Km resistance, R1 drd-16, which has lost all resistances other than Km and the Kms derivative of R1drd-16, which represents the pure RTF. The map of R1drd-19 is remarkably different from those of R100 and R6-5. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 62.5 Md. The circular fragment order for BamHI is: A-C-B-D-E, for HindIII: A-D-C-B-F-H-E-G, for EcoRI: A-C-K-B-F-J-O-D-H-L-G-P-Q-N-I-E-M-and for SalI A-B-C-D-G-F-E.  相似文献   

Copy mutants of the R plasmid R1drd-19 were used to study gene dosage effects in Escherichia coli K-12. The specific activity of β-lactamase, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, and streptomycin adenylylase, as well as ampicillin resistance, increased linearly with the gene dosage up to a level at least tenfold higher than that of the wild-type plasmid. This makes it possible to use ampicillin resistance to determine plasmid copy number and also to select for plasmid copy mutants with defined copy number. Chloramphenicol resistance, despite the increase in enzyme activity, reached a plateau level at a gene dosage less than twice that of the wild-type plasmid, presumably due to the high energy demand on the cells during inactivation of the antibiotic by acetylation with acetyl-coenzyme A. Similarly, resistance to streptomycin plateaued at a gene dosage about three times that of the wild-type plasmid, presumably because of a decreased efficiency of the cells' outer penetration barriers when carrying the R plasmid. The susceptibility of the cells to rifampicin was increased by the presence of plasmid copy mutants.  相似文献   

Summary Examination of the properties of ColE1 derivatives containing either deletions or insertions of transposable genetic elements, has enabled a functional map of plasmid ColE1 to be constructed.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine deletion mutant lines were used to extend a physical map of the Lr19 translocated chromosome segment. One hundred and forty-four Sse8387I/MseI and 32 EcoRI/MseI primer combinations were used to obtain 95 Thinopyrum-specific AFLP markers. The physical map confirmed that terminal deletions had mostly occurred, however, it appears that intercalary deletions and primer or restriction site mutations were also induced. The markers allowed for grouping of the deletion mutant lines into 19 clusters, with 7 AFLP markers mapping in the same marker bin as Lr19. Primary and secondary Lr19 allosyndetic recombinants were subsequently physically mapped employing AFLP, RFLP, SCAR and microsatellite markers and the data integrated with the deletion map. A further shortened, tertiary Lr19 recombinant was derived following homologous recombination between the proximally shortest secondary recombinant, Lr19-149-299, and distally shortest recombinant, Lr19-149-478. The tertiary recombinant could be confirmed employing the mapped markers and it was possible to identify new markers on this recombinant that can be used to reduce the translocation still further.  相似文献   

A physical map of the Thinopyrum-derived Lr19 translocation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-nine lines with deletions in the Lr19 ('Indis') translocated chromosome segment were used to physically map three Thinopyrum RFLP loci as well as the Sr25 and Sd1 loci. From the data, the relative locations of marker loci on the translocation were determined as: Sd1, Xpsr165, Xpsr105, Xps129, Lr19, Wsp-D1, Sr25/Y. The data confirmed the reported homoeology between the Lr19 segment and chromosome arm 7DL of wheat. Also, it seems that the Lr19 translocation in 'Indis' is very similar to the Lr19 segment in the T4 source and that the former may not derive from Thinopyrum distichum. Key words : deletion mapping, leaf rust resistance.  相似文献   

R plasmid dihydrofolate reductase with a dimeric subunit structure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dihydrofolate reductase specified by plasmid R483 from a trimethoprim-resistant strain of Escherichia coli has been purified 2,000-fold to homogeneity using dye-ligand chromatography, gel filtration, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein migrated as a single band on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and had a specific activity of 250 mumol/mg min(-1). The molecular weight was estimated to be 32,000 by gel filtration and 39,000 by Ferguson analysis of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When subjected to electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the protein migrated as a single 19,000-molecular weight species, a fact that suggests that the native enzyme is a dimer of similar or identical subunits. Antibody specific for R483-encoded dihydrofolate reductase did not cross-react with dihydrofolate reductase encoded by plasmid R67, T4 phage, E. coli RT500, or mouse L1210 leukemia cells. The amino acid sequence of the first 34 NH2-terminal residues suggests that the R483 plasmid dihydrofolate reductase is more closely related to the chromosomal dihydrofolate reductase than is the enzyme coded by plasmid R67.  相似文献   

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