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Spliceosomes assemble on pre-mRNA splice sites through a series of dynamic ribonucleoprotein complexes, yet the nature of the conformational changes remains unclear. Splicing factor 1 (SF1) and U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF65) cooperatively recognize the 3′ splice site during the initial stages of pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we used small-angle X-ray scattering to compare the molecular dimensions and ab initio shape restorations of SF1 and U2AF65 splicing factors, as well as the SF1/U2AF65 complex in the absence and presence of AdML (adenovirus major late) splice site RNAs. The molecular dimensions of the SF1/U2AF65/RNA complex substantially contracted by 15 Å in the maximum dimension, relative to the SF1/U2AF65 complex in the absence of RNA ligand. In contrast, no detectable changes were observed for the isolated SF1 and U2AF65 splicing factors or their individual complexes with RNA, although slight differences in the shapes of their molecular envelopes were apparent. We propose that the conformational changes that are induced by assembly of the SF1/U2AF65/RNA complex serve to position the pre-mRNA splice site optimally for subsequent stages of splicing.  相似文献   

目的:研究U2AF65蛋白的表达水平对基因UBQLN1可变剪接的影响。方法:应用pSR-GFP/Neo载体构建2个U2AF65-siRNA干扰载体,转染293T细胞,通过Western印迹、QRT-PCR检测干扰效果,RT-PCR验证基因UBQLN1的可变剪接。结果:利用设计的U2AF65-siRNA能够干扰细胞中U2AF65的表达;RT-PCR结果显示U2AF65表达水平的下降促使UBQLN1第8外显子的跳跃增加。结论:U2AF65可以通过表达水平的变化参与调控基因UBQLN1的可变剪接。  相似文献   

Lin PC  Xu RM 《The EMBO journal》2012,31(6):1579-1590
SF3a is an evolutionarily conserved heterotrimeric complex essential for pre-mRNA splicing. It functions in spliceosome assembly within the mature U2 snRNP (small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle), and its displacement from the spliceosome initiates the first step of the splicing reaction. We have identified a core domain of the yeast SF3a complex required for complex assembly and determined its crystal structure. The structure shows a bifurcated assembly of three subunits, Prp9, Prp11 and Prp21, with Prp9 interacting with Prp21 via a bidentate-binding mode, and Prp21 wrapping around Prp11. Structure-guided biochemical analysis also shows that Prp9 harbours a major binding site for stem-loop IIa of U2 snRNA. These findings provide mechanistic insights into the assembly of U2 snRNP.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing patterns are regulated by RNA binding proteins that assemble onto each pre-mRNA to form a complex RNP structure. The polypyrimidine tract binding protein, PTB, has served as an informative model for understanding how RNA binding proteins affect spliceosome assembly and how changes in the expression of these proteins can control complex programs of splicing in tissues. In this review, we describe the mechanisms of splicing regulation by PTB and its function, along with its paralog PTBP2, in neuronal development.  相似文献   

During pre-mRNA splicing, the spliceosome must configure the substrate, catalyze 5′ splice site cleavage, reposition the substrate, and catalyze exon ligation. The highly conserved U2/U6 helix I, which adjoins sequences that define the reactive sites, has been proposed to configure the substrate for 5′ splice site cleavage and promote catalysis. However, a role for this helix at either catalytic step has not been tested rigorously and previous observations question its role at the catalytic steps. Through a comprehensive molecular genetic study of U2/U6 helix I, we found that weakening U2/U6 helix I, but not mutually exclusive structures, compromised splicing of a substrate limited at the catalytic step of 5′ splice site cleavage, providing the first compelling evidence that this helix indeed configures the substrate during 5′ splice site cleavage. Further, mutations that we proved weaken only U2/U6 helix I suppressed a mutation in PRP16, a DEAH-box ATPase required after 5′ splice site cleavage, providing persuasive evidence that helix I is destabilized by Prp16p and suggesting that this structure is unwound between the catalytic steps. Lastly, weakening U2/U6 helix I also compromised splicing of a substrate limited at the catalytic step of exon ligation, providing evidence that U2/U6 helix I reforms and functions during exon ligation. Thus, our data provide evidence for a fundamental and apparently dynamic role for U2/U6 helix I during the catalytic stages of splicing.  相似文献   

The first stable complex formed during the assembly of spliceosomes onto pre-mRNA substrates in mammals includes U1 snRNP, which recognizes the 5′ splice site, and the splicing factors SF1 and U2AF, which bind the branch point sequence, polypyrimidine tract, and 3′ splice site. The 5′ and 3′ splice site complexes are thought to be joined together by protein–protein interactions mediated by factors that ensure the fidelity of the initial splice site recognition. In this study, we identified and characterized PRPF40B, a putative mammalian ortholog of the U1 snRNP-associated yeast splicing factor Prp40. PRPF40B is highly enriched in speckles with a behavior similar to splicing factors. We demonstrated that PRPF40B interacts directly with SF1 and associates with U2AF65. Accordingly, PRPF40B colocalizes with these splicing factors in the cell nucleus. Splicing assays with reporter minigenes revealed that PRPF40B modulates alternative splice site selection. In the case of Fas regulation of alternative splicing, weak 5′ and 3′ splice sites and exonic sequences are required for PRPF40B function. Placing our data in a functional context, we also show that PRPF40B depletion increased Fas/CD95 receptor number and cell apoptosis, which suggests the ability of PRPF40B to alter the alternative splicing of key apoptotic genes to regulate cell survival.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(6):1107-1122.e7
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The spliceosomal protein SF3b49, a component of the splicing factor 3b (SF3b) protein complex in the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, contains two RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains. In yeast, the first RRM domain (RRM1) of Hsh49 protein (yeast orthologue of human SF3b49) reportedly interacts with another component, Cus1 protein (orthologue of human SF3b145). Here, we solved the solution structure of the RRM1 of human SF3b49 and examined its mode of interaction with a fragment of human SF3b145 using NMR methods. Chemical shift mapping showed that the SF3b145 fragment spanning residues 598–631 interacts with SF3b49 RRM1, which adopts a canonical RRM fold with a topology of β1‐α1‐β2‐β3‐α2‐β4. Furthermore, a docking model based on NOESY measurements suggests that residues 607–616 of the SF3b145 fragment adopt a helical structure that binds to RRM1 predominantly via α1, consequently exhibiting a helix–helix interaction in almost antiparallel. This mode of interaction was confirmed by a mutational analysis using GST pull‐down assays. Comparison with structures of all RRM domains when complexed with a peptide found that this helix–helix interaction is unique to SF3b49 RRM1. Additionally, all amino acid residues involved in the interaction are well conserved among eukaryotes, suggesting evolutionary conservation of this interaction mode between SF3b49 RRM1 and SF3b145.  相似文献   

The protein kinase KIS is made by the juxtaposition of a unique kinase domain and a C-terminal domain with a U2AF homology motif (UHM), a sequence motif for protein interaction initially identified in the heterodimeric pre-mRNA splicing factor U2AF. This domain of KIS is closely related to the C-terminal UHM domain of the U2AF large subunit, U2AF65. KIS phosphorylates the splicing factor SF1, which in turn enhances SF1 binding to U2AF65 and the 3′ splice site, an event known to take place at an early step of spliceosome assembly. Here, the analysis of the subcellular localization of mutated forms of KIS indicates that the kinase domain of KIS is the necessary domain for its nuclear localization. As in the case of U2AF65, the UHM-containing C-terminal domain of KIS is required for binding to the splicing factors SF1 and SF3b155. The efficiency of KIS binding to SF1 and SF3b155 is similar to that of U2AF65 in pull-down assays. These results further support the functional link of KIS with splicing factors. Interestingly, when compared to other UHM-containing proteins, KIS presents a different specificity for the UHM docking sites that are present in the N-terminal region of SF3b155, thus providing a new insight into the variety of interactions mediated by UHM domains.  相似文献   

An important group of splicing factors involved in constitutive and alternative splicing contain an arginine/serine (RS)-rich domain. We have previously demonstrated the existence of such factors in plants and report now on a new family of splicing factors (termed the RSZ family) from Arabidopsis thaliana which additionally harbor a Zn knuckle motif similar to the human splicing factor 9G8. Although only around 20 kDa in size, members of this family possess a multi-domain structure. In addition to the N-terminal RNA recognition motif (RRM), a Zn finger motif of the CCHC-type is inserted in an RGG-rich region; all three motifs are known to contribute to RNA binding. The C-terminal domain has a characteristic repeated structure which is very arginine-rich and centered around an SP dipeptide. One member of this family, atRSZp22, has been shown to be a phosphoprotein with properties similar to SR proteins. Furthermore, atRSZp22 was able to complement efficiently splicing deficient mammalian S100 as well as h9G8-depleted extracts. RNA binding assays to selected RNA sequences indicate an RNA binding specificity similar to the human splicing factors 9G8 and SRp20. Taken together, these result show that atRSZp22 is a true plant splicing factor which combines structural and functional features of both h9G8 and hSRp20.  相似文献   

U2 snRNP auxiliary factor 65 kDa (U2AF65) is a splicing factor that promotes prespliceosome assembly. The function of U2AF65 in alternative splicing has been identified; however, the essential physiological role of U2AF65 remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the regulatory role of U2AF65 in milk synthesis and growth of bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMECs). Our results showed that U2AF65 localizes in the nucleus. Treatment with amino acids (Met and Leu) and hormones (prolactin and β‐estradiol) upregulated the expression of U2AF65 in these cells. U2AF65 overexpression increased the synthesis of β‐casein, triglycerides, and lactose; increased cell viability; and promoted proliferation of BMECs. Furthermore, our results showed that U2AF65 positively regulated mTOR phosphorylation and expression of mature mRNA of mTOR and SREBP‐1c. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that U2AF65 regulates the mRNA expression of signalling molecules (mTOR and SREBP‐1c) involved in milk synthesis and growth of BMECs, possibly via controlling the splicing and maturation of these mRNAs. U2 snRNP auxiliary factor 65 kDa (U2AF65) is a splicing factor that promotes prespliceosome assembly. The essential physiological role of U2AF65 remains poorly understood. In the present study, we confirmed that U2AF65 functions as a positive regulator of milk synthesis in and proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells via the mTOR‐SREBP‐1c signalling pathway. Therefore, our study uncovers the regulatory role of U2AF65 in milk synthesis and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

SURP domains are exclusively found in splicing‐related proteins in all eukaryotes. SF3A1, a component of the U2 snRNP, has two tandem SURP domains, SURP1, and SURP2. SURP2 is permanently associated with a specific short region of SF3A3 within the SF3A protein complex whereas, SURP1 binds to the splicing factor SF1 for recruitment of U2 snRNP to the early spliceosomal complex, from which SF1 is dissociated during complex conversion. Here, we determined the solution structure of the complex of SURP1 and the human SF1 fragment using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. SURP1 adopts the canonical topology of α1–α2–310–α3, in which α1 and α2 are connected by a single glycine residue in a particular backbone conformation, allowing the two α‐helices to be fixed at an acute angle. A hydrophobic patch, which is part of the characteristic surface formed by α1 and α2, specifically contacts a hydrophobic cluster on a 16‐residue α‐helix of the SF1 fragment. Furthermore, whereas only hydrophobic interactions occurred between SURP2 and the SF3A3 fragment, several salt bridges and hydrogen bonds were found between the residues of SURP1 and the SF1 fragment. This finding was confirmed through mutational studies using bio‐layer interferometry. The study also revealed that the dissociation constant between SURP1 and the SF1 fragment peptide was approximately 20 μM, indicating a weak or transient interaction. Collectively, these results indicate that the interplay between U2 snRNP and SF1 involves a transient interaction of SURP1, and this transient interaction appears to be common to most SURP domains, except for SURP2.  相似文献   

In this study, two alternative three-dimensional (3D) models of horseradish peroxidase (HRP-C)—differing mainly in the structure of a long untemplated insertion—were refined, systematically assessed, and used to make predictions that can both guide and be tested by future experimental studies. A key first step in the model-building process was a procedure for multiple sequence alignment based on structurally conserved regions and key conserved residues, including those side chains providing ligands to the two Ca2+ binding sites. The model refinements reported here include (1) optimization of side-chain conformations; (3) addition of structural waters using a template-independent procedure; (2) structural refinement of the untemplated 34 amino acid insertion located between the F and G helices, using both energy criteria and NMR data; (4) unconstrained energy optimization of the refined models. Using these procedures, two refined structures of HRP-C were obtained, differing mainly in the conformation of this long insertion. The presence of residues in this insertion that could potentially interact with bound substrates suggests a functional role that may be related to the general ability of class III peroxidases to form stable 1:1 complexes with a variety of substrates. The structural validity of the models was systematically assessed by a variety of criteria. Most notably, the ProsaII z scores and Profiles 3D scores of the two HRP-C models indicated that they are significantly better than would be obtained by simple amino acid replacement, using any of the known structures as a template. These two 3D HRP-C models, were then used to predict candidate residues for the assignment of NOESY cross-peaks previously noted in 2D-NMR studies. Specifically, the residues known as Ile X, Phe A, Phe B, aliphatic residue Q, and Ile T. Candidate substrate binding sites were also identified and compared with experimentally based predictions. This work is timely because new X-ray structures are anticipated that will facilitate the validation of these procedures. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have applied multicolor BiFC to study the association preferences of G protein β and γ subunits in living cells. Cells co-express multiple isoforms of β and γ subunits, most of which can form complexes. Although many βγ complexes exhibit similar properties when assayed in reconstituted systems, knockout experiments in vivo suggest that individual isoforms have unique functions. BiFC makes it possible to correlate βγ complex formation with functionality in intact cells by comparing the amounts of fluorescent βγ complexes with their abilities to modulate effector proteins. The relative predominance of specific βγ complexes in vivo is not known. To address this issue, multicolor BiFC can determine the association preferences of β and γ subunits by simultaneously visualizing the two fluorescent complexes formed when β or γ subunits fused to amino terminal fragments of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP-N) and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP-N) compete to interact with limiting amounts of a common γ or β subunit, respectively, fused to a carboxyl terminal fragment of CFP (CFP-C). Multicolor BiFC also makes it possible to determine the roles of interacting proteins in the subcellular targeting of complexes, study the formation of protein complexes that are unstable under isolation conditions, determine the roles of co-expressed proteins in regulating the association preferences of interacting proteins, and visualize dynamic events affecting multiple protein complexes. These approaches can be applied to studying the assembly and functions of a wide variety of protein complexes in the context of a living cell.  相似文献   

DNA‐minor‐groove‐binding ligands are potent antineoplastic molecules. The antibiotic distamycin A is the prototype of one class of these DNA‐interfering molecules that have been largely used in vitro. The affinity of distamycin A for DNA is well known, and the structural details of the complexes with some B‐DNA and G‐quadruplex‐forming DNA sequences have been already elucidated. Here, we show that distamycin A binds S100β, a protein involved in the regulation of several cellular processes. The reported affinity of distamycin A for the calcium(II)‐loaded S100β reinforces the idea that some biological activities of the DNA‐minor‐groove‐binding ligands arise from the binding to cellular proteins. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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