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UDUEBO  AGNES E. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(3):605-610
The structure of the pycnidiospores of B. theobromae was investigatedby a combination of light microscope, a scanning electron microscopeand a transmission electron microscope observations. As observedwith the light microscope the hyaline non-septate pycnidiosporeis highly vesiculated while the pigmented septate one exhibitslongitudinal hyaline striations. Investigations with the scanningelectron microscope showed the hyaline non-septate pycnidiosporeto be smooth-walled without any form of ornamentation. The pigmentedseptate pycnidiospore on the other hand had a rough outer surfacewith a transverse groove, which probably indicated the positionof the septum. The longitudinal striations seen on such pycnidiosporeswith the light microscope were not observed under these conditions.Observations with the transmission electron microscope showedthat the outermost layer of the hyaline pycnidiospore was smootherthan that of the pigmented one. The pigment was on the outerlayer of the double-layered wall of the pigmented pycnidiospore.The inner non-pigmented wall layer was continuous with the septum.The septum tapered gradually to a thin layer in the centre whereit was perforated by a simple pore. The observations indicatedthat the pigmented spore was multinucleate while the hyalineone was uninucleate.  相似文献   

The latent infection caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae on Citrus sinensis fruit was investigated. Isolations from washings from mature green fruit surfaces showed the occurrence of B. theobromae, Rhizopus stolonifer and Trichoderma sp. The histological studies on fruit tissues revealed some structural and physiological changes between ripe and unripe fruits while investigations on the host-parasite relations could not detect any propagule of B. theobromae at the early stage of infection. The effects of rind extracts obtained at 60°, 80° and 100°C from mature green, half ripe and full ripe fruits when cooled were tested on the growth of three fruit moulds. Extracts from healthy mature green fruit rind obtained at 80°C showed significant inhibition of growth of B. theobromae while R. stolonifer and C. paradoxa could not grow in this medium.  相似文献   


Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht and Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat., two important post-harvest pathogens of yam (Dioscorea rotundata L.) tubers in storage were found to produce oxalic acid (OA) in vitro and in vivo. The rate of OA accumulation was proportional to fungal growth (cell mass) in Potato Dextrose liquid medium during 10 days incubation period. Further, simultaneous co-culturing of either of the fungi with Bacillus subtilis CM1 isolated from cowdung culturable microflora resulted in 92% reduction in OA accumulation compared with that in the culture of the individual fungus. The effect was more prominent in pH 5 – 6 than in pH 7 – 8. B. subtilis CM1 was capable of detoxifying OA and several proteins were detected in the culture filtrates when it was grown in peptone-mineral salt medium containing OA. SDS-PAGE analysis of 70% ammonium sulphate fraction of the culture filtrate exhibited the presence of a predominant 97 kDa protein.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of various carbon and nitrogen compounds on the production of citric acid byAspergillus luchuensis was studied under controlled conditions. Unhydrolysed sucrose was better than the hydrolysed one. The other carbon sources, viz., maltose, lactose, Gur, Ral and cane molasses were unsuitable for citric acid fermentation. With all these carbohydrates low yields were obtained. Sodium nitrate was found to be the best nitrogen source for the maximum yield of citric acid. It was closely followed by potassium nitrate. Ammonium compounds and amino acids, in general, were unsuitable for the production of citric acid.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) percentage in total fatty acids (TFAs) is an important index in DHA microbial production. In this study, the change of DHA percentage in response to fermentation stages and the strategies to increase DHA percentage were investigated. Two kinds of conventional nitrogen sources, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and ammonium sulfate (AS), were tested to regulate DHA synthesis. Results showed that MSG addition could accelerate the substrate consumption rate but inhibit lipid accumulation, while AS addition could increase DHA percentage in TFAs effectively but extend fermentation period slightly. Finally, the AS addition strategy was successfully applied in 7,000-L fermentor and DHA percentage in TFAs and DHA yield reached 46.06 % and 18.48 g/L, which was 19.54 and 17.41 % higher than that of no-addition strategy. This would provide guidance for the large-scale production of the other similar polyunsaturated fatty acid, and give insight into the nitrogen metabolism in oil-producing microorganisms.  相似文献   

In this study, citric acid production from extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers by the genetically engineered yeast Yarrowia lipolytica strain 30 was investigated. After the compositions of the extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers for citric acid production were optimized, the results showed that natural components of extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers without addition of any other components were suitable for citric acid production by the yeast strain. During 10 L fermentation using the extract containing 84.3 g L?1 total sugars, 68.3 g L?1 citric acid was produced and the yield of citric acid was 0.91 g g?1 within 336 h. At the end of the fermentation, 9.2 g L?1 of residual total sugar and 2.1 g L?1 of reducing sugar were left in the fermented medium. At the same time, citric acid in the supernatant of the culture was purified. It was found that 67.2 % of the citric acid in the supernatant of the culture was recovered and purity of citric acid in the crystal was 96 %.  相似文献   

Itaconic acid is a valuable platform compound for the production of bio‐based polymers, chemicals, and fuels. Ustilago maydis is a promising host for the production of itaconic acid from biomass‐derived substrates due to its unicellular growth pattern and its potential to utilize biomass‐derived sugar monomers and polymers. The potential of U. maydis for industrial itaconate production was assessed in pH‐controlled batch fermentations with varying medium compositions. Using 200 g/L glucose and 75 mM ammonium, 44.5 g/L of itaconate was produced at a maximum rate of 0.74 g L?1 h?1. By decreasing the substrate concentrations to 50 g/L glucose and 30 mM ammonium, a yield of 0.34 g/g (47 mol%) could be achieved. Itaconate production from xylose was also feasible. These results indicate that high itaconic acid titers can be achieved with U. maydis. However, further optimization of the biocatalyst itself through metabolic engineering is still needed in order to achieve an economically feasible process, which can be used to advance the development of a bio‐based economy.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen influence the lipid accumulation and arachidonic acid production by Mortierella alpina CCF 185 cultivated at 28°C for 7 days on a rotary shaker. The fungus grown with glucose, starch or dextrin as the carbon source produced satisfactory amounts of lipid and arachidonic acid. The maximum arachidonic acid values were obtained on media with yeast extract or NaNO3 as the nitrogen source. The C/N ratio of 40:1 resulted in the highest yields of lipid and arachidonic acid with different amounts of NaNO3 concentration.  相似文献   

Cells of Candida bogoriensis produce as a major extracellular lipid 13-[(2'-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)oxy]docosanoic acid 6',6'-diacetate (Ac2Glc2HDA), the diacetylated sophoroside of 13-hydroxydocosanoic acid (HDA), along with mono- and unacetylated derivatives. The HDA glycolipid production is greater than 2 g/liter when cells are grown on a "standard" medium of 3% glucose and 0.15% yeast extract. Either lowering the glucose concentration (0.5 to 2.0% glucose, at 0.2% yeast extract) or raising the yeast extract concentration (2 to 4% yeast extract at 3% glucose) greatly decreased the yield of this glycolipid, as well as its rate of synthesis measured by [14C]acetate incorporation. Total HDA production was also depressed on the low glucose medium, as was the activity of UDP-glucose:HDA glucosyltransferase, the first enzyme involved in the synthesis of Ac2Glc2HDA from HDA. Levels of acetyl-CoA:Glc2HDA acetyltransferase were not decreased by growth on a low glucose medium, however, even under conditions in which glycolipid production was less than 4% of that found in the standard medium. Low levels of the HDA glycolipids were monitored by high pressure liquid chromatography of their p-bromophenacyl esters, formed by the action of alpha,beta-dibromoacetophenone on the sodium salt of the lipid in the presence of a crown reagent catalyst. This regulation of extracellular Ac2Glc2HDA production by the nutrient composition of the growth medium may represent an important property in the adaptation of C. bogoriensis to its natural environment, the phyllosphere.  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) enhance the resistance to pathogen infection in host plant. However, it is unclear how the AMF are involved in the systemic acquired resistance of host plant against pathogen. Here, an experiment was carried out to clarify the role of the AMF in soybean’s defense against the infection from pathogen Phytophthora sojae. It was found that the AMF contributed to the resistance of soybean against Phytophthora sojae by the release of hydrogen peroxide and by the accumulation of jasmonic acid in response to pathogenic invasion. Furthermore, the trade of nitrogen (N) from the fungus for carbon from the host was accelerated in the AM symbiosis in the defense reaction, which was indicated by the increased soluble sugar level, NO content and enzyme activities involved in N metabolism in the AM symbiosis.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine a suitable light intensity and inoculum size for the growth ofRhodopseudomonas palustris strain B1. The pollution reduction of sago effluent using free and immobilisedR. palustris cells was also evaluated. The growth rate in glutamatemalate medium was highest at 4 klux compared to 2.5 and 3 klux. The optimal inoculum size was 10% (v/v). Both the COD and BOD of the sago effluent were reduced by 67% after three days of treatment. The difference in biomass production or BOD and COD removal with higher inoculum sizes of 15 and 20% was minimal. This could be attributed to limited nutrient availabillity in the substrate. The use of immobilised cells ofR. palustris reduced the pollution load 10% less compared to pollution reduction by free cells. Hence, there was no significant difference in using free or immobilised cells for the treatment of sago effluent.  相似文献   

Enrichment of the medium with yeast extract (20 g.l ) and Tryptone (40 g.l ) increased the growth of Lactobacillus casei ssp. rhamnosusand its production of lactic acid in both batch and cell-recycle cultures without affecting glucose consumption and the lactic acid production rate.  相似文献   

Summary As Phaffia rhodozyma is a Crabtree positive yeast, its cell yield and pigment production are reduced at high sugar concentrations. A method for maintaining low growth medium sugar concentrations is fed-batch culture. Using a mass balance approach and Monod growth kinetics a model is presented which describes the fed-batch culture of Phaffia rhodozyma and enables the calculation of a feed regime to obtain the maximum yield of cells and pigment. Although developed on a glucose medium, the model was also applied successfully to a molasses-based medium.  相似文献   

An industrial strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DGI 342) was cultivated in fed-batch cultivations at a specific growth rate of 0.2 h(-1). The yeast was then exposed to carbon or nitrogen starvation for up to 8 h, to study the effect of starvation on fermentative capacity and content of protein, trehalose and glycogen. Nitrogen starvation triggered the accumulation of trehalose and glycogen. After 8 h of starvation, the content of trehalose and glycogen was increased 4-fold and 2-fold, respectively. Carbon starvation resulted in a partial conversion of glycogen into trehalose. The trehalose content increased from 45 to 64 mg (g dry-weight)(-1), whereas the glycogen content in the same period was reduced from 55 to 5 mg (g dry-weight)(-1). Glycogen was consumed faster than trehalose during storage of the starved yeast for 1 month. Nitrogen starvation resulted in a decrease in the protein content of the yeast cells, and the fermentative capacity per gram dry-weight decreased by 40%. The protein content in the carbon-starved yeast increased as a result of starvation due to the fact that the content of glycogen was reduced. The fermentative capacity per gram dry-weight was, however, unaltered.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation in the murine thymus was studied in vivo under normal conditions and from 0 to 24 hr after a single injection of a water-soluble extract from mouse thymus, mouse spleen, and mouse skin. The thymus extract reduced during the first 24 hr the mitiotic activity 40%; the spleen extract had a weaker inhibitory effect. The skin extract had no such effect. The thymus extract and spleen extract inhibited the flux of cells into the S phase 0-8 hr after the injection of the extract. Initial labelling index was also reduced in this period. Eight hours after injection of the thymus or spleen extracts the inhibited cells initiated DNA synthesis. The rate of progression of blast cells through the cell cycle was normal 24 hr after the injection of the extracts. It was deduced from the analysis that the thymus extract inhibits processes triggering G0/G1 cells into DNA synthesis, the inhibition of G2 efflux being of minor importance. Finally a model for the regulation of proliferating thymic blast cells and the emigration of small lymphocytes from the thymus is proposed.  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined the influence of culture conditions on the production and composition of polysaccharides, little is known about the factors influencing the quality of exopolysaccharides (EPS). In this work we studied the effect of yeast extract on the production, composition and molecular weight of the EPS zooglan produced by Zoogloea ramigera 115SLR. This bacterium was grown on a new completely defined synthetic medium and on a medium containing yeast extract. Growth and polysaccharide production performances were comparable on the two media with a glucose to exopolysaccharide conversion yield of 35% (g/g). The polysaccharides produced on these two media have an identical composition but a different molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. The yeast extract medium leads to a more homogeneous polysaccharide solution. Received: 12 June 1998 / Received revision: 19 September 1998 / Accepted: 11 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary The influence of various carbon sources and their concentration on the production of citrate by Aspergillus niger has been investigated. The sugars maltose, sucrose, glucose, mannose and fructose (in the given order) were carbon sources giving high yields of citric acid. Optimal yields were observed at sugar concentrations of 10% (w/v), with the exception of glucose (7.5%). No citric acid was produced on media containing less than 2.5% sugar. Precultivation of A. niger on 1% sucrose and transference to a 14% concentration of various other sugars induced citrate accumulation. This could be blocked by the addition of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of de novo protein synthesis. This induction was achieved using maltose, sucrose, glucose, mannose and fructose, and also by some other carbon sources (e.g. glycerol) that gave no citric acid accumulation in direct fermentation. Precultivation of A. niger at high (14%) sucrose concentrations and subsequent transfer to the same concentrations of various other carbohydrates, normally not leading to citric acid production, led to formation of citrate. Endogenous carbon sources were also converted to citrate under these conditions. A 14%-sucrose precultivated mycelium continued producing some citrate upon transfer to 1% sugar. These results indicate that high concentrations of certain carbon sources are required for high citrate yields, because they induce the appropriate metabolic imbalance required for acidogenesis.  相似文献   

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