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Internal membrane bound structures sequester all genetic material in eukaryotic cells. The most prominent of these structures is the nucleus, which is bounded by a double membrane termed the nuclear envelope (NE). Though this NE separates the nucleoplasm and genetic material within the nucleus from the surrounding cytoplasm, it is studded throughout with portals called nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). The NPC is a highly selective, bidirectional transporter for a tremendous range of protein and ribonucleoprotein cargoes. All the while the NPC must prevent the passage of nonspecific macromolecules, yet allow the free diffusion of water, sugars, and ions. These many types of nuclear transport are regulated at multiple stages, and the NPC carries binding sites for many of the proteins that modulate and modify the cargoes as they pass across the NE. Assembly, maintenance, and repair of the NPC must somehow occur while maintaining the integrity of the NE. Finally, the NPC appears to be an anchor for localization of many nuclear processes, including gene activation and cell cycle regulation. All these requirements demonstrate the complex design of the NPC and the integral role it plays in key cellular processes.Taxonomically speaking, all life on earth falls into one of two fundamental groups, the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes. The prokaryotes, the first group to evolve, are single cell organisms bounded by a single membrane. About 1.5 billion years later, a series of evolutionary innovations led to the emergence of eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have multiple inner membrane structures that allow for compartmentalization within the cell, and therefore differentiation of the cell and regulation within it. Ultimately, the greater cellular complexity of eukaryotes allowed them to adopt a multicellular lifestyle, as seen in the plants, fungi and animals of today (reviewed in Field and Dacks 2009).Internal membrane bound structures sequester all genetic material in eukaryotic cells. The most prominent of these structures, which gives the eukaryotes their Greek-rooted name, is the nucleus—the central “kernel” (gr. “karyo-”) of the cell. The nucleus is bounded by a double membrane termed the nuclear envelope (NE), which separates the nucleoplasm and genetic material from the surrounding cytoplasm. However the genetic material in the nucleus is not totally isolated from the rest of the cell. Studded throughout the NE are portals called nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). The NPC is a highly selective, bidirectional transporter for a tremendous range of cargoes. Going into the nucleus, these cargoes include inner nuclear membrane proteins and all the proteins in the nucleoplasm. Going out are RNA-associated proteins that are assembled into ribosomal subunits or messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs). Once transported, the NPC must ensure these cargos are retained in their respective nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. All the while the NPC must prevent the passage of nonspecific macromolecules, yet allow the free diffusion of water, sugars, and ions. These many types of nuclear transport are regulated at multiple stages, providing a powerful extra level of cellular control that is not necessary in prokaryotes. Assembly, maintenance, and repair of the NPC must somehow occur while maintaining the integrity of the NE. Finally, the NPC appears to be an anchor for localization of many nuclear processes, including gene activation and cell cycle regulation (reviewed in Ahmed and Brickner 2007; Hetzer and Wente 2009). All these requirements demonstrate the complex design of the NPC and the integral role it plays in key cellular processes.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope consists of two parallel membranes enclosing an aqueous lumen. In places there are pores in both membranes at which the two membranes are joined. Within these pores reside the nuclear pore complexes. The current structural models of the nuclear pore complex have been derived from a number of studies using different electron microscopical techniques. Recently, using surface imaging techniques such as field emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy, novel structures have been identified, particularly at the periphery of the structure, most notably the nucleoplasmic basket. One limitation of the current models is that they are based almost entirely on nuclear envelopes isolated from amphibian oocytes and a pressing question is whether this structure is the same in other organisms and tissues. Here we have studied the structure of nuclear envelopes isolated from bird oocytes. We show that the overall structure is remarkably conserved. In particular, recently discovered peripheral structures appear very similar. We see variations in basket conformation but believe that this is related to the functional states of individual pore complexes.  相似文献   

核孔是介导所有大分子入核出核的唯一通道。在整个生命活动中,核孔复合体的组成蛋白总是处于动态变化中。核孔复合体的动态组装改变了核质转运状态,并最终改变了细胞的功能。  相似文献   

Molecular transport across the nuclear envelope in eukaryotic cells is solely controlled by the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The NPC provides two types of nucleocytoplasmic transport: passive diffusion of small molecules and active chaperon-mediated translocation of large molecules. It has been shown that the interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins that line the central channel of the NPC and the transporting cargoes is the determining factor, but the exact mechanism of transport is yet unknown. Here, we use coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to quantify the energy barrier that has to be overcome for molecules to pass through the NPC. We focus on two aspects of transport. First, the passive transport of model cargo molecules with different sizes is studied and the size selectivity feature of the NPC is investigated. Our results show that the transport probability of cargoes is significantly reduced when they are larger than ∼5 nm in diameter. Secondly, we show that incorporating hydrophobic binding spots on the surface of the cargo effectively decreases the energy barrier of the pore. Finally, a simple transport model is proposed which characterizes the energy barrier of the NPC as a function of diameter and hydrophobicity of the transporting particles.  相似文献   

以玉米根部不同区域(分生区、伸长区和分化区)为材料,进行冷冻蚀刻,对不同生长阶段的细胞核大小、核孔复合物数量及孔径进行了测量,证明根尖细胞在整个发育周期中,细胞核膜孔总量几乎不变旭核孔复合物的孔径差异颇大。分生区核孔复合物的孔径平均约50 nm;伸长区有80%核孔直径为80 nm;分化区核孔直径恢复到50 um。这些复合物孔径的变化周期与Jordan等(1980)由玉米根部观察到三个区域的染色质变化相符,在细胞伸长区常染色质多,合成RNA旺盛,核孔复合物开大,以利RNA进入细胞质合成蛋白质。  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a giant protein assembly that penetrates the double layers of the nuclear membrane. The overall structure of the NPC has approximately eightfold symmetry and is formed by approximately 30 nucleoporins. The great size and complexity of the NPC have hindered the study of its structure for many years until recent breakthroughs were achieved by integrating the latest high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), the emerging artificial intelligence-based modeling and all other available structural information from crystallography and mass spectrometry. Here, we review our latest knowledge of the NPC architecture and the history of its structural study from in vitro to in situ with progressively improved resolutions by cryo-EM, with a particular focus on the latest subnanometer-resolution structural studies. The future directions for structural studies of NPCs are also discussed.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is responsible for nucleocytoplasmic transport and constitutes a hub for control of gene expression. The components of NPCs from several eukaryotic lineages have been determined, but only the yeast and vertebrate NPCs have been extensively characterized at the quaternary level. Significantly, recent evidence indicates that compositional similarity does not necessarily correspond to homologous architecture between NPCs from different taxa. To address this, we describe the interactome of the trypanosome NPC, a representative, highly divergent eukaryote. We identify numerous new NPC components and report an exhaustive interactome, allowing assignment of trypanosome nucleoporins to discrete NPC substructures. Remarkably, despite retaining similar protein composition, there are exceptional architectural dissimilarities between opisthokont (yeast and vertebrates) and excavate (trypanosomes) NPCs. Whilst elements of the inner core are conserved, numerous peripheral structures are highly divergent, perhaps reflecting requirements to interface with divergent nuclear and cytoplasmic functions. Moreover, the trypanosome NPC has almost complete nucleocytoplasmic symmetry, in contrast to the opisthokont NPC; this may reflect divergence in RNA export processes at the NPC cytoplasmic face, as we find evidence supporting Ran-dependent mRNA export in trypanosomes, similar to protein transport. We propose a model of stepwise acquisition of nucleocytoplasmic mechanistic complexity and demonstrate that detailed dissection of macromolecular complexes provides fuller understanding of evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Selective transport through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) requires nucleoporins containing natively unfolded phenylalanine-glycine (FG) domains. Several differing models for their dynamics within the pore have been proposed. We characterize the behavior of the FG nucleoporins in vivo using polarized fluorescence microscopy. Using nucleoporins tagged with green fluorescent protein along their FG domains, we show that some of these proteins are ordered, indicating an overall orientational organization within the NPC. This orientational ordering of the FG domains depends on their specific context within the NPC, but is independent of active transport and cargo load. For most nups, behavior does not depend on the FG motifs. These data support a model whereby local geometry constrains the orientational organization of the FG nups. Intriguingly, homologous yeast and mammalian proteins show conserved behavior, suggesting functional relevance. Our findings have implications for mechanistic models of NPC transport.  相似文献   

Nuclear transport of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae membrane proteins Src1/Heh1 and Heh2 across the NPC is facilitated by a long intrinsically disordered linker between the nuclear localization signal (NLS) and the transmembrane domain. The import of reporter proteins derived from Heh2 is dependent on the FG‐Nups in the central channel, and the linker can position the transport factor‐bound NLS in the vicinity of the FG‐Nups in the central channel, while the transmembrane segment resides in the pore membrane. Here, we present a quantitative analysis of karyopherin‐mediated import and passive efflux of reporter proteins derived from Heh2, including data on the mobility of the reporter proteins in different membrane compartments. We show that membrane proteins with extralumenal domains up to 174 kDa, terminal to the linker and NLS, passively leak out of the nucleus via the NPC, albeit at a slow rate. We propose that also during passive efflux, the unfolded linker facilitates the passage of extralumenal domains through the central channel of the NPC .  相似文献   

核孔复合物(NPC)是一个巨型分子复合物,相对分子质量约125×106。脊椎动物的NPC由大约30种蛋白质组成,这些蛋白质的序列大多具有FG(苯丙氨酸-甘氨酸)重复序列。NPC锚定于双层核膜上,并且是物质跨核膜运输的惟一通道,它可快速介导小分子物质的被动运输以及大分子物质的主动运输过程。虽然NPC具有较大的相对分子质量和复杂的结构,但它可在细胞分裂过程中分离并重新组装。生物大分子经NPC的跨核膜运输直接影响真核细胞的生长、增殖、分化、发育等多种生命活动。本文重点介绍NPC的结构、组装及其功能特点。  相似文献   

Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are highly selective filters that control the exchange of material between nucleus and cytoplasm. The principles that govern selective filtering by NPCs are not fully understood. Previous studies find that cellular proteins capable of fast translocation through NPCs (transport receptors) are characterized by a high proportion of hydrophobic surface regions. Our analysis finds that transport receptors and their complexes are also highly negatively charged. Moreover, NPC components that constitute the permeability barrier are positively charged. We estimate that electrostatic interactions between a transport receptor and the NPC result in an energy gain of several k B T, which would enable significantly increased translocation rates of transport receptors relative to other cellular proteins. We suggest that negative charge is an essential criterion for selective passage through the NPC.  相似文献   

Scyl1 is an evolutionarily conserved N-terminal protein kinase-like domain protein that plays a role in COP1-mediated retrograde protein trafficking in mammalian cells. Furthermore, loss of Scyl1 function has been shown to result in neurodegenerative disorders in mice. Here, we report that Scyl1 is also a cytoplasmic component of the mammalian nuclear tRNA export machinery. Like exportin-t, overexpression of Scyl1 restored export of a nuclear export-defective serine amber suppressor tRNA mutant in COS-7 cells. Scyl1 binds tRNA saturably, and associates with the nuclear pore complex by interacting, in part, with Nup98. Scyl1 copurifies with the nuclear tRNA export receptors exportin-t and exportin-5, the RanGTPase, and the eukaryotic elongation factor eEF-1A, which transports aminoacyl-tRNAs to the ribosomes. Scyl1 interacts directly with exportin-t and RanGTP but not with eEF-1A or RanGDP in vitro. Moreover, exportin-t containing tRNA, Scyl1, and RanGTP form a quaternary complex in vitro. Biochemical characterization also suggests that the nuclear aminoacylation-dependent pathway is primarily responsible for tRNA export in mammalian cells. These findings together suggest that Scyl1 participates in the nuclear aminoacylation-dependent tRNA export pathway and may unload aminoacyl-tRNAs from the nuclear tRNA export receptor at the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex and channels them to eEF-1A.  相似文献   

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