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As a novel approach to the structural and functional properties that give rise to extremely stringent sequence specificity in protein–DNA interactions, we have exploited “promiscuous” mutants of EcoRI endonuclease to study the detailed mechanism by which changes in a protein can relax specificity. The A138T promiscuous mutant protein binds more tightly to the cognate GAATTC site than does wild-type EcoRI yet displays relaxed specificity deriving from tighter binding and faster cleavage at EcoRI* sites (one incorrect base pair). AAATTC EcoRI* sites are cleaved by A138T up to 170-fold faster than by wild-type enzyme if the site is abutted by a 5′-purine-pyrimidine (5′-RY) motif. When wild-type protein binds to an EcoRI* site, it forms structurally adapted complexes with thermodynamic parameters of binding that differ markedly from those of specific complexes. By contrast, we show that A138T complexes with 5′-RY-flanked AAATTC sites are virtually indistinguishable from wild-type-specific complexes with respect to the heat capacity change upon binding (?C°P), the change in excluded macromolecular volume upon association, and contacts to the phosphate backbone. While the preference for the 5′-RY motif implicates contacts to flanking bases as important for relaxed specificity, local effects are not sufficient to explain the large differences in ?C°P and excluded volume, as these parameters report on global features of the complex. Our findings therefore support the view that specificity does not derive from the additive effects of individual interactions but rather from a set of cooperative events that are uniquely associated with specific recognition.  相似文献   

An E. coli cell extract containing thermostable α-amylase and maltogenic amylase expressed from the clone pTMA322 was used to produce an anomalously linked oligosaccharides (Alo) mixture from starch. The liquefaction and saccharification of starch were done by one-step procedure using the above cell extract. The resulted Alo mixture contained over 40% oligosaccharides having DP 3 or more including branched forms.  相似文献   

GM1 gangliosidosis and Morquio B disease are autosomal recessive diseases caused by the defect in the lysosomal β-galactosidase (β-Gal), frequently related to misfolding and subsequent endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. Pharmacological chaperone (PC) therapy is a newly developed molecular therapeutic approach by using small molecule ligands of the mutant enzyme that are able to promote the correct folding and prevent endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and promote trafficking to the lysosome. In this report, we describe the enzymological properties of purified recombinant human β-GalWT and two representative mutations in GM1 gangliosidosis Japanese patients, β-GalR201C and β-GalI51T. We have also evaluated the PC effect of two competitive inhibitors of β-Gal. Moreover, we provide a detailed atomic view of the recognition mechanism of these compounds in comparison with two structurally related analogues. All compounds bind to the active site of β-Gal with the sugar-mimicking moiety making hydrogen bonds to active site residues. Moreover, the binding affinity, the enzyme selectivity, and the PC potential are strongly affected by the mono- or bicyclic structure of the core as well as the orientation, nature, and length of the exocyclic substituent. These results provide understanding on the mechanism of action of β-Gal selective chaperoning by newly developed PC compounds.  相似文献   

RECENT studies strongly support a role for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as an inhibitory transmitter at certain synapses in the mammalian central nervous system. Structure activity correlations of many GABA analogues implicate both the intramolecular distance between the zwitterionic centres and the rotational freedom of the molecule as important factors governing the synaptic activity of these substances1. The following observations provide pertinent information about the active conformation(s) of GABA recognized by the receptor. (1) Muscimol, an isoxazole isolated from Amanita muscaria, seems to function as a GABA analogue as its inhibitory action on central neurones is comparable with that of GABA both in potency2 and with respect to antagonism by bicuculline3. Molecular orbital calculations suggest that GABA and muscimol can assume similar conformations as zwitterions with the charged centres (N+ and 0?) at least 5 and, more likely, 6 Å apart4. (2) The selective GABA antagonist bicuculline exhibits some degree of structural similarity with particular conformations of GABA and muscimol3. (3) X-ray crystallography indicates that GABA exists in a partially folded conformation in the solid state5,6. (4) A model of the GABA receptor proposes that GABA adopts a folded conformation with a distance of less than 4.4 Å between the charged centres7. Observations (1) and (2) suggest extended conformations for GABA, while (3) and (4) suggest folded conformations.  相似文献   

We expressed the mouse gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter GAT4 (homologous to rat/ human GAT-3) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and examined its functional and pharmacological properties by using electrophysiological and tracer uptake methods. In the coupled mode of transport (Na+/ Cl-/GABA cotransport), there was tight coupling between charge flux and GABA flux across the plasma membrane (2 charges/GABA). Transport was highly temperature-dependent with a temperature coefficient (Q10) of 4.3. The GAT4 turnover rate (1.5 s(-l); -50 mV, 21 degrees C) and temperature dependence suggest physiological turnover rates of 15-20 s(-1). No uncoupled current was observed in the presence of Na+. In the absence of external Na+, GAT4 exhibited two distinct uncoupled currents. (i) A Cl- leak current (ICl(leak)) was observed when Na+ was replaced with choline or tetraethylammonium. The reversal potential of (ICl(leak)) followed the Cl- Nernst potential. (ii) A Li+ leak current (ILi(leak)) was observed when Na+ was replaced with Li+. Both leak currents were inhibited by Na+, and both were temperature-independent (Q10 approximately 1). The two leak modes appeared not to coexist, as Li+ inhibited (ICl(leak)). The results suggest the existence of cation- and anion-selective channel-like pathways in GAT4. Flufenamic acid inhibited GAT4 Na+/Cl-/GABA cotransport, ILi(leak), and ICl(leak), (Ki approximately 30 microM), and the voltage-induced presteady-state charge movements (Ki approximately 440 microM). Flufenamic acid exhibited little or no selectivity for GAT1, GAT2, or GAT3. Sodium and GABA concentration jicroumps revealed that slow Na+ binding to the transporter is followed by rapid GABA-induced translocation of the ligands across the plasma membrane. Thus, Na+ binding and associated conformational changes constitute the rate-limiting steps in the transport cycle.  相似文献   

Aggregation of α-synuclein (α-syn) into toxic fibrils is a pathogenic hallmark of Parkinson disease (PD). Studies have focused largely on residues 71–82, yet most early-onset mutations are located between residues 46 and 53. A semirationally designed 209,952-member library based entirely on this region was constructed, containing all wild-type residues and changes associated with early-onset PD. Intracellular cell survival screening and growth competition isolated a 10-residue peptide antagonist that potently inhibits α-syn aggregation and associated toxicity at a 1:1 stoichiometry. This was verified using continuous growth measurements and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide cytotoxicity studies. Atomic force microscopy and circular dichroism on the same samples showed a random-coil structure and no oligomers. A new region of α-syn for inhibitor targeting has been highlighted, together with the approach of using a semirational design and intracellular screening. The peptides can then be used as candidates for modification in drugs capable of slowing or even preventing the onset of PD.  相似文献   

Plasmodium parasites rely upon purine salvage for survival. Plasmodium purine nucleoside phosphorylase is part of the streamlined Plasmodium purine salvage pathway that leads to the phosphorylysis of both purines and 5′-methylthiopurines, byproducts of polyamine synthesis. We have explored structural features in Plasmodium falciparum purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PfPNP) that affect efficiency of catalysis as well as those that make it suitable for dual specificity. We used site directed mutagenesis to identify residues critical for PfPNP catalytic activity as well as critical residues within a hydrophobic pocket required for accommodation of the 5′-methylthio group. Kinetic analysis data shows that several mutants had disrupted binding of the 5′-methylthio group while retaining activity for inosine. A triple PfPNP mutant that mimics Toxoplasma gondii PNP had significant loss of 5′-methylthio activity with retention of inosine activity. Crystallographic investigation of the triple mutant PfPNP with Tyr160Phe, Val66Ile, andVal73Ile in complex with the transition state inhibitor immucillin H reveals fewer hydrogen bond interactions for the inhibitor in the hydrophobic pocket.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion is a crucial step in flavivirus infections and a potential target for antiviral strategies. Lipids and proteins play cooperative roles in the fusion process, which is triggered by the acidic pH inside the endosome. This acidic environment induces many changes in glycoprotein conformation and allows the action of a highly conserved hydrophobic sequence, the fusion peptide (FP). Despite the large volume of information available on the virus-triggered fusion process, little is known regarding the mechanisms behind flavivirus–cell membrane fusion. Here, we evaluated the contribution of a natural single amino acid difference on two flavivirus FPs, FLAG (98DRGWGNGCGLFGK110) and FLAH (98DRGWGNHCGLFGK110), and investigated the role of the charge of the target membrane on the fusion process. We used an in silico approach to simulate the interaction of the FPs with a lipid bilayer in a complementary way and used spectroscopic approaches to collect conformation information. We found that both peptides interact with neutral and anionic micelles, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations showed the interaction of the FPs with the lipid bilayer. The participation of the indole ring of Trp appeared to be important for the anchoring of both peptides in the membrane model, as indicated by MD simulations and spectroscopic analyses. Mild differences between FLAG and FLAH were observed according to the pH and the charge of the target membrane model. The MD simulations of the membrane showed that both peptides adopted a bend structure, and an interaction between the aromatic residues was strongly suggested, which was also observed by circular dichroism in the presence of micelles. As the FPs of viral fusion proteins play a key role in the mechanism of viral fusion, understanding the interactions between peptides and membranes is crucial for medical science and biology and may contribute to the design of new antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

JACOB and Fuerst1,2 demonstrated the presence of a bacteriolytic enzyme (λ-endolysin) in the induced cultures of lysogenic Escherichia coli K12 (λ). The enzyme was later identified as the product of gene R; of phage λ3 which is involved in bacterial lysis at the end of a latent period. The enzyme is apt to form spheroplast-like structures in E. coli2 and one would therefore expect its substrate to be murein.  相似文献   

We have constructed phage cloning vectors from an actinophage, R4. A deletion derivative (R4 Δ22B) which had a BamHI linker inserted at the unique PvuII site was used to clone the thiostreptone resistant (tsr) gene derived from plasmid vector pIJ365. The tsr derivative obtained, R4Δ22B-tsr1, was shown to have the same level of thiostreptone resistance in lysogenized cells as that of pIJ365-carrying cells. Under the optimal conditions, R4Δ22B-tsr1 phage was lysogenized at a frequency of 5x10-2 per infected phage. The usefulness of R4 phage derivatives for gene cloning is discussed.  相似文献   

Human β-glucuronidase (GUS) cleaves β-D-glucuronic acid residues from the non-reducing termini of glycosaminoglycan and its deficiency leads to mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPSVII). Here we report a high resolution crystal structure of human GUS at 1.7 Å resolution and present an extensive analysis of the structural features, unifying recent findings in the field of lysosome targeting and glycosyl hydrolases. The structure revealed several new details including a new glycan chain at Asn272, in addition to that previously observed at Asn173, and coordination of the glycan chain at Asn173 with Lys197 of the lysosomal targeting motif which is essential for phosphotransferase recognition. Analysis of the high resolution structure not only provided new insights into the structural basis for lysosomal targeting but showed significant differences between human GUS, which is medically important in its own right, and E. coli GUS, which can be selectively inhibited in the human gut to prevent prodrug activation and is also widely used as a reporter gene by plant biologists. Despite these differences, both human and E. coli GUS share a high structure homology in all three domains with most of the glycosyl hydrolases, suggesting that they all evolved from a common ancestral gene.  相似文献   

We present molecular dynamics simulation studies of the structural stability of an enclosed loop in the β domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP. Our investigation revealed that, in addition to its excellent resistance to thermal perturbations, EspP loop 5 (L5) also has remarkable mechanical stability against pulling forces along the membrane norm. These findings are consistent with the experimental report that EspP L5 helps to maintain the permeability barrier in the outer membrane. In contrast to the major secondary structure elements of globular proteins such as ubiquitin, whose resistance to thermal and mechanical perturbations depends mainly on backbone hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions, the structural stability of EspP L5 can be attributed mainly to geometric constraints and side-chain interactions dominated by hydrogen bonds. Examination of B-factors from available high-resolution structures of membrane-embedded β barrels indicates that most of the enclosed loops have stable structures. This finding suggests that loops stabilized by geometric constraints and side-chain interactions might be used more generally to restrict β-barrel channels for various functional purposes.  相似文献   

Marine yeasts were collected from coastal and deep sea areas in the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan around central and northern Japan to prepare a novel type of natural seasoning. It was found that one of the marine yeasts collected from the Pacific Ocean off Hachinohe showed a high concentration of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in its extract, about 7–10 times higher than those of commercially available bread yeast and other marine yeasts. The marine yeast isolated and named Hachinohe No. 6 catalyzed the reaction from monosodium glutamate to GABA only in the presence of glucose. Subsequently, several marine yeasts belonging to the genera Pichia and Candida were found to have such catalytic activities, but not those belonging to the genus Saccharomyces. Isolate Hachinohe No. 6 was found to have the highest catalytic activity among the yeasts examined in this study.  相似文献   

The β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex mediates the assembly of β-barrel membrane proteins in the outer membrane. BepA, formerly known as YfgC, interacts with the BAM complex and functions as a protease/chaperone for the enhancement of the assembly and/or degradation of β-barrel membrane proteins. To elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the dual functions of BepA, its full-length three-dimensional structure is needed. Here, we report the crystal structure of full-length BepA at 2.6-Å resolution. BepA possesses an N-terminal protease domain and a C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain, which interact with each other. Domain cross-linking by structure-guided introduction of disulfide bonds did not affect the activities of BepA in vivo, suggesting that the function of this protein does not involve domain rearrangement. The full-length BepA structure is compatible with the previously proposed docking model of BAM complex and tetratricopeptide repeat domain of BepA.  相似文献   

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