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We investigated the influence of microwave irradiation (cw; 10 GHz) on water by means of corona discharge electrography. Water drops from previously irradiated and control water were exposed to a high-voltage, high-frequency electric field on a photographic plate. Electrographs of the corona discharge around control and irradiated drops were taken simultaneously, and the images obtained were analyzed by computer. Several parameters relating to the luminosity, shape, and streamers of the image were calculated and tested nonparametrically. The results show a distinct, nonlinear behavior of corona discharge patterns (both radially and angularly) in water drops exposed to different microwave power densities (5 × 10?1-5 × 10?8 mWcm?2).  相似文献   

The excitation of oscillations in a discharge with negative differential conductivity is studied experimentally. The possibility is demonstrated of amplifying oscillations in the cathode dark space at frequencies close to the electron plasma frequency of the positive-column plasma. The phase velocities of waves at these frequencies are determined. When the waves pass from the cathode dark space to the discharge positive column, their phase velocities decrease; the closer the frequency is to the electron plasma frequency, the more pronounced the decrease in the phase velocity. As the intensity of oscillations increases, the discharge becomes non-steady-state. This is confirmed by the time evolution of the current-voltage characteristic. The shape of the current-voltage characteristic, its splitting, and the rate at which it varies depend on the input RF power. The decrease in the cathode dark space indicates that the ionization processes in the discharge are strongly influenced by electron plasma oscillations excited due to the collective interaction of the electron beam formed at the cathode with the discharge plasma. It is these processes that determine the maximum values of both the frequency of the excited oscillations and the power that can be withdrawn from the discharge.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of exposure to environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in 1170 subjects. Neutrophil phagocytosis was enhanced in the low-intensity exposure groups, but reduced significantly at relatively high intensities. Visual reaction time was prolonged and the scores of short-term memory tests were lower in some high-intensity exposure groups. EMFs may affect the central nervous and immune systems in man.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The paper presents the results of studying the characteristics of a slow ionization wave (IW) arising at the initial stage of breakdown in a long discharge tube under...  相似文献   

E. Pollak  M. Sabran 《Genetics》1992,131(4):979-985
In a previous paper by the senior author, an approximation to the probability of survival was given for a mutant, which is originally present in a single heterozygote, in a population that reproduces partly by selfing and partly by random mating. The population was assumed to be very large, but the result obtained is general with regard to the level of dominance in viability. In this paper two errors which were made in that earlier work are corrected. A general approximate expression is then derived for the probability that an allele A is fixed in a partially self fertilizing population of size N, if its initial frequency is p, selection is weak and heterozygotes with the allele are exactly intermediate in viability compared with genotypes AA and AA. A rigorous proof is given for a special case that is a generalization of the classical binomial sampling model. In this case, but not in general, the approximate fixation probability is independent of the probability of reproduction by selfing. Some implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A study is made of the generation of electromagnetic waves during the merging of two Langmuir plasmons in a hot plasma with a magnetic field. It is shown that the frequency of Langmuir plasmons can vary in the range from 0.8 to 1.1 of the electron Langmuir frequency. The spectrum and polarization of the emitted electromagnetic radiation are analyzed. It is found that the thermal motion of plasma particles may lead to the generation of electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 1.6 to 2.2 of the electron Langmuir frequency. In a plasma with an isotropic Langmuir turbulence spectrum, the degree of circular polarization of the emitted radiation can amount to 50%.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of a weak electromagnetic field on the morphogenesis of the planarian Dugesia tigrina. The regeneration of the pharynx was examined after its amputation. We have determined the rate of the appearance of the food response of a new pharynx. Experimental conditions were varied, such as dose and duration of irradiation, season, and time of irradiation after surgery. The results of experiments conducted with 2966 planarians have shown that weak electromagnetic field has various effects, which appear either as stimulation of regeneration or as its inhibition. In some experiments, there was no effect at all. These differences depend on numerous factors and may be modulated.  相似文献   

The symmetric equilibria of the three-locus symmetric viability model are determined and their stability analyzed. For tight linkage there may be four stable equilibria, each characterized by having one pair of complementary chromosomes in high frequencies, with all others low. For looser linkage the only stable symmetric equilibrium is that with complete linkage equilibrium. For intermediate recombination values both types of equilibria may be stable. A new class of equilibria with all pairwise linkage disequilibria zero, but with third order linkage disequilibrium, has been discovered. It may be stable for tight linkage.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - We study theoretically a non-stationary positive corona developing in free space from a system of grounded wires suspended at the same height and placed in a uniform...  相似文献   

Peak daily discharge of Pseudopeziza medicaginis ascospores in the field occurred after sunrise with attendant rises in temperature, wind, speed, and. dissipation of moisture. Protracted discharge over many days rose with initial development of robust, uncrowded apothecia and fell as these became spent and were joined by less productive, small, crowded ones. In the laboratory, detached field-infected leaves discharged ascospores at 5°C to 32.5°C and at relative humidities as low as 90% when fresh, and at 94% or higher when wilted or dried. Pathogen-free alfalfa plants placed overnight in a diseased affalfa plot were inoculated but uninfeeted more frequently in July than they were inoculated and infected. Artificially-inoculated plants placed at the same time in a nearby sugar beet plot became infected every overnight. From early September through early October artificially inoculated plants placed in a plot of sugar beets or a plot of nearly disease-free alfalfa for 24 h periods, became infected in 18 and 19 of 29 such periods. Light rain, fog and dew were frequent during these periods and early morning temperatures fell between - 3 °C and 5 °C- in one-half of the overnights. Dormant ascospores on foliage remained fully infective in the greenhouse for at least 10 days.  相似文献   

Excitation energy transfer in the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b.protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The "light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b.protein" described by Thornber has been prepared electrophoretically from spinach chloroplasts. The optical properties relevant to energy transfer have been measured in the red region (i.e. 600-700 nm). Measurements of the absorption spectrum, fluorescence excitation spectrum and excitation dependence of the fluorescence emission spectrum of this protein confirm that energy transfer from chlorophyll b to chlorophyll a is highly efficient, as is the case in concentrated chlorophyll solutions and in vivo. The excitiation dependence of the fluorescence polarization shows a minimum polarization of 1.9% at 650 nm which is the absorption maximum of chlorophyll b in the protein and rises steadily to a maximum value of 13.8% at 695 nm, the red edge of the chlorophyll a absorption band. Analysis of these measurements shows that at least two unresolved components must be responsible for the chlorophyll a absorption maximum. Comparison of polarization measurements with those observed in vivo shows that most of the depolarization observed in vivo can take place within a single protein. Circular dichroism measurements show a double structure in the chlorophyll b absorption band which suggest an exciton splitting not resolved in absorption. Analysis of these data yields information about the relative orientation of the So leads to S1 transition moments of the chlorophyll molecules within the protein.  相似文献   

In coastal China, there is an urgent need to increase land area for agricultural production and urban development, where there is a rapid growing population. One solution is land reclamation from coastal tidelands, but soil salinization is problematic. As such, it is very important to characterize and map the within-field variability of soil salinity in space and time. Conventional methods are often time-consuming, expensive, labor-intensive, and unpractical. Fortunately, proximal sensing has become an important technology in characterizing within-field spatial variability. In this study, we employed the EM38 to study spatial variability of soil salinity in a coastal paddy field. Significant correlation relationship between ECa and EC1:5 (i.e. r >0.9) allowed us to use EM38 data to characterize the spatial variability of soil salinity. Geostatistical methods were used to determine the horizontal spatio-temporal variability of soil salinity over three consecutive years. The study found that the distribution of salinity was heterogeneous and the leaching of salts was more significant in the edges of the study field. By inverting the EM38 data using a Quasi-3D inversion algorithm, the vertical spatio-temporal variability of soil salinity was determined and the leaching of salts over time was easily identified. The methodology of this study can be used as guidance for researchers interested in understanding soil salinity development as well as land managers aiming for effective soil salinity monitoring and management practices. In order to better characterize the variations in soil salinity to a deeper soil profile, the deeper mode of EM38 (i.e., EM38v) as well as other EMI instruments (e.g. DUALEM-421) can be incorporated to conduct Quasi-3D inversions for deeper soil profiles.  相似文献   

Ion gradients imposed across an internal membrane system stimulate skinned muscle fibers; to evaluate the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) as the primary target site, SR polarization under resting and stimulatory conditions was assessed from fiber uptake of permeant probe ions. Solvent spaces were estimated from simultaneous [14C]urea (U) or [3H]deoxyglucose (DOG) uptake in segments of fibers from bullfrog semitendinosus muscle, skinned by microdissection. The distribution spaces, i.e., virtual solvent volumes at bath concentrations (Vu and VDOG), of these uncharged probes correlated well with the protein content of the same segments, which validated the tracer methodology for volume normalization. The membrane-bounded volume fraction (Vm), derived from the difference between total solvent volume (Vs) and the non-membrane-bounded solvent volume (Vc), was sufficient to detect appreciable SR ion accumulation. The Vm estimated from the difference between VU and VDOG assayed simultaneously with 2 or 5-6 min exposures was 10-11%, which is consistent with the morphometric volume fraction (mostly SR) in frog fibers; however, the change in this difference after membrane permeabilization corresponded to Vm only 5%. The change in permeant ion distribution space caused by member permeabilization was used to assess SR membrane polarization, assuming the free ions distribute across the intact membrane according to the Nernst ratio. Resting polarization (SR lumen positive) was assessed from [14C]SCN- or [14C]propionate- distribution spaces in unstimulated fibers, expressed relative to VDOG (assayed simultaneously). The ratios for (a) [14C]SCN- space (carrier 2 mM) and (b) [14C]propionate- space (carrier 120 mM) were not decreased by membrane permeabilization. This indicated that anion distribution was independent of membrane integrity and did not reflect an SR transmembrane potential, although a was more and b was less than 1. Polarization under stimulatory conditions (lumen negative) was assessed from 86Rb+ distribution, before and after an imposed ion gradient (choline Cl replacement of K methanesulfonate (KMes) at constant [K+] [Cl-]) that theoretically could generate a 48-fold transmembrane cation ratio; Ca release was minimized by EGTA. The ratio of 86Rb+ space to VU, greater than 1 in KMes (120 mM K, the effective carrier), was higher in choline Cl (2.5 mM K) but not decreased by membrane permeabilization; this indicated that 86Rb+ distribution did not reflect an SR transmembrane potential. Similar results in the presence of valinomycin ruled out the possibility of inadequate 86Rb+ equilibration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A study is made of the dynamics of a relativistic charged particle in an electromagnetic wave (with an electrostatic component) in a constant uniform magnetic field. A system with a high-frequency wave is a Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom and with fast and slow variables. The trapping of a particle into resonance and its scattering on resonance in such a system is described.  相似文献   

Territorial song was played to pairs of breeding white-crowned sparrows. Presentation of the song was contingent on the song of the resident male. Continuous recordings of an extensive sample of the behaviour of the male and female were made. A predicted increase in behaviour elicited by this playback regime, as compared to an invariant presentation of song every 11 s, did not occur. A large amount of variance was accounted for when the subjects were split into two groups on the basis of the number of songs emitted by the male. This latter result was cross-validated with data from two other studies. These results suggest that there is a male state variable that exerts a strong influence on the behaviour of both the male and female member of the pair.  相似文献   

Exposure to a radiofrequency (RF) signal at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 4 W/kg can increase the body temperature by more than 1 °C. In this study, we investigated the effect of anesthesia on the body temperature of rats after exposure to an RF electromagnetic field at 4 W/kg SAR. We also evaluated the influence of body mass on rats’ body temperature. Rats weighing 225 and 339 g were divided into sham- and RF-exposure groups. Each of the resulting four groups was subdivided into anesthetized and non-anesthetized groups. The free-moving rats in the four RF-exposure groups were subjected to a 915 MHz RF identification signal at 4 W/kg whole-body SAR for 8 h. The rectal temperature was measured at 1-h intervals during RF exposure using a small-animal temperature probe. The body temperatures of non-anesthetized, mobile 225 and 339 g rats were not significantly affected by exposure to an RF signal. However, the body temperatures of anesthetized 225 and 339 g rats increased by 1.9 °C and 3.3 °C from baseline at 5 and 6 h of RF exposure, respectively. Three of the five 339 g anesthetized and exposed rats died after 6 h of RF exposure. Thus, anesthesia and body mass influenced RF exposure-induced changes in the body temperature of rats. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:104–112. © 2019 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

Variations in the rates of spore discharge from this fungushave been examined in controlled laboratory conditions, usingapparatus designed to make a continuous record of the numbersof spores discharged by a strip of hymenium measuring approximately4.5 cm. X o.1 cm. These records have been extended by a directmicroscopic study of the numbers of spores falling through asmall area below the hymenium during successive short periods. Analysis of the continuous record has shown that at any onetime the rate of spore discharge is not uniform over the wholehymenium, and that at any one site it ia not constant. The variationin the rate of discharge in any one site is rhythmical, withintervals of the order of 30 to 90 minutes between maxima. Thesmall linear areas of hymenium which have been examined haveshown nearly the same rhythm-overall, but the phase of thisrhythm has differed at different sites in the area.  相似文献   

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