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Aim The present‐day population structure of a species reflects the influence of population history as well as contemporary processes. Little is known about the mechanisms that have shaped the geographical distribution of genetic diversity in marine species present on the south‐eastern Pacific (SEP) coast. Here we provide the first comprehensive phylogeographical study of a species distributed along the SEP coast by analysing the endemic and emblematic muricid gastropod Concholepas concholepas. Location The study localities were distributed along the SEP coast ranging from Matarani (11° S) to Puerto Eden (49° S), crossing three major biogeographical provinces: Peruvian Province, Intermediate Area and Magellanic Province. Methods A total of 337 specimens of C. concholepas were collected from 14 localities in the three biogeographical provinces/areas. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene partial sequences (658 bp) were obtained and analysed using coalescence‐based methods to infer molecular diversity and phylogeographical patterns. Results Across the 337 individuals, we found a large diversity, with a total of 179 haplotypes at the COI gene fragment. Although a slight decrease in gene diversity was observed from north to south, an analysis of molecular variance did not reveal any significant spatial population differentiation from Peru to the tip of Chile, not even across the recognized biogeographical boundaries at 30° S and 42° S. In addition, a star‐like haplotype network suggested the past occurrence of a rapid demographic and geographical expansion over the total range examined. Calculations of the onset of this expansion suggest that it might be due to climatic conditions during the period of the marine isotope stage 11 (MIS 11, 400,000 years ago), the longer and warmer interglacial episode during the Pleistocene epoch. Main conclusions Our phylogeographical analyses indicate that in the recent past C. concholepas mitochondrial DNA lineages underwent a sudden population expansion event. In addition, our data do not support the hypothesis of concordance between biogeographical barriers and phylogeographical breaks along the SEP coast. These two results are in accordance with the paradigm of high larval dispersal ability in marine species with an extended pelagic larval phase.  相似文献   

Cook Strait, which separates the North and South Island of New Zealand, has been a transient, but re-occurring feature of the New Zealand land mass throughout the Pleistocene, maintaining its current width and depth for the past 5000 years. Historic land fragmentation coupled with the complex hydrography of the Greater Cook Strait region has created both biogeographic and phylogeographic disjunctions between the North and South Island in several marine species. Here we use mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences of three endemic intertidal limpets, Cellana ornata, Cellana radians and Cellana flava to assess intraspecific phylogeographic patterns across Cook Strait and to look for interspecific concordance of ecological and evolutionary processes among closely related taxa. We sequenced 328-359 bp in 85-321 individuals from 8-31 populations spanning the biogeographic range of the three species. Intraspecific phylogeographic analyses show moderate to strong genetic discontinuity among North and South Island populations due to allopatric fragmentation. This pattern was broadly concordant across the three species and the observed divergence among this group of intertidal limpets (0.3-2.0%) is similar to that of previously studied subtidal organisms. For each species, divergence time calculations suggest contemporary North and South Island lineages diverged from their respective most recent common ancestor approximately 200 000 to 300 000 years before present (bp), significantly earlier than previous estimates in other coastal marine taxa that arose from a miscalculation of divergence time.  相似文献   

1. Gene flow and dispersal among populations of a stone‐cased caddis (Tasimiidae: Tasimia palpata) were estimated indirectly using a 460 bp region of the cytochrome oxidase I gene of mitochondrial DNA. 2. There was no significant differentiation at the largest spatial scale (between catchments) and no correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance. These results are consistent with widespread adult dispersal. 3. Conversely, significant genetic differentiation was detected at the smallest spatial scale examined (among reaches within streams). This pattern was primarily because of significant FST values in a single stream (Bundaroo Creek). 4. Bundaroo Creek also had the lowest mean number of haplotypes per population (n = 7) suggesting that a limited number of females may be responsible for recruitment at these sites. Significant FST's at the reach scale may be a result of this ‘patchy’ recruitment. However, additional evidence regarding the long‐range dispersal ability and fecundity of T. palpata females is needed to test this hypothesis fully.  相似文献   

Human activities have strongly impacted natural communities through the introduction of non-native species in historical times. A frequently cited marine example is Littorina littorea , a common intertidal gastropod that was first reported in North America in 1840. The seemingly sudden appearance and rapid geographical spread of this species southward from Nova Scotia has led many researchers to consider L. littorea a human-mediated species introduction. This is despite allozyme and subfossil evidence that the `European periwinkle' was in North America long before 1840. Our mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data confirm that L. littorea has been in continuous residence in North America for at least 8000 years. It appears most likely that ecological interactions, rather than oceanographic or climatic forces, maintained the limited geographical distribution of L. littorea prior to the 19th century.  相似文献   

As a consequence of free spawning in the unpredictable nearshore environment, marine species with large fecundities and high pre-reproductive mortality may be subject to extreme variance in reproductive success. If the unpredictability of the ocean results in only a small subset of the adult population contributing to each larval cohort, then reproduction may be viewed as a sweepstakes, with chance events determining which adults are successful each spawning season. Such a reproductive sweepstakes scenario may partially account for large reductions in effective population sizes relative to census population sizes in marine species. We evaluated two predictions of the sweepstakes reproductive success hypothesis by testing: (1) whether sea urchin recruits contain reduced genetic variation relative to the adult population; and (2) whether cohorts of sea urchin recruits are genetically differentiated. Mitochondrial DNA sequences were collected from 283 recently settled Strongylocentrotus purpuratus recruits from four annual cohorts spanning seven years in locations throughout California. Observed haplotype numbers and haplotype diversities showed little evidence of reduced genetic variation in the recruits relative to the diversity estimated from a previously reported sample of 145 S. purpuratus adults. Different cohorts of recruits were in some cases mildly differentiated from each other. A computer simulation of sweepstakes recruitment indicates that our sampling strategy had sufficient statistical power to detect large variances in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Species of the marine meiofauna such as Gastrotricha are known to lack dispersal stages and are thus assumed to have low dispersal ability and low levels of gene flow between populations. Yet, most species are widely distributed, and this creates a paradox. To shed light on this apparent paradox, we test (i) whether such wide distribution may be due to misidentification and lumping of cryptic species with restricted distributions and (ii) whether spatial structures exist for the phylogeography of gastrotrichs. As a model, we used the genus Turbanella in NW Europe. DNA taxonomy using a mitochondrial and a nuclear marker supports distinctness of four traditional species (Turbanella ambronensis, T. bocqueti, T. mustela and T. cornuta) and provides evidence for two cryptic species within T. hyalina. An effect of geography on the within‐species genetic structure is indeed present, with the potential for understanding colonization processes and for performing phylogeographic inference from microscopic animals. On the other hand, the occurrence of widely distributed haplotypes indicates long‐distance dispersal as well, despite the assumed low dispersal ability of gastrotrichs.  相似文献   

Aim  Phylogeographical breaks may reflect historical or present-day impediments to gene flow, and the congruence of these breaks across multiple species lends insight into evolutionary history and connectivity among populations. In marine systems, examining the concordance of phylogeographical breaks is challenging due to the varied sampling scales in population genetics studies and the diverse life histories of marine organisms. A quantitative approach that considers the effects of sampling scale and species life history is needed.
Location  The south-east and south-west coasts of the United States.
Methods  We quantitatively analysed previously published datasets of marine fauna to look for concordance among phylogeographical breaks. We used a bootstrap approach to determine the regions where phylogeographical breaks are more common than expected by chance among species with planktonic dispersal as well as those with restricted dispersal.
Results  On the south-west coast, breaks were clustered near Point Conception among planktonic dispersers and near Los Angeles among restricted dispersers. On the south-east coast, breaks were most common near the southern tip of Florida for planktonic dispersers and near Cape Canaveral for restricted dispersers.
Main conclusions  Dispersal ability is an important determinant of phylogeographical patterns in marine species. Breaks among planktonic dispersers on both coasts are congruent with present-day flow-mediated barriers to dispersal, suggesting that phylogeographical structure in species with planktonic larvae may reflect contemporary oceanography, while breaks in restricted dispersers reflect historical processes. These results highlight the importance of explicitly considering sampling scale and life history when evaluating phylogeographical patterns.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify and sequence a 710-bp region of the mtDNA protein-encoding gene, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, in nine nematodes belonging to the order Strongylida, one nematode from the order Rhabditida and two nematodes from the order Ascaridida. This study tested the hypothesis that in the Strongylida, tissue migration in orally infecting nematodes reflects a legacy of skin penetrating strategies of host infection that were retained after an oral route of infection became established (percutaneous transmission model). Phylogenetic analyses (NJ, MP, ML) consistently produced a single tree topology with two clades within the Strongylida, one containing nematodes that incorporated tissue migration as part of their life cycles, and the other containing nematodes with no tissue migration. Our analysis concluded that the ancestral Strongylida possessed skin penetrating and tissue migrating characters that were modified as members of the group progressed along one of two evolutionary pathways. In one pathway, skin penetration was lost but tissue migration was retained as the nematodes evolved an oral infection route. In the other, both skin penetration and tissue migration characters were lost as the nematodes evolved an oral infection route. These data support the hypothesis of percutaneous transmission as being ancestral in the Strongylida.  相似文献   

Introgression is the effective exchange of genetic information between species through natural hybridization. Previous genetic analyses of the Drosophila yakuba—D. santomea hybrid zone showed that the mitochondrial genome of D. yakuba had introgressed into D. santomea and completely replaced its native form. Since mitochondrial proteins work intimately with nuclear‐encoded proteins in the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) pathway, we hypothesized that some nuclear genes in OXPHOS cointrogressed along with the mitochondrial genome. We analyzed nucleotide variation in the 12 nuclear genes that form cytochrome c oxidase (COX) in 33 Drosophila lines. COX is an OXPHOS enzyme composed of both nuclear‐ and mitochondrial‐encoded proteins and shows evidence of cytonuclear coadaptation in some species. Using maximum‐likelihood methods, we detected significant gene flow from D. yakuba to D. santomea for the entire COX complex. Interestingly, the signal of introgression is concentrated in the three nuclear genes composing subunit V, which shows population migration rates significantly greater than the background level of introgression in these species. The detection of introgression in three proteins that work together, interact directly with the mitochondrial‐encoded core, and are critical for early COX assembly suggests this could be a case of cytonuclear cointrogression.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic structures of 13 Japanese populations of an ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus germanus (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), to understand the effects of geographical barriers on the colonization dynamics of this species. The genetic structure was studied using portions of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. A phylogenetic analysis revealed three distinct lineages (clades A, B and C) within X. germanus. Clade A contained 21 haplotypes from all 13 populations; whereas clade B contained eight haplotypes from Hokkaido (Sapporo and Furano), Iwate and Nagano populations; and clade C contained only a single a haplotype from the Hokkaido (Furano) population. In the analysis of molecular variance (amova ), the greatest amount of genetic variation was detected between populations in Hokkaido and those in Honshu and other southern islands. Between these two groups of populations, all the values of the coefficient of gene differentiation were significantly larger than zero, except for the Hokkaido (Sapporo) versus Nagano comparison. Our results confirm that for X. germanus, gene flow has been interrupted between Hokkaido and Honshu since the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

In the present study, partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of 22 island populations of the springtail Homidia socia in the Thousand Island Lake were sequenced. Across all sequences, 37 haplotypes were identified for the 510‐bp mitochondrial (mt) DNA COI gene. Haplotype 2 was the most common, and was distributed in the most of the 22 island populations. Haplotype diversity ranged from 0.065 to 0.733, and the total genetic diversity was 0.56216. The genetic characteristics of the 22 island populations were analyzed using the fixation index and gene flow, with values of 0.00043–0.94900 and 0.02703–703.72540, respectively. Comparison between (island area and isolations) with population genetic diversity revealed that there were no significant correlations between them, except for a significant correlation between the number of haplotypes and island area. Mantel tests showed that there was no significant correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance among various groups. All the results indicated that there were no obvious relationships between island characteristics and the genetic diversity of the springtails. We consider that the low dispersal capacity of springtails and the island patches surrounded by water in the Thousand Island Lake are the major factors affecting the genetic diversity of H. socia.  相似文献   

1. Previously, the Yangtze River connected thousands of shallow lakes which together formed a potamo-lacustrine system capable of sustaining a rich variety of submerged macrophytes.
2.  Potamogeton malaianus is one of the dominant submerged macrophytes in many lakes of this area. Genetic variation and population structure of P. malaianus populations from ten lakes in the potamo-lacustrine system were assessed using inter-simple sequence repeat markers.
3. Twelve primer combinations produced a total of 166 unambiguous bands of which 117 (70.5%) were polymorphic. Potamogeton malaianus exhibited a moderate level of population genetic diversity ( P P = 70.5%, H E = 0.163 and I =  0.255), as compared with that of plants in the same habitat and range. The main factors responsible for this moderate value were the plant's mixed breeding system (both sexual and asexual) and the hydrological connectivity among habitats.
4.  F statistics, calculated using different approaches, consistently revealed a moderate genetic differentiation among populations, contributing about 20% of total genetic diversity. An estimate of gene flow (using F ST) suggested that gene flow played a more important role than genetic drift in the current population genetic structure of P. malaianus ( Nm  = 1.131).
5. The genetic diversity of P. malaianus did not increase downstream. A high level of linkage–disequilibrium at the whole population level suggested that metapopulation processes may affect genetic structure. The migration pattern of P. malaianus was best explained by a two-dimensional stepping stone model, indicating that bird-mediated dispersal could greatly influence gene movements among lakes.  相似文献   

We employ a battery of 33 polymorphic microsatellite loci to describe geographical population structure of the mangrove killifish (Kryptolebias marmoratus), the only vertebrate species known to have a mixed-mating system of selfing and outcrossing. Significant population genetic structure was detected at spatial scales ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometres in Florida, Belize, and the Bahamas. The wealth of genotypic information, coupled with the highly inbred nature of most killifish lineages due to predominant selfing, also permitted treatments of individual fish as units of analysis. Genetic clustering algorithms, neighbour-joining trees, factorial correspondence, and related methods all earmarked particular killifish specimens as products of recent outcross events that could often be provisionally linked to specific migration events. Although mutation is the ultimate source of genetic diversity in K. marmoratus, our data indicate that interlocality dispersal and outcross-mediated genetic recombination (and probably genetic drift also) play key proximate roles in the local 'clonal' dynamics of this species.  相似文献   

Isopods of the species Ligia oceanica are typical inhabitants of the rocky intertidal of the northern European coastline. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic structure of this species using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. We analysed partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (CO1) and 16S rRNA gene sequence data of 161 specimens collected from ten sites ranging from Spain to Norway. For selected specimens, we also sequenced the hypervariable V7 expansion segment of the nuclear 18S rRNA gene as a supplementary marker. Furthermore, we studied the infection rate of all analysed specimens by the alphaproteobacterium Wolbachia. Our analyses revealed two deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages for Ligia oceanica that probably diverged in the late Pliocene to mid Pleistocene. One lineage comprised specimens from northern populations (‘lineage N’) and one primarily those from France and Spain (‘lineage S’). Distribution patterns of the haplotypes and the genetic distances between both lineages revealed two populations that diverged before the Last Glacial Maximum. Given that we found no homogenization of mitochondrial haplotypes, our present results also reject any influence of Wolbachia on the observed mtDNA variability. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 16–30.  相似文献   

Gene flow between ecologically divergent populations can prevent local adaptation, resulting in lower mean fitness and directional selection within a population. Such maladaptation should tend to be stronger in populations receiving a relatively larger fraction of immigrants. We test this expectation by comparing the strength of selection in a pair of three-spine stickleback populations in adjoining but unequal-sized lake basins in British Columbia. A larger deeper basin is connected to a smaller shallower basin by a short channel that allows extensive migration between populations. The two basins contain distinct habitats and prey communities, and stickleback stomach contents and isotope ratios differ accordingly. Trophic morphology is correlated with diet, so we would expect these ecological differences to be accompanied by morphological divergence. However, high gene flow appears to constrain adaptive divergence: microsatellites indicate that the two basins represent a single panmictic gene pool, and phenotypic divergence is very subtle. As a result, fish in the smaller lake basin are subject to persistent directional selection towards a more benthic phenotype, whereas the larger population exhibits no significant selection. The results illustrate the potentially asymmetrical effect of migration-selection balance, and its effect on fitness within populations.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 273–287.  相似文献   

To understand how allopatric speciation proceeds, we need information on barriers to gene flow, their antiquity, and their efficacy. For marine organisms with planktonic larvae, much of this information can only be obtained through the determination of divergence between populations. We evaluated the importance of ocean barriers by studying the mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of Tripneustes, a pantropical genus of shallow water sea urchin. A region of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) was sequenced in 187 individuals from locations around the globe. The COI phylogeny agreed with a previously published phylogeny of bindin that barriers important to the evolution of Tripneustes are: (1) the cold water upwelling close to the tip of South Africa, (2) the Isthmus of Panama, (3) the long stretch of deep water separating the eastern from the western Atlantic, and (4) the freshwater plume of the Orinoco and the Amazon rivers between the Caribbean and the coast of Brazil. These barriers have previously been shown to be important in at least a subset of the shallow water marine organisms in which phylogeography has been studied. In contrast, the Eastern Pacific Barrier, 5000 km of deep water between the central and the eastern Pacific that has caused the deepest splits in other genera of sea urchins, is remarkably unimportant as a cause of genetic subdivision in Tripneustes. There is also no discernible subdivision between the Pacific and Indian Ocean populations of this genus. The most common COI haplotype is found in the eastern, central, and western Pacific as well as the Indian Ocean. Morphology, COI, and bindin data agree that T. depressus from the eastern Pacific and T. gratilla from the western Pacific are, in fact, the same species. The distribution of haplotype differences in the Indo-Pacific exhibits characteristics expected from a sea urchin genus with ephemeral local populations, but with high fecundity, dispersal, and growth: there is little phylogenetic structure, and mismatch distributions conform to models of recent population expansion on a nearly global scale. Yet, comparisons between local populations produce large and significant F(ST) values, indicating nonrandom haplotype distribution. This apparent local differentiation is only weakly reflected in regional divergence, and there is no evidence of isolation by distance in correlations between F(ST) values and either geographical or current distance. Thus, Tripneustes in the Indo-Pacific (but not in the Atlantic) seems to be one large metapopulation spanning two oceans and containing chaotic, nonequilibrium local variation, produced by the haphazard arrival of larvae or by unpredictable local extinction.  相似文献   

Major disjunctions among marine communities in southeastern Australia have been well documented, although explanations for biogeographic structuring remain uncertain. Converging ocean currents, environmental gradients, and habitat discontinuities have been hypothesized as likely drivers of structuring in many species, although the extent to which species are affected appears largely dependent on specific life histories and ecologies. Understanding these relationships is critical to the management of native and invasive species, and the preservation of evolutionary processes that shape biodiversity in this region. In this study we test the direct influence of ocean currents on the genetic structure of a passive disperser across a major biogeographic barrier. Donax deltoides (Veneroida: Donacidae) is an intertidal, soft‐sediment mollusc and an ideal surrogate for testing this relationship, given its lack of habitat constraints in this region, and its immense dispersal potential driven by year‐long spawning and long‐lived planktonic larvae. We assessed allele frequencies at 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci across 11 sample locations spanning the barrier region and identified genetic structure consistent with the major ocean currents of southeastern Australia. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequence data indicated no evidence of genetic structuring, but signatures of a species range expansion corresponding with historical inundations of the Bassian Isthmus. Our results indicate that ocean currents are likely to be the most influential factor affecting the genetic structure of D. deltoides and a likely physical barrier for passive dispersing marine fauna generally in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

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