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The intracellular level of the NAD+/NADH ratio plays a vital role in sustaining and coordinating the catabolic reaction of the cell, and reflects the redox state of cytosol. Antioxidants play a role to protect cytosol and membrane from free radicals. This role of antioxidants involves sustaining cell viability and the procedure is thought to be regulated by the equilibrium of the redox state of the cell. However, there is very little known about how the NAD+/NADH level is set and changed. To alter the ratio, human NAD-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (cGPDH) cDNA was transfected stably in CHO dhfr- cells. When compared to parental CHO cells, cGPDH activities of the transfected cells were increased 8-12 fold, but the NAD+/NADH ratio was decreased. Specific growth rate of the transfected cells was similar to or slight lower than that of wild type CHO cells. Cell viability of the stable transformants against H2O2 was increased without change of either catalase or glutathione peroxidase activity. However, the increase of cell viability was correlated with the decrease of NAD+/NADH ratio in transfectants. From these results, it is suggested that the overexpression of cGPDH changes the NAD+/NADH ratio toward a decrease, and by this change in the redox state the cell confers more resistance against H2O2.  相似文献   

Shen W  Wei Y  Dauk M  Tan Y  Taylor DC  Selvaraj G  Zou J 《The Plant cell》2006,18(2):422-441
A mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate (G-3-P) shuttle that channels cytosolic reducing equivalent to mitochondria for respiration through oxidoreduction of G-3-P has been extensively studied in yeast and animal systems. Here, we report evidence for the operation of such a shuttle in Arabidopsis thaliana. We studied Arabidopsis mutants defective in a cytosolic G-3-P dehydrogenase, GPDHc1, which, based on models described for other systems, functions as the cytosolic component of a G-3-P shuttle. We found that the gpdhc1 T-DNA insertional mutants exhibited increased NADH/NAD+ ratios compared with wild-type plants under standard growth conditions, as well as impaired adjustment of NADH/NAD+ ratios under stress simulated by abscisic acid treatment. The altered redox state of the NAD(H) pool was correlated with shifts in the profiles of metabolites concerning intracellular redox exchange. The impairment in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis was manifest by a higher steady state level of reactive oxygen species under standard growth conditions and by a significantly augmented hydrogen peroxide production under stress. Loss of GPDHc1 affected mitochondrial respiration, particularly through a diminished capacity of the alternative oxidase respiration pathway. We propose a model that outlines potential involvements of a mitochondrial G-3-P shuttle in plant cells for redox homeostasis.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the two most important systems for conveying excess cytosolic NADH to the mitochondrial respiratory chain are external NADH dehydrogenase (Nde1p/Nde2p) and the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase shuttle. In the latter system, NADH is oxidized to NAD+ and dihydroxyacetone phosphate is reduced to glycerol 3-phosphate by the cytosolic Gpd1p; glycerol 3-phosphate gives two electrons to the respiratory chain via mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gut2p)-regenerating dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Both Nde1p/Nde2p and Gut2p are located in the inner mitochondrial membrane with catalytic sites facing the intermembranal space. In this study, we showed kinetic interactions between these two enzymes. First, deletion of either one of the external dehydrogenases caused an increase in the efficiency of the remaining enzyme. Second, the activation of NADH dehydrogenase inhibited the Gut2p in such a manner that, at a saturating concentration of NADH, glycerol 3-phosphate is not used as respiratory substrate. This effect was not a consequence of a direct action of NADH on Gut2p activity because both NADH dehydrogenase and its substrate were needed for Gut2p inhibition. This kinetic regulation of the activity of an enzyme as a function of the rate of another having a similar physiological function may be allowed by their association into the same supramolecular complex in the inner membrane. The physiological consequences of this regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC from rabbit skeletal muscle is inhibited by pyridoxal-5′-phosphate. The inhibition observed in steady-state kinetic studies is competitive with respect to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and uncompetitive with respect to NADH. Similar inhibition was found for a series of related compounds which in order of increasing effectiveness of inhibition were: 4-deoxypyridoxine < pyridoxal < pyridoxic acid < pyridoxal-5′-phosphate < pyridoxine and pyridoxamine-5′-phosphate. Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate also reacts slowly with the enzyme to produce an adduct which upon treatment with sodium borohydride results in irreversible modification of the enzyme. The nature of the adduct was investigated by titration of the enzyme with pyridoxal-5′-phosphate, uv-visible and fluorescence spectroscopy, amino acid analysis, and peptide mapping. All such studies are consistent with a single, highly reactive lysyl residue on each enzyme subunit. Protection of the lysyl residue against modification was afforded by the presence of NADH. The modified enzyme, on the other hand, possessed kinetic properties similar to the native enzyme including a nearly identical inhibition constant for pyridoxal-5′-phosphate. Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate, therefore, seems to have two sites of interaction on the enzyme: a reversible binding site competitive with substrate and a Schiff-base site protected by NADH. These properties of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase set it apart from functionally similar enzymes.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed to measure the synthesis of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) during the development of Drosophila melanogaster. In emerged adult flies, GPDH is a principal component of protein synthesis, comprising between 1 and 2% of the protein synthetic effort. This high relative rate of protein synthesis continues throughout adult life during a period of stable enzyme concentration. Therefore, it is evident that GPDH undergoes continual turnover. Analysis of GPDH synthesis in the adult segments reveals that this enzyme is synthesized in head, thorax, and abdomen. In 5-day-old flies, the relative rates of GPDH synthesis in the thorax and abdomen are similar. However, the concentration of GPDH in the thorax greatly exceeds that found in the abdomen. Therefore, it appears that the turnover rate of GPDH in the abdomen must be greater than the turnover rate of GPDH in the GPDH-containing cells (flight muscle) of the thorax. GPDH represents between 0.5 and 0.9% of the protein synthetic effort of larvae. The principle GPDH-containing tissue of larvae is fat body. The turnover of GPDH in larvae is similar to that in adult abdomen. This may be related to the concurrent presence of GPDH isozyme-3 in both tissues. Our studies indicate that the cell type-specific control of GPDH occurs at several levels.  相似文献   

Fluoro-o-hydorxyacetone phosphate (fluoroacetol phosphate) has been prepared by oxidation of 1-fluoro-3-chloro-2-propanol to 1-fluoro-3-chloroacetone, phosphorylation with silver dibenzylphosphate, and the intermediate isolation of 1-fluoro-3-hydroxyacetone phosphate dibenzyl ester, followed by catalytic hydrogenation and preparation of the stable monosodium salt. The chloro analog as the pure, stable monosodium salt has been prepared by a similar route from 1,3-dichloroacetone. 1-Fluoro-3-hydroxyacetone-P is substrate for cytosolic NAD+-linked glycerol-3-P dehydrogenese (EC from rabbit skeletal muscle with an apparent Km of 50 mM under conditions in which dihydroxyacetone-P exhibits an apparent Km of 0.15 mM. Under these conditions the fluoro analog is 85% hydrated wheras dihydroxyacetone-P has been shown by others to be 44% hydrated. The turnover numbers are 49,000 molecules of NADH oxidized per minute per molecule of enzyme at 25 degrees with the fluoro analog as substrate, and 60,000 with dihydrocyacetone-P as substrate. The product of the reduction of the fluoro analog has been identified as 1-fluorodeoxyglycerol-3-P. 1-Fluoro-3-hydroxyacetone-P is comparatively weak irreversible inhibitor at 4 degrees of rabbit muscle triosephosphate isomerase (EC with second-order rate constant of 2.6 M minus 1 sec minus 1. Inhibition by pyrazole in vivo of alcohol dehydrogenese catalyzed oxidation of 1-fluorodeoxyglecerol-3-P indicates in mice the reduction of 1-fluoro-3-hydroxyacetone-P to -l-1-fluorodexoxyglycerol-3-P is not significant metabolic route, or that an alternative route exists when the alcohol dehydrogenase dependent pathway is inhibited.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidylcholine (contrary to Lubrol WX, Triton X-100, digitonine and deoxycholate) solubilizes hamster brown fat mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase without inactivation. Optimal ratio of lysophosphatidylcholine and membrane protein for solubilization of the enzyme was found to be 0.25 mg of lysophosphatidylcholine per mg protein. The activity of solubilized enzyme, however, was not affected by low concentrations of Lubrol WX, Triton X-100, digitonine, Zwittergent TM 314. Deoxycholate exhibited a pronounced inactivating effect. One-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis of the solubilized membrane proteins revealed 10 protein bands, 3-4 of which exhibited the enzyme activity. Two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis revealed only a single main band of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. This technique thus appears to be the best means for the identification of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the mixture of solubilized membrane proteins and for concentration of the enzyme activity in one major precipitating band.  相似文献   

Analogs of glycerol-3-phosphate were tested as substrates or inhibitors of the glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferases of mitochondria and microsomes. (rac)-3,4-Dihydroxybutyl-1-phosphonate, (rac)-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, (rac)-3-hydroxy-4-oxobutyl-1-phosphonate, (1S,3S)-1,3,4-trihydroxybutyl-1-phosphonate, and (1R,3S)-1,3,4 trihydroxybutyl-1-phosphonate were competitive inhibitors of both mitochondrial and microsomal sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase activity. An isosteric analog of dihydroxyacetone phosphate, 4-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl-1-phosphonate, was a much stronger competitive inhibitor of the microsomal than the mitochondrial enzyme. Phenethyl alcohol was a noncompetitive inhibitor of both the microsomal and the mitochondrial acyltransferases. The product of the mitochondrial acyltransferase reaction with (rac)-3,4-dihydroxybutyl-1- phosphonate was almost exclusively (rac)-4-palmitoyloxy-3-hydroxybutyl-1-phosphonate. The microsomal acylation reaction generated both the monoacyl product and (S)-3,4-dipalmitoyloxybutyl-1-phosphonate. The apparent Km for (S)-3,4-dihydroxybutyl-1-phosphonate was 2.50 and 1.38 mM for the mitochondrial and microsomal enzymes, respectively.  相似文献   

The localization of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase inEscherichia coli   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary Starved cells ofEscherichia coli are dependent on an exogenous source of energy. It was of interest to ask whether compounds that are commonly used to supply energy must themselves be transported or whether they can be utilized on the outer portion of the cytoplasmic membrane. The utilization of glycerol-3-phosphate an energy source is totally dependent on the membrane-bound glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. In the present report glycerol-3-phosphate was used as the energy source for uptake of amino acids. A mutant was constructed which is unable to transport this ester and the starved mutant could not drive the uptake of glutamine with glycerol-3-phosphate. It is concluded that the enzyme is located on the internal surface of the membrane in intactE. coli cells. Further evidence was obtained by showing that no glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity could be measured in either intact cells or spheroplasts using ferricyanide as electron acceptor, due to its impermeability. The activity could be measured after destruction of the membrane permeability barrier by toluenization. With membrane vesicles prepared according to Kaback's procedure nearly half of the dehydrogenase activity was accessible to ferricyanide as well as to impermeable competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Partial inversion during preparation of vesicles is the most probable explanation for the results.A protion of this work was presented at the Miami Winter Symposia on the Molecular Basis of Biological Transprot, 1972.  相似文献   

Digitonin solubilizes mitochondrial membrane, breaks the integrity of the respiratory chain and releases two mobile redox-active components: coenzyme Q (CoQ) and cytochrome c (cyt c). In the present study we report the inhibition of glycerol-3-phosphate- and succinate-dependent oxygen consumption rates by digitonin treatment. Our results show that the inhibition of oxygen consumption rates is recovered by the addition of exogenous synthetic analog of CoQ idebenone (hydroxydecyl-ubiquinone; IDB) and cyt c. Glycerol-3-phosphate oxidation rate is recovered to 148 % of control values, whereas succinate-dependent oxidation rate only to 68 %. We find a similar effect on the activities of glycerol-3-phosphate and succinate cytochrome c oxidoreductase. Our results also indicate that succinate-dependent oxidation is less sensitive to digitonin treatment and less activated by IDB in comparison with glycerol-3-phosphate-dependent oxidation. These findings might indicate the different mechanism of the electron transfer from two flavoprotein-dependent dehydrogenases (glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase) localized on the outer and inner face of the inner mitochondrial membrane, respectively.  相似文献   

Cytosolic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was purified from jerboa (Jaculus orientalis) skeletal muscle and its physical and kinetic properties investigated. The purification method consisted of a multi-step procedure and this procedure is presented. The specific activity of the purified enzyme is 53.6 U/mg of protein, representing a 77-fold increase in specific activity. The apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for dihydroxyacetone is 137.39 (± 25.56) M whereas the Km for glycerol-3-phosphate is 468.66 (±27.59) M. The kinetic mechanism of purified enzyme is ordered Bi-Bi and this result is confirmed by the product inhibition pattern. Under the conditions of assay, the pH optimum occurs at pH 7.7 for the reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate and at pH 9.0 for glycerol-3-phosphate oxidation. In the direction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate, the optimal temperature is 35°C. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is 33,000 (±1,000), whereas non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel yields a molecular weight of 72,000 (±2,000), suggesting that the enzyme may exist as a dimer. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the purified enzyme was used to localize the enzyme in different jerboa tissues by Western blot method. The purified enzyme is sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide, and incubation of the enzyme with 20 mm N-ethylmaleimide resulted in a complete loss of catalytic activity. The purified enzyme is inhibited by several metal ions including Zn2+ and by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.  相似文献   

The anaerobic performance of gpd1Δ and gpd2Δ mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was characterized and compared to that of a wild-type strain under well-controlled conditions by using a high-performance bioreactor. There was a 40% reduction in glycerol level in the gpd2Δ mutant compared to the wild-type. Also the gpd1Δ mutant showed a slight decrease in glycerol formation but to a much lesser degree. As a consequence, ethanol formation in the gpd2Δ mutant was elevated by 13%. In terms of growth, the gpd1Δ mutant and the wild-type were indistinguishable. The gpd2Δ mutant, on the other hand, displayed an extended lag phase as well as a reduced growth rate under the exponential phase. Even though glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (GPD2) is the important enzyme under anaerobic conditions it can, at least in part, be substituted by GPD1. This was indicated by the higher expression level of GPD1 in the gpd2Δ mutant compared to the wild type. These results also show that the cells are able to cope and maintain redox balance under anaerobic conditions even if glycerol formation is substantially reduced, as observed in the gpd2Δ mutant. One obvious way of solving the redox problem would be to make a biomass containing less protein, since most of the excess NADH originates from amino acid biosynthesis. However, the gpd2Δ mutant did not show any decrease in the protein content of the biomass. Received: 16 February 1998 / Received revision: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 1 June 1998  相似文献   

Hartmut Wohlrab 《BBA》1977,462(1):102-112
Coupled respiration by blowfly mitochondria has been utilized to demonstrate an absolute divalent cation requirement for glycerol 3-phosphate respiration. With ADP, phosphate and EGTA, the respiration rate (state 3) decreases as a function of the amount of oxygen reduced, to approximately 15% of its maximum value, even at 40 mM dl-glycerol 3-phosphate; it can be increased to its maximum value by the addition of Ca2+, Sr2+ or Mn2+. The decline in state 3 rate is not due to the removal of membrane-bound calcium into the matrix by the calcium carrier, since it occurs in the presence of ruthenium red. The effect is energy-dependent since the state 3 respiration does not decrease in the presence of uncouplers. The increase in respiration upon the addition of calcium is not due to the energy-dependent calcium transport since it is sensitive to oligomycin and insensitive to ruthenium red.The divalent cation effector site is located on the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogense, since state 3 (or state 4) pyruvate-proline respiration (NAD-linked) is not affected by EGTA. Yet the state 3 pyruvate-proline respiration removes calcium so effectively from the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the presence of EGTA, that added calcium stimulates glycerol 3-phosphate (26.4 mM) respiration about 22-fold.Since uncouplers stimulate the inhibited glycerol 3-phosphate respiration only to a very small extent, a calcium stimulation of the rate of phenazine methosulfate reduction by glycerol 3-phosphate (26.4 mM) which bypasses all phosphorylation sites, should be detectable. Only a 3-fold stimulation was observed.The present experiments suggest that upon complete removal of divalent cations from the dehydrogenase, glycerol 3-phosphate does not act as a homotropic effector in the coenzyme Q reductase reaction.  相似文献   

This report describes preliminary protein structural studies of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (alpha-GPDH) from Drosophila spp. and an important innovative feature of our enzyme purification protocol. The scheme involves the coupling of substrate (alpha-glycerophosphate) elution from CM-Sephadex and cofactor (NADH) elution from Affi-Gel blue resin. Using this method a 32.7% yield and a 111-fold purification were obtained from a D. melanogaster line carrying the alpha-GpdhS allele at the alpha-Gpdh locus. The product obtained from 0 to 3-day-old adult flies was electrophoretically homogeneous and consisted mainly of the adult alpha-GPDH-1 isozyme. The method was used to obtain alpha-GPDH protein from D. melanogaster (two lines), D. hydei, D. immigrans, and D. mercatorum. Peptide mapping revealed structural differences among the enzymes from the different species, and amino acid sequencing showed many similarities between D. melanogaster alpha-GPDH and the rabbit muscle enzyme.  相似文献   

The Gpdh genomic region has been cloned and sequenced in Drosophila pseudoobscura. A total of 6.8 kb of sequence was obtained, encompassing all eight exons of the gene. The exons have been aligned with the sequence from D. melanogaster, and the rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution have been compared to those of other genes sequenced in these two species. Gpdh has the lowest rate of nonsynonymous substitution yet seen in genes sequenced in both D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster. No insertion/deletion events were observed, and the overall architecture of the gene (i.e., intron sites, etc.) is conserved. An interesting amino acid reversal was noted between the D. melanogaster Fast allele and the D. pseudoobscura gene.  相似文献   

As previously reported, mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (MDH) binds to purified complex I of the electron transport system. With conditions used in previous reports, MDH binds even more extensively, but probably predominantly non-specifically, to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane of submitochodrial particles (SMP). Herein we report experimental conditions for highly specific binding of malate dehydrogenase to complex I within SMP. These conditions permit us to demonstrate NADH channelling from malate dehydrogenase to complex I using the completing reaction test. This test, though not ideal for all situations, has several advantages over the enzyme buffering test previously used. These advantages should facilitate further studies elucidating NADH channeling to complex I from MDH and other dehydrogenases. Independent evidence of NADH channelling to the electron transport chain and the potential advantages of substrate channelling in general are also discussed. Substrate channelling from MDH in particular may be especially beneficial because of the unfavourable equilibrium and kinetics of this enzyme reaction.  相似文献   

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