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An immunofluorescent cell (IFC) assay technique was developed for the quantification of infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus of salmonid fishes. Cover slip cultures of rainbow trout gonad (RTG-2) cells were infected with diluted virus preparations. After incubation to permit antigen development, the cells were stained with antiviral fluorescent antibody, and the number of fluorescing (infected) cells was counted. Optimal conditions for the IFC assay procedure are: (i) the use of RTG-2 cells cultured for at least 3 days at 20 C; (ii) 1-h absorption of IPN virus to RTG-2 cells at 20 C or alternatively, 4 h at 4 C; (iii) staining the infected cell cultures at 10 to 12 h postinfection. A linear relationship between the relative concentration of virus in the inoculum and the number of fluorescent cells in the first cycle of infection was observed. The IFC assay method is more sensitive than the plaque method for the assay of IPN virus.  相似文献   

The morphology and sequential development of infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus, a pathogen of trouts, were studied by electron microscopy. Mature virions were seen in the cytoplasm of infected cells incubated at 24 C as early as 6 hr after infection. These virions were hexagonal in profile and approximately 55 nm in diameter. Generally between 8 to 10 hr after infection, virus crystals of various sizes were occasionally observed. Although virus replication did not appear to be confined to a particular cytoplasmic locus, mature virions were sometimes seen in association with unidentified tubular structures approximately 45 nm in outside diameter. Negative stains of virus revealed unenveloped icosahedra approximately 65 nm in diameter with probably 92 capsomeres. Contrary to a previous communication which reported IPN virus to have picornavirus-like morphology, we found it to morphologically resemble members of the reovirus group.  相似文献   

An electron microscopical and biochemical examination of the properties of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPN) and of its ribonucleic acid (RNA) was made. The buoyant density of IPN in CsCl was found to be 1.33 g/cm3. Electron microscopical examination of the banded virus revealed structures similar in size (74 nm) and shape to reoviruses but lacking a characteristic inner capsid structure. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of IPN-RNA revealed a single non-segmented component of molecular weight 3.2 × 106. Its susceptibility to ribonuclease, base composition, and resistance to thermal denaturation indicated a single-stranded RNA structure. However, its sedimentation behavior (16S) independent of ionic strength in sucrose gradients, partial solubility in 2 m LiCl, and ribonuclease resistance in the presence of Mg2+ suggest an unusual secondary structure of unknown nature. The accumulated data indicate that IPN virus does not belong to either the picornavirus or reovirus groups and may represent a new group of viruses.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a disease of salmonid fishes. It has been reported in many countries throughout the world (M’Gonigle 1940, Wood et al. 1955, Besse & Kinkelin 1965, Vestergård Jørgensen & Bregnballe 1969, Sano 1971, Ball et al 1971, Ljungberg & Vestergård Jørgensen 1972, Schlotfeldt et al. 1975). Outbreaks of the disease can cause serious losses in populations of hatchery reared salmonids, the mortality rate varying between 10 and 90 % (Vestergård Jørgensen & Kehlet 1971). There are at least four different serotypes of the virus distinguished by neutralization tests (Wolf et al. 1968). Twenty-five isolates of IPN virus in Denmark proved to represent only two serotypes (Sp and Ab) (Vestergård Jørgensen & Kehlet). The present paper reports the first isolation of IPN virus from the stock at a fish farm in Norway.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) is the cause of one of the most prevalent diseases in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). A quantitative trait locus (QTL) has been found to be responsible for most of the genetic variation in resistance to the virus. Here we describe how a linkage disequilibrium-based test for deducing the QTL allele was developed, and how it was used to produce IPN-resistant salmon, leading to a 75% decrease in the number of IPN outbreaks in the salmon farming industry. Furthermore, we describe how whole-genome sequencing of individuals with deduced QTL genotypes was used to map the QTL down to a region containing an epithelial cadherin (cdh1) gene. In a coimmunoprecipitation assay, the Cdh1 protein was found to bind to IPNV virions, strongly indicating that the protein is part of the machinery used by the virus for internalization. Immunofluorescence revealed that the virus colocalizes with IPNV in the endosomes of homozygous susceptible individuals but not in the endosomes of homozygous resistant individuals. A putative causal single nucleotide polymorphism was found within the full-length cdh1 gene, in phase with the QTL in all observed haplotypes except one; the absence of a single, all-explaining DNA polymorphism indicates that an additional causative polymorphism may contribute to the observed QTL genotype patterns. Cdh1 has earlier been shown to be necessary for the internalization of certain bacteria and fungi, but this is the first time the protein is implicated in internalization of a virus.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease virus, type A, strain 119, propagated in cultures of calf kidney cells and in the tongue epithelium of cattle was used. The process of freeze-drying was conducted in two cycles on unit volumes of 4 ml in Pyrex ampoules, averaging 150 ampoules per run, and was studied separately from the problems of storage. Ampoules containing freeze-dried virus were flame-sealed for either immediate study or storage at 4 C for later reference. Tissue-culture virus dried with various additives had a mean processing loss of 0.8 log LD50 per ml for six different preparations. Virus freeze-dried in tissue suspension had a mean loss of 0.8 log LD50 per ml for three different preparations. A second set of preparations was processed and specifically studied for storage quality at 4 C. The virus in 14 freeze-dried tissue-culture preparations had a mean loss of 0.75 log LD50 per ml while stored at 4 C for 1 year. Virus in four freeze-dried tissue suspensions had a mean loss of 0.05 log LD50 per ml held at 4 C for 1 year. None of the specific additives used for conservation of the virus during the freeze-drying process or during storage at 4 C contributed significantly to the stability of the virus preparations over and above that observed with the normal growth medium of the tissue culture or the ordinary diluents used in making suspensions of tissue virus.  相似文献   

In asynchronous RTG-2 cell cultures infected with infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus, inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis, but not protein synthesis, was detected 5 to 6 h postinfection and was 80 to 90% complete by 7 to 8 h. Inhibition of DNA synthesis was largely abolished by UV irradiation of the virus. Sedimentation analyses of phenol-extracted DNA indicated that native cellular DNA was not degraded during infection. Sedimentation on alkaline sucrose gradients of DNA from cells pulsed with radioactive thymidine for varying periods indicated that elongation of nascent DNA chains proceeded normally in infected cells. These and previous results suggest that IPN virus infection results in a reduction of the number of chromosomal sites active in DNA synthesis but does not affect the rate of polymerization at active sites. Cells synchronized with excess thymidine and hydroxyurea and infected with virus at the time of release from the block demonstrated an inhibition of DNA synthesis 3 h postinfection. Cells infected 4 h prior to release continued to synthesize normal amounts of DNA for 1 to 2 h after release. These results indicated that DNA synthesis in early synthetic phase is relatively insensitive to inhibition by IPN virus.  相似文献   

The occurrence of homologous interference in the replication of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus was demonstrated after successive passages of partially purified virus at high input multiplicities in trout and Atlantic salmon cell cultures. Pretreatment of cell cultures with interfering virus inhibited the replication of homologous standard infectious virus but not unrelated viruses. The ability of infectious pancreatic interfering virus to interfere with homologous virus was abolished with UV irradiation, immune serum, and freeze-thawing.  相似文献   

A comparison was done of 231 strains of birnavirus isolated from fish, shellfish, and other reservoirs in a survey study that began in 1986 in Galicia (northwestern Spain). Reference strains from all of the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus serotypes were included in the comparison, which was done by neutralization tests and agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the viral genome. The neutralization tests with antisera against the West Buxton, Spajarup (Sp), and Abild (Ab) strains showed that most of the Galician isolates were European types Sp and Ab; however, many isolates (30%) could not be typed. Results from agarose gels did not provided information for grouping of the strains, since all were found to have genomic segments of similar sizes. Analysis of polyacrylamide gels, however, allowed six electropherogroups (EGs) to be differentiated on the basis of genome mobility and separation among segments, and a certain relationship between EGs and serotypes was observed. A wide diversity of electropherotypes was observed among the Galician isolates, and as neutralization tests showed, most of the isolates were included in EGs corresponding to European types Ab and Sp. Only 6.5% of the isolates had the electropherotype characteristic of American strains.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of a hypervirulent novirhabdovirus, viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) French strain 23-75, was determined. Compared to the genome of the prototype Fil3 strain, a number of substitutions, deletions, and insertions were observed. Following the establishment of a plasmid-based minigenome replication assay, recombinant VHSV (rVHSV) was successfully recovered. rVHSV exhibits wild-type-like growth properties in vitro as well as in vivo in rainbow trout. The dispensable role of NV for the novirhabdovirus replication was confirmed by generating rVHSV-ΔNV, in which the NV gene was deleted. This deletion mutant was shown to be as debilitated as that previously described for infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), a distantly related novirhabdovirus (S. Biacchesi, M. I. Thoulouze, M. Bearzotti, Y. X. Yu, and M. Bremont, J. Virol. 74:11247-11253, 2000). Recombinant VHSV and IHNV expressing tdTomato and GFPmax reporter genes, respectively, were generated, demonstrating the potential of these rhabdoviruses to serve as viral vectors. Interestingly, rIHNV-GFPmax could be recovered using the replicative complex proteins of either virus, whereas rVHSV-Tomato could be recovered only by using its own replicative complex, reflecting that the genome signal sequences of VHSV are relatively distant from those of IHNV and do not allow their cross-recognition. Moreover, the use of heterologous protein combinations underlined the importance of strong protein-protein interactions for the formation of a functional ribonucleoprotein complex. The rIHNV-GFPmax and rVHSV-Tomato viruses were used to simultaneously coinfect cell monolayers. It was observed that up to 74% of the cell monolayer was coinfected by both viruses, demonstrating that a limited interference phenomenon exists during the early stage of primary infection, and it was not mediated by a cellular antiviral protein or by some of the viral proteins.Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) is a member of the Novirhabdovirus genus in the Rhabdoviridae family. VHSV is considered by many countries and international organizations to be one of the most important viral pathogens of finfish (38). During recent years, VHSV has been isolated from at least 50 different species from marine and freshwater fish and is present throughout the northern hemisphere (45). The transmission of the virus from fish to fish occurs directly through the water or by contact between infected and healthy individuals. VHSV is thought to enter the body through the gills or possibly through wounds on the skin. However, we recently showed that fins may represent the main portal of entry for the novirhabdoviruses (25). The virus usually causes severe hemorrhages in the skin, muscles, eyes, kidney, and liver, with mortality rates as high as 90%. As for all members of the Rhabdoviridae family, the VHSV genome consists of a negative-sense single-stranded RNA molecule of about 11 kb encoding five structural proteins: N, the nucleoprotein; P, a polymerase-associated protein; M, the matrix protein; G, the unique viral surface glycoprotein; and L, the large RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. In addition, like the other members of the Novirhabdovirus genus, such as infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), the VHSV genome encodes a small nonstructural NV protein, which has been shown to be dispensable for IHNV replication in cell culture and is involved in virus-induced pathogenicity in rainbow trout (8, 50).The sequence analysis of the glycoprotein (G) and nucleoprotein (N) genes of VHSV has shown that VHSV isolates can be divided into four genotypes that generally correlate with geographic location rather than the host species (4, 19, 47, 49). Isolates belonging to VHSV genotypes I, II, and III are present in continental Europe, the north Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and waters around Scotland. Genotype IV consists of isolates from the marine environment in North America. Recently, viral hemorrhagic septicemia has become an emerging disease of freshwater fish in the Great Lakes region of North America (2, 54). Thus, it is quite obvious that VHSV is becoming a worldwide and very-broad-host-range fish virus and that the development of efficient vaccines is needed. Reverse genetics, allowing the introduction of targeted modifications into the viral genome and the production of attenuated live vaccine, may help to fight this rapidly spreading and emerging virus. It is routinely observed in farm trouts exposed to viral diseases that VHSV and IHNV coexist (26). By developing experimental coinfections by VHSV and IHNV in rainbow trout, Brudeseth et al. studied the pathogenesis and virus distribution (10). They found that both viruses established an infection and raised similar virus titers in kidneys, but the distribution of IHNV was more restricted in internal organs during the acute stage of the infection and was not detected in the brain. However, it generally is admitted that infection by one virus renders host cells resistant to a superinfecting virus.Superinfection exclusion, also known as homologous interference, is the phenomenon in which a cell infected with one type of virus or transfected with a viral replicon becomes resistant to a secondary infection with the same virus, whereas infection with unrelated viruses normally is unaffected (40, 51). Superinfection exclusion has been observed in a broad range of viruses, including vaccinia virus (14, 18), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (36, 37), vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) (32, 43, 53), Borna disease virus (BDV) (24), measles virus (34), Sindbis virus (28), Semliki Forest virus (44), rubella virus (15), hepatitis C virus (HCV) (40, 51), and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) (31). Mechanisms of exclusion are diverse and have not been determined in all cases, but mechanisms described so far are caused by competition among different viruses for critical replicative pathways (for example, the use of the same receptors for the entry) or depend on the direct interaction of products of the primary infection with the secondary infecting virus. For example, the superinfection exclusion of VSV was found to be caused by a combination of three distinct effects on endocytosis by VSV-infected cells: (i) a decreased rate of the formation of endocytic vesicles, (ii) a decreased rate of the internalization of receptor-bound ligands, and (iii) a competition with newly synthesized virus for the occupancy of coated pits (43). In contrast, the cytoplasmic accumulation of BDV nucleocapsid components appeared to prevent subsequent infection through a blockage of the polymerase activity of incoming viruses (24). Superinfection exclusion by BVDV was the result of dual mechanisms that were mediated by the structural protein E2, which blocks the entry of a homologous second virus, and by a blockage at the level of replication dependent on the level of primary viral RNA replication but not influenced by the expression of viral structural proteins, as observed for BDV (31). HIV employs its early gene product Nef to efficiently interfere with superinfection at the virus entry step by downregulating cell surface receptors (36). Finally, vaccinia virus expresses in newly infected cells two surface proteins that mark cells as infected and induce the repulsion of superinfecting viruses (18).In the present study, we described a reverse-genetics system for VHSV allowing the generation of a wild-type-like recombinant VHSV and a recombinant virus expressing a red fluorescent protein (Tomato). The system is based on the French strain 23/75 of VHSV, which is a hypervirulent and devastating strain for farmed rainbow trout belonging to genotype I (serotype III) and was isolated in France in 1975 from a brown trout (16, 23). Thus, this system provides a suitable starting point for identifying potential virulence determinants, as demonstrated by the deletion of the NV gene, and for developing attenuated derivatives as candidate vaccines. Using the available reverse-genetics system elaborated with IHNV, a recombinant IHNV expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) also was produced (8), and it was of interest to study whether a superinfection exclusion phenomenon could be observed between both VHSV and IHNV, whose cohabitation has been recorded often. We showed that up to 74% of a cell monolayer could be simultaneously infected by the viruses, demonstrating a limited viral interference between salmonid novirhabdoviruses and that, based on previous data, chimeric or pseudotyped viruses could be generated (6).  相似文献   

Rimstad  E.  Poppe  T.  Evensen  Ø.  Hyllseth  B. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1991,32(4):503-510
Atlantic salmon were selected from a fish farm with no previous record of pancreas disease (PD) or infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) infection. Groups of fish were inoculated with either IPNV (strain Sp) from cell culture, organ material from fish with PD or control material as phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Virological, histological and immunohistochemical examinations were carried out throughout the experiment. None of the fish died or showed clinical symptoms of PD. Histological examination revealed no pathological changes, and immunohistochemical studies were negative. Virus was isolated only sporadically from the group inoculated with organ material, whereas it was isolated consistently from the group inoculated with virus propagated in cell culture, as well as from in-contact control fish after the first week. In a latent carrier test, changes were entirely lacking in the first mentioned group, and were only slight in the last mentioned group. The data suggest that PD is not a transmissible disease, and that IPNV isolated from a PD outbreak does not play any part in the etiology of this disease.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - The teleost fish skin mucus acts as an important physical and biological barrier that prevents fish from the surrounding environment....  相似文献   

Reference strains of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus resembling the 10 recognized serotypes and local isolates of aquabirnaviruses isolated in northwestern Spain from reservoirs (mollusks) and from asymptomatic and carrier cultured fish were genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and nucleic acid sequence analyses. The RFLP analysis yielded seven genogroups, each of which was clearly correlated with a serotype. Sequence analysis of the three open reading frames provided quite similar results in terms of genogrouping. Based on the results of this study and in order to unify the two types of assays, we propose placing aquabirnaviruses into six genogroups, four of which can be subdivided into two genotypes based on a two-step restriction analysis. The genotyping corresponds with serotyping as follows: genogroup I includes two genotypes corresponding to serotypes A9 (genotype I.1) and A1 (genotype I.2); genogroup II corresponds to serotype A3; genogroup III includes genotypes III.1 (serotype A2) and III.2 (serotype B1); genogroups IV and V include two genotypes, each corresponding to serotypes A5, A6, A7, and A8 (genotypes IV.1, IV.2, V.1, and V.2, respectively);and genogroup VI corresponds to serotype A4. As expected, most local isolates belonged to genotype III.1 and genogroup II. However, a few local isolates corresponded to the American types of genogroup I. Finally, based on the results of this study and due to its simplicity, the two-step restriction analysis assay is proposed as a method for typing new isolates of aquabirnaviruses, and the results correspond to the results of conventional serotyping.  相似文献   

A cohabitation challenge model was developed for use in evaluating the efficacy of vaccines developed against infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) using a stepwise approach. The study involved identifying a set of input variables that were optimized before inclusion in the model. Input variables identified included the highly virulent Norwegian Sp strain NVI015-TA encoding the T217A221 motif having the ability to cause >90% mortality and a hazard risk ratio of 490.18 (p<0.000) for use as challenge virus. The challenge dose was estimated at 1x107 TCID50/mL per fish while the proportion of virus shedders was estimated at 12.5% of the total number of fish per tank. The model was designed based on a three parallel tank system in which the Cox hazard proportional regression model was used to estimate the minimum number of fish required to show significant differences between the vaccinated and control fish in each tank. All input variables were optimized to generate mortality >75% in the unvaccinated fish in order to attain a high discriminatory capacity (DC) between the vaccinated and control fish as a measure of vaccine efficacy. The model shows the importance of using highly susceptible fish to IPNV in the optimization of challenge models by showing that highly susceptible fish had a better DC of differentiating vaccine protected fish from the unvaccinated control fish than the less susceptible fish. Once all input variables were optimized, the model was tested for its reproducibility by generating similar results from three independent cohabitation challenge trials using the same input variables. Overall, data presented here show that the cohabitation challenge model developed in this study is reproducible and that it can reliably be used to evaluate the efficacy of vaccines developed against IPNV in Atlantic salmon. We envision that the approach used here will open new avenues for developing optimal challenge models for use in evaluating the efficacy of different vaccines used in aquaculture.  相似文献   

We have studied stress-induced reversion to virulence of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in persistently infected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fry. Naïve fry were persistently infected with a virulent strain (T217A221 of major structural virus protein 2, VP2) or a low virulent (T217T221) variant of IPNV. The fry were infected prior to immunocompetence as documented by lack of recombination activating gene-1, T-cell receptor and B-cell receptor mRNA expression at time of challenge. The fish were followed over 6 months and monitored monthly for presence of virus and viral genome mutations. No mutation was identified in the TA or TT group over the 6 months period post infection. Six months post infection TA and TT infected groups were subject to daily stress for 7 days and then sampled weekly for an additional period of 28 days post stress. Stress-responses were documented by down-regulation of mRNA expression of IFN-α1 and concomitant increase of replication levels of T217T221 infected fish at day 1 post stress. By 28 days post stress a T221A reversion was found in 3 of 6 fish in the T217T221 infected group. Sequencing of reverted isolates showed single nucleotide peaks on chromatograms for residue 221 for all three isolates and no mix of TA and TT strains. Replication fitness of reverted (TA) and non-reverted (TT) variants was studied in vitro under an antiviral state induced by recombinant IFN-α1. The T217A221 reverted variant replicated to levels 23-fold higher than the T217T221 strain in IFN-α1 treated cells. Finally, reverted TA strains were virulent when tested in an in vivo trial in susceptible salmon fry. In conclusion, these results indicate that stress plays a key role in viral replication in vivo and can facilitate conditions that will allow reversion from attenuated virus variants of IPNV.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) is a member of the family Birnaviridae that has been linked to high mortalities in juvenile salmonids and postsmolt stages of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after transfer to seawater. IPN vaccines have been available for a long time but their efficacy has been variable. The reason for the varying immune response to these vaccines has not well defined and studies on the importance of using vaccine trains homologous to the virulent field strain has not been conclusive. In this study we prepared one vaccine identical to the virulent Norwegian Sp strain NVI-015 (NCBI: 379740) (T217A221T247 of VP2) and three other vaccine strains developed using the same genomic backbone altered by reverse genetics at three residues yielding variants, T217T221T247, P217A221A247, P217T221A247. These 4 strains, differing in these three positions only, were used as inactivated, oil-adjuvanted vaccines while two strains, T217A221T247 and P217T221A247, were used as live vaccines. The results show that these three residues of the VP2 capsid play a key role for immunogenicity of IPNV vaccines. The virulent strain for inactivated vaccines elicited the highest level of virus neutralization (VN) titers and ELISA antibodies. Interestingly, differences in immunogenicity were not reflected in differences in post challenge survival percentages (PCSP) for oil-adjuvanted, inactivated vaccines but clearly so for live vaccines (TAT and PTA). Further post challenge viral carrier state correlated inversely with VN titers at challenge for inactivated vaccines and prevalence of pathology in target organs inversely correlated with protection for live vaccines. Overall, our findings show that a few residues localized on the VP2-capsid are important for immunogenicity of IPNV vaccines.  相似文献   

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