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We have analysed the ribosomal DNA of Calliphora erythrocephala, a Dipteran fly of the same sub-order as Drosophila melanogaster, through a series of rDNA2 fragments cloned in a plasmid vector. We have mapped the sites for eight restriction enzymes within these plasmids, and positioned the regions coding for the 18 S and 28 S rRNAs within the maps of selected plasmids using the S1 endonuclease mapping procedure of Berk & Sharp (1977). This analysis establishes that some rDNA cistrons of C. erythrocephala contain an “intron” (Gilbert, 1978) which interrupts the 28 S coding region at the same position as that of D. melanogaster rDNA. Two introns of 2.85 kilobases in length and part of a longer, sequence-related variant were isolated in these cloned fragments. Restriction enzyme site analysis and preliminary hybridization data indicate that the 2.85 kb intron of C. erythrocephala is largely unrelated in sequence to the two classes of D. melanogaster rDNA introns.  相似文献   

Summary Fragments produced by partial digestion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal DNA (rDNA) with the restriction endonuclease EcoRI were ligated in vitro to the bacterial plasmid RSF2124. The resulting hybrid plasmids were cloned in Escherichia coli. Three hybrid plasmids which contain at least one intact repetitive unit of the multiple, tandem sequences of the yeast rDNA genes have been further characterized. These plasmids have been used to construct a map of the EcoRI, SmaI, HindII and HindIII restriction sites in the individual repetitive units of yeast rDNA.  相似文献   

A conference on Amebiasis and the Biology of Entamoeba histolytica was held in Agra, India, from 11 to14 February 2002.  相似文献   

The evolution of eukaryotic ribosomal DNA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
S A Gerbi 《Bio Systems》1986,19(4):247-258
Mutations occur randomly throughout the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence. Molecular drive (unequal crossing-over, gene conversion, and transposition) spreads these variations through the multiple copies of rDNA. Forces of selection act upon the variants to favor and fix them or disfavor and eliminate them. Selection has not permitted changes in regions within rRNA vital for its function; these sequences are evolutionarily conserved between diverse species. Possible functions for some of these conserved sequences are discussed. The secondary structure of rRNA is also highly conserved during evolution. However, eukaryotic rRNA is larger than prokaryotic rRNA due to blocks of "expansion segments". Arguments are put forward that expansion segments might not play any functional role. Other examples are reviewed of rDNA sequence insertion or deletion, including introns and the internal transcribed spacer 2.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite of humans, and the causitive agent of intestinal amebiasis. The disease-causing stage of the parasite is an osmotically sensitive ameboid form, which differentiates into a thick-walled cyst for transmission from person to person. The conditions within the human intestine that induce encystment of the amoeba are unknown, but studies using an amoebic parasite of reptiles are now yielding information about the molecules and host:parasite interactions involved in the process. An understanding of the amoeba's obligatory encystment pathway should provide an approach for interrupting the transmission of this parasite, for which there is currently no vaccine.  相似文献   

Linear DNA plasmids of yeasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Proteinaceous antimicrobial compounds are produced by a diversity of species ranging from bacteria to humans. This review focuses on the mode of action of pore-forming bacteriocins produced by Gram-positive bacteria. The mechanism of action of specific immunity proteins, which protect the producer strains from the lethal action of their own products (producer self-protection), are also discussed.  相似文献   

Pulse labelled rDNA from cultured somatic cells of Xenopus laevis was examined by electron microscope autoradiography. The pattern of replication closely resembles that of bulk chromosomal DNA and differs considerably from rDNA synthesis during amplification in the oocyte. - About 0.15% of the rDNA molecules in the purified preparations were circular. The presence of interlocked circles of equal size indicates that the circles are not in vitro cyclization artefacts, but may represent free rRNA genes. A low frequency of circles was also seen in Xenopus blood rDNA. Their stability in high concentration of formamide suggests that they too did not arise after DNA extraction.  相似文献   

The composition of the genome set of ribosomal DNA cistrons in Calliphora erythrocephala (a Dipteran fly) has been analyzed. In contrast to previously cloned fragments of the rDNA (see Beckingham & White, 1980), the great majority of the rDNA cistrons do not contain introns in the 28 S β coding region. In the strain of flies studied, however, most cistrons fall into two discrete length classes that are present in approximately equal amounts in the genome. These results from distinct size variants of the non-transcribed spacer in the cistron population.The major genome class of intron-containing (intron+) rDNA cistrons was found to constitute approximately 5% of all cistrons and to contain introns of 6·1 × 103 base-pairs. Interestingly, the intron+ cistrons were shown to be clustered within the rDNA and to contain a different population of non-transcribed spacer/external transcribed spacer (NTS + ETS) regions to that seen amongst the intron? cistrons. The implications of these findings in relation to the mechanisms that maintain homogeneity within tandemly repeated gene sets are discussed.Some evidence for the existence of intron sequence DNA outside the rDNA is presented.  相似文献   

We report the first comprehensive analysis of transposable element content in the compact genomes (approximately 20 Mb) of four species of Entamoeba unicellular protozoans for which draft sequences are now available. Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar, two human parasites, have many retrotransposons, but few DNA transposons. In contrast, the reptile parasite Entamoeba invadens and the free-living Entamoeba moshkovskii contain few long interspersed elements but harbor diverse and recently amplified populations of DNA transposons. Representatives of three DNA transposase superfamilies (hobo/Activator/Tam3, Mutator, and piggyBac) were identified for the first time in a protozoan species in addition to a variety of members of a fourth superfamily (Tc1/mariner), previously reported only from ciliates and Trichomonas vaginalis among protozoans. The diversity of DNA transposons and their differential amplification among closely related species with similar compact genomes are discussed in the context of the biology of Entamoeba protozoans.  相似文献   

The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of Cucurbita pepo L. has been found to consist of tandemly arrayed repeat units, most of which are 10 kilobases in length. Thirty-six repeat units, cloned into the HindIII site of pACYC 177, fall into seven classes which differ from each other in length and/or nucleotide sequence. Most of the heterogeneity occurs in noncoding portions of the repeat unit although there is some nucleotide sequence variation in the coding portion as well. Heterogeneity of base modification was observed in genomic rDNA of which two examples are: (a) all of the repeat units have three BamHI sites, one of which is unavailable for restriction in about half of the units and (b) all of the CCGG sites except one are methylated at the internal cytidine in many of the units; a second site is unmethylated in some of the units and in a very few units a third site remains unmethylated.  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of ribosomal DNA in the mouse   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
In situ hybridization of I125-labelled ribosomal RNA to mouse chromosomes was used to determine the location of the rDNA loci. The results demonstrate the presence of rDNA sites on chromosomes 15, 18 and 19.  相似文献   

The ribosomal RNA genes of Drosophila mitochondrial DNA.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the mtDNA molecule of Drosophila yakuba which contains the A+T-rich region and the small and large rRNA genes separated by the tRNAval gene has been determined. The 5' end of the small rRNA gene was located by S1 protection analysis. In contrast to mammalian mtDNA, a tRNA gene was not found at the 5' end of the D. yakuba small rRNA gene. The small and large rRNA genes are 20.7% and 16.7% G+C and contain only 789 and 1326 nucleotides. The 5' regions of the small rRNA gene (371 nucleotides) and of the large rRNA gene (643 nucleotides) are extremely low in G+C (14.6% and 9.5%, respectively) and convincing sequence homologies between these regions and the corresponding regions of mouse mt-rRNA genes were found only for a few short segments. Nevertheless, the entire lengths of both of the D. yakuba mt-rRNA genes can be folded into secondary structures which are remarkably similar to secondary structures proposed for the rRNAs of mouse mtDNA. The replication origin-containing, A+T-rich region (1077 nucleotides; 92.8% A+T), which lies between the tRNAile gene and the small rRNA gene, lacks open reading frames greater than 123 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR)-mediated instability of the repetitively organized ribosomal DNA (rDNA) has been proposed as a mediator of cell senescence in yeast triggering the DNA damage response. High individual variability in the content of human rDNA suggests that this genomic region remained relatively unstable throughout evolution. Therefore, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to determine the genomic content of rDNA in post mortem samples of parietal cortex from 14 young and 9 elderly individuals with no diagnosis of a chronic neurodegenerative/neurological disease. In addition, rDNA content in that brain region was compared between 10 age-matched control individuals and 10 patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) which involves neurodegeneration of the cerebral cortex. Probing rRNA-coding regions of rDNA revealed no effects of aging on the rDNA content. Elevated rDNA content was observed in DLB. Conversely, in the DLB pathology-free cerebellum, lower genomic content of rDNA was present in the DLB group. In the parietal cortex, such a DLB-associated instability of rDNA was not accompanied by any major changes of cytosine–phosphate–guanine methylation of the rDNA promoter. As increased cerebro-cortical rDNA content was previously reported in Alzheimer's disease, neurodegeneration appears to be associated with instability of rDNA. The hypothetical origins and consequences of this phenomenon are discussed including possibilities that the DNA damage-induced recombination destabilizes rDNA and that differential content of rDNA affects heterochromatin formation, gene expression and/or DNA damage response. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Role of the Nucleolus in Human Disease.  相似文献   

Triplex DNA in plasmids and chromosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Circular plasmids containing pyrimidine purine tracts can form both inter-and intramolecular triplexes. Addition of poly(dTC) to plasmid pTC45, which contains a (TC)45.(GA)45 insert, results in intermolecular triplex formation. Agarose-gel electrophoresis gives rise to many well-resolved bands, which correspond to 1, 2, 3, 4... plasmid molecules attached to the added pyrimidine strand. In the electron microscope these complexes appear as a rosette of petals. The mobility of these triplex-containing complexes can be retarded by the addition of a triplex-specific monoclonal antibody, Jel318. Intramolecular triplex formation can be demonstrated at pH 5 in pTC45 and also in pT463-I, a plasmid containing a segment of a crab satellite DNA with both (G)n.(C)n and (TCC)n.(GGA)n inserts. However, although the intermolecular triplex remains stable for some time at pH 8, intramolecular triplex formation only occurs at low pH. Triplexes can also be detected by an immunoblotting procedure with Jel318. This unfamiliar structure is readily demonstrated in eukaryotic extracts, but not in cell extracts from Escherichia coli. Triplexes may thus be an inherent feature of eukaryotic chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Conserved DNA sequences in chlamydial plasmids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two 7.4-kb plasmids from Chlamydia psittaci have been cloned and characterized. These plasmids are quite distinct from the 6.2-kb C. psittaci and the C. trachomatis plasmids when compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. The plasmids show considerable cross-hybridization, with only a small region highly conserved and identified as a 4 X 22-bp tandemly repeated region. This sequence is identical in the two size categories of C. psittaci plasmids and differs from C. trachomatis plasmids by only 2 bp in the 22-bp motif. AT-rich clusters 5' to the repeat region which are present in C. trachomatis and Escherichia coli plasmids were absent from both classes of C. psittaci plasmids. Extensive regions are less highly conserved but show a sufficient degree of cross-hybridization to suggest that the plasmids are homologous.  相似文献   

Phosphopyruvate carboxylase from entamoeba histolytica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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