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Horizontal biosedimentary gradients across the Sado estuary,W. Portugal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The topography of the Sado estuary, the second largest of Portugal, comprises the outer estuary inside the entrance channel and the inner estuary, on the inward side of which begins the tidal mudflats. The outer estuary subtidal area covers approximately 70 km2 and presents a series of longitudinal intertidal sandbanks, separating a northern and a southern channel. A benthic survey was undertaken in the outer estuary during June 1986, in which superficial sediments and macrofauna were sampled at 133 locations. The environmental variables measured in the superficial sediments were the temperature, the granulometric structure, the silt, sand and the gravel content, and the total organic matter content. The primary macrofauna biological variables studied were the species composition, abundance and biomass, calculated on wet, dry and ash-free dry weight. The granulometry and the organic content of superficial sediments agreed with the transient and the residual currents velocity field, simulated in a 2-D hydrodynamic model previously elaborated for the outer estuary. The northern channel superficial sediments showed higher silt and total organic matter content, while the model also suggested lower transient and residual velocities, water flow and shear stress in this channel. The distribution patterns of the subtidal macrofauna were separated into two main groups of species, one comprising taxa essentially settled near the estuarine mouth and the other inwards. Biological primary variables also showed consistent patterns, comparable to other Portuguese estuaries. The major subtidal benthic biotopes were obtained through classification analysis and related to the prevailing hydrophysical and sedimentary conditions in the outer estuary.  相似文献   

Two sand sole species, Solea lascaris and Solea impar , are common on the western coast of Brittany, France. Their reproduction (oogenesis and spawning) has been studied by following the gonadosomatic index, histological changes in ovary development, and oocyte diameter distribution. Both species have a prolonged spawning season, from spring to late summer. Each mature female breeds twice during the spawning season: in May and July for 5. lascaris , and in early June and July for 5. impar. Throughout the spawning season, several oocyte batches undergo vitellogenesis and there is a continuous recruitment of immature or primary oocytes into vitellogenesis. The two species are thus serial synchronous spawners. This, together with oocyte atresia late in the season (especially noticeable in S. impar ) makes fecundity estimation difficult.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the composition and spatial distribution patterns of the benthic macrofauna in the intertidal mudflats of the Tagus estuary, western Portugal. A total of 68 species, more than 226,000 specimens with a total wet weight biomass of approximately 1170 g were identified in 380 sites. The species Streblospio shrubsolii, Cyathura carinata, Tharyx sp., Hydrobia ulvae and Tubificids were the most common and abundant. Scrobicularia plana strongly dominated the biomass. The invertebrate macrofauna of the Tagus estuary shows similarities to what is known from other temperate mudflats. The diversity of species, their overall abundance and the ratio of Molluscs plus Crustaceans to Polychaete species corroborate the distinctiveness between temperate and tropical mudflats and sandflats. The spatial distribution of the fauna reflects the sediment characteristics but the relationship between the environmental and the biological data is not as strong as obtained for sublittoral areas. This relationship diminishes from the sublittoral shelf to sublittoral estuarine areas, showing minimum values in this study, suggesting that such a relationship is less straightforward as natural disturbance increases. Nevertheless, a mixture of grain-size, elevation (inundation time) and particular habitats (relic oyster beds) form the best explanatory factors for the spatial distribution patterns of the intertidal benthic macrofauna of the Tagus estuary.  相似文献   

The postembryonic development of the bony cephalic skeleton in the common sole Solea solea , observed from hatching to the juvenile stage or postmetamorphic larva, appears to follow a similar chronological order to that observed in other Pleuronectiformes and Perciformes and the sequence in bone formation is a response to functional demands. At hatching, S. solea has no bony structure. On day 4, only the outlines of maxillaries and opercular bones are visible. On day 6, a thin parasphenoid appears between the orbits and isolates the braincase from the buccal cavity making food ingestion possible without any impact on the brain. On day 8, the dentaries form and two small preopercular bones appear on each side of the head. On day 9, at weaning from the yolk sac, branchial arches support the gill filaments (used for respiration and trapping phytoplankton which pass through the open mouth). On day 10, the premaxillaries develop in front of the maxillaries. The superimposing of the maxillaries and the premaxillaries is a typical feature of species possessing an acanthopterygian protractile mouth at the adult stage. On day 12, the frontals develop above the orbits and the set of opercular bones is complete. On day 18, the migration of the left eye begins. On day 20, the left eye has moved to the median crest of the head. On day 23, both eyes are located on the same side. On day 26, the braincase is formed by a basioccipital, exoccipitals, pterotics, sphenotics and a supraoccipital. On day 50, new structures have appeared, others have developed and have undergone an extensive remodeling due to metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Juvenile Solea senegalensis (Senegalese sole) were exposed to freshly collected sediments from three sites of the Sado Estuary (West-Portuguese coast) in 28-day laboratory assays in order to assess the ecological risk from sediment contaminants, by measuring two genotoxicity biomarkers in peripheral blood: the percentage of Erythrocyte Nuclear Abnormalities (ENA) by use of an adaptation of the micronucleus test, and the percentage of DNA strand-breakage (DNA-SB) with the Comet assay. Sediments were surveyed for metallic (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb) and organic (PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and DDTs (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane)) contaminants. Sediments from site A (farthest from hotspots of contamination) were found to be the least contaminated and weaker inducers of genotoxic damage, whereas sediments from sites B (urban influence) and C (affected by industrial effluents and agricultural runoffs) were responsible for a very significant increase in both ENA and DNA-SB, site B being most contaminated with metals and site C mainly with organic pollutants, especially PAHs and PCBs . Analysis of genotoxic effects showed a strong correlation between the concentrations of PAHs and PCBs and both biomarkers at sampling times T(14) and T(28), while the amounts of Cu, As, Cd and Pb were less strongly correlated, and at T(28) only, with ENA and DNA-SB. These results show that organic contaminants in sediment are stronger and faster acting genotoxic stressors. The results also suggest that metals may have an inhibitory effect on genotoxicity when interacting with organic contaminants, at least during early exposure. ENA and DNA-SB do not show a linear relationship, but a strong correlation exists between the overall increase in genotoxicity caused by exposure to sediment, confirming that they are different, and possibly non-linked effects that respond similarly to exposure. Although the Comet assay showed enhanced sensitivity, the two analyses are complementary and suitable for the biomonitoring of sediment contaminants in a benthic species like S. senegalensis.  相似文献   

The life history of two Soleidae, the common sole, Solea solea, and the thickback sole, Microchirus variegatus, were compared in the Bay of Biscay in an attempt to set out factors which could explain settlement styles known to be different between juveniles of each species. Common sole juveniles had been shown to depend on coastal and estuarine nurseries, and the thickback sole to develop in open-sea nurseries, although the spawning grounds and spawning season of both species overlapped (offshore and at springtime, respectively). For this study, data on adult, juvenile and larva distributions were obtained from cruises carried out in the Bay of Biscay during the last decade. In addition, growth rate of larvae and planktonic interval duration, estimated by means of otolith increment analysis, were compared, as well as literature-derived information on behaviour of larvae. By comparing larval features, it appeared that thickback sole did not obtain the advantage of a slightly longer pelagic life span for an increased dispersal, due to an early shift to benthic behaviour. Other evidence was given by more specifically stated distributions that the further and deeper offshore spawning of M. variegatus, compared to S. solea, was a likely key-factor of the juvenile settlement process. This could explain why the thickback sole, contrary to the common sole, never reach coastal areas and thus settle offshore, in waters deeper than 30 m.  相似文献   

We report on the epidemiology of tattoo disease in a community of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus from the Sado estuary, Portugal. The presence of tattoos (T++) and tattoo-like (T+) lesions was examined in 586 photographic records of 35 dolphins taken from 1994 to 1997. Images were rated into 3 categories: good (GI), average (AI) and poor (PI). Dolphins positive for T++ lesions were observed in 19 GI. Dolphins with T+ lesions were seen in 39 GI, 23 AI and 6 PI. For statistical analysis the dolphins were divided into 2 age classes (immature and adult) and the data grouped into 2 periods (1994-1995 and 1996-1997). Minimum prevalence of T++ lesions in 32 dolphins was 21.9% in 1994-1995 and 15.6% in 1996-1997. Variation in prevalence of tattoo disease between the 2 age classes was examined for each period, excluding animals with T+ lesions or considering them either positive or negative for tattoos. Prevalence of the disease was significantly higher in immature dolphins than in adults during both periods, except in the first one when T+ lesions were considered as true tattoos. Temporal variation in prevalence of tattoo disease was examined in 23 adults. Prevalence was significantly higher in 1994-1995 (39.1%) than in 1996-1997 (17.4%). Differences in the number and quality of pictures did not cause significant biases that could have favoured the detection of lesions between age classes or periods. Minimal persistence of the disease ranged between 3 and 45.5 mo. The lesions converted into light grey marks when healing, but may recur. The presence of very large lesions in 2 adult dolphins affected for years may be related to the contamination of the estuary. The high prevalence of the disease, its long persistence, as well as higher frequency in immature individuals, suggest that it is endemic in bottlenose dolphins from the Sado estuary. The contribution of tattoo disease to the decline of this community should be investigated. Three of the 5 dolphins that died during this study had T++ and T+ lesions.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):305-314
A 2-year study was conducted on the life history of the amphipod Gammarus locusta (L.) in the Sado estuary, which comprised the analysis of distribution, abundance, dynamics and reproduction. Sampling was performed monthly at low tide by collecting the macroalgae within a 0.25-m2 area. G. locusta is distributed along the euhaline and polihaline areas of the Sado estuary and it is usually found among macroalgae and under small stones. The lowest and highest population densities were recorded in the first and last quarter of the year, respectively. The density fluctuations were tightly coupled with the algal biomass, particularly Ulva sp. The females are iteroparous and reproduce for the first time when they reach 6-mm total length. Comparatively to other gammaridean amphipods, G. locusta has a high fecundity. Reproduction takes place throughout the year. The population is semi-annual and the reproductive cycle is of the multivoltine type. The sum of these characteristics revealed an adaptive type `r' strategy. These results are in general agreement with the current models of latitudinal variations in gammaridean life histories.  相似文献   

Juvenile Solea senegalensis (Senegalese sole) were exposed to freshly collected sediments from three sites of the Sado Estuary (West-Portuguese coast) in 28-day laboratory assays in order to assess the ecological risk from sediment contaminants, by measuring two genotoxicity biomarkers in peripheral blood: the percentage of Erythrocyte Nuclear Abnormalities (ENA) by use of an adaptation of the micronucleus test, and the percentage of DNA strand-breakage (DNA-SB) with the Comet assay. Sediments were surveyed for metallic (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb) and organic (PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and DDTs (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane)) contaminants. Sediments from site A (farthest from hotspots of contamination) were found to be the least contaminated and weaker inducers of genotoxic damage, whereas sediments from sites B (urban influence) and C (affected by industrial effluents and agricultural runoffs) were responsible for a very significant increase in both ENA and DNA-SB, site B being most contaminated with metals and site C mainly with organic pollutants, especially PAHs and PCBs . Analysis of genotoxic effects showed a strong correlation between the concentrations of PAHs and PCBs and both biomarkers at sampling times T14 and T28, while the amounts of Cu, As, Cd and Pb were less strongly correlated, and at T28 only, with ENA and DNA-SB. These results show that organic contaminants in sediment are stronger and faster acting genotoxic stressors. The results also suggest that metals may have an inhibitory effect on genotoxicity when interacting with organic contaminants, at least during early exposure. ENA and DNA-SB do not show a linear relationship, but a strong correlation exists between the overall increase in genotoxicity caused by exposure to sediment, confirming that they are different, and possibly non-linked effects that respond similarly to exposure. Although the Comet assay showed enhanced sensitivity, the two analyses are complementary and suitable for the biomonitoring of sediment contaminants in a benthic species like S. senegalensis.  相似文献   

The Portuguese Mesolithic communities are commonly related with the shell middens from Muge from which nearly 300 human skeletons were recovered. There is, however, another important Mesolithic Portuguese site: the shell middens of the Sado Valley, south of Lisbon. Mainly excavated in the 1950s and 1960s by the staff of the National Museum of Archaeology in Lisbon, eleven different shell middens were located (Arnaud, 1989) from which near one hundred skeletons were recovered. In 1982 a long-term multidisciplinary research program, directed by Arnaud, was initiated to relocate and restudy the large amount of artefacts retrieved. Last year, another project involving the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Portugal, in terms of paleobiology, started several anthropological analysis of the series bridging this period where the Sado ones are included. In the present paper we present some demographic and paleopathological aspects of Sado assemblage. Despite some of the skeletons being calcified and paraffin embedded, which precluded some anthropological aspects, the general state of preservation allowed a valid paleobiological research. Moreover, in some cases it was possible to reconstruct the original position of the individual interments. The radiocarbon dates already obtained by the team of Arnaud (1989) reveal that this cluster of sites, as in the one from Muge in the Tagus valley, had been occupied over a period of at least 1000 years between the mid-eighth and the mid-seventh millennium BP (Arnaud, 1989). New dates are, nevertheless, presented. The anthropological sample comprises male and female adults as well as an important proportion of sub-adults. The most relevant observations concern dental wear and other oral pathology items such as caries rates.  相似文献   

Synopsis The post-metamorphic common sole, Solea solea, as well as the other Soleidae and Cynoglossidae, are characterized by oral jaw elements without teeth on the ocular side. A relatively large proportion of late sole larvae and early juveniles, routinely reared in the laboratory, showed dentigerous and shape-modified premaxillae and mandibles on the ocular side. Abnormal jaws were associated with dermal papillae and a lack of pigmentation on parts of the ocular side of the head. These features are probably the result of suppressed epigenetic mechanisms normally active during ontogeny. Insights into the morphological evolution of the soleid jaw apparatus are discussed.  相似文献   

Waders and shelduck were counted at low tide on 162 sectors comprising 85% of the intertidal area (21 467 ha) of the Severn Estuary on 12 occasions during winter 1987/88. On average, 50% of birds present at low tide utilized just 13 sectors (12% of the area); 90% of birds occurred on only 56 sectors, leaving large expanses of intertidal sand virtually devoid of birdlife. Dunlin, the numerically dominant species, occurred widely on the middle and outer estuary, whereas shelduck predominantly occurred on the outer estuary and redshank around many tributary river mouths. Curlew, the most ubiquitous species, was the only one concentrated on the inner estuary. Severe gales in both late December and mid-January concentrated all main species within fewer sectors, probably by the short-term removal of surface sediment from substantial areas. It is estimated that the proposed tidal barrage would eliminate intertidal areas accounting for between c. 40% (for shelduck and curlew) and 80% (for redshank) of current total low tide usage by the internationally important populations present.  相似文献   

The relationship between the growth spurt and the onset of sexual maturity is problematic in nonhuman primates. Growth data on the cranium and postcranium of dentally aged pygmy chimpanzees, common chimpanzees, and gorillas are reported here. In all three species, male means generally exceed female means throughout growth, with the exception that females exhibit a spurt during one dental-age stage when they become generally larger than the males. This female spurt occurs earlier in an absolute and relative sense in the gorillas than the chimpanzees. These growth data support field and laboratory observations suggesting that female gorillas become sexually mature earlier than do female chimpanzees. Gorillas are thus characterized by a greater degree of “sexual bimaturism” than are the chimpanzees. Implications of these differences in terms of size dimorphism, mating systems, and morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

Series of aerial photographs taken with an interval of 6 Minutes were used to study the dynamics of the suspended matter distribution in a 1 km section of the Elbe Estuary. The observations show heterogeneous distribution patterns which are different at each phase of the tidal cycle. The comparison with the bathymetry indicates that the distribution is mainly a function of the river bed topography, which modifies the local current structure. The surface distribution in the fairway region is especially determined by the ship traffic.  相似文献   

Abstract. Data on Culicoides imicola were obtained during studies carried out during the recent outbreak of African horse sickness in Portugal. The previous most northerly published record of C.imicola in Portugal was 38o40'N (Pégöes). In the present work the geographical distribution of this species is extended to the parallel of 41o17'N. We have also confirmed the continuous presence of adult C.imicola in Southern Portugal (Alentejo and Algarve) throughout the year. In the laboratory we obtained this species from a sample of cattle faeces and from another of soil contaminated with animal excreta. In relation to host association 57.37% of C.imicola were trapped in the vicinity of pigsties. Finally, we collected 11 ,463 Culicoides of which 12.47% were C. imicola.  相似文献   

Feeding patterns and habits of sitatunga were assessed in Rushebeya‐Kanyabaha wetland between June 2006 and July 2007. Sixty transects were cut at intervals of 250 m along which sitatunga dung piles, habitats used and diet were identified from feeding signs or plant damage. Household interviews were also conducted in villages adjacent to the wetland to understand plants and crops known to be fed on by sitatunga, type of damage, frequency of sitatunga farm visits and their methods to control crop raiding. Sitatunga mostly fed on leaves (60%) and in the wetland edge (WE) habitat (49%). Forty plant species were recorded to be eaten with herbs as majority (33%) and of crops sweet potatoes were most raided. Sitatungas are basically solitary species with 73% of the sightings being of a single individual. They had mornings and late evenings as their movement peaks and preferred to feed on broad leaved plants. There were significant relationships between both habitat use and food preferences with seasons. We predict that because of seasonal food variations, crop raiding would increase and may result into more negative attitudes by farmers to sitatunga. More research on farmers’ sensitization, population census, behaviours and ecotourism are necessary for this species conservation.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical conditions and fish were studied during spring and summer in 1974 and 1975 in Holyrood Pond, Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland. It is a landlocked body of water lying at sea level (length = 21.72 km; maximum width = 1.55 km; maximum depth = 100.0 m) which is occasionally opened to the sea. The landlocked condition is caused by prevailing southwest winds and wave action which create a beach barrier that effectively isolates the mouth from St. Mary's Bay. Under landlocked conditions, there was a continual decrease in salinity and dissolved oxygen at all depths. Temperature profiles were of a dichothermic nature; a certain amount of temporal variability was noted in lower lying water. When the barrier was opened (by bulldozer) and the pond came under tidal influence, there was a replenishment of salt water and dissolved oxygen. Temperature profiles retained the same overall shape but were more erratic, and compared with the closed barrier condition, showed greater variability with time especially in the deeper water. A small amount of commercial fishing is carried out in the pond during both open and closed barrier conditions. A total of 30 species of fish was encountered during the sampling period. Of these, Salvelinus fontinalis, Gadus morhua, Urophycis tenuis, Pseudopleuronectes americanus and Alosa pseudoharengus were studied in detail. Aspects of their biology are compared with other populations and discussed in the context of environmental conditions peculiar to Holyrood Pond.  相似文献   

We investigated the ecology and life strategy of Glaucomides bromelicola (family Bromeliophryidae), a very common ciliate in the reservoirs (tanks) of bromeliads, assessing its response to food quality and quantity and pH. Further, we conducted competition experiments with the frequently coexisting species Bromeliothrix metopoides (family Colpodidae). In contrast to B. metopoides and many other colpodean ciliates, G. bromelicola does not form resting cysts, which jeopardizes this ciliate when its small aquatic habitats dry out. Both species form bactivorous microstomes and flagellate‐feeding macrostomes. However, only G. bromelicola has a low feeding threshold and is able to adapt to different protist food. The higher affinity to the local bacterial and flagellate food renders it the superior competitor relative to B. metopoides. Continuous encystment and excystment of the latter may enable stable coexistence of both species in their natural habitat. Both are tolerant to a wide range of pH (4–9). These ciliates appear to be limited to tank bromeliads because they either lack resting cysts and vectors for long distance dispersal (G. bromelicola) and/or have highly specific food requirements (primarily B. metopoides).  相似文献   

The food habits of the giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis, were determined by analyzing fecal samples collected year–round from communal latrines at Xixtiaú Creek (00°48'S, 61°33'W), Jauaperi River (central Brazilian Amazon) between 1993 and 1994. Communal latrines were also sampled during the low water season at Aquidauana River (19°32'S, 56°40'W), Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul (central Brazil). Fragments of vertebrae, mandibles, teeth, scales, and fin spines provided an estimate of the diet composition. Remains of fish were present in all of the samples. The main fish groups found at Xixuaú Creek were Perciformes, represented specifically by Cichlidae (97.3% of all samples), Characiformes (86.5%) and Siluriformes (5.4%). The Characiformes were represented mainly by E, rythrinidae (Hoplias sp. 90.6%), followed by Serrasalmidae (28%). The Anostomidae occurred with a frequency of 18.7 percent, while Characinae, Bryconinae, and Cynodontidae were only observed in 3.1 percent of the Characiformes records. At Aquidauana River, the Characiformes were the most frequent fish group, represented in 100 percent of all samples, followed by Siluriformes (66.6%) and Perciformes (33.3%). The fish from the main groups identified in the diet of the giant otters prefer riverbanks, lakes, and flooded forests. The feeding habits of Pteronura brasiliensis are probably influenced by the vulnerability and abundance of the prey consumed by this carnivore.  相似文献   

Tidal dynamics of shallow estuaries and lagoons is a complex matter that has attracted the attention of a large number of researchers over the last few decades. The main purpose of the present work is to study the intricate tidal dynamics of the Tagus estuary, which states as the largest estuary of the Iberian Peninsula and one of the most important wetlands in Portugal and Europe. Tagus has large areas of low depth and a remarkable geomorphology, both determining the complex propagation of tidal waves along the estuary of unknown manner. A non-linear two-dimensional vertically integrated hydrodynamic model was considered to be adequate to simulate its hydrodynamics and an application developed from the SIMSYS2D model was applied to study the tidal propagation along the estuary. The implementation and calibration of this model revealed its accuracy to predict tidal properties along the entire system. Several model runs enabled the analysis of the local variations in tidal dynamics, through the interpretation of amplitude and phase patterns of the main tidal constituents, tidal asymmetry, tidal ellipses, form factor and tidal dissipation. Results show that Tagus estuary tidal dynamics is extremely dependent on an estuarine resonance mode for the semi-diurnal constituents that induce important tidal characteristics. Besides, the estuarine coastline features and topography determines the changes in tidal propagation along the estuary, which therefore result essentially from a balance between convergence/divergence and friction and advection effects, besides the resonance effects.  相似文献   

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