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Purified rat peritoneal mast cells adhere to schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni which have been pre-incubated in fresh normal rat serum. This cytoadherence reaction is dependent on complement and in particular on components of the alternative pathway. Since antibodies to rat C3 but not IgG block the attachment of the cells to the complement-treated larvae, it appears that C3-specific receptors on the mast cell surface are responsible for the adherence phenomenon. These receptors can also be demonstrated by the rosetting of mast cells with rat complement-treated zymosan particles or fluoresceinated bacteria. The key properties of the receptors are their specificity for homologous (rat) complement, their sensitivity to digestion with trypsin, and their functional dependence on Mg++ ions. Thus, the rat mast cell receptors share many of the characteristics of the C3 receptors previously identified on monocytes, macrophages, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes.  相似文献   

The presence of ANP in rat peritoneal mast cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is an important component of the natriuretic peptide system. A great role in many regulatory systems is played by mast cells. Meanwhile involvement of these cells in ANP activity is poorly studied. In this work, we have shown the presence of ANP in rat peritoneal mast cells. Pure fraction of mast cells was obtained by separation of rat peritoneal cells on a Percoll density gradient. By Westem blotting, two ANP-immunoreactive proteins of molecular masses of 2.5 kDa and 16.9 kDa were detected in lysates from these mast cells. Electron microscope immunogold labeling has revealed the presence of ANP-immunoreactive material in storage, secreting and released granules of mast cells. Our findings indicate the rat peritoneal mast cells to contain both ANP prohormone and ANP. These both peptides are located in mast cell secretory granules and released by mechanism of degranulation. It is discussed that many mast cell functions might be due to production of natriuretic peptides by these cells.  相似文献   

Rapid separation of rat peritoneal mast cells with Percoll   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Rat peritoneal mast cells were separated by using density gradients of PVP-coated silica particles (Percoll). Mast cells were either isolated on preformed Percoll gradients or cell separation was made simultaneously with the gradient formation. Both procedures resulted in mast cell suspensions of 95 to 99 per cent purity. As tested by Ruthenium red staining and electron microscopy, the isolated mast cells showed a very good preservation of cell structure and reacted easily to the degranulating agent Compound 48/80. Practically all mast cells could be recovered from the peritoneal cell suspension. Percoll was found to be superior to earlier isolation procedures by giving a practically pure and intact mast cell suspension and by avoiding cell aggregation.  相似文献   

Summary Repopulation and maturation of rat mesenteric and peritoneal mast cells were studied after mast cell depletion by intraperitoneal injection of distilled water. Immature mast cells were first identified in the mesentery and peritoneal fluid 5 and 6 days, respectively, after water injection. The most immature mast cells that could be identified contained a few orthochromatic granules. Upon maturation, the granules became metachromatic and increased in size and number. Heparin, revealed by toluidine blue staining and berberine sulfate fluorescence, appeared simultaneously with orthophthaldialdehyde (OPT)-induced histamine fluorescence. Paraformaldehyde-induced serotonin fluorescence appeared somewhat later. Repopulation of mesentery and peritoneal fluid by mast cells seemed to be independent of each other and to occur from undifferentiated precursor cells.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the receptor subtype involved in histamine stimulation of increased cyclic AMP levels in rat mast cells with consequent impairment of anaphylactically induced mediator release, the binding of the H-1 receptor antagonist [3H] pyrilamine to mast cells was examined. Pyrilamine bound rapidly, in a saturable and reversible fashion, and with increased binding at 4°C as compared with 21°C and 37°C. [3H] Pyrilamine binding was displaced by H-1 antagonists (tripelnnamine > yrilamine ≧ iphenhydramine) > histamine > the H-2 antagonist, cimetidine. H-1 agonists displaced pyrilamine binding less efficiently than histamine but better than H-2 agonists. Rat mast cells have a single homogeneous population of low affinity (KD = 222 ± 33 nM) H-1 receptors with a Bmax of 9.7 ± 2.3 pm/106 mast cells and 5.4 ± 0.92 × 106 binding sites per mast cell. Thus, the mast cell has an H-1 type histamine receptor which is probably involved in histamine-induced cyclic AMP increases.  相似文献   

Rat peritoneal mast cells cocultured with 3T3 fibroblasts (MC/3T3) were activated with Ag or with anti-IgE antibodies in the presence of Ca2+, and their responsiveness to a second similar challenge was evaluated. MC/3T3 were presensitized with IgE anti-DNP antibodies and activated with DNP-human serum albumin. When these MC/3T3 were reactivated with the same Ag 2 and 6 h later, they released only a minimal percentage of histamine. A gradual recovery of responsiveness was detected during the first 7 days after activation, and a full recovery was attained by days 14 to 21. A similar pattern of unresponsiveness was observed when MC/3T3 were challenged and rechallenged with cercarial Ag after presensitization with anticercarial serum. Activation of MC/3T3 with one Ag (DNP-human serum albumin or cercarial) and rechallenge 3 days later with the other Ag did not overcome the state of partial unresponsiveness. Challenging MC/3T3 with anti-IgE led to a subsequent unresponsiveness to rechallenge with the same ligand, regardless of whether or not the cells were presensitized with IgE antibodies. Cross-linkage with anti-IgE resulted in a more intense and prolonged state of unresponsiveness in comparison with that observed with Ag. When MC/3T3 activated with anti-IgE were rechallenged with various IgE-independent agents they released a percentage of histamine comparable to that of control cultures challenged with these secretagogues for the first time. MC/3T3 partially resynthesized their histamine content during the two-week period after activation. Our results suggest that MC undergo a temporary state of "physiologic" unresponsiveness after immunologic activation in the presence of calcium ions.  相似文献   

Metabolism of sulfidopeptide leukotrienes, leukotrienes (LT) C4 and D4 by rat peritoneal mast cells was studied. Rat peritoneal mast cells converted LTD4 to LTE4 but not LTC4 to LTD4. The LTD4-metabolizing activity was equally distributed on the cell surface and inside cells, but not released to the extracellular milieu even when a considerable portion of histamine and the secretory granule enzymes were released. Among various enzyme inhibitors examined, o-phenanthroline, a metal chelator, and dithiothreitol significantly suppressed the LTD4-metabolizing activity of mast cell. These results would suggest that some metalloenzyme located on the cell surface is involved in the conversion of LTD4 to LTE4 by rat peritoneal mast cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity of Vibrio vulnificus cytolysin on rat peritoneal mast cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Histamine has been thought to be a permeability enhancing factor in Vibrio vulnificus infection. The injection of living bacteria or purified V. vulnificus cytolysin (VVC) can cause lethality in mice by inducing hemoconcentration and increased vascular permeability. In the present study, we tried to identify whether histamine release causes the increased vascular permeability that is responsible for the lethal effect of VVC. Treatment of rat peritoneal mast cells with high concentrations of VVC caused the release of whole cellular histamine and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). At concentrations less than 10 HU/ml, histamine and LDH were not released whereas preloaded 2-deoxy-D-glucose was rapidly effluxed with the concomitant decrease in cellular ATP. VVC-treated mast cells were refractory to the stimulation of histamine secretion by Compound 48/80 but remained fully responsive to Ca2+ plus GTP-gamma-S. These results indicate that histamine can be released from mast cells only when the concentration of VVC is high enough to cause the lysis of cells. At low concentrations, VVC does not induce the release of stored histamine from damaged cells. The intravenous injection of 80 HU purified VVC to rats, which can produce the calculated blood concentration of about 3 HU/ml, caused a marked increase in pulmonary vascular permeability, hemoconcentration and death. However, no increase in blood histamine level was detected. This level of VVC in rat blood was enough to cause severe hemoconcentration and lethality but might not be enough to cause cytolysis of the mast cells and resulting histamine release.  相似文献   

Membrane retrieval in non-exocytic and exocytic rat peritoneal mast cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mast cells were incubated with the membrane marker cationized ferritin (CF) in order to study the fate of cell membrane in both non-exocytic and in exocytic cells. Non-exocytic mast cells took up CF by a macropinocytic process by fusion of microfolds. CF particles occurred in lysosomal-like structures, in mast cell granules, and eventually in Golgi vesicles. Exocytic cells took up CF mainly by micropinocytosis and after 2 h CF appeared in Golgi vesicles and in progranules. The different uptake routes of CF in non-exocytic and in exocytic mast cells probably reflect that the former cells constantly take up material by macropinocytosis, perhaps for nutrition. The latter cells undergo a process of exocytosis-endocytosis in order to re-use retrieved surface membrane in new granule formation and in order to regain their ordinary size, which is greatly increased upon secretion.  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde is a widely distributed compound in the human environment and it is also formed in the human body from various endogenous and exogenous sources, exogenous ethanol being the most important one. Many alcohol-associated hypersensitivity reactions, e.g. Oriental flushing reaction, appear to be attributable to acetaldehyde rather than to ethanol itself. The pathogenetic mechanism behind such hypersensitivity reactions has been suggested to be histamine release from mast cells or blood basophils. However, the direct effects of acetaldehyde on mast cells, the main source of histamine in a mammalian body, have not been studied. The aim of the present study was, thus, to evaluate whether physiological concentrations of acetaldehyde could release histamine from purified rat peritoneal mast cells. The effects of ethanol were studied similarly. The results show that acetaldehyde, already at a concentration of 50 microM, significantly increases the release of histamine from mast cells. Ethanol has a similar effect but only at molar concentrations. These results indicate that acetaldehyde may contribute to the development of various hypersensitivity reactions by directly increasing histamine release from mast cells.  相似文献   

R Penner  E Neher 《FEBS letters》1988,226(2):307-313
The patch-clamp technique was used to investigate the secretory responses of rat peritoneal mast cells at various intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]i). When Calcium was introduced into the cell with pipette-loaded dibromo-BAPTA, elevation of [Ca2+]i into the range 1-10 microM induced membrane capacitance increases indicative of exocytosis in a concentration-dependent manner. At higher concentrations a decrease of the response was observed. Cells that were exposed to micromolar [Ca2+]i underwent morphological alterations resulting in swelling, which is indicative of cytoskeletal alterations. The presence of dibromo-BAPTA (4 mM) strongly inhibited secretion induced by GTP-gamma-S, thus hampering the contribution of G-protein-mediated stimulation. Application of the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin resulted in transient increases in [Ca2+]i which were parallelled by Ca2+-dependent secretion. Effective buffering of the cytosolic calcium level below 1 microM abolished the secretory response. Our results show that an increase in [Ca2+]i can trigger secretion, but only if it is high and sustained. During physiological stimulation, however, secretion proceeds at [Ca2+]i below 1 microM. It is, therefore, concluded that mast cell degranulation under physiological conditions is not simply a result of an increase in [Ca2+]i, but that other second messenger systems in conjunction with calcium act synergistically in order to ensure fast and efficient secretion.  相似文献   

Adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities were confirmed in crude homogenates from rat peritoneal mast cells. Both enzyme activities were associated with the 105, 000 X g particulate fractions, but not detected in the supernatant fractions. The optimal pH for both cyclase activities was 8.2. Mn++ was essentially required for guanylate cylcase activity, while adenylate cyclase activity was observed in the presence of either Mg++ or Mn++. The apparent Km values of adenylate cyclase for Mn++-ATP and Mg++-ATP were 160 μM and 340 μM, respectively, whereas the value of guanylate cyclase for Mn++-GTP was 100 μM. Adenylate cyclase was activated by 10 mM NaF. However, both adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities were neither stimulated nor inhibited by the addition of various kinds of agents which stimulate or inhibit the release of histamine from mast cells.  相似文献   

Immunologic release of heparin from purified rat peritoneal mast cells.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
High m.w. [35S]heparin, labeled in vivo or in vitro, was released from purified rat mast cells by challenge with rabbit anti-rat F(ab')2, guinea pig anti-rat IgE, or calcium ionophore. The released and the residual heparin were isolated by Dowex 1 chromatography and were of comparable size by Sepharose 4B gel filtration. The majority of the released heparin was found by differential centrifugation to be granule-associated. Net percentage of mast cell heparin release, quantitated by metachromasia after isolation on Dowex 1 chromatography, correlated in a linear fashion with net percentage of histamine release, with heparin exhibiting a threshold requirement for onset of release. The correlation of histamine and high m.w. heparin release provides chemical support for the conclusion of others from ultrastructural studies that mast cell activation by immunologic means or by the calcium ionophore results in secretion of the whole granule.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical methods for the localization of glycoconjugates including concanavalin A-horseradish peroxidase (ConA-HRP) and dialysed iron were used to study the distribution of glycoconjugates in mast cell granules during degranulation. The ConA-HRP method revealed intense staining of discharged mast cell granules. Dialysed iron staining was seen at the granule periphery, with extruded granules exhibiting more intense staining than undischarged granules.Some of the work reported herein was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

The effect of mycophenolic acid (MPA), a potent inhibitor of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, on the degranulation of rat peritoneal mast cells (RMC) was studied. RMC were pretreated for 48 hr with 0.1-10 microM MPA before the cells were sensitized with IgE and triggered with specific Ag. The net amount of [3H]5-HT released from granules was decreased by 44 and 32% with 1 and 10 microM MPA treatment, respectively. MPA inhibition of degranulation was completely reversed by the addition of 30 microM guanosine to the incubation medium. There was no difference in the apparent number or affinity of IgE binding sites between control and MPA-treated RMC. MPA pretreatment also had no effect on the IgE receptor-mediated production of PGD2 in RMC. These results suggest that depletion of intracellular GTP pools by MPA can disrupt the signaling between the IgE receptor and the secretory granules and that, under these same conditions, the release and metabolism of arachidonic acid are unaffected.  相似文献   

Using a culture system that allows prolonged maintenance of purified populations of peritoneal mast cells, we have examined them following stimulation by non-immunologic or immunologic agents. Employing phase-contrast microscopy of living cells and various pharmacological manipulations, we have noted that the recovery process includes a reduction in cell size, the probable sealing of exocytotic cavities, a pronounced displacement of the cell nucleus and a resynthesis of histamine. During recovery, mast cells can entrap molecules from the extracellular fluid and later release these substances by a Ca-dependent mechanism. Our results suggest that microfilaments, calmodulin, Ca, and metabolic energy are necessary for recovery.  相似文献   

The phospholipid metabolism of rat peritoneal mast cells stimulated with mastoparan, a secretagogue purified from wasp venom, was investigated. Mastoparan at 20 micrograms/ml caused a rapid secretion of histamine. Mastoparan induced a transient decrease of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate on 32P labeling and generation of a water-soluble degradation product, inositol trisphosphate on [3H]inositol labeling, suggesting the activation of phospholipase C upon stimulation.  相似文献   

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