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Some visual attributes, such as colour, are purely visual, but others, such as orientation and movement, can be perceived by touch or audition. A magnetic stimulation study has now shown that the perception of tactile orientation may be influenced by visual Information.  相似文献   

We have always known that some form of clock is needed to measure time. It now seems that a variety of different neural clocks are involved in determining our temporal perceptions, some specialised for shorter and some for longer durations.  相似文献   

The achievements of modern psychology in analyzing the structure of human mental activity, as well as the achievements of modern neurophysiology, paved the way for the investigation of the cerebral mechanisms of various mental processes and led to the creation of a new branch of psychological science — neuropsychology [neyropsikhologiya]. This branch of psychology has begun to grow in the past few decades in diverse countries, but has had an especially flourishing development in the USSR.  相似文献   

For over 60 years, ideas about emotion in neuroscience and psychology have been dominated by a debate on whether emotion can be encompassed within a single, unifying model. In neuroscience, this approach is epitomized by the limbic system theory and, in psychology, by dimensional models of emotion. Comparative research has gradually eroded the limbic model, and some scientists have proposed that certain individual emotions are represented separately in the brain. Evidence from humans consistent with this approach has recently been obtained by studies indicating that signals of fear and disgust are processed by distinct neural substrates. We review this research and its implications for theories of emotion.  相似文献   

The presence of histopathological lesions characteristic of Alzheimer's disease, senile plaques and neurofibrillar degeneration in the brains of cognitively normal individuals has been well documented in several longitudinal clinicopathological studies over the last two decades. Clinical and pathological epidemiological data suggest that Alzheimer's disease can begin to develop almost a decade before the first clinical manifestations appear. The present article reviews the studies investigating cognitive alterations before the disease manifests. All these studies reveal the presence of alterations in preclinical phases in cognitive functions other than memory, such as those related to attention, processing speed and verbal fluency. Assessment of memory with tools sensitive to hippocampal memory impairment is recommended. The best predictor is having each individual's baseline performance, which can then be used for comparison with subsequent performance. Once reduced performance is detected (even when within the "normal" range), affected persons should be referred to specific units able to diagnose the disease in the early stages.  相似文献   

Russian neuropsychology, created by the works of A.R. Luria and his students, is currently undergoing a period of differentiation. In addition to the two main themes—clinical and experimental neuropsychology (with their practical applications, i.e., the diagnosis and restoration of higher mental functions)—developmental neuropsychology (of childhood and old age), the neuropsychology of borderline states, the psychophysiological aspects of neuropsychology, and a number of other areas are also in the midst of a process of formation. Among the new themes that have gained importance in the past few years we have the neuropsychology of individual differences, based on application of the theories, methods, and procedures of neuropsychology to study of the mental functions of normal people.  相似文献   

Some effects of disconnecting the cerebral hemispheres   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Music performance is both a natural human activity, present in all societies, and one of the most complex and demanding cognitive challenges that the human mind can undertake. Unlike most other sensory-motor activities, music performance requires precise timing of several hierarchically organized actions, as well as precise control over pitch interval production, implemented through diverse effectors according to the instrument involved. We review the cognitive neuroscience literature of both motor and auditory domains, highlighting the value of studying interactions between these systems in a musical context, and propose some ideas concerning the role of the premotor cortex in integration of higher order features of music with appropriately timed and organized actions.  相似文献   

We studied peculiarities of the autonomic reactions related to emotional experiences in persons with different characteristics of their individuality. To model emotional states, tested subjects were proposed to mentally reproduce situations evoking a sense of joy (positive emotions) and a feeling of grief (negative emotions). During such emotional tests, cardiointervalographic (CIG) indices of the subjects were examined. The following properties of the individuality were taken into account: (i) extraversion/introversion as the temperament parameter, (ii) externality/internality as a characteristic of the locus of psychological self-control, and (iii) extrapunitivity/intropunitivity as a characterological feature manifested in frustration situations. Sympathico-parasympathic influences were more powerful than central influences in regulation of the cardiorhythm in tested subjects with clearly “externally directed” reactions to emotiogenic factors (extraverts, externals, and persons with an extrapunitive type of reaction). Vice versa, shifts of the autonomic balance toward activation of the sympathoadrenal link, relatively low efficacy of baroreflex regulation, and strain of regulatory systems of the organism were observed at a high level of introversion in examined persons. Physiological adaptation to the action of the various stressors, including the emotional ones, is realized mostly by the system cerebral cortex – hypothalamus – hypophysis – adrenal cortex. In turn, the release of adrenalin by adrenal glands activates the reticular formation and, via this structure, the hypothalamus and cerebral limbic system. Thus, it can be supposed that extraverts are characterized by higher thresholds of the emotional sensitivity, which correspond to a higher threshold of activation of the reticular formation and more intense inhibitory cortical influences upon subcortical formations. This is why extraverts manifest weaker, in general, activation of the regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system after the influence of extero- and interoceptive stimuli, while in introverts such activation is more intense.  相似文献   

We study two chemical models for pattern formation in growing plant tips. For hemisphere radius and parameter values together optimal for spherical surface harmonic patterns of index l = 3, the Brusselator model gives an 84% probability of dichotomous branching pattern and 16% of annular pattern, while the hyperchirality model gives 88% probability of dichotomous branching and 12% of annular pattern. The models are two-morphogen reaction-diffusion systems on the surface of a hemispherical shell, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Bifurcation analysis shows that both models give possible mechanisms for dichotomous branching of the growing tips. Symmetries of the models are used in the analysis.  相似文献   

In olfaction, there is only weak evidence of repetition priming. Repetition priming was therefore investigated in two experiments using birhinal presentation of odors at study and monorhinal at test. Experiment 1 demonstrated repetition priming for repeated judgements of edibility in terms of response latency, but not in terms of correctness. No differences were found between the hemispheres (nostrils). Experiment 2 utilized a slightly different design, in which identity of odors was studied and judgement of edibility was tested. This time, only the right hemisphere (RH) was associated with priming. This persistence of RH priming should be seen in the light of a general tendency for superiority of the left hemisphere for correctly judging edibility. It is concluded that the olfactory system benefits from previous exposure/processing just as do vision, audition and touch. In line with previous research in vision, it is suggested that RH priming may be more associated with perceptual priming and left-hemisphere (LH) priming with conceptual priming.  相似文献   

The present study explored the possible role of the photoperiod at birth on morningness by collecting data in the northern (Italy) and southern (Australia) hemispheres. To assess circadian typology, the Composite Scale of Morningness (CS) was administered to a sample of 1734 university students (977 Italian and 757 Australian; 1099 females and 635 males; age 24.79?±?7.45 yrs [mean?±?SD]). Consistent with the literature, females reported higher CS scores (morningness) than males, and Australian participants reported higher CS scores than Italian participants. Allowing for the fact the seasons are reversed between the hemispheres, the results are in line with previous studies. The authors found more evening types were born during the seasons associated with longer photoperiod (spring and summer), and more morning types were born during the seasons associated with shorter photoperiod (autumn and winter), indirectly supporting an imprinting-like phenomenon played by the photoperiod at birth.  相似文献   

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