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This study determined prey consumption in common sole as a function of prey size (0–0.5, 1–1.5, 2–2.5 and 4–5 g), sediment thickness (20 cm and 2 cm) and fish size (50 g, 125 g or 300 g). Prey consumption (in numbers of prey eaten per fish per day) was reduced with increasing prey size and sediment thickness, and was increased with increasing fish size (< .001 for all factors). All 3 factors showed significant two way interactions (< .001) when expressed in numbers of prey eaten. Prey consumption decreased with prey size when prey could not escape by burying (2 cm of sediment thickness) irrespective of fish size. We suggest that increasing effort to ingest and handle larger prey played a role. Prey consumption increased with fish size when prey could not bury (2 cm of sediment thickness). However, when prey was able to bury (at 20 cm sediment thickness) prey consumption was similar irrespective of fish size (< .001 for interaction fish size × sediment). This interaction suggests that with increasing fish size there is an increasing mismatch between foraging adaptation and prey burial depth. This may explain the dominance of crustaceans in the diet of adult common sole in nature, despite the high abundance of polychaetes.  相似文献   

A habitat selection experiment was conducted to examine the behavioural response of sole Solea solea to a combination of sediment quality (exopolysaccharides, EPS-free, i.e. 0 mg l−1 and EPS-rich, i.e. 4 mg l−1) and water oxygenation level (100 and 35% air saturation). The distribution of sole was influenced differently by the type of substratum depending on the water oxygenation level. In normoxia, sole settled preferentially on sand whereas under hypoxic conditions, sole settled preferentially on the muddy substratum. In order to explain these apparently counter-intuitive observations, it is proposed that, via cutaneous respiration, young sole are able to take advantage of the large quantities of oxygen produced by microphytobenthic organisms present in the upper few millimetres of muddy substratum.  相似文献   

Climate change is currently one of the main driving forces behind changes in species distributions, and understanding the mechanisms that underpin macroecological patterns is necessary for a more predictive science. Warming sea water temperatures are expected to drive changes in ectothermic marine species ranges due to their thermal tolerance levels. Here, we develop a mechanistic tool to predict size‐ and season‐specific distributions based on the physiology of the species and the temperature and food conditions in the sea. The effects of climate conditions on physiological‐based habitat utilization was then examined for different size‐classes of two commercially important fish species in the North Sea, plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, and sole, Solea solea. The two species provide an attractive comparison as they differ in their physiology (e.g. preferred temperature range). Combining dynamic energy budget (DEB) models with the temperature and food conditions estimated by an ecosystem model (ERSEM), allowed spatial differences in potential growth (as a proxy for habitat quality) to be estimated for 2 years with contrasting temperature and food conditions. The resulting habitat quality maps were in broad agreement with observed ontogenetic and seasonal changes in distribution as well as with the recent changes in distribution which could be attributed to an increase in coastal temperatures. Our physiological‐based model provides a powerful tool to explore the effect of climate change on the spatio‐temporal fish dynamics, predict effects of local or broad‐scale environmental changes and provide a physiological basis for observed changes in species distributions.  相似文献   

Synopsis The post-metamorphic common sole, Solea solea, as well as the other Soleidae and Cynoglossidae, are characterized by oral jaw elements without teeth on the ocular side. A relatively large proportion of late sole larvae and early juveniles, routinely reared in the laboratory, showed dentigerous and shape-modified premaxillae and mandibles on the ocular side. Abnormal jaws were associated with dermal papillae and a lack of pigmentation on parts of the ocular side of the head. These features are probably the result of suppressed epigenetic mechanisms normally active during ontogeny. Insights into the morphological evolution of the soleid jaw apparatus are discussed.  相似文献   

Historical otolith collections are crucial in assessing the evolutionary consequences of natural and anthropogenic changes on the demography and connectivity of commercially important fish species. Hence, it is important to define optimal protocols for purifying DNA from such valuable information sources while avoiding any damage to the physical structure of the otolith. Before being able to conclude on the harmlessness of a method, it is important to validate protocols on different kinds of otoliths by testing purification methodologies under standardized conditions. Here we compare the effect of two DNA extraction methods on the success in identifying the age in an overexploited marine fish, the common sole (Solea solea L.). To ensure optimal future population genetic and demographic analyses, we assessed DNA quantity and tested the DNA quality by investigating the amplification success of a mitochondrial and nuclear marker. Our results show that the choice of the DNA extraction method had a significant effect on the success of using these otoliths in age and growth analyses. Standard commercial and published protocols resulted in a severe damaging of the otolith structure, hampering accurate preparation and analyses of the morphological structures of the otoliths. Shortening the lysis time and lowering the EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) and SDS (sodium dodecylsulphate) concentration turned out to be beneficial for the stability of otolith structure, while maintaining an overall high DNA quality measured through polymerase chain reaction amplification success. We therefore recommend that care should be taken when choosing the extraction method for a molecular study on archived samples, in order to enable the maximal use of information embedded in historical material.  相似文献   

The life history of two Soleidae, the common sole, Solea solea, and the thickback sole, Microchirus variegatus, were compared in the Bay of Biscay in an attempt to set out factors which could explain settlement styles known to be different between juveniles of each species. Common sole juveniles had been shown to depend on coastal and estuarine nurseries, and the thickback sole to develop in open-sea nurseries, although the spawning grounds and spawning season of both species overlapped (offshore and at springtime, respectively). For this study, data on adult, juvenile and larva distributions were obtained from cruises carried out in the Bay of Biscay during the last decade. In addition, growth rate of larvae and planktonic interval duration, estimated by means of otolith increment analysis, were compared, as well as literature-derived information on behaviour of larvae. By comparing larval features, it appeared that thickback sole did not obtain the advantage of a slightly longer pelagic life span for an increased dispersal, due to an early shift to benthic behaviour. Other evidence was given by more specifically stated distributions that the further and deeper offshore spawning of M. variegatus, compared to S. solea, was a likely key-factor of the juvenile settlement process. This could explain why the thickback sole, contrary to the common sole, never reach coastal areas and thus settle offshore, in waters deeper than 30 m.  相似文献   

Field measurements of distance moved and heart rate in sole, Solea solea (L.) and bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) using ultrasonic telemetry revealed two different strategies. Heart rate in the sole increases during activity, accurately reflecting fluctuation in metabolic rate and so can be used as a measure of metabolic rate in the field. In contrast, the relatively stable value of the heart rate in bass during the whole tracking period whatever the activity level suggests that in this species heart rate in the field cannot be associated with metabolic rate determination.  相似文献   

Mussels, such as Mytilus edulis, are common keystone species on open coasts and in estuaries and are frequently used in environmental monitoring programmes. Mussels experience a wide range of environmental conditions at these locations, including rapid changes in salinity and physical disturbance (both natural and from aquaculture practices).This paper addressed the hypothesis that reduced salinity will lower mussel blood immune function and influence mussel blood metabolic responses, and that this will in turn increase the susceptibility of mussels to other stresses such as physical disturbance. To test these hypotheses, experiments were conducted in controlled laboratory tank conditions and mussel blood was analysed using a combination of metabolic fingerprinting with FT-IR and immunological assay techniques.Reducing seawater salinity to half that of normal caused a significant reduction in several measures of immune function, including the concentration of haemocytes, percentage of eosinophilic haemocytes and phagocytosis. Mechanical shaking of mussels for 10 min caused a reduction in the level of respiratory burst activity. However, there was no evidence of additive or interactive effects of lowered salinity with shaking on the immune response. Analysis of mussel blood metabolic fingerprints revealed differences in response to half salinity (vs. full salinity) but there were no detectable effects of shaking. Increasing frequency and magnitude of flood events at coastal sites due to climate change could lead to longer, and more frequent, periods of reduced salinity. The potential impact on the immune function of this keystone species within or near estuaries could have knock-on effects on the wider ecosystem including altered nutrient cycling, changes in biodiversity and aquaculture production.  相似文献   

A new myxosporean, Leptotheca sparidarum n. sp., is described from the trunk kidney of two sparid fish, Sparus aurata and Dentex dentex, in several culture facilities from the Western Mediterranean coasts. It is distinguished from all the previously described species by spore morphometrics. Spores with two equal polar capsules and one binucleated sporoplasm. Spore measurements from D. dentex were 5-7.1 micron long x 8.8-12.3 micron thick x 5.88-6.18 micron wide; polar capsules 2.6-3.5 micron in diam. Spore measurements from S. aurata were 5.1-8.24 micron long x 9.41-11.76 micron thick; polar capsules 2.4-3.2 micron in diam. No significant differences were detected between either host. Prevalence could reach 21.4% in D. dentex and 19% in some stock of S. aurata. Renal tubules were the typical site of infection, which was also found in ureters and glomeruli, but seldom in the epiepithelial position of the gut. Spores were formed in disporous sporoblasts, and spore maturation seemed to proceed from the host epithelium towards the lumen. Trophozoites were attached to the host epithelial cells of renal tubules by pseudopodial-like projections, which were inserted into gaps between epithelial cells. Also, cell junctions were observed between primary cells and between neighboring spores.  相似文献   

菊芋耐性胁迫及种质保存研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菊芋(Helianthus tuberous L.)属菊科向日葵属多年生草本植物,是重要的作物种质资源。国内外对菊芋已开展了生态、经济、能源及育种栽培等研究,近年来胁迫条件对菊芋的影响研究成为新的热点。菊芋是无性繁殖作物,目前对菊芋种质资源的保存主要采取田间圃位的形式,国外已经开展了试管苗保存和超低温保存等研究,而我国尚存在空白。本文着重从菊芋的胁迫耐性响应研究,包括干旱、盐碱及低温3个不同胁迫条件对田间性状、生理生化、蛋白、分子水平的研究,以及常规保存和离体保存等种质保存研究2个方面进行阐述,并指出目前存在的问题,为菊芋超低温保存和开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The relationship between gibberellin (GA) levels, height, and stress tolerance was investigated using barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings, which were exposed to heat stress (50 °C for 3 h) and a free radical generator (Paraquat). Barley cv. Perth seedlings were treated with GA-inhibitors, either a triazole or one of two acylcyclohexanediones. They were tested along with four mutants that were either responsive (MC96 and dwf1) or non-responsive (MC90 and Dwf2) to applied growth-active GAs. Analyses of seedlings, whether mutants, or treated with GA-inhibitors, gave a negative correlation between height and tolerance. We also observed that the shorter seedlings with the least amount of growth active GAs were the most tolerant to stress. The overall results of this study suggest that reduced GA levels or sensitivity to GA, with a concomitant reduction in height are important for induction of stress tolerance.  相似文献   

In the present study, effects of salinity stress were evaluated in the leaves and roots of two pistachio cultivars (Badami-Rize-Zarand (BZ) and Badami-e-Sefid (BS)). In overall, salinity negatively affects growth of both cultivars with more pronounced effects on BS. The physiological reason of the reduction could be attributed to some extent to more depletion of photosynthetic pigment in BS. In both cultivars, salinity increased proline content. Moderate and high salinities increased the soluble sugar contents in BZ. In both cultivars, Na+ content increased in plant organs with increasing Na+ in the media. Salinity treatment decreased the Fe and Pi contents in BS cultivar, while they remained unchanged in BZ. These results show that BZ cultivar exhibits more tolerance to salinity stress than BS cultivar possibly by better growth performance, accumulating more osmolytes, lesser accumulation of toxic sodium ion and lower Na+/K+ in the shoots as well as maintaining nutrient contents.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(1):67-75
Eleven monoterpenes, phenylpropenes and sesquiterpenes were evaluated for their insecticidal and growth inhibitory activities against the second and fourth larval instars of Spodoptera littoralis. Among the tested compounds, 1,8-cineole revealed the highest fumigant toxicity against the 2nd and 4th larval instars with LC50 values of 2.32 and 3.13 mg/L air, respectively. The monoterpenes, p-cymene, α-terpinene, (−)α-pinene and (−)-carvone were highly toxic to both larval stages as their LC50 values ranged between 7.35 and 13.79 mg/L air against 2nd larval instar and between 14.66 and 32.02 mg/L air against 4th larval instar. In topical application assay against the 4th larval instar, (−)-carvone (LD50 = 0.15 mg/larva) and cuminaldehyde (LD50 = 0.27 mg/larva) were the most potent contact toxicants. In residual film assay, trans-cinnamaldehyde, (−)-citronellal and p-cymene showed the highest insecticidal activity against the 2nd larval instar, while α-terpinene and (−)-carvone were most effective compounds against the 4th larval instar. Moreover, the tested compounds caused strong growth reduction of both larval stages with growth inhibition higher than 80% in the 2nd larval instar and higher than 70% in the 4th larval instar. On the other hand, (−)-carvone, cuminaldehyde and (Z,E)-nerolidol showed pronounced inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases) activity of S. littoralis larvae. Cuminaldehyde (IC50 = 1.04 mM) and (Z,E)-nerolidol (IC50 = 0.02 mM) caused the highest inhibition of AChE and ATPases, respectively. Taken together, the results indicate that monoterpenes, phenylpropenes and phenylpropenes could be used to develop new botanical insecticides for S. littoralis management.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the industrial chemical compound which is used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. BPA is used throughout the world and it could enter the aquatic ecosystems causing serious problems. To evaluate the potential effects of BPA toxicity on Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) performance, its lethal concentration (LC50) was determined and it was 13.13 µg/L. After that, fish (33.9 ± 0.55 g/fish) were exposed to 0.0, 1.64, or 3.28 µg/L of BPA for 6 weeks after which growth performance, biochemical variables, and oxidative defense system were assessed. The results showed that fish growth and feed intake were significantly reduced as BPA levels increased with no significant difference in fish survival. Total protein, albumin, globulin, and acetylcholine esterase decreased significantly; meanwhile, aspartate transferase, alanine transferase, alkaline phosphatase, uric acid, and creatinine increased significantly with exposure to BPA in a dose dependent manner. Furthermore, malondialdehyde value and the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase increased significantly; while glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S‐transferase decreased significantly as BPA levels increased. In conclusion, BPA exposure in aquatic environment deteriorated fish performance and health causing liver and kidney dysfunction. Thus, fish exerted oxidative defense enzymes as a protection tool against BPA toxicity.  相似文献   

Ring diameters and ring number counts were recorded from Calluna stem cross-sections harvested during an N manipulation experiment. The application of dendrochronological methods permitted accurate ageing of shrubs growing in a heathland of known age. Linear regression analyses demonstrated a highly significant association between increasing levels of N input and stem diameter in both watered and droughted plots (droughted in 1997 only). N inputs were identified as the most significant environmental stressor, appearing to speed ageing vis the Calluna growth cycle. Drought sensitivity was noted in the high N treatment plots (120 kg N ha−1 yr−1) with decreased stem diameters. This may have implications in the response of Calluna growth under current climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is a glycophyte whose growth and yield can be negatively affected by salt stress. As the arable lands with potential saline soils expand annually, the increase of salt-tolerance in sugarcane cultivars is highly desired. We, herein, employed in vitro and in vivo conditions in order to screen sugarcane plants for salt tolerance at the cellular and at the whole plant levels. Calli of sugarcane cv. Khon Kaen 3 (KK3) were selected after culturing in selective media containing various NaCl concentrations, and regenerated plants were then reselected after culturing in selective media containing higher NaCl concentrations. The surviving plants were finally selected after an exposure to 254 mM NaCl under greenhouse conditions. A total of 11 sugarcane plants survived the selection process. Four plants that exhibited tolerance to the four different salt concentrations applied during the aforementioned screening process were then selected for the undertaking of further molecular, biochemical, and physiological studies. The construction of a dendrogram has revealed that the most salt-tolerant plant was characterized by the lowest genetic similarity to the original cultivar. The relative expression levels of six genes (i.e., SoDREB, SoNHX1, SoSOS1, SoHKT, SoBADH, and SoMIPS) were found to be significantly higher in the salt-tolerance clones than those measured in the original plant. The measured proline levels, the glycine betaine content, the relative water content, the SPAD unit, the contents of chlorophyll a and b, as well as the K+/Na+ ratios of the salt-tolerant clones were also found to be significantly higher than those of the original plant.When the salt-tolerant clones were grown in a low saline soil, they exhibited a higher Brix percentage than that of the original cultivar.  相似文献   

Tropical coastal forests – mangroves – will be one of the first ecosystems to be affected by altered sea levels accompanying global climate change. Responses of mangrove forests to changing sea levels depend on reactions of individual plants, yet such responses have not been addressed experimentally. We report data from a long-term greenhouse study that assessed physiological and individual growth responses of the dominant neotropical mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, to levels of inundation expected to occur in the Caribbean within 50–100 years. In this study, we grew potted plants in tanks with simulated semidiurnal (twice daily) high tides that approximated current conditions (MW plants), a 16-cm increase in sea level (LW plants), and a 16-cm decrease in sea level (HW plants). The experiment lasted 2½ years, beginning with mangrove seedlings and terminating after plants began to reproduce. Environmental (air temperature, relative humidity, photosynthetically active radiation) and edaphic conditions (pH, redox, soil sulfide) approximated field conditions in Belize, the source locale for the seedlings. HW plants were shorter and narrower, and produced fewer branches and leaves, responses correlated with the development of acid-sulfide soils in their pots. LW plants initially grew more rapidly than MW plants. However, the growth of LW plants slowed dramatically once they reached the sapling stage, and by the end of the experiment, MW plants were 10–20% larger in all measured growth parameters. Plants did not exhibit differences in allometric growth as a function of inundation. Anatomical characteristics of leaves did not differ among treatments. Both foliar C:N and root porosity decreased from LW through MW to HW. Relative to LW and HW plants, MW plants had 1–7% fewer stomata/mm2, 6–21% greater maximum photosynthetic rates, 3–23% greater absolute relative growth rates (RGRs), and a 30% higher RGR for a given increase in net assimilation rate. Reduced growth of R. mangle under realistic conditions approximating future inundation depths likely will temper projected increased growth of this species under concomitant increases in the atmospheric concentration of CO2.  相似文献   

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