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Cold tolerance and metabolic responses to freezing of three slug species common in Scandinavia (Arion ater, Arion rufus and Arion lusitanicus) are reported. Autumn collected slugs were cold acclimated in the laboratory and subjected to freezing conditions simulating likely winter temperatures in their habitat. Slugs spontaneously froze at about -4 °C when cooled under dry conditions, but freezing of body fluids was readily induced at -1 °C when in contact with external ice crystals. All three species survived freezing for 2 days at -1 °C, and some A. rufus and A. lusitanicus also survived freezing at -2 °C. (1)H NMR spectroscopy revealed that freezing of body fluids resulted in accumulation of lactate, succinate and glucose. Accumulation of lactate and succinate indicates that ATP production occurred via fermentative pathways, which is likely a result of oxygen depletion in frozen tissues. Glucose increased from about 6 to 22 μg/mg dry tissue upon freezing in A. rufus, but less so in A. ater and A. lusitanicus. Glucose may thus act as a cryoprotectant in these slugs, although the concentrations are not as high as reported for other freeze tolerant invertebrates.  相似文献   

The slug Arion lusitanicus Mabille (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae) is an invasive species which has spread to most parts of Europe. The area of origin is unknown, but A. lusitanicus seems to cope well with the local conditions in the countries to which it has migrated. It spreads rapidly, occurs often in high densities and has become a serious pest in most European countries. Therefore there is an urgent need for better knowledge of the ecophysiology of A. lusitanicus, such as the influence of climatic conditions, in order to develop prognostic models and strategies for novel pest management practises.The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of subzero temperatures in relation to winter survival. A. lusitanicus is shown to be freeze-tolerant in some life stages. Most juveniles and some adult slugs survived being frozen at −1.3 °C for 3 days, but none of the slugs survived freezing at −3 °C. The eggs survived subzero temperatures (down to −2 °C) probably by supercooling. Juveniles and adults may also survive in a supercooled state (down to −3 °C) but are generally poor supercoolers. Therefore, the winter survival of A. lusitanicus depends to a high degree on migration to habitats protected from low winter temperatures, e.g. under plant litter, buried in the soil or in compost heaps.  相似文献   

Animal movement varies from undirected dispersal to directed migration. Movement rates may have implications for conservation and resource management, as well as pest control, and they play a key role in invasion success. In slugs, long-distance dispersal is typically passive, whereas active movement is critical for local dispersal and determines access to resources such as food and shelter. Telemetry has recently been used to study individual slug movements in the wild, whereas movement in arena tests has explored mechanisms of interspecific competition and invasiveness in slugs. Studies that relate the performance of individual slugs in arena tests to their post-release behavior in nature are lacking. We measured individual short-term movement speed of commonly occurring native and non-native slugs of the genera Arion and Limax in arena tests and tracked their post-release dispersal movements in a garden by PIT telemetry. We demonstrate clear differences in movement behavior among the species, but non-native slugs did not display higher movement rates than their native congeners. In the arena test, slugs of the genus Limax displayed a higher short-term speed than slugs of the genus Arion, whereas in the field, individuals of Limax maximus showed lower dispersal rates compared to the other slug species. Moreover, there was a positive correlation between short-term speed in the arena test and movement in the field among individuals of L. cinereoniger, indicating the possible existence of behavioral syndromes in slugs, which may link movement ecology, animal personality, and the invasion ecology of pest species.  相似文献   

As an essential aspect of its invasive character in Europe, this study examined the cold hardiness of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis. This was done for field-collected populations in Belgium overwintering either in an unheated indoor or an outdoor hibernaculum. The supercooling point, lower lethal temperature and lower lethal time at 0 and −5 °C were determined. Possible seasonal changes were taken into account by monitoring the populations during each winter month. The supercooling point and lower lethal temperature remained relatively constant for the overwintering populations in the outdoor hibernaculum, ranging from −17.5 to −16.5 °C and −17.1 to −16.3 °C, respectively. In contrast, the supercooling point and lower lethal temperature of the population overwintering indoors clearly increased as the winter progressed, from −18.5 to −13.2 °C and −16.7 to −14.1 °C, respectively. A proportion of the individuals overwintering indoors could thus encounter problems surviving the winter due to premature activation at times when food is not available. The lower lethal time of field populations at 0 and −5 °C varied from 18 to 24 weeks and from 12 to 22 weeks, respectively. Morph type and sex had no influence on the cold hardiness of the overwintering adults. In addition, all cold tolerance parameters differed greatly between the laboratory population and field populations, implying that cold tolerance research based solely on laboratory populations may not be representative of field situations. We conclude from this study that the strong cold hardiness of H. axyridis in Europe may enable the species to establish in large parts of the continent.  相似文献   

两种大型真菌菌丝体对重金属的耐受和富集特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
用平板培养法检测大型真菌秀珍菇和猪肚菇菌丝体对重金属铬、铅和锰的耐受及富集特性。分别测定了3种重金属不同浓度处理下秀珍菇和猪肚菇的菌落直径、菌丝体干重和菌丝体中的重金属含量。结果表明:秀珍菇和猪肚菇菌丝体对Cr的耐受特性和耐受能力相当,二者的菌落直径和菌丝体干重均随Cr处理浓度的增加先升高后降低,生长抑制率为50%的Cr浓度都约为200 mg/L,对铬的最大耐受浓度都为500 mg/L。秀珍菇菌丝体对Pb敏感,100 mg/L的Pb即可极显著的抑制秀珍菇菌丝的生长,而猪肚菇则直到500 mg/L的Pb,菌丝体的生长都未受显著影响;二者生长抑制率为50%的Pb浓度分别为100 mg/L和700 mg/L,最大耐受浓度分别为1000 mg/L和2000 mg/L;因此,猪肚菇对Pb的耐受能力比秀珍菇强。秀珍菇不耐锰,而猪肚菇对锰表现出相对较高的耐受能力,生长抑制率为50%的Mn浓度约为1000 mg/L,最大耐受能力为6000 mg/L。秀珍菇菌丝体对Cr和Pb、猪肚菇菌丝体对Cr和Mn均没有达到超富集。但猪肚菇菌丝体中Pb的含量可达1125.56 mg/kg(干重),达到超富集水平,暗示猪肚菇可能是铅超富集大型真菌。  相似文献   

以来自铜矿区(CS)和非矿区(UCS)两个海州香薷种群为对象,通过室内水培实验,分析了两种群幼苗在铜及营养缺失胁迫下植物生长、铜富集及矿质营养含量的差异.结果显示,铜、低营养胁迫及其相互作用对非矿区种群生长具有明显的抑制作用,而对矿区种群的影响则远比非矿区种群小,且较低铜浓度(25μmol/L Cu)明显促进了矿区种群的生长;从耐性指数结果看,矿区种群铜耐性指数和营养胁迫耐性指数均高于非矿区种群.这表明矿区种群不仅进化为铜耐受种群,同时也进化成营养胁迫耐受种群.低营养胁迫明显促进了植物对铜的吸收和运转,如在低营养胁迫和25 μmol/L Cu复合处理下,矿区种群根铜含量约为单一铜处理的25倍,非矿区种群是单一铜处理5倍多.低营养胁迫和过量铜显著减少了非矿区种群矿质营养元素如P,Mg,K和Mn的吸收积累,而矿区种群则仍然能保持相对稳定;在铜和营养缺失复合作用下,两个种群矿质营养除Ca和部分Fe外,均显著减少,但矿区种群减少程度明显比非矿区种群小.这些结果表明,矿区种群在胁迫条件下具有保持营养相对稳定和平衡的能力,这种能力使其能在高铜污染和营养缺乏的土壤中正常生长和定居.  相似文献   

Microbial metabolomics has been seriously limited by our inability to perform a reliable separation of intra- and extracellular metabolites with efficient quenching of cell metabolism. Microbial cells are sensitive to most (if not all) quenching agents developed to date, resulting in leakage of intracellular metabolites to the extracellular medium during quenching. Therefore, as yet we are unable to obtain an accurate concentration of intracellular metabolites from microbial cell cultures. However, knowledge of the in vivo concentrations of intermediary metabolites is of fundamental importance for the characterization of microbial metabolism so as to integrate meaningful metabolomics data with other levels of functional genomics analysis. In this article, we report a novel and robust quenching method for microbial cell cultures based on cold glycerol-saline solution as the quenching agent that prevents significant leakage of intracellular metabolites and, therefore, permits more accurate measurement of intracellular metabolite concentrations in microbial cells.  相似文献   

1. The effect of cold (5 °C) and warm (35 °C) storage on desiccation tolerance of cold-adapted Steinernema feltiae, intermediate S. carpocapsae and warm-adapted S. riobrave was evaluated at 5 and 35 °C.  相似文献   

We compared the thermal tolerances of a high-altitude skink, Sphenomorphus taiwanensis with that of the lowland S. incognitus to test whether their thermal tolerances correspond to their altitudinal distributions.  相似文献   

The nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is a commercially available biocontrol agent against slugs. This product is especially interesting for use in organic farming, where products containing metaldehyde or carbamates cannot be used for controlling pest slugs. We investigated the potential of P. hermaphrodita for the control of the pest slugs Deroceras reticulatum and Arion lusitanicus. These two species are the most harmful slug pests in Switzerland. At different times of the year, we collected slug specimens of different weight and assessed their susceptibility to P. hermaphrodita in the laboratory. Batches of five slugs were subjected to five different doses of nematodes plus an untreated control and replicated three times. During six weeks, feeding and survival of the slugs were recorded. D. reticulatum was strongly affected by increasing nematode doses, irrespective of the slugs' body weight. In small specimens of A. lusitanicus, feeding and survival were strongly affected by the nematodes, while larger specimens remained almost unaffected. Because A. lusitanicus has an asynchronous development in Switzerland, it seems difficult to control the entire population with a single nematode application. To what extent nematodes will be used in practice for slug control depends on their effectivity against the pest slugs of major importance, on the longevity of the molluscicidal effect and on the price of nematodes.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhiza and heavy metal tolerance   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) catalyzes the reversible interconversion of fructose 6-phosphate (Fru-6-P) and mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P), providing a link between glycolysis and the mannose metabolic pathway. In this study, we identified pmi gene (Mapmi) from the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium acridum, and analyzed its functions using RNA interference (RNAi). Amending the growth medium with cell stress chemicals significantly reduced growth, conidial production and percent germination in Mapmi-RNAi mutant strain, compared to the wild-type strain. Growth of RNAi mutant was lower than the wild type strain with glucose or fructose as sole carbon source. RNAi mutant exhibited a normal growth phenotype with mannose at low concentrations, while trace or high concentration of mannose was more negatively impacted the growth of RNAi mutant than the wild type strain. Infection with Mapmi-RNAi mutant against Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) led to a significantly reduced virulence compared to infection with the wild-type strain. These results suggest that Mapmi plays essential roles in stress tolerance and pathogenicity of M. acridum.  相似文献   

Third-instar larvae of the goldenrod gall fly Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae) from populations in northern North America transition from freeze-susceptible to freeze-tolerant just prior to the onset of winter. While studies have documented the accumulation of carbohydrate cryoprotectants during this transition, protein cryoprotectants common to other freeze-tolerant species have not been reported in the gall fly. Using larvae collected from a population in Madison County, NY, which changes from freeze-susceptible to freeze-tolerant in early October, we assayed for the presence of factors that could preserve the catalytic activity of the cold-labile enzyme, rabbit muscle lactate dehydrogenase. Freezing this enzyme with a heat-stable, hydrophilic fraction derived from homogenates of both freeze-tolerant larvae and those in the process of becoming freeze-tolerant preserved between 70% and 80% of this enzyme's activity. Neither a comparable solution of bovine serum albumin nor the naturally-occurring carbohydrates (glycerol, sorbitol, or trehalose) conferred this level of cryoprotection. The putative cryoprotective protein from gall fly larvae did not bind to a weak anion exchanger, implying that its character may be cationic.  相似文献   

Overwintering larvae of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis accumulate glycerol and are freezing tolerant to about -25 degrees C. However, non-diapausing larvae cannot accumulate glycerol and are killed by freezing. We compared the extent of tissue damage, the effects of glycerol concentration, and the transport of glycerol and water in fat body tissues from these larvae at selected freezing temperatures. Tissues from overwintering larvae, but not non-diapausing larvae, survive when frozen at -20 degrees C with 0.25 M glycerol, but the protection afforded by glycerol is offset by the water-channel inhibitor mercuric chloride. Glycerol in higher concentration (0.75 M) affords some protection even to the fat body of non-diapausing larvae. Radiotracer assays of overwintering larvae show that water leaves the tissues during freezing while glycerol enters, and that mercuric chloride disrupts this process. Transport is also disrupted after lethal freezing at -35 degrees C. Therefore, membrane transport of water and glycerol is involved in the avoidance of freezing injury to fat body cells of the rice stem borer, apparently by mediating the replacement of water with glycerol in freezing-tolerant tissues.  相似文献   

AtNHX4 belongs to the monovalent cation:proton antiporter-1 (CPA1) family in Arabidopsis. Several members of this family have been shown to be critical for plant responses to abiotic stress, but little is known on the biological functions of AtNHX4. Here, we provide the evidence that AtNHX4 plays important roles in Arabidopsis responses to salt stress. Expression of AtNHX4 was responsive to salt stress and abscisic acid. Experiments with CFP-AtNHX4 fusion protein indicated that AtNHX4 is vacuolar localized. The nhx4 mutant showed enhanced tolerance to salt stress, and lower Na+ content under high NaCl stress compared with wild-type plants. Furthermore, heterologous expression of AtNHX4 in Escherichia coli BL21 rendered the transformants hypersensitive to NaCl. Deletion of the hydrophilic C-terminus of AtNHX4 dramatically increased the hypersensitivity of transformants, indicating that AtNHX4 may function in Na+ homeostasis in plant cell, and its C-terminus plays a role in regulating the AtNHX4 activity.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal acclimation on trehalose accumulation and the acquisition of thermotolerance was studied in three species of entomopathogenic nematodes adapted to either cold or warm temperatures. All three Steinernema species accumulated trehalose when acclimated at either 5 or 35 degrees C, but the amount of trehalose accumulation differed by species and temperature. The trehalose content of the cold adapted Steinernema feltiae increased by 350 and 182%, of intermediate Steinernema carpocapsae by 146 and 122% and of warm adapted Steinernema riobrave by 30 and 87% over the initial level (18.25, 27.24 and 23.97 microg trehalose/mg dry weight, respectively) during acclimation at 5 and 35 degrees C, respectively. Warm and cold acclimation enhanced heat (40 degrees C for 8h) and freezing (-20 degrees C for 4h) tolerance of S. carpocapsae and the enhanced tolerance was positively correlated with the increased trehalose levels. Warm and cold acclimation also enhanced heat but not freezing tolerance of S. feltiae and the enhanced heat tolerance was positively correlated with the increased trehalose levels. In contrast, warm and cold acclimation enhanced the freezing but not heat tolerance of S. riobrave, and increased freezing tolerance of only warm acclimated S. riobrave was positively correlated with the increased trehalose levels. The effect of acclimation on maintenance of original virulence by either heat or freeze stressed nematodes against the wax moth Galleria mellonella larvae was temperature dependent and differed among species. During freezing stress, both cold and warm acclimated S. carpocapsae (84%) and during heat stress, only warm acclimated S. carpocapsae (95%) maintained significantly higher original virulence than the non-acclimated (36 and 47%, respectively) nematodes. Both cold and warm acclimated S. feltiae maintained significantly higher original virulence (69%) than the non-acclimated S. feltiae (0%) during heat but not freezing stress. In contrast, both warm and cold acclimated S. riobrave maintained significantly higher virulence (41%) than the non-acclimated (14%) nematodes during freezing, but not during heat stress. Our data indicate that trehalose accumulation is not only a cold associated phenomenon but is a general response of nematodes to thermal stress. However, the extent of enhanced thermal stress tolerance conferred by the accumulated trehalose differs with nematode species.  相似文献   

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