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Mass spectrometry was used in conjunction with gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography, to determine peptide sequences from American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) leukocytes and to identify similar proteins based on homology. The goal of the study was to generate an initial database of proteins related to the alligator immune system. We have adopted a typical proteomics approach for this study. Proteins from leukocyte extracts were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the major bands were excised, digested and analyzed by on-line nano-LC MS/MS to generate peptide sequences. The sequences generated were used to identify proteins and characterize their functions. The protein identity and characterization of the protein function were based on matching two or more peptides to the same protein by searching against the NCBI database using MASCOT and Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). For those proteins with only one peptide matching, the phylum of the matched protein was considered. Forty-three proteins were identified that exhibit sequence similarities to proteins from other vertebrates. Proteins related to the cytoskeletal system were the most abundant proteins identified. These proteins are known to regulate cell mobility and phagocytosis. Several other peptides were matched to proteins that potentially have immune-related function.  相似文献   

Treatment of alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and human serum samples with Escherichia coli resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent inhibition of bacterial proliferation. When inoculated with E. coli, alligator serum exhibited 10-fold lower bacterial survival rates after 1 h than human serum. In addition, the antibacterial spectrum of alligator serum was shown to be much broader than that of human serum, with growth inhibition occurring in 100% of bacterial strains tested (compared to only 35% for human serum). Additional results showed that the antimicrobial activities of alligator serum could be completely inhibited by preincubation with proteases, indicating the proteinaceous nature of the antimicrobial activities. Furthermore, incubation of alligator serum at 56 degrees C for 30 min (classical human serum complement inactivation conditions) obliterated all antimicrobial properties of the alligator serum. The antibacterial activities occurred relatively quickly in vitro, with significant activity occurring within 5 min of inoculation with E. coli and maximal activity at 20 min. Also, the antimicrobial activity exhibited temperature dependence, with a substantial decrease in activity below 15 degrees C. These data suggest that the antimicrobial properties of alligator serum may be due to an active serum complement system.  相似文献   

Treatment of axenic Naegleria gruberi cultures with alligator serum resulted in time-dependent amoebacidal activity, with measurable activity at 5 min and maximal activity occurring at 20 min. The amoebacidal activity was concentration dependent, with measurable activity at 25% serum, whereas treatment of amoebas with undiluted serum resulted in only 16% survival. The efficacy was dependent on the concentration of amoebas, with higher survival rates at high amoeba densities and lower survival rates at low amoeba densities. The amoeba-killing effects of alligator serum were broad in spectrum because the serum was effective against 3 strains of Naegleria species tested and 4 Acanthamoeba species, which have been reported to be resistant to human serum complement-mediated lysis. The amoebacidal effects of alligator serum were temperature dependent, with optimal activity at 15-30 C and a decrease in activity below 15 C and above 30 C. The amoebacidal activity of alligator serum was heat labile and protease sensitive, indicating the proteinaceous nature of the activity, and was also inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, which indicated a requirement for divalent metal ions. These characteristics strongly suggest that the amoebacidal properties of alligator serum are because of complement activity.  相似文献   

American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) ovary development is incomplete at hatching. During the months following hatching, the cortical processes of oogenesis started in ovo continues and folliculogenesis is initiated. Additionally, the medullary region of the gonad undergoes dramatic restructuring. We describe alligator ovarian histology at hatching, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months of age in order to characterize the timing of morphological development and compare these findings to chicken ovary development. At hatching, the ovarian cortex presents a germinal epithelium containing oogonia and a few primary oocytes irregularly scattered between somatic epithelial cells. The hatchling medulla shows fragmentation indicative of the formation of lacunae. By 1 week of age, oocytes form growing nests and show increased interactions with somatic cells, indicative of the initiation of folliculogenesis. Medullary lacunae increase in diameter and contain secretory material in their lumen. At 1 month, nest sizes and lacunar diameters continue to enlarge. Pachytene oocytes surrounded by somatic cells are more frequent. Trabeculae composed of dense irregular connective tissue divide cortical nests. Three months after hatching oocytes in meiotic stages of prophase I up to diplotene are present. The ovary displays many enlarged follicles with oocytes in diplotene arrest, thecal layers, lampbrush chromosomes, and complete layers of follicular cells. The medulla is an elaborated complex of vascularized lacunae underlying the cortex and often containing discrete lymphoid aggregates. While the general morphology of the alligator ovary is similar to that of the chicken ovary, the progression of oogenesis and folliculogenesis around hatching is notably slower in alligators. Diplotene oocytes are observed at hatching in chickens, but not until 3 months in alligators. Folliculogenesis is completed at 3 weeks in chickens whereas it is still progressing at 3 months in alligators.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine whether American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) are an unrecognized poikilothermic source of faecal coliform and/or potential pathogenic bacteria in South Carolina’s coastal waters. Methods and Results: Bacteria from the cloaca of American alligators, as well as bacteria from surface water samples from their aquatic habitat, were isolated and identified. The predominant enteric bacteria identified from alligator samples using biochemical tests included Aeromonas hydrophila, Citrobacter braakii, Edwardsiella tarda, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Plesiomonas shigelloides and putative Salmonella, and these were similar to bacteria isolated from the surface waters in which the alligators inhabited. Based on most‐probable‐number enumeration estimates from captive alligator faeces, faecal coliform bacteria numbered 8·0 × 109 g?1 (wet weight) of alligator faecal material, a much higher concentration than many other documented endothermic animal sources. Conclusions: A prevalence of enteric bacteria, both faecal coliforms and potential pathogens, was observed in American alligators. The high faecal coliform bacterial density of alligator faeces may suggest that alligators are a potential source of bacterial contamination in South Carolina coastal waters. Significance and Impact of the Study: These findings help to increase our understanding of faecal coliform and potential pathogenic bacteria from poikilothermic reptilian sources, as there is the potential for these sources to raise bacterial water quality levels above regulatory thresholds.  相似文献   

Temperature of egg incubation determines sex in Alligator mississippiensis hatchlings. To define the timing and morphology of sexual differentiation, alligator gonads were examined histologically and ultrastructurally throughout embryogenesis. At the male-producing temperature (33° C), the onset of testis differentiation occurred in most embryos during developmental stages 21–22, when a number of somatic cells in the medulla of the gonad became enlarged, forming presumptive Sertoli cells. Some enlarged somatic cells were also observed at the female-producing temperature (30° C) during gonadogenesis, but they were less widespread than at 33° C. Ovarian differentiation at 30° C began slighlty later, during stage 22–23, and was characterised by proliferation of germs cells in the cortex of the gonad. Testis formation in alligators may depend upon presumptive Sertoli cells differentiating prior to a critical event in embryogenesis, such as germ cell proliferation and meiosis. If follows that ovary formation occurs if this requirement is not met, as at lower incubation temperatures.  相似文献   

Aeromonas hydrophila was isolated from the internal organs of nine adult alligators, Alligator mississippiensis, which died without apparent cause, suggesting the bacterium may have been a factor. One hundred and twenty-three alligators ranging in age from six months to over 10 years were captured from five locations in the southeastern United States and sampled for A. hydrophila. The bacterium was isolated from the oral cavity of 85% of the animals, on the external jaw area from over 50% and from 70% of the internal tissue samples. A. hydrophila is ubiquitous with alligators in their natural habitats, but apparently does not cause clinical disease. However, stress factors such as trapping, handling, and warm water temperatures may be conducive to the rapid proliferation of the bacteria, thereby facilitating disease.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite loci were isolated from the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), using a partial genomic DNA library and an enrichment method. Fifty microsatellite repeats were screened from the library of 888 positive clones, 10 of which were polymorphic. These microsatellite loci developed here are another set of novel molecular markers for A. sinensis, and they will be suitable for population genetic studies as well as for kinship analysis.  相似文献   

Temperature probes were inserted into the stomachs of juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) maintained outdoors at ambient fluctuating temperatures. Internal body temperatures (Tb) were measured every 15 min for two days, and then the alligators were injected with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), pyrogen-free saline, or left untreated. Alligators injected intraperitoneally with LPS exhibited maximum Tbs 2.6 ± 1.1 °C and 3.5 ± 1.2 °C higher than untreated control animals on days one and two after treatment, respectively. Tbs for these animals fell to within control ranges by day three postinjection. Similarly, mean preferred body temperatures (MPBTs) were significantly higher for LPS-injected alligators on days one (4.2 ± 1.8 °C) and two (3.5 ± 1.6 °C) after treatment. Intraperitoneal injection of heat-killed Aeromonas hydrophila, a gram-negative bacterium known to infect crocodilians, resulted in a fever while injection of Staphylococcus aureus (gram positive) did not elicit a febrile response. Injection of LPS in alligators maintained indoors in a constant temperature environment resulted in no increase in internal Tb. These results indicate that alligators did not exhibit a febrile response in the absence of a thermal gradient, and suggest that febrile responses observed are probably behavioral in nature.  相似文献   

The middle ear cavities of crocodilians have complex connections with the pharyngeal lumen, including lateral and median components which both open into a single chamber located on the dorsal midline of the pharynx. This chamber and the surrounding soft-tissue is herein termed the median pharyngeal valve. In the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) this valve opens, for a duration of 0.3 s, approximately every 120 s; the patency of the median pharyngeal valve was not influenced by either auditory stimuli or by submersing the alligator underwater. The median pharyngeal valve has an outer capsule of dense connective tissue and fibrocartilage and an inner “plug” of loose connective tissue. These opposing surfaces are lined by respiratory epithelium and separated by a cavity that is continuous with the middle ear cavities and the pharyngeal lumen (through a central opening in the capsule termed the pore). The inner plug of the median pharyngeal valve is contacted by skeletal muscles positioned to serve as both elevators/retractors (which would open the valve) and elevators/protractors (which, in conjunction with gravity, would close the valve). Unlike other vertebrate valve systems, the median pharyngeal valve appears to function as a deformable ball check valve.  相似文献   

Two forms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) have been purified from brains of the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, using reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The concentration of total GnRH was 8.8 ng/g of frozen brain tissue or 21.1 ng per brain. The amino acid sequence of each form of GnRH was determined using automated Edman degradation. The presence of the N-terminal pGlu residue was established by digestion studies with bovine pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase and coelution with synthetic forms of the native peptide. The primary structure of alligator GnRH I is pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Gln-Pro-Gly-NH2 and alligator GnRH II is pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-His-Gly-Trp-Tyr-Pro-Gly-NH2.  相似文献   

Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) is a critically endangered species endemic to China. In this study, the extent of genetic variation in the captive alligators of the Changxing Reserve Center was investigated using microsatellite markers derived from American alligators. Out of 22 loci employed, 21 were successfully amplified in the Chinese alligator. Sequence analysis showed loci in American alligators had a bigger average size than that of the Chinese alligators and the longest allele of an individual locus almost always existed in the species with longer stretch of repeat units. Eight of the 22 loci were found to be polymorphic with a total of 26 alleles present among 32 animals scored, yielding an average of 3.25 alleles per polymorphic locus. The expected heterozygosity (H E) ranged at a moderate level from 0.4385 to 0.7163 in this population. Compared to that in the American alligators, a lower level of microsatellite diversity existed in the Changxing population as revealed by about 46% fewer alleles per locus and smaller H E at the homologous loci. The average exclusion power and the ability to detect shared genotypes and multiple paternity were evaluated for those markers. Results suggested that when the polymorphic loci were combined, they could be sensitive markers in genetic diversity study and relatedness inference within the Chinese alligator populations. The level of genetic diversity present in the current Changxing population indicated an important resource to complement reintroductions based on the individuals from the other population. In addition, the microsatellite markers and their associated diversity characterized in this population could be utilized to further investigate the genetic status of this species.  相似文献   

Treatment of alligator serum with different concentrations of EDTA resulted in a concentration-dependent inhibition of serum-mediated sheep red blood cell (SRBC) hemolysis. This inhibition of serum-dependent hemolysis was observed for other chelators of divalent metal ions, such as phosphate and citrate. Treatment of alligator serum with 5 mM EDTA completely inhibited SRBC hemolysis, which could be totally restored by the addition of 5 mM Ca(2+) or Mg(2+), but not Cu(2+) or Ba(2+). These data indicate a specific need for Ca(2+) and/or Mg(2+) in the serum-mediated hemolysis of SRBCs. Kinetic analyses revealed that the addition of 30 mM EDTA 1 min after incubation of SRBCs with serum resulted in only 30% inhibition of hemolytic activity. However, addition of EDTA as early as 3 min post-incubation resulted in complete SRBC hemolysis. Pretreatment of serum with EDTA inhibited the hemolytic activity, but the activity could be restored in a time-dependent manner by the addition of Ca(2+)or Mg(2+). These data indicate that, as in human serum, the need for divalent metal ions occurs early in the alligator serum complement cascade.  相似文献   

Middle ear ontogeny in Monodelphis domestica is investigated to understand better both the immediate consequences for suckling in a neonate marsupial and the epigenetic factors that constrain morphogenesis. Neonates of Monodelphis possess neither mammalian (dentarysquamosal) nor reptilian (quadrate-articular) jaw articulations, nor does the contact between the incus and crista parotica offer a joint surface ( contra Maier, 1987). Elasticity in Meckel's cartilage allows minimal deflection of the lower jaw. Observation of the developmental rate of the individual elements reveals that mandibular arch derivatives (malleus, incus and tensor tympani) are on a slightly faster ontogenetic schedule than hyoid arch derivatives (stapes and m. stapedius).  相似文献   

Luteal morphology of the American alligator is unique when compared to other reptiles but is similar to that of its phylogenetic relatives, the birds. The theca is extensively hypertrophied, but the granulosa never fills the cavity formed following the ovulation of the ovum. The formation of the corpus luteum (CL) is correlated with elevated plasma progesterone concentrations, which decline dramatically after oviposition with the onset of luteolysis. Unlike those of most other reptiles, the central luteal cell mass is composed of two cell types; one presumably is derived from the granulosa, whereas the other is from the theca interna. Both cell types are present throughout gravidity but only one cell type is seen during mid to late luteolysis. A significant decline in luteal volume occurs following oviposition and continues throughout the post-oviposition period. The fastest decline in luteal volume occurs in the month immediately after oviposition; this rate then slows. Luteolysis appears to continue for a year or more following oviposition, as distinct structures of luteal origin can still be identified in animals 9 months after oviposition. The size of persistent CL can be used to determine whether a given female oviposited during the previous nesting season. Females with CL having volumes greater than 0.2 cm2 or CL diameters greater than 0.4 cm were active the previous season. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Incubation of different dilutions of alligator serum with sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) that had not been sensitized with antibodies resulted in concentration-dependent hemolytic activity. This hemolytic activity was not affected by the presence of ammonium hydroxide and methylamine, known inactivators of the classical complement cascade. However, the hemolytic activities were inhibited by EDTA and salicylaldoxime, indicating that the alternate pathway is primarily responsible for these activities. Immunofixation of electrophoretically-resolved alligator serum proteins with antihuman C3 polyclonal antibodies resulted in detection of a protein antigenically similar to human C3 in alligator serum. SDS-PAGE, followed by Western blot analysis, revealed the presence of two alligator serum proteins with nearly identical molecular weights as human C3alpha and C3beta. SRBC hemolysis and antibacterial activity by alligator serum was significantly reduced in the presence of antihuman C3 antibodies. The hemolytic effect of alligator serum was shown to occur rapidly, with significant activity within 5 min and maximal activity occurring at 15 min. SRBC hemolysis was also temperature-dependent, with reduced activity below 15 degrees C and above 30 degrees C. These data suggest that the antibiotic properties of alligator serum are partially due to the presence of a complement-facilitated humoral immune response analogous to that described in mammalian systems.  相似文献   

Wang H  Ng TB  Liu Q 《Life sciences》2002,70(8):877-885
From the dried fruiting bodies of the mushroom Agrocybe cylindracea a heterodimeric lectin with a molecular weight of 31.5 kDa and displaying high hemagglutinating activity was isolated. The molecular weights of its subunits were 16.1 kDa and 15.3 kDa respectively. The larger and the smaller subunits resembled Agaricus bisporus lectin and fungal immunomodulatory protein from Volvariella volvacea respectively in N-terminal sequence. The lectin was adsorbed on DEAE-cellulose in 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4) and was eluted by the same buffer containing 150 mM NaCl. It was adsorbed on SP-Sepharose in 10 mM NH4OAc (pH 4.5) and eluted by approximately 0.19 M NaCl in the same buffer. The lectin was obtained in a purified form after the mushroom extract had been subjected to (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and the two aforementioned ion exchange chromatographic steps. The lectin exhibited potent mitogenic activity toward mouse splenocytes. The hemagglutinating activity of the lectin was inhibited by lactose, sialic acid and inulin.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to characterize the production of superoxide ions by leukocytes in whole blood of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). We used WST-1, a tetrazolium salt which can be reduced to a water-soluble formazan compound with high molar absorptivity at 438 nm, to probe the production of superoxide by alligator leukocytes. Incubation of alligator whole blood with WST-1 resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent increase in absorbance of the plasma at 438 nm. The reduction of WST-1 was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by superoxide dismutase, an enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of superoxide to peroxide, confirming that the reduction of WST-1 was due to the presence of superoxide. Treatment of whole blood with nitrotetrazolium blue (NBT) resulted in the staining of heterophils and monocytes, enforcing the idea that that the production of superoxide is due to the presence of leukocytes, and not other blood cell components. It is interesting to note that the production of superoxide by the alligator leukocytes required no external stimulation while human leukocytes must be stimulated with an immunological challenge before producing superoxide. This is the first report of the production of superoxide as an innate immune mechanism in crocodilians.  相似文献   

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