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植物重金属转运蛋白P_(1B)-ATPase结构和功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物调节体内重金属的累积量以维持自身生存,其中,金属阳离子转运蛋白发挥了关键作用。P1B-ATPase是在生物中广泛存在的P-ATPase中的一个亚族,也是P-ATPase多个亚族中唯一参与重金属稳态的转运蛋白。拟南芥中共发现8个P1B-ATPase。研究表明,P1B-ATPase在植物体内具有维持金属的稳态、转运以及金属解毒的功能;与金属离子在根部区域的活化、吸收、地上部分的运输、贮存,以及植物对重金属的耐受性均相关。以下综述了P1B-ATPase的进化分类、结构特征以及功能方面的最新研究进展,并展望了其在植物修复领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

Allantoate amidohydrolases (AAHs) hydrolize the ureide allantoate to ureidoglycolate, CO(2), and two molecules of ammonium. Allantoate degradation is required to recycle purine-ring nitrogen in all plants. Tropical legumes additionally transport fixed nitrogen via allantoin and allantoate into the shoot, where it serves as a general nitrogen source. AAHs from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; AtAAH) and from soybean (Glycine max; GmAAH) were cloned, expressed in planta as StrepII-tagged variants, and highly purified from leaf extracts. Both proteins form homodimers and release 2 mol ammonium/mol allantoate. Therefore, they can truly be classified as AAHs. The kinetic constants determined and the half-maximal activation by 2 to 3 microm manganese are consistent with allantoate being the in vivo substrate of manganese-loaded AAHs. The enzymes were strongly inhibited by micromolar concentrations of fluoride as well as by borate, and by millimolar concentrations of L-asparagine and L-aspartate but not D-asparagine. L-Asparagine likely functions as competitive inhibitor. An Ataah T-DNA mutant, unable to grow on allantoin as sole nitrogen source, is rescued by the expression of StrepII-tagged variants of AtAAH and GmAAH, demonstrating that both proteins are functional in vivo. Similarly, an allantoinase (aln) mutant is rescued by a tagged AtAln variant. Fluorescent fusion proteins of allantoinase and both AAHs localize to the endoplasmic reticulum after transient expression and in transgenic plants. These findings demonstrate that after the generation of allantoin in the peroxisome, plant purine degradation continues in the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana AtHMA3 protein belongs to the P(1B)-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) transporter family, involved in heavy metal transport. Functional expression of AtHMA3 phenotypically complements the Cd/Pb-hypersensitive yeast strain Deltaycf1, but not the Zn-hypersensitive mutant Deltazrc1. AtHMA3-complemented Deltaycf1 cells accumulate the same amount of cadmium as YCF1-complemented Deltaycf1 cells or wild-type cells, suggesting that AtHMA3 carries out an intracellular sequestration of Cd. A mutant of AtHMA3 altered in the P-ATPase phosphorylation domain did not complement Deltaycf1, suggesting that metal transport rather than chelation is involved. The fusion protein AtHMA3::green fluorescent protein (GFP) is localized at the vacuole, consistent with a role in the influx of cadmium into the vacuolar compartment. In A. thaliana, the mRNA of AtHMA3 was detected mainly in roots, old rosette leaves and cauline leaves. The expression levels were not affected by cadmium or zinc treatments.  相似文献   

Tang SN  Sun JM  Xiong WW  Cong PS  Li TH 《Biochimie》2012,94(3):847-853
Mycobacterium, the most common disease-causing genus, infects billions of people and is notoriously difficult to treat. Understanding the subcellular localization of mycobacterial proteins can provide essential clues for protein function and drug discovery. In this article, we present a novel approach that focuses on local sequence information to identify localization motifs that are generated by a merging algorithm and are selected based on a binomially distributed model. These localization motifs are employed as features for identifying the subcellular localization of mycobacterial proteins. Our approach provides more accurate results than previous methods and was tested on an independent dataset recently obtained from an experimental study to provide a first and reasonably accurate prediction of subcellular localization. Our approach can also be used for large-scale prediction of new protein entries in the UniportKB database and of protein sequences obtained experimentally. In addition, our approach identified many local motifs involved with the subcellular localization that also interact with the environment. Thus, our method may have widespread applications both in the study of the functions of mycobacterial proteins and in the search for a potential vaccine target for designing drugs.  相似文献   

p8 is a stress-induced protein, biochemically related to the architectural factor HMG-I/Y, overexpressed in many cancers and required for tumor expansion. The molecular mechanisms by which p8 may exert its effect in aspects of growth is unknown. Using immunocytochemistry, we found that p8 presents nuclear localization in sub-confluent cells, but it localizes throughout the whole cell in high density grown cells. Cells arrested in Go/G1, either by serum deprivation or by hydroxyurea treatment, show a nucleo-cytoplasmic localization of p8, whether in the rest of the cell cycle stages of actively dividing cells the localization is nuclear. A comparison of p8 sequences from human to fly predicts a conserved bipartite nuclear localization sequence (NLS). The putative NLS has been demonstrated to be functional, since nuclear import is energy dependent (inhibited by sodium azide plus 2-deoxyglucose), and fusion proteins GFP-p8 and GFP-NLSp8 localize to the nucleus, whereas GFP-p8NLSmut in which with Lys 65, 69, 76, and 77 mutated to Ala localized to the whole cell. p8 localization does not involve the CRM1 transporter, since it is insensitive to leptomycin B. Inhibitors of MAPK pathways did not affect p8 subcellular localization. The inhibition of deacetylation with Trichostatin A promotes cytoplasmic accumulation of p8. The results suggest that p8 growth stage-dependent localization is regulated by acetylation, that p8 is not free within the cell but forming part of a complex and that it may exert a role in both subcellular localizations.  相似文献   

Cellular and subcellular localization of phototropin 1   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Sakamoto K  Briggs WR 《The Plant cell》2002,14(8):1723-1735
Phototropin 1 (phot1) is a Ser/Thr photoreceptor kinase that binds two molecules of flavin mononucleotide as its chromophores and undergoes autophosphorylation in response to blue light. Phot1 is plasma membrane associated and, as with phot2, has been shown to function as a photoreceptor for phototropism, blue light-induced chloroplast movement, and blue light-induced stomatal opening. Phot1 likely also plays a redundant role with phot2 in regulating the rate of leaf expansion. Understanding the mechanism(s) by which phot1 initiates these four different responses requires, at minimum, knowledge of where the photoreceptor is located. Therefore, we transformed a phot1 null mutant of Arabidopsis with a construct encoding translationally fused phot1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the endogenous PHOT1 promoter and investigated its cellular and subcellular distribution. This PHOT1-GFP construct complements the mutant phenotype, restoring second positive curvature. Phot1 is expressed strongly in dividing and elongating cortical cells in the apical hook and in the root elongation zone in etiolated seedlings. It is localized evenly to the plasma membrane region in epidermal cells but is confined largely to the plasma membrane region of the transverse cell walls in the cortical cells of both root and hypocotyl. It is found at both apical and basal ends of these cortical cells. In light-grown plants, phot1-GFP is localized largely in the plasma membrane regions adjacent to apical and basal cell end walls in the elongating inflorescence stem, where the photoreceptor is expressed strongly in the vascular parenchyma and leaf vein parenchyma. Phot1 also is localized to the plasma membrane region of leaf epidermal cells, mesophyll cells, and guard cells, where its distribution is uniform. Although phot1 is localized consistently to the plasma membrane region in etiolated seedlings, a fraction becomes released to the cytoplasm in response to blue light. Possible relationships between observed phot1 distribution and the various physiological responses activated by blue light are discussed.  相似文献   

The uapC gene of Aspergillus nidulans belongs to a family of nucleobase-specific transporters conserved in prokaryotic and eucaryotic organisms. We report the use of immunological and green fluorescent protein based strategies to study protein expression and subcellular distribution of UapC. A chimeric protein containing a plant-adapted green fluorescent protein (sGFP) fused to the C-terminus of UapC was shown to be functional in vivo, as it complements a triple mutant (i.e., uapC(-) uapA(-) azgA(-)) unable to grow on uric acid as the sole nitrogen source. UapC-GFP is located in the plasma membrane and, secondarily, in internal structures observed as fluorescent dots. A strong correlation was found between cellular levels of UapC-GFP fluorescence and known patterns of uapC gene expression. This work represents the first in vivo study of protein expression and subcellular localization of a filamentous fungal nucleobase transporter.  相似文献   

The present work addresses the cellular and subcellular localization of the zinc transporter 7 (ZNT7, SLC30a7) protein and the distribution of zinc ions (Zn2+) in the mouse spinal cord. Our results indicated that the ZNT7 immunoreactive neurons were widely distributed in the Rexed's laminae of the gray matter in all spinal segments examined. The ependyma cells of the central canal and glia cells in the white matter were also shown ZNT7-positive. The ZNT7 immunoreactivity was mainly detected in the perinuclear regions of ZNT7-positive cells in the spinal gray matter. For ependyma cells, the immunoreactivity of ZNT7 was detected in the cytoplasm near the lumina of the central canal. Ultrastructural localization showed that ZNT7 was predominately present in the membrane of the Golgi stacks. The double immunofluorescence studies confirmed this result. Other intracellular organelles including the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and lysosomes were devoid of ZNT7-immunostaining. The chelatable Zn2+ ions in the spinal cord were found predominantly in the terminals of the neuron rather than the cell body in the gray matter. However, overlapping distribution of chelatable Zn2+ ions and ZNT7 was found in the ependyma cells. The present study supports the notion that ZNT7 may function to supply zinc ions to the newly synthesized metalloproteins in the secretory pathway of the spinal neuron and the ependyma cell.  相似文献   

Salivary calcium plays an important role in the pathogenesis of dental caries and the bio-mineralization of dental enamel and exposed dentin. The cellular and molecular basis of calcium secretion by the human salivary glands is, however, poorly understood. Recently a transcellular transport of calcium by the acinus cells has been proposed. In this paper we looked for evidence for paracellular calcium transport by investigating the presence and cellular localization of paracellin-1 (claudin-16) that has been implied in paracellular magnesium and calcium transport in the kidney. At the mRNA level, using RT-PCR with primers of appropriate sequence, paracellin-1 mRNA could be found in human Glandula parotis, Glandula submandibularis, Glandula labialis and Glandula sublingualis samples. In addition, a splice variant was detected in three out of 15 glands consisting of exons one and five of the paracellin gene. In immunohistochemical studies paracellin-1 colocalised in the salivary excretory ducts with the tight junction proteins ZO-1 and occludin suggesting a potential role in paracellular calcium and magnesium transport. In the acini no such colocalisation was observed; paracellin was instead detected at the basal poles of the cells, between cells of the same acinus as well as between cells of neighboring acini. At this location paracellin-1 might act as selectivity filter for the paracellular movement of ions and water during stimulated secretion. Thus, both in the ducts and in the acini a paracellular transport of calcium appears possible. Whether it occurs at all and the extent to which it contributes to the overall salivary calcium secretion remains, however, to be determined.  相似文献   

Copper uptake and subsequent delivery to copper-dependent enzymes are essential for many cellular processes. However, the intracellular levels of this nutrient must be controlled because of its potential toxicity. The hCtr1 protein functions in high affinity copper uptake at the plasma membrane of human cells. Recent studies have shown that elevated copper stimulates the endocytosis and degradation of the hCtr1 protein, and this response is likely an important homeostatic mechanism that prevents the overaccumulation of copper. The domains of hCtr1 involved in copper-stimulated endocytosis and degradation are unknown. In this study we examined the importance of potential copper-binding sequences in the extracellular domain and a conserved transmembrane (150)MXXXM(154) motif for copper-stimulated endocytosis and degradation of hCtr1. The endocytic response of hCtr1 to low copper concentrations required an amino-terminal methionine cluster ((40)MMMMPM(45)) closest to the transmembrane region. However, this cluster was not required for the endocytic response to higher copper levels, suggesting this motif may function as a high affinity copper-sensing domain. Moreover, the transmembrane (150)MXXXM(154) motif was absolutely required for copper-stimulated endocytosis and degradation of hCtr1 even under high copper concentrations. Together with previous studies demonstrating a role for these motifs in high affinity copper transport activity, our findings suggest common biochemical mechanisms regulate both transport and trafficking functions of hCtr1.  相似文献   

Transport of thyroid hormone across the cell membrane is required for its action and metabolism. Recently, a T-type amino acid transporter was cloned which transports aromatic amino acids but not iodothyronines. This transporter belongs to the monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) family and is most homologous with MCT8 (SLC16A2). Therefore, we cloned rat MCT8 and tested it for thyroid hormone transport in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Oocytes were injected with rat MCT8 cRNA, and after 3 days immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated expression of the protein at the plasma membrane. MCT8 cRNA induced an approximately 10-fold increase in uptake of 10 nM 125I-labeled thyroxine (T4), 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3), 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) and 3,3'-diiodothyronine. Because of the rapid uptake of the ligands, transport was only linear with time for <4 min. MCT8 did not transport Leu, Phe, Trp, or Tyr. [125I]T4 transport was strongly inhibited by L-T4, D-T4, L-T3, D-T3, 3,3',5-triiodothyroacetic acid, N-bromoacetyl-T3, and bromosulfophthalein. T3 transport was less affected by these inhibitors. Iodothyronine uptake in uninjected oocytes was reduced by albumin, but the stimulation induced by MCT8 was markedly increased. Saturation analysis provided apparent Km values of 2-5 microM for T4, T3, and rT3. Immunohistochemistry showed high expression in liver, kidney, brain, and heart. In conclusion, we have identified MCT8 as a very active and specific thyroid hormone transporter.  相似文献   

Identification of a copper transporter family in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Despite copper ions being crucial in proteins participating in plant processes such as electron transport, free-radical elimination and hormone perception and signaling, very little is known about copper inward transport across plant membranes. In this work, a five-member family (COPT1–5) of putative Arabidopsis copper transporters is described. We ascertain the ability of these proteins to functionally complement and transport copper in the corresponding Saccharomyces cerevisiae high-affinity copper transport mutant. The specific expression pattern of the Arabidopsis COPT1–5 mRNA in different tissues was analyzed by RT-PCR. Although all members are ubiquitously expressed, differences in their relative abundance in roots, leaves, stem and flowers have been observed. Moreover, steady-state COPT1 and COPT2 mRNA levels, the members that are most efficacious in complementing the S. cerevisiae high-affinity copper transport mutant, are down-regulated under copper excess, consistent with a role for these proteins in copper transport in Arabidopsis cells.  相似文献   

To identify and localize the protein products of genes encoding distinct L-type calcium channels in central neurons, anti-peptide antibodies specific for the class C and class D alpha 1 subunits were produced. Anti-CNC1 directed against class C immunoprecipitated 75% of the L-type channels solubilized from rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Anti-CND1 directed against class D immunoprecipitated only 20% of the L-type calcium channels. Immunoblotting revealed two size forms of the class C L-type alpha 1 subunit, LC1 and LC2, and two size forms of the class D L-type alpha 1 subunit, LD1 and LD2. The larger isoforms had apparent molecular masses of approximately 200-210 kD while the smaller isoforms were 180-190 kD, as estimated from electrophoresis in gels polymerized from 5% acrylamide. Immunocytochemical studies using CNC1 and CND1 antibodies revealed that the alpha 1 subunits of both L-type calcium channel subtypes are localized mainly in neuronal cell bodies and proximal dendrites. Relatively dense labeling was observed at the base of major dendrites in many neurons. Staining in more distal dendritic regions was faint or undetectable with CND1, while a more significant level of staining of distal dendrites was observed with CNC1, particularly in the dentate gyrus and the CA2 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus. Class C calcium channels were concentrated in clusters, while class D calcium channels were generally distributed in the cell surface membrane of cell bodies and proximal dendrites. Our results demonstrate multiple size forms and differential localization of two subtypes of L-type calcium channels in the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of central neurons. The differential localization and multiple size forms may allow these two channel subtypes to participate in distinct aspects of electrical signal integration and intracellular calcium signaling in neuronal cell bodies. The preferential localization of these calcium channels in cell bodies and proximal dendrites implies their involvement in regulation of calcium-dependent functions occurring in those cellular compartments such as protein phosphorylation, enzyme activity, and gene expression.  相似文献   

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