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据人类遗传学家Mckuscikl981年的统计,已知的遗传病有3000多种,全世界受遗传病为害的人大约占人口的15%。就目前科学发展的水平来说对遗传病的治疗方法有环境工程和遗传工程两种方法,环境工程是在遗传病已形成,临床症状尚未出现或发病早期进行治疗,这种方法未干涉到致病基因,只能治其表而不能治其本。遗传工程(即基因治疗)则可人为地改变致病基因,从根本上消除遗传病。  相似文献   

罕见遗传病是人类医学面临的最大挑战之一,基因疗法是治疗罕见遗传病的最适方法之一。传统的基因治疗存在技术、递送和费用等方面的限制。基因编辑,特别是最近发展起来的碱基编辑技术,由于高效、准确、安全,使得早期胚胎的基因编辑逐渐被接受,从而使得通过胚胎基因编辑对罕见遗传病的致病突变进行修复成为可能。并且,由于具备合理、有效、经济、可靠等优势,基于碱基编辑修复致病突变的早期胚胎基因治疗注定将成为某些罕见遗传病的可行的、不可替代的治疗策略。为了早日实现临床胚胎基因治疗,需要进一步完善现有的技术,并加紧临床前实验。同时,通过改良监管审批程序,以及建立共享平台和共性技术等,可以进一步降低罕见遗传病的基因治疗费用。  相似文献   

DNA的简单串联重复扩展与遗传病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前已知有17种遗传病或染色体脆性位点是由简单串联重复DNA拷贝数增加引起的.本文综述了这些重复扩展的特点,可能的分子机制及致病机理  相似文献   

基因治疗是把正常基因引入有机体以矫正遗传缺陷。它已经在果蝇和小鼠体上进行过尝试。怎样迅速地把基因治疗应用于治疗人类遗传病,在决定开始临床试验时应该采用什么标准,这些是本文要讨论的内容。许多研究者目前正在制定在严重遗传病患者体上进行基因治疗的临床试验方案。  相似文献   

集合是高中数学必修教材中的一章内容 ,它涉及交集、并集、补集、子集和全集等基本概念的理解和应用。集合图形一般用圆或椭圆来表示。在中学生物学教学中 ,根据具体情况来合理运用集合思想 ,能收到事半功倍的教学效果。1 运用集合方法巧解遗传几率计算题例 1,下面是某家系的遗传系谱图。家庭成员中有的患丙种遗传病 (设显性基因为 B,隐性基因为 b) ,有的患丁种遗传病 (显性基因为 A,隐性基因为 a)。现已查明 - 6不携带致病基因。问 :1)丙种遗传病的致病基因位于染色体上 ;丁图 1种遗传病的致病基因位于染色体上。2 )写出下列两个体的基…  相似文献   

摘要:基础医学、药物研发和临床医学是三个不同的的领域,因此这些领域的很多生命科学研究成果经常无法及时应用于临床实 践。转化医学是以疾病为中心,加速将基础研究的成果用于临床诊断和治疗中,旨在有效的将三个领域有机结合在一起。分子影 像学(molecular imaging, MI) 可在活体上、在细胞和分子水平对生物学过程成像并进行定性和定量研究,为转化医学的实现提供 了保证。分子影像技术采用无创的医学影像技术使活体状态下组织细胞中的特殊分子生物学特性得以直观揭示,主要用于对疾 病早期诊断、疾病分期(分层)、疗效监测、指导疾病的个体化治疗以及新药的研发等领域。本文主要介绍分子影像的技术特点、其 在转化医学中发挥的作用以及其在个体化治疗中临床意义进行综述。  相似文献   

李璞 《遗传》1988,10(6):36-38
医学遗传学是医学教育中的一门基础医学课程。 在我国现有的学制中,高等医学院校对医学生的遗传 学教学分为三个阶段:第一阶段为“普通遗传学”,教 学内容包含在“医用生物学”课程中,大约占30学时左 右(20学时讲课,10学时实验)。一般在第一或第二学 期开课,主要讲解遗传学的基本规律;细胞遗传、分子 遗传、群体遗传的基本概念。实验内容包括减数分裂、 核型辨认、系谱分析、以PTC尝味为基础的基因频率 计算以及习题课等。第二阶段为“医学遗传学”,在目前 的教学计划中列为选修课,约占36学时。一般在第五 学期开课,这是医学院校中遗传学教学的关键,实际上 讲的是遗传病的总论。第三阶段为“临床遗传学”,一 般在第八学期开课,只占2一斗学时,附设于儿科学 中,主要是通过一、二种遗传病(如先天愚型、苯丙酮尿 症、神经管畸形等)来讲解遗传病的诊断、治疗、以及通 过遗传咨询、产前诊断进行有效的预防等。  相似文献   

抗肌萎缩相关糖蛋白病(α-dystroglycanopathy,α-DGP)是由于α-抗肌萎缩相关糖蛋白(α-dystroglycan,α-DG)的O-连接糖基化缺陷导致的一组常染色体隐性遗传病,临床表现为肌营养不良、脑和眼发育畸形,具有明显的临床和遗传异质性。基于临床诊断现多把它们分为7种不同表型,但互相之间有交叉重叠,病情轻重程度不等,严重影响患者的智力运动发育。目前已知α-DGP致病基因有19个,应用常规一代测序逐个筛查候选基因花费高且耗时长,阳性率很低,不能满足临床上基因诊断需求。目前已知多数致病基因的表达产物作为糖基转移酶参与α-DG的糖基化过程,但部分致病基因的功能目前仍未完全明确,α-DGP具体的发病机制仍未完全阐明。本综述主要总结α-DGP在临床特点、致病基因、α-DG糖链结构、发病机制及诊断治疗等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

基础医学、药物研发和临床医学是三个不同的的领域,因此这些领域的很多生命科学研究成果经常无法及时应用于临床实践。转化医学是以疾病为中心,加速将基础研究的成果用于,临床诊断和治疗中,旨在有效的将三个领域有机结合在一起。分子影像学(molecularimaging,MI)可在活体上、在细胞和分子水平对生物学过程成像并进行定性和定量研究,为转化医学的实现提供了保证。分子影像技术采用无创的医学影像技术使活体状态下组织细胞中的特殊分子生物学特性得以直观揭示,主要用于对疾病早期诊断、疾病分期(分层)、疗效监测、指导疾病的个体化治疗以及新药的研发等领域。本文主要介绍分子影像的技术特点、其在转化医学中发挥的作用以及其在个体化治疗中临床意义进行综述。  相似文献   

郁凯明 《生命科学》2012,(11):1277-1282
遗传物质的突变,包括基因突变或染色体畸变,是遗传病发生的根源,也是区别于其他疾病的基本特点。大力开展遗传测试及筛查,及时检出遗传病患者及致病基因携带者,是提高人口素质,促进家庭幸福、社会繁荣、国家昌盛的唯一可行的方法。遗传咨询对于检出遗传病患者及致病基因携带者,并进行有效、可行的婚姻指导、生育指导,以减少或防止遗传病患儿的发生和发病,发挥着相当重要的作用。在产前诊断中涉及疾病胎儿处理的道德选择问题上,遵循四项基本准则:第一,尊重夫妇双方的选择;第二,对个人和家庭不产生伤害;第三,产前诊断的结果可靠;第四,产前诊断和遗传咨询的自愿性。这些准则无疑在世界各国有着共同性。  相似文献   

Animal models are requisite for genetic dissection of, and improved treatment regimens for, human hereditary diseases. While several animals have been used in academic and industrial research, the primary model for dissection of hereditary diseases has been the many strains of the laboratory mouse. However, given its greater (than the mouse) genetic similarity to the human, high number of naturally occurring hereditary diseases, unique population structure, and the availability of the complete genome sequence, the purebred dog has emerged as a powerful model for study of diseases. The major advantage the dog provides is that it is afflicted with approximately 450 hereditary diseases, about half of which have remarkable clinical similarities to corresponding diseases of the human. In addition, humankind has a strong desire to cure diseases of the dog so these two facts make the dog an ideal clinical and genetic model. This review highlights several of these shared hereditary diseases. Specifically, the canine models discussed herein have played important roles in identification of causative genes and/or have been utilized in novel therapeutic approaches of interest to the dog and human.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the group of proteins known to be associated with hereditary diseases allows the detection of key distinctive features shared within this group. The disease proteins are characterized by greater length of their amino acid sequence, a broader phylogenetic extent, and specific conservation and paralogy profiles compared with all human proteins. This unique property pattern provides insights into the global nature of hereditary diseases and moreover can be used to predict novel disease genes. We have developed a computational method that allows the detection of genes likely to be involved in hereditary disease in the human genome. The probability score assignments for the human genome are accessible at http://maine.ebi. ac.uk:8000/services/dgp.  相似文献   

Lee JE  Choi JH  Lee JH  Lee MG 《Mutation research》2005,573(1-2):195-204
Haplotype-based analysis using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers have gained increasing attention in evaluating candidate genes in various clinical situations. For example, haplotype information is useful for predicting the severity and prognosis of certain genetic disorders. The intragenic cis-interactions between the common polymorphisms and the pathogenic mutations of prion protein (PRNP) and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) genes greatly influence the phenotypes and the disease penetrance of hereditary Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and cystic fibrosis. Merits of haplotype study are more evident in the fine mapping of complex diseases and in identifying genetic variations that influence individual's response to drugs. Knowledge-based approaches and/or linkage analyses using SNP tagged haplotypes are effective tools in detecting genetic associations. For example, haplotype studies in the inflammatory bowel disease susceptibility loci revealed diverse cis and trans gene-gene interactions, which can affect the clinical outcomes. Although currently, we have very limited knowledge on haplotype-phenotypic characterizations of most genes, these examples demonstrate that increased understanding of the clinically relevant haplotypes will provide better results in the diagnosis and possibly in the treatment of both monogenic and polygenic diseases.  相似文献   

A large number of loci for genetic diseases have been mapped on the human genome and a group of hereditary diseases among them have thus far proven unsuccessful to clone. It is conceivable that such "unclonable" diseases are not linked to abnormalities of protein coding genes (PCGs), but of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). We developed a novel approach termed OMiR (OMIM and miRNAs), to test whether microRNAs (miRNAs) exhibit any associations with mapped genetic diseases not yet associated with a PCG. We found that "orphan" genetic disease loci were proximal to miRNA loci more frequently than to loci for which the responsible protein coding gene is known, thus suggesting that miRNAs might be the elusive culprits. Our findings indicate that inclusion of miRNAs among the candidate genes to be considered could assist geneticists in their hunt for disease genes, particularly in the case of rare diseases.  相似文献   

Hereditary anemias show considerable variation in their clinical presentation. In some cases, the causes of these variations are easily apparent. In thalassemia (or in HbE/thalassemia), genetic variation is primarily caused by the severity of the thalassemia mutation. However, not uncommonly, there is variation unexplained by the globin gene mutations themselves, which may be caused by genetic modifiers. In sickle cell disease, the primary mutation is the same in all patients. Therefore, variations in disease severity generally are due to genetic modifiers. In most genetic diseases involving beta globin, the most clearcut influence on phenotype results from elevated fetal hemoglobin levels. In addition, alpha globin gene number can influence disease phenotype. In thalassemia major or intermedia, reduction in the number of alpha globin genes can ameliorate the disease phenotype; conversely, excess alpha globin genes can convert beta thalassemia trait to a clinical picture of thalassemia intermedia. In sickle cell disease, the number of alpha globin genes has both ameliorating and exacerbating effects, depending on which disease manifestation is being examined. Unlinked genetic factors have substantial effects on the phenotype of hereditary anemias, both on the anemia and other disease manifestations. Recently, studies using genome-wide techniques, particularly studying QTLs causing elevated HbF, or affecting HbE/thalassemia, have revealed other genetic elements whose mechanisms are under study. The elucidation of genetic modifiers will hopefully lead to more rational and effective management of these diseases.  相似文献   

Keratins, the major structural protein of all epithelia are a diverse group of cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins that form intermediate filament networks, providing structural support to keratinocytes that maintain the integrity of the skin. Expression of keratin genes is usually regulated by differentiation of the epidermal cells within the stratifying squamous epithelium. Amongst the 54 known functional keratin genes in humans, about 22 different genes including, the cornea, hair and hair follicle-specific keratins have been implicated in a wide range of hereditary diseases. The exact phenotype of each disease usually reflects the spatial expression level and the types of mutated keratin genes, the location of the mutations and their consequences at sub-cellular levels as well as other epigenetic and/or environmental factors. The identification of specific pathogenic mutations in keratin disorders formed the basis of our understanding that led to re-classification, improved diagnosis with prognostic implications, prenatal testing and genetic counseling in severe keratin genodermatoses. Molecular defects in cutaneous keratin genes encoding for keratin intermediate filaments (KIFs) causes keratinocytes and tissue-specific fragility, accounting for a large number of genetic disorders in human skin and its appendages. These diseases are characterized by keratinocytes fragility (cytolysis), intra-epidermal blistering, hyperkeratosis, and keratin filament aggregation in severely affected tissues. Examples include epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS; K5, K14), keratinopathic ichthyosis (KPI; K1, K2, K10) i.e. epidermolytic ichthyosis (EI; K1, K10) and ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens (IBS; K2), pachyonychia congenita (PC; K6a, K6b, K16, K17), epidermolytic palmo-plantar keratoderma (EPPK; K9, (K1)), monilethrix (K81, K83, K86), ectodermal dysplasia (ED; K85) and steatocystoma multiplex. These keratins also have been identified to have roles in apoptosis, cell proliferation, wound healing, tissue polarity and remodeling. This review summarizes and discusses the clinical, ultrastructural, molecular genetics and biochemical characteristics of a broad spectrum of keratin-related genodermatoses, with special clinical emphasis on EBS, EI and PC. We also highlight current and emerging model tools for prognostic future therapies. Hopefully, disease modeling and in-depth understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of the diseases may lead to the development of novel therapies for several hereditary cutaneous diseases.  相似文献   

Although originally discounted, hereditary factors have emerged as the focus of research in Parkinson's disease (PD). Genetic studies have identified mutations in alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase as rare causes of autosomal dominant PD and mutations in parkin as a cause of autosomal recessive PD. Functional characterization of the identified disease genes implicates the ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation pathway in these hereditary forms of PD and also in the more common sporadic forms of PD. Subsequent identification of further loci in familial PD and diverse genetic factors modulating the risk for sporadic PD point to substantial genetic heterogeneity in the disease. Thus, new candidate genes are expected to encode proteins either involved in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation or sequestrated in intracytoplasmic protein aggregations. Future identification of disease genes is required to confirm this hypothesis, thereby unifying the clinical and genetic heterogeneity of PD, including the common sporadic form of the disease, by one biochemical pathway.  相似文献   

Analysis of the diversity of monogenic hereditary diseases in eight raions (districts) of Rostov oblast (region) of Russia (Tsimlyansk, Volgodonskoi, Tselina, Egorlykskaya, Millerovo, Tarasovskaya, Rodionovo-Nesvetaiskaya, and Matveevo-Kurgan raions) has been summarized. The total sample size was 320925 subjects. The spectrum of hereditary diseases detected in the eight districts comprises 187 diseases, including 99 autosomal dominant (AD), 72 autosomal recessive (AR), and 16 X-linked diseases. The mean prevalence rate of each disease in the total population has been calculated. Accumulation of individual diseases in different regions of Rostov oblast has been calculated; the disease accumulation has been compared with that in some populations of Russia examined earlier. Cluster analysis using the data on the frequencies of genes of hereditary diseases has shown the gene geographic position of the Rostov oblast population among the following ethnic populations of Russia: Russians (Kostroma, Kirov, and Rostov oblasts and Krasnodar krai), Chuvashes (Chuvashia), Adygeans (Adygea), Maris (Marii El), and Udmurts (Udmurtia).  相似文献   

Several forms of pathologies, referred to as Yakut hereditary diseases, have been distinguished on the basis of the results of genetic epidemiological studies of Mendelian diseases in the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): spinocerebellar ataxia type I, myotonic dystrophy, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, hereditary enzymopenic methemoglobinemia, and 3-M syndrome. These diseases are characterized by a high prevalence among Yakuts as compared to their global incidence in the. Data on the molecular nature of mutations in genes responsible for these hereditary diseases are presented.  相似文献   

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