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Knowing the breeding system of a species is important in order to understand individual variation in reproductive success. Large variation in reproductive success and thus reproductive skew strongly impacts on the effective number of breeders and thus the long-term effective population size (Ne). Fishes, in particular species belonging to the salmonid family, exhibit a wide diversity of breeding systems. In general, however, breeding systems are rarely studied in detail in the wild. Here we examine the breeding system of the spring-spawning European grayling Thymallus thymallus from a small Norwegian stream using parentage assignment based on the genotyping of 19 polymorphic microsatellite loci. In total 895 individual grayling fry and 154 mature grayling (57 females and 97 males) were genotyped. A total of 466 offspring were assigned a father, a mother, or a parent pair with a confidence of 90% or higher. Successfully reproducing males had on average 11.9 ± 13.3 (SD) offspring with on average 2.1 ± 1.2 partners, whereas successful females had on average 9.5 ± 12.8 offspring and 2.3 ± 1.5 partners. Parents with more partners also produced more offspring. Thus the grayling breeding system within this small stream revealed a polygynandrous breeding system, similar to what has been observed for many other salmonid fish species. The present study thus unambiguously corroborates a polygynadrous breeding system in the European grayling. This knowledge is critical for managing populations of this species, which has suffered significant local population declines throughout its range over the last several decades.  相似文献   

Reproductive competition may lead to a large skew in reproductive success among individuals. Very few studies have analysed the paternity contribution of individual males in spawning aggregations of fish species with huge census population sizes. We quantified the variance in male reproductive success in spawning aggregations of cod under experimental conditions over an entire spawning season. Male reproductive success was estimated by microsatellite-based parentage analysis of offspring produced in six separate groups of spawning cod. In total, 1340 offspring and 102 spawnings distributed across a spawning season were analysed. Our results show that multiple males contributed sperm to most spawnings but that paternity frequencies were highly skewed among males, with larger males on average siring higher proportions of offspring. It was further indicated that male reproductive success was dependent on the magnitude of the size difference between a female and a male. We discuss our results in relation to the cod mating system. Finally, we suggest that the highly skewed distribution of paternity success observed in cod may be a factor contributing to the low effective population size/census population size ratios observed in many marine organisms.  相似文献   

In the context of parentage assignment using genomic markers, key issues are genotyping errors and an absence of parent genotypes because of sampling, traceability or genotyping problems. Most likelihood‐based parentage assignment software programs require a priori estimates of genotyping errors and the proportion of missing parents to set up meaningful assignment decision rules. We present here the R package APIS, which can assign offspring to their parents without any prior information other than the offspring and parental genotypes, and a user‐defined, acceptable error rate among assigned offspring. Assignment decision rules use the distributions of average Mendelian transmission probabilities, which enable estimates of the proportion of offspring with missing parental genotypes. APIS has been compared to other software (CERVUS, VITASSIGN), on a real European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) single nucleotide polymorphism data set. The type I error rate (false positives) was lower with APIS than with other software, especially when parental genotypes were missing, but the true positive rate was also lower, except when the theoretical exclusion power reached 0.99999. In general, APIS provided assignments that satisfied the user‐set acceptable error rate of 1% or 5%, even when tested on simulated data with high genotyping error rates (1% or 3%) and up to 50% missing sires. Because it uses the observed distribution of Mendelian transmission probabilities, APIS is best suited to assigning parentage when numerous offspring (>200) are genotyped. We have demonstrated that APIS is an easy‐to‐use and reliable software for parentage assignment, even when up to 50% of sires are missing.  相似文献   

We develop fractional allocation models and confidence statistics for parentage analysis in mating systems. The models can be used, for example, to estimate the paternities of candidate males when the genetic mother is known or to calculate the parentage of candidate parent pairs when neither is known. The models do not require two implicit assumptions made by previous models, assumptions that are potentially erroneous. First, we provide formulas to calculate the expected parentage, as opposed to using a maximum likelihood algorithm to calculate the most likely parentage. The expected parentage is superior as it does not assume a symmetrical probability distribution of parentage and therefore, unlike the most likely parentage, will be unbiased. Second, we provide a mathematical framework for incorporating additional biological data to estimate the prior probability distribution of parentage. This additional biological data might include behavioral observations during mating or morphological measurements known to correlate with parentage. The value of multiple sources of information is increased accuracy of the estimates. We show that when the prior probability of parentage is known, and the expected parentage is calculated, fractional allocation provides unbiased estimates of the variance in reproductive success, thereby correcting a problem that has previously plagued parentage analyses. We also develop formulas to calculate the confidence interval in the parentage estimates, thus enabling the assessment of precision. These confidence statistics have not previously been available for fractional models. We demonstrate our models with several biological examples based on data from two fish species that we study, coho salmon (Oncorhychus kisutch) and bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). In coho, multiple males compete to fertilize a single female's eggs. We show how behavioral observations taken during spawning can be combined with genetic data to provide an accurate calculation of each male's paternity. In bluegill, multiple males and multiple females may mate in a single nest. For a nest, we calculate the fertilization success and the 95% confidence interval of each candidate parent pair.  相似文献   

Using DNA fingerprinting we estimated the reproductive success of 49 adult birds belonging to 16 breeding groups of the sexually monomorphic brown skua (Calharacta lonnbergi) from the Chatham Islands (New Zealand). This population has a variable mating system, breeding in both monogamous and polyandrous groups. The parentage of 45 chicks produced over three breeding seasons was unequivocally determined using the multilocus probes 33.15 and 33.6. We found no evidence of either extra-pair or extra-group fertilization and there was no evidence to suggest egg dumping by females in any breeding group. Consequently, in the case of pairs, parentage of all chicks was assigned to the resident adult birds. In addition, band sharing analysis indicated that members of communal groups were not close relatives. In the 10 communally breeding groups examined, multiple paternity within a clutch was recorded on two of the 12 occasions in which two chicks were reared. Analysis of the parentage of offspring belonging to different groups, from different years, demonstrated that the number of chicks produced by some adult males varied considerably between seasons. In contrast, the reproductive success of other individuals was constant; for example, one male produced two chicks in each of the three seasons it was studied, while other males in communal groups did not produce any chicks during the course of this study. Fitness is a lifetime parameter, and any assessment of it requires studies over at least the average lifetime of an individual. The findings presented in this study suggest that, for brown skuas, there are significant differences in the reproductive success of some adult males in different breeding seasons. These results indicate that estimates of reproductive fitness based on only a single breeding season's data can be seriously inaccurate. Should temporal changes in paternity (and/or maternity) be shown to be common phenomena in other species, then such results would have major implications for the interpretation of parentage studies.  相似文献   

The sex-specific slopes of Bateman's gradients have importantimplications for understanding animal mating systems, includingpatterns of sexual selection and reproductive competition. Intersexualdifferences in the fitness benefits derived from mating withmultiple partners are expected to yield distinct patterns ofreproductive success for males and females, with variance indirect fitness predicted to be greater among males. These analysesassume that typically all adults are reproductive and that failureto produce offspring is non-adaptive. Among some species ofcooperatively breeding birds and mammals, however, non-breedingadult alloparents are common and may comprise the majority ofindividuals in social groups. The presence of a large numberof non-breeding adults, particularly when coupled with greatersocial suppression of reproduction among females, may alterthe relative variance in direct fitness between the sexes, therebygenerating an apparent contradiction to Bateman's Paradigm.To explore quantitatively the effects of non-breeding alloparentson variance in reproductive success, we used genetic estimatesof parentage and reproductive success drawn from the literatureto calculate the relative variability in direct fitness forfemales and males in alloparental and "other" societies of birdsand mammals. Our analyses indicate that in mammals and, to alesser extent, in birds, variability in direct fitness is greateramong females in species characterized by the presence of non-breedingalloparents. These data suggest that social interactions, includingsocial suppression of reproduction, are powerful determinantsof individual direct fitness that may modify sex-specific patternsof reproductive variance from those described by Bateman.  相似文献   

Conservation programs that release captive-bred individuals into the wild to mix with naturally produced individuals are an increasingly common method of supporting or enhancing weak or reduced populations that otherwise may not be self-sustaining. Captive and supportive breeding can be important conservation tools for species with small or declining populations; however, in the case of hatcheries producing salmonid fishes, detailed evaluation of spawning programs is rare. We examined variation in reproductive success, measured by adult offspring production, from three parental generations of hatchery-bred steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using an exclusion-based method of genetic parentage assignment. Reproductive success varied greatly among individuals (especially males) and was correlated with fecundity and maternal spawning date. Estimates of egg to smolt survival for the population as a whole among years ranged from 64% to 95%, marine survival ranged from 0.32% to 2.30%, and the number of adults produced per female ranged from 0 to 18 and the number of adults produced per male ranged from 0 to 32. The effective number of breeders ranged from 11% to 31% of the census population size for that brood year. These ratios fell within estimates from estimates of Ne/N in chinook (O. tshawytscha) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) hatchery populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive success and its determinants are difficult to infer for wild populations of species with no parental care where behavioural observations are difficult or impossible. In this study, we characterized the breeding system and provide estimates of individual reproductive success under natural conditions for an exhaustively sampled stream‐resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) population. We inferred parentage using a full probability Bayesian model that combines genetic (microsatellite) with phenotypic data. By augmenting the potential parents file with inferred parental genotypes from sib‐ship analysis in cases where large families had unsampled parents, we could make more precise inference on variance of family size. We observed both polygamous and monogamous matings and large reproductive skew for both sexes, particularly in males. Correspondingly, we found evidence for sexual selection on body size for both sexes. We show that the mating system of brown trout has the potential to be very flexible and we conjecture that environmental uncertainty could be driving the evolution and perhaps select for the maintenance of plasticity of the mating system in this species.  相似文献   

Reproductive rate is a key demographic parameter of life history and population ecology. In traditional population-ecology studies of small mammals, this and other vital rates are inferred from capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data. However, CMR assumes that immigrants at first capture can be distinguished from unmarked locally born offspring, an assumption not always met. We verified CMR estimates of locally born red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) offspring as a measure of reproductive rate, with candidate offspring (CO)–candidate parent (mothers, CPs) assignment by CERVUS, using ten DNA microsatellite loci. Seventy-two of 122 candidate offspring (59%) were assigned to 52 of 125 CPs in six populations. Estimates of mean litter size were 1.5 young (range 1–3). The 50 CO (41%) not assigned to a reproducing female in the study site were considered immigrants. Parentage assignment also provided evidence of dispersal between two of our sites. Overall, CMR and CERVUS agreed in 77% of cases. Considering only the 55 juveniles determined as locally born by CMR, 50 (91%) were also assigned as local offspring with CERVUS. The main discrepancy between the two methods was that 22 subadult squirrels classified immigrants by CMR, were assigned by CERVUS to females which had reproduced in our sites. It is concluded that although in our study system agreement between CMR and CERVUS in determining local offspring was high, using genetic parentage assignment helped to correctly classify some subadults, considered immigrants by CMR, as locally born. Hence, in large-scale demographic studies, combining CMR with parentage assignment will allow more precise estimates of reproduction and dispersal.  相似文献   

Understanding the mating system and reproductive success of a species provides evidence for sexual selection. We examined the mating system and the reproductive success of captive adult black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii), using parentage assignment based on two microsatellites multiplex PCR systems, with 91.5% accuracy in a mixed family (29 sires, 25 dams, and 200 offspring). Based on the parentage result, we found that 93.1% of males and 100% of females participated in reproduction. A total of 79% of males and 92% of females mated with multiple partners (only 1 sire and 1 dam were monogamous), indicating that polygynandry best described the genetic mating system of black sea bream. For males, maximizing the reproductive success by multiple mating was accorded with the sexual selection theory while the material benefits hypothesis may contribute to explain the multiple mating for females. For both sexes, there was a significant correlation between mating success and reproductive success and the variance in reproductive success of males was higher than females. Variation in mating success is the greatest determinant to variation in reproductive success when the relationship is strongly positive. The opportunity for sexual selection of males was twice that of females, as well as the higher slope of the Bateman curve in males suggested that the intensity of intrasexual selection of males was higher than females. Thus, male–male competition would lead to the greater variation of mating success for males, which caused greater variation in reproductive success in males. The effective population number of breeders (Nb) was 33, and the Nb/N ratio was 0.61, slightly higher than the general ratio in polygynandrous fish populations which possibly because most individuals mated and had offspring with a low variance. The relatively high Nb contributes to the maintenance of genetic diversity in farmed black sea bream populations.  相似文献   

Effective population size (N(e)) is important because it describes how evolutionary forces will affect a population. The effect of multiple sires per female on N(e) has been the subject of some debate, at the crux of which is the effects of monandry and multiple-paternity (MP) on male variance in reproductive success. In both mating systems, females mate with several males over their lifetimes, but sire offspring with one male at a time in the former and have several sires per clutch in the latter. First, I theoretically show that whether the annual male variance in reproductive success in an MP population is greater or less than that of a monandrous population depends on the distributions of within-clutch paternity. Then, I simulated different distributions of within-clutch paternity under a range of parameters that characterize natural populations to show that an MP population can have an N(e) smaller or larger than that of a monandrous population with otherwise equal dynamics. The N(e(MP)):N(e(Monandry)) ratio increased with mating frequency and female variance in reproductive success, was equalized by long generation times, and was affected by the distribution of within-clutch paternities. The results of this model provide a unifying framework for the debate.  相似文献   

Araki H  Blouin MS 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(13):4097-4109
Parentage assignment is widely applied to studies on mating systems, population dynamics and natural selection. However, little is known about the consequence of assignment errors, especially when some parents are not sampled. We investigated the effects of two types of error in parentage assignment, failing to assign a true parent (type A) and assigning an untrue parent (type B), on an estimate of the relative reproductive success (RRS) of two groups of parents. Employing a mathematical approach, we found that (i) when all parents are sampled, minimizing either type A or type B error insures the minimum bias on RRS, and (ii) when a large number of parents is not sampled, type B error substantially biases the estimated RRS towards one. Interestingly, however, (iii) when all parents were sampled and both error rates were moderately high, type A error biased the estimated RRS even more than type B error. We propose new methods to obtain an unbiased estimate of RRS and the number of offspring whose parents are not sampled (zW(z)), by correcting the error effects. Applying them to genotypic data from steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), we illustrated how to estimate and control the assignment errors. In the data, we observed up to a 30% assignment error and a strong trade-off between the two types of error, depending on the stringency of the assignment decision criterion. We show that our methods can efficiently estimate an unbiased RRS and zW(z) regardless of assignment method, and how to maximize the statistical power to detect a difference in reproductive success between groups.  相似文献   

Contemporary pollen flow in forest plant species is measured by the probability of paternal identity (PPI) for two randomly sampled offspring, drawn from a single female, and contrasting that with PPI for two random offspring, drawn from different females. Two different estimation strategies have emerged: (a) an indirect approach, using the 'genetic structure' of the pollen received by different mothers and (b) a direct approach, based on parentage analysis. The indirect strategy is somewhat limited by the assumptions, but is widely useful. The direct approach is most appropriate where a large majority of the true fathers can be identified exactly, which is sometimes possible with high-resolution SSR markers. Using the parentage approach, we develop estimates of PPI, showing that the obvious estimates are severely biased, and providing an unbiased alternative. We then illustrate the methods with SSR data from a 36-tree isolated population of Pinus sylvestris from the Meseta region of Spain, for which categorical paternity assignment was available for over 95% of offspring. For all the females combined, we estimate that PPI=0.0425, indicating uneven male reproductive contributions. Different (but overlapping) arrays of males pollinate different females, and for the average female, PPI=0.317, indicating substantial 'pollen structure' for the population. We also relate the direct measures of PPI to those available from indirect approaches, and show that they are generally comparable.  相似文献   

In some primate species dominance rank of males is correlated with reproductive success, whereas in other species this relationship is inconsistent. Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) live in a promiscuous mating system in which males are ranked in a dominance hierarchy that influences their access to females. High-ranking males usually monopolize fertile females during their estrous period and show increased mating activities. Subadult males generally rank below adult males. For Barbary macaque females in the Gibraltar colony, there was no correlation between dominance status and reproductive success. Paternity data for 31 offspring collected over four consecutive breeding seasons were used to test whether male social rank was associated with reproductive success and whether reproductive success was mainly confined to a small number of males. Genetic variation was assessed using 14 microsatellite markers for a dataset of 127 individuals sampled in all five social groups of the Gibraltar colony. Paternity analysis was conducted for offspring in one social group only, where all in-group males were sampled. Eighty-three percent of the offspring could be assigned to an in-group candidate father; none of the extra-group males appeared to have sired an infant. Male dominance rank was not found to contribute to the observed variation in male reproductive output. Fifty-nine percent of the offspring was sired by two low-ranking males, whereas the two top-ranking males sired one-fifth. A highly significant correlation was found for male age and dominance rank. Reproductive success of subadult males might be explained by the gap in the age distribution of male group members. These missing prime males are usually regarded as serious competitors for older males. Subadult males may have gained easier access to females in their absence. In addition, the presence of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms, which might also have overpowered possible rank effects, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Females in lek-breeding species appear to copulate with a small subset of the available males. Such strong directional selection is predicted to decrease additive genetic variance in the preferred male traits, yet females continue to mate selectively, thus generating the lek paradox. In a study of buff-breasted sandpipers (Tryngites subruficollis), we combine detailed behavioral observations with paternity analyses using single-locus minisatellite DNA probes to provide the first evidence from a lek-breeding species that the variance in male reproductive success is much lower than expected. In 17 and 30 broods sampled in two consecutive years, a minimum of 20 and 39 males, respectively, sired offspring. This low variance in male reproductive success resulted from effective use of alternative reproductive tactics by males, females mating with solitary males off leks, and multiple mating by females. Thus, the results of this study suggests that sexual selection through female choice is weak in buff-breasted sandpipers. The behavior of other lek-breeding birds is sufficiently similar to that of buff-breasted sandpipers that paternity studies of those species should be conducted to determine whether leks generally are less paradoxical than they appear.  相似文献   

Explanations of cooperative breeding have largely focused on the indirect benefits philopatric offspring gain from investing in kin. However, recent molecular studies have revealed that in many species subordinates provision unrelated offspring. This has led to the re-evaluation of the direct and indirect benefits of helping behaviour. In this study, we used microsatellite genotyping to assess the extra-group reproductive success of subordinate superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus), a species with extremely high rates of extra-group paternity. Extra-group subordinate males sired 10.2% (193 out of 1895) of all offspring sampled between 1993 and 2000 and 21.4% (193 out of 901) of all illegitimate offspring sired by known males. The extra-group success of subordinates was greatly influenced by the attractiveness of their dominant male. Subordinates of attractive dominants sired more extra-group young than did average dominants. Evidence suggests that mate choice in superb fairy-wrens is error-prone and subordinates can gain direct reproductive benefits through parasitizing the reproductive success of attractive dominants.  相似文献   

Using 30 years of demographic data from 15 groups, this study estimates how harem size, female fertility, and offspring survival may contribute to variance in the siring rates of dominant male mountain gorillas throughout the Virunga Volcano Region. As predicted for polygynous species, differences in harem size were the greatest source of variance in the siring rate, whereas differences in female fertility and offspring survival were relatively minor. Harem size was positively correlated with offspring survival, even after removing all known and suspected cases of infanticide, so the correlation does not seem to reflect differences in the ability of males to protect their offspring. Harem size was not significantly correlated with female fertility, which is consistent with the hypothesis that mountain gorillas have minimal feeding competition. Harem size, offspring survival, and siring rates were not significantly correlated with the proportion of dominant tenures that occurred in multimale groups versus one-male groups; even though infanticide is less likely when those tenures end in multimale groups than one-male groups. In contrast with the relatively small contribution of offspring survival to variance in the siring rates of this study, offspring survival is a major source of variance in the male reproductive success of western gorillas, which have greater predation risks and significantly higher rates of infanticide. If differences in offspring protection are less important among male mountain gorillas than western gorillas, then the relative importance of other factors may be greater for mountain gorillas. Thus, our study illustrates how variance in male reproductive success and its components can differ between closely related species.  相似文献   

Aggregate, or explosive, breeding is widespread among vertebrates and likely increases the probability of multiple paternity. We assessed paternity in seven field-collected clutches of the explosively breeding spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) using 10 microsatellite loci to determine the frequency of multiple paternity and the number of males contributing to a female's clutch. Using the Minimum Method of allele counts, multiple paternity was evident in 70% of these egg masses. Simple allele counts underestimate the number of contributing males because this method cannot distinguish multiple fathers with common or similar alleles. Therefore, we used computer simulations to estimate from the offspring genotypes the most likely number of contributing fathers given the distributions of allele frequencies in this population. We determined that two to eight males may contribute to A. maculatum clutches; therefore, multiple paternity is a common strategy in this aggregate breeding species. In aggregate mating systems competition for mates can be intense, thus differential reproductive success (reproductive skew) among males contributing to a female's clutch could be a probable outcome. We use our data to evaluate the potential effect of reproductive skew on estimates of the number of contributing males. We simulated varying scenarios of differential male reproductive success, ranging from equal contribution to high reproductive skew among contributing sires in multiply sired clutches. Our data suggest that even intermediate levels of reproductive skew decrease confidence substantially in estimates of the number of contributing sires when parental genotypes are unknown.  相似文献   

Selection during the colonization of new habitat is critical to the process of local adaptation, but has rarely been studied. We measured the form, direction, and strength of selection on body size and date of arrival to the breeding grounds over the first three cohorts (2003–2005) of a coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) population colonizing 33 km of habitat made accessible by modification of Landsburg Diversion Dam, on the Cedar River, Washington, USA. Salmon were sampled as they bypassed the dam, parentage was assigned based on genotypes from 10 microsatellite loci, and standardized selection gradients were calculated using the number of returning adult offspring as the fitness metric. Larger fish in both sexes produced more adult offspring, and the magnitude of the effect increased in subsequent years for males, suggesting that low densities attenuated traditional size‐biased intrasexual competition. For both sexes, directional selection favoured early breeders in 2003, but stabilizing selection on breeding date was observed in 2004 and 2005. Adults that arrived, and presumably bred, early produced stream‐rearing juvenile offspring that were larger at a common date than offspring from later parents, providing a possible mechanism linking breeding date to offspring viability. Comparison to studies employing similar methodology indicated selection during colonization was strong, particularly with respect to reproductive timing. Finally, female mean reproductive success exceeded that needed for replacement in all years so the population expanded in the first generation, demonstrating that salmon can proficiently exploit vacant habitat.  相似文献   

典型的猕猴(Macaca multta)社群为多雄多雌型,雌性留群并形成母系单元,雄性多在亚成年或成年期离开出生群,而群内成年雄性多为外部迁入个体。雄性的迁出被认为可降低近亲繁殖或提升繁殖成功。然而,诸多野外数据显示,少数本群出生雄性个体会居留于出生群一年或数年。尽管驱动雄性离群的因素较复杂(如社会关系、近亲回避、繁殖成功),但繁殖成功的差异可能是驱动雄性离群的主导因素。为探讨居留于出生群是否影响雄性的繁殖成功,于2010年3月至2014年1月,在太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区王屋山地区,以一群野生太行山猕猴为研究对象,采用非损伤取样法并结合分子生物学方法,分析了群内出生和迁入成年雄性个体的繁殖成功(以子代数量评估)。研究发现:(1)群内51只子代个体中有36只个体可以匹配到其遗传学父亲;(2)4个迁入雄性繁衍了34个子代,仅1只群内出生雄性ZM繁衍了2只子代,但群内出生的雄性BB未匹配到子代。本研究提示,迁入雄性较本群出生雄性的繁殖成功较高,即迁移有助于繁殖成功的提升。  相似文献   

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