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M Baumann 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2602-2611
Erythrocytes were electrofused with multiple rectangular voltage pulses to show an oscillatory movement, divided into swell phases and pump events. During each swell phase, which lasted from 0.5 s to more than 180 s, the fused cells' (doublets') volume increased by colloid osmotic swelling, and the membrane area was expanded until rupture. Membrane rupture initiated the pump event, where the doublets' volume and membrane area decreased with an almost exponential time course and time constants between 2 ms and 8 ms. Simultaneously, a portion of cytosolic hemoglobin solution was ejected into extracellular space ("jet"). Pump event time constants and swell phase durations decreased with rising chamber temperature, indicating that both parts of the oscillatory movements were determined by physical properties of membrane and liquids. Relative volume change developments express a gradual loss of membrane elasticity during the oscillation, decreasing the elastic forces stored in the membrane. Evidence is given that the first rupture causes a weakening of the membrane at the rupture site. Heat treatment up to 45 degrees C had a negligible effect on swell times, pump time constants, and relative volume changes. A heat treatment of 50 degrees C prevented oscillatory movements. The rupture location accorded with theories of potential induced membrane electropermeabilization.  相似文献   

It was shown that erythrocyte membranes permeability for oxygen decreases at least a few tens of times during oxygenation.  相似文献   

Dynamics of microtubules from erythrocyte marginal bands.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Microtubules can adjust their length by the mechanism of dynamic instability, that is by switching between phases of growth and shrinkage. Thus far this phenomenon has been studied with microtubules that contain several components, that is, a mixture of tubulin isoforms, with or without a mixture of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), which can act as regulators of dynamic instability. Here we concentrate on the influence of the tubulin component. We have studied MAP-free microtubules from the marginal band of avian erythrocytes and compared them with mammalian brain microtubules. The erythrocyte system was selected because it represents a naturally stable aggregate of microtubules; second, the tubulin is largely homogeneous, in contrast to brain tubulin. Qualitatively, erythrocyte microtubules show similar features as brain microtubules, but they were found to be much less dynamic. The critical concentration of elongation, and the rates of association and dissociation of tubulin are all lower than with brain microtubules. Catastrophes are rare, rescues frequent, and shrinkage slow. This means that dynamic instability can be controlled by the tubulin isotype, independently of MAPs. Moreover, the extent of dynamic behavior is highly dependent on buffer conditions. In particular, dynamic instability is strongly enhanced in phosphate buffer, both for erythrocyte marginal band and brain microtubules. The lower stability in phosphate buffer argues against the hypothesis that a cap of tubulin.GDP.Pi subunits stabilizes microtubules. The difference in dynamics between tubulin isotypes and between the two ends of microtubules is preserved in the different buffer systems.  相似文献   

The release of ATP from red blood cells (RBC) in response to low O2 levels is linked to ATP production and the oxygenation state of hemoglobin. Because O2 is unloaded from the RBC, the concentration of deoxygenated hemoglobin increases, displacing phosphofructokinase from the cytoplasmic domain of band 3. We hypothesize that the ATP molecules produced through this glycolytic stimulation at the membrane surface result in the release of ATP from the RBC. Rat whole blood exposed to 5 min of low PO2 in vitro increased plasma [ATP] by 1.0 miccroM (+45%). This increase was reduced to 0.1 microM (+12%, P < 0.05) after citrate incubation and reversed after fluoride treatment (both glycolytic inhibitors) by -0.2 microM (-23%, P < 0.05). Plasma [ATP] of control RBC decreased -0.3 microM (-12%) when 8% CO (P < 0.05) was added to the chamber. Because CO and O2 bind competitively to heme, these results support our hypothesis that the release of ATP from RBC is linked to ATP production through the oxygenation state of the hemoglobin molecule.  相似文献   

Responses to exchange transfusion using red blood cells (RBCs) with normal and reduced flexibility were studied in the hamster window chamber model during acute moderate isovolemic hemodilution to determine the role of RBC membrane stiffness in microvascular perfusion and tissue oxygenation. Erythrocyte stiffness was increased by 30-min incubation in 0.02% glutaraldehyde solution, and unreacted glutaraldehyde was completely removed. Filtration pressure through 5-microm pore size filters was used to quantify stiffness of the RBCs. Anemic conditions were induced by two isovolemic hemodilution steps using 6% 70-kDa dextran to a hematocrit (Hct) of 18% (moderate hemodilution). The protocol continued with an exchange transfusion to reduce native RBCs to 75% of baseline (11% Hct) with either fresh RBCs (RBC group) or reduced-flexibility RBCs (GRBC group) suspended in 5% albumin at 18% Hct; a plasma expander (6% 70-kDa dextran; Dex70 group) was used as control. Systemic parameters, microvascular perfusion, capillary perfusion [functional capillary density (FCD)], and oxygen levels across the microvascular network were measured by noninvasive methods. RBC deformability for GRBCs was significantly decreased compared with RBCs and moderate hemodilution conditions. The GRBC group had a greater mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) than the RBC and Dex70 groups. FCD was substantially higher for RBC (0.81 +/- 0.07 of baseline) vs. GRBC (0.32 +/- 0.10 of baseline) and Dex70 (0.38 +/- 0.10 of baseline) groups. Microvascular tissue Po(2) was significantly lower for Dex70 and GRBC vs. RBC groups and the moderate hemodilution condition. Results were attributed to decreased oxygen uploading in the lungs and obstruction of tissue capillaries by rigidified RBCs, indicating that the effects impairing RBC flexibility are magnified at the microvascular level, where perfusion and oxygenation may define transfusion outcome.  相似文献   

During aging in vivo and in vitro, erythrocytes display removal signals. Phagocytosis is triggered by binding of autologous IgG to a senescent cell antigen originating on band 3. Erythrocytes generate vesicles as an integral part of the aging process in vivo and in vitro, i.e. during storage. These vesicles display senescent cell antigens as well as phosphatidylserine, that is recognized by scavenger receptors. Recent comparative proteomic analyses of erythrocytes and their vesicles support the hypothesis that aging is accompanied by increased binding of modified hemoglobins to band 3, disruption of the band 3-mediated anchorage of the cytoskeleton to the lipid bilayer, vesicle formation, and antigenic changes in band 3 conformation. Proteomic data also suggest an, until then unknown, involvement of chaperones, stress proteins, and proteasomes. Thus, the presently available comparative proteomic analyses not only confirm previous immunochemical and functional data, but also (1) provide new clues to the mechanisms that maintain erythrocyte homeostasis; (2) open new roads to elucidate the processes that regulate physiological erythrocyte aging and removal, and thereby; (3) provide the foundation for rational interventions to prevent untimely erythrocyte removal, and unwanted interactions between the erythrocyte and the immune system, especially after transfusion.  相似文献   

The capability of rabbit reticulocytes to synthesize red cell membrane proteins has been tested in vitro. Reticulocyte-rich blood from phenylhydrazine-treated rabbits was incubated in vitro in a complete amino acid medium containing ferrous salts, glucose, rabbit plasma and [3H]leucine. Red cell ghost membranes were prepared by hypotonic lysis and leucine incorporation into hemoglobin and total membrane proteins determined. The pattern of incorporation into individual peptides was determined by polycrylamide gel electrophoresis of labeled membranes on large (19 mm) gel which were then sliced into 1 mm sections; radioactivity was compared with densitometric tracings of Coomassie blue stained analytical (6 mm) gels. Incorporation of [3H]leucine into both hemoglobin and membrane protein was linear over 1 h. Gel analysis of labeled membranes revealed that the amino acid was primarily incorporated into peptides with molecular weights of 90 000 or less; three peptides of molecular weights 90 000, 60 000 and 33 000 showed the highest specific activity. Synthesis of the four largest peptide species was negligible. Removal of ferrous salts inhibited synthesis of both globin and membrane protein equally (approx. 50%). However, puromycin and cycloheximide preferentially inhibited the synthesis of globin as compared to membrane proteins. Reticulocytes remain capable of synthesizing a number of membrane proteins; these results are consistent with studies of red cell membrane synthesis in anemic rabbits in vivo.  相似文献   

We have succeeded in making macroscopic networks of end-linked human erythrocyte spectrin. The network junctions were made using erythrocyte protein 4.1 irreversibly attached to 5 nm (diameter) colloidal gold particles. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy verifies that the protein 4.1-labelled colloidal gold particles bind only to the tail end of the spectrin molecules. Electron micrographs of protein 4.1-labelled colloidal gold particles incubated at 4 degrees C with spectrin dimers reveal that 1-5 spectrin dimers attach to each protein 4.1-labelled colloidal gold particle yielding a spider-like appearance of these complexes. Incubation with a low concentration of spectrin tetramers instead of dimers leads to extensive formation of spectrin microaggregates whereas use of spectrin concentrations higher than 3 mg/ml and a molar ratio between spectrin tetramers and protein 4.1/Au of 4 leads to formation of macroscopic spectrin networks. We have quantitated the viscoelastic properties of such end-linked macroscopic spectrin networks using a gravitational pendulum viscoelastometer. We find that in vitro end-linked spectrin networks can be described by linear viscoelastic theory. The dynamic storage modulus increases almost linearly with the spectrin-protein 4.1/gold particle concentration when the spectrin concentration exceeds about 3 mg/ml and the molar ratio between spectrin tetramers and protein 4.1/Au is 4. At a spectrin concentration of 6 mg/ml and the same ratio between spectrin and protein 4.1/Au, we find a dynamic storage modulus at low frequency of about 80 dyn/cm2. This is in adequate agreement with what is predicted by simple elastomer theory.  相似文献   

Two proteins of bovine erythrocyte ghost membrane have been phosphorylated with γ-32P-ATP and isolated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One of the two proteins (MW 98,000) has been identified here as the phosphorylated intermediate of the Na+ + K+ activated ATPase. The other phosphorylated protein (MW 220,000) is apparently unrelated to the Na-K ATPase, but may be involved in other energy requiring membrane processes.  相似文献   

It was found that the resonance frequency of NMR protons of the fluid inside erythrocytes differs from that of plasma protons. This leads to a broadening of the NMR signal from blood, which depends on the extent of oxygenation and the shape of erythrocytes. The coefficient of diffusion of water through the erythrocyte membrane was estimated to be D approximately equal to 10(-14) m2/s.  相似文献   

Complment activation during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in newborns can be caused by both the underlying disease processes and by blood contact with the ECMO circuit. We investigated the relative importance of these mechanisms by measuring C3a, C5a and sC5b-9 before, during and after neonatal ECMO in six consecutive newborn patients using enzyme-linked immunoassay. In addition complement activation during in vitro ECMO with repeated flow of the same blood volume was measured using blood from healthy adult donors. C3a increased significantly in vivo after 1 h (from 1035+/-193 to 1865+/-419 microg/l) and in vitro ECMO (from 314+/-75 to 1962+/-1062 microg/l). C5a increased during ECMO without significant differences between in vivo and in vitro activation. In neonatal patients, sC5b-9 rose faster than in vitro, but the rapid increase was also significant for in vitro experiments (in vivo: from 328+/-63 to 1623+/-387 microg/l after 2 h; and in vitro: from 78+/-32 to 453+/-179 microg/l after 8 h). After this initial peak at 1-2 h, complement activation decreased gradually until 2-3 days after the initiation of ECMO. We conclude that in newborns the rapid activation of the complement system after the start of ECMO is predominantly caused by contact with artificial surfaces rather than the patient's underlying disease.  相似文献   

Development of toxic manifestations in rats under conditions of hyperoxia was accompanied by a significant lowering of the rat erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity. The incubation of control rats hemolysate with hydrogen peroxide (10(-3)M) or with kumole peroxide (1.6 10(-4)M) also led to pronounced fall of the initial erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity. As supposed, the lowering of the erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity under hyperoxia could be due to the formation of peroxidation products.  相似文献   

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