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The purpose of this study was to examine the relative effectiveness of electromyographic biofeedback training(EMG BFT), remeditation, and progressive muscle relaxation(PMR) in eliciting a relaxation or trophotropic response as measured by frontalis muscle tension, heart rate, electrodermal response, respiration rate, and skin temperature. Fifty-four college students were randomly assigned to one of five groups:(1) control,(2) placebo control,(3) EMG BFT,(4) meditation,(5) PMR. After baseline measures were obtained subjects were trained in 10 30-minute training sessions and posttested. Comparisons by ANOVAs indicated there was a significant decrease in muscle tension in the EMG BFT and meditation groups and significant decreases in respiration rate in the meditation and PMR groups. No other changes were attributed to treatment.  相似文献   

A direct viable counting method was used to rapidly assess the effectiveness of chlorination of biofilms on rapid sand filter gravel. A total of 50% of the cells were nutrient responsive after exposure to 0.5 mg of chlorine per liter, while this value was 25% after exposure to 25 mg of chlorine per liter. A large variation was seen in the numbers of nutrient-responsive cells on different rocks. More cells attached to the sandblasted side of marbles than to the smooth side, but there was no difference in eight of nine cases in the proportion of survival to chlorination between the two different sides. The effectiveness of chlorination appeared to be influenced by the species of bacterium in the biofilm.  相似文献   

Attempt to induce a bactericidal response in the oyster.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

A direct viable counting method was used to rapidly assess the effectiveness of chlorination of biofilms on rapid sand filter gravel. A total of 50% of the cells were nutrient responsive after exposure to 0.5 mg of chlorine per liter, while this value was 25% after exposure to 25 mg of chlorine per liter. A large variation was seen in the numbers of nutrient-responsive cells on different rocks. More cells attached to the sandblasted side of marbles than to the smooth side, but there was no difference in eight of nine cases in the proportion of survival to chlorination between the two different sides. The effectiveness of chlorination appeared to be influenced by the species of bacterium in the biofilm.  相似文献   

The reproductive efficiency of Friesian dairy cows was investigated in a three (oestrous synchronisation technique) x two (seasons of the year) factorial design. The 90 primiparous and multiparous cows (winter, n=42; summer, n=48) were allocated at random to three synchronisation treatments (n=30 cows per treatment). In treatment 1 (GPG), the cows were administered 15 mg PGF(2alpha) i.m. at 30 +/- 3 days postpartum, 100 microg GnRH i.m. at 51 +/- 3 days and 15 mg PGF(2alpha) 7 days later. A second 100 microg dose of GnRH was given after, further 2 days and fixed time AI occurred 16-20 h later. In treatment 2 (PG-PG), 15 mg PGF(2alpha) was administered i.m. to each cow on three occasions at successive 14 days interval starting at 30 +/- 3 days postpartum and the cows were inseminated at observed oestrus following the third dose of PGF(2alpha). Cows in treatment 3 (PG) had a single administration of 15 mg PGF(2alpha) i.m. at 57+/-3days postpartum and were inseminated as in treatment 2. Mean daily ambient temperature was 10.9 degrees C in winter (November-March) and 20.2 degrees C in summer (June-October). The cows were confined in an open-fronted shed and had ad libitum access to a complete diet with a 37:63 forage to concentrate ratio. Body condition score was assessed at 57 +/- 3 days postpartum. Cow rectal temperature at insemination, milk yield, reproductive data and climatic variables were recorded. Blood samples were collected for progesterone assay on days 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, 39 and 46 post-AI from 54 of the cows (19 GPG; 17 PG-PG; 18 PG). Pregnancy rate to first AI was 36.7% (11/30) for GPG and 16.7% (5/30) for both PG-PG and PG treatments. The difference was not significant. The cumulative pregnancy rate after third AI were GPG 83.3% (25/30), PG-PG 60.0% (18/30) and PG 60.0% (18/30; P<0.057). The cumulative pregnancy rate for cows inseminated in the winter (81.0%; 34/42) was higher (P<0.01) than for those inseminated in the summer (56.3%; 27/48). The interval from calving to first service was shorter (P<0.05) in treatment PG-PG (65.4+/-1.3 days) than in PG (69.2+/-1.3 days). Mean plasma progesterone concentrations post-AI of pregnant cows were higher (P<0.001) for GPG cows than those for PG-PG and PG cows. Plasma progesterone levels of pregnant cows tended to be higher (P=0.087) in winter than in summer. In conclusion, although the cumulative pregnancy rate was higher for GPG cows, it may be appropriate to correct the nutrition and management of the herd before resorting to synchronisation techniques to improve animal reproductive performances.  相似文献   

The assessment of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for alpha-radiation was held in the cases of inhalation of radon progeny and incorporation of plutonium in lungs. It is based on simulation of lung cancer radiation risk for different types of radiation. Specific radiation risk models developed according to the results of direct epidemiological studies are used for the simulation. These include two published risk models for uranium miners and nuclear workers of the Mayak facilities in the former Soviet Union. Additionally two lung cancer risk models are developed and described for the following cases: population indoor radon exposure and low-linear-energy-transfer reference radiation exposure. By the results of lifetime lung cancer risk simulation the RBE values range from 11 to 12 and from 1.7 to 4.9 for the cases of plutonium incorporation and of radon progeny exposure accordingly. The significant uncertainty of radiation risk models results in significant variation of RBE assessments. Rough estimations of RBE values 90% confidence interval are from unit fraction to 25 and from 2 to 50 for the cases of radon progeny exposure and plutonium incorporation accordingly.  相似文献   

G Escolar  R Mazzara  J G White  R Castillo  A Ordinas 《Blood cells》1992,18(3):403-15; discussion 416-20
Perfusion systems allowing the morphometric analysis of platelet interactions with vessel subendothelium under flow conditions have been applied to evaluate the quality and function of stored platelets. Studies performed in vitro indicate that despite the existence of storage lesions, platelets in concentrates stored for up to 5 days retain their ability to interact with the subendothelium. Perfusion studies ex vivo with nonanticoagulated blood from anemic-thrombocytopenic patients have shown the critical hemorrheological role of red blood cells facilitating platelet interactions with subendothelium. Similar studies performed on severely thrombocytopenic patients who received transfusions of platelets stored at 4 degrees C indicate that incompletely viable platelets can contribute to primary hemostasis through procoagulant mechanisms. The latter results suggest that storage lesions which contribute to impairment of platelet function may result in enhancement of platelet procoagulant activities. Perfusion techniques have contributed to the evaluation of the hemostatic effectiveness of platelet concentrates. These techniques will provide a useful model to test the impact of new storage technologies on platelet hemostatic function.  相似文献   

Red light controls cell elongation in seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in a far-red-reversible manner (Nick and Furuya, 1993, Plant Growth Regul. 12, 195–206). The role of gibberellins and microtubules in the transduction of this response was investigated in the rice cultivars Nihon Masari (japonica type) and Kasarath (indica type). The dose dependence of mesocotyl elongation on applied gibberellic acid (GA3) was shifted by red light, and this shift was reversed by far-red light. In contrast, coleoptile elongation was found to be independent of exogenous GA3. Nevertheless, it was inhibited by red light, and this inhibition was reversed by far-red light. The content of the active gibberellin species GA1 and GA4 was estimated by radio-immunoassay. In the mesocotyl, the gibberellin content per cell was found to increase after irradiation with red light, and this increase was far-red reversible. Conversely, the cellular gibberellin content in japonica-type coleoptiles did not exhibit any significant light response. Microtubules reoriented from transverse to longitudinal arrays in response to red light and this reorientation could be reversed by subsequent far-red light in both the coleoptile and the mesocotyl. This movement was accompanied by changes in cell-wall birefringence, indicating parallel reorientations of cellulose deposition. The data indicate that phytochrome regulates the sensitivity of the tissue towards gibberellins, that gibberellin synthesis is controlled in a negative-feedback loop dependent on gibberellin effectiveness, and that at least two hormone-triggered signal chains are linked to the cytoskeleton in rice.Abbreviations D darkness - FR far-red light - GA3 gibberellic acid - GC-SIM gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring - R red light This work was supported by a grant of the Human Frontier Science Organization to P.N. Advice and organizational support by Prof. M. Furuya (Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory, Hatoyama, Japan) and Prof. N. Murofushi (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan) is gratefully acknowledged. Seeds of both rice cultivars were kindly provided by Dr. O. Yatou (Institute for Radiation Breeding, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Japan), and the antiGA1 Me-antiserum for the radio-immunoassays by Dr. I. Yamaguchi (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan).  相似文献   

To assess temporal and spatial variations in the emission of the odour guiding them to the nipples, we exposed newborn rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, to lactating females in a series of simultaneous olfactory choice tests. They showed a clear preference for females in early, rather than late, lactation, and in the prenursing, rather than postnursing, phase. Furthermore, the female's abdominal, and specifically nipple, regions were more attractive to pups than the back and non-nipple abdominal areas. Finally, the surface odour cues from the abdomen of lactating females were as attractive as the odour of rabbit milk itself. These data suggest that the source of the active compound eliciting preferential orientation is located on the nipple, a site allowing simultaneous evaporation in air and dissolution in milk. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The existence of autoreactive B cells directed against a variety of self-antigens has been demonstrated by several investigations. However, no definitive evidence has been obtained for the existence of self-reactive B lymphocytes capable of reacting against soluble antigens circulating in high concentrations. The aim of the present investigation was to study whether such cells could be detected after in vitro activation of B cells with polyclonal B-cell activators. It was found that mouse spleen cells cultured for 3 days in the presence of the polyclonal B-cell activator LPS were capable of releasing antibodies with specificity for autologous serum- or albumin-coated sheep red blood cells (SRBC). This phenomenon was highly specific since the addition of autologous albumin in the agar during the plaque assay inhibited the number of plaques to control levels. These autoantibodies were found to belong to the IgM class. The implications of these findings for the understanding of the mechanism of self-tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

Stomatal pores of higher plants close in response to decreases in atmospheric relative humidity (RH). This is believed to be a mechanism that prevents the plant from losing excess water when exposed to a dry atmosphere and as such is likely to have been of evolutionary significance during the colonization of terrestrial environments by the embryophytes. We have conducted a genetic screen, based on infrared thermal imaging, to identify Arabidopsis genes involved in the stomatal response to reduced RH. Here we report the characterization of two genes, identified during this screen, which are involved in the guard cell reduced RH signaling pathway. Both genes encode proteins known to be involved in guard cell ABA signaling. OST1 encodes a protein kinase involved in ABA-mediated stomatal closure while ABA2 encodes an enzyme involved in ABA biosynthesis. These results suggest, in contrast to previously published work, that ABA plays a role in the signal transduction pathway connecting decreases in RH to reductions in stomatal aperture. The identification of OST1 as a component required in stomatal RH and ABA signal transduction supports the proposition that guard cell signaling is organized as a network in which some intracellular signaling proteins are shared among different stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary The performances of four ordination techniques (reciprocal averaging, parametric mapping, gaussian ordination and non-metric multidimensional scaling) are evaluated using artificial data based on three vegetation models: the gaussian response curve, -function curves, and an ecological response model. No technique performs well with the artificial data not based on a gaussian model. Non-metric multidimensional scaling seemed marginally better than other techniques. Some of the implications of this failure are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Six pea varieties were grown in seven environments over two consecutive years and the results analysed using regression techniques. In both years a degree of linearity of response to environment was established for many of the characters recorded. Comparisons were made between the values observed in the second year and those predicted from the results of the first year, using t tests. As a result of these comparisons it appears that, due to poor linearity of response and/or different degrees of response in different years, accurate predictability of genotype behaviour was not possible.  相似文献   

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