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Mate choice and uncertainty in the decision process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The behavior of females in search of a mate determines the likelihood that a high quality male is encountered in the search process and alternative search strategies provide different fitness returns to searchers. Models of search behavior are typically formulated on an assumption that the quality of prospective mates is revealed to searchers without error, either directly or by inspection of a perfectly informative phenotypic character. But recent theoretical developments suggest that the relative performance of a search strategy may be sensitive to any uncertainty associated with the to-be-realized fitness benefit of mate choice decisions. Indeed, uncertainty in the decision process is inevitable whenever unobserved male attributes influence the fitness of searchers. In this paper, we derive solutions to the sequential search strategy and the fixed sample search strategy for the general situation in which observed and unobserved male attributes affect the fitness consequences of female mate choice decisions and we determine how the magnitude of various parameters that are influential in the standard models alter these more general solutions. The distribution of unobserved attributes amongst prospective mates determines the uncertainty of mate choice decisions-the reliability of an observed male character as a predictor of male quality-and the realized functional relationship between an observed male character and the fitness return to searchers. The uncertainty of mate choice decisions induced by unobserved male attributes has no influence on the generalized model solutions. Thus, the results of earlier studies of these search models that rely on the use of a perfectly informative male character apply even if an observed male trait does not reveal the quality of prospective mates with certainty. But the solutions are sensitive to any changes of the distribution of unobserved male attributes that alter the realized functional relationship between an observed character and the fitness return to searchers. For example, the standard sequential search model exhibits a reservation property--the acceptability of prospective mates is delimited by a unique threshold criterion--and the existence of this model property under generalized conditions depends critically on the association between the observed and unobserved male characters. In our formulations of the models we assumed that females use a single male character to evaluate the quality of prospective mates, but the model properties generalize to situations in which male quality is evaluated by a direct inspection of multiple male characters.  相似文献   

The behavior of a female in search of a mate determines the likelihood that she encounters a high-quality male in the search process. The fixed sample (best-of-n) search strategy and the sequential search (fixed threshold) strategy are two prominent models of search behavior. The sequential search strategy dominates the former strategy—yields an equal or higher expected net fitness return to searchers—when search costs are nontrivial and the distribution of quality among prospective mates is uniform or truncated normal. In this paper our objective is to determine whether there are any search costs or distributions of male quality for which the sequential search strategy is inferior to the fixed sample search strategy. The two search strategies are derived under general conditions in which females evaluate encountered males by inspection of an indicator character that has some functional relationship to male quality. The solutions are identical to the original models when the inspected male attribute is itself male quality. The sequential search strategy is shown to dominate the fixed sample search strategy for all search costs and distributions of male quality. Low search costs have been implicated to explain empirical observations that are consistent with the use of a fixed sample search strategy, but under conditions in which the original models were derived there is no search cost or distribution of male quality that favors the fixed sample search strategy. Plausible alternative explanations for the apparent use of this search strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Models of mate sampling strategies predict that choosiness should decrease throughout the breeding season due to increasing costs of delaying mating. Therefore, individuals who start searching mates relatively late, should spend less time on sampling, and sample fewer candidates compared to early individuals. We observed mate searching behavior of female pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) by radio-tracking in study areas with 6–12 unpaired males. Contrary to the prediction, the observed numbers of males sampled by the searching females increased with time, i.e. late arriving females visited more males than early arrivers. However, this seems to be due to more active sampling of males in short time by late-arriving females. The observed sampling pattern suggests some kind of comparison tactic, which seems, however, to be very variable among individual females. Mate-assessing females were characterized by a remarkably cryptic behavior, which may be 1) a way of gaining honest information about the male mating status or male/territory quality, or 2) a way of avoiding courtship costs.  相似文献   

When mates are encountered sequentially, each encounter involves a decision whether to reject the current suitor and risk not finding a better mate, or to accept them despite their flaws. I provide a flexible framework for modelling optimal choosiness when mate encounters occur unpredictably in time. The model allows for temporal variation in the fitness benefits of mating, including seasonal breeding conditions, accrual of mate search costs, survival of the choosing individual or senescence of gametes. The basic optimality framework can be applied iteratively to obtain mate choice equilibria in dynamically evolving populations. My model predicts that individuals should be choosier when the average rate of mate encounters is high, but that choosiness should decline over time as the likelihood of future mate encounters decreases. When mate encounters are uncertain, there is a trade‐off between reproductive timing and mate choice (the ‘when’ and the ‘who’). Mate choice may be selected against when reproductive timing is highly important (e.g. when breeding conditions show a narrow peak in time). This can even lead to step‐shaped mate choice functions, where individuals abruptly switch from rejecting to accepting all suitors as peak breeding conditions approach. The model contributes to our understanding of why individuals may not express mate preferences, even when there is substantial variation in mate quality.  相似文献   

Courtship varies among individuals, partly because individuals differ in quality. To explore proximate factors affecting courtship behavior, I investigated the effect of diet quality on mate choice and competition in the barklouseLepinotus patruelis Pearman (Psocoptera: Trogiidae) in the laboratory. The effect of sex ratio on mate choice was also addressed. Some males were found to exhibit active mate choice, and rejected females in both male- and female-biased sex ratio groups, although they were more likely to do so in a female-biased sex ratio group. Diet quality affected male mate choice: males on high-quality diets were significantly more likely to reject females than males on low-quality diets. Males exhibited choice significantly more often than females, who showed no overt signs of choosiness. Both males and females competed for, access to mates: both sexes attempted to interfere with mounted pairs and females grappled. The choosiness of the male may have directly affected the incidence of female competition. The results also suggest that the patterns of mate choice inL. patruelis differ from those expected by conventional sex role theory.  相似文献   

Sexual competition is associated closely with parental care because the sex providing less care has a higher potential rate of reproduction, and hence more to gain from competing for multiple mates. Sex differences in choosiness are not easily explained, however. The lower-caring sex (often males) has both higher costs of choice, because it is more difficult to find replacement mates, and higher direct benefits, because the sex providing more care (usually females) is likely to exhibit more variation in the quality of contributions to the young. Because both the costs and direct benefits of mate choice increase with increasing parental care by the opposite sex, general predictions about sex difference in choosiness are difficult. Furthermore, the level of choosiness of one sex will be influenced by the choosiness of the other. Here, we present an ESS model of mutual mate choice, which explicitly incorporates differences between males and females in life history traits that determine the costs and benefits of choice, and we illustrate our results with data from species with contrasting forms of parental care. The model demonstrates that sex differences in costs of choice are likely to have a much stronger effect on choosiness than are differences in quality variation, so that the less competitive sex will commonly be more choosy. However, when levels of male and female care are similar, differences in quality variation may lead to higher levels of both choice and competition in the same sex.  相似文献   

Females can maximize the benefits of mate choice by finding high-quality mates while using search tactics that limit the costs of searching for mates. Mate-searching models indicate that specific search tactics would best optimize this trade-off under different conditions. These models do not, however, consider that females may use information from previous years to improve mate searching and reduce search costs in subsequent years. We followed female satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus during mate searching and reconstructed their search patterns. We found that females who chose very attractive males typically mated with the same male in the following year, resulting in these females sampling fewer males than those who switched mates. In contrast, females who mated with less attractive males typically rejected their previous mates and searched longer for more attractive mates in the following mating season. A potential cost to mate searching is suggested by the observed increase in the likelihood of force-copulation attempts from marauding males with increased searching. Our results suggest that by using past experiences to adjust their search tactics, females may obtain high-quality mates while limiting search costs. These results emphasize the need to consider historical effects in studies of sexual selection, especially for long-lived species with stable display sites.  相似文献   

Mate choice by males has been recognized at least since Darwin's time, but its phylogenetic distribution and effect on the evolution of female phenotypes remain poorly known. Moreover, the relative importance of factors thought to underlie the evolution of male mate choice (especially parental investment and mate quality variance) is still unresolved. Here I synthesize the empirical evidence and theory pertaining to the evolution of male mate choice and sex role reversal in insects, and examine the potential for male mating preferences to generate sexual selection on female phenotypes. Although male mate choice has received relatively little empirical study, the available evidence suggests that it is widespread among insects (and other animals). In addition to 'precopulatory' male mate choice, some insects exhibit 'cryptic' male mate choice, varying the amount of resources allocated to mating on the basis of female mate quality. As predicted by theory, the most commonly observed male mating preferences are those that tend to maximize a male's expected fertilization success from each mating. Such preferences tend to favour female phenotypes associated with high fecundity or reduced sperm competition intensity. Among insect species there is wide variation in mechanisms used by males to assess female mate quality, some of which (e.g. probing, antennating or repeatedly mounting the female) may be difficult to distinguish from copulatory courtship. According to theory, selection for male choosiness is an increasing function of mate quality variance and those reproductive costs that reduce, with each mating, the number of subsequent matings that a male can perform ('mating investment') Conversely, choosiness is constrained by the costs of mate search and assessment, in combination with the accuracy of assessment of potential mates and of the distribution of mate qualities. Stronger selection for male choosiness may also be expected in systems where female fitness increases with each copulation than in systems where female fitness peaks at a small number of matings. This theoretical framework is consistent with most of the empirical evidence. Furthermore, a variety of observed male mating preferences have the potential to exert sexual selection on female phenotypes. However, because male insects typically choose females based on phenotypic indicators of fecundity such as body size, and these are usually amenable to direct visual or tactile assessment, male mate choice often tends to reinforce stronger vectors of fecundity or viability selection, and seldom results in the evolution of female display traits. Research on orthopterans has shown that complete sex role reversal (i.e. males choosy, females competitive) can occur when male parental investment limits female fecundity and reduces the potential rate of reproduction of males sufficiently to produce a female-biased operational sex ratio. By contrast, many systems exhibiting partial sex role reversal (i.e. males choosy and competitive) are not associated with elevated levels of male parental investment, reduced male reproductive rates, or reduced male bias in the operational sex ratio. Instead, large female mate quality variance resulting from factors such as strong last-male sperm precedence or large variance in female fecundity may select for both male choosiness and competitiveness in such systems. Thus, partial and complete sex role reversal do not merely represent different points along a continuum of increasing male parental investment, but may evolve via different evolutionary pathways.  相似文献   

Wiegmann DD 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(6):1293-1298
The search tactics that females might employ to find a suitable mate impose different cognitive demands on searchers and some theoretical models of search behaviour presuppose that females are able to recall encountered males and return to mate with a previously sampled individual. In this study, I exposed female field crickets, Gryllus integer, to male calls either sequentially or simultaneously from two speakers in a three-arm radial maze. Subjects that were exposed to the two calls in sequence and allowed to move to the location of each call returned, in the absence of any audible signal, to the location of the call initially encountered. Subjects allowed to walk to the location of only one of two simultaneously active speakers before playback of both calls was terminated were as likely to move, in the absence of any audible signal, to the never-active speaker as to the location of the other male call. These subjects were also more likely to search all three arms of the maze and searched for a longer time than females exposed to calls sequentially. Thus, female G. integer probably do not construct a spatial representation of the locations of potential mates from the calls of males that advertise concurrently. The results of this study suggest, however, that female G. integer are able to recall previously encountered males under some conditions and may potentially employ a search tactic that is more complicated than a simple instantaneous comparison of the qualities of males that are actively calling. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is thought to be responsible for the evolution of many extravagant male ornaments and displays, but the costs of being too selective may hinder the evolution of choosiness. Selection against choosiness may be particularly strong in socially monogamous mating systems, because females may end up without a partner and forego reproduction, especially when many females prefer the same few partners (frequency-dependent selection). Here, we quantify the fitness costs of having mating preferences that are difficult to satisfy, by manipulating the availability of preferred males. We capitalize on the recent discovery that female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) prefer males of familiar song dialect. We measured female fitness in captive breeding colonies in which one-third of females were given ample opportunity to choose a mate of their preferred dialect (two-thirds of all males; “relaxed competition”), while two-thirds of the females had to compete over a limited pool of mates they preferred (one-third of all males; “high competition”). As expected, social pairings were strongly assortative with regard to song dialect. In the high-competition group, 26% of the females remained unpaired, yet they still obtained relatively high fitness by using brood parasitism as an alternative reproductive tactic. Another 31% of high-competition females paired disassortatively for song dialect. These females showed increased levels of extra-pair paternity, mostly with same-dialect males as sires, suggesting that preferences were not abolished after social pairing. However, females that paired disassortatively for song dialect did not have lower reproductive success. Overall, females in the high-competition group reached equal fitness to those that experienced relaxed competition. Our study suggests that alternative reproductive tactics such as egg dumping can help overcome the frequency-dependent costs of being selective in a monogamous mating system, thereby facilitating the evolution of female choosiness.

Being highly selective in partner choice may be problematic, because widely preferred mates are rapidly claimed. However, this study of the socially monogamous zebra finch reveals that females have evolved effective ways of coping with this situation.  相似文献   

Mutual mate choice occurs when members of each sex will reject some potential mates in efforts to encounter better prospects later. The decision to reject may represent the interaction between mate preferences, mate availability, and temporal constraints. Theory predicts that mutual mate choice will favor relaxed choosiness as mate availability and time for courtship decline. We explored mutual mate choice in the soldier beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (Cantharidae), where courtship consisted of males attempting to secure evasive females. We employed field observations, laboratory experiments, and stochastic simulations to investigate the decline in choosiness over the daily courtship period, during which individuals can mate at most once. We found that reproductive success of males and females increases with mate size and mating frequency. Females biased copulations toward larger mates by attempting to evade suitors, while males biased copulations by releasing the smaller females they capture. However, late in the day males and females may increase reproductive success by accepting rather than rejecting lower quality mates to maintain high mating rates. Stochastic simulations indicated that reproductive success, the product of mating frequency and mean mate size, was maximized in males and females by incrementally reducing mate standards across daily courtship periods. In the field, large males who rejected small females early in the daily courtship period rarely did so later. Large females used less effective evasive maneuvers later in the courtship period, resulting in copulations with progressively smaller males. These results support models of mutual mate choice that predict that individuals of high quality will maximize reproductive success by relaxing choosiness as the courtship period wanes.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study we test theoretical models of female mate choice tactics in natural populations of pine engravers, Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), a species with a resource-based mating system and high search costs. We first develop distinguishing predictions for each of four models of mate choice: random, comparison tactics, and fixed and adjustable thresholds. These predictions relate to commonly collected field data that include the visiting behavior of females and the quality of accepted and rejected mates. Using these types of data, we conclude that pine engravers use an adjustable threshold mate choice tactic because females often accepted the first male encountered, rarely revisited males, visited similar numbers of males in patches of different quality, accepted higher-quality males than those they rejected even on their first encounter with a male in a patch, and had higher acceptance thresholds in high-quality patches than in low-quality patches. This adjustable threshold tactic is consistent with a one-step decision rule and is predicted to occur in species such as pine engravers in which search costs are high and females have information about patch quality before beginning a search in a patch.  相似文献   

Sequential mate choice strategies predict how females should alter their choosiness based on the availability of attractive males. There are many studies on sequential mate choice within species, but few have asked whether females apply these strategies to interactions between species and how these strategies may affect hybridization. We tested how previous interactions with conspecific and heterospecific males affect mate preference and sexual isolation in two threespine stickleback species (benthics and limnetics: Gasterosteus spp.). Consistent with previous work, we found that within species, stickleback females gauge male attractiveness relative to previously encountered males. If females extend these decision rules between species, we predicted that previous interactions with conspecifics should make heterospecifics less attractive, whereas interactions with heterospecifics should make conspecifics more attractive. However, females found heterospecifics less attractive after prior experience, largely independent of the species of male first encountered. Thus, sequential mate choice strategies are used within but not between species in sticklebacks. Further, learning from prior courtship interactions acts to enhance existing sexual isolation between species.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to consider variation in mating p among females. We define mating p as the sensory and behavioural properties that influence the propensity of individuals to mate with certain phenotypes. Two properties of mating p can be distinguished: (i) ‘preference functions’–the order with which an individual ranks prospective mates and (2)‘choosiness’ -the effort an individual is prepared to invest in mate assessment. Patterns of mate choices can be altered by changing the costs of choosiness without altering the preference function. We discuss why it is important to study variation in female mating behaviour and identify five main areas of interest: Variation in mating p and costs of choosiness could (i) influence the rate and direction of evolution by sexual selection, (2) provide information about the evolutionary history of female p, (3) help explain inter-specific differences in the evolution of secondary sexual characteristics, (4) provide information about the level of benefits gained from mate choice, (5) provide information about the underlying mechanisms of mate choice. Variation in mate choice could be due to variability in preference functions, degree of choosiness, or both, and may arise due to genetic differences, developmental trajectories or proximate environmental factors. We review the evidence for genetic variation from genetic studies of heritability and also from data on the repeatability of mate-choice decisions (which can provide information about the upper limits to heritability). There can be problems in interpreting patterns of mate choice in terms of variation in mating p and we illustrate two main points. First, some factors can lead to mate choice patterns that mimic heritable variation in p and secondly other factors may obscure heritable p. These factors are divided into three overlapping classes, environmental, social and the effect of the female phenotype. The environmental factors discussed include predation risk and the costs of sampling; the social factors discussed include the effect of male–male interactions as well as female competition. We review the literature which presents data on how females sample males and discuss the number of cues females use. We conclude that sexual-selection studies have paid far less attention to variation among females than to variation among males, and that there is still much to learn about how females choose males and why different females make different choices. We suggest a number of possible lines for future research.  相似文献   

The strategy employed by a female to sample prospective mates determines the likelihood that a high-quality male is encountered in the search process. In general, the choosiness of females is expected to depend on the variability of quality amongst the males that are sampled. The sequential search strategy is a prominent model of search behavior that involves the use of a threshold criterion to evaluate encountered individuals. In this paper, we show that the stochastic dominance of one distribution of male quality over another at the second order is necessary and sufficient for the optimal threshold criterion to differ under two distributions of male quality when the cost to sample males is held constant and the mean quality of males under each of the distributions is identical. A difference of the variance of male quality between two distributions does not imply that one distribution stochastically dominates the other at the second order and, hence, should not, in general, be used to assess the relative variability of quality amongst prospective mates. The adjustment of the threshold criterion in response to experimental manipulations of the distribution of male quality has been inferred from induced differences of the duration of search or the number of males sampled in the search process. Here we show that such inferences are unjustified. In particular, the difference of the threshold criterion imposed by second-order stochastic dominance does not determine the distribution under which females are expected to sample a larger number of males in the search process.  相似文献   

It is well known that female mate choice decisions depend on the direct costs of choosing (either because of search costs or male-imposed costs). Far less is known about how direct fitness costs affect male mate choice. We conducted an experiment to investigate male mate choice in a fish, the Pacific blue-eye (Pseudomugil signifer). Preferred females were larger, probably because larger females are also more fecund. Males, however, were consistent in their choice of female only when the costs of associating with prospective mates were equal. By contrast, males were far less consistent in their choice when made to swim against a current to remain with their initially preferred mate. Our results suggest that males may also respond adaptively to changes in the costs of choosing.  相似文献   

Selection can favour phenotypic plasticity in mate choice in response to environmental factors that alter the costs and benefits of being choosy, or of choosing specific mates. Human‐induced environmental change could alter sexual selection by affecting the costs of mate choice, or by impairing the ability of individuals to identify preferred mates. For example, variation in mate choice could be driven by environmentally induced differences in body condition (e.g. health) that change the cost of choosiness, or by environmental effects on the ability to detect or discriminate sexual signals. We teased apart these possibilities experimentally, by comparing female mate choice in the palmate newt Lissotriton helveticus between environments that mimic water from either native oak forests or exotic eucalypt plantations. In laboratory two‐choice mate trials in clean water, females with prolonged exposure (21 days) to waterborne chemicals leached from eucalypt leaves did not preferentially associate with the male with a stronger immune response, but females exposed to water with chemicals from oak leaves did. In contrast, female choice was unaffected by the immediate presence or absence of eucalypt leachates during mate choice (using only females previously held in oak‐treated water). The habitat‐related change in female choice we observed is likely to be driven by effects of eucalypt leachates on female physiology, rather than immediate inhibition of pheromone transmission or blocking of pheromone reception.  相似文献   

Behavioural observations were carried out on a sex role reversed population of the blenny Salaria pavo to investigate possible mate choice behaviour of the females. Females mated with relatively larger males, with a larger head crest, anal gland and genital papilla, which had more eggs in their nests and that courted the female. Thus, these male traits were potentially assessed by females when choosing their mates. In order to mate, females visited one to four males (eight females spawned with the first male they had visited and eight visited more than one male). The majority of the females spawned with the last male visited but three of them returned to mate with males visited previously (two with the penultimate visited male). Additionally, the outcome of the first visit of each female depended on the quality of the males: males that were accepted on this first visit had larger head crest than rejected males. Therefore, the mate searching model that best fitted the data was a threshold tactic that allowed the searching individual to return to any potential mate visited before, i.e. that allowed for complete recall. Moreover, three females returned to mate with males rejected earlier during the search, which indicates that they lowered their thresholds. These results suggest that females use a 'one step decision' tactic to search for mates. In this tactic, females mate with males that satisfy an adjustable threshold criterion, balancing the quality of the mates expected to find in the next step of the search and the effort of finding them.  相似文献   

Limited availability of mating partners has been proposed as an explanation for the occurrence of simultaneous hermaphroditism in animals with pair mating. When low population density or low mobility of a species limits the number of potential mates, simultaneous hermaphrodites may have a selective advantage because, first, they are able to adjust the allocation of resources between male and female functions in order to maximize fitness; second, in a hermaphroditic population the likelihood of meeting a partner is higher because all individuals are potential mates; and, third, in the absence of mating partners, many simultaneously hermaphroditic animals have the option of reproducing through self-fertilization. Recognizing that mate availability is central to the existing theory of hermaphroditism in animals, it is important to examine the effects of mate search on predictions of the stability of hermaphroditism. Many hermaphroditic animals can increase the number of potential mates they contact by active searching. However, since mate search has costs in terms of time and energy, the increased number of potential mates will be traded off against the amount of resources that can be allocated to the production of gametes. We explore the consequences of this trade-off to the evolution of mating strategies and to the selective advantage of self-fertilization. We show that in low and moderate population densities, poor mate-search efficiency and high costs of searching stabilize hermaphroditism and bias sex allocation toward female function. In addition, in very low population densities, there is strong selective advantage for self-fertilization, but this advantage decreases considerably in species with high mate-search efficiency. Most important, however, we present a novel evolutionary prediction: when mate search is efficient, disruptive frequency-dependent selection on time allocation to mate search leads to the evolution of searching and nonsearching phenotypes and, ultimately, to the evolution of males and females.  相似文献   

Although females are the choosier sex in most species, male mate choice is expected to occur under certain conditions. Theoretically, males should prefer larger females as mates in species where female fecundity increases with body size. However, any fecundity‐related benefits accruing to a male that has mated with a large female may be offset by an associated fitness cost of shared paternity if large females are more likely to be multiply mated than smaller females in nature. We tested the above hypothesis and assumption using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) by behaviourally testing for male mate choice in the laboratory and by ascertaining (with the use of microsatellite DNA genotyping) patterns of male paternity in wild‐caught females. We observed significant positive relationships between female body length and fecundity (brood size) and between body length and level of multiple paternity in the broods of females collected in the Quaré River, Trinidad. In laboratory tests, a preference for the larger of two simultaneously‐presented virgin females was clearly expressed only when males were exposed to the full range of natural stimuli from the females, but not when they were limited to visual stimuli alone. However, as suggested by our multiple paternity data, males that choose to mate with large females may incur a larger potential cost of sperm competition and shared paternity compared with males that mate with smaller females on average. Our results thus suggest that male guppies originating from the Quaré River possess mating preferences for relatively large females, but that such preferences are expressed only when males can accurately assess the mating status of encountered females that differ in body size.  相似文献   

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