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We investigated among-male variation in courtship waving inthe fiddler crab Uca annulipes. Wave rate is positively correlatedwith both male carapace size and relative claw size (controlledfor body size), and relative claw size is positively correlatedwith an index of body condition. An experimental reduction inthe availability of food decreased male wave rate. These datasuggest that some of the variation in wave rate among malesis due to variation in male condition combined with energeticcosts to waving (differential costs). However, we also foundthat the correlation between male size and wave rate decreasedover the semilunar cycle. Later in the cycle, smaller malesincrease their wave rate relative to that of larger males. Previouswork has shown that females are more likely to accept a smallermale as a mate later in the cycle. We suggest that smaller malesinvest disproportionately more in courtship later in the cyclebecause the potential benefits are greater due to their increasedattractiveness to females (differential benefits). Alternativeexplanations for the observed temporal trend are also discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Substitution of chloride by isethionate, a bulky anion, did not modify the intracellular cation or water content in cells of tentacles, and only slightly decreased sodium content in body wall cells of the coelenterate Condylactis gigantea, in contrast with the appreciable reductions expected in the case of impenneant anions.
  • 2.2. As isethionic acid is a strong acid, the salt should be almost totally ionized at the pH of seawater (8.6) and at the presumably close to neutral intracellular pH. Therefore, the anion, rather than the undissociated acid, would appear to be the permeating species.
  • 3.3. Isethionate ion appears to distribute across the cell membrane as does chloride: according to the transmembrane potential difference.

Digestive capabilities, such as the rates nutrient hydrolysis and absorption, may affect energy intake and ultimately feeding behavior. In birds, a high diversity in gut biochemical capabilities seems to support the existence of a correlation between the morphology and physiology of the intestinal tract and chemical features of the natural diet. However, studies correlating the activity of digestive enzymes and the feeding habits at an evolutionary scale are scarce. We investigated the effect of dietary habits on the digestive physiological characteristics of eight species of passerine birds from Central Chile. The Order Passeriformes is a speciose group with a broad dietary spectrum that includes omnivorous, granivorous and insectivorous species. We measured the activity of three enzymes: maltase, sucrase and aminopeptidase-N. Using an autocorrelation analysis to remove the phylogenetic effect, we found that dietary habits had no effect on enzymatic activity. However, we found that granivorous and omnivorous species had higher levels of disaccharidase activities and insectivores had the lowest. The major difference in enzymatic activity found at the inter-specific level, compared to the reported lower magnitude of enzyme modulation owing to dietary acclimation, suggests that these differences to some extent have a genetic basis. However, the lack of a clear association between diet categories and gut physiology suggested us that dietary categorizations do not always reflect the chemical composition of the ingested food.  相似文献   

Are the health attributes of lycopene related to its antioxidant function?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A variety of epidemiological trials have suggested that higher intake of lycopene-containing foods (primarily tomato products) or blood lycopene concentrations are associated with decreased cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer risk. Of the carotenoids tested, lycopene has been demonstrated to be the most potent in vitro antioxidant leading many researchers to conclude that the antioxidant properties of lycopene are responsible for disease prevention. In our review of human and animal trials with lycopene, or lycopene-containing extracts, there is limited support for the in vivo antioxidant function for lycopene. Moreover, tissue levels of lycopene appear to be too low to play a meaningful antioxidant role. We conclude that there is an overall shortage of supportive evidence for the “antioxidant hypothesis” as lycopene’s major in vivo mechanism of action. Our laboratory has postulated that metabolic products of lycopene, the lycopenoids, may be responsible for some of lycopene’s reported bioactivity.  相似文献   

Sucrose content increases with internode development down the stem of sugarcane. In an attempt to determine which other changes in metabolites may be linked to sucrose accumulation gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to obtain metabolic profiles from methanol/water extracts of four samples of different age down the stem of cultivar Q117. Extracts were derivatized with either N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoracetamide (TMS) or N-methyl N-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide (TBS) separately in order to increase the number of metabolites that could be detected. This resulted in the measurement of 121 and 71 metabolites from the TMS and TBS derivatization, respectively. Fifty-five metabolites were identified using commercial and publicly available libraries. Statistical analysis of the metabolite profiles resulted in clustering of tissue types. Particular metabolites were correlated with the level of sucrose accumulation, which as expected increased down the stem. Metabolites, such as tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and amino acids, were more abundant in the M2 sample (meristem to internode 2) that was actively growing and decreased in an apparently coordinated developmentally programmed manner in more mature internodes down the stem. However, other metabolites such as trehalose and raffinose showed positive correlations with sucrose concentration. Here we discuss the technique used to measure metabolites in sugarcane and the changes in metabolite abundance down the sugarcane stem.  相似文献   

In recent years, researchers have been attempting to relate differences in personality (e.g., boldness, aggressiveness, exploration tendency) to variation in cognition (performances in tasks that require learning, reasoning, attention, or memory, etc.) both theoretically and empirically. However, it is unclear on what basis personality and cognition might be associated with each other. Previous theory suggests a connection between fast–slow personality types and cognitive speed–accuracy tradeoffs. In this study, we tested this hypothesis in budgerigars and found that, in their 1st associative learning, birds with fast personality (less fearful of handling stress) were fast learners in the beginning, while slow personality individuals improved faster, but both types of birds did not differ in accuracy. However, these relationships were context-dependent. No significant relationship was found in subsequent learning tasks (reversal learning and a 2nd associative learning) in the familiar context (task setup and apparatus similar to the 1st associative learning). We then conducted a problem-solving experiment with novel setup and apparatus to test 1 possible explanation that the association between personality and cognition in the 1st associative learning might be caused by noncognitive constraint, such as fearfulness when facing novel task setup and apparatus. We found that fast individuals interacted more with the problem box and solved it, whereas the slow birds were not. We suggest that personalities can influence cognitive performances and trigger a cognitive speed-improvement tradeoff under the novel context. However, there are no consistent cognitive styles that co-varied with different personalities.  相似文献   

The difference of test results between patients with "pure" atopic dermatitis (AD) and "mixed" AD (with concomitant respiratory allergy, RA) was investigated in 30 AD patients. The results showed the onset of disease that mostly occur in the early infancy [15 (50%) patients had developed the disease under the age of 2-2/10 in "pure" AD, and 13/20 in "mixed" AD]. Twenty (66.6%) of them had a history of RA ("mixed" AD) whereas the remaining 10 (33.3%) had "pure" AD. Seventeen (56.6%) AD patients had one concomitant allergic disease, while 3 (10%) patients had two comorbid conditions (AR and AB) each. Family history was positive for atopy in 22 (73.3%) AD patients [in 14 (46.6%) patients in a first-degree relative]. Twenty-four (80%) patients had positive prick test [9/10 (90%) in "pure" AD and 15/20 (75%) in "mixed" AD], mostly for house dust (20). Positive scratch test was observed in 16 (53.3%) patients [4/10 in "pure" AD, and 12/20 in "mixed" AD]. Nineteen (63.3%) AD patients showed positive patch test reaction [5/10 in "pure" AD, and 14/20 in "mixed" AD]. AD patients had higher serum IgE (21/30) than non-atopic ones but similar in "pure" AD, and "mixed" AD [7/10 (70%) in "pure" AD, and 14/20 (70%) in "mixed" AD]. Determination of CD23 marker on B-lymphocytes showed normal values in 24, and increased values in six patients [2/10 in "pure" AD, and 4/20 in "mixed" AD]. The values of CD21 were decreased in 16 AD patients [6/10 in "pure" AD, and 10/20 in "mixed" AD]. HLA-DR expression was normal in almost all patients. There were no statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between the "pure" AD and "mixed" AD patient groups, except for the age at onset, which was younger in the group of patients with concomitant RA. Accordingly, study results pointed to the association between AD and RA.  相似文献   

In vitro study of testosterone (T) metabolism shows that formation of estradiol-17 beta (E2) is regionally specific within the preoptic area (POA) of the male ring dove. The POA is known to be involved in the formation of E2 required for specific components of male sexual behavior. Two sub-areas of high aromatase activity, anterior (aPOA) and posterior preoptic (pPOA) areas, have been identified. Aromatase activity is higher in aPOA than in pPOA. The aromatase activity within the aPOA is also more sensitive to the inductive effects of low circulating T, derived from subcutaneous silastic implants, than the enzyme activity in pPOA. Kinetic analysis of preoptic fractions indicates that a similar high-affinity enzyme occurs in both areas (apparent Km less than 14 nM), but the Vmax of aPOA enzyme activity is higher than pPOA. Cells containing estrogen receptors (ER) are localized in areas of high aromatase activity. There is overlap between immunostained cells in the aPOA and in samples containing inducible aromatase activity measured in vitro. Within the aPOA there is a higher density of ER cells in the nucleus preopticus medialis. The pPOA area also contains ER, notably in the nucleus interstitialis, but at a lower density. We conclude that the hormonal regulation of the male preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region, which is a target for the behavioral action of T, involves at least two inducible aromatase systems with associated estrogen receptor cells.  相似文献   

In vitro study of testosterone (T) metabolism shows that formation of estradiol-17β (E2) is regionally specific within the preoptic area (POA) of the male ring dove. The POA is known to be involved in the formation of E2 required for specific components of male sexual behavior. Two sub-areas of high aromatase activity, anterior (aPOA) and posterior preoptic (pPOA) areas, have been identified. Aromatase activity is higher in aPOA than in pPOA. The aromatase activity within the aPOA is also more sensitive to the inductive effects of low circulating T, derived from subcutaneous silastic implants, than the enzyme activity in pPOA. Kinetic analysis of preoptic fractions indicates that a similar high-affinity enzyme occurs in both areas (apparent Km < 14nM), but the Vmax of aPOA enzyme activity is higher than pPOA. Cells containing estrogen receptors (ER) are localized in areas of high aromatase activity. There is overlap between immunostained cells in the aPOA and in samples containing inducible aromatase activity measured in vitro. Within the aPOA there is a higher density of ER cells in the nucleus preopticus medialis. The pPOA area also contains ER, notably in the nucleus interstitialis, but at a lower density. We conclude that the hormonal regulation of the male preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region, which is a target for the behavioral action of T, involves at least two inducible aromatase systems with associated estrogen receptor cells.  相似文献   

This study reports on the importance of the size of the kype (lower jaw) and the adipose fin for establishing and maintaining social dominance in pair-wise interactions among size-matched, reproductively active male Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus. The size of these traits seems not to have a large influence on establishing dominance, but after 4 days of social interactions, and after dominance rank is established, subordinate males show reduced size of their adipose fins and kypes relative to that of dominant males. Consequently, these traits seem to be costly labile characters that could be of importance in inter and intra-sexual evaluations of individual quality.  相似文献   

Primary and secondary sex traits are influenced by the same sex hormones, and the expression of secondary sex traits may consequently signal males' capacity for sperm production. Sperm quality may also be influenced by immune activity, as sperm are non-self to the male. Parasite infections alter immune activity and may thus reduce ejaculate quality. In the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) the red abdominal colour is considered an ornament that signals important information in mate choice. We captured and individually caged sexually mature male Arctic charr during the spawning period. Afterwards we estimated abdominal colour, parasite infections, gonad mass and several spermatological and immunological variables. Intensity of abdominal colour was positively correlated to testes mass, milt mass and sperm cell numbers produced. Additionally, males with low parasite intensities had high testes mass and produced milt with high sperm density, indicating a trade-off between parasite resistance and development of primary sex traits. Our measures of immunity were, however, not related to primary sex traits. We conclude that females evaluating male abdominal coloration may obtain information about differences between males in fertilization potential and parasite resistance.  相似文献   

Mathematical models of the inter-relationship of muscle force, velocity, and activation are useful in forward dynamic simulations of human movement tasks. The objective of this work was to determine whether the parameters (maximum shortening velocity V(max) and shape parameter k) of a Hill-type muscle model, interrelating muscle force, velocity, and activation, are themselves dependent on the activation. To fulfill this objective, surface EMG signals from four muscles, as well as the kinematics and kinetics of the arm, were recorded from 14 subjects who performed rapid-release elbow extension tasks at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% activation (MVC). The experimental elbow flexion angle was tracked by a forward dynamic simulation of the task in which V(max) and k of the triceps brachii were varied at each activation level to minimize the difference between the simulated and experimental elbow flexion angle. Because a preliminary analysis demonstrated no dependency of k on activation, additional simulations were performed with constant k values of 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25. The optimized values of V(max) normalized to the average value within a subject were then regressed onto the activation. Normalized V(max) depended significantly on the activation (p<0.001) for all values of k. Furthermore, the estimated V(max) values were not sensitive to the selected k value. The results support the use of Hill-type models in which V(max) depends on activation in forward dynamic simulations modeling muscles with mixed fiber-type composition recruited in the range of 25-100% activation. The use of more accurate models will lend greater confidence to the results of forward dynamic simulations.  相似文献   

Cloud forest vegetation structure and composition were studied in the Venezuelan Andes at three sites in Mérida State. Although the sites are within 10 to 30 km of each other, climatic, geologic and topographic differences are remarkable. The main purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of specific environmental variables to forest vegetation characteristics, including basal area, tree height, density and diversity, and leaf area index (LAI). At 51 plots, all trees' diameter at breast height >10 cm were recorded and identified. Although the environment at the three sites is distinctive, the tree species composition of the most abundant species was very similar. None of the measured environment variables were significantly correlated with the measured vegetation structure variables, except LAI, which was correlated with slope orientation; LAI showed higher values at south‐facing plots. Tree height was relatively uniform, while basal area was highly variable and reached very high values. Stem densities were in the range reported elsewhere in cloud forests. Multivariate analysis using structure or composition data shows segregation of the plots by site. Principal component analyses by site indicate a minor impact of environmental factors on forest variables. At each site, a particular group of species are correlated with the ordination axes. We conclude that species pools and forest dynamics add to the complexity of the structure of the studied cloud forests.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to evaluate overall DNA damage induced by experimental paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) in estrous-cycling and ovariectomized female rats to examine possible hormonal involvement during DNA damage. Intact rats in different phases of the estrous cycle (proestrus, estrus, and diestrus) or ovariectomized female Wistar rats were subjected to PSD by the single platform technique for 96 h or were maintained for the equivalent period as controls in home-cages. After this period, peripheral blood and tissues (brain, liver, and heart) were collected to evaluate genetic damage using the single cell gel (comet) assay. The results showed that PSD caused extensive genotoxic effects in brain cells, as evident by increased DNA migration rates in rats exposed to PSD for 96 h when compared to negative control. This was observed for all phases of the estrous cycle indistinctly. In ovariectomized rats, PSD also led to DNA damage in brain cells. No significant statistically differences were detected in peripheral blood, the liver or heart for all groups analyzed. In conclusion, our data are consistent with the notion that genetic damage in the form of DNA breakage in brain cells induced by sleep deprivation overrides the effects related to endogenous female sex hormones.  相似文献   

The precise mechanism of stop codon recognition in translation termination is still unclear. A previously published study by Ivanov and colleagues proposed a new model for stop codon recognition in which 3-nucleotide Ter-anticodons within the loops of hairpin helices 69 (domain IV) and 89 (domain V) in large ribosomal subunit (LSU) rRNA recognize stop codons to terminate protein translation in eubacteria and certain organelles. We evaluated this model by extensive bioinformatic analysis of stop codons and their putative corresponding Ter-anticodons across a much wider range of species, and found many cases for which it cannot explain the stop codon usage without requiring the involvement of one or more of the eight possible noncomplementary base pairs. Involvement of such base pairs may not be structurally or thermodynamically damaging to the model. However, if, according to the model, Ter-anticodon interaction with stop codons occurs within the ribosomal A-site, the structural stringency which that site imposes on sense codon.tRNA anticodon interaction should also extend to stop codon.Ter-anticodon interactions. Moreover, with Ter-tRNA in place of an aminoacyl-tRNA, for each of the various Ter-anticodons there is a sense codon that can interact with it preferentially by complementary and wobble base-pairing. Both these considerations considerably weaken the arguments put forth previously.  相似文献   

This paper analyze the association between height and chronic diseases in Portugal and the extent to which this relationship is mediated by education. The sample upon which the analysis is based comprised those participants in the 2005/2006 Portuguese National Health Interview Survey (n = 28,433) aged 25–79. Logistic regressions measured the association of height with ten chronic diseases, adjusting for age, lifestyle, education, and other socioeconomic factors. Among women, an additional centimeter in stature significantly decreased the prevalence of asthma, chronic pain, and acute cardiac disease, by 0.057, 0.221, and 0.033 percentage points, respectively. Also, mental disorders were significantly less prevalent in the last quartile of height. Among men, an additional centimeter in height was associated with a 0.074 lower prevalence of asthma, and men in the last quartile of height were significantly less at risk of acute cardiovascular disease. There was no significant association between height and the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and pulmonary diseases. As for the impact of education, women with a tertiary level were on average 5.3 cm taller than those with no schooling; among men, the difference was almost 9 cm. Adjusting for education reduced the height-related excess risk of ill health by 36% on average among men, and by 7% among women. The analysis indicates that there is a significant association of height with several chronic conditions, and that education plays a mediating role in the height–health connection. By emphasizing the role of height and education as determinants of chronic conditions, this paper also highlights the role of conditions related to childhood health and socioeconomic background.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Literature on the risk of birth defects among foreign‐ versus U.S.–born Hispanics is limited or inconsistent. We examined the association between country of birth, immigration patterns, and birth defects among Hispanic mothers. METHODS: We used data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study and calculated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals and assessed the relationship between mothers' country of birth, years lived in the United States, and birth defects among 575 foreign‐born compared to 539 U.S.–born Hispanic mothers. RESULTS: Hispanic mothers born in Mexico/Central America were more likely to deliver babies with spina bifida (OR = 1.53) than their U.S.–born counterparts. Also, mothers born in Mexico/Central America or who were recent United States immigrants (≤5 years) were less likely to deliver babies with all atrial septal defects combined, all septal defects combined, or atrial septal defect, secundum type. However, Hispanic foreign‐born mothers who lived in the United States for >5 years were more likely to deliver babies with all neural tube defects combined (OR = 1.42), spina bifida (OR = 1.89), and longitudinal limb defects (OR = 2.34). Foreign‐born mothers, regardless of their number of years lived in the United States, were more likely to deliver babies with anotia or microtia. CONCLUSIONS: Depending on the type of birth defect, foreign‐born Hispanic mothers might be at higher or lower risk of delivering babies with the defects. The differences might reflect variations in predisposition, cultural norms, behavioral characteristics, and/or ascertainment of the birth defects. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We assessed the occurrence of algae in five species of tank-bromeliads found in contrasting environmental sites in a Neotropical, primary rainforest around the Nouragues Research Station, French Guiana. The distributions of both algal abundance and biomass were examined based on physical parameters, the morphological characteristics of bromeliad species and with regard to the structure of other aquatic microbial communities held in the tanks. Algae were retrieved in all of the bromeliad species with mean densities ranging from ~10(2) to 10(4) cells/mL. Their biomass was positively correlated to light exposure and bacterial biomass. Algae represented a tiny component of the detrital food web in shaded bromeliads but accounted for up to 30 percent of the living microbial carbon in the tanks of Catopsis berteroniana, located in a highly exposed area. Thus, while nutrient supplies are believed to originate from wind-borne particles and trapped insects (i.e., allochtonous organic matter), our results indicate that primary producers (i.e., autochtonous organic matter) are present in this insectivorous bromeliad. Using a 24-h incubation of size-fractionated and manipulated samples from this plant, we evaluated the impact of mosquito foraging on algae, other microorganisms and rotifers. The prey assemblages were greatly altered by the predation of mosquito larvae. Grazing losses indicated that the dominant algal taxon, Bumilleriopsis sp., like protozoa and rotifers, is a significant part of the diet of mosquito larvae. We conclude that algae are a relevant functional community of the aquatic food web in C. berteroniana and might form the basis of a complementary non-detrital food web.  相似文献   

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