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A monoclonal antibody directed to Tn antigen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A murine monoclonal antibody, MLS 128, that was assigned to an anti-Tn antibody has been established by immunizing mice with human colonic cancer cells (LS 180). MLS 128 bound to mucin glycopeptides from LS 180 cells and their asialo forms to the same extent as well as to ovine submaxillary mucin (OSM) and asialo OSM. Special non-sialylated GalNAc residue(s) attached to a certain peptide region in the antigens seems to be involved in the binding since N-acetylgalactosaminidase treatment of the antigen abolished the binding and pronase digestion diminished the binding markedly.  相似文献   

A mouse IgM monoclonal antibody, ACFH-18, was established after immunization of mice with the human gastric cancer cell line MKN74. The antibody reacts strongly with gastrointestinal carcinoma and showed a clear dependence on the degree of differentiation of gastric cancer cells. The antibody defines a series of glycolipid species with extremely slow TLC mobility present in both acidic and neutral glycolipid fractions of the extract from gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma and the original MKN74 cells. Isolation and structural study of the active glycolipids present in the acidic and neutral fractions and comparison of the antibody reactivity with glycolipids having related structures revealed a novel specificity. The minimum requirement for the maximal reactivity of ACFH-18 was identified as VII3Fuc-nLc10 (Structure A below and Fig. 8 in text). Since the antibody did not react with III3Fuc-nLc6 (Structure B below), which shares the same terminal sequence as VII3Fuc-nLc10, and since it cross-reacted with VII3Fuc-nLc8 (Z1 glycolipid) and VII3Fuc,V3-Fuc,III3Fuc-nLc8 (Z3 glycolipid), antibody ACFH-18 is capable of recognizing a fucosyl residue plus an internal repeating N-acetyllactosamine proximal to ceramide, as indicated by lines in Fig. 8 (Structures A, B, and E-G). (Formula: see text).  相似文献   

Glycolipid antigen reacting to the monoclonal antibody directed to the developmentally regulated antigen SSEA-1 was isolated from human erythrocytes and colonic adenocarcinoma. The antigens have the Lex (Galβl→4[Fucα]→3]GlcNAcβl→R) or Ley (Fucαl→2Galβl→4[Fucαl→3]GlcNAcβl→R) structure at the termini of the branched polylactosaminolipid. In addition, a novel polyfucosyl structure locating exclusively at the internal GlcNAc was detected in the tumor antigen. The antibody reacts with a simple monovalent Lex glycolipid (Galβl→4[Fucαl→3]GlcNAcβl→3Galβl→4Glcβl→Cer) previously isolated from colonic carcinoma when presented at a high density on liposomes. The antibody therefore may react to the bivalent or multivalent Lex or Ley structure.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody reacting with early mouse embryos and murine embryonal carcinoma cells (F9) defines the stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA-1). We now report that the antigen (SSEA-1) is a complex glycolipid with the branched lacto-N-glycosyl series. Antibody to SSEA-1 reacts strongly with the branched H4-glycosphingolipid but not with other various glycolipids so far tested. This reactivity was abolished by endo-β-galactosidase treatment. The homogeneous H4-glycolipid not only reacted with the monoclonal antibody to SSEA-1 but also with antibody to I-(Ma), i-(Dench) and with anti-H specific lectin. Chemical analysis, including methylation, also indicates that the glycolipid antigen had a close resemblance to I-antigen.  相似文献   

GCSA-1, a monoclonal antibody raised against cysts generated in vitro was shown to be Giardia cyst-specific by immunoblot analysis and immunofluorescence. GCSA-1 recognized four polypeptides ranging from 29-45 kD present in the cyst wall. These antigens appeared within eight hours of exposure of trophozoites to encystation medium and were shown to be synthesized by encysting parasites by means of metabolic labelling with [35S]-cysteine. Trophozoites were not stained by the antibody. GCSA-1 also reacted with in vivo cysts obtained from faeces of infected humans, gerbils and mice. These data demonstrate that the determinants recognized by GCSA-1 are early cyst antigens which are developmentally regulated and conserved components of the cyst wall. The actual role of the antigens detected by GCSA-1 in encystation are unknown, but they represent a potential target for strategies directed at inhibiting this process.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody directed against one of the major human brain gangliosides, GD1b, has been produced. The antibody binds specifically to the carbohydrate structure of GD1b as it does not react with structurally related gangliosides like GM1, GD2, GT1b or Fuc-GM1, or any other ganglioside of human brain. The results further indicate that terminal galactose as well as the disialosyl group linked to the inner galactose moiety are involved in binding to the antibody.  相似文献   

The Gal alpha 1-3Gal structural determinant has been found to have a unique distribution in mammals. Although this determinant is abundantly expressed by erythrocytes and nucleated cells of many mammals, it has not been detected in human cells. However, our previous studies (Galili, U., Rachmilewitz, E. A., Peleg, A., and Flechner, I. (1984) J. Exp. Med. 160, 1519-1531; Galili, U., Clark, M. R., and Shohet, S. B. (1986) J. Clin. Invest. 77, 27-33) have suggested that this epitope is present in small amounts and may be involved in immune-mediated destruction of senescent human erythrocytes. To have a means for exploring this possibility and for studying the species and tissue distribution of this epitope we have raised a monoclonal antibody (Gal-13) which specifically binds to glycoconjugates with a nonreducing terminal Gal alpha 1-3Gal disaccharide. Mice were immunized with rabbit erythrocytes, which express an abundance of glycoconjugates with Gal alpha 1-3Gal epitopes. Clones were screened with a solid-phase binding assay (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) for antibodies which bound to ceramide pentahexoside (Gal alpha 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3-Gal beta Gal beta 1-4Glc1-1Cer) but not to ceramide trihexoside (Gal alpha 1-4Gal beta 1-4Glc1-1Cer). Gal-13 bound to a number of neutral glycosphingolipids from rabbit and bovine erythrocytes. These glycosphingolipids have previously been shown to be a family of linear and branched polylactosamine structures, which have non-reducing terminal Gal alpha 1-3Gal epitopes. The antibody did not bind to the human blood group B glycolipid, Gal alpha 1-3(Fuc alpha 1-2)Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc1-1Cer, and, therefore, branching at the penultimate galactose blocks Gal-13 binding. However, after removal of the fucose from the B antigen Gal-13 recognized the resulting derivative. Other Gal alpha 1-3Gal glycosphingolipids with an isogloboside or globoside core structure were not recognized by Gal-13 suggesting that the antibody binds to Gal alpha 1-3Gal carried by a lactosamine core structure. Gal-13 has been used to demonstrate that the Gal alpha 1-3Gal ceramide pentahexoside has been evolutionarily conserved in red cells of animals up to the stage of New World monkeys but is not found in Old World monkey red cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A mouse IgG mAb termed P1C3 was raised against A23187-treated human peripheral blood neutrophils and has been shown to recognize an Ag with an apparent molecular mass of 19 kDa, herein named p19. This p19 Ag was weakly expressed at the cell surface of resting human peripheral blood neutrophils and monocytes, but its cell surface expression was dramatically increased upon activation of these cell types with different secretagogues, including FMLP, PMA, and the calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin. A large latent pool of p19 molecules became accessible by immunofluorescence flow cytometry after cell permeabilization of resting neutrophils. A practically total translocation of the intracellular pool of this p19 molecule to the plasma membrane was achieved under appropriate cell stimulation, which induced an almost total degranulation of neutrophil secretory granules. The p19 Ag was absent from platelets, PBL, as well as from the human promyelocytic cell line HL-60, the human promonocytic cell line U937, and the human lymphoid cell lines Daudi and Jurkat. The p19 Ag was also expressed by circulating and/or interstitial neutrophils and monocytes in distinct tissues examined. The mAb P1C3 was found to enhance several neutrophil responses, such as chemotaxis, cell adhesion, phagocytosis, and respiratory burst. These data indicate that the mAb P1C3 recognizes an intracellular Ag in human resting mature neutrophils and monocytes, which upon cell activation is translocated to the cell surface and is able to affect cell functionality.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody 75.12 raised against the human ovarian teratocarcinoma cell line PA1 detects a 'Y' or iso-leb glycosidic structure. Using the 75.12 antibody we have established that the Y antigen is expressed on some but not all mouse embryonal carcinoma (EC) lines. The Y or 75.12 antigen-positive EC cell lines F9 and PCC4 cease to express the antigen after differentiation induced with retinoic acid and this decreased expression parallels the morphological differentiation of the EC cells. These results support not only the idea that carbohydrate structures present on embryonic cells undergo marked alteration during differentiation, but also that established mouse EC cells may differ in their differentiation states.  相似文献   

Summary A mammalian embryonic cell surface glycoprotein (ESGp), whose expression and biochemical structure seem to be developmentally regulated, has been isolated and characterized. The molecule expressed in two cell through morula stage mouse embryos has a molecular weight, by electrophoretic analyses, of 90 kDa. At the blastocyst stage, however, the molecule migrates as a broad, heterogeneous band ranging from 90 to 110 kDa. Evidence obtained from studies of embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells indicates that this band is actually a composite of three distinct molecules (molecular weight 90, 95, and 105 to 110 kDa), each of which is synthesized uniquely by one of the different cell types of the blastocyst: the embryonic ectoderm and visceral and parietal endoderms, respectively. A survey of various mouse tissues and cell lines has revealed that undifferentiated cells express the low molecular weight form (90 kDa) characteristic of embryonic ectoderm, whereas differentiated cells and adult tissues express the high molecular weight form (110 kDa) characteristic of parietal endoderm. Only the EC visceral endoderm cell analogues have been shown to express the intermediate molecule (95 kDa). In embryos, the antigen is uniformly distributed over the cell surface during early cleavage stages (two to eight cell); just before compaction, however, it seems to redistribute and becomes polarized at the outside exposed edges of blastomeres. In cultured EC cells, ESGp is found only in areas of cell-to-cell contact; free-standing surfaces of cells are negative for expression. It is possible, therefore, that ESGp may be involved in the intercellular adhesion of both EC cells and compacting embryos. This work was supported by grant R01 HD23402 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

A Plasmodium falciparum malaria blood stage antigen was detected using a human monoclonal antibody (MAb A52A6) obtained from a clinically immune donor. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that the MAb reacted with the intracellular parasite throughout the asexual blood stage cycle as well as with gametocytes. The MAb also reacted with the surface of erythrocytes containing late stage P. falciparum parasites. The antigen seen by the MAb was species- but not strain- or isolate-specific. At rupture of the infected erythrocytes, antigenic material was deposited on the membrane of uninfected cells surrounding the parasite. At merozoite invasion MAb reactive material was present on the invaginating erythrocyte membrane, indicating an involvement of the antigen in the invasion process. This was also indicated by the high capacity of the MAb to inhibit merozoite invasion in vitro. The antigen appears to be a phosphoglycolipid, sensitive to phospholipase and present in lipid extracts of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A widely distributed antigen developmentally regulated in the nervous system   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have identified a glycoprotein (BEN) of 95-100 x 10(3) Mr using a monoclonal antibody. This protein is transiently expressed at the cell surface of the peripherally projecting neurons, i.e. motoneurons of the spinal cord and cranial nuclei, sensory neurons of the dorsal root and cranial sensory ganglia and sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric neurons. In vitro cultures of dorsal root and sympathetic ganglia have shown that BEN is expressed on neurons but not on glial cells. On motor and sensory neurons, BEN first appears at the level of the cell body just after withdrawal from the cell cycle. Soon afterwards, expression of the antigen extends to the elongating axon. After a few days, BEN is no longer expressed by the motor and sensory neurons, disappearing first from the cell body and then progressively from the fibres. The loss of expression is concomitant with the onset of intense proliferation of satellite and Schwann cells. This modulated expression within the nervous system is unlike that of any surface glycoprotein so far described in vertebrates. Preliminary biochemical analysis indicates that, although it bears the adhesion-associated epitope HNK-1, BEN does not share characteristics with any previously described axonal glycoprotein. Consequently, we speculate that this glycoprotein might be a novel molecule implicated in selective adhesion phenomena, such as axonal fasciculation.  相似文献   

Abstract Murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were selected against a cell wall glycoprotein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . One of the mAbs (92-276/018) specifically identified S. cerevisiae and the sibling species S. paradoxus, S. pastorianus and S. bayanus in immunofluorescence studies and immunoblot analyses, while no other yeast genera except Saccharomyces were recognized. Further analysis indicated that the mAb 92-276/018 reacts with an epitope in the carbohydrate chain of the cell wall glycoproteins.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody, ST-1, was raised against heparin complexed to Salmonella minnesota. Characterization of this antibody showed that it recognizes an epitope in the intact molecule of heparin that is present regardless of its source or anticoagulant activity. ST-1 is the first monoclonal antibody specific for the intact unmodified molecule of heparin to be described. 3H-labeled heparin in solution was immunoprecipitated by ST-1, and the formation of the 3H-labeled immunocomplex was selectively inhibited by unlabeled heparin. No cross-reactivity of ST-1 was observed with other glycosaminoglycans such as heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, dermatan sulfate, and keratan sulfate, or with polyanionic polymers such as dextran sulfate. Selective removal of the N-sulfate groups or N,O-desulfation of heparin strongly reduced the binding of ST-1. Inhibition of binding was also observed after carbodiimide reduction of the carboxyl groups of the uronic acid units of heparin. Competitive assays of ST-1 binding to heparin immobilized on poly-L-lysine-coated plates using oligosaccharides of different sizes that arose from HNO2 cleavage of heparin showed that the minimum fragment required for reactivity of ST-1 is a decasaccharide.  相似文献   

In the present study a unique antibody (NKI-L16) reacting with the alpha-chain of the human leukocyte function-associated Ag-1 (LFA-1) is described, which stimulates homotypic cell-cell interactions in a manner very similar to 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), in contrast to other anti-LFA-1 mAb which inhibit cell aggregation. The induction of aggregate formation of EBV-transformed B cells (JY) and CTL clones by TPA or NKI-L16 is not accompanied by an increase in the expression of LFA-1. Nevertheless, this cluster formation is LFA-1 dependent, inasmuch as anti-LFA-1 antibodies, other than NKI-L16, completely abrogate aggregation. Simultaneous addition of NKI-L16 and TPA did not result in a further increase of the speed of cluster formation, suggesting that a similar pathway is activated. Immunoprecipitation and enzyme digestion studies revealed that NKI-L16 recognizes a unique epitope on the alpha-chain of LFA-1, most likely situated close to the transmembrane segment of the molecule. It is hypothesized that NKI-L16 or TPA can cause the LFA-1 molecule to convert from an inactive to an active configuration, thereby permitting binding of LFA-1 to its natural ligand.  相似文献   

A mouse was immunised with an antigen(s) purified by oestradiol-Sepharose affinity chromatography of pooled oestrogen-receptor positive cytosols from human breast cancer tissue. One antibody secreting clone was identified which precipitated labelled antigen and which also stained MCF-7 cells. Culture supernatant and ascites fluid were used for immunofluorescence, SDS-PAGE-Western blotting, photoaffinity labelling and binding studies. The antibody staining of MCF-7 cells was inhibited by preincubation in oestrogen-receptor positive cytosol but was unaffected by oestrogen-receptor negative cytosol. MCF-7 cells stained whether cultured in the presence or absence of oestradiol. The oestrogen-receptor negative cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-330 did not stain. Binding studies with 16-alpha-iodooestradiol using breast cancer tissue cytosols followed by immunoprecipitation showed activity only with oestrogen-receptor positive cytosols with optimal binding activity at 4 degrees C, unaffected by molybdate, but reduced at 25 degrees C or in the presence of 0.4 M KCl. Binding studies with MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-330 cytosols and nuclear fractions only showed activity with the MCF-7 cytosol and MCF-7 particulate fractions. The antibody recognised a 48 K species in both MCF-7 cytosol and nuclear fractions but not in the cytosol and nuclear extracts of oestrogen-receptor negative cell lines. Photoaffinity labelling using 16 alpha-iodooestradiol suggests the 48 K antigen does not bind oestradiol directly. The relationship of this antigen to the classical oestrogen-receptor and receptor complex awaits further clarification.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody 101 produced by a hybridoma obtained by fusion with NS-1 myeloma cells of spleen cells from a mouse immunized with the human epidermoid carcinoma cell line, A431, specifically precipitates epidermal growth factor receptor, a glycoprotein of 170,000 Mr solubilized from A431 cell membranes (Richert, N. D., Willingham, M. C., and Pastan, I. H. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 8902-8907). The antibody also binds to neutral glycolipids extracted from A431 cells as evidenced by solid phase radioimmunoassay and by autoradiography. Binding of antibody to its target is inhibited by lacto-N-fucopentaose I but not by 2'-fucosyllactose or related oligosaccharides. Thus, antibody 101 is probably directed against the human blood group H type 1 sugar sequence Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc . . .. This sequence presumably occurs on the epidermal growth factor receptor. Monoclonal antibody 102 produced by another hybridoma from the same fusion has the same cell specificity as antibody 101 and also binds to neutral glycolipids. However, binding of antibody 102 to its target is inhibited by 2'-fucosyllactose and not by lacto-N-fucopentaose I or related oligosaccharides. Thus, antibody 102 is probably directed against the human blood group H type 2 sugar sequence Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc . . .. Antibody 102 does not precipitate solubilized epidermal growth factor receptor. Both antibodies bind to neutral glycolipids extracted from human erythrocytes belonging to blood group O but not to neutral glycolipids extracted from human erythrocytes with the "Bombay" phenotype.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 40% of normal donors are mitogenically unresponsive to UCHT1, a monoclonal antibody reactive to the T3 surface molecule on human T lymphocytes. Cell preparations from non-UCHT1 responders were used to examine whether and how interaction of UCHT1 with the T3 molecule affects T-cell functionality. It was found that UCHT1 profoundly (greater than 85%) suppressed lymphocyte proliferation induced by plant mitogens (phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A], recall antigen (candidin), and allogeneic non-T cells. The antibody abrogated both the production of interleukin 2 (IL-2) by and the expression of IL-2-specific receptors on T lymphocytes stimulated by PHA or allogeneic non-T cells. UCHT1 was maximally suppressive when added to cells within 2 hr (PHA stimulation) or 1 day (allogeneic non-T cell activation) after the initiation of the culture period. The inhibiting activity of UCHT1 could be related to its ability to modulate T3 molecules from the T-cell surface: both actions displayed the same antibody concentration dependence and had a comparable time dependence. Moreover, after modulation, unresponsive lymphocytes regained responsiveness to PHA in parallel with reexpression of surface T3 molecules. These findings are consistent with the idea that the human T3 molecule functions as an essential signal transducer during the early phases of T-cell activation.  相似文献   

Hamster mAb against activated human monocytes were examined for their reactivities against monocyte activation Ag. One mAb, anti-2.28, stained only monocytes activated with LPS plus IFN-gamma, but not unactivated peripheral blood monocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes, RBC, and platelets. However, it stained peripheral blood T cells activated with PMA plus anti-CD3 and peripheral blood and tonsillar B cells activated with PMA plus anti-mu. Of the 35 cell lines of diverse origin examined for immunofluorescence staining by anti-2.28, only EBV-transformed cell lines showed strong staining by this mAb. One pre-B cell line, Nalm-12, could be induced by PMA to exhibit intermediate staining. Immunoprecipitation studies identified the 2.28 Ag as a 70- to 85-kDa monomer. Immunofluorescence staining, immunoprecipitation, and peptide mapping studies indicated that 2.28 was different from a number of monocyte and lymphocyte surface Ag including Mo3e, B-4 (CD19), B-5, CD39, and the G28-8 Ag Bgp 95. These studies suggest that 2.28 may be a novel hemopoietic non-lineage-specific activation Ag.  相似文献   

A new mouse monoclonal antibody (HIEI, IgG1 type) that reacts with a cell surface glycoprotein of human lymphocytes was isolated. Membrane immunofluorescence assay showed that HIEI, like the anti-Tac monoclonal antibody, reacted preferentially with activated normal human T-cells and adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) virus (ATLV)-carrying human T- and B-cell lines. However, an interesting difference between HIEI and anti-Tac antibody was that HIEI did not react with ATLV-transformed simian cell lines or those cultured with interleukin-2 (IL-2), whereas the anti-Tac antibody did. The immunoprecipitation assay showed that both HIEI and anti-Tac antibody precipitated a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 60,000 daltons (gp60) from activated normal T-cells and ATLV-positive T- and B-cells, and also gp53 from MT-2 and MT-2-related T-cell lines transformed with ATLV in vitro by the MT-2 cocultivation method. HIEI inhibited the IL-2-dependent proliferation of normal T-cells, but its inhibitory effect was much weaker than that of the anti-Tac antibody. The anti-Tac antibody interfered with the binding of HIEI to target cells, but HIEI did not block binding of the anti-Tac antibody to the cells. These observations indicate that HIEI antibody recognizes a new antigenic determinant of the human Tac antigen.  相似文献   

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