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Many exposures assigned to the Miocene formation of “Marnes de Saubrigues” (southwestern Aquitaine Basin) have been studied. Their revised stratigraphical allocation has made it possible to recognize mainly Middle to Late Burdigalian age deposits which have been widely sampled. They have been correlated with planktonic zones N6 pars-N7 and NN3-NN4 and locally dated 17.7 Ma with Sr isotopes. It is noteworthy that this chronological interval is only known in the southern Basin. An inventory of the rather abundant microplankton is provided, including series crossed by drillings in the Gulf of Biscay. These deposits yield a large diversity of benthic foraminifera, nearly 400 taxa, which can be considered as a reference fauna for western Europe Burdigalian. From a geographic point of view, it has been possible to subdivise the exposures into groups according to their bathymetry. Let us point out the first discovery of Borelis in the Burdigalian of France and in the northeastern Atlantic Miocene as well. Very rare specimens of Cycloclypeus are also present in the Aquitaine Basin. Among smaller foraminifera, the occurrence of Rosalina aguayoi, Pavonitina styriaca, the last appearance of Falsocibicides aquitanicus and the persistance of the genus Almaena must be emphasized. Several assemblages supply diatoms, rare radiolaria and sometimes abundant sponge spicules; the presence of these organisms, seldom reported from the Aquitaine Tertiary, might be linked to upwelling-type currents. Bachmayerella (inc. sed.) is uncommon and cited for the first time in the Burdigalian. A few taxonomical remarks and short notes are given for some species of foraminifera, and palaeoecological details as well. Numerous taxa are represented and comparisons with the foraminifera faunas mainly from the Lower-Middle Miocene of Western Mediterranean and Paratethys are sketched.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative analyses of planktonic foraminifera (completed by calcareous nannofossils in some localities) from 8 sections and boreholes located in 7 Neogene basins of the South Rifian Corridor (Morocco) enable us to identify 16 bioevents calibrated with the geomagnetic polarity time scale. These events are useful for (1) assigning the sediments to the Tortonian (bioevents 1 to 7), the Messinian (bioevents 9 to 14, the event 8 indicates the Tortonian/Messinian boundary), the Early Pliocene (bioevent 15) and the Middle Pliocene (bioevent 16), (2) establishing high resolution correlations between the sections and boreholes studied herein, (3) locating the South Rifian Corridor sections and boreholes within the framework of biostratigraphic events recognized during the latest ten years in time-equivalent Atlantic and Mediterranean sequences, and (4) estimating the variation of sedimentation rates in the studied basins. With respect to Morocco, previous detailed studies concerned only the Rabat area (Bou Regreg valley) and Guercif basin. Our results extend correlations to the other basins of the South Rifian Corridor, a key area to understand connections between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea at the end of the Miocene.  相似文献   

A stratigraphical chart of marine ostracoda from Lower Miocene to Recent is established. Selected species (approximatively 220) are those morphologicaly well characterized and known from different parts of the Mediterranean area. It appears that: • lower Miocene ostracodes are still poorly known; • specific diversity is high during the Tortonian and the Lower Messinian before the complete disappearance of marine Mediterranean species during the Upper Messinian évaporitic episodes; • during the early Pliocene, about half of the Upper Miocene marine species are reintroduced with the Atlantic waters; other species migrate for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea by the same way; • at the end of the Pliocene or at the beginning of the Pleistocene several species known in Mediterranean since the Middle Miocene or before, such as Cytherella sp. gr. transversa and Ruggieria tetraptera, as well some “nordic guests” such as Hemicythere villosa and Cythere lutea, appear. This work is an opportunity to confirme a Late Miocene age for the Neogene of Skyros (Aegean Sea), to assign the “Upper Pliocene” of Terquem to the Lower Pleistocene and to refute the existence of a pliocene psychrosphere.  相似文献   

Biometric study of the inner features of Heterostegina specimens preserved in tortonian sediments of the oued Yhoudi member allows to confirm the presence of species Heterostegina papyracea Seguenza, 1880. Analysis of both large and small components of the foraminiferal assemblage in all examined samples establishes the dominant character of species Heterostegina papyracea Seguenza (more than 60% of total benthic foraminifera). The assemblage of small benthic foraminifera associated with the Heterostegina is different from that described from Recent sediments, as well as from Miocene sediments of Calabria and Spain. In order to explain this result, two hypotheses can be put forward: (1) the Tortonian Heterostegina from Morocco proliferated abundantly in very shallow environments in association with small foraminifera (i.e. abundant Ammonia beccarii). (2) Because of powerful tidal currents in the South Rifian Corridor, Heterostegina tests were probably transferred after death. This transfer could possibly be due to the narrowness of the South Rifian Corridor in the Early Late Tortonian and its position between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Similar cases foraminiferal displacements are also known from modern basins. This study illustrates the difficulties in reconstructing the paleogeography of the studied area and the importance of considering all available components of the assemblage.  相似文献   

Based on calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera1 biostratigraphic data from flysch sequences, we give evidence for the paleoenvironmental evolution of Gavrovo and Ionian foreland basins (External Hellenides, Etoloakarnania region). Our data suggest that the onset of clastic sedimentation in both foreland basins in the study area is chronostratigraphically placed at Late Eocene (from 36.2-34.4 Ma; nannofossil biozones NP19-20, planktonic foraminifera biozones P16-17). During the earliest Oligocene (NP21-22 nannofossil biozones/34.4-32.45 Ma), both basins represent restricted accumulation of sediments, mainly composed of clays and silts. The presence of thick flysch deposits, accumulated during Early Oligocene (33.4-30 Ma, nannofossil zone NP23), indicates an increasing rate of sediment supply. The flysch sequences in the Ionian basin are associated with a distal depositional environment, while in the same time the sedimentation in the external part of Gavrovo basin is related to a more proximal environment that is gradually deepening. On the contrary, the internal part of Gavrovo basin is characterised by deep-water facies, deposited in the Early Oligocene. At the end of Early Oligocene and the onset of Late Oligocene (nannofossil zone NP24/30-27.2 Ma, planktonic foraminifera zone P21), the deposition of coarse grained sediments in both basins indicates a shift to shallower depositional environment. The accumulation of fine-grained sediments during Late Oligocene (27.2-23.2 Ma, NP25 nannofossil biozone) in the Ionian basin marks the youngest flysch sediments in the Etoloakarnania region and specifies the time of the Gavrovo nappe emplacement on the Ionian zone. Moreover the emplacement of Pindos nappe on the Gavrovo zone is estimated between 30-27.2 Ma (NP24 biozone) as supported by the nannofossil analysis of samples in front of Pindos thrust.  相似文献   

During the Miocene time, the Atlas-pelagian block, which is limited northward by the atlasic-alpin chain of North Africa-Sicily, southward by the Gafsa-Jeffara-Azizia fault and eastward by the Malta escarpment, resulted from the extension-compression regime, mainly controlled by the subduction-collision processes. This regime induced the opening of many Miocene microbasins, which have been infilled by silicoclastic materials showing lateral and vertical facies variations and several hiatus associated to tectonic and stratigraphic unconformities. Excepting the very local transgressive regimes, such as those of Langhian and Messinian periods, most of the Miocene deposits took place on internal platforms, especially at the NE part of the country. The fluviodeltaic and alluvial sediments are, in fact, lateral equivalents which infilled the valley and depression enclosed systems towards the SW. In this context (rapid facies variations in time and space, superposition of tectonic and eustatic unconformities, climatic variations, rare or absent stratigraphic markers…), some controversies remain as regards the correlation and dating of these series. This work consists of a study of the lateral and vertical facies and thickness variations, coupled to the identification of the main unconformities. It is also a study of significance of the main sedimentological mechanisms and an inventory of the different palynological and paleontological content of the sediments. The aim of this work is to propose a new vision on the Miocene deposits in Tunisia along a NE-SW axis. Then, using these data, we have correlated the different lithological formations, discuss their age and, finally, proposed paleogeographical drafts for them.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Paleocene and Eocene formations have been reconsidered on the basis of 18 dated boreholes that intersect the Basque Country, Peyrehorade, Sainte-Suzanne and Sauvelade allochthonous tectonic units, as well as the autochthonous units of the Pey-Saint-Lon anticline, the Arzacq Basin and the North Pyrenean Trough. Correlation of the formations identified in the boreholes and at outcrop has made it possible to outline the sedimentary evolution of this region during the Early Paleogene and to date the various stages of Pyrenean compression on the basis of sedimentary gaps and syntectonic detrital input. The Lasseube Formation is present over the entire study area. Sedimentation becomes differentiated during the Late Selandian-Early Ypresian period. In the North Pyrenean Trough and in the Peyrehorade, Sainte-Suzanne and Sauvelade units, the detrital-clayey Pont-Labau Formation is well developed and all its members are represented (Guillempau, Latapy, Néez, Libaros and Artigueloutan; zones upper P 3b-P 6b; upper NP 5-NP 11). A sedimentary gap showing erosion, and involving zones upper P 3b-upper P 4a and upper NP 5-NP 7, characterises the Basque units, the Pey-Saint-Lon anticline and the western part of the Arzacq Basin. Sedimentation recommences in zone P 8 with middle-bathyal deposits of the Cassoua Member and then continues with the Artigueloutan Member (transition facies towards the Louts Formation) or limestone resembling that of the Meilhan Formation. The Gan Formation shows an east-west polarity. In the east, between the Sainte-Suzanne Unit and the North Pyrenean Trough, the formation is argillaceous with a dominant neritic character, apart from a circalittoral to epibathyal passage in its lower part (zone P 7) containing numerous planktonic foraminifera. The formation is of a detrital and carbonate nature in the west (Sainte-Marie-de-Gosse 1). The bathyal Donzacq Formation appears to transgress a previously deformed surface. Two domains existed during the Lutetian: a continental to neritic domain in the south and a bathyal domain in the north (the Saint-Geours-d'Auribat and Miretrain formations) separated by a variably thick transition zone that is affected by thrust fronts. Two new formations - the Orthez and Sorde-l'Abbaye formations - are proposed, and the Marly limestone formation of Saint-Barthélémy (Douvillé, 1905) is redefined. The Orthez Formation (Sauvelade Unit) is composed of marl and continental conglomerate with neritic carbonate interbedding and belongs to the sub-zones NP 15a and b. The Sorde-l'Abbaye Formation (Peyrehorade Unit and the Basque units p. p.) is composed of neritic carbonate sediments (Lutetian-Priabonian). The Saint-Barthélémy Formation is made up of syntectonic conglomerate, turbiditic limestone and pelagic marl in the central part of the Basque units (NP 15a-NP 16). The Bartonian and Priabonian stages are characterised by carbonate sediments in the Arzacq Basin (Siest Formation). Its base is diachronous: Upper Lutetian (zone SB 16) in the east and Late Bartonian grading to Priabonian in the west (zones SB 17/18 and SB 19). The sediments are argillaceous (Côte des Basques Formation) along the Atlantic coast, in the central part of the Basque units and in the Bayonne-Cauneille syncline. Major thickness variations reflect tectonic phases at the top of the Lasseube Formation in the north (erosion pre NP 8), the Néez Member (NP 7/NP 8 boundary), the Artigueloutan Member (NP 11/NP 12 boundary), and the Gan Formation (P 8/P 9 boundary). The syntectonic conglomerate and breccia indicate the development of thrust fronts in the Libaros Member (NP 8), at the base of the Pillardou and Artigueloutan members (NP 9b, c-NP 10), in the Saint-Geours-d'Auribat Formation (NP 14b) and in the Orthez and Saint-Barthélémy formations (between zones NP 15a and NP 16).  相似文献   

The pollen analysis of sediments of two boreholes located in the northeastern Morocco (Nador 1) and in the southeastern Spain (Andalucia G1) has allowed shedding a new light on the vegetation and climate of the North African littoral plains, the Rif Massif and the Betic Range during the Pliocene. The vegetation around the Alboran Sea was open and xeric during the Zanclean, dominated by herbs including subdesertic elements as Calligonum, Lygeum, Nitraria and Neurada. This type of vegetation indicates a dry and hot climate. The southwestern Mediterranean steppes have therefore a climatic character; they existed before the presence and the heavy pressure of Man on the environment. From the Piacenzian, the development, at Andalucia as well as at Nador, of Artemisia and the appearance of some altitude trees such as Cedrus and Cathaya indicate a vegetation change linked to a climatic change. Modifications in the vegetation observed during the same period in northwestern Mediterranean seem to indicate that the vegetation changes observed at Andalucia and Nador are controlled by the appearance of the first arctic glacial-interglacial cycles. The cedar tree appears at Nador only at the end of the Piacenzian, at time of the first cooling, while it has been found punctually in Messinian and early Pliocene sediments of Habibas in Algeria and in Messinian sediments of the Bou Regreg section at Salé in Morocco. The regular presence of Cedar at Bou Regreg during the Messinian, allows supposing that it was present in the Middle Atlas Mountains and that its development was favoured by colder conditions.  相似文献   

The larvae of some species of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) are able to bore the bones of a carrion for pupation. Several pupal chambers have been observed on an unciform belonging to a fossil rhinocerotid (Mesaceratherium sp.) from the late Oligocene/earliest Miocene of the phosphorites of Quercy (SW France). Such an unusual observation demonstrates the occurrence of dermestids in the entomofauna of the phosphorites of Quercy, and suggests at least the existence of paleoclimatic episodes with dry seasons, during a period usually considered as a relatively humid one. This is the earliest occurrence of such ichnofossils on a fossil mammal bone.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):193-212
Foraminifera and diatoms have been analyzed from an upper Miocene through Pleistocene(?) sequence of marine sediments exposed on Maria Madre Island, largest of the Trés Marias Islands off the Pacific coast of Mexico. The Neogene stratigraphic sequence exposed on Maria Madre Island includes a mid-Miocene(?) non-marine and/or shallow marine sandstone unconformably overlain by a lower upper Miocene to uppermost Miocene upper to middle bathyal laminated and massive diatomite, mudstone, and siltstone unit. This unit is unconformably overlain by lower Pliocene middle to lower bathyal sandstones and siltstones which, in turn, are unconformably overlain by upper Pliocene through Pleistocene(?) upper bathyal to upper middle bathyal foraminiferal limestones and siltstones. These beds are unconformably capped by Pleistocene terrace deposits. Basement rocks on the island include Cretaceous granite and granodiorite, and Tertiary(?) andesites and rhyolites. The upper Miocene diatomaceous unit contains a low diversity foraminiferal fauna dominated by species of Bolivina indicating low oxygen conditions in the proto-Gulf Maria Madre basin. The diatomaceous unit grades into a mudstone that contains a latest Miocene upper to middle bathyal biofacies characterized by Baggina californica and Uvigerina hootsi along with displaced neritic taxa. An angular unconformity separates the upper Miocene middle bathyal sediments from overlying lower Pliocene siltstones and mudstones that contain a middle to lower bathyal biofacies and abundant planktonic species including Neogloboquadrina acostaensis and Pulleniatina primalis indicating an early Pliocene age. Significantly, this Pliocene unit contains common occurrences of benthic species restricted to Miocene sediments in California including Bulimina uvigerinaformis. Pliocene to Pleistocene(?) foraminiferal limestones and siltstones characterize submarine bank accumulations formed during uplift of the Trés Marias Island area, and include abundant planktonic foraminifera such as Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Neogloboquadrina duterteri. Common benthic foraminifera in this unit are indicative of upper bathyal water depths. The Neogene depositional history recorded on Maria Madre Island involves an early late Miocene subsidence event marking formation of the Trés Marias Basin with relatively undiluted diatomaceous sediment deposited in a low oxygen setting. Subsidence and deepening of the basin continued into the early Pliocene along with rapid deposition of terrigenous clastics. Uplift of the basinal sequence began in late Pliocene time accompanied by deposition of upper Pliocene-Pleistocene foraminiferal limestones on a rising submarine bank. Continued episodic uplift of the Neogene deposits brought the island above sea level by late Pleistocene time.  相似文献   

Numerous fragments of spatangoid echinoids have been discovered in the Pliocene deposits of Challans, in Vendée (western France). In spite of the fragmentary data of the samples, a reconstitution of a complete test could be realized using the different fragments and their symetrization. The general shape of the test, and its architectural and ornemental characters allow establishing the presence of the genus Spatangus in western France during the end of Neogene. It allows to precise the biogeography of the genus Spatangus and of the morphological group S. (S.) purpureus on the Atlantic coast after the Messinian crisis. The Pliocene species is compared to the Miocene Spatangus (Phymapatagus) brittanus, abundant in Anjou, Brittany and Touraine. This older species was refered to the subgenus Phymapatagus according to the presumed lack of primary tubercles on its posterior interambulacrum. The discovery of well-preserved specimens, with primary tubercles on every parts of the test, in the Middle Miocene of Brittany allows to refute this subgeneric distinction and to refer the species brittanus to the subgenus Spatangus (Spatangus). The presence of this subgenus in western France is finally confirmed from Middle Miocene to Pliocene.  相似文献   

A 122 cm-long core was taken in the El-Guettiate Sebkha of Skhira (southeastern part of Tunisia) in order to investigate the recent palaeoenvironmental evolution of this region. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of ostracod and benthic foraminifera assemblages coupled with a correspondence analysis allows the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Holocene in this area. Four typical associations of ostracods (open marine, coastal marine, lagoonal and estuarine brackish) and two associations of benthic foraminifera (coastal and lagoonal) were distinguished. The onset of restricted lagoonal environments linked to the building-up of sand spit led to the onset of restricted lagoon and brackish environment at cal. 5408 years BP. The Shannon and equitability index of diversity were used to decipher the structural variations of the populations of ostracods and benthic foraminifera along the sampled core. We note a reduction in the Shannon index from the bottom to the top, which indicates a progressive isolation of the biotope. The open lagoonal episode is characterized by high values of diversity. During restricted lagoonal episodes the Shannon and equitability index are reduced. The correspondence analysis reveals an environmental gradient related to the marine influence. It shows an antagonism between the widely opened estuarian lagoonal species and those of restricted lagoon. The less opened estuarian lagoonal taxa occupy an intermediate position. Based on these evidences, microfauna carried out in the El-Guettiate Sebkha allows us to recognize four phases beginning with a widely opened estuarian lagoon (ca. cal. 7460 years PB), followed by a restricted lagoon (ca. cal. 5408 years BP) and finally a brackish lagoon evolving towards the present-day sebkha environment. The opened estuarine lagoon is characterized by high values of species richness and diversity indices.  相似文献   

A fossil tree was discovered during the 16th century at Jáchymov (Bohemia). The wood was first named by Unger, in 1842, Ulminium diluviale. But it belongs to the Lauraceae family and Felix, in 1883, named it Laurinoxylon diluviale. The authors give the history and the geological setting of the area and describe the anatomy of the wood. The diagnosis of the genus Laurinoxylon Felix, 1883. is emended as follows: heteroxylous fossil wood with average sized solitary vessels or in radial groups; perforation plates simple and sometimes scalariform; intervascular pits alternate and moderately large; thyloses present. Paratracheal parenchyma. Uni to five seriate rays, slightly heterocellular and less than 1 mm high; ray-vessel pits large often stretched. Libriform or with radial pits fibres. Oil cells or mucilage (idioblasts) present. The diagnosis of the species Laurinoxylon diluviale (Unger) Felix, 1883. is also emended. Heteroxylous fossil wood with distinct growth rings; late wood poorly developed with vessels of diameter distinctly smaller as compared to the early wood and with smaller diameter fibres. Diffuse to semiporous vessels, solitary or in radial groups of two to seven , nine to 16 pores/mm2; tangential diameter 100 to 154 μm in early wood and 44 to 72 μm in late wood; vessel length 300 to 550 μm; perforation plates simple and scalariforme (6–12 bars); intervascular pits alternate, rounded (diameter 7–10 μm) or elliptic (long axes × short axes: 10–15 μm × 7–10 μm); thylosis present. Paratracheal parenchyma in more or less complete rows (1–2 cells wide) around the vessels. Heterocellular rays (1–(3) rows of upright cells), of one to five, more frequently three to four cells wide (80%); two to 36 cells high (60 to 820 μm); six to seven rays per tangential millimetre; vessels-rays pits sometimes large, stretched horizontally to vertically. Fibres of 15 to 25 μm in diameter; cell walls of 2–3 μm thick; pits not seen. Oil cells (idioblasts) at the ray margins; 27–60 μm in tangential diameter; 50–80 μm in radial diameter; 72–140 μm high; density of zero to 18 per transversal square millimetres depending on the observed area.  相似文献   

After the previous lacking evidence allowed the interpretation of a non-deposition episod, the newly recorded mammal fauna from Puycelci (Tarn, SW France, close South to the Quercy paleokarstic area) now shows the MP 26 standard level (Late Oligocene, Early Chattian) being represented within the Eastern Aquitaine molassic basin filling. According to the evolutionary stage of known mammal lineages, the most significant Puycelci fossils are the Issiodoromys pauffiensis rodent and the Metriotherium cf. sarelense nov. sp. (described in this paper) artiodactyl ungulate. This new dating exemplifies the improvement of the mammalian biochronologic record as regards both the Quercy paleokarst and the surrounding lacustrine Tertiary basins W, S, and S-E to the Quercy, as well as, directly E and N-E, the smaller tectonic Tertiary basins within the crystalline Massif Central basement. The updated record shows the strong extension in time of the paleokarstic data, down to the Middle and Early Eocene, and up to the Early Miocene. Regarding the classically reported Late Eocene to Late Oligocene span, as well in the paleokarst and the peripheral basins, the available biochronological data now attains a valuable density level, the variation of which is significant. On one side there are periods (Late Eocene, Early Oligocene, Early Late Oligocene) with high biochronologic density, allowing improved time resolution using evolutionary stages within mammalian lineages (e.g. numerical ages). Such periods corresponds to almost continuous sedimentary processes, with only possible short breaks. On the other side, there are periods with unreported data, shared in the paleokarst and peripheral basins (Late Oligocene as best example). Such periods may well correspond to some non-deposition episods as once alleged by geologists. Then the surrounding biochronologic data would bear constraining value regarding these episods.  相似文献   

The lower Messinian marine sediments of the Capo San Marco Formation in the Sinis area (Sardinia, Italy) contain extensive carbonate buildups mainly made of microbialites. These microbialites exhibit general thrombolitic fabric and occur in meso-macroscopic scale as dominant cauliflower-like structures, digitations and encrusting rings. All the microbialites are here associated with serpulid tubes and bryozoan colonies. Examination of thin sections from microbialite samples reveal the presence of dense flexuous, not ramified and erect tubular micritic structures, with an external diameter ranging from 30 to 40 μm, all characters being very close to those of the Girvanella-type filaments. Although all microbialites show quite similar structural aspects, only two levels contain clearly visible networks of such filaments. The associated marine biota is diverse (cemented, borers, burrowers) related to the available biotopes (hard substrates, fine grained sediment, cavities…). The general scarcity of microbial remains in Messinian microbialites points out to the problem of taphonomic processes allowing a good preservation of microbial structures. The concept of Lagerstätten could well be extended to the preservation of microscopic organisms in the carbonate material. The discovery of Girvanella-like filaments demonstrates the implication of cyanobacterial organisms in the construction processes of the Messinian thrombolitic buildups. Furthermore, it is the first time that Girvanella-like microbialites are documented from Upper Miocene marine rocks.  相似文献   

The Messinian pre-evaporitic sedimentary succession of Gavdos Island (Metochia section) is a nearly uninterrupted succession of marine sediments, dominated by finely laminated diatomaceous marls, which are cyclically alternating with clayey diatomites and white diatomites. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna allowed the recognition of nine bioevents, which have been astronomically dated for the Mediterranean. The base of the diatomitic succession in Gavdos Island is dated at 6.722 Ma and the top at 6.015 Ma. The studied section contains benthic foraminiferal genera characteristic of an outer shelf to slope environment. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of this microfauna revealed three benthic foraminiferal fossil assemblages and the occurrence of allochthonous species transported into the bathyal environment by current activity. The cyclical pattern of the benthic foraminifera assemblages indicates that the studied sediments have been affected by repeated episodes of basin restriction characterized by low diversity benthic foraminifera populations, and a limited planktonic foraminifer association typified by shallow, surface-dwelling forms. This restriction was partly due to Antarctic cooling, which produced palaeo-Mediterranean sea-level oscillations during the Early Messinian, as a prelude to closure of the Atlantic connections. The relative impact of climatic versus tectonic control on sedimentation patterns within this basin is discussed.  相似文献   

The “Aleria formation”, described in northeastern Corsica, consists of siliciclastic deposits referred to a deltaic environment and comprises diatomitic lenses exposed at Casabianda. The Aleria formation fills a depression of the Messinian erosional surface and is overlain by Early Pliocene sediments in several places. This suggests a late Messinian-earliest Pliocene age. Diatom microflora is well-preserved and contains 59 species. Pennates indicate a very large diversity with 54 species, while Centrics are represented only by five species. Diatom assemblages show a relative constant composition along the studied interval. The species Aulacoseiragranulata is the dominant taxon with about 90% in all samples. Taxa are of different salinity classes and different modes of life (planktic, tychoplanktic, benthic, epiphytic…), suggesting multiple environmental factor interactions. The environmental model suggested by sedimentological and biological data led as to assume a pond-like coastal receptacle common in deltaic system. This receptacle was slightly influenced by the close marine waters and was supplied by permanent freshwaters from continental run-off and alluvial sheet. This model based on diatom assemblages provides new data for palaeoenvironmental and chronological interpretations of the so-called Messinian Lago-Mare deposits.  相似文献   

Twelve species of the family Cyprididae were found in the Upper Miocene of the Turiec Basin, of which three are new - Herpetocypris denticulata nov. sp., H. pusilla nov. sp. et Psychrodromus janzi nov. sp. The occurrence of Mediocypris suggests that ostracods occupied the Turiec Basin since the Middle Miocene. The psychrophilic genera (Psychrodromus and Cavernocypris) provide evidence of cold springs around the lake. In the sediments studied, the Cyprididae are associated with other ostracods that characterise shallow aquatic habitats and a diverse community of both aquatic and terrestrial plants. The sexual paleo-populations of Heterocypris salina (Brady, 1868), Herpetocypris pusilla nov. sp. and Psychrodromus janzi nov. sp. are observed.  相似文献   

Paleontological and biostratigraphical studies on carbonate platform succession from southwest Iran documented a great diversity of shallow-water benthic foraminifera during the Oligocene–Miocene. Larger foraminifera are the main means for the stratigraphic zonation of carbonate sediments. The distributions of larger benthic foraminifera in two outcrop sections (Abolhayat and Lali) in the Zagros Basin, Iran, are used to determine the age of the Asmari Formation. Four assemblage zones have been recognized by distribution of the larger benthic foraminifera in the study areas. Assemblage 3 (Aquitanian age) and 4 (Burdigalian age) have not been recognized in the Abolhayat section (Fars area), due to sea-level fall. The end Chattian sea-level fall restricted marine deposition in the Abolhayat section and Asmari Formation replaced laterally by the Gachsaran Formation. This suggests that the Miocene part of the formation as recognized in the Lali section (Khuzestan area) of the Zagros foreland basin is not present in the Abolhayat outcrop. The distribution of the Oligocene larger benthic foraminifera indicates that shallow marine carbonate sediments of the Asmari Formation at the study areas have been deposited in the photic zone of tropical to subtropical oceans. Based on analysis of larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies features, three major depositional environments are identified. These include inner shelf, middle shelf and outer shelf. The inner shelf facies is characterized by wackestone–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifera. The middle shelf is represented by packstone–grainstone to floatstone with a diverse assemblage of larger foraminifera with perforate wall. Basinwards is dominated by argillaceous wackestone characterized by planktonic foraminifera and large and flat nummulitidae and lepidocyclinidae. Planktonic foraminifera wackestone is the dominant facies in the outer shelf.  相似文献   

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