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The study of marine incursions based on ostracods is carried out for the first time in the late Holocene, with core sediments of the Lac Retba edge. Twenty-four species are identified along the core; most of them are encountered in the Gulf of Guinea shelf and its adjacent lagoons. For the first time Buntonia olokundudui Reyment and Van Valen, Hermanites foveolata Omatsola and Soudanella africana Omatsola are recorded in Senegal. Four ostracods assemblages are evidenced along the core, corresponding to different stages of the lake evolution. Cyprideis nigeriensis Omatsola, Neomonoceratina iddoensis Omatsola and Aglaiocypris gambiensis Witte dominate the first assemblage; they indicate a lagoon slightly open to the sea and bordered with mangrove swamps under relatively humid climate conditions. The second association yields the most diversified ostracod fauna with C. nigeriensis, N. iddoensis and high proportion of reworked “marine species” which evidence a marine little gulf bordered by mangrove under a humid climate. The third, monospecific association (C. nigeriensis) is typical of a closed and hypersaline lagoon under dry climate conditions. An oligospecific association with C. nigeriensis, Pseudoconcha omatsolai Witte and very scarce reworked “marine species” occurs at the top of the core and characterises an open and hypersaline lagoon under arid climate conditions. Ostracods evidence two marine incursions. The first and the stronger one is dated here for the first time between 1420 and 1250 years B.P. The more recent is the weaker and is not yet dated. Evidence of the beginning of the Retba Lake closure towards 680 years B.P. appears at the top of the core, as indicated by high reduction of ostracods abundance, predominance of reticulate Cyprideis and disappearance of the “marine species”, while salts precipitated at the bottom of the lake.  相似文献   

A 122 cm-long core was taken in the El-Guettiate Sebkha of Skhira (southeastern part of Tunisia) in order to investigate the recent palaeoenvironmental evolution of this region. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of ostracod and benthic foraminifera assemblages coupled with a correspondence analysis allows the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Holocene in this area. Four typical associations of ostracods (open marine, coastal marine, lagoonal and estuarine brackish) and two associations of benthic foraminifera (coastal and lagoonal) were distinguished. The onset of restricted lagoonal environments linked to the building-up of sand spit led to the onset of restricted lagoon and brackish environment at cal. 5408 years BP. The Shannon and equitability index of diversity were used to decipher the structural variations of the populations of ostracods and benthic foraminifera along the sampled core. We note a reduction in the Shannon index from the bottom to the top, which indicates a progressive isolation of the biotope. The open lagoonal episode is characterized by high values of diversity. During restricted lagoonal episodes the Shannon and equitability index are reduced. The correspondence analysis reveals an environmental gradient related to the marine influence. It shows an antagonism between the widely opened estuarian lagoonal species and those of restricted lagoon. The less opened estuarian lagoonal taxa occupy an intermediate position. Based on these evidences, microfauna carried out in the El-Guettiate Sebkha allows us to recognize four phases beginning with a widely opened estuarian lagoon (ca. cal. 7460 years PB), followed by a restricted lagoon (ca. cal. 5408 years BP) and finally a brackish lagoon evolving towards the present-day sebkha environment. The opened estuarine lagoon is characterized by high values of species richness and diversity indices.  相似文献   

The study of a sea level fluctuation based on ostracods is carried out for the first time using core sediments of Mbawane and Retba Lakes, north coast of Senegal. A total of 26 species have been identified and most of them are encountered in the Gulf of Guinea shelf and its adjacent lagoons. The Retba Lake core, which is closer to the seashore, has yielded a richer and more diversified ostracod fauna composed of four assemblages. The F1 assemblage is composed of Cyprideis nigeriensis, Neomonoceratina iddoensis, and Aglaiocypris gambiensis, which characterises a slightly open lagoon developing under a humid climate with its edges covered with mangrove swamps. Assemblage F2, composed mainly of C. nigeriensis, N. iddoensis and “marine species”, which is richer and more diversified, points to a marine little gulf bordered by mangrove swamps. The F3 monospecific assemblage composed of C. nigeriensis indicates a drying confined lagoon under an arid climate. The F4 oligospecific association at the top, composed of C. nigeriensis and Pseudoconcha omatsolai, is typical of a slightly open saline lagoon under arid climate. Core sediments from Mbawane Lake have yielded scarce and badly preserved microfaunas which are distributed into three discontinuous levels that have been correlated to those of the Retba Lake core assemblages. The F1 assemblage composed of Leptocythere culpata and Xestoleberis sp. 2 corresponds to a slightly open lagoon covered at its bottom by marine macrophytes and algae. The F2 assemblage composed of N.iddoensis, Hemicytherura sp. A, Aglaiocypris gambiensis and Ruggieria tricostata characterises a more open lagoon bordered by mangrove swamps under a humid climate. The F3 assemblage is absent in the Mbawane Lake. The F4 monospecific association composed of C. nigeriensis characterises a drying lagoon under an arid climate. The overall marine influences were stronger in the Retba Lake while continental effects were dominant in Mbawane Lake during the same period. The two marine intrusions mentioned above may correspond to those of the Dakarian (3000 years B.P.) and the Saint-Louisian eras (2000–680 years B.P.) that existed during the Upper Holocene on the Senegalese coast.  相似文献   

Biometric study of the inner features of Heterostegina specimens preserved in tortonian sediments of the oued Yhoudi member allows to confirm the presence of species Heterostegina papyracea Seguenza, 1880. Analysis of both large and small components of the foraminiferal assemblage in all examined samples establishes the dominant character of species Heterostegina papyracea Seguenza (more than 60% of total benthic foraminifera). The assemblage of small benthic foraminifera associated with the Heterostegina is different from that described from Recent sediments, as well as from Miocene sediments of Calabria and Spain. In order to explain this result, two hypotheses can be put forward: (1) the Tortonian Heterostegina from Morocco proliferated abundantly in very shallow environments in association with small foraminifera (i.e. abundant Ammonia beccarii). (2) Because of powerful tidal currents in the South Rifian Corridor, Heterostegina tests were probably transferred after death. This transfer could possibly be due to the narrowness of the South Rifian Corridor in the Early Late Tortonian and its position between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Similar cases foraminiferal displacements are also known from modern basins. This study illustrates the difficulties in reconstructing the paleogeography of the studied area and the importance of considering all available components of the assemblage.  相似文献   

Many exposures assigned to the Miocene formation of “Marnes de Saubrigues” (southwestern Aquitaine Basin) have been studied. Their revised stratigraphical allocation has made it possible to recognize mainly Middle to Late Burdigalian age deposits which have been widely sampled. They have been correlated with planktonic zones N6 pars-N7 and NN3-NN4 and locally dated 17.7 Ma with Sr isotopes. It is noteworthy that this chronological interval is only known in the southern Basin. An inventory of the rather abundant microplankton is provided, including series crossed by drillings in the Gulf of Biscay. These deposits yield a large diversity of benthic foraminifera, nearly 400 taxa, which can be considered as a reference fauna for western Europe Burdigalian. From a geographic point of view, it has been possible to subdivise the exposures into groups according to their bathymetry. Let us point out the first discovery of Borelis in the Burdigalian of France and in the northeastern Atlantic Miocene as well. Very rare specimens of Cycloclypeus are also present in the Aquitaine Basin. Among smaller foraminifera, the occurrence of Rosalina aguayoi, Pavonitina styriaca, the last appearance of Falsocibicides aquitanicus and the persistance of the genus Almaena must be emphasized. Several assemblages supply diatoms, rare radiolaria and sometimes abundant sponge spicules; the presence of these organisms, seldom reported from the Aquitaine Tertiary, might be linked to upwelling-type currents. Bachmayerella (inc. sed.) is uncommon and cited for the first time in the Burdigalian. A few taxonomical remarks and short notes are given for some species of foraminifera, and palaeoecological details as well. Numerous taxa are represented and comparisons with the foraminifera faunas mainly from the Lower-Middle Miocene of Western Mediterranean and Paratethys are sketched.  相似文献   

The Messinian pre-evaporitic sedimentary succession of Gavdos Island (Metochia section) is a nearly uninterrupted succession of marine sediments, dominated by finely laminated diatomaceous marls, which are cyclically alternating with clayey diatomites and white diatomites. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna allowed the recognition of nine bioevents, which have been astronomically dated for the Mediterranean. The base of the diatomitic succession in Gavdos Island is dated at 6.722 Ma and the top at 6.015 Ma. The studied section contains benthic foraminiferal genera characteristic of an outer shelf to slope environment. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of this microfauna revealed three benthic foraminiferal fossil assemblages and the occurrence of allochthonous species transported into the bathyal environment by current activity. The cyclical pattern of the benthic foraminifera assemblages indicates that the studied sediments have been affected by repeated episodes of basin restriction characterized by low diversity benthic foraminifera populations, and a limited planktonic foraminifer association typified by shallow, surface-dwelling forms. This restriction was partly due to Antarctic cooling, which produced palaeo-Mediterranean sea-level oscillations during the Early Messinian, as a prelude to closure of the Atlantic connections. The relative impact of climatic versus tectonic control on sedimentation patterns within this basin is discussed.  相似文献   

The Solen 98 well corresponds to the limestones of the Lower Tithonian Cazals Formation (Gigas Zone). The iterative succession of six sedimentary terms expresses a cyclic peritidal dynamic. Limited by two emersion surfaces, each sequence evolves from an upper subtidal lagoon to a tidal flat, upper intertidal or supratidal environment, and ends with open sea depositional bioclastic and oolitic shoals deposits. Hierarchical ascendant classification applied to palynological data define 6 palynofacies types associated with different depositional facies. Type 1, characterizing open marine deposits, shows a diversified and balanced assemblage. The blade-shape woody particles are abundant and the amorphous organic matter is absent. Types 2 and 3 are linked to lagoonal and skeletal shoals deposits. Then microfossil population is dominated by Corculodinium or long-spine Micrhystridium. The Shannon-Weaver and the equitability indices are moderate. Type 4 is associated with the upper tidal flat, lagoonal and skeletal shoal deposits. When microfossils are present, the algal assemblages are more balanced than in type 5. This type, observed in all the palaeo-environments except the open marine, is enriched in elements attributed to the Hyalinsphaeridia complex. The marine component assemblages are balanced. The amorphous organic matter is relatively abundant and the oxydized woody particles absent. Type 6, mainly composed of amorphous organic matter and phytoclasts, is principally associated with the stromatolitic facies of tidal flat deposits. The example of the Solen 98 well, shows that hierarchical ascendant classification method is well suited for identification of palynofacies  相似文献   

The Cenozoic sequence of Ashtart 28 well drilled in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia) is the subject of a biostratigraphical study. The samples recovered in cuttings from 390 m and downwards allowed to recognize, above the Late Eocene sediments, a sedimentary series, lithologically diversified, nearly 1600 m thick. Marine Pliocene deposits, generally attesting a low bathymetry, lie unconformably above the Messinian (Oued Bel Khedim formation), which shows the usual features of the Mediterranean confinement. The underlying Messinian pre-evaporitic platform series (Melqart formation), that is over 250 m thick, is typical of a perireefal environment. The sediments assigned to the Tortonian (Somâa Sands formation) are continental and occur unconformably above the approximately 500-metres-thick Middle Miocene strata (Saouaf, Mahmoud, Aïn Grab and Salammbô pars formations). The marine Lower Miocene and Oligocene sediments (Salammbô pars and Ketatna formations), that are more than 300 m thick, lie in continuity under the Middle Miocene. The infralittoral Chattian sequence has especially supplied a diversified assemblage of larger foraminifera recovered in other west-mediterranean basins. Datings were obtained based on planktonic and larger benthic foraminifera (Miogypsinidae, Nummulitidae, Lepidocyclinidae) and by correlations obtained by means of well loggings and lithostratigraphy. Benthic foraminifera, mainly listed for the Miocene and Oligocene, are studied from a systematic, stratigraphic and paleogeographic point of view. The paleoenvironments of deposits are defined for each considered stratigraphic interval. Comparisons are sketched with other drillings of the Gulf of Gabes. Thanks to the numerous data obtained by this detailed study, the Ashtart drilling can serve as a reference for the Tertiary sequence of this part of the Mediterranean domain.  相似文献   

The “Aleria formation”, described in northeastern Corsica, consists of siliciclastic deposits referred to a deltaic environment and comprises diatomitic lenses exposed at Casabianda. The Aleria formation fills a depression of the Messinian erosional surface and is overlain by Early Pliocene sediments in several places. This suggests a late Messinian-earliest Pliocene age. Diatom microflora is well-preserved and contains 59 species. Pennates indicate a very large diversity with 54 species, while Centrics are represented only by five species. Diatom assemblages show a relative constant composition along the studied interval. The species Aulacoseiragranulata is the dominant taxon with about 90% in all samples. Taxa are of different salinity classes and different modes of life (planktic, tychoplanktic, benthic, epiphytic…), suggesting multiple environmental factor interactions. The environmental model suggested by sedimentological and biological data led as to assume a pond-like coastal receptacle common in deltaic system. This receptacle was slightly influenced by the close marine waters and was supplied by permanent freshwaters from continental run-off and alluvial sheet. This model based on diatom assemblages provides new data for palaeoenvironmental and chronological interpretations of the so-called Messinian Lago-Mare deposits.  相似文献   

The carbonate sediments of the Agadir Basin (Morocco) deposited during the Upper Bathonian-Lower Kimmeridgian p.p. interval are rich in agglutinated complex benthic foraminifera. The detailed inventory of several field-sections allows to identify and to describe these benthonic foraminifera, some of them being recorded for the first time in Morocco. They belong to the main genera Archaeosepta, Andersenolina, Praekurnubia, Pseudocyclammina, Everticyclammina, Alveosepta, Kurnubia, Parurgonina, Neokilianina, Labyrinthina and Rectocyclammina. The stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic distribution of these foraminifera seem to be related to the geodynamic events occurring on the Moroccan Atlantic margin during this time-interval. The stratigraphic distribution of the principal species is generally controlled by the occurrence of ammonites, brachiopods and of some foraminifera which are considered as good stratigraphic markers.  相似文献   

Summary Smaller benthic and planktonic foraminifera from the clastic sediments of the Pazin Basin (Istria, Croatia) were studied in order to obtain more data about paleoceanographic conditions that existed in the Middle Eocene Dinaric foreland basin. The succession investigated corresponds to the Middle Eocene planktonic foraminiferal zones Globigerapsis kugleri/Morozovella aragonensis (P11), Morozovella lehneri (P12), and Globigerapsis beckmanni (P13). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the clastic succession are dominated by epifaunal trochospiral genera suggesting oligotrophic to mesotrophic conditions and moderately oxygenated bottom waters. Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages indicate mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions of the surface waters, with increased eutrophication in the upper part of the section. Water depth, based on the ratio between planktonic and epifaunal benthic foraminifera and on the recognized species of cosmopolitan benthic foraminifera, was estimated to have been between about 900 and 1200 m. The basin was elongated and open to marine currents on both sides allowing good circulation and ventilation of the bottom water.  相似文献   

Lower Miocene strata exposed in the Khoy-Bostan Abad area (NW Iran) document marine platform environments. Paleontological and lithological characteristics of these deposits were investigated to develop detailed bio- and lithostratigraphic frameworks. The shallow marine units, composed of bioclastic carbonates in Bostan Abad and mixed siliciclastic carbonates in Khoy area, were deposited under different local tectonic regimes. Relatively diverse assemblages of benthic foraminifera from these shallow marine units were studied to establish a high resolution biostratigraphy in the context of the standard shallow benthic zonation of Western Tethys. The co-occurrence of Miogypsina intermedia Drooger and Borelis melo curdica (Reichel) characterizes Zone SBZ25, indicating a Burdigalian age as also indicated by planktonic foraminifera.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphical high-resolution analyses and quantitative data confirm that deposition is continuous across the K-Pg transition in several sections in Tunisia (El Kef, stratotype section) and Spain (Agost and Caravaca sections) located in the Tethyan realm and the Bidart sections in the Atlantic realm, without any relevant hiatus. The Upper Maastrichtian assemblages of planktic foraminifera from these sections are largely dominated by small biserial heterohelicids. They are associated to common species having planispiral test (i.e. globigerinelloids), trochospiral test (i.e. hedbergellids, rugoglobigerinids globotruncanids), to rare triserial heterohelicids (i.e. guembelitriids) and trochospiral species showing tubulospines (i.e. schackoinids). Stratigraphical ranges of these diverse taxa through the late Maastrichtian in the Tethyan and Atlantic realms show very few changes in the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and most of the species are present in the Abathomphalus mayaroensis biozone. By our high-resolution sampling and the intensive research for the A. mayaroensis index species in the uppermost Maastrichtian samples, we confirm that this species is omnipresent up to the top of the Maastrichtian. Therefore, A. mayaroensis is present in almost all samples which are late Maastrichtian in age, but this species became very scarce in the uppermost Maastrichtian samples. This scarceness could be due to a climate cooling. A sharp decrease in relative abundance of the deep dwellers species, like as Abathomphalus intermedius and A. mayaroensis as well as in other keeled globotruncanids is observed at the studied sections from the Tethyan realm (indicative of low latitude) across the latest Maastrichtian. At the K/Pg boundary, all the globotruncanids disappeared. They are considered specialists living in tropical-subtropical deep seawater habitat. At this boundary, large and ornate heterohelicids also disappeared. Therefore, all the studied sections show that about 90 % of the Maastrichtian species became extinct according to a catastrophic mass extinction pattern. Only about 10 % crossed the K/Pg boundary and survived during the earliest Danian. The minor difference in the number of disappeared taxa is related to their latitude location or environment paleodepth. The changes in the species relative abundance, observed in the successive planktic foraminiferal assemblages, make it possible to recognize the Acme-stage 0 typical of the upper Maastrichtian interval. It is characterized by the highest species richness of Globotruncanids and heterohelicids specialists of tropical to subtropical marine conditions, the Acme-stage 1 typical of the Guembelitria cretacea Zone, and in particular of the Hedbergella holmdelensis Subzone dominated by “opportunists” species belonging to Guembelitria, the Acme-stage 2 which corresponds to the Pv. eugubina Zone dominated mainly by specimens belonging to Palaeoglobigerina and Parvularugoglobigerina and the Acme-stage 3 which characterizes mainly the Ps. pseudobulloides Zone dominated by biserial species belonging to Chiloguembelina and Woodringina.  相似文献   

The micropalaeontological content of five sections, located in Northeastern Algeria (Saharan Atlas) was investigated by means of washing/counting of microfossils in marly levels, and microfacies analyses of calcareous levels. In these levels of Upper Cretaceous age, hundred species of foraminifera were identified but only about 15 species of ostracoda and about ten of radiolaria. This work allows, first of all, to establish a rather precise stratigraphic frame, in particular by means of studying planktonic foraminifera. Two to five biozones were defined, between the Vraconnian (Th. Appenninica biozone) and the early Turonian (Whiteinella archaeocretacea biozone, then Helvetoglobotruncana Helvetica biozone for certain sections). Secondly, the quantitative analyses led on foraminifera allowed the definition of palaeoenvironment. The ratio P/P+B, generally very high, coupled with a little diversified benthonic microfauna, indicates a calm and deep environment, of external platform or slope type. Furthermore, at numerous levels, various indications give evidence of the existence of a strong surface productivity (presence of upwellings), responsible for the proliferation of radiolaria (late Vraconnian/early Cenomanian especially) or of globular planktonic foraminifera (hedbergellids/heterohelicids); being both associated with low-oxygen deep waters. Two anoxic events were also revealed, the first one at the end of Vraconnian (OAE1d) and the second at the end of Cenomanian (OAE2). This last event in particular was characterized on all the sections, in a more or less detailed way, thanks to the identification of certain indicator: Heterohelix “bloom”, “filament” event, disappearance of rotaliporids, presence of “blackshales” strongly enriched in organic matter (Bahloul levels).  相似文献   

The well-exposed outcrops of the Bujan, northern Abadeh, and Varkan stratigraphic sections of the Qom Formation in the Iranian part of the “northeastern margin” of the Tethyan Seaway were characterized by abundant biogenic components dominated by foraminifers, coralline red algae, and corals. The Qom Formation is Rupelian–Chattian in age in the study areas. Based on the field investigations, depositional textures, and dominant biogenic components, fifteen (carbonate and terrigenous) facies were identified. These facies can be grouped into four depositional environments: open marine, open lagoon, restricted lagoon, and continental braided streams. The marine facies were deposited on a ramp-type platform. The euphotic inner ramp was characterized mainly by imperforate foraminifera, with co-occurrence of some perforate taxa. These facies passed basinward into a mesophotic (middle) ramp with Neorotalia packstone (F5), coral, coralline algae, perforate foraminiferal packstone (F4), and coral patch reefs (F7). The deeper, oligophotic ramp facies were marly packstones with planktonic and hyaline benthic foraminifera, including large lepidocyclinids and nummulitids. The abundance of perforate foraminifera and the absence of facies indicating restricted lagoonal or intertidal settings suggest that the Varkan section was deposited mainly in open marine settings with normal salinity. The prevalence of larger benthic foraminiferal and red algal assemblages, together with the coral facies, indicates that carbonate production took place in tropical–subtropical waters.  相似文献   

The Ologe Lagoon in southwestern Nigeria is a natural habitat located closely to both residential and industrial estates. The lagoon is heavily affected by effluents of agricultural and industrial runoff including organochlorine compounds and heavy metals (chloropesticides, DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls, cadmium, manganese, zinc, copper, lead, iron and nickel). Ologe Lagoon is situated in a semi-isolated position and its brackish waters traverse several creeks and lagoons before it reaches the Atlantic Ocean. The lagoon experiences minor tidal but noticeable salinity and pH variations during the rainy season. During the dry season, however, the waters have a comparatively long resident time where sediments act as sink and aggregate contaminants over time. Investigations on benthic foraminifera, thecamoebian and diatom species were carried out to document the current status, composition, spatial distribution, and response of microfaunal assemblages to environmental stressors within the lagoon. The benthic foraminifer assemblage is composed of four highly specialized agglutinated species of Ammotium salsum, Miliammina fusca, Ammobaculites dilatatus and Ammobaculites aff. A. exiguus. They are present at all sample sites with varying abundances. The high abundance of Ammotium salsum is considered an indication of environmental stress. Thecamoebian species of Difflugia oblonga, Difflugia proteiformis and Pontigulasia compressa were also recorded in varying proportions and generally represent less than one percent of the total foraminifera/thecamoebian assemblage. The presence of marine brackish water larger siliceous diatoms of Actinoptychus and Campylodiscus species indicates an interaction between the lagoon and the marine waters although on the minimal scale with regards to actual salinity ranges. The faunal assemblages recovered are characterized by low species richness and alpha diversity indices and are typical of shallow, marginal-marine hyposaline environments. Numerical abundances and spatial distribution patterns suggest taxon-specific habitat preferences and highlight their potential for environmental monitoring studies.  相似文献   

A stratigraphical chart of marine ostracoda from Lower Miocene to Recent is established. Selected species (approximatively 220) are those morphologicaly well characterized and known from different parts of the Mediterranean area. It appears that: • lower Miocene ostracodes are still poorly known; • specific diversity is high during the Tortonian and the Lower Messinian before the complete disappearance of marine Mediterranean species during the Upper Messinian évaporitic episodes; • during the early Pliocene, about half of the Upper Miocene marine species are reintroduced with the Atlantic waters; other species migrate for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea by the same way; • at the end of the Pliocene or at the beginning of the Pleistocene several species known in Mediterranean since the Middle Miocene or before, such as Cytherella sp. gr. transversa and Ruggieria tetraptera, as well some “nordic guests” such as Hemicythere villosa and Cythere lutea, appear. This work is an opportunity to confirme a Late Miocene age for the Neogene of Skyros (Aegean Sea), to assign the “Upper Pliocene” of Terquem to the Lower Pleistocene and to refute the existence of a pliocene psychrosphere.  相似文献   

The spatial (i.e. microhabitat) and temporal (i.e. seasonal) characteristics of diatom assemblages in adjacent High Arctic lakes were studied intensively June–August 2004. These baseline data are used to improve understanding of modern diatom community dynamics, as well to inform paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Diatoms were collected approximately weekly through the melt season from each principal benthic substrate (moss/macrophyte, rock scrapes, littoral sediment), plankton, and sediment traps, and were compared to the uppermost 0.5 cm of a surface core obtained from the deepest part of the lake where sediment cores are routinely collected. Water samples were collected concurrently with diatom samples to investigate species–environment relationships. The lakes share approximately half of their common taxa, the most abundant overall in both lakes being small Cyclotella species. Results of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) indicate that the largest gradient in species turnover existed between benthic and planktonic communities in both lakes, and that sediment trap and the surface core top samples most closely resemble the planktonic assemblage, with an additional contribution from the lotic environment. Our results indicate clear micro-spatial controls on species assemblages and a degree of disconnection between the benthos and deep lake sediments that manifests as an under-representation of benthic taxa in deep lake surface sediments. These findings are particularly relevant in the context of interpreting the paleoenvironmental record and assessing ecosystem sensitivity to continued climate change.  相似文献   

Integrated data of calcareous nannofossils, as well as planktonic and benthic foraminifera from the Pissouri Motorway section on Cyprus allow the reconstruction of surface- and bottom-water paleoenvironments of the eastern Mediterranean during the interval preceding the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC). Contrary to deeper-water locations, where benthic foraminifera faunas are suppressed or absent just after the Tortonian–Messinian boundary, sediments deposited at intermediate water depths do contain benthic assemblages. From the earliest Messinian onwards, a development towards increasingly unfavourable paleoenvironments is reflected in the planktonic and benthic microfossil records of the Pissouri section and proceeds with rather discrete time steps that can be correlated to sequences throughout the Mediterranean. Shortly after the Tortonian–Messinian boundary a transition is recorded in the sedimentology and the open marine, deeper-water taxa disappear from the benthic foraminifera assemblages; subsequently, the diversity of all fauna groups diminishes. The changes recorded at species level in both surface-water and sea-floor dwelling taxa suggest decreasing circulation of the bottom waters, associated with changes in the surface waters, most likely due to increasing stratification. From ∼6.73 Ma onwards, our data indicate a prominent change to more restricted conditions and increasing salinity at the sea floor together with intermittently rising surface water salinity. The dominance of oligotypic and monospecific assemblages and the frequent shifts in assemblage compositions of all microfossil groups indicate severely stressed environments after ∼6.4 Ma, probably related to increased salinity. The major changes in paleoenvironmental conditions, including oxygen deprivation due to stagnation and hypersalinity, can be explained by hydrographical changes in the Mediterranean basin, which are probably caused by tectonic movements in the Rif Corridor acting in concert with astronomical cyclicity. Evaluation of the paleodepth proxies indicates that the depth of the Pissouri Basin remained rather constant at ∼300–500 m, with a minimum of 200 m, until deposition of the “barre jaune”, the transitional interval towards the evaporites and that early shallowing to neritic depths, as was proposed before, is highly unlikely.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2009,70(3-4):334-340
Gallitellia vivans is the only Recent representative of the triserial planktonic foraminiferal family Guembelitriidae. The origin and evolution of this interesting albeit poorly known family are enigmatic. To elucidate the phylogenetic relationships between G. vivans and other planktonic foraminifera, we sequenced the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) for comparison to our extensive database of planktonic and benthic species. Our analyses suggest that G. vivans represents a separate lineage of planktonic foraminifera, which branches close to the benthic rotaliids Stainforthia and Virgulinella. Both genera resemble Gallitellia in general morphological appearance, having elongate triserial tests at least in their early ontogenic stages. The divergence time of G. vivans is estimated at ca. 18 Ma (early Miocene), suggesting an origin independent from the Cretaceous and Paleogene triserial planktonic foraminifera. Our study thus indicates that modern triserial planktonic foraminifera are not related to the Cretaceous–Paleogene triserial species, and that the sporadic occurrences in the fossil record are not the result of poor preservation, but reflect multiple transitions from benthic to planktonic mode of life.  相似文献   

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