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The influence of different antecedent conditions on hydrochemical response during storm events was investigated in a small, south-western Cape mountain catchment. Winter and summer storms (four in total) were sampled both before and after the catchment was deliberately burnt. During winter storms, discharge responded rapidly to rainfall, and direct runoff represented the major component of streamflow. Marked lags were observed between rainfall and discharge peaks during the summer storms, and streamflow was dominated by delayed interflow. Chloride, PO inf4 sup3– -P and NO inf3 sup– -N exhibited variable response to discharge according to seasonal variations in soil-moisture levels, whereas the response of HCO inf3 sup– , H+ and NH inf4 sup+ -N was not influenced by season. The movement of ions appears to be affected more by geochemical processes operating within the soil than by plant-uptake dynamics, as the prescribed burn appeared to have little effect on relationships between ionic concentration and discharge. The findings of the study highlight the complexity of relationships between solute concentration and discharge.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between land cover and three solute (chloride, total organic carbon (TOC), and lead) concentrations during winter rainstorms in 10 subbasins of Spring Creek, Pennsylvania, USA at two spatial scales. Despite similar percent land cover at both scales, correlations between water quality and land cover were stronger at the subbasin scale than at the riparian scale. As basin percent urban land cover increased, mean chloride and lead concentrations increased. Chloride and lead were likely to be a result of roadside sediments and residential housing, as demonstrated by a strong positive relationship between road density and chloride concentration at both spatial scales (r = 0.83, 0.71). Basin percent forested cover at the subbasin scale was weakly positively related to TOC concentrations, suggesting leaf litter as a source. Changes in flow rate related to changes in concentrations of solutes for representative urban and rural subbasins. TOC and lead showed weak positive relationships (flushing effect), while chloride exhibited a strong negative relationship (dilution effect). These different responses to changes in flow rate implied different sources of solutes – soils for TOC and lead and groundwater for chloride. This study underscores some negative effects of increased basin urbanization on stream water quality and potential aquatic ecosystems in small streams during storm events.  相似文献   

A combination of laboratory and field experiments were carried out to evaluate nitrate(NO 3 t- ) removal during stream transport in a first-order agricultural drainage stream. Intact stream sediment cores overlain with stream and NO 3 -amended stream water indicated NO 3 losses averaging 93 — 353 mg m–2 day–1, with NO 3 concentration exerting a primary control on loss rate. Isotopic data indicated enrichment of NO 3 - 15N over time as NO 3 concentrations decreased, indicating a denitrification loss. Field experiments were designed to evaluate dilution of streamwater with low-NO 3 groundwater in addition to other NO 3 removal processes during transport. A series of bromide tracer and NO 3 - addition experiments were carried out in the field; groundwater dilution dominated the downstream NO 3 concentration trends, accounting for all observed decreases in NO 3 concentration. Isotopic data did not point to denitrification downstream as a major NO 3 removal process. This apparent disparity between simulated laboratory and in-situ stream removal rates appears to be a function of the hydrological processes controlling exchanges between stream bottom sediments and the overlying water. These results suggest that caution must be exercised in extrapolating potentials for NO 3 removal measured in laboratory experiments to the field, as these rates could be overestimated in some watersheds.  相似文献   

  • 1 A mixed nutrient supplement was added to stream‐side experimental channels in a closed canopy rainforest in tropical Queensland over a 7‐month period, raising nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations well above ambient.
  • 2 Nutrient supplements enhanced decomposition of some leaf species, but levels of chlorophyll a and fine particulate organic matter did not differ between treatment and control channels.
  • 3 Shredding by Anisocentropus kirramus (Trichoptera) had a significant effect on leaf litter breakdown, but nutrient supplements did not enable A.kirramus to shred more material; however, biochemical analysis of A. kirramus showed that nutrient supplements enhanced the nutritional quality of the litter for this species.
  • 4 Treatment channels contained 75% more invertebrates than control channels, but significant differences in abundance (all positive) were detected in only five of the 109 invertebrate species present. There was no change in species richness or evenness between treatment and control channels.
  • 5 The limited community response indicates that (a) variables other than nutrients (e.g. light) restricted primary productivity, (b) low nutrient concentrations limit invertebrate production, (c) invertebrate community composition in this closed canopy, forest stream is resistant to nutrient enhancement, and (d) there was no direct relationship between productivity and diversity in this tropical stream.

Abstract Recent studies of nutrient cycling in Sycamore Creek in Arizona, USA, suggest that a thorough understanding requires a spatially explicit, hierarchical approach. Physical configuration determines the path that water follows as it moves downstream. Water follows flowpaths through surface stream components, the hyporheic zone beneath the surface stream, and the parafluvial (sand bar) zone. Characteristic biogeochemical processes in these subsystems alter nitrogen (N) species in transport, in part as a function of available concentrations of N species. At several hierarchical levels, substrate materials are an important determinant of nitrogen dynamics in desert streams. Sand is present in bars of variable size and shape, each of which can be considered a unit, interacting with the surface stream. Groups of these stream-sandbar units form a higher level, the reach. At the next higher scale, sandy reaches (runs) alternate with riffles. Where flowpaths converge, rates of N transformation are high and, as a result, change in concentration is a non-linear function of flowpath length. Disturbance by flash floods alters sandbar configuration. Between floods, the interaction of subsurface and surface flowpaths shapes configuration in each, thus a self-organizing element of spatial structure exists. Sandy runs are dominated by subsurface processes and are likely to be net nitrifiers while riffles are dominated by surface flow and are nitrogen fixers. Whether a stream ecosystem retains nitrogen, or transports it to downstream recipient systems, or is a net emitter of gaseous forms of N, depends upon the dynamics of a spatial mosaic of interacting elements. An understanding of the net effect of this mosaic requires a spatially explicit, hierarchical, multi-scale approach.  相似文献   

Prudent management of lotic systems requires information on their ecological status that can be estimated by monitoring water quality and biodiversity attributes. To understand environmental conditions in Gatharaini drainage basin in Central Kenya, a study was carried out to establish the relationship between water quality and macroinvertebrate assemblages between the months of March and September 1996. Six sampling sites, each 25 m long were selected along a 24‐km stretch of the stream, which drained land under agricultural, residential and industrial use. Water physico‐chemical data was explored using multivariate analysis of Principal Component Analysis to detect environmental trends downstream. Both macroinvertebrates and water physico‐chemical data of suggested trends were analysed for variations and correlations. Temperatures and invertebrate densities changed significantly between the dry and wet season (P < 0.01) but the fluctuations were not evident downstream. Water physico‐chemical characteristics (total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen) and biodiversity indices (species richness, diversity, dominance, evenness) changed markedly downstream (P < 0.01). Biodiversity indices correlated inversely with TDS, pH and turbidity but positively with dissolved O2. It was evident macroinvertebrate assemblages changed significantly downstream as opposed to functional feeding groups. Diptera was important in most sites whilst Oligochaeta dominance increased downstream corresponding to the deterioration in water quality. Collectors/browsers were the dominant functional feeding groups at most sites. This study showed that significant changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages were primarily due to water quality rather than prevailing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

1. Stable isotope analysis, coupled with dietary data from the literature, was used to investigate trophic patterns of freshwater fauna in a tropical stream food web (Guadeloupe, French West Indies).
2. Primary producers (biofilm, algae and plant detritus of terrestrial origin) showed distinct δ13C signatures, which allowed for a powerful discrimination of carbon sources. Both autochthonous (13C-enriched signatures) and allochthonous (13C-depleted signatures) resources enter the food web. The migrating behaviour of fishes and shrimps between marine and freshwater during their life cycles can be followed by carbon isotopes. Here, shrimp δ13C signatures were shown to shift from −16‰ (for juveniles under marine influence) to −24.7‰ (for adults in freshwater habitats). For resident species, δ13C values partly reflected the species' habitat preferences along the river continuum : species living in river mouths were 13C-enriched in comparison with those collected upstream.
3. Nitrogen isotopic ratios were also discriminating and defined three main trophic guilds among consumers. The δ15N values of herbivores/detritivores were 5.0–8.4‰, omnivores 8.8–10.2‰ and carnivores 11–12.7‰.
4. Mixing model equations were employed to calculate the possible range of contribution made by respective food sources to the diet of each species. The results revealed the importance of omnivorous species and the dependence of riverine biota on terrestrial subsidies, such as leaf detritus and fruits. Finally, the abundance of shrimps and their feeding habits placed in relief their key role in tropical freshwater food webs. Isotopic analysis provides a useful tool for assessing animal feeding patterns.  相似文献   

Uptake rate of calcium, potassium, nitrate-N and phosphorus were measured in a second order Mediterranean temporary stream, in February and March 1992. This study analyzed a period of continuous surface flow between two hydrologic disturbance events (flood and drought) of an annual hydrological cycle (1991–92).The lowest values of uptake length were recorded for nitrate-N in February 92 and calcium in March 92. Nitrate had the highest uptake rate in both release performances, and potassium showed the lowest uptake rate values. The increase of calcium and nitrate uptake rate between February 92 and March 92 suggested a higher ecosystem efficiency in nutrient retention with a higher temperature and light intensity and slower water velocity, discharge and water depth. These results obtained were similar to those reported in permanent streams, indicating that in periods of continuous surface flow (without extreme hydrologic disturbance), abiotic factors can influence nutrient retention in temporary streams.  相似文献   

We examined total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) loading to a small forested stream during storm events. We hypothesized that upper soil and litter layers in riparian area are primary source of higher TKN concentrations during storm. A storm water sampling program was carried out to gather requisite flow and water quality data to calibrate and validate water and nutrient components of the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model for TKN. Water quality and storm flow data collected from January 2000 to December 2003 were used to simulate the hydrology and nitrogen transport over a second-order watershed within the Fort Benning Military Installation, Georgia. Intensive sampling conducted from October 2002 to May 2003 provided the necessary data to characterize the rising limb, peak, and recession limb of six major storm events. Simulated runoff and storm TKN loads were compared with their corresponding observed or calculated values. Hydrology and nitrogen data collected from February 21, 2003 to December 31, 2003 were used for the model validation. The hydrology component of the model showed a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 87% for the validation period. The average absolute difference between simulated and calculated TKN loads was 25%. Even though the monthly water budget indicated the dominance of subsurface flow, TKN contribution from direct runoff was significantly greater than that from subsurface flow. On an average, 73% of the observed total TKN load at the watershed outlet was contributed by surface runoff during storm events. The results suggested that the surface runoff during the storm events washed off the nitrogen from the forest floor and transported to the stream.  相似文献   

Understanding how water and solutes enter and propagate through freshwater landscapes in the Anthropocene is critical to protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems and ensuring human water security. However, high hydrochemical variability in headwater streams, where most carbon and nutrients enter river networks, has hindered effective modelling and management. We developed an analytical framework informed by landscape ecology and catchment hydrology to quantify spatiotemporal variability across scales, which we tested in 56 headwater catchments, sampled periodically over 12 years in western France. Unexpectedly, temporal variability in dissolved carbon, nutrients and major ions was preserved moving downstream and spatial patterns of water chemistry were stable on annual to decadal timescales, partly because of synchronous variation in solute concentrations. These findings suggest that while concentration and flux cannot be extrapolated among subcatchments, periodic sampling of headwaters provides valuable information about solute sources and subcatchment resilience to disturbance.  相似文献   

We studied five 20-m transects onthe lower slope under tropical lower montanerain forest at 1900–2200 m above sea level. We collectedsamples of soil and of weekly rainfall,throughfall, litter leachate, and stream waterbetween 14 March 1998 and 30 April 1999 anddetermined the concentrations of Al, totalorganic C (TOC), Ca, Cl, Cu, K, Mg, Mn,NH4 +-N, NO3 -N, total N (TN), Na, P, S, and Zn. The soils were shallowInceptisols; pH ranged 4.4–6.3 in the Ohorizons and 3.9–5.3 in the A horizons, totalCa (6.3–19.3 mg kg–1) and Mgconcentrations (1.4–5.4) in the O horizon weresignificantly different between the transects.Annual rainfall was 2193 mm; throughfall variedbetween 43 and 91% of rainfall, cloud waterinputs were 3.3 mm a–1 except forone transect (203). The volume-weighted mean pHwas 5.3 in rainfall and 6.1–6.7 in throughfall.The median of the pH of litter leachate andstream water was 4.8–6.8 and 6.8, respectively.The concentrations of Ca and Mg in litterleachate and throughfall correlatedsignificantly with those in the soil (r =0.76–0.95). Element concentrations inthroughfall were larger than in rainfallbecause of leaching from the leaves (Al, TOC,Ca, K, Mg), particulate dry deposition (TOC,Cu, Cl, NH4 +-N), and gaseousdry deposition (NO3 -N, total N, S).Net throughfall (= throughfall-rainfalldeposition) was positive for most elementsexcept for Mn, Na, and Zn. High-flow eventswere associated with elevated Al, TOC, Cu, Mn,and Zn concentrations.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples of Gammarus pulex L. taken from a small Danish stream during 1975 showed mean annual population densities varying from 500 m–2 in early May to 5 500 m–2 in late September. The mean annual biomass was 1.5 g dry weight m–2. No discrete cohorts could be distinguished from the size frequency distributions. Annual production, estimated by the size-frequency method, was 3.9 g dry weight M-2 and P/B ratio was 2.6. The contribution to trout energetics may have been as much as 17%.  相似文献   

Water and dissolved nitrogen flows through the hyporheic zone of a 3rd-order mountain stream in Hokkaido, northern Japan were measured during a small storm in August 1997. A network of wells was established to measure water table elevations and to collect water samples to analyze dissolved nitrogen concentrations. Hydraulic conductivity and the depth to bedrock were surveyed. We parameterized the groundwater flow model, MODFLOW, to quantify subsurface flows of both stream water and soil water through the hyporheic zone. MODFLOW simulations suggest that soil water inflow from the adjacent hill slope increased by 1.7-fold during a small storm. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and ammonium (NH 4 + ) in soil water from the hill slope were the dominant nitrogen inputs to the riparian zone. DON was consumed via mineralization to NH 4 + in the hyporheic zone. NH 4 + was the dominant nitrogen species in the subsurface, and showed a net release during both base and storm flow. Nitrate appeared to be lost to denitrification or immobilized by microorganisms and/or vegetation in the riparian zone. Our results indicated that the riparian and hyporheic system was a net source of NH 4 + to the stream.  相似文献   

The quality and quantity of allochthonous inputs and of benthic organic matter were investigated in a second-order, perennial mountain stream in the south-west Cape, South Africa, between April 1983 and January 1986. Although the endemic, riparian vegetation is sclerophyllous, low and evergreen, inputs of allochthonous detritus to the stream (434 to 500 g m–2y–1) were similar to those recorded for riparian communities worldwide, as were calorific values of these inputs (9548 to 10 032 KJ m–2y–1). Leaf fall of the riparian vegetation is seasonal, occurring in spring (November) as discharge decreases, resulting in retention of benthic organic matter (BOM) on the stream bed during summer and early autumn (maximum 224 g m–2). Early winter rains (May) scoured the stream almost clean of benthic detritus (winter minimum 8 g m–2). Therefore, BOM was predictably plentiful for about half of each year and predictably scarce for the other half. Coarse BOM (CBOM) and fine BOM (FBOM) constituted 46–64% of BOM standing stock, ultra-fine BOM (UBOM) 16–33% and leaf packs 13–24%. The mean annual calorific value of total BOM standing stock was 1709 KJ m–2. Both standing stocks and total calorific values of BOM were lower than those reported for streams in other biogeographical regions. Values of C:N ratios decreased with decrease in BOM particle size (CBOM 27–100; FBOM 25–27; UBOM 13–19) with no seasonal trends. The stream is erosive with a poor ability to retain organic detritus. Its character appears to be dictated by abiotic factors, the most important of which is winter spates.  相似文献   

Changes in regional climate in the Rocky Mountains over the next 100 years are expected to have significant effects on biogeochemical cycles and hydrological processes. In particular, decreased discharge and lower stream depth during summer when ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the highest combined with greater photo-oxidation of dissolved organic materials (DOM) will significantly increase exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Communities in many Rocky Mountain streams are simultaneously exposed to elevated metals from abandoned mines, the toxicity and bioavailability of which are also determined by DOM. We integrated field surveys of 19 streams (21 sites) along a gradient of metal contamination with microcosm and field experiments conducted in Colorado, USA, and New Zealand to investigate the influence of DOM on bioavailability of heavy metals and exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Spatial and seasonal variation in DOM were closely related to stream discharge and significantly influenced heavy metal uptake in benthic organisms. Qualitative and quantitative changes in DOM resulting from exposure to sunlight increased UV-B (290–320 nm) penetration and toxicity of heavy metals. Results of microcosm experiments showed that benthic communities from a metal-polluted stream were tolerant of metals, but were more sensitive to UV-B than communities from a reference stream. We speculate that the greater sensitivity of these communities to UV-B resulted from costs associated with metal tolerance. Exclusion of UVR from 12 separate Colorado streams and from outdoor stream microcosms in New Zealand increased the abundance of benthic organisms (mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies) by 18% and 54%, respectively. Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering changes in regional climate and UV-B exposure when assessing the effects of local anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

This study examines the effectiveness of a 1.2-ha created/restored emergent marsh at reducing nutrients from a 17.0 ha agricultural and forested watershed in the Ohio River Basin in west central Ohio, USA, during base flow and storm flow conditions. The primary source of water to the wetland was surface inflow, estimated in water year 2000 (October 1999–September 2000) to be 646 cm/year. The wetland also received a significant amount of groundwater discharge at multiple locations within the site that was almost the same in quantity as the surface flow. The surface inflow had 2-year averages concentrations of 0.79, 0.033, and 0.16 mg L−1 for nitrate + nitrite (as N), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), and total phosphorus (TP), respectively. Concentrations of nitrate–nitrite, SRP, and TP were 40, 56, and 59% lower, respectively, at the outflow than at the inflow to the wetland over the 2 years of the study. Concentrations of SRP and TP exported from the wetland increased significantly (α = 0.05) during precipitation events in 2000 compared to dry weather flows, but concentrations of nitrate–nitrite did not increase significantly. During these precipitation events the wetland retained 41% of the nitrate–nitrite, 74% of the SRP, and 28% of the TP (by mass). The wetland received an average of 50 g N m−2 per year of nitrate–nitrite and 7.1 g m−2 per year of TP in 2000. Retention rates for the wetland were 39 g N m−2 per year of nitrates and 6.2 g P m−2 per year. These are close to rates suggested in the literature for sustainable non-point source retention by wetlands. The design of this wetland appears to be suitable as it retained a significant portion of the influent nutrient load and did not lose much of its retention capacity during heavy precipitation events. Some suggestions are given for further design improvements.  相似文献   

森林源头溪流是联系水陆生境的重要纽带,其非木质残体(凋落叶和<1 cm的小枝)所储存的钙、镁等养分动态直接或间接调控森林生态系统物质循环与迁移等生态过程。本研究以福建三明闽江流域上游集水区森林一条典型源头溪流为对象,于2021年雨季(3—8月)监测了该溪流中非木质残体钙和镁储量的动态特征。结果表明: 降雨季节该溪流单位面积非木质残体钙、镁总储量分别为178.1~890.5 mg·m-2、13.8~61.6 mg·m-2。雨季溪流单位面积的非木质残体钙、镁储量呈现出先增加后减少的动态变化,整体上表现为降低趋势,在各河段整体上存在显著差异,特别是溪流源头的储量显著高于其他河段。非木质残体钙、镁储量随降雨量的增加而显著增加,随溪流碱度、温度、溶解氧的增加而显著减少。河岸米槠林与针阔混交林等植被类型变化及有无支流汇入对非木质残体钙、镁储量没有显著影响。降雨季节森林源头溪流非木质残体的钙、镁总储量随时间推移整体上减少,主要受到降雨和溪流特征的共同调控。  相似文献   

1. Sternopygus macrurus were collected in Venezuela during the period of gonadal recrudescence in early or late dry season. Electric organ discharge (EOD) frequencies were recorded, blood samples were taken for analysis of steroid titers, and gonads were taken for determination of reproductive condition. 2. Mean EOD frequencies were significantly lower in males than in females in all samples. EOD frequency was inversely correlated with body length in males in late, but not early, dry season, and these parameters were never correlated in females. 3. Plasma levels of testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), but not estradiol-17 beta (E2), were inversely correlated with EOD frequency in males. No 11-KT was observed in plasma of females, and plasma levels of T and E2 in females were comparable to those of males. Neither T nor E2 were correlated with EOD frequency in females. 4. Testes collected in late dry season were more mature than those from early dry season; androgen levels and EOD frequency were correlated with testicular maturity. Ovaries collected in early dry season were immature, while those from late dry season were more mature. There was no relationship between EOD frequency and stage of ovarian development. 5. These results suggest that plasma androgens modulate EOD frequency in males during the reproductive season and that plasma E2 has little relationship to EOD frequency in either sex.  相似文献   

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