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Trade‐offs between virulence (defined as the ability to infect a resistant host) and life‐history traits are of particular interest in plant pathogens for durable management of plant resistances. Adaptation to plant resistances (i.e., virulence acquisition) is indeed expected to be associated with a fitness cost on susceptible hosts. Here, we investigated whether life‐history traits involved in the fitness of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida are affected in a virulent lineage compared to an avirulent one. Both lineages were obtained from the same natural population through experimental evolution on resistant and susceptible hosts, respectively. Unexpectedly, we found that virulent lineages were more fit than avirulent lineages on susceptible hosts: they produced bigger cysts, containing more larvae and hatching faster. We thus discuss possible reasons explaining why virulence did not spread into natural G. pallida populations.  相似文献   

Earlier studies demonstrated that Metarhizium brunneum, usually a broad-host pathogen of arthropods, is unable to complete its pathogenic life cycle when inoculated on the fungus-resistant tick, Hyalomma excavatum engorged females. While the fungus penetrates the cuticle of fungus-susceptible tick, Rhipicephalus annulatus females, it is unable to penetrate the cuticle of fungus-resistant tick, and even perishes on its surface. This is probably due to high concentration of antifungal fatty acids and probably also due to a hypersensitive-like response of the tick. To understand the metabolic pathways occurring in the fungal hyphae upon encountering the cuticles, we compared the response of the fungus to cuticle from susceptible and resistant tick cuticles by 2D-gels. The intracellular proteomes of M. brunneum Mb7 exposed to cuticle of the fungus-susceptible tick, R. annulatus, and to the fungus-resistant tick, H. excavatum engorged females were compared after exposure to either cuticles. By means of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry we identified in both proteomes common proteins involved in biological processes as well as unique proteins identified only in the proteome of fungus exposed to fungus-resistant tick cuticle. These proteins were identified in high probability as heat shock proteins, four key enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, and proteins associated with hypoxia, and exposure to antifungal drugs. These findings are discussed within the M. brunneum-tick pathosystem in relation to tick resistance and host resistance in general.  相似文献   

The important role of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in protective immunity in mycosis is well established, except for its participation in fungal granulomas. Herein, we employ immunohistochemical reactions to describe the in situ localization of IFN-γ in granulomas of susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice to infection with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb). After infection with the highly virulent Pb18, IFN-γ-positive lymphomononuclear cells were localized mainly at the periphery of granulomas in both mouse strains. The numbers of positive cells found in compact granulomas of A/J mice increased significantly from 15 to 120 days postinfection. At this time, significantly more positive cells were detected in the compact granulomas of resistant mice than in the loose, multifocal lesions of the susceptible ones. In infection with the slightly virulent Pb265, the same pattern of IFN-γ localization was found as in Pb18 infection, but there was decreased staining at 120 days due to the presence of only residual lesions in both mouse strains. The marked IFN-γ staining observed in the granulomas of resistant mice at the later stage of Pb infection confirms its importance in fungal dissemination control, and suggests a contribution to the development of paracoccidioidal granuloma.  相似文献   

Mixed infection with different Plasmodium species is often observed in endemic areas, and the infection with benign malaria parasites such as Plasmodium vivax or P. malariae has been considered to reduce the risk of developing severe pathogenesis caused by P. falciparum. However, it is still unknown how disease severity is reduced in hosts during coinfection. In the present study, we investigated the influence of coinfection with nonlethal parasites, P. berghei XAT (Pb XAT) or P. yoelii 17X (Py 17X), on the outcome of P. berghei NK65 (Pb NK65) lethal infection, which caused high levels of parasitemia and severe pathogenesis in mice. We found that the simultaneous infection with nonlethal Pb XAT or Py 17X suppressed high levels of parasitemia, liver injury, and body weight loss caused by Pb NK65 infection, induced high levels of reticulocytemia, and subsequently prolonged survival of mice. In coinfected mice, the immune response, including the expansion of B220(int)CD11c(+) cells and CD4(+) T cells and expression of IL-10 mRNA, was comparable to that in nonlethal infection. Moreover, the suppression of liver injury and body weight loss by coinfection was reduced in IL-10(-/-) mice, suggesting that IL-10 plays a role for a reduction of severity by coinfection with nonlethal malaria parasites.  相似文献   

Protein electrophoresis, RAPD-PCR and nuclear rDNA ITS sequencing were performed to search for genetic differences between Pseudosuccinea columella snails susceptible and resistant to Fasciola hepatica infection. Of the 21 enzymatic loci analyzed in both populations, none of them exhibited neither within- or between-group variation. Such an absence of enzyme polymorphism support the hypothesis of selfing as the "prevalent" mating system for this hermaphroditic species. Conversely, the RAPD profiles displayed clear differences between susceptible and resistant isolates for 17 of the 26 primers tested while no within-group variation was detected. rDNA ITS sequence analysis from snails of each isolates showed only two bases that differed between groups accounting for a 0.17% of variation confirming that susceptible and resistant snails belong to the same species. This is the first time that a genetic variation using RAPD markers is demonstrated between susceptible and resistant lymnaeid snails vis-a-vis of F. hepatica infection in absence of experimental selection.  相似文献   

We have characterized the progress of acute murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection in the spleen, liver, and salivary gland of susceptible (BALB/c) and resistant (C3H) strains of mice after intraperitoneal inoculation. Viral replication was analyzed by virus titration, infectious-center assays, and in situ cytohybridization with cloned subgenomic fragments of the MCMV genome. The most striking differences between strains were observed in the spleen. At 24 h postinfection (p.i.), both strains had a similar number of infected spleen cells. At 48 h p.i., BALB/c mice showed marked dissemination of the splenic infection which continued until 96 h p.i. In contrast, the number of infected C3H spleen cells did not increase from the 24-h level but declined later on. This early block in dissemination of MCMV infection in C3H mouse spleens was not a result of the H-2k haplotype, as BALB.K (H-2k) mice, which show an intermediate level of resistance to MCMV infection, exhibited dissemination of the infection between 24 and 48 h p.i., albeit at a reduced level. However, between 72 and 96 h p.i., we observed a decline in the number of infected spleen cells in BALB.K mice similar to that observed in C3H mice. We also demonstrated by Southern blot analysis of DNA from the infected spleen cells that the termini of the MCMV genome fuse after in vivo infection.  相似文献   

Bortoletti G., Conchedda M. and Ferretti G. 1985. Damage and early destruction of Taenia taeniaeformis larvae in resistant hosts, and anomalous development in susceptible hosts: a light microscopic and ultrastructural study. International Journal for Parasitology15: 377–384. Taenia taeniaeformis larvae in resistant C57 mice have been studied from 5th to 15th day post-infection (L5–L15) both at the light and electron microscopic level. L5 stages were already damaged and total destruction occurred by approx. 15 days post-infection. In stage L5, unlike fertile larvae from C3H mice, the perilarval amorphous layer (PAL) was generally absent, and the host's cells were in close contact with the parasite surface. At this stage eosinophils were already present together with neutrophils and macrophages. Larvae were seen increasing in volume between stages L6 and L8, but remained constant from stages L9 to L14, while both the tegumental distal cytoplasm (TDC) and the subtegumental cellular layer (SCL) gradually decreased. In stages L10–L14 only a narrow TDC separated the larval cavity from host cells. After the larval tegument had been reduced in thickness the eosinophil lytic enzyme release onto the parasite surface contributed to produce a ‘hole’ in the TDC where host cells penetrated and gradually filled the larval cavity of L15, destroying the parasitic residues. Therefore anomalous small larvae (L50 and more) from C3H mice (susceptible host) have been studied: in these the scolex anlagen was absent or greatly reduced; the TDC was very narrow and the SCL greatly damaged. Outside the larva the ‘host tissue’ appeared as an unidentifiable amorphous material. These larvae cannot be considered ‘dead’ but are defined as sterile.  相似文献   

DNA analysis by molecular techniques has significantly expanded the perspectives of the study and understanding of genetic variability in molluscs that are vectors of schistosomiasis. In the present study, the genetic variability of susceptible and resistant B. lenagophila strains to S. mansoni infection was investigated using amplification of their genomic DNA by RAPD-PCR. The products were analyzed by PAGE and stained with silver. The results showed polymorphism between tested strains with four different primers. We found two bands of 1,900 and 3,420 bp that were characteristic of the susceptible strains with primer 2. The primers 9 and 10 identified a single polymorphic band that was also characteristic of (3,136 and 5,041 bp, respectively) susceptible snails. Two polymorphic bands were detected by primer 15: one with 1,800 bp was characteristic of the resistant strain and the other with approximately equal to 1,700 bp in the susceptible one. These results provide additional evidence showing that the RAPD-PCR technique is adequate for the study of polymorphisms in intermediate hosts snails of S. mansoni. The obtained results are expected to expand the knowledge about the genetic variability of the snails and to permit the future identification of genomic sequences specifically related to the resistance/susceptibility of Biomphalaria to the larval forms of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Severity is recognized as an important attribute of disturbance in many plant communities. However, the effects of disturbances of different severity on patterns of regeneration in oligohaline marsh vegetation have not been experimentally examined. In these communities, a critical difference in the effects of disturbance severity may be whether the vegetation dies as a result of the disturbance or is merely damaged and hence capable of resprouting. We described the regeneration of vegetation in two Louisiana marsh community types, one dominated by Sagittaria lancifolia L. and the other by Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., following three levels of disturbance: no disturbance, a nonlethal disturbance, and a lethal disturbance. In the nonlethal disturbance, aboveground vegetation was clipped to simulate common disturbances such as fire and herbivory that remove aboveground vegetation but leave rhizomes intact. In the lethal disturbance vegetation was killed using herbicide to simulate disturbances causing plant mortality such as wrack deposition, sedimentation, scouring, and flooding following fire or herbivory. Regeneration was assessed over a 2-year period by measuring plant species richness, relative abundance, relative dominance, cover, and final biomass. To elucidate mechanisms for observed responses of vegetation, the species composition of the seed bank, light penetration, water level, salinity, and soil redox potential were evaluated. Despite differences in the structure of undisturbed vegetation in the two community types, they exhibited the same overall pattern of regeneration. Following nonlethal disturbance, the dominant species resprouted and quickly reestablished the structure of the vegetation. In contrast, recolonization following lethal disturbance occurred primarily via seedling recruitment, which resulted in marked shifts in community structure that persisted throughout the study. While the two communities responded similarly overall to disturbance, the response of individual species was not uniform; abundance, dominance, biomass, or cover increased for some species but decreased for others in response to disturbance. Seed bank species occurred in the vegetation following lethal disturbance in the Spartina community and in both disturbed and undisturbed plots in the Sagittaria community, indicating that the seed bank is a source of propagules for regeneration and maintenance of oligohaline marshes. Of the environmental variables measured, light level was most closely related to the effect of disturbance severity on community structure. Our results suggest that lethal and nonlethal disturbances have differential effects on regeneration of vegetation that can create pattern in oligohaline marshes communities. Received: 29 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

Seizures are a major complication of viral encephalitis. However, the mechanisms of seizure-associated neuronal dysfunction remain poorly understood. We report that intranasal inoculation with West Nile virus (WNV) (Sarafend) causes limbic seizures in C57BL/6 mice, but not in interferon (IFN)-gamma-deficient (IFN-gamma-/-) mice. Both strains showed similar levels of virus in the brain, as well as similar concentrations of the cytokines, tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6, both of which can alter neuronal excitability. Experiments in chimeric IFN-gamma-/- mice reconstituted with IFN-gamma-producing leukocytes showed that IFN-gamma is not required during central nervous system infection for limbic seizure development, suggesting a role for IFN-gamma in the developing brain. This was supported responses to pentylenetetrazole, kainic acid (KA), and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA). Both strains of mice exhibited similar behavior after pentylenetetrazole challenge. However, while NMDA and KA treatment resulted in characteristic seizures in C57BL/6 mice, these responses were diminished (NMDA treatment) or absent (KA treatment) in IFN-gamma-/- mice. Furthermore, NMDA-receptor blockade with MK-801 in WNV-infected C57BL/6 mice abrogated seizures and prolonged survival. Our data show that IFN-gamma plays an important role in the development of the excitatory seizure pathways in the brain and that these cascades become pathogenic in encephalitic WNV infection.  相似文献   

Short rib polydactyly syndrome (SRPS) type II is a rare, autosomal recessively inherited, lethal skeletal dysplasia characterized by polydactyly, short limbs, short and horizontal ribs, a short ovoid tibia and major organ anomalies. We report a patient with a fetus with SRPS type II that presented at the 19th week of pregnancy for amniocentesis because of maternal age. During ultrasound pre-axial synpolydacytly, a short and ovoid tibia, nuchal edema, vertebral irregularities, hypoplastic thorax with short ribs and talipes were detected. All of the extremities were under the 5th percentile. Thorax-abdomen ratio was 0,56. The family was counselled for a diagnosis of lethal SRPS. After termination of pregnancy, radiological and histopathological examination allowed us to reach the diagnosis ofMajewski syndrome (SRPS type II). SRPSs are a continuous spectrum of both lethal and nonlethal forms. Prenatal diagnosis and termination depending on ultrasound findings should be done very precociously considering different phenotypic expressions, even in families previously affected by a lethal SRPS.  相似文献   

The effects of predators on the density of their prey can have positive indirect effects on the abundance of the preys resource via a trophic cascade. This concept has strongly influenced contemporary views of how communities are structured. However, predators also can transmit indirect effects by inducing changes in prey traits. We show that the mere presence of predator risk cues can initiate a trophic cascade in rocky shore tide pools. In large (mean surface area =9 m2), natural tide pools, we manipulated crab density and their foraging ability to examine the relative importance of lethal (density-mediated) and non-lethal (trait-mediated) predator effects to algal community development. We found that perceived predation risk reduced snail density as much as the direct predation treatment, showing that green crab predation was not an important factor regulating local snail density. Instead, snail emigration away from resident crabs appears to be the most important factor regulating local snail density. As a result, the abundance of ephemeral green algae was similar in the predation risk and direct predation treatments, suggesting that the consumption of snails by crabs plays a minimal role in mediating the trophic cascade. Increased attention to trait-mediated effects that are transmitted by predator-induced changes in prey behavior may change our view of how predators exert their strong influence on community structure.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of mousepox due to infection with ectromelia virus strain NIH-79 was characterized in genetically susceptible (BALB/cAnNCr) and genetically resistant (C57BL/6NCr) mice. BALB/c mice inoculated subcutaneous (s.c.) or intranasally (i.n.) had high mortality. Most mice died within 7 days from severe necrosis of the spleen and liver. Necrotic foci in livers of BALB/c mice that survived beyond 7 days often were accompanied by mononuclear cell infiltrates and by hyperplasia of lymphoid tissues. C57BL/6 mice inoculated by either route remained asymptomatic and necrotic lesions were mild or absent, whereas focal non-suppurative hepatitis and lymphoid hyperplasia were prominent. Infectious virus and viral antigen were distributed widely in tissues of BALB/c mice, but had limited distribution in C57BL/6 mice. Both mouse strains had infection of the respiratory tract, genital tract, oral tissues and bone marrow, and BALB/c mice also had infection of the intestines. Both strains also developed serum antibody to vaccinia virus antigen after infection. The results show that ectromelia virus occurs in tissues conducive to mouse to mouse transmission and that the severity and character of mousepox lesions correlate directly with resistance and susceptibility to infection. They also support the concept that cellular immunity contributes to survival from infection.  相似文献   

Q Reuer  R J Kuhn    E Wimmer 《Journal of virology》1990,64(6):2967-2975
Viral RNA synthesis was assayed in HeLa cells transfected with nonviable poliovirus RNA mutated in the genome-linked protein VPg-coding region. The transfecting RNA was transcribed in vitro from full-length poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney) cDNA containing a VPg mutagenesis cartridge. Hybridization experiments using ribonucleotide probes specific for the 3' end of positive- and negative-sense poliovirus RNA indicated that all mutant RNAs encoding a linking tyrosine in position 3 or 4 of VPg were replicated even though no virus was produced. VPg, but no VPg precursor, was found to be linked to the 5' end of the newly synthesized RNA. Encapsidated mutant RNAs were not found in transfected-cell lysates. After extended maintenance of transfected HeLa cells, a viable revertant of one of the nonviable RNAs was recovered; the revertant lost the lethal lesion in VPg by restoring the wild-type amino acid, but it retained all other nucleotide changes introduced during construction of the mutagenesis cartridge. Mutant RNA encoding phenylalanine or serine rather than tyrosine, the linking amino acid in VPg, was not replicated in transfected cells. A chimeric mutant containing the VPg-coding region of coxsackievirus within the poliovirus genome was viable but displayed impaired multiplication. A poliovirus-coxsackievirus chimera lacking a linking tyrosine in VPg was nonviable and replication-negative. The results indicate that a linkage-competent VPg is necessary for poliovirus RNA synthesis to occur but that a step in poliovirus replication other than initiation of RNA synthesis can be interrupted by lethal mutations in VPg.  相似文献   

Clinical responses to infection with ectromelia virus strain NIH-79 were determined in several strains of inbred mice. All mice were equally susceptible to infection, but mortality was strain dependent. BALB/c AnNCr, A/JNCr, DBA/2NCr and C3H/He/NCr MTV- mice were highly susceptible to lethal infection whereas AKR/NCr and SJL/NCr mice were moderately susceptible and C57BL/6NCr mice were highly resistant. Death rates were influenced strongly by virus dose and by route of inoculation. High doses were associated with early and high mortality. For a given dose, intraperitoneal inoculation resulted in the highest mortality and death rates were progressively reduced in mice inoculated by the footpad, subcutaneous and intranasal routes. Footpad swelling was prominent in resistant mice and in survivors among susceptible strains. Deaths among AKR and SJL mice were sporadic and often occurred late irrespective of virus dose. It is suggested that this pattern could be influenced by secondary contact infections or by immunologic injury associated with host responses to ectromelia virus.  相似文献   

The myxozoan parasite Ceratomyxa shasta infects salmonids causing ceratomyxosis, a disease elicited by proliferation of the parasite in the intestine. This parasite is endemic to the Pacific Northwest of North America and salmon and trout strains from endemic river basins show increased resistance to the parasite. It has been suggested that these resistant fish (i) exclude the parasite at the site of invasion and/or (ii) prevent establishment in the intestine. Using parasites pre-labeled with a fluorescent stain, carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl diacetate (CFSE), the gills were identified as the site of attachment of C. shasta in a susceptible fish strain. In situ hybridization (ISH) of histological sections was then used to describe the invasion of the parasites in the gill filaments. To investigate differences in the progress of infection between resistant and susceptible fish, a C. shasta-susceptible strain of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and a C. shasta-resistant strain of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) were sampled at consecutive time points following exposure at an endemic site. Using ISH in both species, the parasite was observed to migrate from the gill epithelium into the gill blood vessels where replication and release of parasite stages occurred. Quantitative PCR verified entry of the parasite into the blood. Parasite levels in blood increased 4 days p.i. and remained at a consistent level until the second week when parasite abundance increased further and coincided with host mortality. The timing of parasite replication and migration to the intestine were similar for both fish species. The field exposure dose was unexpectedly high and apparently overwhelmed the Chinook salmon’s defenses, as no evidence of resistance to parasite penetration into the gills or prevention of parasite establishment in the intestine was observed.  相似文献   

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