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Photodynamic therapy is a treatment for malignant and certain non-malignant lesions that involves administration of a photosensitising drug. The use of 5-aminolaevulinic acid-induced porphyrins has become one of the most active fields of photodynamic therapy research. Since the efficacy of the treatment is somewhat limited by the hydrophilic nature of 5-aminolaevulinic acid, chemical modifications such as esterification with aliphatic alcohols have been made to induce higher porphyrin production. In an attempt to improve delivery of 5-aminolaevulinic acid to tissue, we have investigated the use of dendritic derivatives capable of bearing several drug molecules. The aim of this work was to evaluate in vivo and in vitro the efficacy of the first generation dendron, aminomethane tris-methyl 5-aminolaevulinic acid (containing three 5-aminolaevulinic acid residues) in terms of porphyrin synthesis. In LM3 cells, the dendron induced similar porphyrin levels compared to equimolar concentrations of 5-aminolaevulinic acid. Although the dendron is taken up with comparable efficiency to 5-aminolaevulinic acid, we found that there is only partial intracellular liberation of 5-aminolaevulinic acid residues. Both systemic and topical administration of the dendron to tumour-bearing mice induced higher porphyrin levels than the widely investigated hexyl ester derivative in most tissues studied, although it was not possible to surpass the levels induced by 5-aminolaevulinic acid. In conclusion, aminomethane tris-methyl 5-aminolaevulinic acid is capable of being taken up by cells efficiently, and liberating the active residues, although in vivo it was not possible to improve upon the efficacy of 5-aminolevulinic acid. Studies of accessibility and regulation of the esterases are needed to improve the design of these dendritic derivatives.  相似文献   

Summary By analogy to established methodology for the preparation of C-terminal peptide amides by 9-fluorenylmethyl-oxycarbonyl (Fmoc) chemistry, in conjunction with the acidolyzable 5-(4-Fmoc-aminomethyl-3,5-dimethoxyphenoxy)valeric acid (PAL, 1) handle, the present paper reports on 5-(4-(N-Fmoc-N-alkyl)aminomethyl-3,5-dimethoxyphenoxy)valeric acid [(R)PAL, 2] handles that can be used for synthesis of peptide N-alkylamides. The key step in the preparation of these handles was the NaBH3CN-mediated reductive amination (60 to 85% yields; R=CH3, CH3CH2, C6H5CH2CH2, 4-NO2C6H5) of 5-(4-formyl-3,5-dimethoxyphenoxy)valeric acid (4), an aldehyde precursor to PAL. The (R)PAL handles (2a and b) were applied to the preparation of LHRH analogues. After anchoring of handles to PEG-PS supports, peptide chain assemblies were carried out, and treatments with TFA-thioanisolephenol-1,2-ethanedithiol (87:5:5:3) for 90 min at 25 °C, followed by aqueous workups, provided the expected products in excellent yields and purities as supported by HPLC and mass spectrometric characterization.Taken in part from the Ph.D. Thesis of M.F. Songster, University of Minnesota, 1996. Preliminary reports of this work were presented at the 14th American Peptide Symposium, Columbus, OH, June 18–23, 1995 (poster P047), and at the Fourth International Symposium on Solid Phase Synthesis and Combinatorial Chemical Libraries, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 12–16, 1995.  相似文献   

An efficient solid-phase synthesis of Fmoc (glyco)peptide thioesters is described. Fmoc x Ser x OAll and Fmoc x Thr x OAll bound to resin with a silyl ether linker were deallylated by Pd(0) catalysis and condensed with thiophenol, benzyl mercaptane, and ethyl 3-mercaptopropionate by activation with DCC/HOBt. The thioesters were released from the resin either by treatment with CsF-AcOH or by acidic hydrolysis. The effectiveness of this silyl linker strategy is further demonstrated by the synthesis of more complex (glyco)peptide thioesters 25, 26 and 27 involving N-->C and C-->N peptide elongation.  相似文献   

The 2-(4-nitrophenylsulfonyl)ethoxycarbonyl (Nsc) group is an alternative to Fmoc for Nalpha-protection in solid-phase peptide synthesis. Nsc-amino acids may be particularly suitable for automatic synthesizers, in which the amino acids are stored in solution, and the incorporation of residues prone to racemization such as Cys and His. Owing to the hydrophilicity of the Nsc group, these derivatives are useful for the preparation of protected peptides in convergent solid-phase peptide synthesis strategies.  相似文献   

Intracellular porphyrin generation following administration of 5-aminolaevulinic acid has been widely used in photodynamic therapy for a range of malignant and certain non-malignant lesions. However, cellular uptake of 5-aminolaevulinic acid is limited by its hydrophilic nature and improved means of delivery are therefore being sought. Highly branched polymeric drug carriers known as dendrimers are a promising new approach to drug delivery. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of dendrimers conjugated with 5-aminolaevulinic acid for porphyrin production in the transformed PAM 212 keratinocyte cell line and skin explants. Each dendritic derivative incorporated three 5-aminolaevulinic acid residues which were conjugated as esters via methyl or propyl linkers to a central tertiary carbon whose remaining terminal bore an amino, aminobenzyloxycarbonyl or nitro group. In the cell line, all compounds were more efficient at low concentrations compared to equimolar 5-aminolaevulinic acid for porphyrin production, with the most efficient incorporating the longer propyl linker. This compound was also the most lipophilic according to partition coefficient measurements. The intracellular porphyrin fluorescence levels showed good correlation with cellular phototoxicity following light exposure for all the compounds, together with minimal dark toxicity. Our findings indicate that the key factors influencing the efficacy of the dendritic derivatives are lipophilicity and steric hindrance within the dendritic structure which could restrict access to intracellular esterases for liberation of 5-aminolaevulinic acid. These findings should be taken into account in the design of larger dendrimers of 5-aminolaevulinic acid.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the first aqueous microwave-assisted synthesis of histidine-containing peptides in high purity and with low racemization. We have previously shown the effectiveness of our synthesis methodology for peptides including difficult sequences using water-dispersible 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-amino acid nanoparticles. It is an organic solvent-free, environmentally friendly method for chemical peptide synthesis. Here, we studied the racemization of histidine during an aqueous-based coupling reaction with microwave irradiation. Under our microwave-assisted protocol using 4-(4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-4-methylmorpholinium chloride, the coupling reaction can be efficiently performed with low levels of racemization of histidine. Application of this water-based microwave-assisted protocol with water-dispersible 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-amino acid nanoparticles led to the successful synthesis of the histidine-containing hexapeptide neuropeptide W-30 (10–15), Tyr-His-Thr-Val-Gly-Arg-NH2, in high yield and with greatly reduced histidine racemization.  相似文献   

The synthesis of N-[2-(N-9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl)aminoethyl]-N-(2-N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)isocytosin-5-ylacetyl)glycine monomer and its incorporation into a PNA molecule via automated Fmoc solid-phase chemistry is described.  相似文献   

A simple yet highly effective application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization massspectrometry (MALDI-MS) for the rapid monitoring of Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesisis described. A few beads of the resin are removed at any desired step during synthesis, thefully protected peptide is cleaved from the resin and an MS spectrum of the analytes presentis produced. Some standard side-chain protecting groups may be cleaved off during samplepreparation for MS analysis; however, these cleavages are readily identified. Using thisapproach, incomplete amino acid acylations are readily detected in approximately the sametime as by traditional tests such as ninhydrin. The semi-on-line method also lends itself toready optimization of synthesis protocols and to the examination of resin-bound peptide sidereactions which may not be detectable by chemical means.  相似文献   

Summary A simple yet highly effective application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) for the rapid monitoring of Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis is described. A few beads of the resin are removed at any desired step during synthesis, the fully protected peptide is cleaved from the resin and an MS spectrum of the analytes present is produced. Some standard side-chain protecting groups may be cleaved off during sample preparation for MS analysis; however, these cleavages are readily identified. Using this approach, incomplete amino acid acylations are readily detected in approximately the same time as by traditional tests such as ninhydrin. The semi-on-line method also lends itself to ready optimization of synthesis protocols and to the examination of resin-bound peptide side reactions which may not be detectable by chemical means.  相似文献   

A versatile method is disclosed for solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) of molecular imaging contrast agents. A DO3A moiety was derivatized to introduce a CBZ-protected amino group and then coupled to a polymeric support. CBZ cleavage with Et2AlCl/thioanisole was optimized for SPPS. Amino acids were then coupled to the aminoDOTA-loaded resin using conventional stepwise Fmoc SPPS to create a product with DOTA coupled to the C-terminus of the peptide. In a second study, the DO3A moiety was coupled to a glycine-loaded polymeric support, and amino acids were then coupled to the amino-DOTA-peptide-loaded resin using SPPS to incorporate DOTA within the peptide sequence. The peptide-(Tm3+-DOTA) amide showed a paramagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer (PARACEST) effect, which demonstrated the utility of this contrast agent for molecular imaging. These results demonstrate the advantages of exploiting SPPS methodologies through development of unique DOTA derivatives to create peptide-based molecular imaging contrast agents.  相似文献   

Mitchell AR 《Biopolymers》2008,90(3):215-233
By the early 1970s it had became apparent that the solid-phase synthesis of ribonuclease A could not be generalized. Consequently, virtually every aspect of solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) was reexamined and improved during the decade of the 1970s. The sensitive detection and elimination of possible side reactions (amino acid insertion, N(alpha)-trifluoroacetylation, N(alphaepsilon)-alkylation) were examined. The quantitation of coupling efficiency in SPPS as a function of chain length was studied. A new and improved support for SPPS, the "PAM-resin," was prepared and evaluated. These and many other studies from the Merrifield laboratory and elsewhere increased the general acceptance of SPPS leading to the 1984 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Bruce Merrifield.  相似文献   

Mitchell AR 《Biopolymers》2008,90(3):175-184
Bruce Merrifield, trained as a biochemist, had to address three major challenges related to the development and acceptance of solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). The challenges were (1) to reduce the concept of peptide synthesis on a insoluble support to practice, (2) overcome the resistance of synthetic chemists to this novel approach, and (3) establish that a biochemist had the scientific credentials to effect the proposed revolutionary change in chemical synthesis. How these challenges were met is discussed in this article.  相似文献   

PNA type I monomer backbone with a reduced peptide bond was synthesized on a Merrifield resin in Mitsunobu reaction of Boc-aminoethanol with resin-bound o-nitrobenzenesulfonylglycine. The pseudodipeptide secondary amine group was deprotected by thiolysis and acylated with thymin-1-ylacetic acid. The monomer was released as a methyl ester. The procedure seems to be of general applicability and allows various modifications of PNA structure by using diverse alcohols and amino acid esters.  相似文献   

PDE5 inhibitors based upon the xanthine scaffold 8 have been expediently synthesized using a solid-phase route. Attachment of the xanthine scaffold 8 using the Rink chloride linker 4 and N-1 functionalization using Mitsunobu chemistry is described. A library of compounds was produced in multi-milligram quantities with excellent purities and acceptable yields. The compounds were tested for their PDE5 inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient strategy has been developed for the general synthesis of complex peptide aldehydes. N(alpha)-Benzyloxycarbonylamino acids were converted to protected aldehyde building blocks for solid-phase synthesis in four steps and moderate overall yields. The aldehydes were protected as 1,3-dioxolanes except for one case where a dimethyl acetal was used. These protected amino aldehyde monomers were then incorporated onto 5-[(2 or 4)-formyl-3,5-dimethoxyphenoxy]butyryl-resin (BAL-PEG-PS) by reductive amination, following which the penultimate residue was introduced by HATU-mediated acylation. The resultant resin-bound dipeptide unit, anchored by a backbone amide linkage (BAL), was extended further by routine Fmoc chemistry procedures. Several model peptide aldehydes were prepared in good yields and purities. Some epimerization of the C-terminal residue occurred (10% to 25%), due to the intrinsic stereolability conferred by the aldehyde functional group, rather than any drawbacks to the synthesis procedure.  相似文献   

Several 3-nitro-4-(N-protected aminomethyl)benzoic acids; with protection provided by tert.-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc), 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (Fmoc), trifluoroacetyl (Tfa), dithiasuccinoyl (Dts), or phthaloyl (Phth), have been prepared by reproducible routes. Synthesis of Dts-handle 6 illustrates some particularly novel and efficient chemistry, and is preferred over more intricate routes to Boc-handle 3 and Fmoc-handle 4. The five handles were each evaluated for their application to the synthesis of peptide amides. Coupling onto amino-functionalized supports provided a general starting point for peptide chain assembly. The handle amino function was deblocked (Boc, Fmoc, Dts), the C-terminal residue was coupled as its N alpha-protected free acid, and ultimately the ortho-nitrobenzylamide anchorage linkage was cleaved photolytically to give the corresponding amide. Starting with handles 3, 4, and 6, several free and protected peptide amides were synthesized.  相似文献   

The ability to speed up conventional Fmoc solid‐phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) has many advantages including increased productivity. One way to speed up conventional Fmoc SPPS is the choice of activator. Recently, several new activators have been introduced into the market, and they were evaluated along with some older activators for their ability to synthesize a range of peptides with shorter and longer reaction times. It was found that HDMC, PyClock, COMU, HCTU, and HATU worked well at shorter reaction times (2 × 1 min), but PyOxim and TFFH only worked well at longer reaction times. The performance of PyBOP at shorter reaction times was poor only for more difficult sequences. These results are important for selecting an appropriate activator for fast SPPS applications. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In solid-phase peptide synthesis, more than 80% of the discrete steps involve washing the resin with various solvents to remove unreacted reagents and byproducts. A simple, inexpensive apparatus has been designed to perform automatically up to three successive washing cycles, each consisting of the addition of a measured volume of solvent, stirring for a fixed time interval, and then draining off the solvent. The apparatus is a very useful labor-saving device because the time period between operator interventions (about 10 min) is long enough to permit other work to be done, whereas the manual peptide shaker approach requires virtually constant attendance by the operator. This peptide synthesizer proved to be both reliable and convenient during synthesis of a protected pentadecapeptide corresponding to amino acid residues 66 to 80 of horse heart cytochrome c.  相似文献   

A new method using a controlled pore glass solid support for the preparation of a thiol-terminated-polymerdrug, notably poly-L-glutamate-daunomycin having a terminal thiol group, is described. The method consists of first polymerizing an ester-protected glutamic acid onto an amino-disulfide functionalized controlled pore glass support. The ester protecting group is then removed, freeing the gamma-carboxyl groups of the grafted polymer which then allows it to react with daunomycin. Finally, the disulfide bond linking the conjugated polymer-drug to the solid support is broken by thiolysis, thus releasing the desired product. The final product consists of only polymer-drug conjugates with terminal thiol groups (global yield 26%). This novel method is much simpler and more elegant than more conventional preparation methods requiring solution phase techniques.  相似文献   

The development of a reliable sensitive method for the HPLC determination of 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) and ALA esters in cell lysates is described. The method relies on the quantification of a fluorescent derivative of ALA following its derivatisation with acetylacetone and formaldehyde. Following this procedure it is possible to quantify ALA in cell lysates with no need for pre-purification of the sample. The method has been validated in two ranges of concentration (0.6-65 microM, 0.1-10 microg/mL, and 30-600 microM, 5-100 microg/mL), and has also been extended and validated for the determination of ALA released from ALA prodrugs after acidic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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