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A few very small sensory pegs with the characteristics of chemoreceptors are present in both males and females on the antennal flagellum of the mayflies, Stenacron interpunctatum (Say)
  • 1 Stenacron interpunctatum (Say) is Stenonema interpunctatum (Say) of earlier literature.
  • and Cloeon sp. They are situated near the proximal end of the flagellum on its ventro-lateral surface and have escaped the attention of earlier investigators.  相似文献   

    Swarm behaviour and mate competition in mayflies (Ephemeroptera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Janet E.  Harker 《Journal of Zoology》1992,228(4):571-587
    Although mayfly swarms are frequently cited as an example of lekking by insects, little is known about the behaviour of individuals within a swarm, or how mate-selection takes place. A study of five species of mayfly over a period of 10 consecutive years has revealed species-specific differences in the flight pattern of swarming males and in the ability of males to recognize swarms of their own species. Males of four of the five species jostle other males in the swarm at all times except when mating: mating pairs are not jostled. The pattern of jostling varies with the species. Measurements of the sperm content of the vesicula seminalis and of the wing length of members of individual swarms show that larger wing size is positively correlated with the presence of less sperm. The vesicula seminalis is always filled with sperm at the beginning of the imaginal stage and the testes regress before the beginning of the imaginal stage. If the volume of sperm in the vesicula seminalis is a valid index of mating success then males with larger wings have the highest success. Large wings may bestow an advantage during jostling. The males of Ephemera danica , which do not jostle, glide with outspread wings; these outspread wings may attract females, the largest wings being the most attractive. Females of all five species enter the swarm a few at a time, although many females may be resting beneath the swarm. This phased entry may decrease the attraction of the swarm for predators. The number of females in a swarm is not correlated with swarm size, and the factors which enable females to regulate their entry into a swarm remain obscure.  相似文献   

    Logistic regressions, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, random forests and classification trees were used to predict habitat suitability for mayflies on basis of physical–chemical water characteristics, dominant land use type and structural parameters. As a case-study, the dataset of Flanders was used, which consisted of 4289 samples containing mayflies (presences) and 3315 samples from waters where mayflies were never encountered (absences). For all techniques, data were randomly divided in a training set (two thirds) and a test set (one third). Models were calibrated using a tenfold cross-validation on the training set and subsequently validated using the test set. All techniques delivered good models that were able to discriminate sites with and without mayflies and performance (expressed as percent correctly classified instances and kappa-statistics) was in all cases similar for the training and the test set. Artificial neural networks and random forests performed slightly better compared to the other techniques. Samples with mayflies contained significantly more oxygen, a better developed river structure, higher values for sinuosity and steeper slopes, while samples without mayflies had significantly higher values for ammonium, nitrite, Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorous, orthophosphate, biological and chemical oxygen demand, pH and conductivity. Also land use differed significantly, with mayflies usually present in forests but absent in industrial areas. The prevalence of mayflies gradually increased during the nineties from about 20 to 40%, which corresponded with an improvement of the chemical water quality. During the last decade, however, water quality did not further improve and as a result, mayflies prevalence did not continue to increase. Based on the planned measures, an ensemble forecast using the five mentioned modelling techniques predicted that mayflies prevalence will increase to 46% by 2015 and to 72% by 2027. To meet the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, which states that all surface waters should obtain a good ecological quality, extra efforts will be needed to decrease nutrient concentrations and to improve habitat quality.  相似文献   

    The extant global Ephemeroptera fauna is represented by over 3,000 described species in 42 families and more than 400 genera. The highest generic diversity occurs in the Neotropics, with a correspondingly high species diversity, while the Palaearctic has the lowest generic diversity, but a high species diversity. Such distribution patterns may relate to how long evolutionary processes have been carrying on in isolation in a bioregion. Over an extended period, there may be extinction of species, but evolution of more genera. Dramatic extinction events such as the K-T mass extinction have affected current mayfly diversity and distribution. Climatic history plays an important role in the rate of speciation in an area, with regions which have been climatically stable over long periods having fewer species per genus, when compared to regions subjected to climatic stresses, such as glaciation. A total of 13 families are endemic to specific bioregions, with eight among them being monospecific. Most of these have restricted distributions which may be the result of them being the relict of a previously more diverse, but presently almost completely extinct family, or may be the consequence of vicariance events, resulting from evolution due to long-term isolation. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

    A morphological comparison of type and non-type material of species of Campylocia, including their junior synonyms, was conducted, in addition to neighbour joining based on K2P distances and Bayesian inference analyses of 376?bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) of recently collected specimens. Results revealed the lack of distinguishing characters between C. bocainensis and C. dochmia supported by the molecular analysis, where the overlap of intra- and interspecific genetic divergences suggested genetic flow among individuals. Campylocia burmeisteri is revalidated as a senior synonym of Brazilian south-eastern species C. bocainensis and C. dochmia and of E. guntheri, formerly a synonym of C. anceps. Campylocia burmeisteri is redescribed based on material from its type-locality, Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro State. Two new species, C. demoulini sp. nov. and C. araca sp. nov., are described from the Amazon rain forest and a third species, C. orosi sp. nov., is described from Costa Rica. Possible cryptic species and the utility of egg morphology in the taxonomy of Campylocia are discussed for the first time for the genus. A key to the identification of adult stages of Campylocia is provided based on male genitalia and egg morphologyhttp://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6779DC2C-DB98-41DF-8C52-FF97366AAF7A  相似文献   

    Callibaetis is considered to be one of the most problematic genera among mayflies by a series of taxonomic inaccuracies that have accumulated over the last two centuries. Despite these taxonomic problems, two independent hypotheses of species groups have been proposed. In the first hypothesis, three species groups for North America were proposed, and in the second, three species groups were proposed for South American. In these hypotheses, the generic delimitation and monophyly of Callibaetis have not been evaluated under a cladistic framework. Taking this into account, the objectives of this study were to verify the monophyly of Callibaetis and whether the groups of species proposed for the genus are corroborated as natural. The matrix included 128 morphological characters and one habitat character, 119 discrete characters were compiled (101 of nymphs and 18 of adults), and six imaginal characters are related to pigmentation pattern. Continuous characters were ratios and were represented by 10 characters (nine for nymphs and one for adults). The data set was analysed under implied weights. Group support was estimated with relative Bremer support and frequency differences. The results corroborated the monophyletic nature of Callibaetis and the generic status of Callibaetoides; however, the groups proposed for North and South American Callibaetis species were not corroborated. Our study indicated four groups of species for the genus, which we proposed as subgenera: Callibaetis, Abaetetuba subgen. n. Aiso subgen. n. and Cunhaporanga subgen. n.  相似文献   

    Echinocereus is a morphologically diverse genus that includes 64 species grouped into eight taxonomic sections based on morphological traits. In previous molecular phylogenetic analyses, the relationships amongst Echinocereus species were not entirely revealed and useful characters to recognize clades were not provided. The inclusion of several sources of evidence in a phylogenetic analysis is likely to produce more supported hypotheses. Therefore, we performed a combined phylogenetic analysis with a set of 44 morphological characters and six chloroplast DNA sequences. Topologies from parsimony and Bayesian analyses were mostly congruent. However, the relationships of E. poselgeri were not consistent between analyses. A second Bayesian analysis using a long-branch extraction test resulted in a topology with the morphological position of E. poselgeri congruent with that in parsimony analysis. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses corroborated the monophyly of Echinocereus, which included eight monophyletic groups. The combined phylogeny integrated into different clades those taxa that were not determined in previous analyses and changed the relationships of some recognized clades. The clades did not recover the recent infrageneric classification. In the present study, a new sectional classification for Echinocereus is proposed based on the eight recovered clades, which is supported by a combination of morphological and molecular characters. An identification key for sections in the genus is included.  相似文献   

    Knowledge of the mayfly biodiversity in the Balkan Peninsula is still far from complete. Compared to the neighbouring countries, the mayfly fauna in Croatia is very poorly known. Situated at the crossroads of central and Mediterranean Europe and the Balkan Peninsula, Croatia is divided into two ecoregions: Dinaric western Balkan and Pannonian lowland. Mayflies were sampled between 2003 and 2013 at 171 sites, and a total of 66 species was recorded. Combined with the literature data, the Croatian mayfly fauna reached a total of 79 taxa. Of these, 29 species were recorded for the first time in Croatia while 15 species were not previously recorded in Dinaric western Balkan ecoregion. Based on the mayfly assemblage, sampling sites were first structured by ecoregion and then by habitat type. In comparison with the surrounding countries, the Croatian mayfly fauna is the most similar to the Hungarian and Bosnian fauna. Some morphologically interesting taxa such as Baetis cf. nubecularis Eaton, 1898 and Rhithrogena from the diaphana group were recorded. Ephemera cf. parnassiana Demoulin, 1958, the species previously recorded only from Greece, was also recorded.  相似文献   

    Scanlon, John D. & Lee, Michael S. Y. (2004). Phylogeny of Australasian venomous snakes (Colubroidea, Elapidae, Hydrophiinae) based on phenotypic and molecular evidence. — Zoologica Scripta , 33 , 335–366.
    Phylogenetic relationships among Hydrophiinae (Australasian and marine elapid snakes) are inferred using 87 characters from external, skeletal, hemipenial and internal anatomy, ecology, and chromosomes as well as available sequences of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and 16S rRNA). Parsimony analysis of the combined data retrieves many widely accepted clades; while observed bootstrap or branch (Bremer) support for these is often weak, most have never been corroborated previously by a rigorous numerical analysis. Sea kraits ( Laticauda ) and Solomon Islands elapids are basal to the remaining hydrophiines (Australian terrestrial forms and hydrophiin sea snakes). The latter clade includes three main lineages: a large-bodied oviparous lineage, a small-bodied oviparous lineage, and a viviparous lineage (which also includes the hydrophiin sea snakes, strongly reaffirmed as monophyletic). While the Solomons retain a relictual fauna, New Guinea has less endemism and has been invaded multiple times by Australian lineages, so there is no clear 'stepping stone' pattern supporting a northern (Asian, rather than Gondwanan) biogeographical origin.  相似文献   

    Species of the tribe Adramini (Tephritidae: Trypetinae) are usually slender, and some specific species have eyes borne at the ends of their long stalks. This tribe is mainly distributed in the tropics and subtropics of the Afrotropical, Oriental and Australasian Regions; relatively few species occur in the Palearctic and Nearctic Regions. The phylogeny of the tribe Adramini is presented here based on analysis of morphological and molecular information (DNA sequences of nuclear 28S rDNA, mitochondrial COI and COII, and 16S rDNA genes) for its representative species in most genera. Three monophyletic groups (Adrama‐com‐group, Pelmatops‐com‐group and Dimeringophrys‐com‐group) were discovered in the combined morphological and molecular tree. The results showed moderate support for the monophyly of Adramini and strong support for most of its genera. However, Euphranta appears to be polyphyletic. Sapadrama, Celidodacus and Euphranta are basal taxon, and Coelopacidia, Soita and Trypanophion are closely related to the stalk‐eyed fruit flies (Pelmatops + Pseudopelmatops). A hypothesis regarding the morphology–function relationships for two main groups of Adramini (Adrama‐group and Pelmatops‐group) with different evolving probabilities is inferred. Sapadrama is proposed be removed from Adramini; a new genus, Ichneumonomacula Chen gen. n. and a new species Ichneumonmacula wangyongi Chen sp. n., are recognized and described, and a key to recognize the genera of Adramini around the world is provided.  相似文献   

    We investigated the relative importance of dispersal and vicariance in forming the Madagascar insect fauna, sequencing approximately 2300bp from three rRNA gene regions to investigate the phylogeny of Afrotropical small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Six lineages contained trans-oceanic sister taxa, and variation in genetic divergence between sister taxa revealed relationships that range from very recent dispersal to ancient vicariance. Dispersal was most recent and frequent in species that spend the larval stage in standing water, adding to evidence that these evolutionarily unstable habitats may select for ecological traits that increase dispersal in insects. Ancestral state likelihood analysis suggested at least one Afrotropical lineage had its origin in Madagascar, demonstrating that unidirectional dispersal from a continental source may be too simplistic. We conclude that the Malagasy mayfly fauna should be considered in a biogeographical context that extends beyond Madagascar itself, encompassing trans-oceanic dispersal within multiple lineages.  相似文献   

    We investigated the molecular phylogeny of isonychiid mayflies inhabiting the East Palearctic region, Isonychia (Isonychia) japonica, Isonychia (Isonychia) ignota, Isonychia (Isonychia) ussurica and Isonychia (Prinoides) shima. We discuss their genetic structures, phylogeny and phylogeography. We collected a total of 100 specimens of isonychiid mayfly species from 47 localities of the Northeast Palearctic region (the Japanese archipelago, the Korean peninsula, the Russian Far East and Mongolia). We analyzed the DNA sequences at the mtDNA COI and 16S rRNA regions, and the nuDNA Histone H3 region. As a result of our genetic analyses of the four Northeast Palearctic isonychiid mayflies, their monophyly at the species level was supported by both the mtDNA (COI and 16S rRNA regions) and the nuDNA (Histone H3 region). In addition, it also became clear that significantly large genetic differentiation exists at the inter‐species level; thus, the relationship of “shima + (japonica + (ignota + ussurica))” is supported. Among the four isonychiid mayflies of the Northeast Palearctic area, I. (P.) shima was shown to be a basal‐most linage within the included species  相似文献   

    Mayflies from the family Leptophlebiidae are cosmopolitan and highly diverse morphologically; they are also the largest family in numbers of genera and the second in number of species in the order Ephemeroptera. In spite of their broad diversity and the efforts employed to understand the evolution of this group, the internal classification of Leptophlebiidae remains controversial at all levels. More recently, important changes have been incorporated into the systematics of the family, increasing the number of subfamilies (from two to six) and recognizing several tribes. We present a phylogeny of the family based on 153 taxa (53 genera) and two molecular markers, representing 1655 bp, and verify the taxonomic status of the subfamilies, tribes and complexes. Based on these results, the number of subfamilies has been increased from six to eight and one new tribes and two new subtribes have been added. In addition, new ranks are proposed and the concept of Atalophlebiinae revised, including genera with distributions in the Australasian and Neotropical regions.  相似文献   

    The phylogeny of Aphroditiformia, benthic polychaetes carrying dorsal elytra, is assessed from nuclear 18S rDNA, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), and 31 morphological characters. Two non-elytrabearing taxa, Palmyra and Pisione, are included to assess their relationship to the elytrabearers. The data are analysed both separately and combined, with parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. In total, 19 terminal taxa are examined, including 12 elytrabearing taxa from all scale-worm groups, Palmyra, Pisione, and five outgroup taxa. The results show that Palmyra and Pisione are nested within Aphroditiformia. Palmyra is sister to Aphrodita, and both Pisione and Pholoe are positioned within Sigalionidae, suggesting that both family names Pisionidae and Pholoidae should be treated as junior synonyms of Sigalionidae.  相似文献   

    Macroptilium (Benth.) Urban (Phaseoleae, Papilionoideae, Leguminosae) is an American genus of legumes, belonging to subtribe Phaseolinae along with other economically important genera, such as Vigna Savi and Phaseolus L. (the common bean genus). Cladistic analyses based on morphological, biochemical (storage seed proteins) and molecular (nuclear and plastid DNA sequences) data were performed on the 18 species currently ascribed to the genus, exploring several character weighting strategies. Equal weights, implied weighting and different transversion/transition costs were applied. The three data sets were first analyzed with separate partitions, and then combined into a single matrix. This study is the first one to analyze all the species of the genus from a cladistic point of view. In all the most parsimonious trees obtained, Macroptilium is monophyletic with excellent support values. Two monophyletic clades are recovered in almost all the analyses. Both are compound by nine species, and they constitute two sections of Macroptilium. Several interspecific relationships inside the genus are discussed. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

    To address the phylogenetic relationships of the centipede order Geophilomorpha (more than 1000 species), we have reinterpreted and expanded the knowledge on their morphological disparity, and have doubled the amount of molecular data available. We performed maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses, using 195 phylogenetically informative morphological characters for 80 species, and DNA sequences of 28S, 18S, 16S rRNA and COI for up to 48 species. We found strong support for the monophyly of Geophilomorpha, the basal dichotomy between Adesmata and Placodesmata = Mecistocephalidae, and the basal dichotomy within Adesmata between two clades that are recognized here as superfamilies Himantarioidea and Geophiloidea. With respect to the families currently in use, Himantarioidea comprises three well supported clades corresponding to (i) Oryidae, (ii) Himantariidae, and (iii) Schendylidae s.l. including Ballophilidae; Geophiloidea comprises another three supported clades corresponding to (iv) a new family Zelanophilidae, (v) Gonibregmatidae s.l. including Eriphantidae and Neogeophilidae, and (vi) Geophilidae s.l. including Aphilodontidae, Dignathodontidae, Linotaeniidae, and Macronicophilidae.  相似文献   

    The rove beetle subtribe Xanthopygina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae: Staphylinini) is a species‐rich group of 27 neotropical genera that contains some of the largest and most brightly coloured of all staphylinid beetles. The monophyly of the subtribe has never been tested before, using a large dataset of taxa and genes. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses are used on individual genes (COI, 28S rDNA, wingless, arginine kinase, CAD and topoisomerase I) and the partitioned concatenated dataset to test for monophyly and examine the relationships among Xanthopygina genera. Xanthopygina (excluding Philothalpus) are shown to be a monophyletic group with strong support values. The genus Philothalpus is removed from Xanthopygina and placed in the tribe Staphylinini as incertae sedis. Four distinct clades of Xanthopygina genera are recognized. The origin of Xanthopygina is hypothesized to be in the Late Cretaceous or later and the origin of myrmecophilous adaptations is discussed.  相似文献   

    The order Thysanoptera (Paraneoptera), commonly known as thrips, displays a wide range of behaviours, and includes several pest species. The classification and suggested relationships among these insects remain morphologically based, and have never been evaluated formally with a comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis. We tested the monophyly of the suborders, included families and the recognized subfamilies, and investigated their relationships. Phylogenies were reconstructed based upon 5299 bp from five genetic loci: 18S ribosomal DNA, 28S ribosomal DNA, Histone 3, Tubulin‐alpha I and cytochrome oxidase c subunit I. Ninety‐nine thrips species from seven of the nine families, all six subfamilies and 70 genera were sequenced. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses all strongly support a monophyletic Tubulifera and Terebrantia. The families Phlaeothripidae, Aeolothripidae, Melanthripidae and Thripidae are recovered as monophyletic. The relationship of Aeolothripidae and Merothripidae to the rest of Terebrantia is equivocal. Molecular data support previous suggestions that Aeolothripidae or Merothripidae could be a sister to the rest of Terebrantia. Four of the six subfamilies are recovered as monophyletic. The two largest subfamilies, Phlaeothripinae and Thripinae, are paraphyletic and require further study to understand their internal relationships.  相似文献   

    Phylogeny of the Calliergonaceae is reconstructed based on nuclear and chloroplast sequence data, and morphology. Depending on treatment of insertions and deletions, the total number of informative characters was 194 or 163. The study yielded good support for two major clades, one with Hamatocaulis, Scorpidium, and possibly Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Wils.) Loeske, and one with Calliergon, Loeskypnum, Straminergon, and Warnstorfia. Inclusion of H. ochraceum in the ingroup increased tree length, markedly decreased consistency and retention indices, and decreased support for the structure of the Hamatocaulis-Scorpidium clade, and its position within the family is challenged. When H. ochraceum was excluded, good support is found for the genera Hamatocaulis and Scorpidium. Within the other major subclade the monophyly of a clade with Loeskypnum, Straminergon, and Warnstorfia, of a portion of Calliergon, and of Warnstorfia fluitans plus W. pseudostraminea are well supported.  相似文献   

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