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Gildenkov  M. Yu. 《Entomological Review》2020,100(7):1009-1019
Entomological Review - The type material of several synonyms of Coprophilus (Zonyptilus) pennifer (Motschulsky, 1845) is revised. Both Coprophilus (Zonyptilus) striatipennis (Eppelsheim, 1894) and...  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Scaphicoma Motschulsky, 1863 from Sulawesi, Indonesia are illustrated and described: Scaphicoma subflava Ogawa & Löbl, sp. n., S. bidentia Ogawa & Löbl, sp. n., and S. quadrifasciata Ogawa & Löbl, sp. n. Lepteroscapha pallens Achard, 1921 is designated as the type species of the genus Lepteroscapha Achard, 1921.  相似文献   

Tang L  Li LZ  Cao GH 《ZooKeys》2011,(111):67-85
Chinese species of Dianous group I are studied and three new species are described: Dianous fengtingaesp. n. from Hainan Province, Dianous zhujianqingisp. n. from Jiangxi and Guizhou Province, and Dianous huanghaoisp. n. from Yunnan Province. Dianous shan Rougemont and Dianous viridicupreus Rougemont are discovered from China for the first time. Their diagnostic characters are illustrated and a key to Chinese species of Dianous group I is provided.  相似文献   

Yin ZW  Li LZ  Zhao MJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(116):15-24
A total of three Chinese species of the genus Intestinarius Kurbatov, 2007 are recognized, among which, two new species are described: Intestinarius guangdongensissp. n. from Guangdongand Intestinarius longicepssp. n. from Guizhou. Illustrations of major diagnostic characters are given for all three Chinese species including Intestinarius kuzmini Kurbatov, 2007. A key is included to aid in their identification.  相似文献   

The genus Miridiba is here reviewed on the basis of external morphological and genital characters. This genus now contains 27 species, eight of which are new transfers from Holotrichia Hope, 1837; Holotrichia (Pledina) ; Melolontha Fabricius, 1775; and Neodontocnema . A type series of thirteen species is designed. Hippotrichia and Neodontocnema are described in detail.  相似文献   

Material of the paederine genus Domene Fauvel, 1873 from China is examined. Nine species were identified, four of them described previously, one unnamed (represented exclusively by females), and four are newly described: Domene cultrata sp. n. (Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi); Domene cuspidata sp. n. (Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan); Domene chenae sp. n. (Guangxi); Domene reducta sp. n. (Sichuan). A lectotype is designated for Domene reitteri Koch, 1939; a neotype is designated for Domene chenpengi Li, 1990. Domene dersuuzalai Gusarov, 1992 is placed in synonymy with Domene chenpengi. Previous records of two Japanese species from China are most likely based on misidentifications and considered erroneous. Thus, the Domene fauna of China is currently composed of twelve described species. A key to the Domene species of China is provided. The distributions of eleven species are mapped.  相似文献   

The genus Ablattaria Reitter, 1884 (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Silphinae) is revised. Four taxa are recognized as valid species: Ablattaria arenaria (Kraatz, 1876), Ablattaria cribrata (Ménétries, 1832), Ablattaria laevigata (Fabricius, 1775) and Ablattaria subtriangula Reitter, 1905. Ablattaria laevigata var. meridionalis Ganglbauer, 1899 is newly treated as a junior subjective synonym of Ablattaria laevigata. Lectotypes are designated for Phosphuga arenaria Kraatz, 1876, Ablattaria arenaria var. punctigera Reitter, 1884, Ablattaria arenaria var. alleoni Portevin, 1926, Silpha cribrata Ménétries, 1832, Silpha laevigata Fabricius, 1775, Silpha gibba Brullé, 1832, Ablattaria gibba var. costulata Portevin, 1926, Ablattaria gibba var. distinguenda Portevin, 1926, Ablattaria gibba var. punctata Portevin, 1926 and Ablattaria subtriangula Reitter, 1905. The distribution of all taxa is mapped, based on material examined. Geometric morphometric methods were used to evaluate shape variability in Ablattaria. Results indicated sexual dimorphism in all species. Shape inconsistency was found between the sexes of all taxa when tested independently. The first two relative warp axes indicated 65.17% shape variation in males and 65.72% in females. Canonical variate analysis separated the taxa studied. There was minimal overlap between some groups in both sexes. Differences in body shape between populations of Ablattaria laevigata from Central Europe, Italy and Greece + Turkey were also examined. Relative warps implied 58.01% shape variability on both axes in males and 64.78% in females. CVA revealed noticeable overlaps between the groups, although the Italian population demonstrated a higher separation in both sexes.  相似文献   

O. Betz 《Zoomorphology》1996,116(1):15-34
 Further to basic investigations, additional histological and scanning electron microscopical studies of the anatomy and morphology of the adhesion-capture apparatus in species of the genus Stenus have been carried out to achieve a better understanding of its mode of working and evolution. An interspecific morphological comparison of the sticky cushions (paraglossae) of the labium of 47 Stenus species has established that, in most of the investigated species, they represent a general type that has apparently been modified in different ways during the course of evolution. These changes primarily concern the number of adhesive setae on a cushion and the degree of branching of a single adhesive seta. It has been shown experimentally that larger sticky cushions and higher numbers of adhesive setae or adhesive contacts improve adhesion and thus lead to enhanced capture success. In addition to the morphological comparison of the paraglossae, some general aspects of the functional anatomy and morphology of the labium have been examined. It has been established that, during attack, the sticky cushions and the tips of the sense-spines are directed frontally with respect to the prey. This concurrent erection of both paraglossae and the glossae is conditioned by an exocuticular groin that connects the glossae and paraglossae on the left and on the right. The interior of the sticky cushions is made up of a loose reticulum of endocuticular fibres. This cushion-like endocuticle may absorb the thrust caused by the impact of the sticky cushions on the prey. All tissue and chitinous components within the connecting tube of the labium are surrounded by an extra inner covering that separates the tissue within the labium from the exterior wall of the labium. During the protrusion of the labium, this inner tube is most probably required to direct the haemolymph, flowing into the interior of the labium, towards the front. The hypopha- rynx is situated directly in front of the opening of the mouth and narrows the opening into the pharynx. It may be well suited for retaining large food pieces in front of the mouth in order to prevent their premature movement towards the mouth. Accepted: 12 October 1995  相似文献   

Three new Stenus from South America are described: S. aeneomicans n.sp. from Argentinia, 5. atromicans n.sp. from Bolivia, and S. setosivestis from Costa Rica.  相似文献   

We document external and internal thoracic structures of the free-living pselaphine beetle Pselaphus heisei (Pselaphitae) using a set of traditional and modern techniques. Like in the specialized myrmecophile Claviger testaceus (Clavigeritae), the skeletal elements of the pro- and pterothorax are highly compact, with largely reduced inter- and intrasegmental sutures. Features previously listed as synapomorphies of staphylinid subgroups, to which Pselaphinae belong, are confirmed for P. heisei. The only previously proposed thoracic synapomorphy of Pselaphinae, the mesoventral foveae, is likely transformed in P. heisei: we assume that the concavities are directed mesad and internally fused, thus forming a broad channel (“perforation”) extending through the keel-like median region of the mesoventrite. The prothoracic foveal system is strongly reduced, with only one pair of pits present in front of the procoxae. Their internal invaginations form a transverse ventral endoskeletal bar that stabilizes the prothorax. The condition observed in the free-living P. heisei is in contrast with previous hypotheses linking the reduction of the foveal system with myrmecophily. Moreover, traces of the mesoventral foveae are even preserved in the highly specialized inquiline C. testaceus. Gland cells are associated with areas of hyaline squamose setae on different body regions, suggesting release of secretions on the ventral side of the head, pro- and mesothorax, and abdominal base. Similar specialized setal patches are common in Pselaphini and related groups within Pselaphitae. The prothoracic musculature in P. heisei is more complex than that in the myrmecophilous C. testaceus and the free-living, unspecialized Creophilus maxillosus (Staphylininae). The metathoracic muscle system is strongly simplified, demonstrating that P. heisei cannot fly, even though wings, some skeletal elements of the flight apparatus, and some small direct flight muscles are preserved. It cannot be fully excluded that indirect flight muscles and thus a functional flight apparatus is preserved in a certain percentage of individuals.  相似文献   

Liang Tang  Li-Zhen Li 《ZooKeys》2013,(344):49-54
Brathinus satoi Kishimoto & Shimada, 2003 is recorded from Longwangshan Nature Reserve, Zhejiang, China. Some diagnostic characters of the species are discussed based on more specimens, and some biological notes are made on the species.  相似文献   

Abstract  Species of the Australian genus Myrabolia are reviewed. Lectotypes are designated for Silvanus brevicornis Erichson, Myrabolia haroldiana Reitter, M. lindensis Blackburn and M. longicornis Blackburn. The following new species are described and illustrated: M. australis, M. blackburni , M. elongata , M. kioloa , M. lawrencei , M. micra , M. pelion and M. tasmanica. Ocholissa leai Grouvelle, originally described in Colydiidae, is here transferred to Myrabolia as M. leai (Grouvelle) comb. n. The nomenclatural history, a diagnosis and distribution data are provided for each species. A key to the species of the genus is presented.  相似文献   

Liang Tang  Li-Zhen Li 《ZooKeys》2013,(272):1-20
A study on the Steninae of Ningxia Autonomous Region is presented. Sixteen species are recognized, including new province records for 11 species and four new species: Stenus biwenxuani sp. n., Stenus liupanshanus sp. n., Dianous yinziweii sp. n., Dianous ningxiaensis sp. n. Habitus photos of the new species, illustrations of diagnostic characters of all species and a key to species of the Steninae recorded from Ningxia are provided.  相似文献   

Eight species of Chrysolina have been chromosomally studied in male individuals from Central Europe, South France and the Urals, in Russia. Ch. rufa had 2n = 23, Ch. purpurascens crassimargo 2n = 24 and a meioformula of 11 + Xyp, Ch. globosa and Ch. bigorrensis 12 + Xyp, Ch. umbratilis 2n = 30 and 14 + XYp, a new non-chiasmate sex-chromosome system with both male sex-chromosomes of large size, Ch. cf. subcostata 12 + XYp with large sex-chromosomes also, Ch. interstincta 2n = 40 and 19 + Xyp, and Ch. obscurella 2n = 47. The taxonomic implications of these findings are discussed in relation with the current subgeneric classification of Chrysolina and principally that of the subgenera Colaphoptera, Sphaerochrysolina, Pleurosticha, Chalcoidea and Threnosoma.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure and motility pattern of spermatozoa of the rove beetle Aleochara curtula were examined using electron and light microscopic methods. The spermatozoon is about 100 microm long and filiform. The head piece comprises a 5 microm long triple layered acrosome and 10 microm long nucleus. The flagellum consists of a 9+9+2 axoneme, two accessory bodies and two mitochondrial derivatives about equal in size but of different shape in their cross sections. In both derivatives there are paracrystalline inclusions. The flagellum is attached to the head by a 2 microm long centriole adjunct which is characterized by its electron dense material that forms a three layered folded lamellar structure. When liberated in buffer solution the sperm flagella assume a coiled hook-like form with the excentric stiff head protruding in front. The spermatozoa are driven through the medium by a small helicoidal wave of high frequency superimposed to the bent flagella. The maximum speed measured was 15.2 microm/s. The sperm architecture of A. curtula is similar to that of other Aleochara species but differs in total length and dimensions of the mitochondrial derivatives. For that reason Aleochara sperm can certainly prove useful to study the effect of the mitochondrial derivatives on sperm motility.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Kopulationsablauf beiA. curtula wird beschrieben: Die Männchen stülpen bei Annäherung an ein Weibchen die Genitalorgane bei weit über den Kopf gebogenem Abdomen aus, schreiten oder rutschen mit den Parameren am weiblichen Abdomen zu dessen Ende und nehmen nach fester Koppelung die für die Aleocharinae typische face-to-end-Stellung ein.Abdomen und äußere Genitalorgane beider Geschlechter werden unter vorwiegend funktionsmorphologischem Aspekt beschrieben. Die Beweglichkeit des Abdomens und der Genitalorgane wird durch den Muskelverlauf erklärt. Gliederung und Muskulatur der Parameren ermöglichen deren Funktion als Klammer- und Schreitorgane bei der Kontaktorientierung. Die Koppelung der Partner erfolgt durch Einrasten des Aedeagushakens unter das Genitalkammersklerit, Einrasten der Zahnplatten in die Genitalkammergruben und durch Widerhaken auf den ballonartigen Endophallusdivertikeln. Die lagegerechte Fixierung ist hauptsächlich durch den Ausrollmechanismus des Endophallus bestimmt. Die Virga wird als Leitstruktur für den Spermatophorenschlauch in den Ductus receptaculi eingeführt.
Functional and morphological investigations of the copulation ofAleochara curtula goeze (Coleoptera, staphylinidae)
Summary The mating behaviour ofA. curtula is described: Males approaching a female protrude their genitalia with inflected abdomen, and walk or glide with their parameres on the female abdomen to its end. After tight coupling the pair forms the typical face-to-end position of Aleocharinae.Functional and morphological investigations of the abdomen and the external genitalia of both sexes are reported: The mobility of the abdomen and the male genitalia is explained by the muscular system. Articulation and muscles of the parameres are responsible for their function as claspers and walking-organs. Coupling of the pairs is effected by attaching the hook of the aedeagus under a sclerite of the female genital chamber, hooking toothed plates into pits of the genital chamber, and by spines on the endophallus diverticles. The correct position of male organs in the genital chamber is mainly determinated by the mechanism of protruding the endophallus. A virga is introduced into the Ductus receptaculi as a guide rail for the tube of the spermatophore.

Abkürzungsverzeichnis Ac Antecosta (-Ring) - Aed Aedeagus - Aed.Bb Aedeagus-Bulbus - Aed. H Aedeagus-Haken - Aed.Tb Aedeagus-Tubus - An Anus - Ap Apophyse - AR.Enph Außenrohr des Endophallus - AS.Enph Apikalsack des Endophallus - b.Bg basaler Bügel - d Divertikel - D.ej Ductus ejaculatorius - D.r Ductus receptaculi - Enph Endophallus - For.med Foramen medialis - GC Genitalkammer - GC.G Genitalkammergruben - GC.Skl Genitalkammersklerit - GC.Tsch Genitalkammertasche - Gpr Gonoporus - I Insertion, Ansatz - KS.Sph Klebsekret der Spermatophore - lat.Pmr.Skl laterales Paramerensklerit - Ld.Aed.Bb dorsale Lamina des Aedeagus-Bulbus - Ld.Aed.Tb dorsale Lamina des Aedeagus-Tubus - Lö.Skl Löffelsklerit - L.Ski Lateralsklerit - LT Laterotergit - Lv.Aed.Bb ventrale Lamina des Aedeagus-Bulbus - Lv.Aed.Tb ventrale Lamina des Aedeagus-Tubus - M 1–42 Muskeln (numeriert) - M (Vag.-D.r) Vagina-Ductus-Muskelkomplex - med.Pmr.Skl medianes Paramerensklerit - O Ursprung - Phb Phallobasis - Phtr Phallotrema - Pmr Paramere - R.Ski Rahmensklerit - S Sternit - Ski Sklerit - Sp.Sk Sperma-Sack - Sph Spermatophore - Sph.Sl Spermatophorenschlauch - St.Skl Stangensklerit - T Tergit - Tra Trachee - TS. Sph Trägersubstanz der Spermatophore - V Virga - Vag Vagina - Vb Virgabasis - Z Zahnplatten Herrn Prof. Dr. D. Fuldner und Herrn Dr. M. Achtelig danke ich für wertvolle Anregungen und Diskussionsbeiträge  相似文献   

New species of the neotropical genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Five new species of the neotropical genus Neolindus from the Peruvian Amazon region and from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) are described.  相似文献   

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