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Transformer stations in apartment buildings may offer a possibility to conduct epidemiological studies that involve high exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (MF), avoid selection bias and minimize confounding factors. To validate exposure assessment based on transformer stations, measurements were performed in thirty buildings in three Finnish cities. In each building, spot measurements in all rooms and a 24-h recording in a bedroom were performed in one apartment above a transformer station (AAT), in one first floor (FF) reference apartment, and one reference apartment on upper floors (UF). The apartment mean of spot measurements was 0.62 microT in the AATs, 0.21 microT in the FF and 0.11 microT in the UF reference apartments The 24-h apartment mean (estimated from the spot measurements and the bedroom 24-h recording) was 0.2 microT or higher in 29 (97%) AATs, in 7 (25%) FF and in 3 (10 %) UF reference apartments. The corresponding numbers for the 0.4 microT cut-off point were 19 (63%), 4 (14%), and 1 (3.3%). The higher MF level in the FF reference apartments indicates that they should not be considered "unexposed" in epidemiological studies. If such apartments are excluded, a transformer station under the floor predicts 24-h apartment mean MF with a sensitivity of 0.41 (or 0.58) and a specificity of 0.997 (or 0.97), depending on the MF cut-off point (0.2 or 0.4 microT). The results indicate that apartments can be reliably classified as high and low MF field categories based on the known location of transformer stations.  相似文献   

Limits on exposures to extremely low-frequency electric fields, magnetic fields and contact currents, designated as voluntary guidelines or standards by several organizations worldwide, are specified so as to minimize the possibility of neural stimulation. The limits, which we refer to as guidelines, derive from "basic restrictions" either on electric fields or current density within tissue, or on avoidance of annoying or startling interactions that may be experienced with spark discharge or contact current. Further, the guidelines specify more conservative permissible doses and exposure levels for the general public than for exposures in controlled environments, which most typically involve occupational settings. In 2001 we published an update on guideline science. This paper covers more recent developments that are relevant to the formulation and implementation of the next generation of guidelines. The paper deals with neurostimulation thresholds and the relevance of magnetophosphenes to setting guideline levels; dosimetry associated with contact current benchmarked against basic restrictions; tissue and cellular dosimetry from spark discharge; assessment of exposures to high electric fields in realistic situations (e.g., line worker in a transmission tower); a simplified approach to magnetic field assessment in non-uniform magnetic fields; and a quantitative approach to sampling workplace exposure for assessing compliance.  相似文献   

In occupational environments, an increasing number of electromagnetic sources emitting complex magnetic field waveforms in the range of intermediate frequencies is present, requiring an accurate exposure risk assessment with both in vitro and in vivo experiments. In this article, an in vitro exposure system able to generate complex magnetic flux density B‐fields, reproducing signals from actual intermediate frequency sources such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, for instance, is developed and validated. The system consists of a magnetic field generation system and an exposure apparatus realized with a couple of square coils. A wide homogeneity (99.9%) volume of 210 × 210 × 110 mm3 was obtained within the coils, with the possibility of simultaneous exposure of a large number of standard Petri dishes. The system is able to process any numerical input sequence through a filtering technique aimed at compensating the coils' impedance effect. The B‐field, measured in proximity to a 1.5 T MRI bore during a typical examination, was excellently reproduced (cross‐correlation index of 0.99). Thus, it confirms the ability of the proposed setup to accurately simulate complex waveforms in the intermediate frequency band. Suitable field levels were also attained. Moreover, a dosimetry index based on the weighted‐peak method was evaluated considering the induced E‐field on a Petri dish exposed to the reproduced complex B‐field. The weighted‐peak index was equal to 0.028 for the induced E‐field, indicating an exposure level compliant with the basic restrictions of the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection. Bioelectromagnetics 34:211–219, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological studies suggest a link between transport magnetic fields (MF) and certain adverse health effects. We performed measurements in workplaces of engineers on Russian DC and Swiss AC powered (16.67 Hz) electric trains using a computer based waveform capture system with a 200 Hz sampling rate. MF in DC and AC trains show complex combinations of static and varying components. The most probable levels of quasistatic MF (0.001-0.03 Hz) were in the range 40 microT. Maximum levels of 120 microT were found in DC powered locomotives. These levels are much higher than the geomagnetic field at the site of measurements. MF encountered both in DC and AC powered rail systems showed irregular temporal variability in frequency composition and amplitude characteristics across the whole frequency range studied (0-50 Hz); however, more than 90% of the magnetic field power was concentrated in frequencies 相似文献   

Considerable interest has developed during the past ten years regarding the hypothesis that living organisms may respond to temporal variability in ELF magnetic fields to which they are exposed. Consequently, methods to measure various aspects of temporal variability are of interest. In this paper, five measures of temporal variability were examined: Arithmetic means (D(mean)) and rms values (D(rms)) of the first differences (i.e., absolute value of the difference between consecutive measurements) of magnetic field recordings; "standardized" forms of D(rms), denoted RCMS, obtained by dividing D(rms) by the standard deviations of the magnetic field data; and mean (F(mean)) and rms (F(rms)) values of fractional first differences. Theoretical investigations showed that D(mean) and D(rms) are virtually unaffected by long-term systematic trends (changes) in exposure. These measures thus provide rather specific measures of short-term temporal variability. This was also true to a lesser extent for F(mean) and F(rms). In contrast, the RCMS metric was affected by both short-term and long-term exposure variabilities. The metrics were also investigated using a data set consisting of twice-repeated two-calendar-day recordings of bedroom magnetic fields and personal exposures of 203 women residing in the western portion of Washington State. The predominant source of short-term temporal variability in magnetic field exposures arose from the movement of subjects through spatially varying magnetic fields. Spearman correlations between TWA bedroom magnetic fields or TWA personal exposures and five measures of temporal variability were relatively low. Weak to moderate levels of correlation were observed between temporal variability measured during two different sessions separated in time by 3 or 6 months. We conclude that first difference and fractional difference metrics provide specific and fairly independent measures of short-term temporal variability. The RCMS metric does not provide an easily interpreted measure of short-term or long-term temporal variability. This last result raises uncertainties about the interpretation of published studies that use the RCMS metric.  相似文献   

A model has been developed that permits assessment of residential exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields emitted by appliances. It is based on volume- and time-averaging of magnetic-dipole fields. The model enables the contribution of appliances in the total residential exposure to be compared with that of other sources in any residence under study. Calculations based on measurements reported in the literature on 98 appliances revealed that appliances are not a significant source of whole-body exposure, but that they may be the dominant source of exposure of the body's extremities.  相似文献   

We describe devices designed for magnetic field exposures in which field amplitude and gradients are controlled simultaneously. Dosimetry based on field continuation of high resolution magnetic field scans and numerical models is compared with validation measurements. The dosimetry variables we consider are based on the assumption that the biological or chemical system under study has field transducers that are spatially isotropic, so that absolute field amplitude and two gradient components fully describe local exposure.  相似文献   

The design, construction, and results of evaluation of an animal-exposure system for the study of biological effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields are described. The system uses a square coil arrangement based on a modification of the Helmholtz coil. Due to the cubic configuration of this exposure system, horizontal and vertical magnetic fields as high as 0.3 mT can be generated. Circularly polarized magnetic fields can also be generated by changing the current and phase difference between two sets of coils. Tests were made for uniformity of the magnetic field, stray fields, sham-exposure ratio of stray field, changes of temperature and humidity, light intensity and distribution inside the animal-housing space, and noise due to air-conditioning equipment. Variation of the magnetic field was less than 2% inside the animal housing. The stray-field level inside the sham-exposure system is less than 2% of experimental exposure levels. The system can be used for simultaneous exposure of 48 rats (2 to a cage) or 96 mice (4 to a cage). © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

Extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure systems are usually subject to field disturbances induced by external sources. Here, a method for designing a feedback control system for cancelling the effect of external ELF magnetic field disturbances on the magnetic field over the exposure area is presented. This method was used in the design of a feedback-controlled exposure system for an inverted microscope stage. The effectiveness of the proposed feedback control system for disturbance rejection was verified experimentally and by means of computer simulation. Bioelectromagnetics 18:299–306, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Occupational magnetic field (MF) exposure is less thoroughly characterized in occupations typically held by women. Our objective was to characterize occupational 50 Hz MF personal exposure (PE) among female sewing machine operators. We measured the full shift PE of 51 seamstresses, who worked in two shifts (6-14 and 14-22 h) according to their normal work routine. Measurements were conducted using EMDEX PAL meters at chest level. The average duration of the measurement periods was 449 min (range 420-470). The average arithmetic mean exposure for all women was 0.76 microT (range 0.06-4.27). The average of maximum values was 4.30 microT (range 0.55-14.80). Women working with older sewing machines experienced higher exposure than women working on newer sewing machines. For women (n = 10) who operated sewing machines produced in 1990 or earlier, the average arithmetic mean exposure was 2.09 microT, and for women (n = 41) who operated sewing machines produced after 1990, the average arithmetic mean was 0.43 microT. We conclude that women working as sewing machine operators experience higher than average occupational MF exposure compared to other working women. Most important determinant of the women's personal MF exposure was the age of the sewing machine the women operated.  相似文献   

Li CY  Lin RS  Sung FC 《Bioelectromagnetics》2003,24(3):218-221
To explore whether the age at cancer diagnosis was associated with residential exposure to magnetic field, we compared average ages at diagnosis for cases of leukemia, brain tumor, or female breast cancer with elevated exposure (magnetic flux density >or= 0.2 microT, or residential distance from major power lines 100 m from major power lines). Comparing with brain tumor cases with background magnetic field exposure (n = 506), brain tumor cases with elevated exposure (n = 71) were 6 years older on average at diagnosis (P = 0.01). The difference was greater for males (45.2 vs. 52.1 years, P = 0.01) than for females (44.3 vs. 48.2 years, P = 0.27). No such phenomena at a significant level was observed for leukemia, female breast cancer, or a random sample of general population. We noted an association between magnetic field exposure and a greater mean age at diagnosis for brain tumors. Whether or not these phenomena suggest a delayed occurrence of brain tumors following a higher than background residential magnetic field exposure deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

A computer program simulating case-control studies is described. It is used to estimate the minimum sample size required and to assess how this is affected by imprecise exposure assessment. In particular, the consequences of neglecting measurements of nonresidential exposure in case-control studies of residentially exposed adults are investigated. According to this model, while the consequent loss of power is not as large as was predicted by algebraic methods, it would be unwise to neglect it when planning a study. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether a 6-week exposure to a 50-Hz rotating magnetic field influences melatonin synthesis by 11–18 week-old Wistar-King male rats. Rats were exposed continuously to a rotating magnetic field at 1, 5, 50, or 250 μT (spatial vector rms) for 6 weeks, except for twice-weekly breaks of about 2 h for cleaning of cages and feeding. The rats were housed in exposure and sham-exposure facilities, which were located in the same room, under a 12:12 light-dark photoperiod (lights on at 06:00 h). The room was constantly illuminated by 4 small, dim red lights (< 0.07 lux in dark period). Levels of plasma and pineal gland melatonin were determined by radioimmunoassay. A significant decrease of melatonin was observed between the control group and groups exposed to a magnetic field at a flux density in excess of l μT during the night time, but no statistical differences were found among the exposed groups. These results indicate that subchronic exposure of albino rats to a 50-Hz rotating magnetic field influences melatonin production and secretion by the pineal gland. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

High intensity static magnetic fields, when applied to the whole body of the anesthetized rat, have previously been reported to decrease skin temperature. The hypothesis of the present study was that in diamagnetic water, molecules in the air play significant roles in the mechanism of skin temperature decrease. We used a horizontal cylindrical superconducting magnet. The magnet produced 8 T at its center. A thermistor probe was inserted in a subcutaneous pocket of the anesthetized rats to measure skin temperature. Animals (n=10) were placed in an open plastic holder in which the ambient air was free to move in any direction (group I). Animals (n=10) were placed in a closed holder in which the air circulation toward the direction of weak magnetic field was restricted (group II). Each holder was connected to a hydrometer to measure humidity around the animal in the holder. The data acquisition phase consisted of a 5 min baseline interval, followed by inserting the animal together with the holder into the center of the magnet bore for a 5 min exposure and a 5 min postexposure period outside the bore. In group I, skin temperature and humidity around the animal significantly decreased during exposure, followed by recovery after exposure. In group II, skin temperature and humidity did not decrease during the measurement. The skin temperature decrease was closely related to the decrease in humidity around the body of the animal in the holder, and the changes were completely blocked by restricting the air circulation in the direction of the bore entrance. Possible mechanisms responsible for the decrease in skin temperature may be associated with magnetically induced movement of water vapor at the skin surface, leading to skin temperature decrease.  相似文献   

This study sought to estimate the relative contribution of exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields experienced at home, at work/school, or elsewhere to the total exposure over 24 hr. Personal exposure meters were carried by 97 adults and children in the Stockholm area. About half of the subjects lived close (<50 m) to a transmission line and half far (>100 m) away. Spot measurements and calculations for the residential exposure were also made. For subjects living<50 m from the line, the exposure at home contributed about 80% of the total magnetic field exposure, measured in mT-hours. Adults living far away experienced only 38% of the total exposure at home, but children still received 55%. Subjects with low time-weighted average (TWA) exposure both at home and at work spent 84% of their time in fields <0.1 microT, and those with high TWA at both locations spent 69% of their time in fields > or = 0.2 microT. This contrast was diluted if only exposure at one location was considered. For spot measurements and calculations of the residential exposure, both sensitivity and specificity was good. However, the intermediate field exposure category (0.1-0.19 microT) showed poor correlation to the 24 hr personal measurements.  相似文献   

Exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields has increased over the past century. As a result of exposure to these fields, concerns have been raised regarding the relationship between electromagnetic fields and human health. Interest in the biological and health effects of intermediate frequency (IF) magnetic fields has grown recently because of the increase in public concern. In order to investigate whether IF magnetic fields have biological effects, we have developed a 20 kHz (IF) magnetic field exposure system for in vivo studies. The exposure facility was designed to study the biological effects of IF magnetic field on laboratory animals. The facility consists of a 9 m x 9 m x 5 m high room containing seven separate rooms including a 5.3 m x 4.5 m x 3 m high specific-pathogen free exposure room. The dimensions of the exposure system are 1.6 m x 1.6 m x 1.616 m high located inside this exposure room. The system is designed to provide magnetic fields up to 200 microT at 20 kHz with the uniformity within +/-5% over the space occupied by animals. After constructing the facility, performance tests were carried out. As a result, it was confirmed that our facility met requirements for evaluation of the biological effects of IF magnetic field on small animal experiments. In this paper, the design, construction, and results of evaluation of an animal exposure facility for the in vivo biological effects of an IF magnetic field are described.  相似文献   

To explore the feasibility of performing an epidemiologic study of female breast cancer and magnetic field (MF) exposures, we chose to study garment workers, who reportedly have some of the highest MF exposures. We collected personal exposure (PE, n = 48) and survey measurements (n = 77) near commercial sewing machines at three garment facilities and conducted a pilot interview among 25 garment workers asking about exposure duration, activities, and machine characteristics. MF levels were higher for older machines with alternating current (AC) than newer machines with direct current (DC) motors. MF levels were comparable for both idling and sewing activities. Most interviewed workers could describe duration of exposure and machine type (automatic/manual), but not other machine characteristics. Measurements were lower than previously reported for garment workers but were higher than exposures to most women. A historical exposure assessment can be conducted by linking duration of exposure with reconstructed exposure measurements but may be limited by the accuracy of work history data.  相似文献   

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