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Primary mesenchyme cells (PMC), the skeletogenic cells derived from the micromeres of the sea urchin embryo, are involved in the differentiation of the gut. When PMC were deleted from the mesenchyme blastula, both formation of the constrictions in the gut and expression of endoderm-specific alkaline phosphatase were significantly delayed. Therefore, the correct timing of gut differentiation depends on the existence of PMC, probably via a type of promotive signal. To date, the only role of PMC in other tissue differentiation has been a suppressive signal for the conversion of secondary mesenchyme cells (SMC) into skeletogenic cells. The present experiments using PMC ablation and transplantation showed that both signaling processes occurred in the same short period during gastrulation, but the embryos kept their competence for gut differentiation until a later stage. Further investigations indicated that conversion of SMC did not cause delay in gut differentiation and that SMC did not mediate the PMC signal to the endoderm. Therefore, the effect of PMC on gut differentiation could be a new role that is independent of the suppressive effect for SMC conversion.  相似文献   

Four types of mesoderm cells (pigment cells, blastocoelar cells, coelomic pouch cells and circumesophageal muscle cells) are derived from secondary mesenchyme cells (SMC) in sea urchin embryos. To gain information on the specification and differentiation processes of SMC-derived cells, we studied the exact number and division cycles of each type of cell in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Numbers of blastocoelar cells, coelomic pouch cells and circumesophageal muscle fibers were 18.0 +/- 2.0 (36 h post-fertilization (h.p.f.)), 23.0 +/- 2.5 (36 h.p.f.) and 9.5 +/- 1.3 (60 h.p.f.), respectively, whereas the number of pigment cells ranged from 40 to 60. From the diameters of blastocoelar cells and coelomic pouch cells, the numbers of division cycles were elucidated; these two types of cells had undertaken 11 rounds of cell division by the prism stage, somewhat earlier than pigment cells. To determine the relationship among the four types of cells, we tried to alter the number of pigment cells with chemical treatment and found that CH3COONa increased pigment cells without affecting embryo morphology. Interestingly, the number of blastocoelar cells became smaller in CH3COONa-treated embryos. In contrast, blastocoelar cells were markedly increased with NiCl2 treatment, whereas the number of pigment cells was markedly decreased. The number of coelomic pouch cells and circumesophageal muscle fibers was not affected with these treatments, indicating that coelomic pouch and muscle cells are specified independently of, or at much later stages, than pigment and blastocoelar cells.  相似文献   

To clarify the distribution and behavior of the maternal factors that direct the differentiation of primary mesenchyme cells (PMC) in sea urchin embryos, unequal division was induced at the third cleavage with the treatment of dinitro-phenol (DNP), and the numbers of differentiated PMC were examined. The most surprising finding was that the number of PMC was considerably increased in some of the DNP-treated embryos. This increase in the number of PMC was suggested to be closely related to the size of the precocious micromeres formed at the 8-cell stage. By measuring both the size of the precocious micromeres and the number of PMC in individual embryos, it was suggested that almost all the descendants of the precocious micromeres differentiated into PMC, if the volume was less than 26 pL (about three times the volume of normal micromeres). Cell tracing experiments ascertained that precocious micromeres with small volumes behave just like micromeres formed at the fourth cleavage in normal embryos. The obtained results indicated that the maternal factors present in sea urchin embryos can direct, at least, more than three times the number of PMC, and that the number of cell divisions of the PMC lineage is not strictly regulated.  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the modern sea urchin species, subclass Euechinoidea, primary mesenchyme cells are derived from the progeny of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage of embryogenesis. The micromeres reside within the vegetal plate epithelium and later ingress into the blastocoel as primary mesenchyme cells which form the larval skeleton. Embryos of Eucidaris tribuloides, a member of the primitive subclass Perischoechinoidea, exhibit several noteworthy differences from euechinoid primary mesenchyme cell lineage including variable numbers and sizes of micromeres, the absence of mesenchyme ingression, and the lack of any detectable primary mesenchyme although a larval skeleton forms. In the present study, the cell lineage of the spiculogenic mesenchyme has been studied in Eucidaris tribuloides and in the euechinoid Lytechinus pictus by microinjecting the fluorescent tracer, Lucifer Yellow, into individual blastomeres of the embryo. In addition, wheat germ agglutinin, a lectin which binds only to primary mesenchyme cells of the early euechinoid embryo, was injected into the blastocoel of embryos of both species in order to examine the distribution of cells which possess primary mesenchyme-specific cell surface markers. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the spiculogenic mesenchyme of both Lytechinus and Eucidaris arise from descendants of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage, although the temporal and spatial distribution of these mesenchyme cells varies considerably between species. Furthermore, the evidence obtained suggests that the information necessary for spicule formation is already segregated to the vegetal pole by the eight cell stage. The results also suggest that there are no gap junctions present between the blastomeres of the early sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

Primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) are solely responsible for the skeletogenesis during early larval development of the sea urchin, but the cells responsible for late larval and adult skeletal formation are not clear. To investigate the origin of larval and adult skeletogenic cells, I first performed transplantation experiments in Pseudocentrotus depressus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, which have different skeletal phenotypes. When P. depressus PMCs were transplanted into H. pulcherrimus embryos, the donor phenotype was observed only in the early larval stage, whereas when secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs) were transplanted, the donor phenotype was observed in late and metamorphic larvae. Second, a reporter construct driven by the spicule matrix protein 50 (SM50) promoter was introduced into fertilized eggs and their PMCs/SMCs were transplanted. In the resultant 6-armed pluteus, green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression was observed in both PMC and SMC transplantations, suggesting SMC participation in late skeletogenesis. Third, transplanted PMCs or SMCs tagged with GFP were analyzed by PCR in the transgenic chimeras. As a result, SMCs were detected in both larval and adult stages, but GFP from PMCs was undetectable after metamorphosis. Thus, it appears that SMCs participate in skeletogenesis in late development and that PMCs disappear in the adult sea urchin, suggesting that the skeletogenesis may pass from PMCs to SMCs during the late larval stage.  相似文献   

During development, the embryos and larvae of the starfish Asterina pectinifera possess a single type of mesenchyme cell. The aim of this study was to determine the patterns of behavior of mesenchyme cells during the formation of various organs. To this end, we used a monoclonal antibody (mesenchyme cell marker) to identify the distribution patterns and numbers of mesenchyme cells. Our results revealed the following: (i) mesenchyme cell behavior differs in the formation of different organs, showing temporal variations and an uneven pattern of distribution; and (ii) mesenchyme cells continue to be generated throughout development, and their numbers are tightly regulated in proportion to total cell numbers.  相似文献   

Secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs) of the sea urchin embryo are composed of pigment cells, blastocoelar cells, spicule tip cells, coelomic pouch cells and muscle cells. To learn how and when these five types of SMCs are specified in the veg2 descendants, Notch or Nodal signaling was blocked with γ‐secretase inhibitor or Nodal receptor inhibitor, respectively. All types of SMCs were decreased with DAPT, while sensitivity to this inhibitor varied among them. Pulse‐treatment revealed that five types of SMCs are divided into “early” (pigment cells and blastocoelar cells) and “late” (spicule tip cells, coelomic pouch cells and muscle cells) groups; the “early” group was sensitive to DAPT up to the hatching, and the “late” group was sensitive until the mesenchyme blastula stage. Judging from timing of the shift of Delta‐expressing regions, it was suggested that the “early” group and “late” groups are derived from the lower and the middle tier of veg2 descendants, respectively. Interestingly, numbers of SMCs were also altered with SB431542; blastocoelar cells, coelomic pouch cells and circum‐esophageal muscles decreased, whereas pigment cells and spicule tip cells increased in number. Pulse‐treatment showed that the “early” group was sensitive up to the mesenchyme blastula stage, while the “late” group up to the onset of gastrulation. Thus, it became clear that precursor cells of the “early” and “late” groups, which are located in different regions in the vegetal plate, receive Delta and Nodal signals at different timings, resulting in the diversification of SMCs. Based on the obtained results, the specification processes of five types of SMCs are diagrammatically presented.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin embryo, primary mesenchyme cells (PMC) are committed to produce the larval skeleton, although their behavior and skeleton production are influenced by signals from the embryonic environment. Results from our recent studies showed that perturbation of skeleton development, by interfering with ectoderm-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions, is linked to a reduction in the gene expression of a transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta growth factor, Pl-univin, suggesting a reduction in the blastocoelic amounts of the protein and its putative involvement in signaling events. In the present study, we examined PMC competence to respond to environmental signals in a validated skeleton perturbation model in Paracentrotus lividus. We found that injection of blastocoelic fluid (BcF), obtained from normal embryos, into the blastocoelic cavity of skeleton-defective embryos rescues skeleton development. In addition, PMC from skeleton-defective embryos transplanted into normal or PMC-less blastula embryos are able to position in correct regions of the blastocoel and to engage spicule elongation and patterning. Taken together, these results demonstrate that PMC commitment to direct skeletogenesis is maintained in skeleton perturbed embryos and confirm the role played by inductive signals in regulating skeleton growth and shape.  相似文献   

The sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma is a direct developer; it progresses directly from the gastrula to the juvenile adult without forming a pluteus larva. No larval skeleton is formed by mesenchyme cells, but formation of the juvenile skeleton is accelerated. We have examined two alterations in mesenchyme cell behavior that accompany this striking change in developmental pattern. 1) Rapid cell proliferation produces 1700–2200 mesenchyme cells by mid-gastrula, compared to 30–60 primary mesenchyme cells in species with typical larval development. This change may reflect the accelerated production of adult structures in H. erythrogramma. 2) B2C2 is a monoclonal antibody that recognizes primary (Anstrom et al., 1987) and adult mesenchyme cells associated with skeleton formation in typical developers. The altered pattern of B2C2 staining in H. erythrogramma (e.g., a later initial appearance of the B2C2 antigen) suggests that H. erythrogramma has deleted part of a larval program of development and accelerated its adult program of development. These results indicate that cellular and molecular heterochronies accompany the morphological changes in H. erythrogramma development.  相似文献   

Sea urchin Brachyury homolog (HpTa) is expressed exclusively in the vegetal plate and secondary mesenchyme cells in the embryos of sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. In order to gain insights into the role of HpTa during sea urchin development, we designed experiments to perturb the embryo by inducing ectopic overexpression of HpTa by injecting fertilized eggs with HpTa mRNA. The overexpression of HpTa resulted in suppression of the formation of vegetal plate and secondary mesenchyme cells. We assume that the interaction of HpTa with unknown factors is required for the activation of the HpTa target genes, and that the excess amount of HpTa proteins produced from injected HpTa mRNA depletes the co-factors. In consequence, the target genes of HpTa would be repressed by the overexpression of HpTa. We suggest that HpTa is involved in the formation of the vegetal plate and the differentiation of secondary mesenchyme cells.  相似文献   

Ingression of primary mesenchyme cells (PMC) is associated with the encounter of basal lamina including pamlin. It was found that sea urchin embryos have a protein that binds antihuman focal adhesion kinase (FAK) antibodies, yet it has a 62 kDa homo-dimeric structure. Thus, this protein was distinctive from known FAK, and was named SUp62. In mesenchyme blastulae, one of the subunits increased its apparent molecular mass slightly but distinctively, then restored the original molecular mass in early gastrulae. This temporal and stage-specific shifting of the molecular mass was associated with the occurrence of tyrosine phosphorylation of a subunit that did not increase the apparent molecular mass. Herbimycin A induced the hyperphosphorylation of tyrosine residues of SUp62, and inhibited the occurrence of molecular mass shifting. Immunohistochemistry showed a strong positive signal of SUp62 and phosphotyrosine in PMC. Herbimycin A also severely but reversibly inhibited PMC dissociation, migration and gastrulation. Tyrosine phosphorylation of SUp62 was induced when PMC were incubated with pamlin in vitro, and it was initiated within 10 min after onset of the incubation. It reached its peak in 1 h, and declined gradually in the next 1 h, indicating that pamlin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of SUp62 occurs closely associated with acquiring PMC migration activity.  相似文献   

To learn how the dorso-ventral (DV) axis of sea urchin embryos affects the specification processes of secondary mesenchyme cells (SMC), a fluorescent dye was injected into one of the macromeres of 16-cell stage embryos, and the number of each type of labeled SMC was examined at the prism stage. A large number of labeled pigment cells was observed in embryos in which the progeny of the labeled macromere were distributed in the dorsal part of the embryo. In contrast, labeled pigment cells were scarcely noticed when the descendants of the labeled macromere occupied the ventral part. In such embryos, free mesenchyme cells (probably blastocoelar cells) were predominantly labeled. CH3COONa treatment, which is known to increase the number of pigment cells, canceled such patterned specification of pigment cells and blastocoelar cells along the DV axis. Pigment cells were also derived from the ventral blastomere in the treated embryo. In contrast, a similar number of coelomic pouch cells was derived from the labeled macromere, irrespective of the position of its descendants along the DV axis. After examination of the arrangement of blastomeres in late cleavage stage embryos, it was determined that 17-20 veg2-derived cells encircled the cluster of micromere descendants after the 9th cleavage. From this number and the numbers of SMC-derived cells in later stage embryos, it was suggested that the most vegetally positioned veg2 descendants at approximately the 9th cleavage were preferentially specified to pigment and blastocoelar cell lineages. The obtained results also suggested the existence of undescribed types of SMC scattered in the blastocoele.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin embryo, primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) are committed early in development to direct skeletogenesis, provided that a permissive signal is conveyed from adjacent ectoderm cells. We showed that inhibition of extracellular matrix (ECM)-ectoderm cells interaction, by monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to Pl-nectin, causes an impairment of skeletogenesis and reduced expression of Pl-SM30, a spicule-specific matrix protein. When PMCs are experimentally removed, some secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs) switch to skeletogenic fate. Here, for the first time we studied SMC transfating in PMC-less embryos of Paracentrotus lividus. We observed the appearance of skeletogenic cells within 10 h of PMCs removal, as shown by binding of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to cell surface molecules unique to PMCs. Interestingly, the number of WGA-positive cells, expressing also msp130, another PMC-specific marker, doubled with respect to that of PMCs present in normal embryos, though the number of SM30-expressing cells remained constant. In addition, we investigated the ability of SMCs to direct skeletogenesis in embryos exposed to mAbs to Pl-nectin after removal of PMCs. We found that, although phenotypic SMC transfating occurred, spicule development, as well as Pl-SM30-expression was strongly inhibited. These results demonstrate that ectoderm inductive signals are necessary for transfated SMCs to express genes needed for skeletogenesis.  相似文献   

Processes of gastrulation in the sea urchin embryo have been intensively studied to reveal the mechanisms involved in the invagination of a monolayered epithelium. It is widely accepted that the invagination proceeds in two steps (primary and secondary invagination) until the archenteron reaches the apical plate, and that the constituent cells of the resulting archenteron are exclusively derived from the veg2 tier of blastomeres formed at the 60-cell stage. However, recent studies have shown that the recruitment of the archenteron cells lasts as late as the late prism stage, and some descendants of veg1 blastomeres are also recruited into the archenteron. In this review, we first illustrate the current outline of sea urchin gastrulation. Second, several factors, such as cytoskeletons, cell contact and extracellular matrix, will be discussed in relation to the cellular and mechanical basis of gastrulation. Third, differences in the manner of gastrulation among sea urchin species will be described; in some species, the archenteron does not elongate stepwise but continuously. In those embryos, bottle cells are scarcely observed, and the archenteron cells are not rearranged during invagination unlike in typical sea urchins. Attention will be also paid to some other factors, such as the turgor pressure of blastocoele and the force generated by blastocoele wall. These factors, in spite of their significance, have been neglected in the analysis of sea urchin gastrulation. Lastly, we will discuss how behavior of pigment cells defines the manner of gastrulation, because pigment cells recently turned out to be the bottle cells that trigger the initial inward bending of the vegetal plate.  相似文献   

The behavior and differentiation processes of pigment cells were studied in embryos of a tropical sea urchin Echinometra mathaei, whose egg volume was one half of those of well-known sea urchin species. Owing to earlier accumulation of pigments, pigment cells could be detected in the vegetal plate even before the onset of gastrulation, distributed dorsally in a hemi-circle near the center of the vegetal plate. Although some pigment cells left the archenteron during gastrulation, most of them remained at the archenteron tip. At the end of gastrulation, pigment cells left the archenteron and migrated into the blastocoele. Unlike pigment cells in typical sea urchins, however, they did not enter the ectoderm, and stayed in the blastocoele even at the pluteus stage. It is of interest that the majority of pigment cells were distributed in the vicinity of the larval skeleton. Aphidicolin treatment revealed that eight blastomeres were specific to pigment cell lineage after the eighth cleavage, one cell cycle earlier than that in well-known sea urchins. The pigment founder cells divided twice, and the number of pigment cells was around 32 at the pluteus stage. It was also found that the differentiation of pigment cells was blocked with Ni2+, whereas the treatment was effective only during the first division cycle of the founder cells.  相似文献   

In an attempt to estimate the number of pigment precursor cells in sea urchin embryos, DNA synthesis and cell divisions were blocked with aphidicolin from various stages of development. Interestingly, pigment cells differentiated on a normal time schedule, even if the embryos were treated from late cleavage stages on. In most of the embryos treated from 10 h on, 10-15 pigment cells differentiated. Thereafter, the number of pigment cells in the aphidicolin-treated embryos further increased, as the initiation of the treatment was delayed. On the other hand, total cell volumes in the pigment lineage, calculated from the averaged number and diameter of differentiated pigment cells, were almost the same irrespective of the time of the initiation of aphidicolin treatment. This indicated that the increase in the number was caused by divisions of the pre-existing cells in the pigment lineage. Thus, the founder cells that exclusively produce pigment cells could be identified. They are nine times-cleaved blastomeres and specified by 10 h post-fertilization. The obtained results also clarified the division schedule in the pigment lineage; the founder cells divide once (10th) until hatching, and divide once more (11th) by the end of gastrulation.  相似文献   

A gene encoding the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) receptor (5-HT-hpr) was identified from the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Partial amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA showed strong similarity to Aplysia californica 5-HT2 receptor. Immunoblotting analysis of this 5-HT-hpr protein (5-HT-hpr) with an antibody raised against a deduced peptide showed two bands. Their relative molecular masses were 69 and 53 kDa, respectively. The larger band alone disappeared after N-glycopeptidase F digestion, indicating the protein was N-glycosylated. Immunolocalization analysis showed that cells expressing the 5-HT-hpr (SRC) first appeared near the tip of the archenteron in 33-h post-fertilization (33 hpf) prism larvae. Their cell number doubled in 2 h, and 5-HT-hpr protein expression increased further without cell proliferation. SRC spread ventrally on the basal surface of the oral ectoderm in 36 hpf prism larvae, and then clockwise on the ventral ectoderm to the posterior region to complete formation of the SRC network in 48 hpf early plutei. The SRC network was comprised of 7 main tracts: 4 spicule system-associated tracts and 3 spicule system-independent tracts. The network extended short fibers to the larval body surface through the ectoderm, implicating a signal transmission system that receives exogenous signal. Double-stain immunohistochemistry with antibodies to primary mesenchyme cells showed that SRC were not stained by the antibody. In embryos deprived of secondary mesenchyme cell (SMC) by microsurgery, the number of SRC decreased considerably. These two data indicate that SRC are SMC descendants, adding a new member to the SMC lineage.  相似文献   

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