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石镞主要是旧石器时代晚期出现的一种投射类复合武器的尖端,其使用方式一直为学术界所关注。本文以山西吉县柿子滩遗址环境背景和石器原料为参照,通过微痕实验,探讨射击类带尖石制品重复使用过程中微痕的动态形成过程。作者对21件实验标本分阶段累计射击337次,微痕观察121次。分析结果显示,射击类带尖石制品的重复使用情况可以通过微痕进行佐证。形态变化过程表明,尖端变化较为显著,指示应以动态思维考量出土石镞形态及其暗示的人类行为;测量数据显示,尖端及侧刃较为锋利、长度适中的标本,射击效果更好,存在多次使用的可能;微痕分析指示,若尖端产生层叠大中型折断式、阶梯式疤痕,装柄部位产生连续小型折断式或羽翼式疤痕,部分出现磨圆与光泽时可以考虑重复使用的可能。本项研究为揭示石镞背后所蕴含的狩猎策略、生计方式等人类行为信息提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

石制品微痕是进行石器功能研究、了解史前人类行为模式的重要考古证据之一。本文在以往实验研究的基础上, 设计并开展多阶段燧石制品"刮骨"微痕实验, 分阶段详细、直观地记录石制品刃缘使用微痕的最初形成与发展动态。实验研究表明, "刮骨"使用微痕迹随着使用时间长度的递增发生复杂的动态变化, 使用微痕的发展与使用时间之间并非简单的正函数关系。片疤破损自开始在一定时间段内呈连续发生状态, 随后停止发展, 是确认石制品是否经过使用的良好指示。磨圆表现出由少到多、由弱及强的逐渐发育过程, 可以反映石制品的使用时间和强度, 也是判断使用微痕的重要参考依据。  相似文献   

水洞沟遗址是中国北方旧石器时代晚期的著名遗址,石制品原料以就地取材的白云岩为主。本文利用水洞沟地区的白云岩生产细石叶和石片,进行了29组复制使用实验。对使用痕迹的观察表明:不同加工对象和使用方式导致细石叶上出现不同的微痕特征,细石叶适于装柄使用,以刮、切、削等利用侧刃缘的运动方式效率为高,尖部用于加工硬度较低的动植物效果较好。对比燧石、黑曜岩等不同石料的微痕实验数据可知,不同石料的产品,其使用痕迹存在一定差异。本文对白云岩细石叶的微痕实验,探讨了其适宜的使用方式和加工对象的范围,为分析水洞沟地区出土的白云岩细石叶功能提供了可资参考、对比的实验数据。  相似文献   

石器作为人类物质文化的记录者,在史前人类的生产生活中占据着重要地位,对石器功能和使用方式的探讨是考古学关注的问题之一。目前国内石器研究的主要手段是从器物形态出发,进行类型学的研究,针对石器具体功能及使用方式的实证研究较为缺乏,对磨制石器的研究尤为不足。有鉴于此,本研究以中原地区舞阳贾湖遗址出土的磨制石器为研究对象,利用微痕分析和实验考古的方法,对石器的功能、使用方式及加工对象进行分析和判断。结果表明:石镰的主要功能是收割禾本科植物;石刀主要用于加工禾本科植物、木材和兽骨等;石斧的功能主要是加工木材,另外还可能承担加工兽皮和兽骨的工作;石锛的主要功能与木作有关;石凿在形态上有所区别,但其加工对象主要是木材;石铲的功能以掘土为主。微痕分析的结果使我们对贾湖聚落磨制石器的功能有了客观的认识,可以看出石器的功能并不单一,广泛存在着"一器多用"的现象。本研究从石器使用的角度,揭示了史前人类的生产活动和行为特点,同时也为研究先民的生业经济状况提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

侯亚梅 《人类学学报》1992,11(3):202-215
以扫描电子显微镜为主要手段,依据Keeley的实验方法,对实验和 “盲测” 的燧石制品进行了微磨痕 (microwear) 的观察分析,验证了该方法的可行性;表明在石制品的加工方式、加工对象与其可能的残留信息——石制品的使用痕迹,如以光泽、条痕、破损疤为主要特征的微磨痕之间所具有的某种实验模式,初步掌握了微磨痕研究的实验方法,取得了一些结果,并予以检验;利用扫描电镜观察 “晶体破损” 与否,可能是鉴定石制品使用或未使用的一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

考古标本微磨痕初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
侯亚梅 《人类学学报》1992,11(4):354-361
从周口店第1地点和马鞍山遗址选取了20件燧石制品,以微磨痕的实验研究为基础,以扫描电子显微镜 (简称电镜) 为主要手段,通过对比分析,尝试了不同遗址间考古标本的微磨痕分析。结果表明,周口店第1地点和马鞍山遗址的石制品的功能都具有多样性;“楔” 的功能见于马鞍山遗址,并为周口店第1地点 “使用石片较多” 的说法提供了微磨痕方面的新证据。  相似文献   

虎头梁遗址位于河北省阳原县泥河湾盆地, 距今1万年左右, 出土的石制品加工精致、器型稳定。本文选择其中代表性的尖状器进行功能研究, 通过微痕分析探讨其使用方式, 并结合其形态特征探讨器物类型与功能之间的关系。对5个亚类型共52件标本的研究表明, 虎头梁尖状器具有专业分工, 并被装柄使用。这种工具的制作和使用特征反映了更新世末期虎头梁人群通过提高工具的效能来应对环境变化的生存策略。  相似文献   

石器作为人类物质文化的记录者,在史前人类的生产生活中占据着重要地位,对石器功能和使用方式的探讨是考古学关注的问题之一。目前国内石器研究的主要手段是从器物形态出发,进行类型学的研究,针对石器具体功能及使用方式的实证研究较为缺乏,对磨制石器的研究尤为不足。有鉴于此,本研究以中原地区舞阳贾湖遗址出土的磨制石器为研究对象,利用微痕分析和实验考古的方法,对石器的功能、使用方式及加工对象进行分析和判断。结果表明:石镰的主要功能是收割禾本科植物;石刀主要用于加工禾本科植物、木材和兽骨等;石斧的功能主要是加工木材,另外还可能承担加工兽皮和兽骨的工作;石锛的主要功能与木作有关;石凿在形态上有所区别,但其加工对象主要是木材;石铲的功能以掘土为主。微痕分析的结果使我们对贾湖聚落磨制石器的功能有了客观的认识,可以看出石器的功能并不单一,广泛存在着"一器多用"的现象。本研究从石器使用的角度,揭示了史前人类的生产活动和行为特点,同时也为研究先民的生业经济状况提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

在古食性研究中,牙齿微痕是指动物在咀嚼食物的过程中在牙齿咬合面上产生的微观磨损痕迹。不同食性的动物具有不同的牙齿微痕特征,因此可以通过研究牙齿微痕特征来重建灭绝动物的古食性,为探讨动物演化和古生态环境变化提供重要信息。本文主要介绍牙齿微痕作为一种简单而高效的古食性重建方法在古生物领域中的应用。本文主要内容包括牙齿微痕的发展历史,形成机理与应用,以及近年来被广泛应用的牙齿微痕定量化分析——表面纹理分析法,并在最后浅谈了牙齿微痕研究未来可能研究的方向。  相似文献   

模拟打制是史前考古研究中的重要实验考古方法之一,对于正确认识考古标本的类型和技术、解读当时人类的认知水平和知识积累具有不可取代的作用。本文简要回溯了模拟打制实验的发展史,并评述其应用现状。模拟打制实验在欧美有较长的发展与应用历史,但最终趋向了不同的发展方向。传统的模拟打制实验研究在欧洲得到了更加深入的继承和发展,而美国在上世纪90年代后期逐渐发展起了以定量控制、数理统计为核心的实验方法。本文以近期在山西丁村开展的角页岩模拟打制实验为例,介绍传统的模拟打制实验的基本流程和内容,包括实验的内容设计、实施及记录和分析等。本次实验结果肯定了硬锤锤击技术在丁村角页岩石核剥片和修理中的广泛应用,并在一定程度上否定了以往对使用碰砧法的推测。文章最后对模拟打制实验存在的问题和应用前景作了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

In recent years, the study of percussive, pounding and grinding tools has provided new insights into human evolution, more particularly regarding the development of technology enabling the processing and exploitation of plant resources. Some of these studies focus on early evidence for flour production, an activity frequently perceived as an important step in the evolution of plant exploitation. The present paper investigates plant food preparation in mobile hunter-gatherer societies from the Southern Levant. The analysis consists of a use-wear study of 18 tools recovered from Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old site in Israel showing an exceptional level of preservation. Our sample includes a slab previously interpreted as a lower implement used for producing flour, based on the presence of cereal starch residues. The use-wear data we have obtained provide crucial information about the function of this and other percussive tools at Ohalo II, as well as on investment in tool manufacture, discard strategies and evidence for plant processing in the Late Pleistocene. The use-wear analysis indicates that the production of flour was a sporadic activity at Ohalo II, predating by thousands of years the onset of routine processing of plant foods.  相似文献   

Strong reciprocity, whereby cooperators punish non-cooperators, may help to explain the evolutionary success of cooperative behaviours. However, theory suggests that selection for strong reciprocity can depend upon tight genetic linkage between cooperation and punishment, to avoid the strategy being outcompeted by non-punishing cooperators. We tested this hypothesis using experimental populations of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which cooperate by producing iron-scavenging siderophores and, in this context, punish non-cooperators with toxins. Consistent with theory, we show that cooperative punishers can indeed invade cheats, but only when the traits are tightly linked. These results emphasize that punishment is only likely to be favoured when the punishment itself leads to a direct or indirect fitness benefit to the actor.  相似文献   

本文通过分析雕刻器技术及制作过程,提出雕刻器的斜棱刃应作为主要使用部位的假设。作者结合我国长白山地区吉林大洞遗址出土的黑曜岩斜刃雕刻器材料,运用微痕观察,发现斜棱刃上存在三种不同特征的痕迹及痕迹组合。随后,通过模拟雕刻器技术打制雕刻器标本,并用其斜棱刃对不同材质的加工对象进行横向"刮刨"的动作,结果产生与考古标本上一致的特征,证实假设成立。根据对部分被加工的骨角器表面情况分析,推测斜刃雕刻器的主体功能是"微加工",达到器物表面逐渐光滑的结果,为探讨磨制骨器技术起源提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Self-reference at encoding increases the probability of recollective experience in recognition memory. Self-reference effect (SRE) in memory is observed when the degree of self-reference of to-be-remembered materials is varied. Usually items encoded in terms of self-reference are associated with significantly higher recall performance relative to items encoded in other ways, including semantic encoding. In our three experiments, four orientating tasks formed four levels in a between-subjects design. The conditions were rating personality traits with reference to self, mother, Lu Xun (a famous Chinese writer) or rating the traits on a negative-positive dimension. In a recognition test, subjects first identified old items and then indicated which of these were accompanied by recollective experience (‘remember’ responses) and which were recognized on some other basis (‘know’ responses). Our results showed that both the self-reference condition and mother condition were associated with the same highest proportion of correct remember responses and the same lowest proportion of correct know responses. In contrast, for Western subjects, the self-reference condition, relative to the mother condition, was associated with a higher proportion of correct remember responses and a lower proportion of correct know responses. We discussed the results with reference to the HERA model (hemispheric encoding/retrieval asymmetry).  相似文献   

An experimental study on the self-reference effect   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Self-reference at encoding increases the probability of recollective experience in recognition memory. Self-reference effect (SRE) in memory is observed when the degree of self-reference of to-be-remembered materials is varied. Usually items encoded in terms of self-reference are associated with significantly higher recall performance relative to items encoded in other ways, including semantic encoding. In our three experiments, four orientating tasks formed four levels in a between-subjects design. The conditions were rating personality traits with reference to self, mother, Lu Xun (a famous Chinese writer) or rating the traits on a negative-positive dimension. In a recognition test, subjects first identified old items and then indicated which of these were accompanied by recollective experience ('remember' responses) and which were recognized on some other basis ('know' responses). Our results showed that both the self-reference condition and mother condition were associated with the same highest propo  相似文献   

By means of different types of fibrocytes (amnion connecting cells, fibrocytes of the substantia propria of the cornea, fibrocytes of the tendon, fibrocytes of the loose connecting tissues and fibrocytes of the ovary a varying disposition could be demonstrated for the accumulation of vital dies. The tests indicate that the transformation of fibrocytes into histiocytes (macrophagia) can be shown with certainty only in the less differentiated connected tissue cells of the amnion.  相似文献   

Studies of Vibrio cholerae in the environment and infected patients suggest that the waning of cholera outbreaks is associated with rise in the density of lytic bacteriophage. In accordance with mathematical models, there are seemingly realistic conditions where phage predation could be responsible for declines in the incidence of cholera. Here, we present the results of experiments with the El Tor strain of V. cholerae (N16961) and a naturally occurring lytic phage (JSF4), exploring the validity of the main premise of this model: that phage predation limits the density of V. cholerae populations. At one level, the results of our experiments are inconsistent with this hypothesis. JSF4-resistant V. cholerae evolve within a short time following their confrontation with these viruses and their populations become limited by resources rather than phage predation. At a larger scale, however, the results of our experiments are not inconsistent with the hypothesis that bacteriophage modulate outbreaks of cholera. We postulate that the resistant bacteria that evolved play an insignificant role in the ecology or pathogenicity of V. cholerae. Relative to the phage-sensitive cells from whence they are derived, the evolved JSF4-resistant V. cholerae have fitness costs and other characters that are likely to impair their ability to compete with the sensitive cells in their natural habitat and may be avirulent in human hosts. The results of this in vitro study make predictions that can be tested in natural populations of V. cholerae and cholera-infected patients.  相似文献   

Pulsatile tinnitus (PT), characterized as pulse-synchronous, is generally objective. Sigmoid sinus (SS) venous sound is widely suggested to be a possible sound source of PT. The dehiscence and thinness of SS cortical plate (CP) was commonly reported as PT pathology in previous studies, but lack quantitative or biomechanical analysis. In this study, it was aimed to quantify the relationship between venous sound and CP dehiscence/thinness using in vitro experiment. The in vitro models of SS and CP were established based on 3D-printing, with the developed pulsatile venous flow in the SS model. The generated sound signal and the vibration response at the dehiscent/thinned area were analyzed. The sound signal generated in the normal-sized dehiscence model was pulse-synchronous within 100-–400 Hz, which had similar acoustic characteristics as the clinical PT sounds. It was concluded that the pulsatile venous sound is produced at TS-SS junction in case of CP dehiscence. The CP, even a thinned one can effectively diminish the venous sound and sound-generating pulsatile vibration at TS-SS junction. The CP dehiscence would induce pulse-synchronous and high pressure venous sound, as well as pulse-synchronous vibration above 20 Hz, regardless of the dehiscence size. On the contrary, the CP thinness would not induce obvious venous sound or pulsatile vibration above 20 Hz.  相似文献   

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