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Pyridine was coupled covalently to a nonionic ethoxylated alcohol: octaethylene glycol n-hexadecyl ether. This modified surfactant was found to be a reversible, competitive inhibitor of horse serum cholinesterase. The surfactant bound irreversibly, in aqueous media, to octadecyl-bounded reverse phase silica particles commonly used for high-performance liquid chromatography. The amount of ligand bound was found to be 550 mumol/ml of packing, a concentration that is over 100 times higher than what can be normally bound to agarose affinity chromatography supports. With this packing, a 280-fold purification of cholinesterase from horse serum and a 79-fold purification of human serum cholinesterase were accomplished, with yields greater than 80%, using a 2-cm-long column and a 7-min elution time. The affinity surfactant could be eluted from the column using a 6:4 (v/v) mixture of methanol and isopropanol. This technique should be generally applicable in the development of biospecific supports for high-performance affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatography procedure for detection and quantitation of ethylene glycol in serum is described. Ethylene glycol and internal standard are derivatized with benzoyl chloride under alkaline conditions, purified by solid-phase extraction and analyzed by HPLC with UV detection. Analytical recovery of ethylene glycol ranges between 96 and 103%. The calibration curve is linear from 20 to 2000 mg/l. The limits of detection and quantitation are 10 and 20 mg/l, respectively. Assay imprecision is 4.8% or less. The assay is free from common interferences and provides increased sensitivity, improved precision and extended linearity.  相似文献   

A poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based matrix for studies of affinity interactions is developed and demonstrated. The PEG matrix, less than 0.1 microm thick, is graft copolymerized onto a cycloolefin polymer from a mixture of PEG methacrylates using a free radical reaction initiated by UV light at 254 nm. The grafting process is monitored in real time, and characteristics such as thickness, homogeneity, relative composition, photostability, and performance in terms of protein resistance in complex biofluids and sensor qualities are investigated with null ellipsometry, infrared spectroscopy, and surface plasmon resonance. The matrix is subsequently modified to contain carboxyl groups, thereby making it possible to immobilize ligands in a controlled and functional manner. Human serum albumin and fibrinogen are immobilized and successfully detected by antibody recognition using surface plasmon resonance. The results are encouraging and suggest that the PEG matrix is suitable for biochip and biosensor applications in demanding biofluids.  相似文献   

Reversible competitive inhibitors of the three enzymes beta-galactosidase, trypsin, and serum cholinesterase have been covalently attached to nonionic ethoxylated surfactants. The binding of the resulting affinity-derivatized surfactants to the respective enzymes has been quantified by measuring Michaelis-Menten inhibition constants with kinetic assays. The surfactant-inhibitor of serum cholinesterase, octaethylene glycol monohexadecy ether pyridinium (C(16)E(8)-PYR), was adsorbed in aqueous solution to an octadecyl-bonded reverse-phase silica packing in a 2 x 0.2 cm stainless steel test column. The ability of the test column to function as a high-performance affinity chromatography (HPAC) column was determined by applying a mixture of bovine serum albumin and cholinesterase (4:1 w/w). Virtually all of the cholinesterase bound and was eluted by applying a gradient in ionic strength. The applied cholinfesterase was recovered with a yield of over 90% and an 11-fold purification. An aliquot of raw horse serum was then purified in the same fashion with a yield of 84% and a 280-fold purification. The surfactant-inhibitor was easily removed from the column with an alcohol wash for sterilization, cleaning, or application of a different affinity ligand. Moreover, the ligand density on the column can be easily manipulated by adsorbing mixtures of derivatized and underivatized surfactants. Leakage of ligands from the support seems to be minimal since the cholinesterase affinity column was operated efficiently after being exposed to 24,000 column volumes of buffer. The application of this technique to high-capacity, high-throughput reversible affinity purifications is limited only by the ability to identify suitable ligands.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to summarize developments in the use of quantitative affinity chromatography to determine equilibrium constants for solute interactions of biological interest. Affinity chromatography is an extremely versatile method for characterizing interactions between dissimilar reactants because the biospecificity incorporated into the design of the affinity matrix ensures applicability of the method regardless of the relative sizes of the two reacting solutes. Adoption of different experimental strategies, such as column chromatography, simple partition equilibrium experiments, solid-phase immunoassay, and biosensor technology, has led to a situation whereby affinity chromatography affords a means of characterizing interactions governed by an extremely broad range of binding affinities--relatively weak interactions (binding constants below 10(3) M(-1)) through to interactions with binding constants in excess of 10(9) M(-1). In addition to its important role in solute separation and purification, affinity chromatography thus also possesses considerable potential for investigating the functional roles of the reactants thereby purified.  相似文献   

We are studying the enzymatic modification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by the laccase from Coriolopsis gallica UAMH 8260. The enzyme was produced during growth in a stirred tank reactor to 15 units ml−1, among the highest levels described for a wild-type fungus; the enzyme was the major protein produced under these conditions. After purification, it exhibited characteristics typical of a white rot fungal laccase. Fifteen azo and phenolic compounds at 1 mM concentration were tested as mediators in the laccase oxidation of anthracene. Higher anthracene oxidation was obtained with the mediator combination of ABTS and HBT, showing a correlation between the oxidation rate and the mediator concentration. Reactions with substituted phenols and anilines, conventional laccase substrates, and PAHs were compared using the native laccase and enzyme preparations chemically modified with 5000 MW-poly(ethylene glycol). Chemically modified laccase oxidized a similar range of substituted phenols as the native enzyme but with a higher catalytic efficiency. The k cat increase by the chemical modification may be as great as 1300 times for syringaldazine oxidation. No effect was found of chemical modification on mediated PAH oxidation. Both unmodified and PEG-modified laccases increased PAH oxidation up to 1000 times in the presence of radical mediators. Thus, a change of the protein surface improves the mediator oxidation efficiency, but does not affect non-enzymatic PAH oxidation by oxidized mediators. Received 10 December 2001/ Accepted in revised form 20 July 2002  相似文献   

To improve blood compatibility, chitosan surface was modified by the complexa-tion-interpenetration method using an anionic derivative of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) sulfonate (MPEG sulfonate)-modified chitosan was prepared by allowing the base polymer to swell in an acidic medium, followed by polyelectrolyte complexation and interpenetration of MPEG sulfonate with the chitosan matrix. Addition of a strong base collapsed the base polymer to permanently immobilize the modifying agent on the surface. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) confirmed the presence of MPEG sulfonate on chitosan and the high resolution Cls peak showed an increase in -C—O- which is indicative of the ethylene oxide residues. The number of adherent platelets and the extent of platelet activation was significantly reduced on MPEG sulfonate-modified chitosan. Compared to an average of more than 66 fully activated platelets on unmodified chitosan surface, only 3.0 contact-adherent platelets were present on MPEG sulfonate-modified chitosan. Plasma recalcification time, a measure of the intrinsic coagulation reaction, was about 11.5 min in contact with modified chitosan. The results of this study show that chitosan surface can be modified by the complexation-interpenetration method with anionic PEG derivative. Surface-immobilized MPEG sulfonate was effective in preventing plasma protein adsorption and platelet adhesion and activation by the steric repulsion mechanism.  相似文献   

A fast method for the screening of a large number of immobilized dyes for the purification or binding of proteins called dye-ligand centrifugal affinity chromatography, is described. The ease and speed of this method is demonstrated by screening 65 immobilized dyes for the binding of purified goat IgG. Two immobilized dyes (Drimarene Blue K-R and Drimarene Rubine R/K-5BL) with a high affinity for goat IgG were found to bind specifically the Fc-fragment of the IgG.  相似文献   

We report our experimental results supporting the hypothesis that a specific metal-chelating peptide (CP) on the NH2 terminus of a protein can be used to purify that protein using immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC). The potential utility of this approach resides with recombinant proteins since the nucleotide sequence that codes for the protein can be extended to include codons for the chelating peptide and thereby generate the gene for a chimeric CP-protein that can be cloned, expressed, and affinity-purified with immobilized metal ions. The chelating peptide purification handle could then be removed chemically or enzymatically after purification has been achieved to generate a protein with the natural amino acid sequence. The feasibility of using a chelating peptide as a purification handle has been demonstrated using a leuteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) analog, 2-10 LHRH, which contains the previously identified chelating peptide, His-Trp, on the NH2 terminus. 2-10 LHRH had a high affinity for a Ni(II) IMAC column due to the NH2-terminal dipeptide sequence His-Trp, forming a coordination complex with Ni(II), whereas the controls, 3-10 LHRH and 4-10 LHRH, lacking the CP sequence, did not bind. Furthermore, 2-10 LHRH could be purified from a mixture of histidine-containing peptides on a Ni(II) IMAC column in one step. His-Trp proinsulin was used as a model of a recombinant CP-protein. The S-sulfonates of His-Trp-proinsulin and proinsulin were isolated from Escherichia coli engineered to overproduce these proteins as trpLE' fusion proteins. His-Trp-proinsulin(SSO3-)6 had a higher affinity for immobilized Ni(II) than proinsulin (SSO3-)6. Both proteins were eluted by decreasing the pH or by introducing a displacing ligand into the buffer. Ni(II) eluted from the column with much higher concentrations of displacing ligand than the proteins.  相似文献   

A new method of affinity chromatography using blue dextran-Sepharose 4B resin was established to purify NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase [EC] from Bacillus stearothermophilus in high yield. The purified preparation was found to be homogeneous on disc gel electrophoresis. The SH groups of the enzyme were modified with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) to determine the number of SH groups per molecule and their contribution to the enzyme activity. One SH group was titrated with DTNB per subunit (the native enzyme consisted of two subunits) and after complete denaturation with 4 M guanidine-HCl the number of titratable SH groups remained unchanged. ORD and CD measurements showed that the alpha-helical conformation of the polypeptide backbone was unaffected by DTNB modification, though the near ultraviolet CD spectrum was evidently altered. The fluorescence derived from tryptophanyl residue(s) was quenched by the modification to 30% of the native level, which may indicate the presence of SH in the vicinity of tryptophanyl residue(s). A remarkable decrease of the enzyme activity was detected upon modification with DTNB, but there was some discrepancy between the rate of inactivation and that of modification of SH groups. The presence of substrate and Mg2+ gave partial protection against modification of the SH groups by DTNB. Complete protection of the native enzyme activity against heating at 65 degrees was observed in the presence of substrate and Mg2+, but the thermostability of the enzyme was markedly reduced by modification of the SH groups.  相似文献   

Immobilized Metal-Affinity Chromatography (IMAC) represents a relatively new separation technique that is primarily appropriate for the purification of proteins with natural surface-exposed histidine residues and for recombinant proteins with engineered histidine tags or histidine clusters. Because the method has gained broad popularity in recent years, the main recent developments in the field of new sorbents, techniques and possible applications are discussed in this article. Advantages of the method and new prospects are described as well as the problems and concerns that appear when the method is to be used for production of pharmaceutical-grade proteins.  相似文献   

Arylazides N-(4-azido-2,5-difluoro-3-chloropyridinyl-6)-beta-alanine (Ia) and N-(4-azido-2,5-difluoro-3-chloropyridinyl-6)-glycine (Ib) were synthesized and covalently attached to 5-(3-aminopropenyl-1)-dUTP through the amino group to give 5'-triphosphate (IIa) and 5'-triphosphate (IIb). The resulting azides were subjected to photolysis in aqueous solution. The spectral and photochemical characteristics of azides (I) and (II) imply that their use for the modification of biopolymers holds promise. Compounds (IIa, b) effectively substituted dTTP in DNA polymerization catalyzed by thermostable DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus B-35 (Tte DNA polymerase). Photoaffinity modification of Tte DNA polymerase was carried out by dTTP analogues (IIa, b) and by earlier obtained 5-[N-(5-azido-2-nitrobenzoyl)-trans-3-aminopropenyl-1]deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate (III) and 5-[N-(4-azido-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzyol)-trans-3- aminopropenyl-1]deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate (IV) using two variants of labeling. All four dTTP analogues were shown to modify Tte DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

An improved, high-yield synthesis of the corresponding N-carboxypentyl derivatives of three iminoalditol glycosidase inhibitors has been developed for affinity chromatography enzyme purification. Reductive amination of 1-deoxynojirimycin (or its D-manno or D-galacto analogues) with methyl 5-formylvalerate and NaBH3CN at neutral pH afforted an aminoester which upon hydrolysis with aqueous 5% HCl gave the desired aminoacid in 97% overall yield. These amino acids could then be covalently attached using water-soluble carbodi-imide to 6-aminohexyl Sepharose 4B.  相似文献   

A number of possible affinity adsorbents for transketolase (sedoheptulose-7-phosphate:D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphateglycolaldehydetransferase, EC were prepared. The behaviour of the enzyme from Candida utilis and from Baker's yeast on columns of these and of Blue Sepharose CL-6B was examined, together with the behaviour of the contaminating enzyme, ribulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase (EC A procedure for removing bound thiamine pyrophosphate by dialysis against EDTA was developed. The competitive inhibition of transketolase by oxythiamine and neopyrithiamine was measured and the Ki values obtained of 1.4 and 4.3 mM, respectively, were compared with the affinity of adsorbents prepared from these two inhibitors. Adsorbents containing bound thiamine pyrophosphate were relatively ineffective but those containing epoxy-linked neopyrithiamine and D-ribose 5-phosphate adsorbed the enzyme at pH 7.4 and it could be eluted in a specific manner.  相似文献   

Interaction properties of the novel HPLC silica gel-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) bonded phase were evaluated applying polymeric test substances, viz. polystyrenes, poly(methyl methacrylate)s, poly(ethylene oxide)s and poly(2-vinyl pyridine)s, and eluents of different polarities. Silanols on the silica gel surface are well shielded by the PEG phase, and silanophilic adsorption of macromolecules is suppressed in comparison with most silica C(18) bonded phases. The adsorption of solutes on the -OH groups of the PEG phase seems to be low as well. The partition of macromolecules in favor of the PEG phase is inferior to that observed in case of the silica C(18) phases. The volume of the PEG bonded phase is small and it is supposed that the PEG chains assume flat conformation on the silica gel surface.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the separation and measurement of ethylene glycol and three other glycols (propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol and 2,3-butylene glycol) in biological samples by wide-bore column gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector. The method used 1,3-propylene glycol (1,3-propanediol) as an internal standard. The method was linear at least from 2 to 1000 μg/ml, with a detection limit of 1 μg/ml. Analytical recoveries were 89–98% for the different concentrations. Precision studies showed coefficients of variation of 1.5–7.7% for the different concentrations. The assay was applied to the analysis of biological samples from two patients who had ingested ethylene glycol and/or other glycols in a suicide attempt.  相似文献   

Immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The introduction of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, directed toward specific protein side chains, has opened a new dimension in protein purification. This review covers the principles and practice of IMAC that can be performed under very mild, nondenaturing conditions. IMAC is particularly suitable for preparative group fractionation of complex extracts and biofluids, but can also be used in high-performance mode: "HP-IMAC." Single-step purifications of 1000-fold or more may allow isolation of a particular protein from crude extracts on a milligram or gram scale. With respect to separation efficiency, IMAC compares well with biospecific affinity chromatography, and the immobilized metal ion ligand complexes are more likely to withstand wear and tear than are antibodies or enzymes. The enormous potential of IMAC and related metal affinity techniques is only in the initial stages of being explored and exploited. Synthesis of IMA adsorbents, and various modes of performing IMAC are discussed and exemplified with selected applications. Advantages and disadvantages are listed. Effective means of counteracting the few undesirable effects that can occur are suggested.  相似文献   

Reagent-grade ethylene glycol has been shown to contain substantial amounts of aldehydes, peroxides, iron, and uv-absorbing hydrocarbons. These impurities can be removed by reduction with sodium borohydride, dilution with H2O, passing through a train of four columns, and filtering through a 0.45-micron filter. The product is stable for at least several months and perhaps much longer; storage under nitrogen in acid-washed dark bottles is preferable. Ten liters of 25% (v/v) aqueous ethylene glycol can easily be purified in about 1 week using equipment commonly available in a biochemical laboratory. This purification is also applicable to aqueous glycerol.  相似文献   

Metabolism of ethylene glycol as the sole source of carbon by a species of Flavobacterium was affected by the dissolved oxygen tension of the growth medium. Under strongly aerobic conditions the diol was exclusively metabolised to glycollate by an initial oxidase, subsequently metabolised to acetyl-CoA with no net change in ATP, and then oxidised to CO2, by the tricarboxylic acid cycle yielding large amounts of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides which were used to generate a net gain in ATP by oxidative phospsorylation. Under miccroaerophilic conditions, some ethylene glycol after initial metabolism to acetyl-CoA by the oxidase-initiated pathway, was subsequently catabolised to acetyl phosphate and then acetate, yielding a net gain in ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation: additionally some diol was catabolised by an inducible diol dehydratase to acetaldehyde and subsequently reduced to ethanol as a terminal metabolite.  相似文献   

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