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Expanded linkage map of Erwinia chrysanthemi strain 3937   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
In this paper we describe the chromosomal location of various loci in Erwinia chrysanthemi strain 3937. Auxotrophic markers were obtained by chemical mutagenesis, antibiotic resistances were isolated spontaneously and mutations in sugar utilization were obtained by means of Mu insertions. These markers were located on the genetic linkage map of strain 3937 by using a conjugative system mediated by RP4::mini-Mu plasmids which permitted transfer of genetic material from any point of origin. The location of these markers was compared to that of previously located mutations. Many genes involved in pectinolysis were also located on the E. chrysanthemi 3937 map. These results permitted us to present a new genetic map containing 61 markers distributed over 34 widely scattered loci on the chromosome. Some pairs of markers giving high cotransfer frequencies were tested for cotransduction mediated by the generalized transducing phage phi-EC2; nine cotransducing pairs were found. It appears that the chromosomal locations of many of these loci are quite different to those of the well-known enterobacterium Escherichia coli but seem similar to those described for other E. chrysanthemi strains.  相似文献   

A single gene (plcA) was cloned from a cosmid library of Erwinia chrysanthemi EC16 DNA that encoded an extracellular phospholipase. The gene was subcloned and DNA sequence data showed the presence of a single open reading frame encoding a protein with a predicted size of 39kDa. The coding region was G+C-rich and the protein had a predicted basic isoelectric point. The protein showed no significant homology with others in the PIR library, including other phospholipases. When overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells, the plcA gene directed production of a c. 39kDa protein that was largely localized in the periplasm, but its N-terminal amino acid sequence was that of the native protein predicted from DNA sequence data. Unlike the wild-type bacterium, an E. chrysanthemi EC16 marker exchange mutant of the plcA gene did not secrete extracellular phospholipase activity into the medium. However, no detectable change was observed in terms of the virulence of the mutant strain on potato tubers or chrysanthemum stems.  相似文献   

Erwinia chrysanthemi insertion mutants were isolated that grew poorly specifically in the presence of glycine betaine (GB) or its analogues in high-salt media. Transposon insertions were found to affect the bspA gene, which forms an operon including the psd locus coding for phosphatidylserine decarboxylase. Initial GB uptake is not affected by the bspA mutation. However, in high-salt medium, its initial accumulation is followed by a reduced glucose uptake and a release of GB but not a loss of viability. BspA is homologous to the widespread MscS channel, YggB, but does not seem to constitute a mechanosensitive channel. We suggest that BspA is a protein sensing both intracellular GB and the extracellular salt content of the medium, the hypothesis being built on the observation that BspA is necessary to maintain the GB pool during osmoadaptation in high-salt media containing this osmoprotectant.  相似文献   

Summary An extracellular endoxylanase from Fusarium oxysporum binds onto crystalline cellulose. A small peptide (~ 2kDa) could be isolated after partial proteolysis of the native protein. It consists of 18 amino acids, is located in the C-terminal region of the protein and corresponds functionally to a cellulose binding domain (CBD), the first one to be reported in a fungal xylanase. The amino acid sequence of this peptide shows no homology with any known CBD.  相似文献   

Erwinia chrysanthemi spp. are gram-negative bacterial phytopathogens causing soft rots in a number of plants. The structure of the extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) produced by the E. chrysanthemi strain A350, which is a lacZ- mutant of the wild type strain 3937, pathogenic to Saintpaulia, has been determined using a combination of chemical and physical techniques including methylation analysis, low-pressure gel-filtration and anion-exchange chromatography, high-pH anion-exchange chromatography, partial acid hydrolysis, mass spectrometry and 1- and 2D NMR spectroscopy. In contrast to the structures of the EPS reported for other strains of E. chrysanthemi, the EPS from strain A350 contains D-GalA, together with L-Rhap and D-Galp in a 1:4:1 ratio. Evidence is presented for the following hexasaccharide repeat unit: [structure: see text] All the Erwinia chrysanthemi spp. studied to date have been analyzed by ribotyping and collated into families, which are consistent with the related structures of their EPS.  相似文献   

Most structures of neutral lipases and esterases have been found to adopt the common alpha/beta hydrolase fold and contain a catalytic Ser-His-Asp triad. Some variation occurs in both the overall protein fold and in the location of the catalytic triad, and in some enzymes the role of the aspartate residue is replaced by a main-chain carbonyl oxygen atom. Here, we report the crystal structure of pectin methylesterase that has neither the common alpha/beta hydrolase fold nor the common catalytic triad. The structure of the Erwinia chrysanthemi enzyme was solved by multiple isomorphous replacement and refined at 2.4 A to a conventional crystallographic R-factor of 17.9 % (R(free) 21.1 %). This is the first structure of a pectin methylesterase and reveals the enzyme to comprise a right-handed parallel beta-helix as seen in the pectinolytic enzymes pectate lyase, pectin lyase, polygalacturonase and rhamnogalacturonase, and unlike the alpha/beta hydrolase fold of rhamnogalacturonan acetylesterase with which it shares esterase activity. Pectin methylesterase has no significant sequence similarity with any protein of known structure. Sequence conservation among the pectin methylesterases has been mapped onto the structure and reveals that the active site comprises two aspartate residues and an arginine residue. These proposed catalytic residues, located on the solvent-accessible surface of the parallel beta-helix and in a cleft formed by external loops, are at a location similar to that of the active site and substrate-binding cleft of pectate lyase. The structure of pectin methylesterase is an example of a new family of esterases.  相似文献   

A catechcol-type siderophore, assigned the trivial name chrysobactin, was isolated from the phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia chrysanthemi and characterized by degradation and spectroscopic techniques as N-[N2-(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)-D-lysyl]-L-serine. Chrysobactin, which was also obtained by chemical synthesis, was shown to be active in supplying iron to a group of mutants of E. chrysanthemi defective in biosynthesis of the siderophore.  相似文献   

A beta-xylanase (XynIII) of Acrophialophora nainiana was purified to homogeneity from the culture supernatant by ultrafiltration and a combination of ion exchange and gel filtration chromatographic methods. It was optimally active at 55 degrees C and pH 6.5. XynIII had molecular masses of 27.5 and 54 kDa, as estimated by gel filtration and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed preferentially xylan as the substrate. The half-lives of XynIII at 50 and 60 degrees C were 96 and 1 h, respectively. It was activated by L-tryptophan, dithiothreitol, 5,5-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid, L-cysteine and beta-mercaptoethanol and strongly inhibited by N-bromosuccinimide. The presence of carbohydrate was detected in the pure XynIII.  相似文献   

Abstract A 3.4 kb fragment of Erwinia chrysanthemi EC16 DNA capable of complementing galacturonic acid uptake mutants ( exuT ) was identified and cloned into a multicopy vector. In E. chrysanthemi B374 exuT mutants, the cloned DNA provided for growth of the mutant strains on galacturonic acid by complementing the galacturonic acid uptake defect. Alkaline phosphatase ( phoA ) gene fusions with the cloned DNA suggested that most of the cloned DNA was necessary for complementation of exuT mutant strains. Using anti-alkaline phosphatase antibody, a hybrid ExuT-PhoA protein was localized to the membrane fraction of the bacterium.  相似文献   

We report the initial characterization of the osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) of Erwinia chrysanthemi. OPGs are intrinsic components of the bacterial envelope necessary to the pathogenicity of this phytopathogenic enterobacterium (F. Page, S. Altabe, N. Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat, J.-M. Lacroix, J. Robert-Baudouy and J.-P. Bohin, J. Bacteriol. 183:0000-0000, 2001 [companion in this issue]). OPGs were isolated by trichloracetic acid treatment and gel permeation chromatography. The synthesis of these compounds appeared to be osmoregulated, since lower amounts of OPGs were produced when bacteria were grown in media of higher osmolarities. However, a large fraction of these OPGs were recovered in the culture medium. Then, these compounds were characterized by compositional analysis, high-performance anion-exchange chromatography, matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry, and (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. OPGs produced by E. chrysanthemi are very heterogeneous at the level of both backbone structure and substitution of these structures. The degree of polymerization of the glucose units ranges from 5 to 12. The structures are branched, with a linear backbone consisting of beta-1,2-linked glucose units to which a variable number of branches, composed of one glucose residue, are attached by beta-1,6 linkages in a random way. This glucan backbone may be substituted by O-acetyl and O-succinyl ester-linked residues.  相似文献   

The recA gene of Erwinia chrysanthemi ENA49 has been cloned in vivo in Escherichia coli K12, recA13 cells using the plasmid pULB113. On the basis or DNA repair and recombination deficiencies complementation, of restoration of the inducible "SOS"-response functions the functional identity of the cloned gene with the recA gene was concluded. The recA gene was localized in the 18th min region of the chromosomal genetical map of Erwinia chrysanthemi ENA49 between the genes proA and pheA.  相似文献   

The Erwinia chrysanthemi pecS gene encodes a repressor that negatively regulates the expression of virulence factors such as pectinases or cellulases. The cloned pecS gene was overexpressed using a phage T7 system. The purification of PecS involved DEAE-anion exchange and TSK-heparin columns and delivered the PecS protein that was purified to homogeneity. The purified repressor displayed an 18 kDa apparent molecular mass and an isoelectric point near to neutrality (PI = 6.5). Gel-filtration experiments revealed that the PecS protein is a dimer. Bandshift assays demonstrated that the PecS protein could specifically bind in vitro to the regulatory sites of the in vivo PecS-regulated genes. The interaction between the PecS protein and its DNA-binding site was characterized by a relatively low affinity (about 10?8 M). DNase I footprintings revealed short protected sequences only with the most in vivo PecS-regulated genes. Alignment of these PecS-binding sites did not show a well-conserved consensus sequence. lmmunoblotting demonstrated that the copy number of the PecS protein was approximately 50 dimers per cell. The low affinity of the PecS repressor for its DNA targets and the low cellular PecS content suggest the existence of E. chrysanthemi-specific factors able to potentiate PecS protein activity in vivo.  相似文献   

The structure of a citrate siderophore named achromobactin isolated from the culture medium of Erwinia chrysanthemi was elucidated by spectroscopic methods and chemical degradation.  相似文献   

The molecular weights of the native polysaccharides of Erwinia chrysanthemi strains range from 1.8 to 7.1 x 10(6) and their hydrodynamic properties are those of polydisperse, polyanionic biopolymers with pseudoplastic, non-thixotropic flow characteristics in aqueous solutions. The effect on the hydrodynamic properties of the polysaccharides by adding carboxyl groups to increase the charge density is studied, with particular reference to their molecular weight (MW), viscosity and conformation. In general, it is found that periodate oxidation of the extracellular polysaccharides of E. chrysanthemi strains, Ech9Sm6 and Ech6S+, introduces little change in the hydrodynamic properties of the resulting polyaldehydes. However, bromine oxidation at neutral pH of the polyaldehydes results in polycarboxylate biopolymers that show significant reduction in MW and viscosity, but they are still characteristic polyanions.  相似文献   

High levels of xylanase activity (143.98 IU/ml) produced by the newly isolated Paenibacillus campinasensis G1-1 were detected when it was cultivated in a synthetic medium. A thermostable xylanase, designated XynG1-1, from P. campinasensis G1-1 was purified to homogeneity by Octyl-Sepharose hydrophobic-interaction chromatography, Sephadex G75 gel-filter chromatography, and Q-Sepharose ion-exchange chromatography, consecutively. By multistep purification, the specific activity of XynG1-1 was up to 1,865.5 IU/mg with a 9.1-fold purification. The molecular mass of purified XynG1-1 was about 41.3 kDa as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Sequence analysis revealed that XynG1-1 containing 377 amino acids encoded by 1,134 bp genomic sequences of P. campinasensis G1-1 shared 96% homology with XylX from Paenibacillus campinasensis BL11 and 77%~78% homology with xylanases from Bacillus sp. YA- 335 and Bacillus sp. 41M-1, respectively. The activity of XynG1-1 was stimulated by Ca2+, Ba2+, DTT, and beta- mercaptoethanol, but was inhibited by Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, SDS, and EDTA. The purified XynG1-1 displayed a greater affinity for birchwood xylan, with an optimal temperature of 60 degrees C and an optimal pH of 7.5. The fact that XynG1-1 is cellulose-free, thermostable (stability at high temperature of 70 degrees C~80 degrees C), and active over a wide pH range (pH 5.0~9.0) suggests that the enzyme is potentially valuable for various industrial applications, especially for pulp bleaching pretreatment.  相似文献   

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