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Summary The effect of media with different ionic composition on calcium efflux from the dorsal head of semitendinosus muscles ofRana pipiens was studied. The reduction in the fractional loss of45Ca, when going from normal Ringer's solution to an ONa–OCa medium, was 60%. Withdrawal of only Na or Ca from the external medium also caused a significant drop in the fractional loss (33% and 34%, respectively). The effect of different concentrations of Ca (studied in the absence of the external Na) was also studied. It was found that a linear function could describe the relationship between the calcium-dependent calcium efflux and the external calcium concentration. These results indicate that calcium efflux from frog muscle fibers consists of three major components: one that is dependent on the presence of calcium in the external medium, one that is dependent on the presence of sodium in the external medium, and one that persists in the absence of these two cations.  相似文献   

The dependence of the 45Ca-efflux from the smooth muscle cells of the arteria carotis of cattle on external sodium and calcium was studied. In the absence of external calcium the replacement of NaCl by sucrose leads to a decreased 45Ca-efflux rate, replacement by LiCl to an increased efflux rate. With regard to the presence of sodium and calcium in the external medium, the 45Ca-efflux rate decreases in the following order: Na + Ca less than less than Na + Ca-free less than Na-free (Na substituted by sucrose) + Ca-free. LiCl considerably stimulates the 45Ca-efflux rate in the presence of external calcium. An inhibition of the Na, K-ATPase activity lasting for more than 20 min leads to a decrease of the 45Ca-efflux rate. The results obtained suggest the existence of a Na-Ca-exchange in the arteria carotis of cattle.  相似文献   

The 13C-n.m.r. spectra have been recorded and assigned for the xylo- and cello-oligosaccharides, the former up to xylopentaose, and the latter up to cello-tetraose. A spectrum of a low-d.p. cellulose in dimethyl sulfoxide-d6 was also assigned. In every instance, the spectra of the higher oligosaccharides closely parallel those of the corresponding disaccharides. Variations in line intensities permitted assignment of peaks to both terminal groups and internal residues. A particularly important difference was observed between the chemical shifts at the internal C-4 atoms for the two series of oligomers. This difference has been interpreted as evidence for significant differences in average linkage-orientation or solvation, which is related to the absence of C-6 in the xylo-oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

In the event of a nuclear reactor accident, the major public health risk will likely result from the release and dispersion of volatile radio-iodines. Upon body exposure and food ingestion, these radio-iodines are concentrated in the thyroid, resulting in substantial thyroidal irradiation and accordingly causing thyroid cancers. Stable potassium iodide (KI) effectively blocks thyroid iodine uptake and is thus used in iodide prophylaxis for reactor accidents. The efficiency of KI is directly related to the physiological inhibition of the thyroid function in the presence of high plasma iodide concentrations. This regulation is called the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. However, to be fully effective, KI should be administered shortly before or immediately after radioiodine exposure. If KI is provided only several hours after exposure, it will elicit the opposite effect e.g. lead to an increase in the thyroid irradiation dose. To date, clear evaluation of the benefit and the potential toxicity of KI administration remain difficult, and additional data are needed. We outline in this review the molecular characterization of KI-induced regulation of the thyroid function. Significant advances in the knowledge of the iodide transport mechanisms and thyroid physiology have been made. Recently developed molecular tools should help clarify iodide metabolism and the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. The major goals are clarifying the factors which increase thyroid cancer risk after a reactor accident and improving the KI administration protocol. These will ultimately lead to the development of novel strategies to decrease thyroid irradiation after radio-iodine exposure.  相似文献   

Ion channels in cell membranes are targets for a multitude of ligands including naturally occurring toxins, illicit drugs, and medications used to manage pain and treat cardiovascular, neurological, autoimmune, and other health disorders. In the past decade, the x-ray crystallography revealed 3D structures of several ion channels in their open, closed, and inactivated states, shedding light on mechanisms of channel gating, ion permeation and selectivity. However, atomistic mechanisms of the channel modulation by ligands are poorly understood. Increasing evidence suggest that cationophilic groups in ion channels and in some ligands may simultaneously coordinate permeant cations, which form indispensible (but underappreciated) components of respective receptors. This review describes ternary ligand-metal-channel complexes predicted by means of computer-based molecular modeling. The models rationalize a large body of experimental data including paradoxes in structure-activity relationships, effects of mutations on the ligand action, sensitivity of the ligand action to the nature of current-carrying cations, and action of ligands that bind in the ion-permeation pathway but increase rather than decrease the current. Recent mutational and ligand-binding experiments designed to test the models have confirmed the ternary-complex concept providing new knowledge on physiological roles of metal ions and atomistic mechanisms of action of ion channel ligands.  相似文献   

Association constants were determined for the 1:1 interactions of calcium with NAD+, NADH, NADP+, and NADPH in aqueous systems (pH 7, 25 °C) by use of a calcium-sensitive electrode. The order of binding of calcium to these pyridine nucleotides appears to be NAD+ < NADH < NADP+ < NADPH with association constants of 0.2 × 102, 0.3 × 102, 0.9 × 102, and 2 × 102, respectively. Calorimetric experiments revealed that all of these interactions are endothermic with enthalpy changes of 1, 2, 2, and 3 kcal/mol, respectively.  相似文献   

Interactions of iodide ions with isolated photosystem 2 particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of I- ions on O2 evolution by photosystem 2 particles, which were depleted of the 18-kDa and the 23-kDa extrinsic proteins of the O2 evolution complex by NaCl washing (dPS2 particles) were examined. In the absence of Cl- (incompetent dPS2) I- stimulated O2 evolution up to 3-6 mM, depending on the associated cation, and inhibited it at higher concentrations. In the presence of Cl- (competent dPS2), I- was inhibitory at all concentrations. The inhibition was reversible, it occurred at a site preceding Tyrz (Tyr residue mediating electron transfer from H2O to photosystem 2), and it interfered noncompetitively with the reactivation of incompetent dPS2 with Cl-. Furthermore, the organic salts tetrabutyl ammonium iodide and tetraphenyl phosphonium iodide proved to be stronger inhibitors than the inorganic NaI. This is interpreted as an indication of a negatively charged surface, situated behind a hydrophobic permeability barrier. Permeant organic cations, being better compensators of the inner surface charge than Na+, are also more apt in facilitating access of the I- ions to the inhibitory site in the vicinity of Tyrz.  相似文献   

In vivo imaging and tumor therapy with the sodium iodide symporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has been great progress in the design of vectors for cancer gene therapy. However, it has been difficult to translate success in the laboratory into clinical practice. A major hurdle in understanding these failures has been the relative difficulty in monitoring repeatedly and non-invasively the biodistribution, gene expression and replication of these viral vector systems. With the advent of molecular imaging technology, this deficiency is being rapidly rectified. A number of reporter genes have been used to monitor gene expression. In this review, we discuss the role of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) as a reporter and therapeutic gene for cancer gene therapy when combined with various radioactive isotopes.  相似文献   

The volume of individual cells in intact frog urinary bladders was determined by quantitative microscopy and changes in volume were used to monitor the movement of solute across the basolateral membrane. When exposed to a serosal hyposmotic solution, the cells swell as expected for an osmometer, but then regulate their volume back to near control in a process that involves the loss of KCl. We show here that volume regulation is abolished by Ba++, which suggests that KCl movements are mediated by conductive channels for both ions. Volume regulation is also inhibited by removing Ca++ from the serosal perfusate, which suggests that the channels are activated by this cation. Previously, amiloride was observed to inhibit volume regulation: in this study, amiloride-inhibited, hyposmotically swollen cells lost volume when the Ca++ ionophore A23187 was added to Ca++-replete media. We attempted to effect volume changes under isosmotic conditions by suddenly inhibiting Na+ entry across the apical membrane with amiloride, or Na+ exit across the basolateral membrane with ouabain. Neither of these Na+ transport inhibitors produced the expected results. Amiloride, instead of causing a decrease in cell volume, had no effect, and ouabain, instead of causing cell swelling, caused cell shrinkage. However, increasing cell Ca++ with A23187, in both the absence and presence of amiloride, caused cells to lose volume, and Ca++-free Ringer's solution (serosal perfusate only) caused ouabain-blocked cells to swell. Finally, again under isosmotic conditions, removal of Na+ from the serosal perfusate caused a loss of volume from cells exposed to amiloride. These results strongly suggest that intracellular Ca++ mediates cell volume regulation by exerting a negative control on apical membrane Na+ permeability and a positive control on basolateral membrane K+ permeability. They also are compatible with the existence of a basolateral Na+/Ca++ exchanger.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, cytosolic calcium, and chloride to the transepithelial transport of sodium in isolated frog skin. Sodium transport was measured as amiloride-inhibitable short circuit current (SCC). We studied the effect of variations in the concentrations of external chloride and of the manipulation of calcium on sensitive amiloride SCC. Modifications in the movement of Ca2+ were induced by an ionophore, A23187, and a Ca2+ channel blocker, nifedipine. Calcium ionophore A23187 (5 and 20 microM), in a normal Ringer's solution, increased SCC and transepithelial potential difference (PD). In contrast, nifedipine (20 microM) reduced SCC and PD. The role of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger was studied using dichlorobenzamil (DCB, 50 microM) and quinacrine (1 mM), inhibitors of this exchanger. They selectively increased SCC and PD on the mucosal side of the skin, with no effect on the serosal side. This response occurred only in the presence of extracellular calcium. Replacement of NaCl by sodium methanesulfonate or the addition of furosemide (1 mM) at the serosal compartment, decreased basal SCC and PD and blocked the response to A23187 and the mucosal effect of DCB and quinacrine. These results suggest the presence of an Na+/Ca2+ exchanger located on the mucosal side of the frog skin, which participates in the transepithelial sodium transport. The action of this exchanger may be modulated by external chloride and calcium. J. Exp. Zool. 289:23-32, 2001.  相似文献   

The thyroidal sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in combination with various radioactive isotopes has shown promise as a therapeutic gene in various tumor models. Therapy depends on adequate retention of the isotope in the tumor. We hypothesized that in the absence of iodide organification, isotope trapping is a dynamic process either due to slow efflux or re-uptake of the isotope by cells expressing NIS. Iodide efflux is slower in ARH-77 and K-562 cells expressing NIS compared to a thyroid cell line. Isotope retention half times varied linearly with the number of cells expressing NIS. With sufficient NIS expression, iodide efflux is a zero-order process. Efflux kinetics in the presence or absence of perchlorate also supports the hypothesis that iodide re-uptake occurs and contributes to the retention of the isotope in tumor cells. Iodide organification was insignificant. In vivo studies in tumors composed of mixed cell populations confirmed these observations.  相似文献   

CaSO3 is a by-product formed by several of the processes used for scrubbing SO2 from flue gas produced by coal-burning power generators. Using CaSO3 to improve the calcium status of acid soils would be a beneficial alternative to disposal in landfills. CaSO3 has biocidal properties and is used as a disinfectant and food and drink preservative. It is important to evaluate under what conditions application to soils would not harm plant growth. Laboratory experiments confirmed that two transformations of CaSO3 occurred in soil systems: (1) decomposition to produce SO2 gas, and (2) oxidation to calcium sulfate. Conversion to SO2 occurred in solution and soil at low pH, and acid soils treated with CaSO3 were initially toxic to seedling root growth. The degree of toxicity was time-dependent, with reduction in toxicity occurring as CaSO3 oxidized to calcium sulfate. Soil reaction also influenced toxicity, and at soil pH levels above 6, little seedling toxicity was evident.  相似文献   

The present study has examined the vascular responses to infusion of norepinephrine (NE) and parathyroid hormone (PTH 1-34) in animals subjected for a six month period to one of four dietary regimens. Some animals received normal calcium chow (1.0% Ca by weight) and drank water (subgroup A), others consumed the same chow, but water was replaced by 0.5% saline (subgroup B), a third group consumed chow which had 2.0% Ca content and also drank 0.5% saline (subgroup C) and a fourth group consumed the 2.0% Ca chow, but drank water (subgroup D). No differences were found in the pressor response to NE across subgroup A, B, and C, while pressor response to NE in subgroup D was markedly reduced. Depressor responses to PTH were not significantly different across any of the four groups. The ability of changes in calcium homeostasis to affect blood pressure responses to NE and PTH were evaluated in animals consuming reduced dietary calcium (0.1%) for two and four weeks and compared with animals on normal calcium intake (1.0%). This dietary treatment resulted in only mild effects on calcium balance; after four weeks no significant difference in plasma total calcium concentration was observed, but plasma PTH levels were increased in animals on the low Ca diet. No effects on the blood pressure response to NE or PTH infusion were observed after 2 weeks of dietary treatment. At four weeks, NE responses remained unchanged, while responses to PTH were blunted in animals on 0.1% Ca chow.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

S Uribe  P Rangel  J P Pardo 《Cell calcium》1992,13(4):211-217
The interactions of Ca2+ with mitochondria from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were explored. Mitochondria were loaded with the metallochromic dye Fluo-3 to measure the concentration of free calcium in the matrix. Addition of EGTA or Ca2+ led to fluctuations in mitochondrial free calcium between 120 and 400 nM. Ca2+ variations were slower at 4 degrees C than at 25 degrees C or in the presence of phosphate instead of acetate. The net uptake of 45Ca2+ was higher with phosphate than with acetate. The optimum pH for Ca2+ uptake was 6.8. Ruthenium red did not affect the uptake of Ca2+. Addition of antimycin-A or uncouplers led to a small and transient release of Ca2+. Addition of EGTA or the monovalent cations Na+ or K+ resulted in higher release of Ca2+. Site I but not site II dependent O2 consumption was partially inhibited by EGTA. The effect of Ca2+ on NADH oxidation is similar to results reported with enzymes from mammalian sources which use NADH, such as the pyruvate, isocitrate and oxoglutarate dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

1. The reactions of retinol and retinoic acid with iodine were investigated since knowledge of the chemical reactions of vitamin A with acceptors of electrons may shed light on its biochemical mode of action. 2. Colloidal retinol, but not retinoic acid, reacts with iodine to yield a blue-green complex that rapidly decomposes, giving iodide and an unknown species with lambda(max.) at 870mmu. 3. In addition, both retinol and retinoic acid reduce iodine to iodide by a reaction that does not involve an intermediate coloured complex; this reaction appears to yield unstable carbonium ion derivatives of the vitamin. 4. The presence of water greatly facilitates the production of iodide from vitamin A and iodine. 5. Possible chemical pathways involved in these reactions are discussed. 6. It is suggested that the chemical properties of retinol and retinoic acid that underlie their biochemical behaviour might be apparent only when the molecules are at a lipid-water interface, and that vitamin A might be expected to react with a number of different electron acceptors in vivo.  相似文献   

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