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The black honeybee Apis mellifera mellifera L. is today the only subspecies of honeybee which is suitable for commercial breeding in the climatic conditions of Northern Europe with long cold winters. The main problem of the black honeybee in Russia and European countries is the preservation of the indigenous gene pool purity, which is lost as a result of hybridization with subspecies, A. m. caucasica, A. m. carnica, A. m. carpatica, and A. m. armeniaca, introduced from southern regions. Genetic identification of the subspecies will reduce the extent of hybridization and provide the gene pool conservation of the black honeybee. Modern classification of the honeybee mitotypes is mainly based on the combined use of the DraI restriction endonuclease recognition site polymorphism and sequence polymorphism of the mtDNA COI–COII region. We performed a comparative analysis of the mtDNA COI–COII region sequence polymorphism in the honeybees of the evolutionary lineage M from Ural and West European populations of black honeybee A. m. mellifera and Spanish bee A. m. iberiensis. A new approach to the classification of the honeybee M mitotypes was suggested. Using this approach and on the basis of the seven most informative SNPs of the mtDNA COI–COII region, eight honeybee mitotype groups were identified. In addition, it is suggested that this approach will simplify the previously proposed complicated mitotype classification and will make it possible to assess the level of the mitotype diversity and to identify the mitotypes that are the most valuable for the honeybee breeding and rearing.  相似文献   

When a honeybee colony loses its queen, workers activate their ovaries and begin to lay eggs. This is accompanied by a shift in their pheromonal bouquet, which becomes more queen like. Workers of the Asian hive bee Apis cerana show unusually high levels of ovary activation and this can be interpreted as evidence for a recent evolutionary arms race between queens and workers over worker reproduction in this species. To further explore this, we compared the rate of pheromonal bouquet change between two honeybee sister species of Apis cerana and Apis mellifera under queenright and queenless conditions. We show that in both species, the pheromonal components HOB, 9-ODA, HVA, 9-HDA, 10-HDAA and 10-HDA have significantly higher amounts in laying workers than in non-laying workers. In the queenright colonies of A. mellifera and A. cerana, the ratios (9-ODA)/(9-ODA + 9-HDA + 10-HDAA + 10-HDA) are not significantly different between the two species, but in queenless A. cerana colonies the ratio is significant higher than in A. mellifera, suggesting that in A. cerana, the workers’ pheromonal bouquet is dominated by the queen compound, 9-ODA. The amount of 9-ODA in laying A. cerana workers increased by over 585% compared with the non-laying workers, that is 6.75 times higher than in A. mellifera where laying workers only had 86% more 9-ODA compared with non-laying workers.  相似文献   

Pax group III genes are involved in a number of processes during insect segmentation. In Drosophila melanogaster, three genes, paired, gooseberry and gooseberry-neuro, regulate segmental patterning of the epidermis and nervous system. Paired acts as a pair-rule gene and gooseberry as a segment polarity gene. Studies of Pax group III genes in other insects have indicated that their expression is a good marker for understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of segmentation. We have cloned three Pax group III genes from the honeybee (Apis mellifera) and examined their relationships to other insect Pax group III genes and their expression patterns during honeybee segmentation. The expression pattern of the honeybee homologue of paired is similar to that of paired in Drosophila, but its expression is modulated by anterior–posterior temporal patterning similar to the expression of Pax group III proteins in Tribolium. The expression of the other two Pax group III genes in the honeybee indicates that they also act in segmentation and nervous system development, as do these genes in other insects.  相似文献   

Participation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) in associative learning of the honeybee Apis mellifera was studied in behavioral and electrophysiological experiments with use of pharmacological analysis. By the method of conditioned reflexes, effects of systemic injections of mGluR agonists and antagonists were studied on retention of elaborated conditioned reflexes in short-term and long-term memory. Injection of aminocyclopentandicarbonic acid (ACPD), ibotenate, and phosphoserine stimulated the memory in 3 h after the single learning procedure. The long- term memory was inhibited by mGluR antagonists — methylcarboxyphenylglycine and amino- phosphonopropionate as well as by non-competitive antagonists of mGluR1(CPCCOEt) and of mGluR5 (SIB 1757). Electrophysiological experiments demonstrated changes of characteristics of the action potential recorded from mushroom bodxies in response to stimulation of antennal lobes and during injections of mGluR III phosphoserine and the mGluR1 antagonist CPCCOEt. The obtained data allow suggesting participation of different groups of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the process of the honeybee associative learning.Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol. 40, No. 6, 2004, pp. 539–545.  相似文献   



In honeybees, differential feeding of female larvae promotes the occurrence of two different phenotypes, a queen and a worker, from identical genotypes, through incremental alterations, which affect general growth, and character state alterations that result in the presence or absence of specific structures. Although previous studies revealed a link between incremental alterations and differential expression of physiometabolic genes, the molecular changes accompanying character state alterations remain unknown.  相似文献   

The COI-COII intergenic region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was studied in local honeybee (Apis mellifera mellifera) L. populations from the Middle and Southern Urals. Analysis of bee colonies in these regions revealed apiaries enriched in families descending from A. m. mellifera in the maternal lineage. These results confirm the suggestion of preservation of A. m. mellifera refuges in the Urals and provide grounds for work on the preservation of the gene pool of this bee variety, valuable for all Russia.  相似文献   

Recent work shows that at any one place bees detect a limited variety of simple cues in parallel. At each choice point, they recognize a few cues in the range of positions where the cues occurred during the learning process. There is no need to postulate that they re-assemble the surrounding panorama in memory; only that they retain memories of the coincidences of cues in the expected retinotopic directions. The cues could be stimuli that excite groups of peripheral visual neurons. All the experimentally known cues are described, including modulation of the receptors, the locations of areas of black or colour, the nearness, size, averaged edge orientation, and radial and tangential edges. Cues of each type are separately summed within large fields, the size of which varies with the cue. Local orientation cues from edges at right angles cancel each other within each field, which also suggests that the discrimination of shape and texture is limited. Resolution depends on lateral interactions and the number of ommatidia required for each cue. To identify a new place, a few sparse cues, together with their directions, are learned in orientation flights. When the bee returns, the cues in the panorama are progressively matched as they coincide with the cues in memory. The limited number of cues, though economical for memory, may restrict the foraging behaviour and lead to flower constancy. This kind of a visual system is a candidate model for other animals or machines with economical processing systems.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Liu Z  Wu X  Yan W  Zeng Z 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(3):3067-3071
The complementary sex determination (csd) gene is the primary gene determining the gender of honey bees (Apis spp). In this study we analyzed the polymorphism of csd gene in six Apis mellifera subspecies. The genomic region 3 of csd gene in these six A. mellifera was cloned, and identified. A total of 79 haplotypes were obtained from these six subspecies. Analysis showed that region 3 of csd gene has a high level of polymorphism in all the six A. mellifera subspecies. The A. m. anatolica subspecies has a slightly higher nucleotide diversity (π) than other subspecies, while the π values showed no significant difference among the other five subspecies. The phylogenetic tree showed that all the csd haplotypes from different A. mellifera subspecies are scattered throughout the tree, without forming six different clades. Population differentiation analysis showed that there are significant genetic differentiations among some of the subspecies. The NJ phylogenetic tree showed that the A. m. caucasica and A. m. carnica have the closest relationship, followed by A. m. ssp, A. m. ligustica, A. m. carpatica and A. m. anatolica that were gathered in the tree in turn.  相似文献   



In the honeybee Apis mellifera, female larvae destined to become a queen are fed with royal jelly, a secretion of the hypopharyngeal glands of young nurse bees that rear the brood. The protein moiety of royal jelly comprises mostly major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) of which the coding genes (mrjp1-9) have been identified on chromosome 11 in the honeybee’s genome.


We determined the expression of mrjp1-9 among the honeybee worker caste (nurses, foragers) and the sexuals (queens (unmated, mated) and drones) in various body parts (head, thorax, abdomen). Specific mrjp expression was not only found in brood rearing nurse bees, but also in foragers and the sexuals.


The expression of mrjp1 to 7 is characteristic for the heads of worker bees, with an elevated expression of mrjp1-4 and 7 in nurse bees compared to foragers. Mrjp5 and 6 were higher in foragers compared to nurses suggesting functions in addition to those of brood food proteins. Furthermore, the expression of mrjp9 was high in the heads, thoraces and abdomen of almost all female bees, suggesting a function irrespective of body section. This completely different expression profile suggests mrjp9 to code for the most ancestral major royal jelly protein of the honeybee.

Octopamine (OA) and juvenile hormone (JH) are implicated in the regulation of age-based division of labor in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. We tested the hypothesis that these two neuroendocrine signals influence task-associated plasticity in circadian and diurnal rhythms, and in brain expression of the clock gene period (per). Treatment with OA, OA antagonist (epinastine), or both, did not affect the age at onset of circadian rhythmicity or the free running period in constant darkness (DD). Young bees orally treated with OA in light–dark (LD) illumination regime for 6 days followed by DD showed reduced alpha (the period between the daily onset and offset of activity) during the first 4 days in LD and the first 4 days in DD. Oral treatment with OA, epinastine, or both, but not manipulations of JH levels, caused increased average daily levels and aberrant patterns of brain per mRNA oscillation in young bees. These results suggest that OA and JH do not influence the development or function of the central pacemaker but rather that OA influences the brain expression of a clock gene and characteristics of locomotor behavior that are not thought to be under direct control of the circadian pacemaker. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

On the basis of comparative sequence analysis of 12 honeybee mitochondrial genes, seven genes enabling us to differentiate honeybees subspecies of the A, M, C, O evolutionary lineages were found. Applying comparative sequence analysis of ND2 gene mtDNA as an example on a statistically valid sample size, we showed a high level of differentiating ability of this gene and assumed that each of these seven genes probably can be used for differentiation of the subspecies within four evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out to determine how newly emerged virgin queens destroy queen cells with broods which will be competitors for the succession of the colony. When queen cells with older, 13-day-old broods set to emerge within 1 day were presented together with those of younger broods to workers and newly emerged queens in the colony, we found that the older queen cells were preferentially destroyed. It was also shown that a virgin queen destroyed the queen cells with older brood (12–13 days old) first when they were presented together with cells with younger broods (9–10 days old) simultaneously in the experimental cage. However, no significant preference was detected in the destruction between queen cells with 10- and 7-day-old broods. We concluded that virgin queens selectively destroy the queen cells housing broods which will emerge shortly. The possibility that by the selective destruction of older queen cells, newly emerged queens can reduce their risks including death that might otherwise be caused by fights with competitors was discussed.Received 10 June 2003; revised 22 December 2003; accepted 15 January 2004.  相似文献   

Summary One day old honeybee workers (Apis mellifera) were observed in small experimental groups (10 workers per group). These groups were either composed of offspring workers of singly inseminated queens (super-sister groups) or multiply inseminated queens (mixed groups). The groups thus consisted of either super-sisters or a mix of super- and halfsisters. The positions of the individually labelled workers were observed with infrared sensitive video equipment over a 24 h period and analysed with digital image analysis. The spatial distribution of workers in super-sister and mixed groups differed significantly. The distance between super-sister workers was significantly less than in mixed groups (n = 339; p < 0.01). Also the distance of the workers from the group centre was significantly less in super-sister groups as compared to mixed groups (n = 3440, p<0.05). The super-sisters thus formed tighter groups than the groups including half-sisters. A genotypic analysis of the mixed groups with microsatellite DNA markers revealed that workers were significantly more frequently observed next to a super-sister rather than a half-sister (p < 0.001). Irrespective whether this results from kin recognition or not, we expect clique formation to be an important factor for the development of task specialisation among worker bees.Received 26 August 2002; revised 22 April 2003; accepted 25 July 2003.  相似文献   

Although mitochondrial DNA mapping of Varroa destructor revealed the presence of several haplotypes, only two of them (Korean and Japanese haplotypes) were capable to infest Apis mellifera populations. Even though the Korean haplotype is the only one that has been reported in Argentina, these conclusions were based on mites sampled in apiaries from a specific geographical place (Buenos Aires province). To study mites from several sites of Argentina could reveal the presence of the Japanese genotype, especially considering sites near to Brazil, where Japanese haplotype was already detected. The aim of this work was to study the genetic structure of V. destructor populations from apiaries located in various provinces of Argentina, in order to determine the presence of different haplotypes. The study was carried out between January 2006 and December 2009. Phoretic adult Varroa mites were collected from honey bee workers sampled from colonies of A. mellifera located in Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Río Negro, Santa Cruz and Neuquén provinces. Twenty female mites from each sampling site were used to carry out the genetic analysis. For DNA extraction a nondestructive method was used. DNA sequences were compared to Korean haplotype (AF106899) and Japanese haplotype (AF106897). All DNA sequences obtained from mite populations sampled in Argentina, share 98% of similitude with Korean Haplotype (AF106899). Taking into account these results, we are able to conclude that Korean haplotype is cosmopolite in Argentina.  相似文献   

Presented in the work are data on interrace differences in mechanisms of formation of antioxidant and phenoloxidase complexes in honeybees of the Middle Russian (Apis mellifera L.) and Caucasian (Apis mellifera caucasica Gorb.) geographic races. Different degree has been revealed of activation of these complexes depending on their localization in the insect organism and providing different strategy of adaptation to temperature stress. A diverse role of ascorbic acid in regulation of the honeybee protective system has been shown.  相似文献   

Tropilaelaps mercedesae is a serious ectoparasite of Apis mellifera in China. The aim of this study was to investigate the infestation rates and intensity of T. mercedesae in A. mellifera in China, and to explore the relative importance of climate, district, management practices and beekeeper characteristics that are assumed to be associated with the intensity of T. mercedesae. Of the 410 participating apiaries, 379 apiaries were included in analyses of seasonal infestation rates and 352 apiaries were included in multivariable regression analysis. The highest infestation rate (86.3%) of T. mercedesae was encountered in autumn, followed by summer (66.5%), spring (17.2%) and winter (14.8%). In autumn, 28.9% (93) of the infested apiaries were in the north (including the northeast and northwest of China), 71.1% (229) were in the central and south (including east, southeast and southwest China), and 306 apiaries (82.9%) were co-infested by both T. mercedesae and Varroa. Multivariable regression analysis showed that geographical location, season, royal jelly collection and Varroa infestation were the factors that influence the intensity of T. mercedesae. The influence of beekeeper’s education, time of beekeeping, operation size, and hive migration on the intensity of T. mercedesa was not statistically significant. This study provided information about the establishment of the linkage of the environment and the parasite and could lead to better timing and methods of control.  相似文献   

Since its first contact with Apis mellifera, the population dynamics of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor varies from one region to another. In many regions of the world, apiculture has come to depend on the use of acaricides, because of the extensive damage caused by varroa to bee colonies. At present, the mite is considered to contribute to the recent decline of honey bee colonies in North America and Europe. Because in tropical climates worker brood rearing and varroa reproduction occurs all year round, it could be expected that here the impact of the parasite will be even more devastating. Yet, this has not been the case in tropical areas of South America. In Brazil, varroa was introduced more than 30 years ago and got established at low levels of infestation, without causing apparent damage to apiculture with Africanized honey bees (AHB). The tolerance of AHB to varroa is apparently attributable, at least in part, to resistance in the bees. The low fertility of this parasite in Africanized worker brood and the grooming and hygienic behavior of the bees are referred as important factors in keeping mite infestation low in the colonies. It has also been suggested that the type of mite influences the level of tolerance in a honey bee population. The Korea haplotype is predominant in unbalanced host-parasite systems, as exist in Europe, whereas in stable systems, as in Brazil, the Japan haplotype used to predominate. However, the patterns of varroa genetic variation have changed in Brazil. All recently sampled mites were of the Korea haplotype, regardless whether the mites had reproduced or not. The fertile mites on AHB in Brazil significantly increased from 56% in the 1980s to 86% in recent years. Nevertheless, despite the increased fertility, no increase in mite infestation rates in the colonies has been detected so far. A comprehensive literature review of varroa reproduction data, focusing on fertility and production of viable female mites, was conducted to provide insight into the Africanized bee host-parasite relationship.  相似文献   

Honeybees selected for the colony level phenotype of storing large quantities of pollen (pollen hoarding) in the nest exhibit greater walking activity than those selected against pollen hoarding. In this study, we use a simple walking assay to demonstrate that walking activity increases with the proportion of high pollen-hoarding alleles in pure and backcrossed strains of bees (high-strain bees > offspring generated from a high backcross > offspring generated from a low backcross > low-strain bees). The trait is heritable but is not associated with markers linked to three quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapped for their effects on pollen hoarding with demonstrated pleiotropic effects on pollen and nectar foraging and learning behavior. However, locomotion in non-selected bees is correlated with responsiveness to sucrose, a trait that correlates with foraging and learning behavior. We propose that pollen-hoarding behavior involves a syndrome of behavioral traits with complex genetic and regulatory architectures that span sensory sensitivity, foraging behavior, and learning. We propose that locomotor activity is the component of this syndrome and reflects the early maturation of the bees that become pollen foragers.  相似文献   

We investigated the pharmacology of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of honeybee Kenyon cells, a subset of olfactory interneurons, which are crucial for olfactory learning and memory. Whole-cell currents were recorded using patch-clamp techniques. Pressure application of agonists induced inward currents in cultured Kenyon cells at holding potentials of –110 mV. Acetylcholine or carbamylcholine were full agonists, nicotine, epibatidine and cytisine were only partial agonists. Coapplications of these partial agonists with acetylcholine reduced the current amplitude. The most efficient antagonists were dihydroxy--erythroidine (EC50=0.5 pmol·l–1) and methyllycaconitine (EC50=24 pmol·l–1). The open channel blocker mecamylamine, d-tubocurarine and hexamethonium were rather weak blockers of the honeybee nicotinic response. Bath applications of the muscarinic antagonist atropine inhibited nicotinic currents dependent on concentration (EC50=24.3 mol·l–1). Muscarine, pilocarpine or oxotremorine (1 mmol·l–1) did not induce any measurable currents. The non-cholinergic drugs strychnine, bicuculline and picrotoxin partially and reversibly blocked the acetylcholine-induced currents. Our results indicate the expression of only one nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtype in cultured Kenyon cells. Muscarinic as well as non-cholinergic antagonists also inhibit the receptor function, distinguishing the honeybee nicotinic receptor from the typical nicotinic receptor of vertebrates and from many described insects receptors.  相似文献   

Defense behavior of three, free living giant (Megapis) honey bee subspecies, Apis laboriosa, A. dorsata dorsata and A. dorsata breviligula, was compared. Disturbed worker bees responded with characteristic dorso-ventral defense body twisting (DBT). Workers of A. laboriosa twisted the thorax by 55°, and the two other A. dorsata subspecies by about 10° more. A. laboriosa workers raised the tip of the abdomen by 90° and workers of the two other bee subspecies by about 20° higher. Differences in those traits were highly significant between A. laboriosa and both A. dorsata subspecies, but were not significant between those two subspecies. The whole cycle of DBT was the most vigorous in A. d. breviligula (0.11 s), and it was twice as vigorous as in A. d. dorsata (0.26 s) and trice as in A. laboriosa (0.32 s). A. laboriosa twisted the body together with wings folded over the abdomen, while the two A. dorsata subspecies raised the abdomen between spread wings. This supports the opinion to treat A. laboriosa as a separate species. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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