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目的:探讨强化降糖治疗对2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者生存质量及血糖的影响.方法:将120例T2DM患者随机分为观察组和对照组.对照组按照<中国糖尿病防治指南>给予标准降糖治疗,治疗组给予强化降糖治疗.两组患者在治疗前和随访3年后分别进行生存质量评价和血糖指标测查.结果:治疗后,治疗组生存质量各维度评分及总分与治疗前和对照组比较显著下降(P<0.05),对照组治疗前后生存质量各维度评分及总分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组治疗后血糖水平均明显降低,与治疗前比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),且治疗组与对照组比较显著降低(P<0.05).结论:采用强化降糖治疗,可以达到血糖的理想控制,提高患者的生存质量.  相似文献   



The benefits of self-monitoring blood glucose levels are unclear in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who do not use insulin, but there are considerable costs. We sought to determine the cost effectiveness of self-monitoring for patients with type 2 diabetes not using insulin.


We performed an incremental cost-effectiveness analysis of the self-monitoring of blood glucose in adults with type 2 diabetes not taking insulin. We used the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) model to forecast diabetes-related complications, corresponding quality-adjusted life years and costs. Clinical data were obtained from a systematic review comparing self-monitoring with no self-monitoring. Costs and utility decrements were derived from published sources. We performed sensitivity analyses to examine the robustness of the results.


Based on a clinically modest reduction in hemoglobin A1C of 0.25% (95% confidence interval 0.15–0.36) estimated from the systematic review, the UKPDS model predicted that self-monitoring performed 7 or more times per week reduced the lifetime incidence of diabetes-related complications compared with no self-monitoring, albeit at a higher cost (incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year $113 643). The results were largely unchanged in the sensitivity analysis, although the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year fell within widely cited cost-effectiveness thresholds when testing frequency or the price per test strip was substantially reduced from the current levels.


For most patients with type 2 diabetes not using insulin, use of blood glucose test strips for frequent self-monitoring (≥ 7 times per week) is unlikely to represent efficient use of finite health care resources, although periodic testing (e.g., 1 or 2 times per week) may be cost-effective. Reduced test strip price would likely also improve cost-effectiveness.Self-monitoring of blood glucose in patients with diabetes who use insulin may contribute to improved glycemic control and reduced hypoglycemia by allowing for self-adjustments in insulin dose to be made based on meter readings.1 Self-monitoring may also allow for appropriate changes in diet and physical activity to be made. However, the benefits of self-monitoring of blood glucose for patients not using insulin are less clear. Hypoglycemia is less frequent in this population2 and is confined mainly to those taking secretagogues. The degree to which patients can adjust the dose of oral antidiabetes drugs in response to readings is limited.Nevertheless, self-monitoring of blood glucose is routinely recommended for patients who are not using insulin.1 This results in major investments in this technology by patients and payers.3 In 2006, $250 million was spent on blood glucose test strips in 8 publicly funded drugs plans in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, while over $120 million was spent in privately funded drug plans in Canada.4 In some publicly funded drug plans in Canada, blood glucose test strips are among the top 5 classes in terms of total expenditure,5 with costs exceeding those for all oral antidiabetes drugs combined.4,6 It is estimated that more than 50% of the total expenditure on blood glucose test strips is for patients with type 2 diabetes who are not using insulin.3 Costs related to test strips are expected to rise steadily5,7 because of the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes.8Decisions about the prescribing and reimbursement of blood glucose test strips require consideration of information about the costs and clinical benefits.9,10 As part of a larger initiative to determine the optimal use of this technology, we sought to determine the cost-effectiveness of self-monitoring of blood glucose for patients with type 2 diabetes who do not use insulin, based on data from our systematic review11 of the available clinical evidence.  相似文献   



Recommendations on the frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) vary widely among physicians treating patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Aim of this study was to investigate two testing regimen of SMBG in patients with stable metabolic control.

Research Design and Methods

Patients with T2D treated with oral antidiabetic drugs were randomized to two groups: either one SMBG (low) or four SMBG (high) per week. Subjects were followed up after 3, 6 and 12 months. Primary outcome parameter was the change in HbA1c between baseline and 6 months. Primary outcome criterion was tested by a one-sided t- test for non- inferiority. Secondary outcome parameters were safety, compliance and HbA1c at 3 and 12 months.


There were no differences in the 202 subjects for demographic and sociodemographic parameters and drug treatment. HbA1c (%) at baseline was similar in both groups (7.2±1.4 vs. 7.2±1.0). Non- inferiority was demonstrated for the low group (p = 0.0022) with a difference from baseline to 6 months of 0.24 in the low and of 0.16 in the high group. Compliance with the testing regimen was 82–90% in both groups. There were no statistical significant differences for compliance, HbA1c at 3 and 12 months and serious adverse events (SAE).


One SMBG per week is as sufficient and safe as four SMBG per week to maintain HbA1c in non-insulin treated T2D close to metabolic target. The results of this study are in contrast to current international consensus guidelines.

Trial Registration

Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN79164268  相似文献   

目的:探讨格列吡嗪对2型糖尿病患者血清血糖及血脂水平的影响.方法:2型糖尿病患者120例.两组年龄、性别匹配,按随机双盲法分为治疗组(60例)和安慰剂组(60例),干预治疗16周后比较其血清血糖和血脂水平,同时测血压、身高、体重等指标,计算体重指数(BMI).结果:经格列吡嗪治疗后,患者血糖、血脂水平明显降低(P<0.05).结论:格列吡嗪可能通过降低血糖和血脂水平改善2型糖尿病患者胰岛素抵抗从而改善血糖及血脂水平.  相似文献   




选择2019年5月至2019年8月我院内分泌科招募的100例T2DM患者为研究对象,患者随机分配到干预饮食组(LCD组,低碳水化合物饮食)或控制饮食组(LFD组)。LFD组患者的饮食为500 g蔬菜/d,100 g主食/餐(300 g/d),3汤匙油/d,两餐之间提供稳定血糖、低血糖指数水果,5种蛋白质(220 mL牛奶、1个鸡蛋、100 g鱼虾、50 g大豆、50 g肉)/d,6 g盐/ d。LCD组每天摄入杏仁56 g以取代150 g/d富含碳水化合物的主食,其余饮食方案与LFD组相同。收集所有参与者的粪便标本,取豌豆大小的粪便置入1.5 mL的试管中,立即于−80 ℃保存。使用QIAAMP® DNA粪便抽提试剂盒进行粪便样本的总DNA提取,随后进行16S rRNA基因测序,对其菌群进行分析。






Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent metabolic diseases globally and it is increasing in prevalence. It is one of the most expensive diseases with respect to total health care costs per patient as a result of its chronic nature and its severe complications. To provide a more effective treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), this study aims to compare different efficacies of six kinds of hypoglycemic drugs based on metformin, including glimepiride, pioglitazone, exenatide, glibenclamide, rosiglitazone, and vildagliptin, in T2DM by a network meta-analysis that were verified by randomized-controlled trials (RCTs). Eight eligible RCT in consistency with the aforementioned six hypoglycemic drugs for T2DM were included. The results of network meta-analysis demonstrated that the exenatide + metformin and vildagliptin + metformin regimens presented with better efficacy. Patients with T2DM with unsatisfactory blood glucose control based on diet control, proper exercise, and metformin treatment were included. The original regimen and dose of medication were unchanged, followed by the addition of glimepiride, pioglitazone, exenatide, glibenclamide, rosiglitazone, and vildagliptin. The results of RCTs showed that all these six kinds of drugs reduced the HbA1c level. Compared with other regimens, exenatide + metformin reduced fasting plasma glucose (FPG), fasting plasma insulin (FPI), total cholesterol (TC), and homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) levels, but increased the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level; vildagliptin + metformin decreased FPI and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels; glibenclamide + metformin decreased the FPG level, but promoted HDL; and glimepiride + metformin decreased the TC level and rosiglitazone + metformin reduced the LDL level. Our findings indicated that exenatide + metformin and vildagliptin + metformin have better efficacy in T2DM since they can improve insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   



Sitagliptin, a highly selective dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, is the first in a new class of oral antihyperglycemic agents (AHAs) for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease requiring chronic treatment and management. Therefore, robust assessment of the long-term safety and tolerability of newer therapeutic agents is of importance. The purpose of this analysis was to assess the safety and tolerability of sitagliptin by pooling 12 large, double-blind, Phase IIb and III studies up to 2 years in duration. Methods: This analysis included 6139 patients with type 2 diabetes receiving either sitagliptin 100 mg/day (N = 3415) or a comparator agent (placebo or an active comparator) (N = 2724; non-exposed group). The 12 studies from which this pooled population was drawn represent the double-blind, randomized, Phase IIB and III studies that included patients treated with the clinical dose of sitagliptin (100 mg/day) for at least 18 weeks up to 2 years and that were available in a single safety database as of November 2007. These 12 studies assessed sitagliptin as monotherapy, initial combination therapy with metformin, or add-on combination therapy with other oral AHAs (metformin, pioglitazone, sulfonylurea, sulfonylurea + metformin, or metformin + rosiglitazone). Patients in the non-exposed group were taking placebo, pioglitazone, metformin, sulfonylurea, sulfonylurea + metformin, or metformin + rosiglitazone. This safety analysis used patient-level data from each study to evaluate clinical and laboratory adverse experiences.


For clinical adverse experiences, the incidence rates of adverse experiences overall, serious adverse experiences, and discontinuations due to adverse experiences were similar in the sitagliptin and non-exposed groups. The incidence rates of specific adverse experiences were also generally similar in the two groups, with the exception of an increased incidence rate of hypoglycemia observed in the non-exposed group. The incidence rates of drug-related adverse experiences overall and discontinuations due to drug-related adverse experiences were higher in the non-exposed group, primarily due to the increased incidence rate of hypoglycemia in this group. For cardiac- and ischemia-related adverse experiences (including serious events), there were no meaningful between-group differences. No meaningful differences between groups in laboratory adverse experiences, either summary measures or specific adverse experiences, were observed.


In patients with type 2 diabetes, sitagliptin 100 mg/day was well tolerated in clinical trials up to 2 years in duration.  相似文献   



To compare patient compliance and benefits, over 12 months, of 1 versus 2 partial meal replacement (PMR) for the management of overweight/obese subjects with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes.

Design and Methods:

Thirty‐six overweight patients with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes (BMI > 27 kg/m2 and HbA1c > 7.5% [58 mmol/mol]) were randomized to receive 1 or 2 PMR/day, while maintaining usual lifestyle. Subjects were seen monthly and adjustment of medications was made to prevent hypoglycemia. Compliance was assessed by counting unused sachets.


Patients on 2 PMR/day lost almost 4 kg compared with only 0.5 kg in the 1 PMR/day group. This difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Overall PMR was about 30% as effective as in our previous study on total meal replacement. Reductions in weight, waist, and HbA1c were better in the 2 PMR/day group while patient dropout and compliance were not worse over a 12‐month period.


PMR provides a further management option for overweight/obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. The initial recommendation should be 2 PMR/day.  相似文献   

As an essential nutrient involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, chromium is of extraordinary importance for patients with diabetes. Plasma concentrations do not reflect the chromium supply; thus, we determined the element’s content in blood cells in order to evaluate the body status. We investigated 86 blood donors (C) and 35 diabetics type 2 (Dm2). After the isolation of the blood cells by using a density centrifugation, the chromium concentrations were determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Compared to C, Dm2 had higher values in plasma, erythrocytes, and platelets (248%, 61%, and 91%, respectively) and lower contents in polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leukocytes (each −35%, age- and sex-matched groups with n=35, each p<0.01). The poorer the metabolic control assessed by HbA1c, the higher were the chromium concentrations in plasma (r=+0.46, n=33, p=0.007, increase 11.1% per %HbA1c) and the lower were the values in mononuclear leukocytes (r=−0.45, n=33, p=0.008, decrease 17.8% per %HbA1c). The changed amounts in plasma and in mononuclear cells in increasing hyperglycemia could be the result of an intracellular/extracellular redistribution of the element. High plasma levels might explain the renal chromium losses of diabetics, whereas the lymphocytes could reflect a decreasing chromium body state.  相似文献   

Thiazolidinediones are insulin-sensitizing drugs acting through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of 5-month treatment with PPAR-gamma agonist--rosiglitazone (4 mg/day), on the circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction and to evaluate the role of changes in endocrine function of adipose tissue in this process. Biochemical and metabolic parameters, circulating adiponectin, resistin, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, E-selectin, P-selectin, PAI-1, myeloperoxidase (MPO), and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) concentrations were assessed in 10 women with type 2 DM before and after rosiglitazone treatment and in a control group of healthy women. At baseline, diabetic group had significantly higher serum concentrations of glucose, glycated hemoglobin, V-CAM and PAI-1 compared to control group. Adiponectin levels tended to be lower in diabetic group, while resistin concentrations did not differ from control group. Rosiglitazone treatment improved diabetes compensation, significantly reduced VCAM-1, PAI-1 and E-selectin concentrations and increased adiponectin levels, while it did not affect serum resistin concentrations. Adiponectin concentrations at baseline were inversely related to E-selectin and MPO levels, this correlation disappeared after rosiglitazone treatment. We conclude that 5-month rosiglitazone treatment significantly reduced several markers of endothelial dysfunction. This effect could be at least in part attributable to marked increase of circulating adiponectin levels.  相似文献   

Heparanase is an endoglycosidase that specifically cleaves heparan sulfate side chains of heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Utilizing an ELISA method capable of detection and quantification of heparanase, we examined heparanase levels in the plasma and urine of a cohort of 29 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), 14 T2DM patients who underwent kidney transplantation, and 47 healthy volunteers. We provide evidence that heparanase levels in the urine of T2DM patients are markedly elevated compared to healthy controls (1162 ± 181 vs. 156 ± 29.6 pg/ml for T2DM and healthy controls, respectively), increase that is statistically highly significant (P<0.0001). Notably, heparanase levels were appreciably decreased in the urine of T2DM patients who underwent kidney transplantation, albeit remained still higher than healthy individuals (P<0.0001). Increased heparanase levels were also found in the plasma of T2DM patients. Importantly, urine heparanase was associated with elevated blood glucose levels, implying that glucose mediates heparanase upregulation and secretion into the urine and blood. Utilizing an in vitro system, we show that insulin stimulates heparanase secretion by kidney 293 cells, and even higher secretion is observed when insulin is added to cells maintained under high glucose conditions. These results provide evidence for a significant involvement of heparanase in diabetic complications.  相似文献   

不同护理对2型糖尿病病人自我效能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨不同护理模式对2型糖尿病患者自我效能的影响.方法:将126例2型糖尿病患者随机分为试验组和对照组,对照组实施常规护理,试验组除实施常规护理外,由专人根据患者实际情况实施个案护理,比较两组自我效能差异.结果:实施个案护理后,糖尿病患者的自我效能改变与对照组相比有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:应用个案护理可显著提高2型糖尿病患者自我效能.  相似文献   

Fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4), also known as adipocyte FABP or aP2, is secreted from adipocytes in association with lipolysis as a novel adipokine, and elevated serum FABP4 level is associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis. However, little is known about the modulation of serum FABP4 level by therapeutic drugs. Sitagliptin (50 mg/day), a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitor that increases glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), was administered to patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 24) for 12 weeks. Treatment with sitagliptin decreased serum FABP4 concentration by 19.7% (17.8 ± 1.8 vs. 14.3 ± 1.5 ng/ml, P < 0.001) and hemoglobin A1c without significant changes in adiposity or lipid variables. In 3T3-L1 adipocytes, sitagliptin or exendin-4, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, had no effect on short-term (2 h) secretion of FABP4. However, gene expression and long-term (24 h) secretion of FABP4 were significantly reduced by sitagliptin, which was not mimicked by exendin-4. Treatment with recombinant DPP-4 increased gene expression and long-term secretion of FABP4, and the effects were cancelled by sitagliptin. Furthermore, knockdown of DPP-4 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes decreased gene expression and long-term secretion of FABP4. In conclusion, sitagliptin decreases serum FABP4 level, at least in part, via reduction in the expression and consecutive secretion of FABP4 in adipocytes by direct inhibition of DPP-4.  相似文献   

Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) characteristically have elevated fasting and postprandial (PP) plasma triglycerides (TG). Previous case-control studies indicated that PPTG levels predict the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) in people without DM; however, the data for patients with DM are conflicting. Therefore, we conducted a case-control study in DM individuals, 84 with (+) and 80 without (−) CAD. Our hypothesis was that DM individuals with or without CAD would have similar PPTG levels, but CAD+ individuals would have more small d<1.006 g/L lipoprotein particles. Several markers of PP lipid metabolism were measured over 10 h after a fat load. PP lipoprotein size and particle number were also determined. There was no significant difference in any measure of PP lipid metabolism between CAD+ and CAD−, except for apoB48, which was actually higher in CAD−. We followed 69 CAD− participants for a mean 8.7 years; 33 remained free of any cardiovascular event. There were no PP differences at baseline between these 33 who remained CAD− and either the 36 original CAD− who subsequently developed CAD or the original CAD+ group.PP measurements of TG-rich lipoproteins do not predict the presence of CAD in individuals with DM.  相似文献   

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