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Unequal first cleavage is characteristic of a diverse group of protostome animals. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, unequal first cleavage is achieved through the interaction of an apparently symmetric mitotic spindle apparatus with a clearly polarized cell cortex. In the clitellate annelid Tubifex tubifex, by contrast, the spindle is monastral and contains only one gamma-tubulin-reactive centrosome; this monastral spindle is inherently asymmetric throughout mitosis. Here, we have used immunostaining for beta- and gamma-tubulin to follow spindle dynamics during the unequal first cleavage in another clitellate annelid, the leech Helobdella robusta. We find that the mitotic spindle is diastral and symmetric through early metaphase, then becomes asymmetric following the transient down-regulation of one centrosome, as judged by gamma-tubulin immunofluorescence. Low levels of drugs that affect microtubule dynamics can symmetrize the first cleavage without affecting the gamma-tubulin dynamics. Our results provide a striking example of the evolvability of cellular mechanisms underlying an unambiguously homologous developmental process.  相似文献   

Components of the yeast spindle and spindle pole body   总被引:20,自引:16,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):1913-1927
Yeast spindle pole bodies (SPBs) with attached nuclear microtubles were enriched approximately 600-fold from yeast cell extracts. 14 mAbs prepared against this enriched SPB fraction define at least three components of the SPB and spindle. Immunofluorescent staining of yeast cells showed that throughout the cell cycle two of the components (110 and 90 kD) were localized exclusively to the SPB region, and the other (80 kD) was localized both to the SPB region and to particulate dots in short spindles. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed and extended most of these findings. Thus the 110-kD component was localized to a layer in the SPB just to the nuclear side of the plane of the inner nuclear membrane. The 90-kD component was localized in a layer across the cytoplasmic face of intact SPBs, and, in SPBs where nuclear microtubules were removed by extraction with DEAE-dextran, the 90-kD component was also found in an inner nuclear layer close to where spindle microtubules emerge. In intact SPBs with attached nuclear microtubules the anit-80-kD mAb labels microtubules, particularly those close to the SPB. These results begin to provide a preliminary molecular map of the SPB and should also enable the corresponding genes to be isolated.  相似文献   

We argue that hypotheses for how chromosomes achieve a metaphase alignment, that are based solely on a tug-of-war between poleward pulling forces produced along the length of opposing kinetochore fibers, are no longer tenable for vertebrates. Instead, kinetochores move themselves and their attached chromosomes, poleward and away from the pole, on the ends of relatively stationary but shortening/elongating kinetochore fiber microtubules. Kinetochores are also "smart" in that they switch between persistent constant-velocity phases of poleward and away from the pole motion, both autonomously and in response to information within the spindle. Several molecular mechanisms may contribute to this directional instability including kinetochore-associated microtubule motors and kinetochore microtubule dynamic instability. The control of kinetochore directional instability, to allow for congression and anaphase, is likely mediated by a vectorial mechanism whose magnitude and orientation depend on the density and orientation or growth of polar microtubules. Polar microtubule arrays have been shown to resist chromosome poleward motion and to push chromosomes away from the pole. These "polar ejection forces" appear to play a key role in regulating kinetochore directional instability, and hence, positions achieved by chromosomes on the spindle.  相似文献   

The yeast spindle pole body (SPB) is the functional equivalent of the centrosome. Most SPB components have been identified and their functions partly established. This involved a large variety of techniques which are described here, and the potential use of some of these in the centrosome field is highlighted. In particular, very useful structural information on the SPB was obtained from a reconstituted complex, the γ-tubulin complex, and also from a sub-particle, SPB cores, prepared by extraction of an enriched SPB preparation. The labelling of SPB proteins with GFP at the N or C termini, using GFP tags inserted into the genome, gave informative electron microscopy localization and fluorescence resonance energy transfer data. Examples are given of more precise functional data obtained by removing domains from one SPB protein, Spc110p, without affecting its essential function. Finally, a structural model for SPB duplication is described and the differences between SPB and centrosome duplication discussed.  相似文献   

The mitotic exit network (MEN) is a signaling cascade that triggers inactivation of the mitotic cyclin-dependent kinases and exit from mitosis. The GTPase Tem1 localizes on the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) and initiates MEN signaling. Tem1 activity is inhibited until anaphase by Bfa1-Bub2. These proteins are also part of the spindle position checkpoint (SPOC), a surveillance mechanism that restrains mitotic exit until the spindle is correctly positioned. Here, we show that regulation of Tem1 localization is essential for the proper function of the MEN and the SPOC. We demonstrate that the dynamics of Tem1 loading onto SPBs determine the recruitment of other MEN components to this structure, and reevaluate the interdependence in the localization of Tem1, Bfa1, and Bub2. We also find that removal of Tem1 from the SPBs is critical for the SPOC to impede cell cycle progression. Finally, we demonstrate for the first time that localization of Tem1 to the SPBs is a requirement for mitotic exit.  相似文献   

Recruitment: the ins and outs of spindle pole formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microtubule-organizing centers are a diverse but interrelated set of cellular organelles that appear when needed at specific times in the cell cycle. Diversity is introduced into MTOCs, and thus into microtubule structures, by post-translational modification, by morphological changes, by de novo synthesis, and by recruitment of cytoplasmic proteins. Understanding the mechanisms that lead to such diversity should contribute to a better understanding of the myriad of cellular events which depend on microtubules.  相似文献   

Accurate positioning of the mitotic spindle is critical to ensure proper distribution of chromosomes during cell division. The small GTPase Ran, which regulates a variety of processes throughout the cell cycle, including interphase nucleocytoplasmic transport and mitotic spindle assembly, was recently shown to also control spindle alignment. Ran is required for the correct cortical localization of LGN and nuclear-mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA), proteins that generate pulling forces on astral microtubules (MTs) through cytoplasmic dynein. Here we use importazole, a small-molecule inhibitor of RanGTP/importin-β function, to study the role of Ran in spindle positioning in human cells. We find that importazole treatment results in defects in astral MT dynamics, as well as in mislocalization of LGN and NuMA, leading to misoriented spindles. Of interest, importazole-induced spindle-centering defects can be rescued by nocodazole treatment, which depolymerizes astral MTs, or by overexpression of CLASP1, which does not restore proper LGN and NuMA localization but stabilizes astral MT interactions with the cortex. Together our data suggest a model for mitotic spindle positioning in which RanGTP and CLASP1 cooperate to align the spindle along the long axis of the dividing cell.  相似文献   

J V Kilmartin  P Y Goh 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(17):4592-4602
Spc110p is an essential component of the budding yeast spindle pole body (SPB). It binds calmodulin and contains a long central coiled-coil rod which acts as a spacer element between the central plaque of the SPB and the ends of the nuclear or spindle microtubules. This suggests that the essential function of Spc110p is to connect the nuclear microtubules to the SPB. To confirm this, we examined the phenotype of ts alleles of SPC110, one of which contains a mutation in the calmodulin binding site and was suppressed by overexpression of calmodulin. The alleles fail to form a functional mitotic spindle because spindle microtubules are not properly connected to the SPB. We also examined the phenotype of the toxic overexpression of either the wild-type or a truncated version of Spc110p containing a deletion of most of the coiled-coil domain. Both of these proteins form large ordered spheroidal polymers in the nucleus. The polymerization of the truncated Spc110p appears to be initiated inside the SPB from the position where Spc110p is normally located, and as the polymer grows in size it severs the connection between the nuclear microtubules and the SPB. The polymers were purified and are composed of Spc110p and calmodulin. A model for the structure of the polymer is proposed.  相似文献   

Depletion of Drosophila melanogaster Asp, an orthologue of microcephaly protein ASPM, causes spindle pole unfocusing during mitosis. However, it remains unclear how Asp contributes to pole focusing, a process that also requires the kinesin-14 motor Ncd. We show that Asp localizes to the minus ends of spindle microtubule (MT) bundles and focuses them to make the pole independent of Ncd. We identified a critical domain in Asp exhibiting MT cross-linking activity in vitro. Asp was also localized to, and focuses the minus ends of, intraspindle MTs that were nucleated in an augmin-dependent manner and translocated toward the poles by spindle MT flux. Ncd, in contrast, functioned as a global spindle coalescence factor not limited to MT ends. We propose a revised molecular model for spindle pole focusing in which Asp at the minus ends cross-links MTs at the pole and within the spindle. Additionally, this study provides new insight into the dynamics of intraspindle MTs by using Asp as a minus end marker.  相似文献   

Laser microsurgery was employed to reveal kinetochore-independent forces acting on chromosome arms in crane-fly spermatocytes. When a portion of an arm situated along the interpolar axis between the equator and a pole was cut off, the resultant acentric fragment was transported poleward and outward into the peripheral domain of the spindle. If the fragment was generated well in advance of the onset of anaphase, then at the spindle periphery, it changed direction and moved away from the pole and back toward the equator. That domain-specific movement-poleward in the central spindle and away from the pole at the spindle periphery-not only provides the first evidence for polar ejection forces acting on acentric fragments in a meiotic system, but it is the first example of kinetochore-independent forces in both directions at the same stage of division. Sniglets generated by laser pulses directed at specific sites in the spindle revealed that the mechanism underlying ejection forces was specific to chromosomes. At anaphase onset, polar ejection forces ceased, and pole-directed forces took over. At that time, chromosome fragments that had been ejected to the equator moved poleward again, providing clear evidence for kinetochore-independent forces on chromosome arms during anaphase.  相似文献   

Budding yeast spindle position checkpoint is engaged by misoriented spindles and prevents mitotic exit by inhibiting the G protein Tem1 through the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) Bub2/Bfa1. Bub2 and Bfa1 are found on both duplicated spindle pole bodies until anaphase onset, when they disappear from the mother-bound spindle pole under unperturbed conditions. In contrast, when spindles are misoriented they remain symmetrically localized at both SPBs. Thus, symmetric localization of Bub2/Bfa1 might lead to inhibition of Tem1, which is also present at SPBs. Consistent with this hypothesis, we show that a Bub2 version symmetrically localized on both SPBs throughout the cell cycle prevents mitotic exit in mutant backgrounds that partially impair it. This effect is Bfa1 dependent and can be suppressed by high Tem1 levels. Bub2 removal from the mother-bound SPB requires its GAP activity, which in contrast appears to be dispensable for Tem1 inhibition. Moreover, it correlates with the passage of one spindle pole through the bud neck because it needs septin ring formation and bud neck kinases.  相似文献   

The germinal vesicle (GV) of starfish oocytes stays just beneath the oocyte cortex at the presumptive animal pole during the long period of oogenesis. We subjected oocytes to a centrifugal force field to detach the GV from the cortex. The association between the cortex and the GV persisted and withstood a small amount of centrifugal acceleration at 200 g. The GV was eventually separated from the cortex at 700 g. The amount of acceleration sufficient for the GV separation was lowered when the oocytes were pretreated with Nocodazole and was increased by Taxol pretreatment. Observation of microtubular structures with an anti-alpha-tubulin antibody revealed the presence of a complex of spots and radiating arrays as was described by J. J. Otto and T. E. Schroeder (1984, Dev. Biol. 101, 274-281) and called the premeiotic aster. Nocodazole shortened the astral arrays, and Taxol enhanced them. These observations indicate that the premeiotic aster works as a device to hold the GV in an eccentric position just beneath the oocyte cortex.  相似文献   

M Knop  G Pereira  S Geissler  K Grein    E Schiebel 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(7):1550-1564
Previously, we have shown that the gamma-tubulin Tub4p and the spindle pole body component Spc98p are involved in microtubule organization by the yeast microtubule organizing centre, the spindle pole body (SPB). In this paper we report the identification of SPC97 encoding an essential SPB component that is in association with the SPB substructures that organize the cytoplasmic and nuclear microtubules. Evidence is provided for a physical and functional interaction between Tub4p, Spc98p and Spc97p: first, temperature-sensitive spc97(ts) mutants are suppressed by high gene dosage of SPC98 or TUB4. Second, Spc97p interacts with Spc98p and Tub4p in the two-hybrid system. Finally, immunoprecipitation and fractionation studies revealed complexes containing Tub4p, Spc98p and Spc97p. Further support for a direct interaction of Tub4p, Spc98p and Spc97p comes from the toxicity of strong SPC97 overexpression which is suppressed by co-overexpression of TUB4 or SPC98. Analysis of temperature-sensitive spc97(ts) alleles revealed multiple spindle defects. While spc97-14 cells are either impaired in SPB separation or mitotic spindle formation, spc97-20 cells show an additional defect in SPB duplication. We discuss a model in which the Tub4p-Spc98p-Spc97p complex is part of the microtubule attachment site at the SPB.  相似文献   

We have analyzed by transmission electron microscopy the mitotic process of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites in an asynchronous population of axenically cultured parasites. Our observations showed that nuclear microtubules, initially located at random in the karyosome during prophase, formed in subsequent stages a mitotic spindle closely related to the nuclear membrane at the polar regions of dividing nuclei. In late prophase and in anaphase, chromosomes appeared as dense bodies 0.1-0.5 microm. At least 15 chromosomes appeared in favorable planes of section, arranged as an incomplete elliptical circle, in close contact with microtubules. There was no morphological evidence of structures resembling the kinetochores of higher eukaryotes. When cut in cross-section, the mitotic spindle was made of 28-35 microtubular rosette assemblies. The latter probably correspond to a similar number of chromosomes, as has been shown by others with pulse-field electrophoresis and fluorescence microscopy of trophozoite spreads. In turn, each microtubular rosette was constituted by 7-12 parallel microtubules. In later stages of the metaphase, two sets of chromosomes were disposed forming a pair of elliptical circles. An additional finding in the dividing nuclei of E. histolytica trophozoites was the presence of compact conglomerates of numerous particles 50 nm in diameter, of similar electron density, shape, and size, probably corresponding to RNA episomes.  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  A. Beckett 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):61-71
Summary A detailed account of the ultrastructure and behaviour of the spindle pole body (SPB) of the entomophthoraceous fungusErynia neoaphidis is presented for the first time.The SPB consists of extranuclear (ENC) and intranuclear (INC) components. The ENC is a saucepan-shaped structure which lies in a pocket of the nuclear envelope. It is composed of a forked, fibrillar handle and a shallow, cylindrical pan. The pan has a wall of two layers, both of which are thickened with a regular periodicity so that they appear to be beaded. It is postulated that the pan is formed from rough endoplasmic reticulum and that it synthesizes the amorphous, electron-dense material coating the ENC.The INC is a saucer-shaped, electron-dense plaque in which the ends of the spindle microtubules terminate. During metaphase, a clear zone separates the INC from the nuclear envelope and persists until telophase. The roles of the amorphous, electron-dense material and the clear zone as well as the method of SPB replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Large deletions result from breakage and healing of P. falciparum chromosomes   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
L G Pologe  J V Ravetch 《Cell》1988,55(5):869-874
The human malaria parasite P. falciparum exhibits extensive strain-dependent chromosomal polymorphisms that have been implicated in the generation of antigenic variability in this organism. These polymorphisms can result in large deletions in chromosomes as determined by pulsed-field gradient gel electrophoresis. We have investigated the molecular basis for extensive deletions in chromosomes 2 and 8 in multiple geographic isolates of this parasite that result in the loss of expression of well-characterized parasite antigens. The structure of these polymorphic chromosomes reveal that a mechanism of chromosome breakage and healing by the addition of telomeric repeats most plausibly accounts for these karyotypes. Furthermore, the orientation of these gene fragments on their truncated chromosomes reveal that the healed chromosome originally associated with centromeric elements is mitotically stable and maintained. A model for the possible role of this mechanism in the complex parasite life-cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

C. H. Ockey 《Chromosoma》1969,27(3):308-320
The peripheral location of H3-thymidine labelled chromosomes in spreads of colcemid blocked metaphases from human fibroblasts has been investigated in several karyotypes. Chromosomes show non-random distribution in relation to the periphery of the plate. Longer chromosomes are significantly more peripheral than smaller chromosomes. Those chromosomes which contain large amounts of late-synthesising DNA (Y, 18 and 13) are significantly more peripheral than early synthesising chromosomes of similar length (21–22, 19–20 and 14–15). These locations are compared with those from peripheral leucocytes obtained by other workers. When location and grain number of homologues of nos. 1, 2, 3, 16 and late-X are compared it was found that in late-S labelled cells, the more peripheral of each pair was significantly more heavily labelled; in early-S labelled cells the reverse was the case. Location and patterns of labelling between late-X homologues of XXXXY cells showed that peripheral location was related to more delay in DNA synthesis. These results are discussed in terms of peripheral and central interphase distribution of condensed chromatin. It is concluded that the apparent asynchrony of replication of homologues is principally the result of different degrees of condensation of the chromatin in the late-S phase at the time of synthesis, and these differences are related to the proximity to the nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

The chromokinesin Kid is important in chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate. Here, we report that Kid function is regulated by phosphorylation. We identify Ser427 and Thr463 as M phase-specific phosphorylation sites and Cdc2-cyclin B as a Thr463 kinase. Kid with a Thr463 to alanine mutation fails to be localized on chromosomes and is only detected along spindles, although it retains the ability to bind DNA or chromosomes. Localization of rigor-type mutant Kid, which shows nucleotide-independent microtubule association, is also confined to the spindle, implying that strong association of Kid with the spindle can sequester it from chromosomes. T463A substitution in DNA-binding domain-truncated Kid consistently enhances its spindle localization. At physiological ionic strength, unphosphorylated Kid shows ATP-independent microtubule association, whereas Thr463-phosphorylated Kid shows ATP dependency. Moreover, the stalk region of unphosphorylated Kid interacts with microtubules and the interaction is weakened when Thr463 is phosphorylated. Our data suggest that phosphorylation on Thr463 of Kid downregulates its affinity for microtubules to ensure reversible association with spindles, allowing Kid to bind chromosomes and exhibit its function.  相似文献   

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