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Geographical and seasonal patterns of epiphytic diatoms on a subtropical mangrove (Kandelia candel (L.) Druce) were examined at four sites in southern China. A total of one hundred and three epiphytic diatom species and varieties belonging to 40 genera were identified. Dominant species included Nitzschia fasciculata, Luticola mutica and Achnanthes javanica var. subcontricta. Further analysis using canonical correspondence analysis revealed three diatom associations which could be closely related to environmental variables such as salinity and nutrients resources of nitrogen and phosphate. Epiphytic diatom assemblages on roots would be a good indicator for the evaluation of water quality in mangroves.  相似文献   

An investigation of ponds, puddles and slow-flowing waters situated in the area of the Polish Antarctic Station distinguished two groups of diatom communities. The first group characterized waters poor in nutrients and brackish. The number of taxa, abundance of species and diatom biomass index were all low. Nitzschia homburgiensis, Achnanthes laevis var. quadratarea and A. delicatula prevailed. The second group characterized water richer in nutrients and brackish. The number of species was also low, but the diatom biomass index was higher. Nitzschia gracilis, Navicula gregaria and Navicula wiesneri formed large populations. Received: 17 May 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1997  相似文献   

Plant species diversity affects plant nutrient pools, however, previous studies have not considered plant nutrient concentrations and biomass simultaneously. In this study, we conducted an experimental system with 90 microcosms simulating constructed wetlands (CWs). Four species were selected to set up a plant species richness gradient (1, 2, 3, 4 species) and fifteen species compositions. The plant biomass, plant N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations and pools were analyzed. Results showed that, (1) plant species richness increased plant biomass, and the presence of Oenanthe javanicae increased while the presence of Reineckia carnea decreased plant biomass; (2) plant species richness only increased plant K and Mg concentrations of the communities and plant Mg concentration of the species, and the presence of O. Javanica increased while the presence of R. Japonicus decreased plant N and P concentrations of the communities; (3) plant species richness increased plant N, P, K, Ca, and Mg pools, and the presence of O. Javanica increased while the presence of R. Carnea decreased plant N, P, K, Ca and Mg pools; (4) the four-species mixture produced more biomass and nutrient pools than the corresponding highest specific species monocultures. In case the plant uptake can remove nutrients from CWs through harvesting, the results suggest that both nutrient concentrations and biomass must be considered when evaluating the accumulation of nutrients. Assembling plant communities with high species richness (four species) or certain species (such as O. Javanica) is recommended to remove more nutrients from CWs through harvesting.  相似文献   

A first survey was done on algae present in the Sundays River from its source to its confluence with the sea. Species found in the upstream sections of the river included indicators of good water quality, but the quality deteriorated downstream with peaks in algal abundance being ascribed to peaks in nutrient concentrations. Cyanobacteria and euglenoids were present in the upper and middle reaches of the river, but were absent downstream. Dinoflagellates became more important downstream, especially in the estuary. Dominant species, reaching high concentrations along the river, included Nitzschia frustulum, Nitzschia capitellata, Carteria klebsii, Chlorella vulgaris and Anabaena species. The presence of the diatom Eolimna comperei is a first record of its occurrence in South Africa. The Sundays River can be described as a brackish, hard water system with high nutrient concentrations in certain sections. The most important contributors to high nutrient concentrations were point sources in the vicinity of towns along the river banks, as well as diffuse sources contributing to high nitrogen concentrations in the fertile Sundays River valley. Increasing salinities were due to pollution, evaporation and agricultural activities in the valley.  相似文献   

Field transfer experiments of periphytic diatom assemblages developed on artificial substrates were set up to assess the responses of those communities to environmental disturbances. The glass slides were positioned for colonization at the relatively unpolluted site (Red, in the Red River) and at the heavily polluted site (TL, in the To Lich River) in the beginning of the experiment. After a period of 2?weeks, the colonized glass slides were concomitantly transferred from the unpolluted Red site to the heavily polluted TL site and to the moderate polluted site (NT2, in the Nhue River) and, conversely, from the TL site to the Red site, and then to the NT2 site. The responses and the adapting capacity of periphytic diatom communities to environmental changes were assessed through the cell density, diversity index, species richness, taxonomic composition, and diatom indices after 2 and 4?weeks of transfer periods. For all transfers except for the transfer from the Red to the TL site in which the growth inhibition of diatom cells was found, the diatom density significantly increased until the end of the experiment. Thus, the diatom communities have expressed their pollution tolerance or sensitivities by changing their composition to adapt themselves to environmental changes. Characteristic species of the Red site (Gyrosigma scalproides, Navicula recens) were replaced by Nitzschia palea, Nitzschia umbonata, Aulacoseira granulate typical species of the NT2 site, in the biofilm transferred from the Red site to the NT2 site. The relative abundances of typical diatom species of the Red site proliferated in the biofilm transferred from the TL site to the Red site. The replacement of periphytic diatom communities appeared after the transfer from the second week at the different sites. The slow shift of the species towards the typical species at the TL site could result from the organized structure of diatoms within biofilm before the transfer from the Red site to the TL site. The shifts in values of the Index of Specific Polluosensitivity and Diatom Assemblage Index to organic pollution throughout the experiment indicated the clear sensitivity of these indices to water quality changes.  相似文献   

Epiphytic lichens can contribute significantly to ecosystem nutrient input because they efficiently accumulate atmospheric mineral nutrients and, in the case of cyanolichens, also fix nitrogen. The rate at which carbon and other nutrients gained by lichens enters the ecosystem is determined by lichen litter decomposability and by invertebrate consumption of lichen litter. In turn, these processes are driven by the secondary compounds present in senesced lichens. Therefore, we explored how lichen palatability and concentrations of secondary compounds change with tissue senescence for Lobaria pulmonaria, a green-algal lichen with cyanobacterial cephalodia, and Lobaria scrobiculata, a cyanobacterial lichen. During senescence both lichens lost 38–48 % of their stictic acid chemosyndrome, while m-scrobiculin and usnic acid in L. scrobiculata remained unchanged. Snails preferred senesced rather than fresh L. pulmonaria, while senesced L. scrobiculata were avoided. This provides evidence that species with labile secondary compounds will have higher turnover rates, through consumption and decomposition, than those producing more stable secondary compounds.  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》1999,12(1-2):39-55
Nine pilot wetlands (eight free water surface and one subsurface flow) have been constructed in Queensland as joint projects between the State and Local Governments, to treat municipal wastewater. The wetlands are in several geographical locations which include tropical, subtropical and arid climates. Each wetland is a different configuration and contains a variety of macrophyte types and species. Most species are native and were collected in the locality or self colonised. This paper examines the performance efficiency of the wetlands and nutrient bioaccumulation in wetland plants. Biochemical oxygen demand concentrations were reduced by 17–89% and suspended solids concentrations by 14–77% to produce wetland effluent with BOD less than 12 mg l−1 and suspended solids less than 22 mg l−1. Reduction in total nitrogen concentrations ranged from 18 to 86%, ammonia nitrogen from 8 to 95% and oxidised nitrogen from 55 to 98%, producing effluent with total nitrogen between 1.6 and 18 mg l−1. Reduction in reactive phosphorus concentration was less than 13% in the free water surface systems with concentration in the effluent exceeding the influent in many of the systems over long term operation. In contrast reduction through the single household subsurface system was 65%. Nutrient bioaccumulation was investigated in 60 species. Submerged (Ceratophyllum) and free floating species (duckweed) had the highest tissue nutrient concentrations, followed by the waterlily (Nymphoides indica), aquatic vines (Ipomoea spp., Ludwigia peploides), and waterferns (Ceratopteris, Marsilea). All these species remove nutrients from the water column. Emergent species had lower nutrient concentrations with the highest nutrients occurring in the exotic sedge Cyperus involucratus. Aquatic grasses including Phragmites had higher nutrient content than the sedges. Nitrogen concentrations were higher in leaf/stem tissue compared to the root/rhizome, whereas phosphorus was higher in root/rhizome tissue. Emergent species had a greater biomass than submerged or free floating species and were therefore able to store more nutrients per unit area of wetland. Cropping the shoots of emergent species increased nutrient content in new shoot growth.  相似文献   

Enrichment experiments with phosphorus, nitrogen, silica, iron, and vitamins have been carried out with nutrient-poor superface waters during summer.Phosphorus, alone or combined with other nutrients, induces a pronounced increase in the 14C production and chlorophyll biomass. The other factors investigated (except iron) show synergy with phosphorus; singly or in combination, they have no significant action.In order to obtain distinct effects of enrichment these experiments on oligotrophic waters must last about 10 days. In spite of this length, they are not disturbed by the microbial activity; in fact, if the dark fixation increases strongly during the course of the experiments, it represents less than 10 % of the light fixation when the photosynthesis level is very high. In control samples, however, it is usually higher than 30 %.After 10 days, the production ‘levels off’ whereas the biomass continues to increase; with complete mixture or P+N enrichment, production and biomass are 5 to 10 times higher than originally. The fundamental features of the ecosystem (pigmentary diversity, species diversity and specific composition) remain steady, even with strong phytoplankton growth. The dominant diatoms are the same as those found in mediterranean blooms: Nitzschia delicatissima, Leptocylindrus minimus, Chaetoceros insignis and Skeletonema costatum.  相似文献   

Experimental studies evaluating the simultaneous effects of consumers, nutrients, and other biotic/abiotic factors on intact, natural food webs are rare, particularly among ecosystems of varying trophic conditions. We conducted a series of in situ studies that used nutrient-diffusing substrata with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in a full factorial design in three temperate, limestone streams in Pennsylvania across a trophic gradient (mesotrophic, eutrophic, and hypereutrophic streams). We assessed differences in algal and macroinvertebrate biomass, taxonomic composition, and functional groups relative to amended nutrients across the trophic gradient; as such, these results facilitated predictions about regulators of food web structure. All factors varied significantly among the streams (e.g., algal biomass P = 0.005, macroinvertebrate biomass P < 0.001, algal diversity P = 0.006, macroinvertebrate diversity P < 0.001, algal group P < 0.001, macroinvertebrate guilds P < 0.001); the streams, however, did not exhibit simple responses to nutrient amendment. Algal and macroinvertebrate biomass and diversity responded greatest in the mesotrophic stream while grazing seemed to be a strong factor preventing algal nutrient response in the eutrophic and hypereutrophic streams. Brillouin’s Evenness Index was most influenced by nutrient amendment (nutrient effect on algae and macroinvertebrates P = 0.021). As such, we concluded that biomass and diversity were mediated by complexity within intermediate trophic levels.  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2008,7(6):763-773
The diatom Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg is one of the harmful diatom species which indirectly cause bleachings of Nori (Porphyra thalli) in aquaculture through competitive utilizing of nutrients (especially nitrogen) and resultant nutrient depletion in water columns during the bloom events. The seasonal changes in environmental factors, cell density and cell size of E. zodiacus were investigated for 4 years (April 2002–December 2005) to understand the population ecology of this diatom in Harima-Nada, the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Vegetative cells of E. zodiacus were usually detected year-round. Total cell densities of E. zodiacus annually peaked from mid-February to early April, and high cell densities were observed in the whole water columns during the bloom-period. Nutrient concentrations decreased with the increase of cell density of E. zodiacus, and low nutrients concentrations continued throughout the E. zodiacus bloom-period. The average cell size (length of apical axis) of E. zodiacus populations ranged from 10.8 μm to 81.2 μm, and the restoration of cell size occurred once in autumn every year just after reaching the minimum cell size. In addition, its great seasonal regularity was confirmed by the decrease and restoration of its cell size through 4-year study period. Temperature and nutrients were suitable in autumn for the growth of E. zodiacus, its blooms never occur in that season. These results strongly suggest that E. zodiacus did not have a resting stage, and it spends autumn for size restoration and starts to bloom thereafter in Harima-Nada in winter and spring, causing fishery damage to Nori aquaculture by resulting nutrient deprivation.  相似文献   

Responses of stream algal biomass to nutrient enrichment were studied in two regions where differences in hydrologic variability cause great differences in herbivory. Around northwestern Kentucky (KY) hydrologic variability constrains invertebrate biomass and their effects on algae, but hydrologic stability in Michigan (MI) streams permits accrual of high herbivore densities and herbivory of benthic algae. Multiple indicators of algal biomass and nutrient availability were measured in 104 streams with repeated sampling at each site over a 2−month period. Many measures of algal biomass and nutrient availability were positively correlated in both regions, however the amount of variation explained varied with measures of biomass and nutrient concentration and with region. Indicators of diatom biomass were higher in KY than MI, but were not related to nutrient concentrations in either region. Chl a and % area of substratum covered by Cladophora were positively correlated to nutrient concentrations in both regions. Cladophora responded significantly more to nutrients in MI than KY. Total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) explained similar amounts of variation in algal biomass, and not significantly more variation in biomass than dissolved nutrient concentrations. Low N:P ratios in the benthic algae indicated N as well as P may be limiting their accrual. Most observed responses in benthic algal biomass occurred in nutrient concentrations between 10 and 30 μg TP l−1 and between 400 and 1000 μg TN l−1.  相似文献   

珠江口及毗邻海域营养盐对浮游植物生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张伟  孙健  聂红涛  姜国强  陶建华 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4034-4044
基于2006年7月(夏季),10月(秋季)和2007年3月(春季)的现场调查数据,对珠江口及毗邻海域中的营养盐和叶绿素a等环境生态因子的时空分布特性进行了对比分析,研究了氮磷比与叶绿素a含量和种群多样性之间的联系,探讨了该海域营养盐对于浮游植物生长的影响。结果表明:(1)研究海域营养盐表现出较强的季节和空间差异性,总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度均值春季(1.545 mg/L、0.056 mg/L)和夏季(1.570 mg/L、0.058 mg/L)均大于秋季(1.442 mg/L、0.034 mg/L),且春夏季浓度空间差异更明显。(2)调查期间海域营养盐含量超标现象突出,夏季尤为明显。无机氮(DIN)总体均值0.99 mg/L,超四类海水标准限值1倍,活性磷酸盐(PO4-P)总体均值0.021 mg/L,DIN∶PO4-P平均值为130;叶绿素a浓度与营养盐、p H、温度有较显著的相关性。(3)叶绿素a浓度较高的站位,具有较高的DIN∶PO4-P值,但浮游植物多样性指数偏低,优势种明显,主要为中肋骨条藻。氮磷比的改变会影响不同生长特性的浮游植物间的竞争和种群结构的改变;今后海洋污染治理中,在控制氮、磷污染时要注意氮磷比的改变可能造成的浮游生态影响。  相似文献   

Saline wetlands may be well suited for purifying contaminated water from saline agriculture and aquaculture or from freshwater-based agriculture in areas subject to increased salinity. However, case studies on the nutrient removal efficiency of halophyte species are scarce, especially for temperate regions. Here we tested the nutrient removal efficiency and ability to store nutrients in aboveground and belowground biomass of three halophyte species, Aster tripolium, Bolboschoenus maritimus subsp. compactus, and Spartina anglica, in a greenhouse microcosm experiment at two salinity levels. Nutrient removal from water differed among the species: Spartina had the highest nitrogen removal, Bolboschoenus and Spartina had the highest phosphorus removal. The species also differed in the allocation of the nutrient uptake. Bolboschoenus had the highest absolute uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus in shoots, whereas Spartina had the highest uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus in roots. The applicability of these three species in constructed saline wetlands depends on the local salinity and water regime.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and silicon on growth of five species of marine benthic diatoms, namely Navicula patrickae, Nitzschia panduriformis, Navicula thienemannii, Nitzschia longissima and Navicula atomus were studied by single factor experiments and the optimal concentration ratios of the four nutrient elements beneficial for diatoms growth were screened out separately using the L9 (34) orthogonal design. The results highlighted that nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and silicon all had highly significant effects on growth of five diatoms while the diatoms growth rates reached the highest averagely in the 2nd to the 6th culture day. In addition, the optimal concentrations (mg/L) of four nutrients suitable for diatoms growth were found higher than that in f/2 medium except that Nitzschia longissima had the same concentration of nitrogen as that in f/2 medium which is optimal for growth. Moreover, the optimal growth concentrations of four elements for five diatoms varied in the range of 12.36–74.16 mg/L for nitrogen, 1.70–3.98 mg/L for phosphorus, 2.00–4.00 mg/L for iron, 23.01–69.03 mg/L for silicon, respectively. By means of the orthogonal test of four nutrients for five benthic diatoms, the optimal concentration ratios N:P:Fe:Si (mg/L) were obtained as follows: 74.16:2.27:3.33:23.01 for N. patrickae; 37.08:3.98:4.00:11.50 for N. panduriformis; 49.44:3.98:3.33:34.51 for N. thienemannii; 12.36:1.70:4.00:11.50 for N. longissima; 74.16:2.27:4.00:69.03 for N. atomus.  相似文献   

Periphytic diatom communities’ colonization patterns were studied at three sampling stations of the Red–Nhue–Tolich hydrosystem presenting different urban pollution levels by using artificial substrates for 6 weeks in dry season 2005. Structural characteristics of periphytic diatoms developed on glass substrates at each sampling site were followed and compared. This experiment showed, through various general criteria (total diatom density, dry weight biomass) and specific criteria (relative diatom abundances, indices) that the structure of benthic diatoms developed on these substrates was strongly affected by pollution as early as the second week of colonization. Communities exposed to heavily and moderately polluted sites contained species which are known to be saprophilous or tolerant to organic pollution such as Nitzschia umbonata, Nitzschia palea, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Eolimna minima. Growth inhibition of diatom communities at the heavily polluted site was mostly related to a strong increase of organic load rather than to low metallic input, though metallic (Cd and Zn) burdens have been successfully quantified in the biofilms developed at the three studied sites. Nevertheless, no significant difference in species richness and diversity index between colonization duration times was observed. Based on values of diatom indices Indice de Polluosensibilité (IPS) and diatom assemblage index to organic water pollution (DAIPo), water quality could be classified as medium quality at Red site, polluted at NT2 and heavily polluted at TL. Thus, the use of diatoms as a tool for water assessment appears suitable for monitoring rivers in Vietnam, as it is in several other countries.  相似文献   

Robert R. Blank 《Plant and Soil》2010,326(1-2):331-343
Few studies have examined plant–soil relationships in competitive arenas between exotic and native plants in the western United States. A pair-wise competitive design was used to evaluate plant–soil relationships between seedlings of the exotic annual grasses Bromus tectorum and Taeniatherium caput-medusae and the native perennial grasses Elymus elymoides and Pseudoroegneria spicata. Two soils were tested: an arid soil (argid) occupied by E. elymoides and presently invaded by B. tectorum and a high elevation, high organic matter, soil (aquept) where none of the tested species would typically occur. Plant growth proceeded for 85 days at which time above-ground biomass and tissue nutrient concentrations were quantified. Soil also was collected from the rooting zone beneath each species and analyzed for various nutrient pools. The exotic species had significantly greater above-ground biomass than the natives and grew far better in the aquept soil than the argid soil. Growth of B. tectorum, and to some degree, T. caput-medusae was suppressed in intraspecific competition and enhanced, especially in the aquept soil, when competing with the natives. Although not significant, biomass of natives strongly trended downward when competing with the exotic grasses. Overall, concentrations of tissue nutrients were minimally affected by competition, but natives tended to be more negatively affected by competition with exotics. Except for phosphorus (P), all species had significantly greater nutrient concentrations when growing in the aquept soil compared to the argid soil. In both soils, exotics had significant greater tissue concentrations of manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), and iron (Fe), while natives had significantly greater nitrogen (N). Species affects on soil nutrient pools occurred mostly in the aquept soil with exotic species significantly decreasing pools of available N, potentially available N, and soil-solution pools of calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), and magnesium (Mg2+) relative to natives. Overall, the data suggest that, in the seedling state, B. tectorum is a superior competitor. Moreover, when the natives compete intra- or interspecifically, particularly in the aquept soil, availability of N and other nutrients in their rooting zone is consistently greater than when they compete interspecifically with the exotic grasses. These data suggest the exotics are able to co-opt nutrients in the rooting zone of the natives and perhaps gain a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that allow broadly distributed aquatic plants to inhabit variable resource environments are unclear, yet understanding these mechanisms is important because broad environmental tolerance is often linked to invasiveness in terrestrial and aquatic plants. In an experimental stream, we examined the effects of different nutrient concentrations on the growth rate, biomass, and foliar nutrient concentrations of a cosmopolitan and potentially invasive aquatic plant, Nasturtium officinale (R. Br.). Nasturtium seedlings were grown under six nutrient treatment levels ranging from 0.64 μm N:0.09 μm P to 1531 μm N:204.13 μm P, for 8 weeks. Absolute and relative growth rates, and biomass of seedlings increased along a gradient of increasing nutrient concentrations but the effect of nutrient concentration was dependent on growing time. Seedling biomass varied among nutrient treatments in weeks 4 through 8 of the experiment, but did not differ in week 2. By week 8, the two highest nutrient treatments had greater biomass than the two lowest nutrient treatments. Foliar nitrogen concentration increased, whereas carbon concentration and C:N ratios decreased in response to increasing nutrients. Nasturtium grows slowly in nutrient-poor conditions but rapidly increases its growth, biomass accrual, and nitrogen storage as conditions become nutrient-rich. The response of Nasturtium to enhanced nutrient conditions may indicate how aquatic nuisance species successfully invade and dominate plant communities in streams, where resources often vary both temporally and spatially.  相似文献   

Diatom blooms in Thau lagoon are always related to rain events leading to inputs of inorganic nutrients such as phosphate, ammonium and nitrate through the watershed with time lags of about 1 week. In contrast, blooms of Alexandrium catenella/tamarense can occur following periods of 3 weeks without precipitation and no significant input of conventional nutrients such as nitrate and phosphate. Field results also indicate a significant drop (from 22–25 to 15–16 μM over 3 days) in dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) at the bloom peak, as well as a significant inverse relationship between A. catenella/tamarense cell density and DON concentrations that is not apparent for diatom blooms. Such dinoflagellate blooms are also associated with elevated (6–9 μM) ammonium concentrations, a curious feature also observed by other investigators, possibly the results of ammonium excretion by this organism during urea or other organic nitrogen assimilation.The potential use of DON by this organism represents short cuts in the nitrogen cycle between plants and nutrients and requires a new model for phytoplankton growth that is different from the classical diatom bloom model. In contrast to such diatom blooms that are due to conventional (nitrate, phosphate) nutrient pulses, Alexandrium catenella/tamarense blooms on the monthly time scale are due to organic nutrient enrichment, a feature that allows net growth rates of about 1.3 d−1, a value higher than that generally attributed to such organisms.  相似文献   

The relationships of diatom species to dissolved heavy metals in the streams of the Uintah Basin of Utah were studied through four seasons of 1977–1978. Niche center gradient analysis, cluster analysis and correlation analysis were performed.Achnanthes minutissima, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Cymbella minuta, Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula secreta var.apiculata, Nitzschia frustulum, Nitzschia frustulum var.perminuta, Nitzschia frustulum var.perpusilla, Nitzschia palea, andSynedra ulna appear to be indicator species of high or low heavy metal concentrations. Several other species also showed meaningful relationships to high or low heavy metal concentrations.Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young UniversityDept. of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University  相似文献   

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