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We have analyzed the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on junctional communication (coupling) and connexin 43 (Cx43) expression in bovine microvascular endothelial (BME) cells. In control confluent cultures, the incidence of coupling, as assessed by the intercellular transfer of microinjected Lucifer Yellow, was limited to 13% of injected cells, and decreased to 0% with time in culture. After exposure to bFGF (3ng/ml), the incidence of coupling was increased in a time-dependent manner, reaching a maximum of 38% of microinjected cells after 10-12 hours. The extent of coupling, as assessed by scrape loading, was maximally increased 2.1-fold 8-9 hours after addition of bFGF. bFGF also induced a 2-fold increase in Cx43 as assessed by Western blotting, and increased Cx43 immunolabelling at contacting interfaces of adjacent BME cells. Cx43 mRNA was likewise increased after exposure to bFGF in a time- and dose-dependent manner, with a maximal 6-7-fold increase after a 4 hour exposure to 3-10ng/ml. Finally, the increase in coupling and Cx43 mRNA expression observed after mechanically wounding a confluent monolayer of BME cells was markedly reduced by antibodies to bFGF, which have previously been shown to inhibit migration. Taken together, these results indicate that exogenous and endogenous bFGF increase intercellular communication and Cx43 expression in microvascular endothelial cells. We propose that the bFGF-mediated increase in coupling is necessary for the coordination of endothelial cells during angiogenesis and other vessel wall functions.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical investigations have previously shown that antibodies specific for mammal connexins labeled in situ rat and mouse brain gap junctions. However brain gap-junction proteins have neither been identified with certainty, nor purified. By immunoblotting, anti-peptide antibodies directed against rat heart connexin 43 (CX43) detect a major protein of 41 kDa in rat brain homogenates. The specificity of these antibodies made it possible to establish an affinity-chromatography purification procedure of the 41-kDa protein. Purified antibodies specific for the sequence SAEQNRMGQ (residues 314-322) of rat heart CX43 were covalently bound to a protein-A-Sepharose-CL-4B matrix. Rat brain homogenates were recycled through the immunomatrix and the material specifically bound to the matrix was then competitively eluted with the peptide SAEQNRMGQY. Analysis by SDS/PAGE of eluates demonstrated that they contain a 41-kDa protein associated with low amounts of high-molecular-mass proteins. By immunoblotting, these proteins were shown to be specifically recognized by antibodies directed against residues 5-17, 55-56, and 314-322 of rat heart CX43. The NH2-terminal partial sequence for the 41-kDa protein was determined by microsequencing and shown to be similar to alpha 1 connexins. This is the first successful purification of a junctional protein from brain tissue and provides direct evidence that the 41-kDa protein is a CX43 gene product.  相似文献   

Connexin40 (Cx40) is abundantly expressed in the atrial myocardium, ventricular conduction system, and vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells of the mammalian cardiovascular system. Rapid conduction through cardiac tissues depends on electrotonic transfer of the action potential between neighboring cells. To determine whether transjunctional voltages (Vj) elicited by an action potential can modulate conductance of Cx40 gap junctions, simulated myocardial action potentials were applied as voltage-clamp waveforms to Cx40 gap junctions expressed in mouse neuro2A (N2A) cells. Junctional currents resembled the action potential morphology but declined by >50% from peak to near-constant plateau values. Kinetics of Cx40 voltage gating were examined at peak voltages > or =100 mV, and decay time constants changed e-fold per 17.6 mV for Vj > +/-40 mV. Junctional conductance recovered during phase 3 repolarization and early diastole to initial values. These phasic changes in junctional conductance were due to rapid decay kinetics, increasing to tens of milliseconds at peak Vj of 130 mV, and the increase in the steady-state conductance curve as Vj returned toward 0 mV. Time-dependent conductance curves for Cx40 were modeled with one inactivation and two recovery Vj-dependent components. There was a temporal correlation between development of conduction delay or block and the inactivation phase of junctional conductance. Likewise, recovery of junctional conductance was coincident with recovery from refractoriness, suggesting that gap junctions may play a role in the genesis and propagation of cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicular atresia in all vertebrates is mediated via apoptosis that is initiated in the granulosa cell layer. Here we investigated the relation between connexin expression, cell coupling, and apoptosis in avian granulosa cells. Results from qualitative and quantitative immunocytochemical analysis and Western blotting of connexin43 (Cx43) and electron microscopic observations of gap junctions were compared with functional data on gap junctional coupling obtained by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching in four experimental groups: a control group of freshly isolated granulosa cells, 24-hr serum-free cultures as the apoptosis-inducing condition, and two other groups in which apoptosis was inhibited by either hormone substitution or exposure to elevated extracellular calcium. Our work shows that apoptosis induction in granulosa cells is accompanied by an increased level of cell coupling and that decreasing cell coupling with the gap junction blocker alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid dose-dependently inhibits apoptosis. The level of Cx43 expression was inversely related to the apoptotic index, suggesting that Cx43 expression plays a role in granulosa cell survival. Our study supports the hypothesis that gap junctional coupling plays a role in propagating a cell death message and suggests a role for Cx43 expression per se in granulosa cell survival.  相似文献   

Gap junctional communication permits the direct intercellular exchange of small molecules and ions. In vertebrates, gap junctions are formed by the conjunction of two connexons, each consisting of a hexamer of connexin proteins, and are either established or degraded depending on the nature of the tissue formed. Gap junction function has been implicated in both directing developmental cell fate decisions and in tissue homeostasis/metabolite exchange. In mouse development, formation of the extra embryonal parietal endoderm from visceral endoderm is the first epithelial-mesenchyme transition to occur. This transition can be mimicked in vitro, by F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells treated with retinoic acid, to form (epithelial) primitive or visceral endoderm, and then with parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) to induce the transition to (mesenchymal) parietal endoderm. Here, we demonstrate that connexin43 mRNA and protein expression levels, protein phosphorylation and subcellular localization are dynamically regulated during F9 EC cell differentiation. Dye injection showed that this complex regulation of connexin43 is correlated with functional gap junctional communication. Similar patterns of connexin43 expression, localization and communication were found in visceral and parietal endoderm isolated ex vivo from mouse embryos at day 8.5 of gestation. However, in F9 cells this tightly regulated gap junctional communication does not appear to be required for the differentiation process as such.  相似文献   

Cell-cell communication through connexin43 (Cx43)-based gap junction channels is rapidly inhibited upon activation of various G protein-coupled receptors; however, the mechanism is unknown. We show that Cx43-based cell-cell communication is inhibited by depletion of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns[4,5]P(2)) from the plasma membrane. Knockdown of phospholipase Cbeta3 (PLCbeta3) inhibits PtdIns(4,5)P(2) hydrolysis and keeps Cx43 channels open after receptor activation. Using a translocatable 5-phosphatase, we show that PtdIns(4,5)P(2) depletion is sufficient to close Cx43 channels. When PtdIns(4,5)P(2) is overproduced by PtdIns(4)P 5-kinase, Cx43 channel closure is impaired. We find that the Cx43 binding partner zona occludens 1 (ZO-1) interacts with PLCbeta3 via its third PDZ domain. ZO-1 is essential for PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-hydrolyzing receptors to inhibit cell-cell communication, but not for receptor-PLC coupling. Our results show that PtdIns(4,5)P(2) is a key regulator of Cx43 channel function, with no role for other second messengers, and suggest that ZO-1 assembles PLCbeta3 and Cx43 into a signaling complex to allow regulation of cell-cell communication by localized changes in PtdIns(4,5)P(2).  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal expression pattern of the connexin43 gene during Xenopus development has been described (Van der Heyden et al. 2001). To further investigate the regulation and function of connexin43 (Cx43) in amphibians, we have isolated the gene from Xenopus tropicalis (Xt) and determined its structure. The X. tropicalis Cx43 gene displays the typical two exon-one intron connexin configuration, where the first exon is non-coding. The predicted amino acid sequence of the XtCx43 protein is highly homologous to that of X. laevis, chicken and mammals. Expression of XtCx43 cDNA in N2A cells results in gap-junction plaque formation. Promoter activity of a 3.5 kb upstream region of the X. tropicalis Cx43 gene, including exon 1, mimics endogenous timing of expression after injection of reporter constructs in X. laevis embryos.  相似文献   

Transition of arterial smooth muscle cells from the contractile to the synthetic phenotype in vivo is associated with up-regulation of the gap-junctional protein, connexin43 (Cx43). However, the role of increased Cx43 expression in relation to the characteristic features of the synthetic phenotype – altered growth, differentiation or synthetic activity – has not previously been defined. In the present study, growth was induced in cultured human aortic smooth muscle cells by treatment with thrombin and with PDGF-bb; growth arrest was induced by serum deprivation and contact inhibition. Alterations in Cx43 expression and gap-junctional communication were analyzed in relation to expression of markers for contractile differentiation and extracellular matrix synthesis. Treatment with thrombin, but not PDGF-bb, led to up-regulation of Cx43 gap junctions, increased synthetic activity yet also enhanced contractile differentiation. Inhibition of growth by deprivation of serum growth factors in sub-confluent cultures had no effect on Cx43 expression or contractile differentiation. Growth arrest by contact inhibition led to progressive reduction in Cx43 expression, in parallel with progressive increase in expression of differentiation markers but no alteration in synthetic activity. Of a range of stimuli examined, only thrombin had the combined effect of increasing Cx43 gap-junction communication, growth and synthesis, yet it also enhanced contractile differentiation. Down-regulation of Cx43 and improved contractile differentiation occurred only when growth arrest was induced through the contact–inhibition pathway, though, in this instance, synthesis remained undiminished. We conclude that Cx43 levels, though having common correlates, are not exclusively linked to the cell phenotype or the state of growth.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels provide the basis for the electrical syncytial properties of the heart as a communicating electrical network. Cardiac gap junction channels are predominantly composed of connexin 40 or connexin 43. The conductance of these channels (g(j)) can be regulated pharmacologically: substances which activate protein kinase C, protein kinase A or protein kinase G may alter Cx43 gap junction conductance. However, for PKC, this seems to be subtype specific. Thus, antiarrhythmic peptides can enhance g(j) via activation of PKCepsilon, while FGF-2 reduces g(j) via PKCepsilon. Lipophilic drugs can uncouple the channels. Besides an acute regulation of g(j), the expression of the cardiac connexins can also be regulated. A decrease in Cx43 with a concomitant increase in Cx40 has been found in end-stage failing hearts, while in renovascular hypertension, an increase in Cx43 has been described. Mediators like endothelin-1, angiotensin-II, TGF-beta, VEGF, and cAMP have been shown to increase Cx43. Interestingly, endothelin-1 and angiotensin-II increased Cx43 but did not affect Cx40 expression. In contrast, in humans suffering from atrial fibrillation (AF), the content in Cx40 can be enhanced while Cx43 was unaltered, although in several other studies, other changes of the cardiac connexins were found, which might be related to the type of AF. Regarding the role of calcium, the content in both Cx40 and Cx43 was decreased in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes after 24 h administration of 100 nM verapamil. Thus, gap junctional channels can be affected pharmacologically either acutely by modulating gap junction conductance or chronically by altering gap junction protein expression. Interestingly, it appears that the expression of Cx43 and Cx40 can be differentially regulated.  相似文献   

The phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), is a potent inhibitor of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). This inhibition requires activation of protein kinase C (PKC), but the events downstream of this kinase are not known. Since PKC can activate extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERKs) and these also downregulate GJIC, we hypothesized that the inhibition of GJIC by TPA involved ERKs. TPA treatment (10 ng/ml for 30 min) of WB-F344 rat liver epithelial cells strongly activated p42 and p44 ERK-1 and -2, blocked gap junction-mediated fluorescent dye-coupling, and induced connexin43 hyperphosphorylation and gap junction internalization. These effects were completely prevented by inhibitors of PKC (bis-indolylmaleimide I; 2 microM) and ERK activation (U-0126; 10 microM). These data suggest that ERKs are activated by PKC in response to TPA treatment and are downstream mediators of the gap junction effects of the phorbol ester.  相似文献   

Vascular cells may communicate through gap junctions that are formed by connexin (Cx) proteins. We investigated differential regulation of arterial gap junctions by steady and cyclic stretch and the underlying mechanotransduction pathways. Ex vivo culture of rabbit thoracic aortas was used to investigate regulation of Cx43 by cyclic stretch. After culturing for 6 or 24 h, Cx43 protein levels were quantified using Western blot. Cultures under a pulsatile pressure (mean 80 mmHg, pulse 30 mmHg) decreased Cx43 protein at both 6 and 24 h as compared with cultures under a steady pressure (80 mmHg). The regulation of Cx43 protein was mediated by pulsatile pressure-induced cyclic stretch, not by cyclic stress. Protein levels of active and total Src were also decreased by cyclic stretch at 24 h. The Src- specific inhibitor PP1 in steady culture only or in both steady and pulsatile culture conditions eliminated the difference in Cx43 protein levels between the two culture conditions. Addition of reactive oxygen species inhibitor apocynin to the pulsatile culture abolished the differences in Src and Cx43 protein levels between the two cultures. Thus, Src and reactive oxygen species appear to play a role in cyclic stretch-mediated regulation of Cx43 protein. These results are likely to have important implications in cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology under conditions wherein significant alterations in the level of cyclic stretch are present.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which v-Src disrupts connexin (Cx)43 intercellular gap junctional communication (GJC) is not clear. In this study, we determined that Tyr247 (Y247) and the previously identified Tyr265 (Y265) site of Cx43 were the primary phosphorylation targets for activated Src in vitro. We established an in vivo experimental system by stably expressing v-Src and wild-type (wt) Cx43, or Y247F, Y265F, or Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants in a Cx43 knockout mouse cell line. Wt and mutant Cx43 localized to the plasma membrane in the absence or presence of v-Src. When coexpressed with v-Src, the Y247F, Y265F, and Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants exhibited significantly reduced levels of tyrosine phosphorylation compared with wt Cx43, indicating that Y247 and Y265 were phosphorylation targets of v-Src in vivo. Most importantly, GJC established by the Y247F, Y265F, and Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants was resistant to disruption by v-Src. Furthermore, we did not find evidence for a role for mitogen-activated protein kinase in mediating the disruption of GJC by v-Src. We conclude that phosphorylation on Y247 and Y265 of Cx43 is responsible for disrupting GJC in these mammalian cells expressing v-Src.  相似文献   

R M Santos  E Rojas 《FEBS letters》1989,249(2):411-417
Acetylcholine (1-10 microM) depolarized the membrane and stimulated glucose-induced bursts of electrical activity in mouse pancreatic B-cells. The acetylcholine effects were mimicked by muscarine while nicotine had no effect on membrane potential. Pirenzepine, an antagonist of the classical M1-type muscarinic receptors, but not gallamine (1-100 microM), an antagonist of the classical M2-type receptors, antagonized the acetylcholine action on glucose-induced electrical activity (IC50 = 0.25 microM). Bethanechol, an agonist of the classical M2-type muscarinic receptors, was approximately 100 times less effective than acetylcholine in stimulating the electrical activity. In addition, acetylcholine (1 microM) induced a marked increase (25%) in input resistance to the B-cell membrane. The results indicate that acetylcholine exerted its effects on the B-cell membrane by inhibiting K+ conductance via activation of a muscarinic receptor subtype distinct from the classical M2-type receptor.  相似文献   

It is not clear how the v-Src oncoprotein disrupts gap junctional communication (GJC) established by connexin43 (Cx43) in mammalian cells. In this study, an experimental system was established to stably express v-Src and wild type (wt) Cx43, or Y247F, Y265F, or Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants in a Cx43 knockout (KO) mouse cell line. When co-expressed with v-Src, the levels of phosphotyrosine (pTyr) from Y247F, Y265F, and Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants were reduced to approximately 57%, 10%, and 2% of the level of pTyr from wt Cx43, indicating that Y247 and Y265 were phosphorylation targets of v-Src in vivo. These data also implied that phosphorylation of Cx43 at Y265 was required for efficient phosphorylation of Cx43 at Y247. Most importantly, our measurements of GJC demonstrated that, in contrast to the wt Cx43 gap junction channels, the Y247F, Y265F, and Y247F/Y265F Cx43 channels were resistant to the disruption by v-Src. In conclusion, our studies support a model for processive phosphorylation of Cx43 on tyrosine, at the Y265 site followed by the Y247 site, in mediating the disruption of GJC induced by v-Src in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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