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The human beta-interferon gene enhancer is under negative control   总被引:125,自引:0,他引:125  
S Goodbourn  H Burstein  T Maniatis 《Cell》1986,45(4):601-610

Although ovalbumin and conalbumin mRNA accumulate in the same tubular gland cells of the chick oviduct in response to estrogen or progesterone treatment, the kinetics of induction are markedly different. Conalbumin mRNA begins to accumulate within 30 min after estrogen administration, whereas there is a lag of approximately 3 hr before ovalbumin mRNA begins to accumulate, as measured by three independent assays. The kinetics of estrogen-receptor binding to chromatin indicate that these sites are saturated within 15 min of estrogen administration to the chicks, demonstrating that the lag is not due to slow uptake of the steroid. Suboptimal doses of estrogen produce the same lag, but the resultant rate of ovalbumin mRNA accumulation is lower than with an optimal dose. Partial induction of ovalbumin mRNA by a low dose of estrogen does not shorten the lag with an optimal dose. With progesteone, there is a lag of about 2 hr before either ovalbumin or conalbumin mRNA begins to accumulate. Treatment of chicks with hydroxyurea shortens the lag for ovalbumin induction with either hormone. Inhibition of protein synthesis with emetine does not prevent the accumulation of either ovalbumin or conalbumin mRNA. With cycloheximide, however, ovalbumin mRNA accumulation can be prevented. The existence of a lag suggests that there are intermediate steps between the binding of steroid receptors to chromatin and the induction of ovalbumin mRNA. There are basically two models to explain these delays in response: one involving the accumulation of an essential intermediate, and the other involving a rate-limiting translocation of steroid receptors from initial nonproductive chromatin-binding sites to productive sites. Several aspects of the kinetics of ovalbumin mRNA induction are more consistent with the latter model.  相似文献   

The S promoter, one of the major hepatitis B virus (HBV) promoters, directs the synthesis of mRNA for surface antigen. Transient expression studies revealed that this promoter is highly active in the Alexander hepatoma cell line but not in SK-Hep1 and HeLa cells. We found that a distal element of the promoter (-103 to -48) confers this cell-type-specific behavior through a mechanism in which the promoter activity is repressed in HeLa and SK-Hep1 cells but increased in Alexander cells. By using an inhibitor of protein synthesis, we obtained evidence that a labile repressor(s) confers the negative effect in SK-Hep1 cells. We also found an enhancerlike activity associated with a small DNA segment of the S promoter (-27 to + 30). This proximal element was active in HeLa and SK-Hep1 cells only in the absence of the distal negative element. Finally, analysis of S promoter deletion mutants demonstrated that the -27 to -17 region of the S promoter is crucial for its activity.  相似文献   

The affinities with steroid hormones (alpha-estradiol, ethynylestradiol, progesterone, androsterone, dehydroisoandrosterone and testosterone) were observed for Cohn's fraction IV-1 and V (albumin). It was estimated from the comparison with the binding coefficient K (protein-bound form/free form of hormone) in a 3.5% (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution that 40-80% of bound hormone in bovine serum is the BSA-bound form. It becomes clear in a liquid membrane system consisting of a hexane source phase (I), a water phase and a hexane receiving phase (II) that the transport flux of hormone is governed primarily by the partition coefficients between the water/hexane phases. In the case of a hormone with a lower partition coefficient, the uptake process from the hexane phase (I) to the water phase is a rate-determining step in the transport system and the serum proteins accelerate the transport of hormones, while with an increase in the partition coefficient the rate-determining step changes from the uptake step to the release step from the water phase to the hexane phase (II) and the hormone transport is decelerated owing to the significant decrease of free hormone concentration in the aqueous phase by the associated with serum proteins for the system having the restricted amount of hormone in the hexane source phase.  相似文献   

Sex hormone-binding globulins (SHBG) is a plasma glycoprotein that binds certain steroids. It, in turn, binds to a specific receptor on cell membranes. This work was undertaken to investigate the role of steroids in the interaction of SHBG with its receptor. Because the probe for the interaction of SHBG with its receptor is 125I-SHBG, we first showed that 125I-SHBG binds [3H]dihydrotestosterone (DHT) at 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C with KD values similar to those published previously for pure radioinert SHBG. 125I-SHBG could be prevented from binding to its receptor by a variety of steroids whose relative inhibitory activity (dihydrotestosterone much greater than 2-methoxyestradiol greater than testosterone greater than estradiol much greater than methyltrienolone greater than cortisol) was almost identical to their relative ability to bind to SHBG. Because significant binding of [3H]DHT to the SHBG receptor could not be demonstrated, steroid inhibition of SHBG binding must be noncompetitive. If steroids bound to SHBG prevent binding to the SHBG receptor, then liganded SHBG should have a higher apparent KD for its receptor than unliganded SHBG. This is the case. The KD was 0.86 +/- 0.25 nM for the high affinity receptor site using liganded SHBG and 0.19 +/- 0.024 nM for unliganded SHBG. Thus, only liganded SHBG assumes a conformation that prohibits interaction with the SHBG receptor. However, when unliganded SHBG was prebound to its receptor, it retained its ability to bind [3H] DHT. The model that emerges from these observations is as follows. Unliganded SHBG can bind either steroids or receptor in a reversible reaction; SHBG bound to a steroid cannot bind to the receptor, but unliganded SHBG that first binds to the receptor can subsequently bind steroids.  相似文献   

The ovalbumin gene-sequence of putative control regions.   总被引:178,自引:103,他引:178       下载免费PDF全文

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase mutants of Escherichia coli are resistant to amdinocillin (mecillinam), a beta-lactam antibiotic which specifically binds penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2) and prevents cell wall elongation with concomitant cell death. The leuS(Ts) strain, in which leucyl-tRNA synthetase is temperature sensitive, was resistant to amdinocillin at 37 degrees C because of an increased guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate (ppGpp) pool resulting from partial induction of the stringent response, but it was sensitive to amdinocillin at 25 degrees C. We constructed a leuS(Ts) delta (rodA-pbpA)::Kmr strain, in which the PBP2 structural gene is deleted. This strain grew as spherical cells at 37 degrees C but was not viable at 25 degrees C. After a shift from 37 to 25 degrees C, the ppGpp pool decreased and cell division was inhibited; the cells slowly carried out a single division, increased considerably in volume, and gradually lost viability. The cell division inhibition was reversible when the ppGpp pool increased at high temperature, but reversion required de novo protein synthesis, possibly of septation proteins. The multicopy plasmid pZAQ, overproducing the septation proteins FtsZ, FtsA, and FtsQ, conferred amdinocillin resistance on a wild-type strain and suppressed the cell division inhibition in the leuS(Ts) delta (rodA-pbpA)::Kmr strain at 25 degrees C. The plasmid pAQ, in which the ftsZ gene is inactivated, did not confer amdinocillin resistance. These results lead us to hypothesize that the nucleotide ppGpp activates ftsZ expression and thus couples cell division to protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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